Convertible Burt on Crack Hitting Miami, Making Millions, Doing 25 Years (Full Interview)

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all right here we go we have Miami Street legend convertible Burt in the building that'd be me yeah that's right hey man listen I've been hearing about you for so many years yeah honor to finally sit down actually talking a man on this man man you know okay so this is your first time here with us let's go ahead and start in the very beginning so you grew up a Liberty City yeah that everything is where I'm I'm on 15th Avenue and then you know I grew up on 15th Avenue then when I turned about 12 or so by 12 we moved to like a project called gray yarn of PJ PJ a peach a project in Miami called a graveyard okay so did you grow up with both parents one parent on one parent you don't understand what mama did at all you know okay where's your father during this time you know he's a rope you know he's a rolling stone you know what I said moving around you know yeah he's okay my father moving [ __ ] he's a mover and shaker you know okay did you know him at all or not yeah yeah yeah I know you know I we you know we as I got a little older and I started making movies and stuff like that we kind of got close again you know right you know right when we just really really you know you know building a real strong bond you know I went to the phase I got knocked off you know I got knocked out in Atlanta I want you to face you know you know he kind of died like a couple years later you got you we're gonna go into that whole story a little bit later but I just kind of want to lay the foundation of how you grew up right so you had a single mother how many brothers and sisters I got fire brothers and sisters from her mother yeah I got I got I have three brothers and one sister I'm done I'm the baby boy okay so here you got five kids and a single mother right growing up in the projects right what do you think was the hardest thing like as a kid that you went through really you know uh you know really you know I I grow I'm not when I first start doing things it was like really kind of hard because you know I grew up on 15 when I was like one of the main drug scripts in the country at that time in the 80s and 70s and 80s you know understand so you know I grew up there not Nestle you know you know when I started getting into it you know understand it with you know it's like everything briar Miller you know understand again I did choose the game the game Chuck fifty coming up you know just been around that environment and being exposed to so much at a very young age I mean do you remember when crack first hit your neighborhood oh yeah man innate and early like MIT MIT's Emmys you know understand I remember the first guy that ever did it fault really was a crack at first it was they used to freebase it used to be a rich man huh and he brought it from California and the dude name was McBride he passed on but it was a major player back in the days and uh you know he brought that game to Miami you ain't ain't nobody nobody before McBride you know what I'm saying so he pretty much in his deuce you don't understand Miami toward you know understand okay and you know you have a lot of different street drugs but but crack has a very kind of unique effect right all right people right no it you don't become a crackhead in the first couple weeks it sort of takes time with rhyming over and over again but as you become more and more addicted right it really starts to destroy the whole neighborhood right right right but you know crack is something you know it's like after you try one time you know what I'm saying you always chasing the same you chasing that high that you got the first time but you never catch again you know and that's how you become a crack addict pretty much okay so at what point did you start getting to the streets you know bleeders man you know I I was introduced to the streets at a very young age you know what I'm saying yeah I was actually in elementary school you know understand 10 11 12 years old 10 11 12 years old and what I used to do you know understand when I come home from school you don't understand I used to look out you don't understand I used to look out for the guys you know who was hustling indiscreet okay so you got hired as a lookout yeah you know really you know you know I was a kid you you really you know it was just a way of looking out for me you know I come in school you know when the police come or whatever I tell them the police coming or whatever that's how that pretty much started you know so I got a very I got a job you know I was introduced to a lot in sposed to a lot at a very young age okay well what point did it go from being a lookout to actually moving it around really you notice anything like that that's all I'm sort of very young age you know because I start like I said when we moved over when we moved over there you know moved in the project you know there was you know we was hustling around there and that's what we really you know that's why I really start you know hustling weed and stuff like that and then you know gradually as you go along you know you go you know you got went through the ranks you know understand I went through the ranks you don't understand everything I did you don't understand I came from the bottom up with it you know yeah okay and a lot of losses go with that game yeah yeah yeah well I took the biggest loss because I did a long time to prune federal prison you know so that's the biggest loss you know understand when you lose life was such a long period of time and you you know you lose like the most important people in your life you're known to me like my father I lost my father my mother while the time so that was you know what I was just you know what I was that I was a bloke tell me you know the saying that you know you had to really be strong and poor to you know so you start hustling in the street you start off with weed and you start moving up here cracked yeah but something serious happen in the ninth grade oh yeah well you know I got in trouble you don't I'm saying I was head - you fell you don't understand and I caught a murder charge you know a manslaughter charge you know understand it - you fell but I was a promising athlete you know understand I was an all-american wrestler all all you know all-america round so I was you know I was a prize after week at the time you know they kicked I was at going to Edison Edison High School and just got there and you know wanted up catching a manslaughter charge you didn't they kicked me out of all Dane County Schools for a year you know my wrestling coach miss Curtis and Pat Burns they want ended up going to a you know stop coaching at American high and that's like way out in another part of the city so you know understand and I started going I went back I went back you know after year I did a mil a year in math coffee that's like a school for discipline like they kick old like all the bad kids go to like when they you know get in trouble or you know regular school so our staying there for a year and then I wound up going to American huh okay can you talk about the manslaughter charge yeah well it was a Youth fair you know understanding on at that time now you know understand it was a conflict with men another individual you notice and he had a change I had a pocketknife at that time and uh on vacation on vacation started about you know a little argument you know understanding about a ride or something like that and uh you know we got into it and it you know you know and that's how it happened okay so you end up stabbing him yeah okay and how much time did you get for that once you're convicted really I stayed in the arm I stayed in arm you do you silly probably about three months and I'm winding up getting getting out like on own our own mother's record or mother's custody and I wanted a beat in the case also was self-defense yeah uh-huh yeah okay how did you feel like when that situation happened and you know the adrenaline comes down and you realize that this guy is dead right in front of you well you know you know you know you know want to see you know I've never wanted to turn out that you know what I mean because you know just the Arctic ation and you know what I mean and then happening you know so spontaneously you know to say you know want to see nobody losing life you know understand but you know things happen you know understand and uh unfortunate you know it was him it you know instead of me you know it could have been me you know and I but you like I said you know you never want to see our individual losses in life you know because that's something could never get back you know and that's what I don't understand about these little kids not yeah just going around doing a lot of crazy stuff you know understand for no reason you know you know and you said he had a chain yeah he had a change you know we get internal altercation I had a knife if you're noticing so you know we get into little you know get in till the fight no scrub and look tussle and you know that's what happened okay so you get to that whole situation and you you finish off your high school right and then you graduate and you were I guess you had a full ride to go to Ohio but you decide not to go yeah I had a full ride to go to university or high Ohio