COSTCO FOOD HAUL! Top Asian Frozen Foods & Snacks to Buy

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- What's up, cuties? You may have noticed, oh, is this a new background? Yes, ah! Clipped off my mic. Okay, I'm going. What's up, cuties? I am back. I have moved. Yes, this is the new kitchen. I also have two new children. This is Sesame. I adopted her when she was a kitten. This is Mochi, ha ha ha. Oh, thank you for the kisses! So yes, I moved into a new place. I'm with children now so obviously adulting. And how are you guys? Are you guys doing okay? Since we're probably all at home and becoming quarantine chefs and we're probably stocking up on a lot of grocery, and what better place to stock up on grocery than at... Costco! Go, go Costco. So in this video, we're doing a huge Costco food haul, and I'm gonna review some of the best Asian snacks and frozen foods at Costco. Ah, Sesame! No kitties on the counter. Okay, let's get started with this Costco food tour. Oh, my gosh, you guys. The line was wrapped around there, and it's going all the way back. Excuse me, where's the food section? - What? - The food section. - [Employee] Second floor. - Oh, I just walked around this whole floor. Okay, all right, we're back in business. Ooh, trash cans! I kinda need one. That's like way too big for me though. You gotta be kidding me. Welcome, ladies and gentlemen. So we're gonna start with number one, which actually is not yet available at the east coast Costco but it's available now at the west coast Costco and in the Taiwan Costco, and that is this. You may be thinking, "Oh, wait a minute, TJ. Those look kind of familiar." And you are correct, sirs and ladies. You know when you flight EVA Airlines or China Airlines and you get like a little snack pack in the beginning, that's them, this is them! And they must have seen our airline reviews, because they're sponsoring this video! So these munchie packs are now available at Costco in the US and in Taiwan. They have slightly different boxes. This is a US one, and you can see all the different snacks you can get. Let's open it up. Wow, look at this! Oh, this packaging is so pretty. (TJ grunting) I love it! There's like the sakura flowers on there. It's beautiful! These TryGoodz snack pack of almond and rice crackers have rice puffs to curry rice crackers to garden herb rice crackers and roasted green peas to nori maki. I mean, it's really the ultimate munchie bag. Whenever I get these snack packs on the plane, I literally just like, om, and finish it. It's like sweet, savory, salty, crunchy, all the good things that a snack pack should have. Okay, but seriously, I grew up eating these rice crackers. They are so, so addicting. You'll probably finish the whole box pretty fast. (crunching) Mm! So if you guys see these boxes at your local Costco, be sure to lift one up and put it in your cart. (upbeat music) Look at this! Boxes and boxes of Pocky! Oh man, I don't even need to buy Pocky or tell you guys about Pocky to say that this is a yes for me. Oh, there's three different flavor ones too! These Kinder bars, fantastic. Okay, everybody, so these right here, the Golden Island pork jerky, highly recommended by friends. We're gonna try it. Pork jerky, but it's Korean barbecue flavor. Oh, it smells so good. Oh, my god, it's like a whiff of sweetness, like a sweet glaze. It's like very sticky and oily, which means it's good! (laughs) Hmm, mmm! Definitely tastes like that sweet marinade you put on your Korean barbecue. Kinda crazy, it's like very sticky on the outside. It's almost like they dipped it into the sauce and it just struck onto the jerky. There's like little bits of sesame seeds and it's definitely more on the softer side, but I actually like that with my jerky. Super easy to rip and enjoy. Mm, it's good! Boop, boop, boop, boop. Now we're gonna back up. Boop, boop, boop, boop. They have a box of mochi. Oh my Lord, this is not made for short people. Look at this! A whole mochi assortment, and there's matcha, taro, red bean flavor! Why, don't mind if I do, just put them in my cart. Opening this up. We're gonna see how big the mochis are, so, oh, oh, okay! They're like little packs of eight of different flavors. They're a lot smaller than I thought. I don't know why I thought they were gonna be gigantic but we're gonna try the red bean one because I have been missing red bean mochi. Doesn't smell anything. Very, very soft. This is what it looks like. Super powdery, super soft. Feels very fresh, surprisingly. Mm, and that is the inside. It's good, but I can taste a little bit of like the artificial flavor in it. It's still good though. And the texture of the mochi is all there. Mm, that's what it looks like. The matcha one's definitely better. The great thing about the matcha one is you can almost taste the matcha tea, almost like they pour like some matcha tea in here. This is pretty good, not gonna lie. I'm just surprised you can get something like this at Costco. Mm, mm, mm, mm! Mm mm! Oh, these look good! Crispy