Could Arven Actually Become Champion?

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Pokemon scarlet and violet gave us three new rival friend characters Arvin pneumonia and the protagonist from Fire Emblem engage out of those three Arvin was the center of the Game's plot oh no he's not related to hop is he in the main story he asks us the protagonist to help him fight the Titan Pokemon and collect the five Urban mystica scattered throughout the paudia region of course I like to ask stupid questions so I instantly wondered couldn't Arvin just beat up the Titan Pokemon by himself to get my answer to this question and more I decided to play through the entire game as the sandwich-making king himself so I booted up a new save in Pokemon scarlet and tried to style my trainer to look as much like Arvin as possible you'd think with all these customization options I could do something better but no apparently this is what playable Arvin would look like I did want to experience maximum arvinus during this run and since I had to cut Corners with a haircut I didn't want to cut any Corners with his team the nice thing about Arvin is that he adds one Pokemon per Titan and starts out with the squabbit he just caught near the lighthouse okay technically he also has a terminally ill Pokemon that cannot battle and the legendary Pokemon that also can't battle but hey at least this one works as a bike honestly I'd ask someone for help at this point too but not this time because I am a strong independent Arvin I can handle this myself probably our first Target would be the Stony Cliff Titan which is a rock type but considering that Squad can barely beat up a Trudeau I will need to come up with some sort of strategy mud slap mud slap is my strategy it's a very weak ground type move that reduces the foe's accuracy every time it hits with a move like this we can basically Dodge every single attack and spam tackle until we win here I'll try it out in a battle against nimona okay maybe mudslap isn't such a good idea this is where you're probably thinking wait a minute does an Arvin have a shelter when he battles cloth the answer of course is yes but just like with the haircut the game keeps coming up with ways to prevent me from becoming my arvind best shelter are a water type Pokemon that live in the sea so even though I could see some from the seashore I can't actually battle any of them that's because I can't swim right on can swim and my let's go Pokemon can't they just can't anything apparently is it just mirrors this feature completely useless in the water in general the only other possible way to get a shelter was through a terror raid so I went through all the possible Terror rate dens and found a grand total of zero shoulders sigh since the game Gods refused to give me a shelter I had to find another way to deal with cloth and I did while looking around the tunnels near the East Gate I found myself the TM for bullet seed a grass type move that our squabbit can learn and good thing it did otherwise we would have been mud slapping his cloth so much that it would look like a crust though by the time we're done with it after its first defeat the Stony Club Titan munches on some Urban mystica towards Thor's health and power itself up this is where real Arvin joins us and helps us out with that shoulder of his anyways we went the second time thanks to the mudslab strategy and get ourselves this sweet urbanistica set to a digestion and I guess we're not supposed to feed our bike but hey he can run even faster now and since we've cleared out One Titan I can add one more Pokemon to the team naturally the grain of salt Pokemon which happens to spawn in the same area as cloth it makes sense for Arvin to catch one right here and right now from there I made my way to cartando where I rode some olives and battled catty the first gym leader why am I doing the gems because I'll need to do the story quest for nimona and Penny in order to experience all of arvin's story as Arvin so I figured I'd start now and not when my entire team is level 60. nagley took a turn to polish itself for greater speed then Smackdown Nimble into round Chilla with some rocks the Terra Teddy Ursa was pretty bulky but missed its first attack leaving it with just a few HP before knocking us out but we still had squabbit I did try to take on the second gym with the current team but considering that those two couldn't even make it past the small of Either you turn backwards toward cartando to look for the Open Sky Titan Hackley wasn't as useful in this battle as I had expected falling in the red near the start of the battle and forcing me to use my one time heal so that we didn't end up with three useless Pokemon thankfully we landed a critical hit and that got the bomber deal to use their one-time healing item the urban mystica real Aaron shows up with his knackly and together we throw even more rocks at the bird while it tries to torment us that tactic didn't stop us from getting up the mountain and it won't stop us from winning the battle after defeating the giant bird we got ourselves the bitter arba mystica which is great for circulation and swimming is this true is better food the secret to learning how to swim in real life asking for a friend the friend is me anywho now that Karai down can go in the water I can finally go and catch a shelter which is gonna be really useful against the grass type gym right things