Erasmus scholarship you know you know I got caught up in the street you know like a lot of good athletes you know understand you know this Greek grab you you know what I mean and uh you know and I got caught up in the screen I chose this Greece to the college you know now who was an Isaac Ike Hicks I think he is one of the biggest boys that come out of Miami drug lords that come out of Miami and um he passed on you know he passed on you know understanding why he was in prison but a real great man okay it was your connection to him well you know when I was a kid you don't understand it like I said I was a lookout you know understand and I was still in school so you know I back in the days you know understand he had one of the biggest you know operations going and I was a lookout for him you know when I first started out kids still in school you know nothing and I'm what happened was you know you you know he was a good man and um he had organization back then I just came through the ranks with him and that's how you know but everybody that really came up under Isaac Higgs really went to a whole nother level mostly on us all the guys that worked up under him you know off the tree that he's you know all this tree really did great things went on to do great things in the streets okay so who are the Miami boys well that might be boys originally started with me and a couple of guys that that's not going on the road you know start going on the road I'm original mighty boy them and some other guys that really come up off that I'm brother to came off that tree to that's really started the miami boys it's time to going to different parts of the United States you know you know getting money and that's how you know we start to fall in the mind oh boy so you know we got you know we got a different swag in Miami so you know uh you know whenever we go somewhere he was so fascinated with us then you know they pretty much game was that name there Miami Bora okay and you guys are also called the untouchables I'm not out so are the untouchables is one of my little homeboys you know ooh you don't understand that's a whole different stereo you know yeah so so you guys you guys have this crew yeah the Miami boys right and Miami is kind of a hub for the drug trade at that time yeah yeah you know you saw the cocaine Cowboys right what's the hope at that time you're right okay so all the all the cocaine from South America was all being dropped off through Miami and being distributed to the rest of the country yeah at that time there describe that time to me for you know because at that point I feel like the u.s. didn't exactly understand what was going on and they're still trying to play catch-up and write billions of dollars were running through the city right well you know to be honest with you you know what I said that time you know what I said Miami was built from that the pretty city you see not come from met you know understand that come from that and you know at that time know that you know of course they didn't have the technology they had they have not you know understand so you know I'd like to sit in 15 20 30 years behind at that time and you know and thanks for running you know and it was more money on the street at that time it was more money at you on the street at that time and probably you're ever see you know sometimes del you know you'll never see again because I know we're in a different time technology and all that stuff there you know and everything you know tighten down with the boarders and stuff like that so don't days there you probably you're probably never see again okay so when you were first starting was Ike Hicks was that your plug not started out with him I started out with him but you know he uh he also would you know at that time you know understand he would do even doing numbers you know I said yeah if I needed something I can go to him you know understand yeah yeah I can see that you know understand but you know that you go along as you go along you know up other things up opportunities up a room other rooms open up for you so you know I was started doing all kind of you know other things but you know he's basically you know like a start off kid like and he started he started me on you know okay did you eventually get like a Colombian plug or another yeah that's what I'm saying you know at the time is at the time you know you know in the medium times it was Colombians and Cubans you know that you know down you know and I and that was really you know you know had all the work okay and Pablo Escobar was the main club ain't no question that's hard ain't no question about it so were you dealing with Pablo Escobar screw yeah with some of the people back in you know understanding like he had you know he had our the Queen a Bronco you know and stuff like that we you know we just doing different things you know like now you know I keep I keep in contact with you know our son Michael Kohler young you know aha yeah okay so you were dealing with a Griselda you know in it in it in that reg root see you got to understand back in you know understand all the work they come pretty much all the workers coming through them with computers from them so you know one way or another where you connect it with them because you know they had mostly our work back then right well the Colombians kind of had a reputation for being kind of upset if you didn't get their money oh yeah well you know that's you know that whole lot of people get upset you know get a money you know but you know you know that you know they Nate you know it was pretty much my dad you know you know get any money you know you couldn't take none from you know a lot of them you know well right I mean I mean Escobar was killing politicians back at Columbia right right the level that he was doing it at I don't think the world had ever seen right right but that's that's what I was playing it to you doesn't that's what I was playing it to you at the beginning to take but because then you don't have said they didn't have a tech knowledge and all that gun you know today they got now you know to me so thanks was a little bit more open you know to do you know you know open to it to favor you know Escobar back again I mean what was the craziest thing that you saw or heard about when a drug deal went bad during that era well you know when dealing with Escobar's people or whoever else well when it was our our daily I'm all day lame or was it the lame anymore what he big she went and I was our that was crucial oh that was the are ya add a layer I think I was dealing more with a big shoe though it was all on the TV and everything and you know they did a documentary by the cocaine cowboy you know I was one of the biggest crazy things I seen you know a lot of a lot of people got killed you don't wanna say it back in the day you know back in the days and eighties you know okay so so you're starting to build up and start to get bigger plugs right like how big was your operation at its height well you know you know I was my operation when I was making 50 30 50 30 40 50 thousand a hundred thousand a date so at any time you know understand when I was at my prime you know so I you know I had some you know I had some real success with with this you know understand back in the days when I was younger I've interviewed a lot of the you know a lot of kingpins got all that TV you know like Lil D yeah Ricky Ross is a ya know Freeway Ricky is a regular guest yeah and you know each of them had different ways of doing it so like like Freeway Ricky had like just a big you know number of crack houses he was controlling my 24 years old you're a kingpin you were moving a hundred kilos a day you had a dozen crack houses they were making 40,000 a profit a day and you had a network of dealers they were moving half a million crack rocks a day when you look at these types of numbers and this is all you've laid all this out in your book it is a staggering amount of drugs I mean half a million rocks a day like when you look at that right now how do you even come to grips with it it's like you know that was the summer I stumbled upon you know it was only when I really got in prison that I really understood the magnitude right you know whereas other guys were just moving kilos and didn't really want to deal with the street-level stuff right like how were you running your operation at the time well to be honest with you you know I started out I started out as you know I was like Ricky you know what I said I had traps where they call traps you know what I mean I had spots and then you know as you go along you know understand you kind of like you know go to another level winning and you start selling waiting different and things like that but you know you know Ricky smart guy you know understanding traffic looking more safer because you know it's a little bit more low-key because you're not really out there you know ideal where you start dealing with weight and you know hand in hand with the weight and stuff like that you know and things could go bad real fast did you have any drug deals that went bad no you know always been a smooth criminal you know what I'm saying and always always try to like are you know kind of like you know scout you know kind of like you know stake things out before I move you know but you know I had a bad deal when I got knocked