Confidence in Love: Overcoming Shame | Mike Bickle

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you in the name of the lord jesus we ask you lord to bless us by the holy spirit touch our hearts release living understanding we ask in the name of jesus amen and amen [Music] jesus you are glory [Music] you [Music] your [Music] beautiful you were glorious [Music] you are beautiful [Music] you are glorious [Music] worthy is the holy holy is he singing a new song to him who sits on [Music] heaven's mercy seat seem worthy [Music] worthy is [Music] [Music] sing a new song to him who sits on heaven's mercy see [Music] [Music] is to come [Music] with all creation i sing praise to the king of kings you are my everything and i will adore you [Music] flashes of lightning rose of thunder blessing and honor strength and glory and power be is [Music] is [Music] the king of kings [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] you are my everything and i will adore you oh [Music] [Music] of your name filled with wonder filled with wonder i struck wonder at the mention of your name we're filled with wonder at you we're filled with wonder [Music] i struck one at the mention of your name jesus jesus your name is [Music] [Applause] such a marvelous mistery [Music] such a marvelous [Music] is [Music] praise to the king of kings you are my everything [Music] see them [Music] yes [Music] holy [Music] you are [Music] you are here [Music] you are beautiful [Music] you are beautiful [Music] is the lord god almighty who was to come with all creation i sing praise to the kings you are my everything and i will adore you [Music] i saw the lord seated on a throne high and exalted [Music] fill the temple [Music] above him were angels with six mighty wings with two they'd cover their faces with two they'd cover their feet and with two they'd fly [Music] [Music] holy holy holy is the lord almighty [Music] the whole earth is full of his glory holy holy holy is the lord almighty and the whole earth is full of his glory he's glorious [Music] he's glorious [Music] he's glorious [Music] [Music] and i said a world of me foreign for i am unclean and so are all my kind but my eyes have seen the king the lord almighty [Music] the lord almighty holy holy holy is the lord almighty the whole earth is full of his glory [Music] is [Music] is [Music] is the lord almighty and the whole earth [Music] is glorious [Music] he's glorious he's glorious he's glorious [Applause] [Music] he touched it to my lips and god took away my sin [Music] he took away my sleep [Music] is [Music] [Music] is [Applause] [Music] is [Music] is [Music] is [Music] holy is the lord almighty the whole earth is full of his glory [Music] holy holy holy is the lord almighty the whole earth is full of his glory holy holy holy is [Music] is how beautiful is the rider on the white horse how beautiful is the lamb that was slain [Music] how beautiful is the rider on the white horse worthy is your name worthy is your name how beautiful is the rider on the white horse how beautiful is [Music] how beautiful is the rider on the white horse worthy is your name worthy is your name there's a man who's wrapped in light his eyes [Music] burning bright his feet like bronze a blinding cold a golden sash [Music] he is king and he is judged he is mercy and he is love he is king and he is mercy he is [Music] beautiful is the lamb that was [Music] [Applause] is your name worthy is your name beautiful how beautiful is [Music] is [Applause] worthy is your name worthy is your own name how beautiful how beautiful is [Music] [Applause] [Music] worthy is your name worthy is your name [Music] [Music] [Music] he's the lion and and the lamb you're a lion you're a lamb you're a lion you're a lamb and all creation bows before the lion and all creation bows before the [Music] before [Music] is [Music] how beautiful [Music] is your name [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] is name [Music] is [Applause] [Music] disciples drop their nets and leave it all the elders cast their crowns and fall disciples drop their nets and leave it all all because you're worthy [Music] jesus you are worthy the elders cast the groans and fall disciples drop their nets and leave it all the elders cast their crowns and fall disciples drop their nests and leave it all all because you're worthy and beautiful all because you're worthy and beautiful all because you're worthy and beautiful all because you're worthy how beautiful how beautiful is the rider on the white horse [Music] how beautiful is is your name [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] the more i seek you [Music] the more i find you more i find you [Music] the more i love you i wanna sit at your feet drink from the cup and you can lay back against you feel your heart beat [Music] this love is so deep it's more than i can stand i'm melting your peace it's overwhelming [Music] the more i seek you the more [Music] the more i find you [Music] the more i want love sit at your feet drink from the cup in your hand lay back against you and breathe love is so deep it's more than i can stand i'm melting your i peace sit at your feet drink from the cup in your hand lay back against you and breathe this love is so deep it's more than i can stand i'm melting your peace [Music] [Laughter] me [Music] overwhelm me with your peace [Music] i wanna sit at your feet drink from the cup in your hand lay back against you and breathe this love is so deep it's more than i can stand i'm melting your peace it's overwhelming [Music] thank you jesus you're so good to us thank you for making yourself available thank you for inventing us knitting us together in our mother's wombs thank you for your word that guides us like a lamp to our feet thank you for your presence that fills us and is all around us and gives us incredible peace through troubled times we love you and we honor your name and your presence and who you are in jesus name amen amen thank you michael thank you worship team good job i love it i love it let's remain standing for a moment just to greet the folks around you just reach your hand out and hello my and if you want the teaching notes and don't have them wave your hand high wave your hand up high so they can get them to you you want the teaching notes go ahead and wave those hands up high do you want a hard copy i think so if i do that it's still bright but it might be i'm just making it too loud one two three four test one two three four okay let's go ahead and get a seat turn to john chapter 14. beginning session three john chapter 14 to tonight we're going to look at confidence in love overcoming shame one of those four negative emotions and mindsets that are i've identified in these five chapters that jesus wants our heart not to be troubled with okay john 14 verse 2 and 3. father we come before your presence now even in the name of your glorious beloved beautiful son the lord jesus father i ask you you would let us see open the eyes of our understanding that we would see the riches of the glory of being the inheritance that he desires father let us see the riches of the glory of being what he wants we are his inheritance thank you abba let us see it let our hearts be moved by that reality we thank you in jesus name amen we hear on page one on the uh paragraph one we're gonna look at a review i always like to give a four or five minute review of the last week or so jesus uh is commanding in john 14 verse one commanding us to not allow trouble to dominate our heart and our mind he says in verse 1 let not your heart be troubled that's actually a commandment he says you believe in god believe also in may he says in verse 27 i'll give you supernatural peace but you got to do your part you got to resist some of the uh and the way uh uh that the word of god describes you're gonna resist allowing trouble just to run rampant in your mind and your emotions you have to stop and say no and line your mind up with what the word of god says there's human dynamics involved that's why jesus says don't let it happen i'll do my part i'll give you peace supernaturally when you do your part by resisting those negative thoughts in this session we're going to focus on walking in confidence in love because the the emotion and the mindset that we're going to focus on in this session that troubles many believers is the mindset and emotion of shame and i say it's an emotion but it's also a mindset it's both and they kind of overlap you'll notice in paragraph a we'll go back up to verse 38 john 13 verse 38 then john 14 verse 1 and there's no chapter break it's not like jesus stops after john 13 verse 38 and says oh there's a break right now he's in the same conversation and it's important that we read the verse before john 14 1. and he says to peter the rooster shall not crow till you've denied me three times and peter pushes back on this he goes i'm not going to i'm not going to deny you i'll die for you because no you actually will deny me but let not your heart be troubled i mean the very first issue after peter he informs peter that he's not as strong as he thinks he is that he's going to be troubled and he says i'm going to give you some truths and we're going to identify four core truths in john 14 verse 2 and 3 that will help peter overcome a troubled heart particularly related to shame but let's look at this phrase again in verse 1. i want you to pay attention to something because there's a point you can miss here if you read it quickly he says let not your heart be troubled then he declares a fact you do believe in god you believe in the god of moses now i want you to believe in me that's the commandment paragraph b i give a little bit on this when he says beli you believe in god believe also in me he's not giving a gospel a pill for salvation he's not saying be born again they're already saved but what he's referencing is that many people in israel believed in the god of moses whom they have never seen jesus even said it in john 5 you've never seen his form no one has and yet many of the leaders of israel even the pharisees scribes and pharisees they believed in the invisible god of moses they believed in him so much they really were very technical meticulous about all the rituals and they added a bunch to it because they believed in him so much there are many things they didn't believe but they believe he existed and his laws were were required but he was invisible and they had no problem with that they it was in their culture they believed in the invisible god of moses the new thing was he says after tonight here's what