This Beef Jollof Rice Recipe Is Soo Delicious You Won’t Believe How Easy It Is To Make. Kids Love It

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hello sweet team welcome back to my channel this is sweet ageless and i am back with this very quick and simple beef jollof rice recipe for you all but the taste absolutely delicious let's get started to a blender add some garlic habanero pepper onion tomato sauce and tomato paste blend everything together and we're going to cook it until all the moisture all most of the moisture is out of it [Music] while that is going on i'll get started with my meat in a pot add some coconut oil to that add your beef okay or whatever meat you choose i'll then add in some chopped onions one spice blend cube some of my sweet achilles all-purpose seasoning you may use any seasoning of your choice and some salt to taste stir everything together and allow it to cook in its own juices okay so i'll cover it up and allow it to release its juices [Music] our tomatoes have cooked down beautifully so it is ready for us [Music] back to our meat as you can see it has released enough juices i'll let it continue cooking until it has reabsorbed the juices okay be careful you don't burn it though all right at this point as you can see our oil is foaming up meaning it is ready so i'll add some chopped onions to it give it a stir let it cook for about two to three minutes and then i'll add in our cooked tomatoes [Music] [Music] this tube right here is as good as done but we want our meat to tenderize a bit so i'll add in a little bit of water to loosen it up give it a stir and i also go ahead and add in some of our homemade beef powder for flavor i already have that recipe on the page i'll leave the link for you to check out i'll allow this to simmer for about five minutes at this point i'm just going to add in some natural spice mix and also curry powder stir everything together and then we'll go ahead and wash our rice because we are ready to put everything together it is quite a bit of stew so i'll get part of it and set it aside it is always good to do this because you can always add some of the stew back in but you cannot take out okay so my bachelor's out there take notes we'll then go ahead and add in our washed rice i'm using about three cups of rice here i'll stir everything together until each grain is well coated and then i'll stir-fry it for a couple of minutes more i added a bit of salt to taste and then i'll add in the water and stir to check the looseness of it and then add some more water i tasted for salt and i added a little more and also a little more water at this point i realized let me just add a bit more of the stew so i do just that give it a very good stare until everything is well combined [Music] cover it up with a parchment paper and then the lid allow all the water to cook out of it beautifully just like this fluff it up and then we'll cover it back up stir about two more times before it'll be ready it is highly important when cooking jollof rice to stare this will ensure that the steam will go through and through to cook your jaloff to perfection [Music] and we are back to check it for the final time and as you can see uh your love rice is nice and ready perfectly single grained just like most of us like it with the exception of my husband but he enjoyed it anyway just look at that but i decided to enjoy it with some fried plantain so i'm just going to go ahead and cut it up add some salt to taste a little bit of water to melt the salt beautifully toast us toast and into our hot oil it will go oh my goodness this dinner is not small tingle [Music] fry until it is nice and golden brown just like this get it out of the oil onto a paper towel lined tree to get rid of the excess oil then all that will be left is for us to serve and enjoy oh my goodness this dinner was so delicious my youngest son gabe asked for the leftovers to take to school but it was already gone i know your family would enjoy this if you tried it for them thank you so so much for watching i hope you enjoyed this video and are inspired to try the recipe until i see you in the next one stay safe keep loving each other and remember that the love of god and family is life's greatest blessing and guys [Music] sushi and pastries [Music] i
Channel: Sweet Adjeley
Views: 574,993
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: dWKfq65g-l8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 2sec (482 seconds)
Published: Mon May 23 2022
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