off because I grind up get jammed up well along with the rise of the D boys was the the jack boys yeah you know that people that would you know who didn't feel like dealing drugs they would rather than rob the drug dealers exactly so was this going on around you oh yeah understand right I came up with the shower posse and all them you know and I'm baking Rob you know the robbers or the Jamaicans and all that I came up in a terror you know what I'm saying but it's just like this you know it's just like jungle like in the jungle you know predators respect predators you can understand and you know you know if he saw you know what I'm saying you know you only our problems but it you know it ain't no fun when a rabbit got a gun so you know a lot of times you know guys you know you might have you know guys that does that but they know if it's they they looking for easy links if you know there's be a problem there's gonna be some repercussions or whatever you know what I'm saying if they'd okay you don't understand they know they're gonna have that you know they know that because the questions that come with that so you know always had you know always had a touching I mean touch crew so you know always had them on deck you know what I'm saying along with the with crack and more money came the level of ammunition sir rise up cuz those revolvers and right millimeters then you had the ak-47 Aziz and everything yeah well I was always big on that you know when it comes to protecting your investment you know under saying you know I always felt that that was the number one security advice you have to put in plate before you gave really get enough so you know I was always big and then at that time no you know I was a real gun free you know what I'm saying I you know I wasn't really into the gun it's all the latest you know all the ladies you know that come out you know in the sense oh yeah I was always interested at so that's what it really Miami Boys cuz we you know at the mind it boys we know where we went out you know understand we put down you know I mean we're getting to shootouts during that time yeah you know that come with the game you got to understand that come with the game because you got to understand where you getting money you're gonna have some you gonna have somebody that try it oh well you in some kind of situation where you get money you got you got a uh you got spots and stuff like that you know you go you got that you got you got in particular you got to protect your investment and that's where they're come in but that that in this game here that's not good business because you don't really you really don't want to you know you know getting money you really don't want no bodies or no shoes or nothing like that because that's bad for business you know so you wanted really you know any small business man you really want to get from that unless you don't understand he's got no way out you know but you want to really want to stay from that because that's bad for business okay you yourself ever got shot yeah I shot two different times if you talk about those two instances oh yeah well one time you know I I got shot in a village and then I got shot in a place called Baja you know two different times you know and you know you know that covered again you know okay so the first time you got shot or what happened I was in a village or you know really it was just animosity you know because I wasn't really I wasn't really role the guy you know I was a really really flamboyant love guy so you know they hate come with that you know us and so you have to be real careful and a lot of times you don't really pay attention well you have a things your way to to threats and enemies you know understand because you know you having the time you live your best life and you're not you know you don't think you know you're harm could come to you but you know they're paintings little thing you know you can lose your life for and it don't be because you did something anything it becomes it because you know it becomes a part of that hate that come with success okay so where'd you get shot the first time or what you mean and where village oh you know what what part of your body do you show or today both times in the one time in arm in a diet one time like in any area okay so the first time you got shot yeah did that make you move different and started looking at everything differently yeah you know yeah you know it change your train of thought because now you have to fit you got to be conscious and you know that that took me you know you know having that awareness you understand really saved my life a lot of time because that's really what we all you got to understand I was a kid when I was doing all that we knew one when I was doing all that you know I'm the first guy down here you don't understand that hair rolls-royce's chop tops all you know all that um you know a part of the rap culture the whole rap culture is is is a blueprint that I laid down and I put on training wheels that they could really you don't duplicate and do so when you see the Juelz and you know I'm the one I'm the one maker and convertibles cool you know that you really know nothing about that you know understand you know you know California I'm gonna never say California but a lot of a lot of parts are the United States running and no none I really put that on the fro front you know understand because you know ain't nobody play dumb like me you know understand I'm gonna convert about done now how did you get the name convertible bird how did that coming up convertibles you know understand you know it's summer by the convertible dengue that freedom to me you know it just you know you've let it down the toughest ER you know you can see the sky and it just gives you that freedom and you know understand but a lot is rap culture you know understand they want they wasn't even rapping about convertibles into you know I put that into the play the convertible Burt name-brand came into play you know oh yeah I mean when I moved to LA I got a convertible like a red convertible Maserati right peanut butter interior yeah yeah drop that top something about something about it just the world opens up yeah they were no joy and to give you a sense of freedom yeah you know give you that it just summer body so I was all you know from a kid I was always fascinated you know honest I had a fetish for convertible you know understand and you know you know I challenge anybody can't nobody put a car together like me yet I haven't did not yet because I'm you know I'm going through another thing but you know the system right now but after that down my style put them together and I would challenge anybody to put them put one together like I do okay so how big was your car collection at one point well you know at the time you know what I'm saying I you know I had you know I was a cop man so I had like ten cars at one time you know what I'm saying convertible different antiques and stuff I always been into cars you know yeah you know look okay so can you name those ten cars yeah I had a um I had um I had the Rose Royce you know understand in the game you know the truths and bows and the Chop top I had a 560 convertible convertible that oh you make these convertible sunnite the California chop you know I had a chop chop and all that down of 560 I had to scratch limousine I'm in the five six scratch look they're like little busy with the kyrgyz in it I had on an adult a date that's the original car that made me famous tell they're all Delta 88 convertible and I had to all common geek I had to Cadillac I had the lowrider truck the Bronco I mean his dad you know I yeah you noticing the milestone the moss convertible just afraid to exit 7xl became first came out so you know I had it yeah I had a fleet of car okay but you got known for the the Oldsmobile Delta 88 yeah that's what really made me really really put me on the map you know understand because you know back then you don't understand when uh when I was riding up you know ain't too many people really know none of you know they were really into virgins like that it yeah I you know I'm a part of that don't culture all that come from me a lot of that come from me your Nonna saying okay so the big giant wheels and the convert now I'm not Dec because we never did that that's like you know that's like you don't they put a big rims or they're not a giant I'm time out like oh you know the Chevy's and you know understand like that you know that that's putting again they put like the 2223 zon you know and that's what he's doing with now you know understand but their whole culture like doing the engine and all that stuff all that come from me but that's part of you know what I created you know understand okay the first time you got shot you were how old I want to say by 18 I got shot here 18 something like that how old were you when you got shot the second time probably about 20 a couple of years couple years later so so tell me about the situation around the second time he got shot really it was a really was a night before my birthday and on it was a it was like a like I said this you know I know we really had no problems with individual is too tough my hallway oh man come from like hate crimes you know dealing with women and stuff like that so you don't understand that's what was pretty much my