weren't looking too hot for Arvin who had to terasolize his quabbit just to finish off brassius's first Pokemon this time we managed to one shot the small life meaning we finally get to face off against truly wudo her first body slam managed to paralyze this fake flower and this time we were bulky enough to take a couple of hits and break brassius's Masterpiece don't worry he has at least 20 more scattered around the city since we're on our way towards the third Titan we had another Pokemon for me to catch in the fields near Artisan toad school this cursed Abomination could could also be found near cartando but I wanted to see if Arvin could get the second gym badge without the extra help now all we need to do is find it it does show up on the little mini map thing but I can't see it anywhere in the wild and since I didn't want to just run around in circles forever I pulled an Arvin and made myself a sandwich this jambon jamb and Burr I'm not French but I'm pretty sure Seneca how you pronounce it oh it literally just means ham and butter anyways this sandwich has an encounter power boost for ground types and since toad school is a ground type Pokemon it should show up a lot easier now look at this dude just standing there menacingly with the toad School in hand it was time to raid the shadow base did you know that shadow is the name of the brightest star in the Cassiopeia constellation kind of fitting considering how Melo burns the brightest out of the team star leaders and since she easily kicked arvin's butt I had to go back and fight a bunch of venonats to level up my team and evolve naturally into my favorite Minecraft mob knackle stack with the added bulk we could finally finish off and face off against her car once considering she had the speed boost and just hit us with a screech the only viable strategy in this battle was to mud slap and hope we don't get hit and since we needed to do some actual damage I decided that the wrestler is greeden and attack with a body slam Mela did eventually manage to hit us with a blazing torque but thankfully greeting both through the attack and finished off the fight now that the team star barricade is gone I can finally get to lavencia and buy some new clothes sadly there aren't any huge backpacks or hiking boots so this will have to do great for this battle I had shoulder take the lead and use its ice Shard attack on the watch roll except she paralyzes us and uses quick attack to finish off her for its Pokemon Minecraft beef is out next using Smackdown to lower ayano's view count then it's out Cure's belly bolt which will Chip Away 1 8 of its Health at the end of every turn even if it takes us down told School comes out to finish off the fight with a mud shot and I completely forgot that she had a Luxio I hope you won't forget to like steal this video that was cringy video the battle comes down to ayano's Terra magias vs artera Green she tries to be funny and set up a charge beam but credon lands a critical hit body slam ending the battle in a single move the worm the earthworm this Titan is able to eat up our ground type moves meaning that our muslab strategy has finally met its match sadly our silly little toad School couldn't do much against the lurking steel Titan shelter tried to chip away at itself with Whirlpool but got whacked with a critical iron tail and fainted thankfully Nako stack is super stacked in this fight using salt cure to do major damage between turns with the wiggler on the run I paid a quick visit to this traveling Pokemon Center then rushed over to Rio Arvin and joined him for the real battle his toad School kept missing its SuperSonics on Minecraft hitting with its screeches eventually the orthworm did punch itself in confusion but it barely did any damage since both of our toad School were doing uncool amount of damage I send out knackle stack next and use salt cure to chip away at the worm's Health while throwing a bunch of salty rocks at it with this salty Urban mystica our hands and feet it can be healthy meaning karaton can jump even higher now that's it is it just me or is this the most disappointing of the right Pokemon upgrades and since the next Titan was all the way on the other side of the map we use this upgrade to jump all the way over to team star's second base which happens to be the name of another super bright star in the Cassiopeia constellation there we battled the Toby Fox whose pawner nearly finished off Nako stack in two hits since his strategy was to spam snaro I decided to spam Lear and Screech to lower his physical defenses this made his modern a car fold like paper at the slightest bump or body press see what I didn't want to see was the fourth gym leader running away from his gym was nimona looking for someone to battle in there or something since I didn't want to risk having to fight her a million times I agreed to deliver kofu's wallet to Puerto maranada but first I went behind the gym to pick up a water stone and evolve shelter into something more useful on our way out of kaskarafa I ran into a capsa kid the next Pokemon that Arvin catches the only problem is that I need in mind have the chlorophyllability but I kept catching ones with insomnia instead trust me Cap's a kid you don't want insomnia from there we ran into the quaking Earth Titan great Tusk where we were definitely under leveled but thankfully solidkira does not care about our levels 1 8 of its Health