Could Clive Become Champion?

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this is Clive a totally normal student nothing more nothing less except this pompadour sporting Suave guy isn't real not just because he's a video game character but because it's just that the sky is worn by director clavel to infiltrate operation Starfall and get some answers about keemstar's truant Behavior after all he doesn't just want to expose students Willy Nelly so he takes it upon himself to better understand their circumstances and that is pretty respectable just like he wants to understand his students I want to understand him what was Clive doing between each raid and could he have handled team star all on his own had we not been there most of you might think that he just went back to the academy but I believe he did other student things like challenge the gyms and help out his fellow classmates after all he was able to full Cassiopeia into believing he was just a normal student and there's no way she didn't hack his phone as well to see what he's been doing especially with how suspicious she was at the beginning in order to experience paudio from Clive's perspective I used his exact team matching his abilities and moves as they became available for throughout the story and also allowing myself one use of a healing item per battle no held items no stat boosters and no switching Pokemon the bad news was that I had to compromise on the moveset rules since his oranguru knows Dream Eater a move that can only be used on a steeping Pokemon that also restores the user's Health the problem is that oranguru can only learn Dream Eater through egg moves and the only parent that could pass down this move is a ranguru well that's not helpful basically it's a move that it could get in previous games from TMS and sun and moon or from the Moon align in sword and shield long story short a ranguro is gonna have to learn psychic instead of Dream Eater for this run the next thing to decide is which starter Clive would have since his team composition varies depending on that one Pokemon although now that I look at it I could have just used Houndoom Among Us and Gyarados and ditch the starters altogether hence a 2020 and besides that means you got to vote on the starter I chose for this run and just like yakomo almost everyone seems to agree that quaxi was the starter most suited for pompadour companion now that you can take turns styling each other's hair but not my hair apparently this is the pompadour we get in game this looks nothing like Clive oh well once the students were let loose under treasure hunt Clive's first order of business was to build up his team in preparation for the first base so he went down to the inlet Grotto to catch himself a houndour whoops press the wrong button and after that he went to socialize with the other students to figure out what normal students usually do during the treasure hunt battle they do battle though they're not too good at it but since most of them seem to be going in the direction of the gym that means Clive would also try to collect all the gym badges after all that's what a totally normal student would do now you'd think this would be an easy gym for Clive since he has a fire type Pokemon but our Amber attacks don't one shot and apparently this Nimble knows double kick which is super effective since Hound hours also part dark type since you took too much damage on Turn 1 it was time to heal up and use two Embers to finish off the second bug that leaves Katie with just her Teddy Ursa which turned out to be pretty bulky even when hit with a super effective move not only that but it used Fury cutter which gets stronger with each consecutive hit and it's faster than quaraxley which means we have to rely on AquaJet our speed priority move to win this battle we only managed to do enough damage thanks to kwaxley's ability and the double boost to water type moves from terasterization this mechanic really came in clutch hopefully it'll also work well against team Stars cars Quest since one badge alone isn't enough to prove that Clive is just a regular student who somehow went directly to team star's closest base he had to take a detour towards the second gem on the other side of massagoza on his way to Art design Clive helped out a fellow student by defeating a giant cloth which was an easy task thanks to the defense debuff from houndour and a super effective bass boosted AquaJet from quaxley just like the cortado gem leader Artisans brassius also has a disadvantage against fire types but he isn't as challenging as Katie since his first two Pokemon only know grass type moves so the Widow on the other hand the other problem is that her newly evolved quagso is weak to grass type moves yet through the wudu's trailblaze didn't do much damage to us which was a bit surprising because from my experience Trailblazers tend to be pretty darn strong but the reason we were able to survive its attacks is because houndour managed to inflict burn before getting knocked out and this status condition halves any physical damage the user is dishing out trailblaze is a physical move this gives Quest while the opening to attack some more with its basic Wing attacks and watches surowoodo loses its last bit of Health to the Flames taking on the gyms has been pretty easy for Clive but he still has a long ways to go before being able to take on team star so he continues to battle more students and teach his Pokemon more powerful moves while slowly making his way back to cartando but once again instead of going straight toward the team star base he does what any normal