situation up you know to me it was never like you know understand no problem like I'm having a problem old man always come from hatecraft like a like you know really it's an incident that really you know you're it's just just happened it ain't no no that's you know understand that that like I had I had before I had on I have pressure like in the screw to some ninety never got shot like that okay so the two guys that shot you did you ever find out who they were or did anything ever happen afterwards yeah you know I don't from what I know you know what I'm saying are they no longer winners that's all I know well there you go that's all I know that you know what I've killed yourself get out no bye and I don't know what other witness or not well yeah I mean you have actions reactions yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah well why not kill yourself you know so okay so here you are you're building up yeah and you got your plugs and now you're starting to move out of Miami and start out in state to state right right every state ok and what what city's rude primarily focusing on it during that time you know I was in a land oh you don't understand I was in an and oh you know I was on you know I've been in a you know a land of different spots you know understand you know you know different spots you know different of towns you hear you know well you know where money is at you know under saying you got to try to find a treasure you know so I've been around some different states you know what I'm sayin moving around so describe to me the the process of here here's this you know this this young man from Miami he goes into a totally different city right how do you how do you really get plugged into what's going on over there because people are making money over there themselves and you know people get protective right but you got to understand you know back then you know it's it different and getting money and getting organized money you said oh saying so you know coming you know coming up you know through the rain so all the great eyes are kings and stuff like that you know they was more like Oh almonds are open it all being organized you know so will you go to a spider you organized you know you even even though guys there might might be there and getting money you got a leg up on him because they not that advanced force with you know putting an organization down okay yeah so now now you have different cities and the Maori boys are starting to set up shop right in different places right okay so you had about what about a five-year run yeah yeah yeah gotta fire your run you know what I mean really you know actually you know understand you know I never really did the mail for that yeah that's a I defy your run you know okay at your height how much money do you think that you were sitting on altogether well well you know she you know at that time no you know the saying you know I've touched me as a means of dollars you know the saying that come fastcome you know you're spending you know you're it's so much money you know as how for me to really put a number on it cuz you know you're handling a lot of money you know I'm buying all the flat stuff and you know you know like our back then when I was I was young man I brought the world heavyweight champion Mike Tyson on here you know so I was doing big things man go to Vegas do a different thing so you know I was getting so much money man you know it's really hard to put a number because I got so much coming in and going I you know understand so you know you know I'm Helen millions and millions of dollars okay I mean apart from the cars what do you think was your most extravagant you know purchases yeah jury college I had me you know I got a head like me and I was a jury and stuff like that you know like I was telling like I was trying to spend tea before you know understand in a major a lot of the major guys are getting money you know what I said hey you know it was me and I was like I got this see I came up around hustlers players you know understand hustlers in print you know in the Senate pill so the flavor you don't ascend and the swag I always been around that so I said got to say this hill the jury and stuff like that that's why I was telling you you spent so much money if you you know you you know to me I use air event I use the things where every grin I got a different thing so it's all it cost me a lot of money you know to stay up you don't understand in this state to the latest fashion the latest we're now you know so you know I you know you know you handling so much money you got so much money going out and coming in you know anything is going so fast you know a lot of stuff like I've never really kind of have many cons I got hey I never really took pictures of that kind of stuff because I always thought you know the people might come and get all of you know us and so a lot of that stuff you know what I'm saying I never document it you notice in you know I got money here I got money there you know understand you know you really know start thinking about that until it all come down then you start thank you because everything goes so fast so you start a build up and you're right moving kilos do you remember how much your biggest single kilo pickup was yeah well you know as you know you got different times where you get a hundred here 200 L you know understand 200 you know what I'm saying stuff like that you know what I mean you know you want to keep it well you could move you know understand you've been moving and um you don't really want to run up a tab too big where you can't pay you nothing you know what I said so you might get to 300 for 500 you don't understand something like that moving around you know backing in you don't understand and uh you doing like I seen it you know when you when you do the math you know uh send a lot of that money go out you know so you know you're moving around and you you know by the quickest the quick let's go out and come in you know what I'm saying you take losses all that so you know I really never you know I have money everyone you know at a time you know okay so you were saying you were getting up to 500 kilos at a time yeah back in the day so while you know back in the days you know you get you get you get a screen here screen now you know because you go in different places you know what I'm saying and you move on of different ways you know on a Senate day you got other partners that you know that I'm linked up with you know they doing a thing you know we're doing our separate thing well you're building up and you're making millions of dollars yeah and you got all the jewelry and all the cars hanging or Mike Tyson yeah but in the back of your mind you're realizing that all this is illegal and do you start to see people around you get busted yeah well you know understand you know anytime you into that environment you know it's gonna always be somebody to get pinched I'll get busted you know understanding you know in the back of your man you know you don't know what that is you because like I was you like I'm explaining to you you know things go so fast at a time you know understand you never thinking about that you know what I'm saying you know everything you know they just like you could know something gonna happen you know what I'm saying and you know you kind of like put it on a back burner you know it's invertible you know what I'm saying that you know is it you know it's no way you can really avoid let you know you got guys to beat the hearts but you know the millions of won odds you know you know any two men and you know beat them odds but you got you got guys that never had no problem and get away you know okay now leading up to 1991 yeah you have a child at this point right yeah I got kids and therefore not you know like I was saying I I was moving real fast you know I got you know at that time when I'm at 91 when I got neither I had like five kids okay well what are the ages of the kids at that point five they'd like babies five three two one so here you are you're touching millions of dollars you have five kids right do you start to think you know maybe I could just take this money put it into some legitimate businesses you know some car washes some apartment complexes something and just walk away from it right give give my plug to someone else right for a dollar amount and then just ride off into the sunset right but you know at the time you know understand I was in I was right before I got caught up I was in the in the transition of making that move I had a record back then I just had started record cut right before I got locked up I had a record company me uh played a beat Gnostic lady here Rahim we I did a song or shaking teddy so I was in the I was in the midst of doing stuff like that and I had a bin I had a store you know I had property it you know but you know like I said you know you know what things you know what it all come now you know and you know you have to get you know you got to get different things you got to get you the winter where you have to move back then you know you really don't really only none of that stuff because you can't you can't you can't account for so you know where to go bad everything go this way that way you know understand so okay so then in 1991 you get busted right I guess there are two informants no work out yes