he's saying he goes you're not going to see me i will be invisible to you after tonight i mean starting tomorrow i will die and you need to believe in me like you believe in my father without seeing me and they're kind of like looking at him thinking like well what do you mean because i'm not going to be visible to you and now you need to ex you need to see i'm as much god as god the father is the old testament god of moses and i'm gonna give you and he's gonna give him four core truths in verse two and three i want you to believe in those truths with the same confidence that you believe in the law of moses though you're though you won't see me i mean he would appear one here and one there and but he insisted that they saw him as reliable and as fully god as the father is that's what he was saying to them and i don't think they're getting it at all he goes you got to believe in me in this way you'll see what i mean in just a few moments paragraph c well the the point we're focusing on tonight and the one right immediately there he says he's going to die right before in john 13. but here in verse 38 again i'm going to mention it in the upper room he tells peter you're going to deny me then a little bit later in john 16 still the same conversation he says i want he's talking to the to the 11 11 disciples judas has already left he goes you're all going to be scattered you're going to abandon me and they're looking at him like like what do you mean we're gonna abandon you what's gonna happen in the next hours that we would even entertain the thought of abandoning you and being scattered and then they went out of the upper room look right there in matthew 26 they go down the the valley and then to the mount of olives just uh you know a few moments walk outside the city of jerusalem to the mount of olives he says i'm going to say it more clearly not only are you going to scatter verse 31 of matthew 26 you will all be made to stumble means you're going to sin you're going to stumble to every one of you because of me then he looks at peter the second time he goes peter i want to tell you you're going to deny me and peter pushed back again i mean this is the second time the first time was in the upper room peter says no you don't really understand me i'll die for you and now it's the second time in the mount of olives she goes it's important that you grasp this peter now here's the fundamental error that peter had peter had more confidence in his commitment to jesus than he had in jesus's commitment to him he thought i'm in this relationship because my commitment to you is so strong and so sure and i know that you like me but i'm really gun hoe and he's looking at peter and in essence the message he doesn't say it in words peter there needs to be a great shift you're going to understand he's getting again he's going to give them four core truths in john 14 verse 2 and 3. he says you don't understand that this this this is the takeaway you're going to see that my commitment to you is far superior than your commitment to me and when you see that you're going to be overwhelmed with gratitude because you're going to see that even as you stumble my commitment to you is reliable and to the end and fierce and passionate even in your weakness and when you see that and you connect the dots with that you connect the truth it's going to create gratitude in you and that gratitude for being forgiven and for being loved and cherished even in your weakness that gratitude that peter's going to have for jesus is going to spill over in his relationships to other people and peter's actually going to be kind towards others who stumble because in the overflow of the gratitude he has that the lord jesus gives him through that lens of gratitude he's going to view other people's failure differently he's going to feel differently about them and there's a number of times that the apostles weakness shows up in the gospels i won't uh give a big list of there's five or six verses it's really clear that they're weaker than they think that they are paragraph two uh of roman numeral two now these four truths we're gonna look at in a moment in john 14 verse two and three the kind of the focus of the teaching tonight these four core truths that that jesus is saying i'm going to be invisible but you have to believe these four truths even like you believe the law of moses you got to believe they're that reliable you can base your life on them even though you won't see me i want to anchor your soul and your heart and these truths so that you are equipped to overcome having a troubled heart in the shame that you're going to face in just a few moments well the these four core truths they are what i call the answer for what i believe to be the strongest most powerful longing in the human heart god designed us strategically he designed the human heart the human spirit in such a way that our greatest longing is that this this is my language now you can say it other ways than this the assurance that we are enjoyed by god even in our weakness a believer grows in understanding of god's heart jesus's heart what is really like it creates this growing assurance that jesus delights in the relationship with us even though there's areas of our life that he's wanting to change that he disagrees with