COOL Home Interior Designs You Won't Believe Exist

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a bathroom is supposed to be a calming place I don't know why you would want to make it look like you have holes in your floor oh it's a rug you just put it anywhere and then when your guests walk in and they'll excuse me Karen you have a hole in your living room hello friends it's me and today I'm trying something new with my hair comment below let me know if you like it so for the past oh my god it's been like three hours I've been looking at a bunch of homes design stuff some like okay you know what I'm gonna show you guys all these crazy designs that people been doing here we got a secret pantry so it's Underground it's like an ice cream fridge at the gas station just like slide it open and then you can walk down well there's some small stairs I feel like there's a 75% chance that you'll probably trip and fall and break everything what do we have here a regular boring room and then when you turn the lights off it's a whole entire galaxy so this is like glow-in-the-dark mural it's like as soon as the lights go on it's a party now this who's gotta be the craziest thing I've ever seen you got a whole aquarium inside your sink we got fish swimming in it I bet when you turn on the waters I'll get all excited and be like Oh freedom except it's not actually freedom I wonder if they die they just go down the drain there's got to be like a flush stupid fish have a shot watch Finding Nemo just go down the drain I love stuff like this but it's also I think about how expensive it would be to make something like this so the spooning pools on the top and then the bottom of the pool has like a see-through panel so your parents can spy on you and your crush on the pool yeah no funny business ya'll said you were playing Marco Polo also that'd be really awkward like sitting there trying to have a casual conversation and people are just swimming above you I don't care though I love this oh I look bit booth but I was like oh they built that house under an ocean and they got like our window so they could see all the fishes so there are like restaurants and hotels like that or if you are a billionaire probably forth to build something like that but for the average folk this is 3d wallpaper you put on your floor you can put on your ceiling and in pictures it'll look real I don't know about real life because I haven't seen it a bathroom it's supposed to be a calming place to do your business so this bathroom is on the 16th floor of a penthouse and below you you could see the elevator shaft going down 15 floors while you're taking a dump what if the glass breaks oh it's a see-through bathtub that looks so fancy and expensive also what if someone walks it on you they could literally see everything they can see a dirty bathwater they can see the bubbles from the source CFR's I think this is kind of gross because what if you like tracks ends in the rest of your house what if you have a pet that goes in it and then gets ants everywhere in your house but also you get to feel the beach sands warm from your PC overheating while you're working I don't know is this a good idea comment below oh you know what this is a much better way to do a sandpit like if you love sand so much put it outside they made this whole little seating area with a fire pit and it's got Sam that's like you're at the beach but really you're in Arizona this chandelier turns your room into a forest feels like a very intricate chandelier and when you turn it on it creates a ton of shadows that look like trees and make it look like you're in a forest that's creepy but also super cool I would want like a night light version of this so it's like the light is not too bright but it also looks like I'm sleeping in a forest instead of a regular dining table they got a swingset table I love swings I love rocking chairs I love any chair that like you can move in it I would actually buy this if it didn't look so ugly I mean that's got like a really weird frame and stuff even the table is like hanging okay that's kind of weird what if you're trying to stand up you just like push the table out of your way and then just like a karate chop the person in front of you there's a stained glass door made of Pantone swatches and then when the light shines through to it you get this really cool effect kind of looks like pixels or Tetris when the blocks or babies oh this is kind of like the door except it's a sparkling prism table and when the light hits it it makes like all these reflections all over the room but actually it looks really cool I would get it I wonder if the light hits it just right if it was set on fire then it would really be lit here we have an indoor to outdoor pool a little more look at Jacuzzi you can sit inside or you could swim outside it oh you got a view of the ocean you know this is probably in Greece wait so there's no door what if it's really cold outside what if someone breaks into your half through your pool literally climbs up and then swims on right in either way this would be amazing I would just love to get in the water I want some fresh air gonna swim on down outside this is too fancy I can't tell this is a thicker or she actually has a baby dolphin chilling in her pool do you have a spiral staircase you have to have a slide it's like it was made to be attached with a slide okay that looks really small fuel well to think that booty getting stuck I'm still gonna try though smash like if you would ride this slide so you know the area under your staircase it's usually a closet or sometimes it's just nothing's there and then you could pull out all these secret compartments and store all of your junk perfect for me I got a lot of junk