every single turn now I just needed to stall for long enough just need to okay there you go good thing toad screw is fully evolved as well now and the time to battle it all over again also whoops it looks like real Arvin skull villain was from the mountains nearby not a capsule kid from the desert this means that once we finished up with the earthworm he had it Northwest from zapopico and caught one along the way since my Pokemon were super under leveled for this fight all I could do was spam mud slap and watch real Arvin Carry Me Through the battle with Razor Leaf after Razor Leaf taking down great tusks and getting ourselves these sour Urban mystica perks here right up or in karidon's case gives you wings this is the secret ingredient to Red Bull I quickly evolved capsicate and made my way down to Puerto maranada where it had to beat up kofu's baby babysitter and win an auction for some seaweed if he really wanted to see weed that bad I could have just showed him a picture of spaghettito never mind this guy is not a big fan of grass types this was my last easy fight because Larry and his star Raptor absolutely destroyed arvin's team so instead of going in for a rematch I decided to fly back to Zappa Pico and try tackling the navi Squad also did you know that Navi is the informal name for the Middle star of the Cassiopeia constellation since my strongest ground type move was mud slap I once again failed to seize Victory this made me realize that if Arvin tried to take on the gym challenge or team star before he'd collected all five Urban mystica he would probably end up failing about halfway through both Larry and Atticus were too strong of course I'm not just gonna give up so I went back to Medallion challenged Larry for a rematch green body slammed Kamala but then fell asleep knowing that Larry will try to hit us with a status effect they send out knackle stack next and solid gear done sparse he did take us down but the salt here finished him off that left Cloister up again against the intimidating star after and since it terasterizes into a normal type our icicle Spears won't be as effective here we were bulky enough to take a second hit and that meant I could drop a potion take another hit and then have enough HP to spare for one last attack this Victory gave me enough courage to go back and rematch Atticus as well instead of trying to be funny I went for an all-out offensive with greetings body slams taking out the skunt tank and putting a nice big squirrel sized dent in mux HP told scroll finished it off with a mud shot and did the same to the small rubber room Big River room was gonna be a big problem so I set up a solid cure with knuckle stack since that does tend to mess up cars in real life Northerners know what I'm talking about and send out Cloister who get both through Flame Charge attacks as if they were tackles from a root one wait that's not a thing anymore krumen area one lechonk just like Larry we were able to win on our second try thanks to cloister's massive physical defense and its skill link ability which let us spam icicle Spears until we won with my morale boosted I made my way up to montanevera where moist critical opened up the stage and I battled with rhyme in terms of gym designs I really enjoyed how they approached this one but they really didn't have to bother with the random attack Boost from the audience since greeting knew bite it was a pretty easy win for Arvin knowing we'd have some tough battles up ahead I decided to make a ham and pickle sandwich near The Rook pass squad's base did you know that rookpa is the name of a star in the Cassiopeia constellation and it also means knee the chance you have knees anyways after leveling up our team a bit we quickly won against Ortega and flew down to casiora Lake did the game just teleport us all the way to the other side of this Lake good thing that the Watchtower saved as a flight point the final Titan was hiding on Sashimi Island where a bunch of talking tatsugiri gather only to be eaten alive by the false Dragon Titan I can't believe they actually show the Pokemon being eaten alive in a Pokemon game green really struggled here since this thing has the defense of a zamazanta and that Pokemon is literally a giant Shield thankfully the good old mud slap strategy let us Dodge enough attacks to win the first fight as someone who cannot swim the side of this thing popping in and out of the water as I chased it over to the next Island was kind of terrifying never that I think I'd see the day when a Pokemon game made me feel gut-wrenching fear but here we are real Arvin joined for the Second Battle and thanks to mudslab the Don dozo was danzo for Rio yo but then we had to fight the true Dragon Titan who took down my greeting before it could set up a bunch of mud slabs thankfully closer could easily carry the rest of the fight with its icicle Spears defeating the last Titan and getting us the spicy Urban mystica which boosts your metabolism or in our case gives us the power to climb for the real Arvin the fifth Urban mystical meant something else entirely I've avoided talking about it until now but his whole reason for going on this Quest was to help restore his Pokemon's Health back to normal this mabo stiff is not only arvin's true starter Pokemon it is his best buddy and he got really hurt when they went to explore area 0 looking for arvin's Mom the damage it took was so severe that not even