Could Farsight Fall To Chaos? - 40K Theories

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[Music] um [Music] the farsight expedition was a military campaign conducted by the tao empire which sought to reclaim the worlds that had been lost to the imperium of man during the events of the damocles crusade during the course of this campaign as far side's forces succeeded in recapturing more and more worlds from the imperium the tower would eventually come into conflict with the vast orc empire of grog iron teeth whose hordes have been conducting an ever increasing number of raids throughout the sector despite needing to only retake the world of illuminas in order to complete his mission farsi will come to the conclusion that the orcs posed a greater danger to the worlds of the newly established enclaves than the few scattered and disorganized imperial forces that remained throughout the region to this end against the explicit orders and wishes of the ethereal caste vasa would order for his forces to begin a systematic purge of the green skin threat however following the battle of atari though it became clear that farsight had greatly underestimated his foes for upon returning to the core worlds of the enclaves he would discover that orcs were rampaging throughout the region unchecked and unchallenged intent on making amends for such a monumental blunder vaza would dispatch his forces to drive back the orcs from each of the enclave worlds however instead of simply meeting the green skins in battle on their terms farsight's forces would instead utilize a series of bizarre and unconventional tactics in order to take their foes unaware such as by generating artificial firestorms earthquakes or intense tsunamis utilizing the very elements themselves to lay waste to the orcish hordes in time farsa would even succeed in slaying grogey and teeth in single combat resulting in the orcs devolving into a state of infighting and petty squabbling as they sought to establish a new leader despite this initial confusion experienced by the greenskins they would remain a dire threat to the enclaves resulting in the conflict lasting for at least another decade eventually after painstakingly eliminating the green skin threat from each of the enclave worlds farsight's forces would pursue a band of orcs to office moloch a long dead world which yorks had seemingly intended to pillage and plunder the tower discovered that the orcs had taken shelter within the remains of an ancient temple which would ultimately result in a firefight erupting between the two zenos factions as the battle raged on the blood of the dead and dying would begin collecting around a large circular deus situated at the center of the temple complex which unbeknownst to the tao was in truth some sort of sacrificial chamber after several violent minutes of bloodletting bobo fork and tower alike a war proof leading into the very heart of the realm of chaos itself would open within the center of the chamber before slowly disgorging a horde of demonic entities that began to indiscriminately attack both races seeking to obtain some tactical insight for the situation at hand farsight's battle suit would take to the air and begin scanning the warp rift so as to try and make sense of the confusion that was happening down below upon gazing into the rift itself faso will be bombarded with a number of intense visions which filled him with powerful feelings of dread revulsion and horror depicting his race being corrupted by the chaos guards one such vision would show a train of taos slaves wandering through a desert of broken glass bleeding heavily and grinning with a joy born from pain while another would see a large group of towels sprouting fungal growths before merging into a bloated decaying monstrosity while another still would depict titanic fleshy constructs which screened for all other races to join a tau empire or die one vision in particular however would prove particularly distressing to farsight that this vision appeared to represent his very future whilst they would bear witness to the aftermath of a great war upon the very homeworld of the tao race one which had pitted each of the various castes against one another in a manner evocative of the hmong tau or death age of taopri history the warriors of the fire cast were seemingly driven into an apocalyptic frenzy indiscriminately killing all that lay within their path farsight would then witness his own corrupted self a tainted warrior king with a crown of bone protruding from his very skull screaming in both rage and triumph as he strangled the life out of both osha sarah better known as commander shadow son and o kais the living weapon two warriors that had trained alongside farsight during his youth who were second only to him in terms of martial skill and tactical prowess eventually farsi would experience a vision of the secretary's meledictum the colossal war proof that would come to split the galaxy in two being brought into existence and upon doing so fast i would come to realize that these visions were not mere hallucinations and spectres but that they were both true and more horrifyingly inevitable with that farser would briefly fall into unconsciousness his sanity having almost shattered upon learning the existence of chaos following the culmination of the battle which saw the tower successfully sealing the warp rift and banishing the remaining demons farsi would choose to enter a self-imposed exile where he would ponder and meditate upon his future for farsa had come to realize that he now simply knew too much given the visions that farsight had experienced and in particular those depicting him as a champion of corn the chaos got a bloodshed hatred and rage in conjunction with him realizing that chaos is in itself inevitable is farsight destined to become a champion of the ruinous powers while such a notion may initially seem highly unlikely given the fact that the tau demonstrate a fairly weak warp presence this does not render them immune to either the attentions of demonic entities or the chaos gods themselves not only of a number of tao been documented as falling to chaotic corruption such as poor maokai or of the watercast who have become possessed by a demon of zinc but according to the novel farsight empire of lies corn himself has begun to take a keen interest in farsight suggesting that the chaos god intends to make him one of his champions as detailed with the following passage through the contrarian's machinations there was a traitor in the ranks one who did the work of change without realizing it and who harbored the sparks of corruption deep within better yet there was one thread among the tapestry of fate that intersected with countless trillions of others a warrior king already a focal point of the young racist future he was of interest to a rival deity the red god the king of skulls reason enough to pull the strand in itself the dizzying display of cause and effect overlapped blended and was refracted again with a few minor manipulations each splitting beam would merge with the others into blinding light then utter blackness in its wake would come a new order a tyranny that would see the entire eastern fringe bathed in blood and fire with enough whispers that enough cultivated tragedy for the measure of power lent here and a bargain struck there everything would lead to the same point the damnation of an entire race corn's interest