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[Music] hello there my beautiful youtube family and friends i hope you're all doing well and having a fantastic day today we are making jell-o fries i know we've made our fries many times on this channel in fact my very second video i shared on youtube is jollof rice now you know we have to close this chapter this year 2020 properly with style and then usher us also beautifully into a brand new year what better way to do it than jollof rice yes party style i'm excited i can even smell the aroma of all the spices and all the other ingredients i have meticulously selected to prepare this special dish so i can't wait let's wash our hands so we can begin here are the ingredients needed for the recipe half a tablespoon of thyme one tablespoon of dry rosemary two tablespoons of all-purpose seasoning same as your bouillon so use two chicken bouillons one teaspoon of coriander seeds two starness i have a tablespoon and a half of my homemade curry powder i will link the recipe below half a teaspoon of fennel seeds and you can substitute this with the same amount and a seed cardamom pots which comes about 18 small cardamom pods and this is going to give us a really special piney flavor you will love it our secret ingredient today and for the jollof stew perforation friends we're going to be needing three large onions and i also have one fresno chili you can use scotch bonnet in place of that i have these serrano chilies now you can substitute with papuchito or petit belle chilies and i have one tablespoon of garlic paste now for the protein i'm going to be needing to marinate it with one large onion repeating the serrano chilies also one tablespoon of garlic paste i also have some ginger it's about a thumb size cut into small pieces also repeating the fresno chili and then i have three bay leaves and the following fresh three herbs in combination work well with poultry so i have fresh rosemary sage and thyme preparation will need a cup and a half of tomato paste this is my homemade tomato paste with beets so will give us a background hint of sweetness which will be special in this dish we also need our protein today we're using turkey wings cleaned thoroughly with vinegar and water we have a quarter cup of clarified butter which is ghee you can substitute with the same amount of just regular butter we will be needing that for more flavor and then we have six large red bell peppers we need our salt and crushed black pepper for seasoning as appropriate we also have 12 cups of jasmine rice the non-sticky kind i say the non-sticky kind because i learned the hard way they have two kinds they look alike and it doesn't say sticky or non-sticky on the back so when you go to buy please be sure that you're getting the right time nice brand and the bags look alike the sticky and non-sticky so just be sure you're asking now into the blender i'm pouring in the ingredients to marinate the turkey wings so i have the onion the ginger fresno chili serrano chili the garlic paste sage now tearing the leaves off the rosemary in and i will also add now the thyme what we're going to do is blend everything together to get a smooth marinade just adding the starness cardamom pods adding the fennel seeds now similar to aniseed so you can use that in place of the fennel seeds just added the coriander seeds followed by 1 5 a cup of water to blend these till smooth absolutely happy with the fragrance of this marinade because it's loaded with a ton of aromatics what you're going to do is just pour it onto your clean turkey wings add your all-purpose seasoning similar to your bouillons i recommend using one cube of chicken bouillon add your bay leaves and also your salt to taste and of course you need your crushed black pepper you need about 1 4 teaspoon of it and then also rinse your blender because we're trying to eliminate waste all right and we also want broth a good and tasty broth from cooking this turkey wings think of the broth as an important derivative all right from cooking the turkey wings because we will eventually incorporate the broth into the actual preparation of the jollof rice i massaged the marinade into the the turkey wings it took about 10 minutes you know i was just enjoying the textures there and then that also gives it a chance to marinate nicely and then set it on the stove these turkey wings are super tender so they don't take that long to cook so you're going to cook on medium heat for 20 minutes you go back and give it a stir and it should be ready next step is to separate the turkey wings from the broth because we are going to fry these till golden brown what is flavor it is loaded rich with flavor we're going to continue the cooking outside because it was a lovely day so why not i pour in some vegetable oil the amount of oil is solely dependent on the pot size okay so i poured in enough to fry the turkey wings okay this wasn't even deep frying it was between deep and shallow frying because i had to go back and flip them gorgeous