that he's not in favor of but the relationship itself he actually delights in the relationship and there's many verses about this but a lot of people they under they think if there's an area that jesus is not in favor of therefore the whole relationship he's not in favor of and that's not how he responds to his people god created the human spirit with a longing for this assurance our assurance that god enjoys us grows that assurance and that's really kind of a takeaway for tonight that we would grow in that assurance that confidence call it assurance call it confidence that assurance grows when we gain more and more insight into god's affection david was a student of god's emotions you read the book of psalms david had more living understanding of god's emotions yeah david was a committed to the commands of god's heart he was a man after god's own heart he was committed to obey the commands of god's heart but he was committed to be a student of god's emotions too he was a man after god's own heart paragraph b i want to just make a blanket statement we cannot thrive spiritually this is a conclusion i've had for many years if we don't have a growing confidence in god's affection towards us as sincere believers i'm talking about even in our weakness if we don't have a growing and our insight may not be very deep but we need to be progressively growing in that and if we're not i've never seen people have a vibrant thriving spiritual relationship with lord if they lack this they they could kind of be on fire for a year or two or three and real zealous and go to all the meetings all the outreaches do everything but after a few years they the the passion kind of drains out so to speak i don't know drains is probably not the right word but god's affection for affection for us is a declaration of our value our intrinsic value as a person the fact that the genesis one god desires us beloved that declares your value beyond any other declaration that could be made the fact that god desires to be with you he wants you and his family that's a remarkable statement of how important you are the fear of rejection the fear of shame and rejection comes with shame the fear that we're going to be rejected with shame i think is perhaps one of the most destructive painful traumatizing emotions the human being can experience i always say that that that again i believe that shame and the fear of rejection related to it is one of the most traumatizing painful crippling emotions that a believer can have that a human can have but in contrast to it when we have confidence it's exactly opposite it strengthens our heart confidence that god delights in the relationship that god is for us that god has great mercy micah 7 verse 18 says he delights in giving mercy i that's one of my favorite verses he doesn't just give mercy kind of you know begrudgingly micah 7 18. he delights to do it and when we have confidence in that our heart our spiritual life and our heart grows strong when we have shame it cripples our heart it injures our heart when we have confidence and what he's like and how he feels about us when we stumble we run to him with an open heart because he we know that's the only safe place of refuge even in our weakness because we know that the way he feels that's the only place i can go for sure and be fully accepted and loved and enjoyed when he has full knowledge but if we don't have this confidence we've we run from him when we stumble we don't run to him and that's exactly what the enemy wants now psychologists and sociologists they they distinguish between guilt and shame and there's disagreements but i'm just going to give you a thought or two to kind of give you kind of a working grid but again some camps disagree with each other but it's a common idea that guilt says when a person is guilty for doing something wrong for a failure guilt says what i did was wrong but shame says who i am is wrong and they're really different one is that activity was wrong what i did is wrong and i need to take responsibility and correct it the other one says my essence is a person i am wrong my identity i am bad i am wrong guilt is a again that's that's a heavy word but it's meaning i'm owning what i did wrong i'm gonna take responsibility for it but shame is cancelling out a person with shame they just want to cancel out their their whole personhood to write themselves off and that's the enemy's goal to get us filled with shame a guilty person says okay i really did do that i said that wrong thing i did that wrong thing i'm going to take responsibility i'm going to repair the relationship i'm going to rebuild that which i destroyed even if it cost me something i'm going to move towards the situation but shame is opposite it avoids people and it attacks people shame creates an angry response matter of fact the most judgmental believer of people i know let's talk about believers but it'd be unbelievers too the most judgmental believers that you know are probably the most shameful accused in their own heart because if you feel accused and you feel shame it's really easy to vent it towards others so if you run into somebody that's really mistreating you and i mean they're hitting you and criticizing you instead of saying you old bad person you or whatever you might say look at them