coconut rolls! Okay, somebody tell me if these are good. Okay, so there's a really popular brand that sells salted fish skin. We tried it before at the Singapore 7‑Eleven. I feel like this is like a knockoff brand. It kind of almost looks similar in packaging and I like low key, I kind of wanna try this. Salted Egg fish skins, let's try this. All right, you guys, open it up and I'm gonna smell it. Smells pretty good. Okay, what the even is this? All right, okay, so this is the bag. Look how much it's filled. It's like this much filled. You tricked me. You tricked me. It's not that filled. However, you can see like the skin, the chippy skin, the skin chips, skin chips. See if this is good. (crunching) Mmm, mm. Oh no. Mm, it's almost too much salted egg coating, too bready and too grainy. It kind of just like crumbles apart in your mouth in a bad way. I think the one we tried in Singapore was more like chips. It was more crispy and a nice crunch. This one just kind of crumbles. So unfortunately this is gonna be a no for me. I'm so sorry. Okay, I'm gonna give one last try. (crunching) Mm, mm, sorry. (bag thuds) We're now heading into the frozen food section. So exciting, let's go! So I wanna show you that they have shrimp tempura although, based on reviews online, 'cause I watched a few, there's a lot of breading and not a lot of shrimp. So the better option is, if you're craving that crispy shrimp is to go with the panko shrimp right here, so it's just above that. Oh ho ho, all right guys, I'm eyeing a couple of things that is really good right here. Japanese A5 wagyu. 125 for a pound and a half. I ain't got money to spend a hundred something on meat. Are these steamed dumplings right here. Bigo, Bibigo, am I saying that right? They have a couple of wontons and dumpling stuff at Costco. This one we're gonna try. So this right here is to show you ramen. There's chicken and vegetable in there. I personally recommend if you guys are craving Asian noodles that are microwaveable and at Costco, I would go with this one. The hand-wrapped shrimp wanton ramen. Okay, everyone. Now it's time for the frozen foods. So this is Bibigo? Bibigo, Bibigo. (laughs) Microwaveable steamed dumplings. So these are soup dumplings, they call it steamed dumplings, and let me see. Heating directions, microwave use only. So they only want you to microwave this, you guys. Frying, baking or heating is not recommended for this product. Okay, microwave dumplings? Let's try it. It comes in little packets like this. Kind of falling out of the package. Comes with packets of sauce like this, so we'll take one. Cut the corner of the bag to allow steam to escape. Place the packet directly into microwave on heat for two minutes. (microwave beeping) While this dumpling cook, back to TJ at Costco. Oh my gosh, look at this gigantic jar of kimchi! Gigantic! Okay, put it in my cart. (humming) Hmm, that's what's happening right now. Oh, oh, they're steamy. They're really flat when they were inside, but they look like they puffed up a little bit. Oh, there's like soup dripping. I just had a taste of that sauce. It's like super vinegary, it's not soy sauce! Oh, sorry, Sesame, Mommy's working. All right, quiet on set. Cats are running around. Don't they know I'm doing all of this, I'm getting sponsored and stuff all for them? Like how am I supposed to buy cat treats and cat food? Usually I think you're supposed to put this on a plate, but I just moved, so. So let the laziness begin. They're definitely just looking at it, super doughy. This is what it looks like. Kind of flat, but it's all about the inside. All right, ah! Wow, it's not bad. It's not bad at all. For a two-minute soup dumpling, it's obviously quite doughy compared to like regular soup dumpling where the skin is really, really thin and soft. It's actually quite filled, has a nice chew, it's savory. I love that the sauce has vinegar, stays true to soup dumplings. For something that you microwave for two minutes, this is pretty good. There's kind of some juice inside it too. Pretty good, all right, okay, I see you, Bibigo! Bibigo to the next one. (soft jazz music) I remember buying these for the first time and I bought it because they were shrimp wonton, and there's something about shrimp and wonton that just gets me all jazzed up, oo hoo! I tried it, it was actually really, really good. This is a shrimp wonton ramen with (speaking in foreign language). It says hand-wrapped shrimp wonton with Japanese-style ramen. You get six of these little noodle bowls. So this is what it looks like inside. Honestly, pretty impressive. And you can see the shrimp wontons, some noodle, some veggie. Microwave for two minutes. After it's done, stir it, and microwave for another two to three minutes. Beep! It's ready! All right, guys, when you wanna enjoy this, you can add chili garlic sauce. So even though it's wonton noodles, the noodles here are not really the egg noodles. They're a little bit thicker. Here we go. (slurping) My shrimp wontons are kind of