THE PORPL SEELIE WILL BE MINE (genshin impact event)

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hey how's it going everybody welcome to another commentary today we're going to do the sealy thingy the sealy event i don't know which one i'm going to pick yet although i do like the porthole here's the last riches we only have 14 hours and 52 minutes left so it better be a short event otherwise we're doomed but i think i'm gonna go for this one i have this one already i don't use them anyway so it doesn't really matter and also theater mechanicus is out so that'll probably be next friday or something like that now it is like 600 degrees outside so i was thinking you know i like this little barber outfit it's pretty fitting but also there's an alternative we can do and i'll show you that right now um yeah i think we're going to go with this today all right here's our boy oman let's just get to the event man i don't care about the lore anymore all right that's it we got the treasure seeking sealy once again check the treasure map with an omen's treasure book follow the map to reach the area where the treasure is buried if you equip the treasure seeking sealy from your inventory yeah well this is the same as last time you're gonna walk it around and it's gonna start glowing when you're closed treasure you find the iron coins and that's all there is to it let's go you're already in the treasure area some of the treasure seeking ceiling there you are let's go buddy how'd it work again great summoning things now oh my god my strategy with this most of the time is like going around the edges i'm not going to make this going around the edges so essentially i think i'll start here and then walk around and smaller smaller smart on so i get to the middle there it is give me a little hint there's none one bros i feel kind of woozy what did you just say four coins only what a scam there it is four coins again okay we need a 20 now game remember how i said that i was gonna follow certain order on the map and i'm just running across like a monkey now just back and forth it's okay don't worry about it there we go 20. this is a 20 yo if anything this is this is a 20 spot never lucky 16 8 the make my escape couldn't tell you what from but making it all right gather all this stuff and that's just it huh so i found one chunk of treasure map can i do anything with that right now maybe oh oh okay i found two pieces okay cool next mazuchi beach i wish you could just take me there instead of being like yeah it's nazuchu beach but you should figure it out yourself leave me alone okay you are an animal wait for it dion is broken oh my god you're frozen crazy try and follow me here but you can't bet you're too tall if you've been small like me then maybe you could have been in my party idiot look at him naruto running away hello boys don't mind me just digging for some treasure stop what i completed a request i don't care i'm not here at the quest 20 never lucky yeah i need my cabbage though i'm gonna guess two more probably two more eights there's one eight and then drove your secret spot oh here it is oh my god it's actually a four wow amazing next is right beside right beside the big tree 20. listen but i don't want to fight i'm okay i'm just gathering coins you know in the wild i'm out here i'm a little tanooki running around don't see why you'd be angry at me don't mean you no harm can i get my sealy back can i use during combat these fortunes better not aggro me don't put a treasure in there um all right well that's everything i don't like you know what actually i have clea i don't know i'm worried oh what the [Music] what swirl it up it's okay i'm cheech let me bring flea back and you're out how tanky am i lagging i'll take you is this guy okay silly come back give me treasure here it is eight only what a scam oh yo what's this you found all the challenges once you complete the challenge operation players will obtain the rewards oh i remember this actually recorded it for the last one it was really really tough you had to like defeat three abyss mages within no time actually remember that oh that's crazy but it was really hard and i actually had to get some high ar people to help me like well i changed my mind let's try this i will say i truly doubt i'll be able to do this so we can dream we can try we can dream all right we got sliced for half our health bar so sad okay i don't want to play anymore i want to go home i'm going home i'm leaving goodbye easy did you just say easy when i teleported away what the not me backing out of the team i started with once again i have no patience with these fools i brought the big guns i brought the main team i will body these fools i can jump too bro my wolf gravestoneless d luke because it's inside you and you're gone easy and now we go back to the mini team and you you haven't even seen it it's the illusion it's complete illusion oh wow my my d looks shrunk back to non awakened form okay i'm over it whatever next place here right yeah lovely it's the rain island the moody island summon the boy i knew there would be treasure at the bottom of the tree and i knew it'd be 22. hello lance okay the bright side is so is just completely fine in this place without anyone else because there everyone's perma hydro so i always get a swirl which is nice i love me some of that any chance there we go i didn't find anything for a while on some wood i don't even know if there's any innozuma's special recipes for