TRYING EVERY COSTCO ASIAN FOOD PRODUCT PART 2! (sushi, boba ice cream, pho, udon, wontons & more)

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when i saw this i knew i had to grab it since when did costco start selling sushi it says that it's the two times winner best for seattle wow okay i gotta say the packaging is quite nice but how does it taste we're gonna find out hi everyone in today's video we are doing trying every asian food product at costco part two so let's first address the elephant in the room or the kitchen which is that i'm in a new kitchen and that's because me and bird recently got our own place which is really really exciting which also explains why this video is long long overdue i know i know but that also means that i'll be able to make more videos like this because the main reason why i couldn't upload more videos like this before was because i was sharing a fridge with my whole family and now we have our own fridge shout out to the fridge so with that being said if we get this video to 8 000 likes we will do a trader joe's asian food video because i saw a lot of you guys commenting that in the last costco video and without further ado let's roll the costco footage [Music] first up we have this boba milk tea doryaki from the brand yuki and love and that brand might sound familiar to you guys because it's actually the same brand that makes the boba milk tea mochi and the boba milk tea pineapple cake which we've already tried on this channel in the costco boba products video if you guys are unfamiliar with doriaki it's basically like a japanese confection and it has two pancake type things on the outside and then on the inside there's usually a filling like a red bean but this version comes with boba inside and also milk tea type cream in there oh my gosh look how adorable it is okay this doryaki is calling me weak oh my gosh look how cute that is it has a little flower imprinted on it oh oh whoa whoa whoa it's so soft i was not expecting how soft it was it's actually quite flat that was not what i was expecting so the outside the little pancake part it's kind of just like a little cake type thing i guess it's a little bit on the dry side and then the boba is definitely chewy i mean i feel like actual boba is usually more chewy and bouncy than what's in here but it's definitely gotta chew to it the cream is a bit grainy i'm getting a little bit of like a powdery texture the cream part definitely has a milk tea flavor as well so that part gets points for me because a lot of the time things will name it like milk tea flavored and it really doesn't taste melty flavored but this one i definitely get that flavor in there overall these are okay and if you're curious i would say definitely give it a try it's not bad personally would i get it again probably not but i don't think it's bad here we have the tropical fields crispy coconut rolls milk tea flavor it seems like they're always adding new milk tea boba products at costco because i did a whole costco boba products video and they've already added like four five six more boba milk tea type items this being one of them milky flavor where you guys it really doesn't taste like milk tea they taste fine but do they taste like milk tea no this is what i was referring to some things like to say that they taste like milky and they don't it's literally this i was talking about you overall taste good mostly tastes like coconut but it does not taste like milk tea next step we have this pho which we did try the other pho in the last video but i saw this at costco and i didn't know that they had multiple different kinds of this is the phenomenal bowl authentic vietnamese noodle soup and it says that it's the two times winner best for seattle wow okay i'm actually going to seattle soon so if you guys have any seattle recommendations definitely leave them in the comments below for the directions it says open lid and add packets fill it to line with boiling water and then cover and let sit for one minute whoa it looks so similar to the faux we tried last time like the noodles look so similar but i wonder why these noodles only needed in a minute but the other one needed three minutes very interesting they still look really soft even though it's only been a minute the bowl is a little too hot for me to hold with my hands so i put it in another bowl okay so with the noodles i actually feel like these noodles are better because it has more of a chew the other ones kind of just fall apart in your mouth and they definitely are more on the soggy side so i guess this one since they only require you to let it sit for a minute it actually lets the noodles be more of a chewy bouncier texture definitely more springy that being said though the other ones when you slurp the noodles you can definitely get more of the flavor of the broth let's try a little bit of the soup even the soup it's definitely more of a milder flavor but i'm not mad at it actually it definitely doesn't have like a rich deep flavor that i usually expect infa but it is a nice like light broth kind of thing the other frog that we tried in the first video definitely packs more of a punch with flavor but if you're looking for kind of a more mild noodle soup type of thing for a fa that was you know made in a minute and obviously i wouldn't really call this authentic pho or anything it's not bad next up we have sushi which says when did costco start selling sushi when i saw this i knew i had to grab it and this is not the kind of sushi that they would sell in those huge platters and people would always bring it to potlucks back in the day let me know if you guys know what i'm talking about these are like actual sushi rolls with raw fish and upon first impressions i mean it doesn't look like the best sushi but it doesn't look that bad either it looks like there's some kind of tuna roll there's a salmon roll in the middle and then this other roll on the side is also tuna let's see if this is any good so this piece has salmon on the outside salmon on the inside and also avocado um definitely doesn't taste like the freshest fish around and the rice definitely is hard too because they keep it in this refrigerated case let's try the tuna i feel like the tuna one is actually maybe a little bit better especially because this one has cucumber and the salmon one has avocado and i feel like the avocado is a little bit old like it's definitely a little brown but let's go ahead and try one of these rolls looks like they have some crispy stuff on the top and also tuna and some kind of sauce and on the inside i feel like that's avocado