falling apart. Mm, have to say I'm super impressed with how big the shrimp piece is. The shrimp wontons are pretty gigantic. Noodles are soft, they have a good chew to them. The soup is like a chicken broth. Nowhere close to actual wonton noodle soup, but it definitely satisfy the craving when you want some type of noodle soup, mm-hmm, mm-hmm. These are good if you play around with the flavor and add more sauce in there. I like adding chili garlic and drizzle some sesame oil in there. You can add a bit more soy sauce, like a teaspoon of it. Or you can add sriracha and just drizzle that over. It definitely needs a little bit more of a hmph to it. These shrimp wontons are definitely the star of this bowl. This is my smeyes. My mask smeyes. It looks like I'm high when I'm smiling, but I'm smiling. That's a no. That's not a no or a yes. It's just a you can buy packaged udon and then add it to some veggie or chicken broth, and it would taste the same if not better actually. But that just looks not good. Y'all, this right here, dried pork, which is pork floss, This is a definite yes. Okay, you can add it to congee, add it to rice, add it atop of tofu, add it to your sandwich. I mean it's freaking delicious. Another one, Vienna sausage. I mean (growls) sausage, pork floss, hell yeah. Oh my gosh, you guys, look! I'm always raving about dragon fruit and they have bags of frozen dragon fruit here. Oh, it's almost running out though. It's very popular. Three pounds for $10! Not bad, actually really, really good. (laughs) (gasps) No way! Are you serious? All right, sorry, honey. You gotta go because this... Oh hell no, you guys! Tainan style noodles with oh! Wow, just full of surprises here. Oh yes, oh my gosh. Oh my, all right, we're gonna try, oh my gosh. All right, folks, I'm feeling pretty good about the selection of Asian snacks and foods here at Costco, I mean, they have this hooked up. So I'm gonna bring it back to TJ in the kitchen to finish off sampling a few more things, okay? Okay, I am so sorry, Chef Morimoto. Okay, I've been to his restaurant and it's really, really good. However, these noodles right here, Tainan style noodle with the original sauce pack, I mean, oh my gosh. These are like springy, chewy noodles with sesame oil sauce. It's so fragrant and slurpable and it's just ♪ Mm, take me to noodle heaven ♪ By the way I just moved, so I only have one pan. Am I boiling water in a pan? Absolutely, correct, I am. What you gonna do about it? Wow! Oh my gosh, I know what to add to it, okay, hold on. I wasn't able to find this when I was in person at Costco but when I was shopping online for Costco delivery I found it and it's this: Chinese Sausage! Hoy hoy hoy hoy hoy ow! Sausage nunchuk! (laughs) Ow. Chinese sausage is so good. You can pair it with rice. You can put it in fried rice. You can saute with some cabbage. (gasps) It's so good. You can put it on top of congee. I mean, really, the possibilities are endless. But what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna put some of this on top of our noodles. So these are actually really, really easy to make. You just need to boil them or you can steam them. So I'm gonna boil some water for my ramen noodles and some of the sausage, and then let's put it all together, mm! (peaceful music) It's ready. Ooh, yes, you guys. Did you see the noodles? It was like the thready and thin, mm! When I was pouring in the sauce I could just smell that fragrant sesame oil goodness. Mm, mm, mm. Tastes like home. I have to admit, I overcooked these noodles a little bit. (laughs) You were just supposed to put it in the water for like two minutes, but I was like moving around the camera and I forgot. So that's why mine looks a little bit stickier. So the sauce, because it's kind of a mix of soy sauce and sesame oil, it really clings onto the noodle so you can taste so much flavor. It's definitely a little bit on the savory salty side, but because of the fragrance of the sesame oil, it just balances out so, so well, oh my gosh. But the sesame oil sauce, it really tastes like home. Okay, story time. So I don't know if anyone would know what this is but in Pingo, I grew up in Pingo and me and my mom and dad would always get something called (speaking in foreign language) which is this gigantic, there's like this gigantic hot pot. Inside there's like cabbage and meatballs and then there's also like pieces of duck or you can get chicken and they always have sesame oil noodles on the side. And this tastes just like it. I mean, (exhales) I think one time we also went to a night market in Taipei that had sesame oil noodles as well. Yes, I remember, ah! This brings back so much memory. I'm just, I'm happy it's at Costco so if you guys have it at Costco, be sure to pick one up! Add a fried egg, oh my gosh, add some bok choy. Oh my gosh. (kisses) Wow, now I'm gonna cry. ♪ Memories (laughs) ♪ Woo, all right, sirs and ladies, so last but not least, it would be a crime to not mention this in a Costco Asian food haul, okay, and that