uh in the teapot yet i haven't really been there what you mean almost done that we walked right into it here's another one eight coins sure tell any coins wow thank you game you got 20 coins twice here okay this has to be this has to be a chest right another boy okay it was not a chest it felt like it could have been though there he is there we go found all the coins this was an easy one this was nice i like this one especially when sally walked into a berry and said we almost dodged that when we walked straight into it all right next place it's above seems like i should have yeah i also would like to stay in bed saw you i'll just go check it out you know i don't know i actually don't know yeah it is okay i was like this is this is confusing okay hard mini game already bring too soft for this brain soft let me go back up nice another i really have to fight you guys here's another one let's [Music] and you're dead oh man bounced on water and belly flop luke and ass oh another one cabbage no fighting let's go waiting for him to leave no you spawned boys anyway unfair wait you're the guy i tried to dodge there you go get out of here eight more oh we found treasure fragment two four let's go more more more and more another other one yo 20 coins on this island you bet your ass told you okay was a next island pujo encampments it's on the india looking part of the map well okay not really no not at all all right yo let's get it seal master inside the village of the encampment where they won't recognize me because i in fact am not the traveler i'm saw you the local ninja leave me alone all right another fragment wow these chests are just there were none up there because they were all just clumped down here what the what are you other there's a pringle my man just asked if there were any pringles can i okay this is the one downside beside you let me go up cliffs bro i'm dying and my diana is healing for like 20 off the thick open easy chest yo we could do an exploration in this video as well there it is you know boars wow what the it beat my spinning technique of death i win that time board i brought my wolf's comfort zone off your ass to dealt the full one damage point endless suffering oh there we go that's a big hit your friends died by the way buddy i don't know what you're doing like smelling up those plants but they attacked me i'm just once i'm innocent it was self-defense oh now you aggro me huh get out of here there we go nice great next place don't we love gathering sealies i feel like i'm spongebob gathering those wigs what are they called jellyfish not squids tatarasuna i've joined the trip not only never mind i joke i joke stop stop stop look at the swirl all right camp was cleared yo chichi kind of good with sayu first time ever chi chi's good at something 20 sometimes lucky four yes four again hello game four plus four that's eight plus four that's twelve quick maths everyday months on the block give me a twenty watch this twenty four bro what i only got four so far there's another quest i didn't keep going so that man's just been sitting there scared for multiple days hi i really don't want to bother to be honest another four let's go i don't want any 20s i'm only i'm a four collector personally jesus okay you can go fish aren't scared of me anymore because i have 999 ms i'm pretty sure fish are still scared of you if you're at your side 20 yo i just have to whine that i didn't care about 20. i don't care about 20s all i want is fours hey you take those take crabs as well there's another one yo this is so nice and you ain't done let's go 269 ping as well we're winning 850 yup 420 oh my god we're going through all the numbers all right very nice time to go to the next spot it is tata rasuna again remember when i pronounced it well one second ago well i already forgot oh 20 we start off with a 20 winning hello sir any chance you could spare some loot four okay it does not help i know i'm out of the zone i'm okay i'm gathering stuff now i'm distracted goodbye leave me alone guys stop just stop oh oh my god chichi you murderer no yo chichi is actually a murderer by the way oh yeah never mind never mind i regret i regret everything leave me alone i regret i regret it holy no oh no i missed i gotta reset watch watch perfect let's go i'm out of here thank you lag no one will ever know that i lost in battle okay it all started with chi chi griefing me though that oh mr cabbage that orb okay we're slow now though we can't roll anymore oh nice another 20. yo that speeds us up quite a bit where did my sealy go though see the despite the lag you're supposed to stay with me buddy i thought we had an unbreakable bong i guess i'll open one of these in the meantime hello i want to open a chest i have plenty of conscious trust i want the middle one because i always go middle last go boom yeah oh another challenge i actually don't want to do that right now because if i switch from this party i have 69 eggs let's go wait am i done by the way i think i'm done the circle seems to be gone okay then i'll just go here and come back to do it with clee of course defeat all opponents within four seconds okay i have the skill stuff oh no no no no no get out of there get out of there man you're so filthy come here there you go wasted half my time chilling in the bubble all right it's not like it's not like it was even close at all but sure clee could have actually done that but i mean what am i what am i saying clee could have done that of course