the Pokemon Center could help poor old marble stiff so Arvin had to turn to urban legends and natural remedies namely the urban mystica which were described in The Scarlet book from his mother's lab the lab at the base of the lighthouse the lab where we first met Arvin and now that his marble staff is finally back to Tip-Top shape real Arvin would like to meet us there once more but he's gonna have to wait since we still have two more gems to fight and one team start a leader to go using our newly acquired climbing ability I made my way up to the Northern parts of cassiro lake and caught one of the mabo stiff which hang around in the area I'm not gonna be as emotionally attached to this one as real Arvin but it's our new ace Pokemon since I can climb I can also go collect all the TMS I needed the two fully match arvin's movesets oh no am I stuck like this I haven't saved in hours please video game eventually I made my way to alfornada and challenged gym leader tulip to a battle I think I did something out of order because my team was definitely over leveled for this one and grusha 2 because green and skovalan single-handedly carried both of the fights I guess after taking down all five Titans Arvin is just Unstoppable now might as well go take on the calf Squad which also happens to be the name of the fifth and final star of the Cassiopeia constellation and it means Palm maybe it should mean fist instead because Arie punched her whole team out of existence in no time Arvin stood no chance against her specifically in the face of defeat I made another ham and pickle sandwich and battled some more chansy to prepare for the next battle not against Arie but the Elite Four those were easier to fight than Airy my first test there was to remember which gym leader gave me the most trouble and for Arvin that would be Larry but I kinda forgot how hard the fight was and said brassius instead good thing the game didn't actually know the answer rika's actual team was just as easy to get through thanks to our bullet seed and power whip attacks poppy still types couldn't stand up to sko villain's fire blast and told screw's earth power Larry showed up for Revenge because how dare I forget about the most normal guy in The Game and his flying type Pokemon stood no chance against Cloisters icicle Spears should have just stuck with normal types dude never mind he actually has a good counter here orocorio is a great Pokemon and I'm so glad they brought it back in the game it's not in this game anymore though neither is Larry you only get to see him like one more time after this battle they need to fix this in the DLC that left us with the final Elite Four member hassle who wasn't actually that easy to beat his first three dragons all went down to cloister's Icicle Spears but Haxorus stopped us in their tracks I'm starting to get Leon flashbacks all of a sudden toad screw was able to finish it off with an earth power but it then got steamrolled by back Excalibur almost the Friendship mechanic got triggered as it survived by one HP which reminds me to use herbal medicine for the future runs of this game for now I just dropped an oranberry and led the toad scroll faint this silly move left me with just mabo stiff and I continued to be silly as I terrastalize it into a dark type just so I can use play rough literally zero benefit for that one attack but hey I wanted to win in style having conquered the Elite 4 Arvin now had one more trainer to battle before claiming the role of champion Gita the top champion in paldia not gonna lie gamer she was a bit of a pushover compared to Leon her avalog is a great physical wall but stands no chance against her special attacker like skull villain her King Gambit comes out way too early Volusia is very squishy and her go gold tried to set up a bulk up instead of attack then fainted the burn damage on its first turn glamora looks cool and it was finally able to take down sko villain but it could barely do any damage to toad screw who finished it off with two power whips if we were simply to ask could Arvin become Champion I think the answer is clearly yes there was not much of a struggle there as our luck would have it becoming Champion means that nemona will now starkas and ask us to battle every 5 minutes so here's how one of those matches would go I can rock earthquake palmot big trouble it has a great coverage and can one shot most of arvin's team but skull villain is once again the MVP her Goodra is weak to ice and her earthworm can't deal enough damage to cloister the Run spars is weak to fighting type moves and scalaridges to too fast for gargan ankle so we get to use mabo stiff a second time wow nemona was somehow a tougher opponent than Gita maybe she should be the new top Champion now that we're over leveled we can easily win against Airy and finish up the Starfall Street storyline we also got the battle clavo and Cassiopeia who's named after a woman in Greek mythology that was sentenced to Forever spin around in the night sky because she was arrogant and vain makes you wonder what this is about Penny's character anywho both of the battles were clear wins for Arvin although clavel was a lot more Troublesome mainly because of the mouse karata with all three main stories complete it is time to meet up with real Arvin at the Lighthouse and get her final quest from his mom Professor Sada after taking a leap into the Cloudy area zero we had to defeat