Making Twix Bars At Home | But Better

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have we all accepted that every candy bar is the best version of itself i'm gonna prove that wrong [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh wow little trick-or-treaters look at you what are you that looks like happy halloween oh you look so good speaking of looking good i know i do i dressed up like this just for you and you should buy my book it's the number one new york times bestseller how have you not gotten it yet the link is in the description i'm pretty sure it still has a large percentage off on amazon so go click that link go get that book i did this for you all right there's a dude walking behind you he's looking at us right now he's literally stuck he does this he goes did uh did he like what he saw let us know in the comments we'd love to know i'm pretty sure his dog did i don't want to see any mommy comments you got it no mommy comments as the various holidays come around and it's halloween or whatever time that candy is consumed there's seems to be a candy time period like a time capsule of candy why wow this is it is so bright the sun is going up and down or while the clouds are in the way that'd be really scary if the sun was going up and down anyway twix is one of my least favorite candy bars of all time sorry i know a lot of people are gonna be upset about this what do you want me to say it's just too basic dry shortbread caramel that has zero flavor and of course milk chocolate that is just liquid sugar there's no depth of flavor there's no excitement to it that's a that's big talk and we're gonna walk the walk so with all that said let's make this shall we it's our first walgreens trip you know they really could have worked on that logo there ah the washington nationals what does that have to do with walgreens josh well let's look at their logos who let that happen we'll let the dogs out as seen on tv i'm always super intrigued by what they have here they're always so innovative i hate this all right so we've got this is still a bag what would you class of the wrapper i guess well aesthetically on the outside i would say that this looks like a turd with a snickers bar you have the vein we will talk about that another day so this is probably my least favorite candy bar in the world i already know what to expect so let's just get this over with somehow worse than my expectations i really don't want to eat this i'm just gonna go spit it out there's a little bit stuck on my tooth now all day i'm gonna be like it's cute for a dog not for a person nobody wants that breakdown of this everything about this candy bar i hate i don't know why it's just dry shortbread the caramel doesn't really taste like anything at all but like sugared chew and then the chocolate is just sweet fat not what you want huh let's just get this over with all right we can do better though to clarify we're all having an argument about whether why i spit out the twix okay i have to address this now because everyone's really upset about it let me clarify twix is bad but not bad in the sense of not enjoyable it is boring to me that is my statement of the day to be honest this is one of the easiest candy bars i've ever made so let's get to work here first we need our salted butter shortbread base wrassle yourself a large bowl and add two cups or 300 grams of all-purpose flour three-quarters of a cup or 100 grams of powdered sugar give them that whiskey business slap your knee then add one cup or 225 grams of salted butter that's been softened using a pastry cutter or two forks cut that into the flour and just keep doing that until you get a crumbly shaggy dough then add one teaspoon or 10 grams of vanilla extract switch to a spatula and repeatedly fold that mixture together until you get a beautifully soft dough wow look at that no salt required because the butter is salted [Music] now heavily spray a 9x13 baking dish with non-stick cooking spray coat every got dang edge now you could lay parchment in here as pastry insurance but uh to be honest i didn't really want to and you kind of don't have to anyway press set their dough evenly into your baking dish until it evenly coats the even bottom did i mention you should spread it evenly then just pop that bad boy into an oven that's been preheated to 325 degrees fahrenheit and bake for 15 to 20 minutes or until very light golden and dry pull her out and cool completely before moving forward wow look at that magically cooled thanks movie magic moving on to caramel look this is sort of a shortcut caramel which i imagine is likely something like what these candy bar makers are doing so a little traditional in a little um mass manufactured if you will in a medium sauce pot wait pause we got a new sauce pot all right so uh everybody just take a look at it and appreciate it please new soft spot goofing anyway add in one and a quarter cup or 195 grams of light brown sugar one and a quarter cup or 370 grams of light corn syrup 14 ounces or 400 grams of sweetened condensed milk which i do have a homemade version for in my pumpkin pie recipe should you desire to make your own yes it's better link in the description and finally one cup or 227 grams of softened salted butter i know i know usually butter is added at the end blah blah blah just trust me we've got corn syrup in here all right that's got nature defying properties to it set the to medium heat and let it come to a rolling boil stirring occasionally oh yeah you also don't normally stir our caramel we're just breaking all the rolls today look at that let that reduce until it reaches 235 degrees fahrenheit cut off the heat and immediately stir in the beans from one vanilla bean pod make sure they get dispersed evenly then immediately pour your hot caramel over your cooled shortbread let the cool completely uncovered then cover with plastic wrap and chill in the fridge for at least two hours but ideally overnight fast forward and it's solidified and ready to come out and join the rest of the world maybe it'll cuddle with me in bed or maybe i'll stop there okay using a bed scraper or a sharp knife run it around the edges until you've loosened your candy