i mean clee did that clee did that great job is the mirror is this zone like absolutely massive compared to the other ones i heard the bloop blooping here it is four coins let's go you know there's enemies here so i can almost guarantee there's gonna be something here because they want me to be annoyed and fight them but i have the cheese i'm a stealthy child that blends in with nature i oh wait this one actually does kind of blend damn my man be tanky i think you just took 25k like that stop stop stop stop stop no stabbing you know i'm shielded by this 12 health day on a shield can't do anything to that oh it's gone and so he's gone too back flipped on again oh 156 full damage points nope so he's gone let's go at least my uh my my little ulti stays when i saw you guys shut up stop you're so annoying you're dead how are you shut down well you didn't really get cut down you got kicked down all right silly there better be something here i better not have just wasted my time that would have been just sad nice i killed my entire team for no reason there was nothing here okay it would be kind of nice to have cleaned up because it wouldn't take 16 years i hate it when they icy breath and then they stand in it you're gone no you're not now you are well i'm glad i did that i thought maybe there'd be a chest yo i keep getting baited today great loving it i will do everything in my power to not have to fight that guy just guaranteed to be the last one very nice nah boys nah it's not happening you can stand there look menacing as bad as you want i am not fighting you guys believe it or not i'm going to yakuza mine i know where that is actually goodbye yo be digging as much as you want i'm out of here i'm going to you could mine is messily here yet there it is great we can live though i have three healing altis you shall heal your drink look at this insane healing value this crazy triple healing team the new meta yo it looks like a disco party here it's over all those particle effects looking kind of kind of cute and kind of nice is there maybe a spot there we go thank you 20. thank god i swear i've been running around for 25 minutes in this place don't be in there i don't know why it's giving me iron chunks because iron coins i don't know whatever guys i understand a loss for you just leave me alone i give you life if you leave me alone okay i did throw a bag of bombs at you but it's also because you have been punching me not me trying to animation cancel doing it before the cancel itself here we go one or two more one more one more one more let's go yashiori island okay it's beside the statue the seven up here right yeah see this area is very small compared to that other one because i mean obviously here's just only land and the other one was a bunch of water eight coins yes please another eight hey it's better than four i'll take anything that's not before okay thanks again it ruins my immersion that it's constantly raining and these flowers aren't gatherable that's not how it should work you should just do the thing watch this not for there's more more and more i swear every character in this place reminds me of another four i hate 20s it just works it just works i hate ace there it is huh my easiest buy this game gives you what you hate i hate mona watch this watch this i hate mona all right it doesn't always work maybe i was abusing it a little bit hey oh god i didn't mean to i didn't mean to i thought you were real men fake mints the worst kind of mint well boys okay i love it that this guy keeps getting messed up by the rainbow oh yeah you think you can beat me look i'm using just long-ass things yo i'm crazy with it i'm i'm clean my chi-chi clue 40 damage will pop let's go back flipping on dropping a bomb boom boom commission done so that's how i did my commissions let me know if you want to see a video of me doing commissions idiot where he's going again can't reach me i'm behind this wall go away there he goes hello since when do cooking parts attack as well what's wrong with you what the that's actually unfair i can't even i can't even cook anything it's raining i can't cook here until i do the quest and i don't want to do the quest i'm lazy oh my god more of you boys leave me alone stop trying to hit me ball thoughts you hit me one more time i'm meaning chi chi and not thong chichi will be the fourth in the full archon party until the fourth archon comes up this is a 20 spot eight this is a 20 spot okay if you ever had this at 20 spot okay that wasn't really but if you ask me this no spot here but this though hello the game where the spots at this right here yeah this is a real funny spot jesus this is the fourth spot though yeah yeah i could tell i was trying to reverse psychology it doesn't work guys it's it's a video game there's there's no there's no crazy mystical summons to do to fix it it's kind of funny how her hat puffs up when you run because like the air gets into it anyway can i please get this last thingy game not here silly please don't lead me into these two cryo boys that i awakened oh god no nope goodbye yo you hit me it just made me out swirl stronger and then you threw me off the stairs somehow the is going on and now there's a side quest popping up hello it's me the savior of monster in azuma and you're gone hello there it's tsukishiro yeah no problem that's it's just like a little this like palette but then from this place oh my god my life is pain my life is pain seely i beg you bring me there please no