in the trunk kidding it's not even on a trunk it's all over the floor someone made a hammock over the stairs so this is how it works here are the stairs and then hammock is just like floating above it I don't know if this is scarier for the person going up and down the stairs or sitting in the hammock cuz what if that breaks I feel like it would knock out both of them at the same time we got it two for one it would be nice because it would feel like you're floating but that not like that secured to me this guy can go from sitting crisscross applesauce reading his book to criss cross dead sauce wow this is so extra so they have an indoor cat they wanted their poor baby to be able to have the freedom to go outside so this overprotective cat mom combined a ton of cat cages made this whole tunnel system for the cat that goes all around the house so the cat is free to roam indoor/outdoor he's just chillin in his corner this tiny little house is trying to save space so they built this contraption that suspends their bed from the ceiling and they just go walk up the stairs go take a nap and then come right downstairs you got the kitchen you got the bathtub right by the dining table who's got to be in New York one-bedroom apartment that'll be four thousand a month okay but where's the bathroom it definitely saves space oh you even got a chalkboard on the side of the stairs like no space wasted here Oh what they did a mural at the bottom of their pool a van gogh's starry night but would you ever see it you have to be like looking at it from like a drone or like a bub can you look at it from the side I don't know I've never seen one of these so I don't know what it looks like this has gotta be Tony Hawk's room it can't be anybody else's he made a skate park in his basement this is so extra I mean you have to have this in your house if you're like a pro skater bring all your friends over show him how to do a 360 kickflip here we have a vinyl record inspired bathroom sink I mean if I was a millionaire DJ I would I would smash that right up I wonder if you like turn on the water the volume lights start going up and down all I wanted was some peace and quiet so I paid a couple thousand dollars and got myself an office pod so they put the super-modern pod in their backyard and it's like a mini office it's like soundproof and everything you can close the blinds so nobody could see you I will go crazy nothing like being productive inside a box this living room is just surrounded by windows and plants but when you want to cozy up the room there's a bookshelf that comes down like blinds over the windows and turns into a reading room where I hide all my secret books with the swear words I think it's pretty extra for people to have an aquarium in their house but on top of your bed it just goes like around how's that saying go sleeping with the fishes you really want to sleep with fish is that bad do you know what that means dad but okay look at this your average grandma Gertrude living room and then you got these sharp posters in the back and then Barbara don't come over and be like clarium first of all I don't know why you would want to make it look like you have holes in your floor oh it's a rug that makes it so easy you just put it anywhere and then when your guests walk in and they're like scuse me Karen you have a hole in your living room like this would probably look legit from far away like I'm looking at it from my screen and it looks pretty real until you like look closer I realize it's a rug I think that's pretty genius this one tight xme the dude transformed his mirror to the mirror of the future so when he wakes up washes his face you got today's forecast you have the time oh it's 3:20 in the afternoon I hope y'all didn't just wake up that's worse than me and then we got all the latest news or you could check your phone I loved this so much but you literally have to build the house around the tree for this to happen I can't just be like hey I want a tree in my house like in it like this yeah I could buy a potted plant but I always loved houses like this but they just hide like a tree in the middle of the house but it's also like think of a bugs spiders and anything else living in that dirt like I have real plants in my house and it's already a lot I was like imagine having a whole granddaddy tree in the middle of your living room like it looked nice you go and breathe a little better but not when a spider comes crawling up your leg at 3:00 in the morning this is another super cool way to save space so these kids have built in bunk beds into the wall and then they have a building couch and then storage and everything I know that kids now but what if they just like have a growth spurt and just one day wake up trying to get out of bed and just cuz I would do that you're sleeping on the top or bottom comment below I'm a top bunk kind of girl I just like high spaces but anyways that's all for today I hope you guys enjoyed this video if you did and want a part to make sure you hit that like button on the comment below let me know which one of these would you put in your house and make sure you turn on notifications today connect and subscribe join the Wolfpack I love you guys so much thanks for watching bye guys
Channel: SSSniperWolf
Views: 6,651,734
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sssniperwolf, sniper wolf, reacting, reaction, funny, interior design, home decor, interior design ideas, interior decorating, ideas, esign, house interior design, house design, home interior design, home decorating
Id: 8mTWdKPw9dg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 1sec (601 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 10 2019
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