they are stunning to see the very least crispy skin juicy inside perfect they're done they're going to be set aside in the oven so they keep warm now i'm going to give these bell peppers a char we are making party jollof rice so we need that smokiness so if you have open flame you can do this or you can throw them in your oven and use your broil option make sure they're very close to the top of the oven so they can char quickly for you done now i'm going to prep my onions i like to give them a thin slice there are three large onions onions are everything in your jollof rice the more onions you have the more sweetness the more flavor you get now my serrano chilies i give them the same treatment slice them thinly done now i'm also going to blend these charred red bell peppers so i'm going to trim the flesh off of the seeds and that white membrane in there and into the blender they will go and they will be blended till smooth red bell peppers are super sweet and when they are charred like this they become even sweeter and that smokiness is to die for i've added one fresno chili to it for that flavor and also that spiciness i love i'm gonna blend till really smooth and that will also be ready everything is now prepped we are ready to cook our jell-o fries so the oil i have taken about half the amount off from when i fried the turkey wings and that's what i'm going to use to cook the jollof stew the jalapeno requires frying if you want to optimize your flavors so you need enough oil to do so so i've poured in the sliced onions and serranos now adding some salt and crushed black pepper that's going to help it to caramelize sooner and oh the aroma of these onions i love that aroma i i live for it alright so keep on stirring you want it to caramelize you want to see some brown actually happening we're going to now add our curry powder followed by the dry rosemary and thyme i find that the dry rosemary and thyme at this stage of cooking your jello stew really help to develop the flavor sooner but if you have the fresh you can absolutely use that now we're adding our charred blended red bell peppers and continue to cook an additional five minutes so that the bell peppers lose a little bit of its moisture we're trying to fry that moisture out that also helps to really elevate the flavors i have just added the one tablespoon of garlic paste it's good to add it now not sooner because then this mixture will be bitter by now if you had added it a lot sooner okay and we really don't want bitterness here all right so it is now time to add our homemade tomato paste what a lifesaver this has been for me i have the recipe linked below in the description box so if you want to check it out like i said it does have beets in it so it's a lot sweeter and it doesn't have the canned flavor which i absolutely dislike and have to keep frying to eliminate that flavor so we add it and we cook an additional five minutes and then we add the broth from cooking the turkey which is loaded with aroma yes because it has all those aromatics in there as well as lots of sweetness it's just absolutely packed and rich with flavor so we add that stir that in cover the pot and cook for 10 more minutes stew is done cooking yes that's what i love about using my homemade tomato paste it does not require much frying now i am scheming off the oil from frying the jello stew and i'm passing it through a strainer to catch the rosemary which was floating on the oil all right and then i threw those back into the pot now that the stew is done cooking i reserve about one third of the pot of stew i will add that as part of my serving some people like their jollof rice a lot saucier than others so uh i did have a lot of jello stew and i didn't want to use all that to cook the jalapeno i've added the washed rice you saw that we washed it and the water was clear before we added it there was a little bit of water in the rice when we added it so we're not going to add any more water to this at all you see that there's just a small layer of moisture on the rice that's exactly what we want we want to be really careful adding too much water to this mixture at this point can possibly make the rice cook rather mushy than fluffy and we are going for fluffy now we're adding the the ghee and the ghee is equal to even more flavor it gives it a special touch butter will do the same thing and your cold pressed coconut oil will do the same thing as well so depends on which flavor you're going for the ghee does give it a nuttier butter flavor so it is just special i love it so stir that in cover it and cook on the lowest heat setting for the next 15 minutes and there it is not cooked at all it is still moist and the rice grains are definitely very crunchy so it's not cooked but you want to stir it because you saw it was compact it was really packed together you want to loosen the grains all right so that steam can go through the the pot and cook the grains till fluffy now you also want to poke some holes in there that helps the steam to come through