Trying the WORST Internet Food Trends Feat. CodyKo

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hey uh can i just what's up just gonna use your cabinet the cabinet no no no go in there sure yeah cool all right do you want to come in okay [Music] okay so today we're doing something a little bit different i thought let's review weird cooking hacks weird cooking videos and actually try to recreate them as best we can and i thought who better to help me do that than my friend codyco we're here in your house got your studio and i thought well let's just go in there and review it like you do and then we'll recreate you know not necessarily bad food but something strange best as we can tour of your format your studio first my cabinet now my studio yeah my format yeah you know what for you i'm down let's do it let's do it which one do we start with uh what about hot dog with jelly jelly fruit on a hot stop this guy's when i was in high school i used to straighten my hair what yeah and i would like put it over my eye this is like a grown-up e-boy all right i got my glizzy shot wow it's so dry it's a real fourth of july like let it sit out for two hours after you make it like they've all just been sitting there because no one really wanted them that bad they hate the hamburgers but not the hot dog ketchup is on there oh my god oh my god cheers to good content he didn't he didn't even take that look at that puny little he didn't even he didn't even get any of the jelly on there yeah he's gonna waste damn it he's gonna throw this away after this he didn't even like it he's not even pretending to like it mac and cheese with dill that's a mess oh no that looks good to me no that looks good to me oh you're like pregnant god buzzfeed just look at this the cheetos they're like blending them into a paste marshmallow nacho cheese and doritos in the microwave oh my god oh my god it's canned nacho cheese this is meant to stay at room temperature marshmallows and nachos oh my god is he putting metal in the microwave right here stirred it up into this nice little oh i wanna die weird consistency and dipped the nacho cheese dorito in there 10 out of 10. oh god oh my god he's slopping it up he's slopping it up i kind of want to try this one yeah this is the one i think we should do well i don't know if there's wind blowing there's like a curvature it's got like an industrial size fitting behind them they're they're pushing his farts away from it he's just eating and farting and it's just like it's pushing it all the way he has like a system you put in a little in your mouth you say a little bit more it just comes out right away oh there's like oh how are people so bad at tick tock whatever reaction she's about to have is if it's good is a lie yeah she looks pretty concerned i think mostly because she knows how bad this tick tock is turning out oh my god that's look at her eyes watering yum sorry i know i'm supposed to be making fun of the food and i'm just making fun of her i'm sorry angelica i think you're actually cool i thought that this tick tock was very good we're like what kind of production is this what is this where are your lights i've had enough of this one my husband this is your husband needs to go to jail corn flakes first of all it's frosting frosted flakes it's better with sharp cheese all right all right actually it's better with sharp chicken it's weird yeah the baby's upset about it too i would be too i'd be like oh why are these the people that are raising me baby's like what are you doing take care of me i haven't eaten in weeks what kind of a mighty mouse bite was that this guy sucks not bad i kind of want to try this one too yeah i do too and then we should use milk too yeah all right time to fart so we have our knees and floss mason floss french for everything in its place oh okay what's the french word for marshmallow i really feel like i'm already regretting everything that's happening i'm pumped i'm actually really excited nice stoneware bowl and rico's gourmet nacho cheddar cheese sauce i think put the cheese in first and then the marshmallows on top so that when they melt some nice marbling vice versa okay we'll still get the marble right all right oh my god it popped air released from this how about this for appetizer that's vile get a little shot of that like it doesn't even move concrete dude man please thank you sir not that bad it's actually not the bed so i guess you get a nice little scoop of this it has to be done why are we doing this we need some more oh okay so how long should we microwave it for uh i would start with 30 seconds 50 seconds don't do it yet this looks exactly like what i did in the video beautifully aerated hey about to eat some cheese sauce we'll stop that there yeah yeah you're too comfortable right now that's such a [ __ ] lot i mean if we're going in we might as well jump in cheers hold my hair back that's not allowed this is illegal that's fully legal [Music] see look even chili knows that this is demonic come get this dude come get this dude you know when you know when people put honey on a cheese board and sweeten up the cheese a little bit that's what this is why you got a breath what happened i just went all right next up guys we have this red it's like soft thank you a little platter oh yeah wow so we've got oh look at this incredible bread you have one night when we move like all the knives i feel like the maybe the movers why would they want knives to threaten us probably fuel the fun with my creamy nut grow up kick flip okay you know what i right away i'm like those two work together for me or am i wrong i think everybody has an opinion yeah and then no peanut butter okay i like a thick spread that's okay you want some bread with that peanut butter oh it's like dripping and then just pop that sucker on this is the worst thing that we've ever like what we're doing today is the worst thing we have ever done as a team creatively i'm honored to be a part of it it's fitting that the most depraved video on your channel you chose me for ever so gently oh nice disgusting beauty oh cheers sir oh that's fire i like the saltiness i like the sourness of the vinegar vinegar sour yes i don't know that i'm just checking if you knew i like this i think this is a winner it's not as good as the marshmallow cheese but it's a close second this makes me angry it makes me feel like i have anger issues getting a bowl you mind pouring that this makes me excited chase one virgin fantastic he had like four slices on there so we'll just do it like that so you just take a bite and then this yeah this this one doesn't make sense at all because it's like not even none of it what do you mean well that this one at least you can set two things together and then you eat it doritos you dip it in thing this is like you have to eat one at a time the cereal is like a thousand pieces of the cheese there's four this is so stupid but i'm pumped can you do a little look at that oopsie oh ready oh why look away coffee [Music] pretty damn good that's so gross that is gross that's the worst one by far i don't know how you could possibly enjoy that first one kind of this one no idea introducing kelsey sous chef heading towards executive chef in the next couple days what is this what do you think this is nacho cheese is that like frosting yeah it's because it's like look is it like marshmallows it tastes like lucky charms i can't believe you just said it tastes like lucky charms the cheese marshmallow and the lucky charm did you guys think this was bad i liked it actually i thought it was i didn't like any of them the ultimate tick tock food hack uh okay oh miss oh no it's like a war zone in my mouth sweet and it's like peanuts and salty and it's pickles what is that for i just pumped that was that last part was weirdly not that bad this was fun actually eating it was not what's the lesson learned guys lesson learned is you can really combine anything with anything cuisine extends not this this is not this was bad don't do this but anybody that's on tick tock that's doing this stuff i need you to stop keep it up guys keep going it was an honor being here we've been watching your videos for so long love your channel and we just love that we can do this with you yes this is an honor thank you for having me of course likewise i feel the same way that was so nice of an outro [Music] you
Channel: Joshua Weissman
Views: 1,795,996
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sat bawl pro, joshua weissman, food trends, taste test, cooking, gross food, kitchen nightmare, food nightmare, disgusting foods, weird food trends, weird trends, gross trends, codyko, joshua weissman cooking, cooking show, cooking series, youtube cooking show, pickles and peanut butter, pickles, sandwiches, challenge, cooking challenge, gross challenge, gross food challenge, internet trends, tik tok food, tik tok food trends, cringe tik toks
Id: bO9x29v1-X8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 18sec (558 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 04 2021
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