Corn Harvest

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[Music] i just an hour ago sped the dryer up and turned the bottom burner on otherwise all night i left it on 18 with one burner going oh what is in there i didn't climb yet we're moving a couple of things home right away this morning and then we've actually got to load some trucks and get some trucks out to the ethanol plant we sold 20 000 bushels to the local plant that wants it this week as soon as they can so we've got some dry corn in the bins we're going to load that up we'll have to shut the dryer down but we'll load that up and send a couple guys on their way and start working on that unfortunately we do have to shut the grain dryer down to load these trucks out which is a bummer because that's kind of always our pinch point but you got to do what you got to do right we got to get these loads out this week because they were willing to pay for it so we're going to get them out of here legs going that's going [Music] three rings okay you can roll six feet right there [Music] [Applause] hey truck two is loaded just needs a driver luckily we got one coming and there's truck three there's our trucker you brought your fancy lunch box again target gives these away don't you have to buy them no way yeah oh you pay for them yeah buy snacks though they ask if you want a bag every time i suppose nice trucker three's already here 2.0 trucker three you ready yes sir good well we're loading the last truck here before we re-fire the dryer i figured i could just as well clean this filter out [Music] truck three is loaded time to go back to try and thorn [Music] we've got a hole in each corner of this exchanger that's probably run millions of bushels so i fixed them with adhesive weld see there's a boat right there this one's gone but i'm pretty sure because i can't i might get through this yeah [Music] well that might be faster quicker and easier we had a bolt break and a pin go missing on that snout and then so it hangs lower than the rest which is a dangerous thing when you're when you can't see the snouts because you're digging into corn that's all over the place so we got we're going to throw a bolt in there give it a farmer engineering trick [Music] and we're getting the sides in the top of our door seals done this morning so now it'll be nice climate controlled in here no we'll put that'll be the right way okay dad didn't have the patience to watch me tighten one bolt he wanted to get the grain cart home because we are switching fields this morning it's go time he's in go mode so i'm gonna go tighten that bolt while he brings the grain cart home [Music] [Music] oh we're not anywhere near that but we only had one and a half inches of rain all summer how's that load go like a champ i'll shut it down and reload you 82-00 that's good if we gotta pick it up off the ground it may as well be heavy deja vu again certain times of the year certain days farming is like that devin you are loaded good to go because we're loading the trucks out today we're right by the yard here we've got 100 acres here that's in really bad condition that we need to get out so we're going to pick away at this today that way we are literally right next to the yard so we can pull out of there as soon as the trucks get back and we'll be shuffling stuff around all day long i think there now he's got a grain cart to dump in while i load trucks if he needs it be careful she could have got you she almost did you got to be that way maybe another one down is that going to stop the snart yeah that will really your um sides were your sides needed it i really did like i said your top list was fair but your size snorts happened sneered happened now we stopped no we stopped it yes so they installed the bottom seal a couple weeks ago now they're back here doing the sides with the same kevlar material i believe and the top which you can't see except on the inside are there any mice coming through that i don't see any stuff works the good news is it sounds like the grain is dry here the corn itself is dry the bad news is it's not feeding in real nice the stuff's breaking off and piling up this is a totally different hybrid than what we've taken so far and it's in bad condition but he did say he thinks it's going to get better once it dries up some we've had such such heavy duty so that corn is knocked down but it's dry we're going to throw it right in the truck then finish filling him in with the bins here while we let the stocks dry i don't know i'll probably take that trade off you're going to want to move rather quickly here you playing chicken or what okay two you are good to go getting a lot of random things done today well that certainly doesn't look like fun but he wants me to get the second machine out there i'm trying to think of excuses not to but i guess i'll do it um [Music] we sure don't get to do that very often got jim coming back now and i'm going to dump the cart into him and cycle it into the system because this corn is all in rose this is a little bit wetter so we're not going to haul this stuff straight to town well at least i got to make a few rounds and eat some lunch in the combine seat [Music] there's at least 100 bushels maybe two in there yet we're