curious student would do and climbs up the mountain that's being claimed by this giant Bombardier who instantly won shots or houndour quaxo is barely bulky enough to handle two plugs but manages to deal just enough damage with its aquajets and a one-time heal to defeat the bird having taken down two Titans and two gems Clive now felt confident enough to approach the first team star base so we Face Off against the guard at the second base whose murkrow is just as powerful as that bomber deer once again leaving the battle in quaxell's hands wings I don't know what those things are having defeated the guard our next objective is to ring the bell out front to start the raid except we need to have three Pokemon on the team to do the raids so uh typically I add Pokemon to the team when they're near the next area we approach but Clive here has to make an exception to that rule since I don't want to have something too overleveled the only option was to go and catch a synasty near zappopico I guess I could have gone for an orangur or fungus from the attack 3 Thicket but that would trigger another team Star Event also you can see some synasty at the Academy also also its stats kinda sucks so the fact that it's over leveled won't matter as much so after this very long tea tour Clive made his way back to the second base and easily cleared out the raid portion of the invasion that just left Giacomo the first of five bosses Clive would have to face he starts the battle with Ponder who easily knocks out houndor so it's coaxial time the teacup is there for more support the nice thing about quacks was that it knows workup which will boost its physical and special attacks by one stage each time and knowing we'll have to slap a car out of the way I decided to max out these Buffs which effectively quadrupled quaxles attacks that the only downside is that I did have to use up my one time heal to prevent Ponder from knocking us out and now it's time to drasticize and sweep my first thought was to go for the fighting type low sweep attacks as it's supposed to be super effective but we didn't even take out half its Health meanwhile we were in the yellow Maxwell could do another low sweep and then finish off the Starmobile with a speed priority AquaJet I did not use AquaJet first because AquaJet has a very low base power with Giacomo defeated it was time to get some answers the reason team star hadn't gone back to school is because they're waiting on a pal who hasn't talked to any of them for a year and a half and had previously mentioned that they wanted the this band team star before they went ghost mode I think these guys definitely need some education because if someone tells you they want to break up and then doesn't talk to you for over a year it usually means they aren't coming back after taking down the dark base Clive grabbed the TM for aerial Ace near cartando and evolved houndar into Houndoom in hopes that it can be a bit more useful in battle then he made his way over to lavencia for another gym badge going base to Bases kind of sus gym first houndoom's first battle starts out with it setting up a nasty flock which doubles its special attack stat but why use it once when we can use it three times to max out our offensive stat then we can heal up with our one time potion and start to sweep with incinerate which is a stronger version of Ember having one shot everything on iono's team it was time to face off against her electric mismatches who survived with one HP confused us landed a critical hit had us hit ourselves in confusion and then knocked out Houndoom the next turn and this is why a Yono is going to be the first gym leader for wolver season 2. the story based version of kimax become Champion that's coming soon make sure to subscribe if you haven't already so that you don't miss it anyways since she's only got one HP left quacksville could easily finish off the fight with a speed priority AquaJet getting us the third gym badge this means it's time for Clive to go and raid another team star base sometimes it's best to just do what's super effective just like the best way to get some answers is to Simply ask as it turns out the rumor the team star is plotting something against the academy is completely false and we even get to learn that the starmobiles were never used in battle until just now maybe that's for the best since these cars are a bit too overpowered they make Titans like earthworm feel like Child's Play kufu's Gym test was also like Child's Play All We had to do was deliver his lost wallet win a bidding contest for some seaweed oh and I guess we also have to win a battle against this guy but that was pretty easy thanks to Poltergeist Mega drain sadly this Pokemon is a phony since I could not evolve it using the chipped pod found right outside of Puerto maranada instead I had to go running around the fields of cartando and climb up this mini Mountain just to get the cracked pot and needed to evolve it now all we had to do was defeat gym leader wrong game kofu his first Pokemon is part psychic so we go for bite but failed to Flinch and get knocked out right away thankfully polti guys can take care of the fish and walk through Rio with its Mega drain attack and since the work Trio only uses special attacks on us we can use this opportunity to set up a bunch of withdrawals to buff up our physical defenses to the max but why do that when I could have just knocked it out with one more Mega drain well that's because polti guys knows stored power a psychic type move that deals extra damage for each stat buff the user has meaning we can instantly deplete most of