in farsight is certainly understandable but not only is farsight well known for both his martial pride and personal sense of honor in spite of the ethereal cast's recent attempts to slander him as a traitor but he is also incredibly skilled in the arts of hand-to-hand combat this is in stark contrast to the traditional military mindset of the tao empire which favors the use of long-range weaponry and eliminating foes from a distance although there do exist a small number of individuals such as aonshi of the ethereal caste who understand the value and necessity of being skilled melee fighter while corn may have indeed turned his gaze towards far side this in itself does not necessarily mean that the tower is destined to become a champion of the blood god or even a servant of the ruinous powers in general that being said however one cannot help but compare farsight's various actions to those of another once proud and noble warrior one who would ultimately fall to the corrupting influence of chaos whose very name would in time become little more than a vowel curse to humanity forever after the first war master of the imperium horus lupa cow after all both individuals once stood as the most beloved and respected military commanders of their respective empires becoming seen as great heroes to the common people only for both to essentially become traitors soon after learning the truth in regards to the existence of chaos with both men feeling betrayed upon discovering that such knowledge had been deliberately kept hidden from them however unlike horus farsight despite establishing his own independent splint of action and effectively seceding from the tao empire has not made any attempts to assert control of the empire from the ethereal caste through militaristic means or at the very least not as of yet not only was part of the reason behind farsight breaking away from the tao empire due to the fact that he believed himself to be a very threat to the concept of the greater good but the forces of the far side enclaves despite what animosity they themselves may hold towards the ethereal cast have led their raid to the tao empire on multiple occasions in recent years such as during the second battle of mughal afbay which saw far side much to the surprise of all involved coming to the aid of his former friend shadow son against the forces of the imperium some have also suggested that the existence of an elite unit of warriors led by farsight himself in conjunction with his preference for hand-to-hand combat is proof that the tower is indeed falling to the worship of corn the reason for this train of thought is due solely to the fact that this unit known simply as the eight is as implied by their name comprised of eight highly skilled warriors the reason as to why some find is significant is due to the fact that eight is the sacred number of corn and as such some have suggested that the formation of the aid is a sign of farsight slowly turning to the worship of the blood god however such evidence is extremely tenuous and circumstantial at best with such a connection more likely being at most a simple coincidence in either case the act of falling to chaotic corruption is not always a swift or obvious one but can often be a slow and insidious process taking place over the course of several years decades or even centuries and will often begin with but a single seemingly innocuous act but given that farsi have borne witness to a number of horrific visions depicting his race becoming corrupted by chaos in addition to having battled against demonic entities on more than one occasion such as with the aforementioned poor malcao it's entirely possible that farsight now aware of the truth that the ethereals had chosen to wide from his people may actively choose to do everything within his power to prevent his people from falling to damnation perhaps this may very well result in him one day attempting to oust the ethereals from power should he believe that the ethereal curse had somehow become tainted despite whatever claims that the ethereals have made in regards to chaos being their enemy or perhaps farsight may instead seek to establish alliances with those races known to frequently stand against the forces of chaos such as the el diary sick known as the inari or perhaps even certain groups from within the imperium of man itself such as the inquisition but should farsight attempt to undertake such actions for the betterment of his people he could very well be acting inadvertently in service of the blood god after all not only have other tao fallen to the influence of corn even if only temporarily as detail of the nieve edition chaos space marine codex but some such as the pathfinder commander jakara as detailed within the novel fire cast will ponder as to whether the focus brought about through unabashed hatred and rage two traits associated with corn specifically along with the joy brought about through the act of killing was indeed the true path to enlightenment instead of the philosophical concept of the greater good indeed one does not necessarily need to serve the chaos gods directly in order to act on their behalf as the gods have even been known to bestow their blessings upon those individuals who have actively fought against them general vendren glass of the sandava ii planetary defense force for example as detailed within the novel warden of the blade would ascend to demon hood despite the fact that she had battled against the forces of chaos this was due to the fact that while she had indeed battled fiercely against the legions of slaanesh the chaos god of indulgence excess and pain the general took great pleasure in combating against the demonic legions besieging her homeworld which led to the chaos god blessing the general with apotheosis following her death as such it's not entirely outside the realm of possibility for corn to bestow a number of gifts upon farsight himself regardless as to whether or not the tao actively sought out such blessings but seeing that farsight had not only gazed into the proverbial abyss but had actively chosen to turn his back upon it it seems ultimately unlikely for him to fall to the worship of corn but it is important to note that the descendant of damnation is indeed a slippery slope and all it could take is but one moment of doubt or the undertaking of just a single horrific act no matter how it may be justified as being necessary at the time for farsight to take his first steps upon the eightfold path after all as a wise man once said the road to hell is paved with good intentions what do you think leave a comment below and thanks for watching [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: 40K Theories
Views: 50,504
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: warhammer, 40k, lore, theory, theories, explained, miniatures, tabletop, games, collectibles, collectables, 40klore, 40ktheory, 40ktheories, 40kexplained, remleiz, warhammer 40k, warhammer 40000, 40k lore, 40k theory, 40k theories, 40k explained, tau, t'au, farsight, farsight enclaves, chaos, khorne, blood god, empire of lies, shadowsun, o'kais, okais, tzeentch, arthas moloch, grog ironteef, grog ironteeth, orks, ork, greenskins, tau empire, t'au empire, ethereal caste, fire warrior
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 8sec (968 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 02 2021
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