yeah yeah okay these were guys that you were close to yeah yeah not really you know one guy who just did a favor for you don't understand another guy was pretty close to you like a driver yeah you know they turn all both you know they turned it for them and then you know the guy that one of the farmers that one of the farmers the guy that on that paid up on the hill was an informer so you know what I'm saying so just like a trigger a domino effect and you know what I continue to see in this case that I case that I'm in rigid that I got knocked off in before it really wasn't even my case it was target for another low homeboy man and you know I wanted up stepping into it just doing a thing but not really but even that case that they was really investigating me so tell me about the actual situation were the feds come in a restroom like I said it wasn't really it wasn't a deal of mine I really you know understand it was just that uh I was doing a favor for a person and they came in you know under saying you know they put your deal together whatever not just we're really was Delta I came on the scene and um you know I wound up getting caught up in it you know understand really what even my deal or nothing like that was the guy who deal it was you know understand that uh that all that really got caught up but he was already in I read there had already been watching him and doing things I already had him so I wound up getting caught up for something then what it really wasn't you know none that I did okay how many kilos was this deal I think it was like a fire year a fire kilo deal something it wasn't that minute you know understand at the time but that's the danger come with dealing with kilos cuz when you start moving weight like that you know it could go bad any time you know understand that's not a safe bet it hurted me to go bad real time and that's one of the things I really regret you know mess around with the weight okay so you're sitting in on a deal that's not even yours brighter you know somehow part of it right the feds bust in and arrest everybody right did you know so ver at that point or not really I like to think that it was smart yeah you know don't take you know when it's over is over you know where you know where that at that point there you know at the same time you know you wanna fight you gonna fight you know but you know I went to trial so I fought the case you know I appealed the case I wouldn't I did everything I could you know understand but the biggest thing you know understand I di was a man I did my time you know what I'm saying you know okay so so you get busted yeah during this deal yeah you hire a lawyer right how much money did you end up spending illegal bills at the end of the day at that time now you know understand you know you you you hire lawyers you're firing orders you know understand identify a hundred thousand tied up in legal fees you know in the same different thing you know trying to fight the case trying to peel it you know you really you know what the fans get you man it's kind of tough you know that's you know you kind of like you really like throwing money away you know unless you got a real real rare case you know affairs conviction rate rate is really high you know you really just really really tough you know it's really tough to beat them you know what I mean you know I got I think they got like a ninety nine points up so it's really tough to beat them you know but yeah well you got will you have money and you think you could beat them you know understand you spent all that money on lawyers you know understand thinking you could beat a minute at the end of the day you know understand it's a tough slate okay so here you are you're going through the whole process and hiring lawyers right I'm sure they're offering you deals along the way right yeah but then you know at the same time you know I came from a different cloth you know you know always to was told you know you know when I was coming up around all the hustlers and stuff like he did I might have to do a B and it might don't beat my being you know in a sense cuz you know you know you have you know buddy I was young at the time you know and then I might have to be you know I might have to be the fall guy have my take a fall you know so I was you know I've been groomed early some when that came I was kind of like you know I already know you know understand you know I was in it for the long haul you know understand because you know you know or you know if a guy's a nobody you know they really not but once they found out who I was you know how they really put you know they really poured it on thing you know because they didn't know what I was at first do they offer you a deal like okay look like tell us who the plug is tell us everyone else says and we'll we'll make this go away oh no no no no no the deal they gave me was like all trying to give me as like 22 years you know that you know they tell you no but it wasn't nothing to talk about you know what I'm saying because you know cut from a different cloth you noticing that was our Russian would be anyway you know yeah alright so you turned down the plea deal yeah you go to trial you ride a blowing true trial through trout how did you feel when the jury came back with guilty I was crushed what you did I was crushed man you know that's that's one of them you know I was you know what I was most one one of them you know cuz you know you had a chicken when you go to trial you got a chance least you think you got a chance you never got a chance with defense because they already got the cost that you know understand and you know they got they got they could supersede you so that you know you even if you beat this a tight they could come on some old charges supersede you so you know understand even if I if I to be the child here to came with a money laundry and all kind of stuff in them you know I had property and all kind of other stuff and other people name so he was threatening to take the people to jail so I had to I had to wear this one a lot of you know a lot of people would have wait you know a lot of people you know from for what you know for from that my ex couldn't win you know couldn't couldn't you know suffer so you know I took it like a man I did what I had to do one and then I did it you know and I was fortunate enough to get back with my sanity you know mine even though you know what my mind you know in my sanity so you know you know there's been has been a great blessings not we you know we own a bigger better things getting ready to do movies and stuff like that you know what I mean closing lines so we all know you know it really you know it was it was a blessing in disguise cuz you know the things that I learned in in offense there's no way I woulda learn I hear you know there's no way you don't understand how that you know I'd have been a strategic businessman of mills today and been you know nor the answer out of business you know how to make deals you know how to make deals and you know you know we really make money legitimately you know I learned all that you know Sam from going on a hard non school or to the school of hard knocks if you go to trial you blow trial and the jury finds you guilty and then the sentencing happens later right right so you know you hear the guilty and you're you're crushed over that right and then you hear the resentence for 24 years yeah now I was 20 our car tweeted I caught 26 years and 10 months to be exactly okay and you were how old at the time I was 26 how does a 26 year old comprehend that for every day you've been alive you will now have to do a day in prison hey well you know it's not a you got to man up you know you got to man up you know you know I could have went bad but you're gonna come up like that you know understand you know a lot of you guys you know all the big names and stuff they're you know they told you know what they tell you know and then a lot of people you know they still giving them you know props and all that you know but you know you know you know once you go bad you go bad you know you could never get that back and you know you know I got you know I got morals and dignity and principles and that's I'm up on it at school glass so you know it's a different beat you know even as a kid so we know he died in prison and um you know they've tried to get him to turn you know understand that at the time you know you know he you know he just coming up we come up a little different you know I'm saying you know he died in prison you know and you know you know will you come up a certain way you know you know you know that's that's the code that's violating the code when you go the other way so you start your bid and you said you were with the the most violent criminals in the world oh yeah yeah you know cuz you know you got to understand now we're talking about like the state of New York or the state of Miami I'm the Florida you know understand uh somewhere else you talk much when you're talking about the fear you come out the world you know a federal government work you got you got Russians you got you got a Chinese you got a Chinese mob you got all kind of difficult Mexican you got area you got every different culture or criminals in the world in that system you know when I was in the penitential I was in the quarry and I was in our Terry Hut and you