from the baking pan see this is why i probably should have put parchment in it to make a little easier but it's whatever carefully remove it and place on a large cutting board look portioning this can be a little challenging but you know what life wouldn't be fun without a little challenge here and there using a sharp clean knife cut that into well twix shaped bars something like three and a half inches by one inch i first started with one inch wide long bars and then cut those bars down into three and a half inch long segments it's not rocket science folks just make sure your knife is sharp for once please it helps keep the shortbread mostly intact once you have your bars and you'll have about as twice as many as you see here on this tray you're now ready to coat the chocolate it cozy bells makes me so funny look you can't just use plain old melted chocolate well you can but it'll be ugly you ideally want to use tempered chocolate and i'll be honest tempering chocolate is extremely annoying and it makes me want to run my body through a wall and i imagine many of you will get impatient doing it oh josh i messed up and it's your fault to simplify we'll use the same method in our butterfinger video the stupid microwave version which actually does work surprisingly well you'll take 16 ounces or 450 grams of 60 to 70 cacao chocolate very finely chop that and place in a heatproof glass bowl pop that in your microwave on high for 30 seconds stir hit it for another 30 seconds stir again hit it for 15 seconds stir now at this point you need to check the temp of the chocolate make sure it does not go above 90 degrees fahrenheit if it's close then keep gently stirring until it goes down a touch and then microwave it one last time for 10 more seconds stir and it should be fully melted and just below 90 fahrenheit for all the chocolate confection people is this the perfect way to do it absolutely not not even close but it is an easy solution for a decent chocolate coating anyway to cool your chocolate just dip your bars into the melted chocolate coat thoroughly remove with a fork optionally drain on chopsticks and place on a sill pad then just top with smoked flaky salt for the flex that's really it honestly you just let those cool until they're hardened take them off the silpat and trim those frilly edges so the bars are straight and look at that this isn't just some candy bar this is a rectangular prism that brings a textural wonderland full of real flavor raining joy down on the people that so choose to pick up this obelisk of flavor not really sure if this fits the term obelisk but good lord slap my knee throw my bit out the window tie my leg to a horse and spank it it's got that perfect caramel stretch now let us taste test wow this is what you want right here kendrick no you don't want it it's okay you're right it is okay perfect ratio of caramel to shortbread literally equal parts equal does this look equal to you i'm gonna cherish this moment just to point out that i'm literally always right about everything all the time i've never been wrong my entire life jokes aside this is what twix wants to be this is how they ended up stomped on a lot of you guys asked me to stomp on your neck i'm not going to do that but i will stomp on twix's neck okay so today we have a different taste tester kate i'm not wearing the poop one that's gross i like papa kiss so pc all right so do you like twix kid how do you feel about twitch i'm a big fan of twix can you describe me why you like twix i can't but i also like dark chocolate she's the only one in this building besides myself that likes dark chocolate and that's why you're here today is that correct i think so taste test number one are you ready yes there we go bite number one those are really good i like that one all right that was number one now we're on to number two every time kate tastes test i don't ever know what to expect she's a wild card here's my take on this number one it was very good very soft i felt like there was a lot more flavor number two it was like not very good which one do you think the twix was number two it was just bland you know but i still like twix kate the lady thank you so much guys heard it here kate's one of the only ones that won't lie because everybody here has to get paid what did we learn today we learned the twix is really just not that good it's a vikram when it really comes down to it you want to make something special that people will remember forever you'll do this thank you you want to know what else has long bars dipped in chocolate ready to receive a gentle lick of the tongue in a gentle chew what am i saying b-roll [Music] all right guys and that is it so we made our twix what did you expect how did you expect this to go we knocked it out of the park they got absolutely stomped on i can tell you for damn sure if i'm making these i'm not handing them out to little brats coming to my door all right sorry kids but i'm not making these for you i'm probably gonna go buy twix and give you those but just be aware that you can make these for yourself munch on these and then hand out the other stuff to the kitties all right they don't care they just want sugar oh am i in heaven right now we're just gonna roll with this we're gonna roll anyway with all that said if you enjoyed this video we're gonna learn something leave a like subscribe and i will see you next time [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: Joshua Weissman
Views: 5,891,394
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sat bawl pro, joshua weissman, but better, joshua weissman but better, candy bar, candy bar recipe, homemade candy, homemade chocolate, chocolate recipe, easy chocolate recipe, halloween recipe, twix, homemade twix, twix bars, how to make twix, caramel, easy caramel, easy caramel recipe, caramel recipe, salted caramel, salted caramel recipe, short bread, shortbread recipe, homemade shortbread, homemade caramel, candy recipe, chocolate bar, cooking show, cooking series
Id: zeF-7e-hQk4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 8sec (668 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 31 2021
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