and cucumber i feel like the rice is not doing it any favors because it definitely is hard also kind of mushy like it's mushy rice but it's also hardened from the refrigerator i feel like that itself kind of ruins the sushi especially because i bet you could get much better sushi at a local place so yeah next up we have this which is like a boba ice cream that i've never seen before you guys know i've tried so many boba ice creams on my channel i've tried even more that i didn't post on my channels safe to say i've tried probably 90 of the boba ice cream products out there and i have not tried this one i've not even seen this one before so when i saw it at costco i knew i had to grab it so it looks like it comes with two different flavors this one is the matcha green tea and then we also have thai tea and it also says it's dairy free so this is friendly for all my lactose intolerant friends out there i'm gonna go ahead and try the matcha one first these remind me of the ice cream that you get on the plane like when you take a plane to asia or something they always give you like a little ice cream usually it's haagen-dazs it looks decently creamy you can see a little piece of boba in there so first i got hit from the matcha flavor it's not super super strong but it's definitely there i also would say this is not too sweet but then later i got hit by a coconut flavor which actually makes a lot of sense because this is dairy free so i feel like a lot of dairy free stuff uses coconut milk instead of real milk the boba definitely has a nice chew to it it's more like a mochi chewy than a boba chewy which i don't particularly mind overall it's not the best boba ice cream i've had but it's also not the worst boba ice cream i've had but let's go ahead and try the thai tea flavor it's so smooth ooh and you can see a piece of boba in there definitely getting a thai tea flavor here and if they are using coconut milk in this which i assume they are because they used it in the matcha one it's definitely like not prominent in this one like i feel like i don't really taste the coconut so i think the thai tea masks that flavor really well i feel like i actually prefer this one to the matcha one the matcha one i wasn't super impressed but this one i actually would get again i'm sure the boba is the same in both but for some reason i like the boba and this one better i just feel like it complements the thai tea flavor better than in the matcha one next up we have the bb go beef bugogi mandu and this is definitely something i've tried at costco before i used to just air fry them because as we know from the last costco video i love the airfryer but the actual heating instructions is to pan fry it so we're gonna go ahead and try that if you guys are unfamiliar with mandu it's actually just like a korean dumpling they look so cute with the little curled folds it's like a little skirt for the directions it says pour three tablespoons of vegetable oil into a non-stick pan place four frozen mandu pieces onto the pan heat on medium-high heat for eight minutes turning each side every two to three minutes or until all sides are golden brown these look so good just listen to that crisp it's music to my ears that was a lot of work just to make four dumplings though so i definitely would recommend the airfryer method over this either 375 or 400 i forget but for 10 minutes in the airfryer so anyway let's try the pan fried bugogi mundu [Music] oh my gosh the crunch on the outside it's so light and crispy the flavorful filling on the inside definitely has like that kind of bugogi like a little sweetness but savory as well and then there's also some glass noodles inside there like japchae i will say although the air frying is easier this one delivers like this light crunch and crisp that you get on the outside that the airfryer doesn't quite replicate the airfryer one is definitely more of a crunchy kind of crisp and this is like a light crisp if that makes any sense it's just so satisfying next up we have this assorted almond mini pack from the brand raku ichi and the real reason i really wanted to try this was because i saw that they have the honey butter almonds inside which is a popular korean snack and i've actually never tried them in addition to the honey butter almonds it also comes with honey salt almonds tiramisu almonds and strawberry almonds first up of course we have to try the honey butter almonds you can definitely tell there's some kind of powder or coating on the outside [Music] these are so addicting like literally what do they put in these it's actually hard to explain exactly how they taste i mean you definitely get like sweetness from the honey and then a butteriness kind of from the butter all i have to say is if you have not tried these yet you need to try them they're so good unbelievably good next up i'm gonna try these strawberry almonds i'm so excited now oh wow look how pink they are oh oh my god oh it smells like how the outside of strawberry pocky taste oh my god wow this is bringing back my childhood straight up tastes like the outside of strawberry pocky the onion strawberry dipping sauce or even the strawberry hello panda it has that classic strawberry flavor from those snacks i don't know it just like tastes so delicious it's like a a truck hit me with nostalgia when i eat these let's try the honey salt oh whoa these look so like crystallized almost kind of like peanuts they used to serve you on southwest honey roasted peanuts is that what it was i think so it kind of looks like the peanuts on southwest except their almond version definitely has a saltiness to it but also a sweetness from the honey definitely good but the other ones like i just love those so much that these are third place but not a bad third place last but not least tiramisu almonds these have like a chocolatey looking coating kind of reminds me of how the strawberry ones looked but chocolate version whoa dude it does taste like tiramisu it has that like coffee flavor to it definitely chocolate as well like it literally tastes just like tiramisu that's so crazy bravo to this raku ichi almond assorted pack next up we have this ocean bomb bubble milk tea brown sugar flavor and it comes in a can i have a whole video trying all these different kinds of canned bobas i will link in the description and in the cards so this is what it looks like i gotta say the packaging is quite nice but how does it taste we're gonna find out i'm actually gonna go ahead and pour it into a cup so you guys can see what it looks like definitely looks more on like the watery side you can