krabamonable's Health in one move and also be bulky enough to take a powerful hit from kofu's Ace winning us the battle with ease I did try this without using the max defense strategy and poor quaxell could not do anything against a coconut crab looks like we might need more Pokemon for our upcoming battles good news is we can find those at our next stop the tag 3 ticket is home to a Rain Guru uh Zorua oranguru and fungus as well as the poison team star base but before we jump into challenged on Atticus Clive needs to prepare his team a bit more specifically his oranguru apart from the impossible to get dreamy to move oranguru has another egg move Yan which it could would learn from several early game Pokemon looks like we chose the wrong starter but there was one specific Pokemon that I thought was most suited for Clive's character Manchester the Whooper given his previous encounter with Charles the shark Cadet as something tells me that Clive would be drawn to a coldly named Whooper that he could get from a trade in kaskarafa I could have used just a regular old paldian Whooper to do the trick but I'm gonna take any excuse I can to include Manchester in a run so after taking a ridiculously long detour to breed and level up a new oranguru who also had the right ability it was finally time to battle Dawn Atticus the strategy here was simple use yawn to put skunk tank to sleep and also avoid those sucker punches and then max out our special attack with three nasty plots back to back and then attack with chilling water because a psyche Type move would just have no effect here the river room can also be one shot with a stored power and so can Muck leaving Atticus with just his Starmobile which also nearly gets one shot with a single stored power this move is really good this meant an easy victory for Clive although it did take a lot of trial and error to find the winning strategy here for some reason if a rain Guru is too low a level his content won't try to sucker punches but will poison this first and then try to sucker punches and that just made this whole strategy impossible to execute after the battle Clyde gets to learn the team star actually protected other students from bullies they are in fact the good guys here also for some reason Don attic is his friend who does have a name his name is Yusuf he doesn't get a little name box when he talks poor Yusuf is he being bullied here silly tangents aside needing to move over this information Clive continued to train his team by sparring with various students throughout the region and then proceeded towards madali to challenge the next gym kumala is quick to put a ranguru to sleep but we go for the chilling water which also lowers the target's physical attacks that and predicting he will try to sucker punches Clive decides to set up nasty plot instead of trying to attack so once we do wake up we can just one shot with stored power the duns Force comes out to paralyze us with a glare but then goes down right away and that just leaves star Raptor who's usually pretty powerful in threat but gets one shot here and this oranguru is too good but just in case things start going down south it's time to catch our last teammate up north Snover which conveniently spawns on the way up towards Montana Vera the bad news for rhyme is that her Ghost types were easy pickings for Houndoom and sinisty which also meant easy experience to level up and evolves Nova great Tusk that's our next opponent something was quite suspicious about this Pokemon but what's more suspicious is this moveset I've been using for a ranguru I had to do some drastic changes just to make sure Clive could get through Atticus but the truth is that Clive's actual rain Guru is not this overpowered instead of nasty plot it's supposed to know reflect just like Clive reflects on the information he gathers about team star I also had to hunt down some mimikyu at these abandoned ruins and Sinister near Zappa Pico to teach hex to Among Us and lastly I needed some shubid scraps to teach willow wisp to my polti guys however Shuppet seems to not spawn unless it's night time so I decided to take a long Trek over to alfernata which wasn't that long at all and since it was night time after my impromptu battle with nimona I decided to go catch a cab towards artisan and farm the shuppets and now that I'm all caught up with my TMs like I am with my videos it was time to return to Alfred NADA for uh but I was just there why did it not register as a flight Point time to climb the hill all over again I'm sure glad there's no problems with this game what so oh my gosh take two no problems with this game whatsoever so after limbering up with dendro it was time to face off against tulip who is a lot tougher than I had expected her giraffe palindrome easily took down a ranguru and Houndoom didn't have much time to set up but it was enough to finish off the giraffe and Gardevoir however her's password was more problematic than the Netflix adaptation mainly because of how bulky it was Obama Snow had to set up on auroraville just to make it through the fight and finish it off with several ice shards that left just a psychic vlogress who's much less of a threat to Poltergeist and its shadow balls having claimed 7 Gym badges the only gym leader left for class to face was Groucho whose lead Pokemon is a bug type which brought back some PTSD from the fight with Katie oranguru managed to put it to sleep and finish it off with a couple of Psychics but I didn't expect a giant polar bear to attack us with an AquaJet so I set it on fire where Willow whisp and had a Munga style it while the Flames