out of dry corn now because it goes slow with one machine and the trucks keep hauling it away so dad's gonna go get a little bit more i'll send jim out of here now with the tenth load of the day how heavy 57 pound corn that's pretty good for west central minnesota [Music] i i haven't seen 57 in a long time 24 years i'll bet it's been 2012 since well maybe 2016 i bet we had good corn then well dad's back in the yard here he had problems with his auto steer yesterday he would turn on and then it would kick off and then he would do random things which was a bad deal when he was unloading into the grain cart on the go so midwest machinery our local dealer came out this morning and they uploaded some new software onto there and updated some stuff but it's still acting up so what we're going to do actually now is try stealing the satellite globe off of this tractor and swapping it with the one on there to see if maybe that globe is a problem or i don't know basically we just keep unplugging it and plugging it back in again to see if it works these are very difficult to get off it's a long process if you're only using one arm because you got to run a camera like a millennial there we go yes see if that works i guess well there's half of truck number 11 that's loaded now i guess it'll be my job to finish topping them up apparently his last load was 58 pound test weight that's 58 pounds per bushel that's good heavy corn around here that's that's awesome that means i gotta load him not so full here i got truck number 12 coming so i'll load him up however we have a problem here this pit did not empty out and something was wrong with it i tried opening it all the way as far as i could thinking it needed more load on the sensor but that auger's empty which means we have 500 bushels of corn on top of the gate and it can't get into the augers that's a problem i'm betting he needs fuel five to four yeah go ahead that east pit that was emptying really slow and kept kicking out i tried opening it to open it all the way get enough load on the sensor that auger's running empty now oh it won't shut off when it gets empty no i mean the corn is still in the pit there's 500 bushels in the pit and it's not getting to the auger oh wow there must be something blocking the gate huh yeah either that or the chain broke and the gate fell down or something i don't know i suppose i could pull the grate off and we could pull on the chain and see if we can get it open that way if not i don't we'll have to back it out of there i don't know what we'll do if it doesn't run empty does the auger run up on top yeah but it sounds i mean it's just it's obviously empty unless the flighting would be broke somewhere inside [Music] um [Music] so that chain that i pulled through the grain right there and wrapped around that deal that's not supposed to come up by hand like that it's probably difficult to see and with this big lens i can't get the camera down there but that chain hooks up uh down there to the flapper it controls the gate for how fast the flow goes into the auger well if that chain breaks it closes the gate five to four i found our problem i saw a mouse over here just a friendly little mouse there he is hey little guy i came to pet you with a shovel i pet you [Music] [Music] we got the same leg as you and the supposed corn left in the one and it's plugged like crazy well i hope you don't need your vac no no i'm good here yeah oh good because i'd like to rent your vac at some point we're gonna have to go get a grain back to pull that pit empty but for now i put the grate back on because we need to get jim loaded again because we really want to get another load in before the plant closes at six here let me know when you're getting close and i'll hopefully have a hopper for you and i'll split it in your truck [Music] order to make room to keep that combine moving i'm gonna dump this truck using just the one pit it's just gonna go slower i'm gonna have to essentially wait for it to empty out before i can dump the back half [Music] well let's go get a grain back got the grain back home and unhooked but that is going to wait until tomorrow because we want to make sure we get some corn up into the wet bin just to make sure it can run all night long because you never really you don't want the grain dryer to stop and it seems like we've been moving enough corn um that we've actually stayed ahead of it until recently so we're gonna make sure we got enough for that thing to run all night [Music] [Music] well now it's late i'm gonna load two or three more trucks so that they can get out of here early morning dad's finishing up a couple rounds out there [Music] i'm just gonna get that done and we'll see you guys in the next video thank you very much for watching
Channel: Millennial Farmer
Views: 581,013
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: john deere, corn harvest, corn harvesting videos, farm equipment, corn harvester machine tractor, corn harvesting machine, corn harvest iowa, corn harvesting tractor, corn harvest drone footage
Id: 2SGJgOZGklk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 58sec (958 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 10 2021
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