also see a few of the little boba down there of course to try this canned boba drink we're gonna use the feed meme glass boba straw if you guys missed it it's officially back in stock so check the link in the description not gonna lie i'm a little nervous but let's go ahead and try it i don't understand why these canned boba drinks always say that it's boba inside when is not boba if you guys have never had a canned boba drink they always put this weird jelly that when you bite it i guess it's kind of crunchy but not really in a good way because crystal boba's crunchy and i love crystal boba but there's something about the texture it's kind of like a dried wrinkly grape i don't know like that kind of texture on the outside not on the inside the drink i guess in comparison to the boba i definitely enjoy the drink part more more on the watery side not really that creamy i guess i can actually get a hint of tea flavor which is nice i'm definitely getting a brown sugar flavor as well i feel like this might be too sweet for some people but it's actually not horribly horribly sweet like some of the other canned bobas i've had i promise you guys you can make better boba than this at home okay even if you don't want to make boba from scratch you can definitely get instant boba at the asian supermarkets or on amazon i will link some of my favorites down in the description box so buy some of those and then if you're looking for like a brown sugar milk tea you can literally just make that at home you can use a black tea add some milk creamer and some brown sugar and i'm sure it will taste better than this so next up is this non-shim udon premium noodle soup based on the photo it looks really really good it only takes four minutes in the microwave so we remove the lid place unwrapped noodles sauce and flakes into the bowl pour room temperature water up to the line inside microwave for four minutes without lid stir and serve okay so here we have our gnongshim udon it actually looks and smells really good the noodles look nice and springy and bouncy that is not bad i mean of course it does not compare to fresh udon noodles like those are so springy and chewy and bouncy but these are not too bad honestly super slippable they do have a nice chew to it doesn't just like fall apart in your mouth it's not super soggy or anything and it does absorb the flavor of the soup quite nicely they have these little tiny fish cakes in here i think they're so adorable let's go ahead and try some of that broth oh wow it definitely has like a mushroomy type of taste it is a little bit on the salty side so if you don't like your broth too salty i definitely would recommend adding more water overall for a four minute udon this is not bad i am not mad at this at all so next up we have these royal asia shrimp wontons with sichuan sauce these look really really good i am a fan of like a hot oil wonton type of moment each bowl has six wontons in it and for the instructions it says puncture film with a fork and microwave on high for three to four minutes so here we have our heated up wontons look at that we have some like green onions here and then we have six shrimp wontons these are definitely some thick looking wontons i feel like they just put like a whole shrimp in here or something wow i actually really like the sauce that it comes with it's definitely savory but it has a little bit of a sweetness to it it's not very spicy at all and the wrapper like it definitely isn't too soggy and mushy it has like a nice bite to it i feel like they just put a small piece of shrimp in there because for most of the filling it actually is a bit mushy but then you get like one part of it that's a solid piece of shrimp and then that part's like crunchy does that make any sense like i just ate half of this wonton and the filling was quite mushy but then when i eat the second half there's like a solid piece of shrimp in there so it has a nice crunch very interesting i really like it when i do get that solid piece of shrimp so i just wish that they would put more of the real shrimp and less of that mushy filling last but not least we have this yahuwah mochi matcha frozen dessert cup by the brand imu raya i always wondered why it's called frozen dessert instead of ice cream if you guys know let me know in the comments oh my gosh look at that you can see the red bean and the little mochis on top we got a scoop with some matcha ice cream the red bean and the mochi on top [Music] wow the mochi is so soft and pillowy and chewy the matcha flavor definitely comes through the ice cream part itself isn't super creamy like you definitely get some like ice crystals in there so it's a bit icy but it still tastes really really good the sweetness of the red bean definitely counteracts the kind of bitterness of the matcha not that i'm saying the matcha is super bitter but matcha tends to have a little bit of bitterness to it so it pairs really well with the bread bean i have to say my favorite part is the mochi it just adds a really nice texture to the dessert this is pretty good definitely would get this again and on that note we've reached the end of today's costco video don't forget to give this video a thumbs up if you want to see that trader joe's asian food video because we are doing that if we get this video to 8 000 likes and yeah if you guys like this video make sure you hit the subscribe button and turn on the bell so you get notified when i upload give this video a thumbs up and here's today's comment shout out thank you so much for your support and if you want to be in the next videos comment shout out make sure you comment something down below and yeah i'll see you guys in the next one bye oh why is my apple watch telling me to stand i've been standing this whole time quiet no focus why you no focus please please focus oh yeah yay fish kick down [Music]
Channel: feed meimei
Views: 436,371
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: costco asian food, costco asian food haul, costco asian food review, costco asian snacks, costco asian food 2021, costco asian items, costco asian frozen food, costco asian food 2022, costco pho review, costco dumplings frozen, costco dumplings review, costco steamed dumplings, costco shrimp wonton ramen, costco udon review, costco boba ice cream, costco mochi ice cream, costco canned boba, costco instant pho, costco sushi, costco, costco almonds, feed meimei
Id: JrsO6fAMh2c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 29sec (1109 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 26 2022
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