know under said I want to you know I was in a now know you know under said I went to a fruit Penitentiary's and you know you know you know when you go to a penitentiary you know some healthy eyes you know you never know if you're gonna really make it out of there so you notices yes it really it's a really it's a really dangerous environment you know and you got to really dig you got to really be a man to survive and a real man you know because you know any any any sense of softness or you know anything like that uh you know understand you and you you know you know you could take the fan of children I mean what are the most violent things that you had to go through while you're locked up well you know I've been in I've been in a riot you know and I I went there two years on lockdown you know I went to to you know two years or knock down and I do I had to do a step-down program you know understand they were gonna send me on you know they uh you know there's something to Terri her you know I stayed down two years lockdown you know from the crack right in 95 and you know you know fraud and DC got into it one time you know understand you know and you know I'd have been in a lot a lot of stuff you know I said I had a fruit you know I stayed in the holy so you know I was you know I was a rebellious guy in then so you know I had a rough bit you know understand and you know knock on wood that I made it through you know I mean what was your longest stretch in the whole like are like three years you know the same cuz you know I had yeah three year I did two years on lockdown on lockdown program you know in the sanidine I had I did a year own what they called a step-down program for violent criminals like a mother to you every Iowa so you know I come out you know I came out of this two years out of two year lockdown program you know what I'm saying yeah I went to all I had to do the step town program that mean that you know they let you out but you go back in you know you let you out for a couple of hours a day and you go back in but every hour they let you out you got to you know like for child or different things they monitor will you go or where you at you got you don't let them know you got to get to office and let them know that you over here a tested at every our check-in okay yeah so you do your time you do get 24 years yeah 23 and a half you want almost twenty fold you know and then I did like 10 months and a halfway house you know and you know all that was tough you know you know as we speak you know I'm stared or time like you know I got I have five years on supervised release enough I'm now that I eight months now so you know I'm kind of like chopping at it you know so you walk out of prison at what age I walk out of prison I was at all had to be by 4849 something like that hey what year was this [ __ ] 2014 okay so you go into prison in 1991 and you walk out in 2014 right to a completely different world right like 1991 you had like the brick phones right like the first big flip phones were coming out right right and not evil in 1991 yeah yeah the big the big the big great phone wasn't you you know hand the transportable Zinn the cars right you're walking out into I phones it right and you didn't have the internet really back right right World Wide Web wasn't around computers weren't around like you're walking into a whole different planet how did it feel to walk out into this hey man you know you got to get with it you know because you know you got to get with it you know you ain't man you know this is a sign tonight so you had you know you know I had it you know I had to Jess and adapt but you know um if the transition really wasn't no problem with me you know understand because I was so like before I got locked up I was a hitter I was like I was like years ahead of everything you know I was always like yeah I was always faster and so you know the transition was really nothing to me you know you know you got a lot of guys that's you know have a lot more you know all problem with making the transition I'd step straight to it you're not steps great to it like I never left for real seriously cuz I you know I remember one day you know I flew in I flew in you know my son was telling me say you know he pick me up at the airport and tell me do I do do he think i'ma find my way through the airport you know I said man you know I found him you know what I said so he's very surprised about that but I know it was just that uh you know you know it doesn't like the first thing I got out is like I mean you really miss a beat you know I gots great tool you know you like clothes you know your Justin and adapted to the world you know I remember when I interviewed a little D from over there are you familiar with him who little D from Oakland no no I'm not for me but little D was the crack king of Oakland he did like 30 37 years he actually got a clemency by Obama yeah yeah I got a few years taken out and I remember I asked him I said what was the biggest adjustment after you get out after 30 years he said the biggest thing was people be walking around on their cell phones and they'd bump into each other and not say nothing and just keep walking whereas in prison you bump into someone that's you have to you have to be very polite yeah nice literate or else that might be your last day on earth smelling I did an airport and seen all these people moving around on the cell phones if you've seen the expression on my face I was in another world man like I was the look the look that was on me was like a person that you just let out of a cave I mean that's how long I had been gone like when I seen all these peoples on their phones with a hairnet on texting and bumping into each other man it freaked me out man because because it was so these people with moving so fast all right and then in prison you got to be kind man you got to say excuse me if you bump into somebody man you you know you got to say excuse me you got a you got a you know because it's a respect thing so when I say you know you people bumping each other with the end now I don't we're not a freak and I'm like man what this is crazy right he exactly right but that's that's that's that's what I was trying to explain to you it's a whole different level respect out here these like a lot of these raffles that's in position yeah you know they got bad school and they all I don't know even know how they don't do the honorable thing they don't know how to respect the ones who set the path for them you know to me and I lay the foundation they don't really respect so you know it's a whole and then back in the days you know they would have had to be dealt with you know so you know it's just things and something some places not they still had to be dealt with but you know it's just different man you know this whole gang you know this whole it's just different but like you like he said you know you bump into somebody not say nothing I step on somebody not say none that could be your last day and you know he coming from a different perspective for life that being enough you know you know beer in prison best violent prison you don't have said it they've really big all respect like I was in Terre Haute with the bay was there Terry McKay who did Oklahoma and when I was in Terry hut you know understand that's where I was in a lot now but with my be able make but they orders my BAE was dead I Timothy Timothy McVeigh yeah him okay when he was dead you know understand and I'm I was dealt with all your they had some nerve are some you know most violent criminals in the world and you could you can feel the tension through there that's how much it was you can feel the tension dealt through that you can feel it you can feel it any minute you know what I'm saying real real danger spot you know what I'm saying Larry who was there at the time and I remember when I was on lockdown I was all I was I was on at wheel I will show you how real people recognize real people I was on lockdown so uh you know when I got out when I got on a step-down program Larry Hoover it was in the back so we pushed the food backed up you know to the part where there cuz it was all he had just came in from the state and the first time he's seen me you know he spoke you know understand he like you know that just show you how real recognize real all over the world well I remember when I interviewed Freeway Ricky yeah and when he went in he had all types of property and other people's names he had money and other people's names and you know he got life in prison right but he ended up beating it right and he came out and he said everything that was put that I'd put aside with people I trusted people I took care of my family members all of it was gone so all these people that are getting locked up who think that there the relative said their homies are gonna hold on to that half a million in cash and that property in those cars you know about and when you when you when you when you doing it you're thinking like you're gonna accumulate this stuff and when you come home you will have that yeah but when you came out you had nothing nothing so all this stuff that people were holding was all gone zero that's my next book is about when I got out when I had how I had to start over right so you walked away you you came in a multi-millionaire and walked out is it dead broke no motels no