drained its HP once again grusha had a speed priority move to easily finish off my Pokemon and a water type move to count her own fire type he's more prepared than I am My Last Hope was Obama Snow who set up a Swagger and then got ko'd because Swagger doubles the foes attack and it confuses them but the confusion that make him punch themselves so rip Obama's now but hey at least that means I finally get to use qualca ball and we spam low kicks to finish off the Titan and since Gru show is kind enough to turn his flying dragon into pure ice type we can give it another kick then finish it off with a super boosted water type Aqua step as the final gym leader grusha definitely gave me the most trouble I sure hope I can remember this for the Elite 4 interview later for now we have to take down the false Dragon Titan and make our way to the fairy base where Clive meets an unexpected figure Mr Harrington the previous director of UVA Academy wait this is in Scarlet so after taking down Ortega in a very uneventful back and forth battle it was time to get some actual answers they used to be a big bully problem at the Academy and team star formed to scare away the bullies but it worked too well and every bully dropped out of the academy causing an unexpected Scandal the big boss of Team star asked to take all of the blame and was sentenced to 18 months study abroad in Gala which honestly sounds more like a vacation than a punishment and all the teachers and staff resigned since they were so ashamed of your ignorance and at that point Gita probably freaked out and called in clavel and a bunch of other powerful trainers she knows to take up their current roles at the Academy unaware of what had gone down anyways with this information Clive now knew who the big boss was and what had to be done to make things right but first he had to go and take care of the final team star base in the main game we actually do see Clive duking it out with Arie at the front Gates and it seemed like it was a pretty even match but now we get to see exactly how this match would go down after I grabbed a TM for brick break and eat a sandwich I'm not gonna go fight her under level no thanks and as expected Arie would not go down easily her scared toxic Rogue tries to sucker punches but that just gives Clive the opening to set up yawn and a reflect before one-shotting the frog with psychic Lucario uses special attacks that neglecta reflect and also gets a crit knocking out for a ranguru sooner than I would have liked but that just means Houndoom can last it away with fire instead sadly this move has low accuracy so we miss and get one shot with a close combat put his defenses down even our scrawny little polti guys can finish off a ranguru's Alter Ego it could also deal some major damage to annihil ape which leaves her with just a fighting type Starmobile against Among Us quite a defeating Pokemon for Clive and now I understand why this thing is meta it can take a punch and recover its own health the only problem was that Aries started to stack up gear shifts to boost her attack stats and run of room's stamina ability would max out its defenses meaning if amongus goes down we go down but even then the Imposter was not ejected and takes down Aries car with one last Giga drain with every team star boss defeated Cassiopeia reveals herself as the big boss of Team star and asks Clive to meet her at the schoolyard after dark in a couple days to prepare for this ultimate fight Clive needs to become a champion level trainer and what better place to do that and then at the Elite Four now then uh which gym gave me the most trouble I don't know neither ricka nor poppy gave Clive much of a challenge with their matches Larry was a bit of hurdle with his powerful staraptor but the rest of his team wasn't even match for Clive now hassle the art teacher that guy was trouble despite not recognizing his own boss he knew exactly how to take us down as his back's caliber Glade rushed through all of our team like a thousand degree knife through butter and a bunch of click-baity thumbnails leave it to the teacher to make me think okay how's about this at the onset of battle we set up yawn then go directly for a psychic spam to knock out the sleeping and class Noivern next we use for the next we use our effects for ability to put Haxorus to sleep and waste the turn using sport to try to put a sleeping Dragon to sleep and then spam Giga drain to have enough Health once it wakes up his second dragon claw also triggers their ability and then puts him right back to sleep which means we could spam hex to finish off the sleeping in class Haxorus man y'all really need to get some rest at home raise your hands how many of you are watching this like 2 A.M wapple gets taken out with two sludge bombs and Drago which I just learned is supposed to be pronounced drug algae I just got lucky on that one and spammed the dark which managed to Flinch it then it missed its own attack and then by the time it did hit us it was too late for class that just left Excalibur who has a 4.8 GPA and is ranked in the 99th percentile on his SATs acts and whatever other standardized tests you have to take so uh things aren't looking too good for us but since Glade Rush makes it take more damage the next turn that meant I could try to do some chip damage on this dragon with Sucker Punch and then hope I can hit it with a blizzard ah of course it's gonna crit well time to do the battle over again okay now that it didn't crit us Obama Snow launches a powerful blizzard attack that one shots the energy dragon and with this life has now attained the champion