Back in The Combine

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Anna where's your buddy where is she yeah I don't know either [Music] did about 600 acres left to go which isn't bad we are well over halfway finished with corn we've got a lot of Village to catch up with when we get a chance but priority number one is to get the corn out as long as that thing's in the shop here I'm gonna top off depth and then we'll go get some diesel in it as well doesn't work well when you got two of them hooked together that's much better a lot of people said hold the handle upside down well now it's working because I turn the camera on again but I also have it pulled halfway out the only thing I didn't do is pull that little screen out of the tank in there because that makes me nervous I really really don't want to mess with death issues on this machine and check the oil as long as we're up here I filled it with Def and check the oil I'm just going to put diesel in now [Applause] [Music] holy buckets does it get any cuter than that what do you have in there is that a real baby what is it it's wood it's cotton candy not food there's didge here you want a toy Pig oh I don't want it oh Anna no [Music] I only am wearing one glove because I couldn't find the other one only one glove because he couldn't find the other look at how wet your shoes got let's see her is she sleeping oh that is a beautiful baby she needs a haircut not that's not the Finish Line the Finish no this side she said she still wins because she makes the rules I guess she's got that part figured out are you warming that stocking cap you want it off sure and I'm actually remembering to do this before I try to start [Music] foreign I'm not sure if the camera really picks it up or not here but some of this corn actually isn't real great it uh well it was a drought see there's a problem just another example again of having one and a half inches of rain throughout the season and then a heavy heavy windstorm and now too much rain really where did she do that at um [Music] rim s over there yeah it's up to eight or nine right here I didn't really get anything because I was driving seven yesterday when it was dry dad is here to switch with us he's gonna take this machine I'm actually gonna go grab the uh 9570r and the wishek disc and go see if it's gonna work we've got a little bit of sod that I need to break up just on a few Acres that we bought this summer so I'm gonna head over maybe Isla will come with me there goes the boy [Music] [Applause] well it's the it's the wishick not the wishek the wishick that's what I'm told apparently I've been saying it wrong it's not actually supposed to be said like it's spelled it is not a wish it's a wish or a vishek something like that all right fire it up Isla no are you gonna spend all day with me today not really no use I said once once we leave oh then you're gonna go see what your mom and your sister are doing quarter tank a few which is plenty for what I want to do but just in case it seems like it's going good I'm going to try the field next to this piece and I'd hate to have to run home for diesel so all right a quick check of the dryer and then we'll get out of here you coming with me or am I dropping you off at the house dropping you off yeah okay thanks for coming with me today Isla [Music] you and cotton candy there buy cotton candy I'm glad she got a nap that doesn't get any cuter an emphasis I almost forgot the Vikings were playing first let's hear the deal is that it's a part of that 48 Acres that's tillable right across the slough across the low spot there this came with the 48 Acres over there that we've farmed for 30 years that Becky and I actually bought this summer we paid for this three and a half acres we're gonna end up paying real estate taxes on it I'm gonna turn it into productive Land one way or another even if that means that I end up putting it in a program uh whether it be for some sort of wildlife program or maybe a habitat for pollinators something like that that is an idea we may do that with it but for now in order to qualify for those programs we've got a farmer for a few years so we are going to farm this because I'm not just going to pay for it and let it sit here and do nothing well I had planned on putting the GoPro on this thing because I thought it'd make really cool footage to see this sod turned over from up close but GoPros are absolute garbage they're junk that's why I don't use them so you don't get any GoPro footage they're relatively cheap they're relatively durable but they're glitchy they lock up and the audio is awful it's a give and take I've never found a perfect camera I think I'll go around that one and first reception as a member of the Minnesota Vikings [Music] definitely rough out here a little work uh tearing this up anybody who thinks that the two-track RT tractors ride rough all right you just have never been in a different type of you've never been in an RT or something I you're crazy the RT is Right beautifully compared to everything else but as I started to say anyway it's it's taking two passes to really uh get it to till up good the first pass kind of scratches it makes it real rough and then the next pass makes it blacker ideally I think if we could let this sit and the ground didn't freeze and this would rot for a couple of weeks we came out here with the mandeco and hit it at a couple different angles I think that would help a lot and then we'd bust up those root balls that were stirring up right now and I think then this would be pretty nice down Vikings it's taken a few passes going from a few different angles but overall this I think is looking really really good we got a couple trees like this that we gotta pluck out of there I think if we let this sit for a week or two and it's not frozen we come back with the mandaco this is gonna work up really nice it won't be a problem next spring at all now I'm a little concerned that that corn stubble across the bottom there out in the distance is going to be way too wet but I'm gonna go try it this is that field I've talked about before where it's just definitely our lightest soil Most of It kind of crowns over a hill if anything is going to be dry enough to go for tillage right now it'll be this [Music] it's actually working pretty well so I'm just going to do the bottom down here kind of across the swamp here why are there Hunters on my property why are there pheasant Hunters over there that didn't ask me what I don't know who those people are This Is My Land I'm paying for it nobody's asked me about