apartment buildings no tennis pros you know all the things that I thought would would hold together and the people who were able to keep the property the property became theirs in their mind and was their property and they were trying to give it back to you know but that's how that go that's what I was blended to you earlier that just how that go that's the nature of the beast that's how that gain go because you know it were you getting that type of money you can't pouch for everything you can't you can't you can't bow for so you dare for it you have to take chances with other people they be laying trust me family members and oh you know a lot of them they be laying on something to go bad or go wrong because they know as death you know understand you know I got an older brother man you know what I'm saying that that did me dirty right now today he act like I did him dirty and he took you know what I'm saying so you know just it just it's just eight minutes crazy man you know and then not only debt I've never had an argument with his view I've never you know we don't even you know I just they just turn things that you don't never understand how people could think but and that's what I was trying to explain to you about the times I got shot I never got shot for something my dear indiscreet never everything every time I ever got shot is from a hate crime on you know it's from somebody hating on me or have any animosity about women because you know you said I used to you know I love women I always had a lot you know back in then I had a lot of women did so you know you know so beef come from all that kind of stuff you know you and you know and that's what I'm saying you know you when that happened everything you know you lose everything man you know you're not just the nature of the piece but I can say this it well you know if you ever experience that you can't get out of here man with the world you know understand you got to figure it out you know what I'm saying move forward you know understand I figure out you know what I'm saying how can I do know I can I get back to where I'm trying to go legitimately you know understanding I said that's what we working on done you know well I remember when I interviewed Freeway Ricky yeah right he said and his own plug blend on an attack by against him right he was working with the CIA right right and he was doing he was at a high level the whole iran-contra that was three Freeway Ricky right right so um you know when he first got locked up he was angry right most people are right right but then but then he had an epiphany when he realized that snitching as part of the drug game way I look at it is first of all I made the mistake of getting in the drug business that was my first mistake my next mistake was I went back into the drug business as I say I quit yeah so what he did is he only did what people do in the drug business they tell they set you up and for somebody to go into the drug business and not understand that which I was in the drug business and didn't understand it but I came to grips with it oh yeah without a doubt without a doubt you know even with the mafia you know it said way back there you know you had rats you don't understand you know if for mercy is you know understand and that's how he was able to penetrate the you know the mafia you know and you know there was they were one of the most first organized crime in the world but that's how he was an area to penetrate the organization you don't understand they date they outfits because you know you can always have that you know understand you know and that's what's so dangerous about that game you just never know who was who you never know who is who you know what I mean and would it take not the technology you had a day oh man forget about it well yeah and he said that once he realized that snitching is part of the drug game yeah then he knew that that's why he should have never gone to the drug game right if you get into the drug game into the drug game and think that no one's ever gonna tell on you you're just fooling yourself yeah yeah but you know that's it that's a part of the game you know you got to understand in life you got all kind of ropes you got okay it takes all kind of walks of life to mingle you know that make up the human you know understand society man so you got all walks of life to make up the world and you gonna always have that you know what I mean you know they whistleblower even on in four to five hundred they call whistleblower you gonna have that you know what I mean but you have to be very very careful because you know you just never know you know who was who if you playing that game you didn't tell anybody but two people told on you yeah really you know they had more than that you know they're people waiting to come to court and everything you know that you know a whole lot of people told over a guy who was on the bus with me come on I said I'm gonna hit the FBI said I'm gonna put hairs on the FBI they used that in court everything they kill you to build assassinate my character that you just said oh god never know just he pulling courtroom to courtroom to testify on different guys and they letting a man with that boat but that's how they work they stack the cars only a man you you it's almost impossible to win because they gonna build a character you know understand and they when they feel that character or you know understand they're gonna go they gonna paint a character on you that you did all that sit even if you didn't do it you know what I'm saying you're not gonna people who that's innocent never know about the activity that go around or that's happening that a family member or grandma until mom they get caught up in the conspiracy and they really don't know but the son Oh whoever it may be you know what I say they don't turn over who they support or turnover and they wind up going to get the family members to make them turn so you know what I'm saying so you don't look at our rate rate Rihanna RDC you know what they're gonna grab his mother you know and so what do you get to tell you know whatever you do you know he's you know he trying to for his mother you know to me so you know right yeah so you know that's what I'm saying you know this is this is this is it's a dirty game man you know and the mob say the best man the drug game is a dirty game and if you notice early on the mob you know the San before they got you know they really tried to stay away from that because it's bring us a lot of problem you talking about uh rayful Edmond yeah yeah he uh yeah they were gonna lock up his mother and his mother do they lots of his mother right right you know you know you know you know you know uh you know things got you know you know yeah they locked up his mother but that's what I'm trying to tell you you know a lot of times you know your mother might you know you you know it's a mother's nature to protect a kid you know stuff like that you know understand the protecting kids so you know you know you know they go grab grand moms in you know I remember one time I was locked up with a guy and he had a next-door neighbor and he uh he used a phone or something you know he used the phone and on they wouldn't got them you know the same just for using a phone you know what I sent to a house and property and all so you know you just got to be real careful with that man well yeah I remember uh early 2000s BMF flew me out right to hang out with them that's a you know good you know hang out big beaches house yeah with all those guys right and they went and scooped all them up yeah and big Meech they didn't catch him with anything but they had a bunch of witnesses that are ready to line up against them right and get him on conspiracy and kingpin charges but yeah I he took that things took like a 25 year plea deal or somebody yeah yeah yeah well you know I was out locked up man make big big beat big Meech was in on and it's true stirred man big Meech was in arm just Georgia together they shield me up out of that on investigation and when I went to Oklahoma or trans or Transit spot where you know where you go through when they suit your different places the spot when he stopped there or the fair stop that you know when they shoot your spot you know it's a plane or whether you know they fooled up and all that stuff but anyway god L was part of the elf and I told I told her I said man tell rate I said tell a big Meech get it going they're gonna grab and they dog they told me you know we're gonna fall a life ride they got me out of here they're gonna get him Nick and I text him cuz that 10 dice what the Texan just came to he text him you know when he texted you know what I mean two weeks later they got him out Adel in the spot we in but big Mitch you know a lot of that swag big nice guy you know he tell you he you know we was on saying y'all you know told ya a lot of that you know convertible bird because I was you know you know you know I was a young age man I was out at Lance City I think I seen big Mitch in his brother Atlantic City you know all the speaks this Leon Spinks and on Tyson fight so you know understand I was up then you know he was up and coming and I was already up and I was I wasn't you know I was really young you know understand and you know back then like I said you know understand I was the first one had Rolls Royce and