rank well technically he did have to fight Gita but we all know she's a pushover on his way back to the academy Clive Renato Mona who wanted to battle the new champion and just like in the Mona video she loses which means it's finally Time Penny leads the battle with Umbreon which will be a problem for Clive and his oranguru so we slowly chip away at its Health by putting it to sleep and then spamming Foul Play I'll do miss out next though fire blast in hopes of denting its HP and since it is asleep that means we can actually knock it out she sends out Vaporeon next and we finally get to use the random thunderfang move haldu knows only to do minimal damage and get swapped a good thing we have a bonus but Penny had a counter to her meta mushroom fire all the guys does a good job of knocking it out with a Shadow Ball but then gets paralyzed by Jolteon and couldn't land another hit we managed to freeze the spiky fox dog thing with blizzard Leafeon stood no chance against the blizzard and Sylveon got frozen oh no I've fallen in love now neither of us can move eventually Obama snow did yet to attack and finally knocked out the Sylveon having defeated in this banded theme star director clavel no longer needed his stylish disguise is an apology for not learning enough about their situation sooner he chose to allow team star to exist however they stole school property made modified Pokemon battle machines which I'm pretty sure are illegal and then broke a whole bunch of other school rules so now they'll have to do community sir this man this game is silly we already have to do community service to graduate anyways jokes on Duke level although all is well that ends well ah hi hello can you hear me hope you've been well clavel I need to ask you a favor can you fetch my copy of the Scarlet book from my lab at the Lighthouse and bring it down to area zero for me uh still not sure if you can hear me oh well he'll get the message eventually hope to see you soon quite the odd message but since clavel was done dealing with Team star for the time being I guess it's not a problem to run this one last errand so we spar with Arvin to get the keys then grab the Scarlet book and make her way down to the lab at the bottom of area zero where we learned last minute about the time machine and how the professor is already dead and that this AI wants to shut off the time machine but in order to do so we're gonna have to beat it in battle the professor leads with slither Wing who nearly won shots a ranguru but we live long enough to put it to sleep with Yan then heal up and knock it out with a couple of Psychics brute Bonnet tries to sucker punches but that has not worked on Clive a single time so goes to sleep as well but this time we have to spam Foul Play which was not doing any enough damage so sadly oranguru goes down Obama's nose is out next to one shot with a blizzard and then gets one shot with a mystical fire halty Geist was bulky enough to tank through a Shadow Ball but this teapot was not meant to play rough screentale tries to heal up with a drain punch but we managed to poison it with smudge bomb and that was all we needed to turn the tides Among Us managed to put The Misfortune sisters to sleep with Spore then Giga drained them to restore its health and knock him out that just left roaring Moon who also gets put to sleep with Spore but this time Giga drain isn't doing much which means it's all down to clock about who to rationalizes and uses brick break to finish the fight finally after three character runs I found a character who can actually defeat the AI Professor on their first try kinda makes you wonder why they didn't ask Laval to come help with the whole time machine thing in the first place instead of a random student and the sun they haven't talked to for the past two years anywho seems like clavel is in fact one of the strongest trainers in the region stronger than Gita stronger than team star and stronger than the professor and that's probably why he got chosen to be the next director of The Academy well that and also the fact that this man has an immense level of emotional intelligence a heart of gold and of course a very stylish pompadour I hope you enjoyed watching this run of Pokemon Scarlet at this point I've done enough runs to get a good understanding of the game and start working on season 2 of the wolvers which will basically be more runs of this game both with a story where a traveling sheep sees if each of the gym leaders could actually become a champion and more for now the plan is to just cover the gym leaders also sorry for any of the latest in the videos I kind of mentioned it during the run but I am kind of struggling at the health department so I'm going in a bit of a slower Pace at least until the doctors can figure out what's wrong with me and I can get back to normal or at least semi-normal even semi-normal sounds nice at this point anyways I appreciate your patience and I hope to see you in season two thanks for watching stay healthy oh my gosh please stay healthy and have a great day
Channel: Vasko Games
Views: 100,578
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Pokemon Clive, Pokemon Clavell, Pokemon Challenge run, pokemon scarlet Clive, pokemon violet Clive, Pokemon playing as clive, pokemon playing as clavell, could x become champion, Vasko Clive, Vasko Clavell, Pokemon Scarlet challenge run, Pokemon Scarlet challenge, Pokemon playing as
Id: 01JWzpWZ1HQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 34sec (1414 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 21 2023
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