Cook Brisket In The Oven & Eat For 4 Days | Learn How To Cook | Cook Once Eat All Week

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how many of you have just been in a rut when it comes to cooking like I feel like that's mean right now literally with everything that's going on I just cannot find the motivation to cook coronavirus number woman like that's taking over our lives number two tired of eating the same stuff I'm just I want something different like because I want something different I'm just I'm motivated to sit down and think of something different to eat and number three I've just got so much stuff up here that my headspace is so cluttered that it's just it's got everything all messed up so today while I was picking out my third run this week for the coronavirus stuff anyway I saw some brisket so I picked that up it's like oh that's different I can cook that we can eat on for that for more than a day give myself a break from cooking yet again tomorrow so that's what I have that's what we're gonna eat so I want to show you guys how I'm going to prepare this brisket for tonight's dinner and tomorrow's leftovers so my brisket has been washed and I'm just patting the excess water off honestly guys it's not like important super important that you're doing this I do just want to make sure that my seasoning is going to stick to this side so that's the reason why I'm going to Pat it down now that it's patted down I'm gonna use some French onion soup dry mix that I'm gonna use I also have some see if I can get it to focus hmm and I've got some beef consommé and I have some barbecue seasoning here so I'm just gonna go ahead and apply this very generously and put this together and put it in the oven so basically right now I just haven't felt like the game have been uninspired just my mind has been just taken over with random thoughts fear hysteria you name it just because of all this corona stuff you know if I'm not looking at it my mom's looking at it my friends are talking about it you know it's just a lot I'm not gonna lie it is a lot and on top of that you know thank the Lord I've been you know doing some cakes and stuff like that so my time has been occupied but my thoughts have been occupied as well and they just got me all over the place so I say all that to say is I say all of that just to say that I have been really slacking when it comes to food just not being able to come up with different things because I mean if you're like me you get tired of eating the same stuff all the time and that's kind of work and just to fill you in here though I'm literally just making sure that I have enough seasoning and one thing I can tell you about barbecue seasoning I know I just completely got off a track here but I want to make sure I'm explaining it to you all what I'm doing when you're using a dry bread especially a dry rub that you buy from the store that's not one that you've made yourself it's very important to be very liberal with your with your rub when you think that you have too much rug you don't have enough keep going I really like to cover all of the pink all of the meat all of the flesh with dry rub you push it down into the meat into the folds if you have holes on your meat and you just Pat it down on you Pat it down also on the sides you've had the sides down move to excess that's in the pan and this is just to ensure that the food is going to or the meat is going to be well seasoned so you don't have to worry about getting a piece of meat that just tastes like meat wouldn't that minute like that's the worst I'm sorry I just don't like that but the sides here will pay attention to the sides you know right here you want to get those sides you want to pack them down but yeah you want to keep doing this now back to what I was saying all of those things that have been bombarding my mind just has me like really having a brand new block where I don't where I'm like not having ideas to come on here and show you guys like different meals so here is where I need your help if there is something that you guys would like to see me cook like to see me try go ahead and give me those ideas I'll do my research and get it together a practice you know whatever do do what I do in order to get you guys these easy meal ideas and although this one is easy it's not at there any bit of it obviously this is going to cook somewhere else so like four hours which is another problem per se for me because I have to bake cakes today which means I'm gonna be down to one oven and I really want it to be finished cooking my cakes by 3:30 today and it is 1:30 and I haven't even started so as you can see I'm a little bit behind the curve so here's what I'm going to do next so I have this beef consommé and you guys have you seen any of my videos you see me use beef consommé before when I've used its thicker and more full of flavor than beef stock so I'm going to just pour my beef consommé and then I'm going to actually pour about 1/4 of a cup this is how many ounces this is phalluses so this is like one and a half cups so I'm going to pour about 1/4 to 1/2 of the cup I'll just eyeball that into here and then into by either a bowl or measuring cup then I am going to mix one of these French onion soup mixes in this is just to add a little bit more flavor and that's ready now what I am going to do is I need to turn this over because typically when you cook a brisket you want to cook it the fat side up okay side up I had on the right side guys this is the back side and so now we're just going to pour this around it not on it around it I don't want to pour the reason I said around it is because I don't want to pour over the top of the brisket and then wash all of the seasoning off the brisket so I'll show you what all right guys excuse the mess cuz I am in the process of baking and doing a little bit of work but I have to check on the brisket so I want this year looks like it has been in the oven about four minutes four hours maybe a little bit over that but as you can see this thing has shriveled up quite a bit I'm just going to poke the meat portion it was appear to be fork-tender but I'm not sure I think I'm gonna let it cook for another 30 minutes or so just to be on the safe side and I see that is really really good I'm good they're really good so no I think it's done but I think I'm going to let it cook for just another 30 minutes just to be on the safe side and then we'll be able to it'll and then we'll be ready to eat with something I don't even know what I'm serving with this yet but this right here is definitely being eaten today guys it's done looks delish I'm so hungry than I'm not even gonna show show you me plating my food but I will show you me cutting this up and we're just going to have these roasted veggies with it as you can see this meat is very tender and cuts very very easily let's taste it let's see if this tastes me and I get it's good y'all I had to jump on here and tell you how damn good that brisket was we gotta love it literally like four days so that was worth it all day long I think it was about six and a half pounds of meat it was about $35 at Costco and your girl will be getting another one we ate it in tacos the best way I had it was in an armlet oh we y'all got to try it from just playing with some vegetables tacos omelets toast Otto's you can do that several different ways so that's one of those cook once eat like four or five times type of meals but I hope you guys enjoyed the video please make sure you leave your comments down below subscribe to the channel share like and subscribe and also hit the notification bill and follow me over on my Instagram until the next time I'll see you guys so bye bye
Channel: Shaes Kitchen
Views: 13,087
Rating: 4.7761192 out of 5
Id: Y4ytvLgsWFY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 59sec (719 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 26 2020
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