save me end my suffering i've been running around in this place for actually 20 minutes end it yes yes my son finally feed these two okay that's not happening with this team bye nope nope you can do all you want i'm not fighting you with this where's her health bar by the way where's the girl no she didn't get to play so that's nice this is just a question of time there she goes challenge completed next how many more do we even have dos mess back to kujo encampment that is paku in it okay doing parkour i don't know where in the middle of the video let's go i'm done oh yo saya's actually good into this watch wow they somehow found me okay look i know most of you want to save your money for like a ball right top guaranteed ball but look at what the saw you can do all i did was press e once by the way it killed all of them yo lyonna they own a special 72 damage for the ko let's get it oh my man that's a bad spot the rest of you it didn't die at all oh man okay you're dead so are you yo get knocked back didn't matter though what the i'm wrong cooking no i'm just trying to pick up loot stop stop i can dig here yo 20 coins let's go where you at steeler i hear you beefing i don't see you all right let's push it to them because it's out of range get them get them one more headbutt no you didn't do the oh i burned oh nice six wait 16. i have never seen anything give 16 but i'm glad thank you and our last one is on narayakami island right about here let's go die i swear sawyu is like always distracted she looks everywhere where the enemies are it's so weird 20 let's go other 20 wow the back to back 20 that's crazy oh eight one more here we go we're done with the final zone look at that there's not even a cool little thingy that tells us hey great job but we did it so now we can do special treasure one and two puzzle hints oh i have to go there okay i know where this is gonna put them here it is this is the spot i believe let me double check though because nothing is happening and that's not a good sign it's right here now what we need the ceiling silly i'm here hello buddy look at this boy he's my buddy we're hanging out let's go all right take me somewhere let's go do something all right i ripped off your tail apparently i literally cannot reach it i'm not that you see that that boy just spawned there and fell no no no no no no you're not bringing me into those robot boys i do not want to fight though you're near the secret trove am i really now it's not like i've been here already looking for it okay spawn it this is definitely the place right there you go light up according to the map i'll be honest i forgot already oh oh what you mean what you mean challenge failed bro what the hey yo you what yo okay i'm out of here completed i'm getting sure there we go i guess whatever i'm over it special treasure this is oh my god i think this is all the way to the left wow look at me actually knowing things maybe i think it's out here in fort mourinho i'm pretty sure this ah over here is is the spot so come on come on reference everybody we're doing historical lessons out here all right i'm drowning chongyon i i call him the power of chongyo and your spaghett where is it here it is bam that's the wrong one i missed it how am i this blind oh yo there's a big one i don't even know if i saw you can step on this it's like higher than her knees wow and then i have to do two up one here and the top okay damn this challenge will be so hard though that's it exchange shop is is that literally it give me the three months yeah i think that's it and this is kind of nice i like i like this let's make a day though that's more like it and we're gone it's a hint hide and seek is coming back soon i don't think it's ever this this thing i have the the oceanid one and it looks like this one so i don't really want this one the question you don't even ask the question is pork boy it's always purple and i love this i love when they get here as wit amazing mini silly viola let's put them out just for the outro you know i'm never using them so might as well use them now look at them hey buddy alrighty and that's it as always thank you very much for watching i hope you enjoyed this video it is it is another very special event you know nothing much happens in these events i beat up some boys i'm trying to make some jokes so he walks into electric barriers and says it was a close call other than that there's not much so i hope you could just you know just chilling with me i think that's that's pretty good video as well all right thank you very much for watching hope you have a great day hope you enjoyed and see in the next one bye
Channel: RednasYo
Views: 248,768
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Funny, Gaming, Memes, 2016, New, 2018, Gameplay, LOL, Best, Compilation, Editing, Montage, Tryhard, Relax, Chill, Achievement, But, really, just, video, games, though, genshin, impact, rednasyo, rednas, send this to, friends, main, memes, .exe, teyvat, mondstadt, inazuma, liyue, seelie, event, electro, archon, baal, sara, kujou, raiden, shogun, kokomi, banner, new, 2.1, 2.2, rerun, ganyu, albedo, what, to, farm, build, primogems, help, guide, tutorial, f2p, ar55, ar60, thoma, gorou, sayu, yoimiya, best, commentary, chill, cozy, comfort, vibes, electroculi, yae, fun
Id: YGeJd4K3Sn0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 57sec (1317 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 18 2021
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