and cook the rice evenly and cover with your parchment paper or foil through the lid on and continue to cook on the lowest heat setting for the next 25 minutes now we take the lid off and you notice the rice is still crunchy yes i'm being extra careful i do not want to overwhelm this pot with too much water what we want is fluffy and not mushy rice okay so we want to play it safe now i have some vegetables i have some onions red bell peppers and green bell peppers i'm going to bury those i've cut them into really big chunks i'm going to bury those inside the rice and what that will do is they will release their moisture so instead of sprinkling water onto the rice to cook it so that the grains that are crunchy cooked through use vegetables because what do you get from vegetables you get lots of moisture it's full of water but then it's also full of flavor it's a flavor enhancer chicken doesn't taste as good unless you add vegetables to it all meats taste even better when you add vegetables same applies to any kind of food savory foods that you're cooking or even some sweet foods so yeah add that bury them and then cover the pot again with the parchment paper and the lid and cook again for the next 10 to 15 minutes and you'll be excited as to what you find when you open that lid for this technique goes to yemi see of yummy tv a brilliant hard-working nigerian youtuber whom i personally respect highly and admire she used this technique and i thought i had to try to used it in her most recent party jell-o fries i tried it in friends and family you ought to try to go and watch that video i have linked it below for your convenience thank you so much yemi so i made some ghanaian salad so here is the potato salad part of it the children really love this salad i was surprised they devoured it it was unbelievable i was pleasantly surprised to say the least so i made the potato salad and this pasta salad yesterday they just taste better the next day and stored it in the fridge so i have a detailed ghanaian salad recipe minus the pasta salad linked below if you want to check it out now look just take a good look at this rice cooked fluffy it is moist yet it isn't mushy everything about this party jello fries is stunning oh friends you have to try this recipe so what i'm doing now is removing the big chunks of vegetables they have done their job so we can take them out but don't discard them put them in a ziploc bag and freeze them when you make some soup later on you can use them to thicken the soup look at how fluffy this rice turned out and it tastes so good friends it tastes so good you have to try this recipe if you're enjoying yourself friends the rice is done it is almost chop time you have to give me a thumbs up make sure you're sharing this video and telling your friends and family your loved ones about this channel look at that flavor galore yes let's serve friends and family i am so happy right now just too happy yes it's just beautiful look at how fluffy it is serve a healthy amount of jell-o fries and throw some of that turkey meat on there just look at it oh my goodness just too elegant and it was tasty too add some salad so i have my lettuce some carrot as well and the treatment i gave these was i just use a cheese shaver to shave them into the spaghetti form and it's just pretty and i added some of the cucumber and cherry tomatoes some eggs onion sliced thinly yes oh yes indeed and this is my homemade baked beans that recipe is also linked below and some of that stew for those who love their jollof rice a lot saucier so i have the high-end salad dressing this stuff is some good stuff yes this is how we make our ghanaian salad and that sweet tangy flavor from that salad dressing is to live for i thank you all so much it is tough time and it's yes friends so pull up a chair we are all friends here let's dine together try the recipe and come back please with your feedback i appreciate each and every single one of you thank you all so so much for joining us today i hope you enjoyed yourself show me that by the thumbs up share the video tell your friends about it and also subscribe if you're not already done so and i'll see you soon in my next one make it a great day friends and family and have fun especially in that kitchen
Channel: Nanaaba's Kitchen
Views: 333,619
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jollof rice nigeria, jollof rice ghana, how to make jollof rice, Perfect jollof rice, NIGERIAN PARTY JOLLOF RICE, wollof, Senegalese Thieboudienne, beef jollof rice, chicken jollof rice, turkey jollof rice, how to make the best ghanaian party jollof rice, party jollof rice, how to make party jollof rice, holiday inspired jollof rice, smoky party jollof rice, party jollof, jollof rice recipe, how to make nigerian jollof rice, how to cook jollof rice, party rice recipes
Id: HB4Y6A1pQxU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 48sec (1128 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 12 2020
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