People Who Were Very Unlucky

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hello friends it's me and today we're going to be checking out some very unlucky people so you know those bobo cups so you have to stab the straw through the lid sir that was a little too aggressive did you see the force of the stab easy bro you're supposed to like poke it gently like you just annihilated it no more boba oopsie first day at work what happened here is this what mcdonald's name was the ice cream machine bro oh i don't know what was in that container except that it is no longer in the container they work at a restaurant and went into the walk-in freezer trying to pull the door handle and it just pulled off and these doors they only open like inwards you can't push it out so you are stuck in there until further notice but i hope somebody orders an ice cream or something so that they might free you they got a brand new box of lucky charms and wait wait wait i don't see a single marshmallow can this really be y'all gotta be so unlucky for this did you fail your diet is the world trying to tell you something no more on healthy food you knew that all car windows have this security system no definitely does not actually work but anyway she tried to do it and what uh oh it's just stuck no so it does have a security system but it kind of just like malfunctioned the entire window oh that is going the wrong direction that is not how you window okay if all car windows have that security system tell me why it calls on my finger chevy you got some splaining to do my guy laid half in the sun half in the shade and this is the difference half of him looking like a raw chicken you gotta cook the rest he really skipped leg day my guy two different shades on one body i ain't never using a handicapped stall again oh no when you in the handicapped stall and an actual handicapped person comes through you unlock the door and then slide on under into the next doll like you were never in the handicap still to begin with lest you open the door do the walk of shame to the sinks i'm sorry i know i'm not supposed to be using this doll very awkward uh oh you know i was trying to start the day off right with a smoothie you forgot to put the lid on didn't you the whole kitchen gonna be having a smoothie but not her this is the worst because then you don't get your food and you have to clean miserable that one unlucky friend oh no busted open the door stalk call of duty this would have been easy white that chair is in a very dangerous position the way that oh no it was just one inch off the difference one inch makes i'm not sure you're supposed to mount the tv directly onto the mantel well that lasted about five and a half minutes before it just screamed first into the floor no more tv the one day spring allergies decide to kick in just so happens to be a national stoner holiday imagine walking around school on 4 20. all your teachers gonna look at you like very disappointed i swear it's just allergies same they just freshly cemented the sidewalk and this chicken so rudely decides to take a walk across like it's a wet cement you can't read of course you can't he will have some new shoes after this this dude opened up a thing of bread and then there's one normal piece and then a collection of butt pieces like are y'all saving it from previous bags of bread and then just like putting them in the new bag because you feel bad about throwing them away but you don't want to eat them y'all weird for this when you finally get your food at a restaurant and be eating it off of the table i wouldn't even be that mad if i was hungry i was having a pretty good morning until this happened i was like wait she got her school id right and then the photo her eyes are closed do the person taking the photo and i'll like look at it like you blinked let's try again no y'all just going to do this oh will i be able to identify andy oh no the pipe on top of that one car in the parking garage froze and then busted is that the proper term can water bust all over a car well that's what i imagined it to look like it's okay y'all just gotta let it thaw before mother comes home oh she was laying down outside filming a tick tock and then a bird just decided to dookie right on her face you know i got no respect for birds they just be flying out there and just drop it loads like y'all don't got a nest for that this is what society would look like if birds had designated dooky spots hammock chillin this is the life oh i spoke too soon the thanos like snap and shred the hammock in half how does this even happen when hammock is sick and tired of hammocking you you ever get a frosted donut and they give it to you on one of these rappers face down what's the point just peeled off now you got a plain donut might as well be a piece of bread just got a spray tan walks into the car and watches a video of a cute dog starts crying after you get a spray tan you can't even get a drop of water on you for the next few hours otherwise it'll start running the tears will literally stain your face and that's exactly what happened to her this is a thing like i forgot i got a spray tan i know i couldn't get wet but then i just started crying and the tears they just they wouldn't stop y'all gotta like tough it out for a few hours so this cop is just chilling behind a store until he catches a thief literally walking out of the back exit oh it's a bad day to steal a ps5 you thought he was like just i'm gonna just walk out the exit like i bought this he said we love some chicken oh no i was like what's wrong here it matches the griddle smells like that chicken looks perfectly cooked like crispy on the outside probably juicy on the inside no crusty on the bottom this is a violation it's been hanging on the griddle for so long it started to look like it about a month ago i posted a video of me crashing a ktm 400 into a c3 corvette both the bike and the car are ours a lot of people were asking that but here's the damage oh oh car was beautiful that is a shame it's such good condition too and then oh hey yo tan line check [Music] ah that's so bad like i don't understand how you could tan that much in one day that was a different person under there like you baked at 450 degrees for six hours this is what you end up with my guy was climbing all got the tires and just i always put that there and that's the story of how i lost my opportunity nothing like wearing some crocs on a hot summer day you know they're actually very comfortable until you pop those bad boys out i mean forget a sock sandal tan they got the crocs can complete with all the little holes was the comfort worth it we're wearing socks the rest of the summer a bus hit their car and drove away i mean they're not that fast can't you like chase after the bus call the police like hey yo 911. a bus just hit me and then continue to go to the next bus stop just follow them until they stop nothing like busting open a can of mixed fruit got the extra cherry kind dumps it all out where you said extra cherry there is not a single chair 4k open up a mango and oh no this happened to me the other day i thought this peach was perfectly ripe ready for the cutting open it up is all brown on the inside traumatized fruit taking the casserole out of the oven were there three hands right there one hand is recording one hand dropped it and then one hand close the oven you kind of asked you for that are you recording you need two hands take that out i saw this blowing through the parking lot and i thought god was about to bless me but he just playing games oh they thought it was a hundred dollar bill and then on the back it says motion picture use only like that was actually quite convincing look how real it looks some convenience store somewhere is gonna fall for this i have been to one softball game all year and this happens that's what you get for supporting your son of all the places that the ball could have fell right on the windshield you know next time don't even bring a car we ain't taking this risk but anyways that's all for today i hope you guys enjoyed this video if you did make sure hit that like button though and make sure you turn on notifications click click and subscribe to the wolf pack i love you guys so much thanks for watching bye guys
Channel: SSSniperWolf
Views: 13,751,991
Rating: 4.922997 out of 5
Keywords: sssniperwolf, sniper wolf, reacting, reaction, funny, unlucky, lucky, people
Id: erQRlf2V2Bo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 46sec (586 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 15 2021
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