is Ling Lings. Now before the haters come at me and say Ling Ling's aren't real dumplings, okay, I know that, all right, okay. It's just you guys, okay. So I spent a lot of my middle school to high school years in Southern California, and in Southern California, you basically drive everywhere and Costco is kind of like a biweekly thing. (laughs) And we always have a bag of frozen Ling Ling stocked in my freezer. So while I understand that there are other better-tasting dumplings and yes, it's not exactly authentic, it tastes good to me. And I think it all comes down to how you cook it and you really have to make sure you get that beautiful pan-fried crispiness, because they are pot stickers. I have to say, you guys, I don't agree with the panda and the fact that it's called Ling Lings. It's 2020, they should really change it to something else like, I don't know, Dumpity Dumps, you know. You can, you can tell that I've been filming this for a while when I just start rambling random stuff. Well, actually I do that in the beginning anyway so I guess you can't really tell. (water sizzles) Ah, good old Ling Lings, oh my gosh. This brings back so much memories. (laughs) You guys have to tell me if you grew up on these too, because I can't be the only one who just loved these because of memory. They come with a sauce packet that you can warm up and you can drizzle on top. I paired it with some of the kimchi that we bought from Costco. If I bought it, I'm gonna use it! Mm mm, lots and lots of filling. Very, very savory, very pillowy almost. So usually dumpling fillings, it's like pork, right? So this is chicken and vegetable. It doesn't taste like as savory or as juicy as other pork dumpling. However, it's just one of those things that like you grew up eating it and so it just tastes good. (laughs) Definitely make sure it's crispy. Definitely pair it with the sauce. Ooh, look at that! Oh my gosh. Mm. (laughs) Whoa, this Costco kimchi so weird! Wow, you guys, oh man, I bought a whole jar of that. That Costco kimchi is not so good. It's a lot spicier, if that makes sense, but in like a sour way, like a spicy sour way. It's really, really tingly. It's super fermented. Yes, that's the word. It's super, super fermented. (laughs) Woo, all right. I think I'm gonna use those kimchi to make like tofu soup. I probably wouldn't eat it by itself. It's actually not as legit as like the jars that you can get at H Mart for sure. (laughs) Woo, all right, folks, so there you go. That was a gigantic Costco Asian food and Asian snack haul. My gosh! Please, don't ever try to eat all of that in one day, okay? And I promise you guys I bought veggies from Costco too, okay? I'm not just eating microwaved and snacks all day. (laughs) Obviously, you guys, some of these foods are not very authentic-tasting but they are good if you don't have a lot of Asian like options around you, or if you're just craving for that quick snack and for the amount that you get for the price, it's really unbeatable. Comment below which of the items that we tried in this video, would you love to try? And also if there's like special items at your Costco that maybe we didn't show here or that you really love, 'cause I know that you can get like different snacks or different foods across different Costcos. I know, isn't that cool? Give this video a big thumbs up. Shout out to TryGoodz for sponsoring this video. Don't forget to pick up a pack of these delicious goodness. They are literal munchie heaven. I am now onto my third bag 'cause I ate one yesterday, couldn't resist! (laughs) Remember if you're at the Taiwan Costco, you can get this box, and if you're at the US Costco, you can get this box. I will see you next time. All right, guys, I will see you guys next time. All right, sirs and ladies, I'll see you next time. All right, I'm just.. I'm not gonna... Bye. (laughs) You not only get crackers, you also get a cat! (laughs) Say bye, Mochi! Bye, everyone. Do you guys remember like maybe a couple of months ago when it was really hard to get this, and people were like fighting over this? Oh, good times, huh? This is what it's like to be an adult and make your own money. You can buy whatever you want. (laughs) All right, I think we're done with this section. (peaceful music)
Channel: CupofTJ
Views: 583,355
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cupoftj, costco food tour, costco haul, costco shopping, costco shopping tips, costco shop with me, costco haul 2020, huge costco haul, shopping at costco, costco tips, costco grocery haul, costco haul healthy, freezer meals, shopping haul, what to buy at costco, costco frozen food, costco instant noodles, costco asian food, costco asian dumplings, costco haul asian, costco grocery haul with prices, grocery haul 2020, new costco shop with me, Costco frozen food, costco
Id: Lc1gjHW9ISI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 1sec (1321 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 26 2020
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