several aggressive Pokemon like glamora scream Teo and great Tusk which were all pretty easy especially since we had Penny and the Mona helping us out I can see why nemona is here she's great at fighting things but why Penny to turn on the lights that's kind of all she does the deeper in we go the more we learn learn about Professor Sada her research to create the tarot orb how Arvin and his dad left her and something about an extra hand to help her continue the work she was doing after unlocking all four bases we made her way down to the bottom of area 0 and opened up the door to sata's lab then a bunch of past Paradox Pokemon rushed out and attacked us so we did the same thing we did before teaming up with a friend and taking them down Penny and amona split off from the group to chase down the Pokemon that were trying to run away meanwhile real Arvin and I finished off the among uses uh brute Bonnets and made our way into the lab surprise surprise the real Professor Sada is dead turns out she was killed by the aggressive karida and while trying to protect her bike from one of its attacks first the Pokemon get seen alive now everybody's wife who gets straight up murdered by a Pokemon they got really dark in this game now ai robot SATA lives on trying to find a way to stop the time machine from bringing in any more past Paradox Pokemon to the present this part of the game's writing broke my immersion entirely I can't believe the time travel thing I can believe the creation of a robot that looks like SATA heck I believe in a world where creatures possess Elemental abilities and can shrink down to fit inside a tiny little Pokeball and one of them can possess your cell phone but the explanation for AI SATA is a different story maybe it's because I have a master's degree in machine learning which is the basis for AI but the explanation for AI sada's existence made a zero sense I will probably make a dedicated video on this topic because that writing was just inexcusable anyways in order to stop the time machine we needed to defeat AI SATA in battle not because AI SATA is evil or anything we need to beat her in battle because the time machine also has an AI that takes over sada's body and makes her battle us look if we're gonna complain about the amount of water in Holland and how annoying Hop was are we really gonna ignore the blatantly horrible sci-fi writing in the climax of this Game's plot I can look over the glitches and the slow loading times of basic things like the Pokemon box but the writing in this game super villain was somehow even worse than Rose sure it looked super cool but the lore behind it was just disappointing the other sad truth is that arvin's team if kept true to the in-game design cannot possibly win against evil AI Sada that's because greedon can't do anything against Slither Wing but is really needed to counter some of the other Pokemon later on in the battle so I changed things up a bit and had garganako out front to set up some stealth rocks Then followed up with sko villain to blast this fighting bug back into Extinction creden is bulky enough to handle flutter Main and also to paralyzed screamtail I dropped my one time heal on green then continued to body slam this tough puff until he knocked it out one of the hardest parts about this battle is that nearly all of AI sada's Pokemon have some sort of draining move that keeps restoring their health and since we couldn't paralyze the ancient amagas poor green got knocked out told screw finished it off as well as that Sandy shocks which absolutely destroyed my team during the first attempt that left her with just roaring Moon which happens to be weak to ice type moves and there you have it could Arvin take on the Titan Pokemon by himself yes could he become Champion absolutely could he take on team star uh-uh area is too strong and could he defeat AI Sada and stop the time machine from bringing in even more dangerous Pokemon from the past yes as long as he doesn't send out green first overall arvin's team was pretty good it was well balanced and had plenty of good type coverage making him a strong enough trainer to catch the eye of someone like nimona if it wasn't for all the emotional damage she took during the game's story Arvin would have been paldia's very best but since this poor boy lost his mother to a berserk Pokemon from the past and almost lost his best friend trying to look for her in area 0. his focus wasn't on Pokemon battles instead Arvin has a heart of gold and simply wishes to learn how to make food good enough to heal Pokemon who cannot be helped by potions or Burger King employees if you enjoyed this video please consider subscribing to my channel also slide down in the comments below and let me know which character you'd like to see a video on next thanks for watching I hope you enjoyed and I hope to see you in the next one and now it's to enjoy a nice warm jamb and birth [Music]
Channel: Vasko Games
Views: 380,992
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Arven, Pokemon Arven, Can X Become CHampion, Vasko Can X Become Champion, Vasko Arven, Playing as Arven, Can Arven Become Champion, Can Arven actually become champion, Pokemon Scarlet as Arven, Pokemon Violet as Arven
Id: h_HX40EnVFo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 3sec (1383 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 19 2023
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