all that he looked at that and you know took that to another level you know what it before he went to Atlanta I had that you don't say I already laid that you know that foundation now you know what I'm saying it took it to another level you know after you get out yeah and now you're kids you know your son who was five years old when you went in is now 30 years old yeah 37 years you know your kids now have kids of their own you're now a grandfather right when you look at Liberty City and you look at these other communities that you were pushing cocaine through right and you see the the destruction the the mother's hooked on crack yeah the crack babies being born right and you think that you're partly responsible for some of that does that does that bother you at all or were you just a business person yeah you know you know you got all as business man you got all way but you know you got always looking for from a business perspective but you know like now you know understand I'm trying to get things go right my rooms you know like you know you know you know I always been the kind of person that help people but you know you know the crack epidemic kind of like no passed by night you know any other drugs now so that you know that Dimmick don't win a cane man you know you still got people that you know pretty much might be you know what I'm saying Potter you know still on that but man they got so much different drugs and I know people not even that academic no pass man almost almost you know I would like to think you know but you got like I said you always have spots that's 20 30 years behind time so you know then they take a little while to catch on but pretty much down here you know in Miami you know that you know that crack academics probably you know probably you know pretty much don't pad then all other stuff no Sacko Sacko del ik drool because you know hard stuff that right the opioid ever get all that so know that that's a whole nother twist so you know yeah yeah uh a lot of a lot of kids they're gonna be watching this right we're gonna look a convertible bird and say well I'm gonna be the next convertible bird and I'm not gonna make the mistakes that he made I'm gonna make sure that I don't have any snitches around me I'm gonna you know I'm gonna move differently yeah and I'm gonna I'm gonna make sure I never get arrested I'm gonna I'm gonna move 500 kilos and walk away from it yeah and go off to an island somewhere retired right what would you do what would you tell a kid that says that I would tell a kid you know descent yeah that game no it's kind of it's really real real tough it's a real hard task and I would tell it for our personal kid the same energy that they would put into doing some negly like selling drugs or trying to be like me I'm a businessman I'm a world-class money-making businessman now follow my lead I'm getting ready to do movies I'm getting ready to do music I'm getting ready to sell you know our clothing sell clothes and the merchandise and different things like that the same energy that you put into doing something negative you could get you could put into something positive and get a million times more and have a million times more legit you know and with the media social media yeah you could get that quicker you know the same with the social media del you know so I advised a kid you know if they're gonna follow me follow the positiveness of me now you know i mother I'm a businessman you know I'm trying to broker movie deals I'm trying to sell Chirac I'm trying to sell champagne I'm trying to sell you know there are sodas coke Cola you know I'm trying to I'm trying to bring myself in the market well I make me that means the dollars doing some legit like selling beverages you know what I'm saying making a coca-cola commercial making a Pepsi commercial making you know doing none of light you don't do it a corona or a boy like you know understand a Hennessy you know anything like to generate capital you know you want to get with a fortune 500 companies and put your you know and you and right now you got to be strategically freeing out here when it comes to business so you really want to with all up there are the next flick deals the YouTube deals you don't have to do what I did you know what I'm saying is is you got all these different avenues and it's easy to make means you got kids living in mansions and drabs big and doing all this here offer you two we talked about how you had a five-year run right right yeah so for every year that you were balling out and riding around and Rolls Royces and yet having a million dollars in jewelry yeah you had to spend five years in a cage right do you feel that it was worth it or did you wish that you would gone back and just not gone the illegal route at all really really to be honest with you you don't a saying you know you know morning you know you got to understand we all have you know God you know give us all different Germany's you know the sin and if I had to do all the outer went to college and if I had to do although I went to college with my scholarship and majored in business administration and all right you know what I said and I did it a different way because you know at the end of the day you know I you know I lost what really really hurt me I lost my mom when I was you know there's a car away and my father so you know you you know you know you you never get a chance to tell him how much you love them and stuff like that you know and I lost you know my kids raising them up you know what I'm saying I got another daughter in Atlanta you know understand that I don't have a really good relationship with because she feels some kind of weight because she figure like you know I'm a street guy or whatever you're not I mean she'll really understand that I'm on a whole different level you know understand I own business and other things and you know you know and you know will you leave a kid for that that longer time you know they feel some type of way in their heart so you know that hurt me that hurt me the most I definitely wouldn't did it because it's like you know you know that's that's what hurt me the most you know [ __ ] what a kid when you get out you know understand how you have to really rebuild your relationship with the kids and they grown you know understand but they still have some you know and like I can't say on the Massey but they still have a thing any hard and they mine about like you left from all you know what I'm saying you know you won their home you know so that that really that really that really does something to me so that's why I would tell a kid that's trying to follow my you know my footsteps to the door to write waiting follow my footsteps not because I'm doing it the right way you know I mean you know I'm in the business I'm in a legitimate business making you know making deals matching buyers with sellers you know what I'm saying that's what I'm doing tonight you don't understand Norma movies and music and different things like that merchandising certain things like that legitimately you know what convertible Burt I definitely appreciate you telling your story and the reason why we we do these types of interviews is to really illustrate to people they're like yeah you can't ball out for a few years right you can't get all this stuff right to do it but most people could probably do it for a few years right but the amount of loss that you take right as a cost to that right every what I've interview told me is not worth it well convertible Burt I really appreciate you telling your story I think a lot of people have heard the myth of convertible Burt but to actually lay it out in detail and show the winds along with the with the losses nificant right it's very important to the next generation of people that are going to be influenced by you and are to follow in your footsteps right B we could you know by having you explain your story they might rethink it and say you know something I think I might just go legit instead that's the better way for me to do it yeah but really you know that's that is the better way to do it you know there's no no hands down and that's the better way because you got all the fortune like I was saying you got all these fortune 500 companies and it's all about all businesses its demand it's about mix of buyers with sellers so you got any fortunate you gotta use your brain you know to me and make a deal if you're on me and it's it's no different you know it's hustle hustle if you sell cars it's a hustle if you sell houses it's a hustle if you go to mak down and every day it's a hassle you know the saying is so don't let that's Greek mentality hustle thing you know what I'm saying block your blessings because there's so many different ways you can make leads or dollars out here legitimate again that's what it is convertible Bert yeah a word train you uh you know sharing your story wish you all the success in the world yeah take a brother for having me no doubt until next time all right peace
Channel: djvlad
Views: 385,857
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: VladTV, DJ Vlad, Interview, Hip-Hop, Rap, News, Gossip, Rumors, Drama
Id: crtRPN7ASl8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 74min 20sec (4460 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 01 2019
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