hunting and there are three pheasant Hunters walking through my Slough while I'm here working now I'm busy running a tractor I have better things to do than worry about them shooting birds off my property but if you're a hunter like Onyx and I are at least respect the property owners and let them know I'm right here guys I'm 50 yards away got a couple acres down there that's what I wanted to get done now the rest of this field up this hill it's going to dry we know that it will be dry in the spring I'm not worried about that but we're probably going to come back with the mandaco just to BT it and chop up some of the stringy stocks that are out here but there's no reason to drag this heavy disc through there and turn it all black because I don't want to have a wind erosion issue so this just isn't the right tillage piece for this field I just turned that spot black down there we'll get the rest later with my Dayco and honestly if we don't even get it we'll get it in the spring this piece will dry I'm not worried about that this is different than anything else we Farm [Music] this weather is just it's unreal two-thirds of the way done with corn and we got t-shirt weather that I don't know that that's ever happened before but the rain we've had a lot of that I mean that's I guess that's normal but the temperature so it's the temperature that's thankfully been helping us out with it foreign the dryer is all good I actually sped it up some more it's drying dang near as fast as we're harvesting right now which is again just unbelievable dry corn and dry air and warm weather anyway we're moving Fields now they finish that field we're going to jump kind of across the highway up there so I'm gonna go run spotter for them so we don't have to pull the header off it's only a half to a quarter to half mile yep I'll let you know what I see it's clear to town um I'll let you know if I see anyone from the north clear North for at least half mile there's a truck turning West in town right now but I think you'll beat them and I know there is a car coming from the north probably a good mile up there yet it's clear after them I can see for another mile from John's field here so you're wide open after that car yet I think as long as we keep the trucks up in this corner where it's a little higher and make sure we turn them around when they're empty I think we'll be all right [Applause] we're second guessing it just a little bit because when you leave tracks like that with the combine the semi is not going to go near that and continue moving but with this field there is nowhere else we don't have an option to load on the road here or in a yard or anywhere else I guess we're here we got everything else here we'll try it [Music] everybody's watching in anticipation it's a keeper moving and you can stay I'm kind of blocking where it starts to get wet here foreign [Music] he's not gonna be able to do that he got away with it once he won't get away with it two or three more times he got away with it the first time but that isn't going to work the rest of the day sure can't go that far he needs that much room right after a lengthy team meeting we've decided we can adjust where the trucks are a little bit and we're gonna try that and uh Onyx had to go home finish some homework because he's got school in the morning so I'm going to take this everybody's kind of swapping around I'm back in the combine [Music] much better corn here but still not standing great but at least we can follow the rows and try to pick it up and I think we're gonna be dude I'm in 200 bushel cord now that's nice it's a beautiful time of night but it can be extremely difficult to see going into the sun once I get behind those trees then it isn't so bad I don't think the camera does that Justice enough in there to fill the cards onyx I'm in the truck [Music] truck I got 46. Onyx got his homework all finished up so he wanted to come back out to the field work for a couple more hours it's good that auger is so much quieter than the 9870 when it runs empty I don't even know I mean a guy could easily leave it on it's just very peaceful evening nice uh nice night to get some work done can even take your boots off if you want I think they're switching grain cart drivers which means I get to step out here into the lobby of the combine and stretch my legs a bit [Music] all right I'll get back to work all right that should be enough to get me back to the highway then with a full Hopper making our last round of the evening here not a bad day with the move especially and we had to take two sets of endros off get about close to we'll get 130 maybe 135 Acres off today so we didn't start real early we didn't push real hard not bad get rid of the final Hopper of the night here dad's gonna take his pickup home I'll take a load of truck home leave a little grain in the cart you know in the olden days I could actually get out of this machine and go hang a GoPro while it unloaded but now I can't get out of the seat or it shuts like it wants to shut down and beep at me and do all kinds of safety things all right we'll see you in the morning no I'm good thanks we'll talk to you in the morning this field so far averaging by far our best field with a dry yield of almost 150 bushels to the acre this is actually one of our more consistent fields and I've seen from 100 bushels an acre to 270 so it's all over the board but 150 is really good for for this year for us [Music] I'm gonna dump this truck check the dryer go to bed come back and check the dryer in a few hours go back to bed and we'll see you guys in the morning one last thing guys uh we are still working on the details as far as the scholarships that we're giving out we're going to be giving those details to you guys soon but we don't want to we don't want to say too much until we got it all figured out here also remember we're trying to get to a million followers here a million subscribers on YouTube so that we can donate five thousand dollars to the Farm Rescue organization that helps out Farm families in a time of need of course we're going to donate that anyway but get it get us to a million subscribers anyway just because why not I want that I want that gold play button we want that for you guys [Music] feels really wrong that thing for subscribers
Channel: Millennial Farmer
Views: 582,623
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: SDk7R7Ek65g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 42sec (1122 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 20 2021
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