and think they're probably really hurting with shame and accusation against themselves and their own heart and you might say lord maybe i can help maybe instead of being mad at them that they're mad at me maybe i could they got to go to bed with themselves every single night they never get free of it you might have mercy and say wow you know maybe i could be helpful paragraph c we must prioritize cultivating this confidence in god's affection and god's emotion for us meaning we cultivate it by reading the word we cultivating by when we feel uh shame and condemnation we say stop no i'm not going to be i'm not going to let this trouble dominate me i'm going to say no to it and i'm going to speak the word of god what is true about me and if you do that consistently the peace of god will come in and that's what actually transforms you is the peace of god but he wants you to put a no a stop a resistance to the negative thinking to the thinking that disagrees with what he says is what i mean by negative it disagrees with him because what happens the most natural normal thing for a human being is we get these negative thoughts in our mind the negative emotions and it's like a rushing river it just carries people down the way for a while and a lot of believers they just go with it for a few days or a few weeks just hammered real bad emotions real bad thing ah and then jesus says no stand up speak the word and don't let that trouble dominate you and i really will intervene with peace maybe it won't all go away immediately maybe uh it would be a reprieve here and there but the peace will grow over time you wait and see and it's not like the peace comes and then it's permanent forever i have found in my experience i have peace and then some days later i'm troubled again and he says the lord would speak through these passages don't let that trouble dominate you speak my word even over your own mind and heart and then the peace restores again a lot of folks say just believers say well just lord give me peace when you want to he says no i'm going to give you peace when you take a stand and let not the trouble dominate so we've got a role we have a role and the lord has a role paragraph d and i'm just saying it again what do we do when our heart is troubled with shame we do the same thing when it's troubled with the other negative emotions and mindsets i've identified four different emotions and mindsets in john 13 to 17 that are clearly in the conversation anxiety fear shame and betrayal those are four mindsets troubling the disciples and jesus is saying believe what i say and overcome those four things but this one tonight we're locked we're focusing on shame itself what do we do when our hearts troubled with shame it's the same we do when we have anxiety fear or or the bitterness of betrayal we have to realign our mind to agree with what god says look what paul paul says it hears paul's language he says in philippians 4 6 be anxious for nothing that's the same thing as jesus is saying do not be troubled do not let your heart be troubled he's saying the same thing in a different language i mean different phraseology so paul do not be anxious for anything or do not let your heart be troubled he could have just as easily said and he gives us the key everything by prayer with thanksgiving in other words get into conversation with god and you're not thanking him for the trouble you're thanking him for the core truths that he has made known to us that help deliver our hearts from the trouble i've heard preachers say we're thanking him for the trouble because we just trust like i don't think that's what he's talking about we're grateful for the core truths meaning when shame comes we say father it's this phrase i mean i use this almost every session i i shared this little this little sentence i've used for many i mean for some decades actually when i run into a truth about god or his promises towards his people i read the truth instead of just reading it and saying well praise the lord that's cool you don't underline it i stop and i say thank you lord thank you lord that you desire to be with me thank you lord that you've prepared a place for me thank you lord that the father's house exists and you established it thank you that you did that and i say thank you show me more thank you show me more and if you will if you will cause biblical core truths to get into your conversation with the lord not enough just to write it not enough just to like wow that's amazing but actually talk to god thank you show me more and you will many times add more phrases and more sentences but that's my introductory i just i've used it for you know some decades you know god so loved the world thank you that you love me in the world thank you show me more and then often another phrase or two will go out i'll say it and it will inspire my heart sometimes sometimes it won't but you want to get these truths into conversation with god everything by prayer with thanksgiving for those core truths or those core promises thank him and ask him to show you more and then he says in verse 7 if you do that just like john 14 the passage we're looking at paul says the peace of god it will guard your heart did you know that when peace and even a little bit of peace guard your heart that's your emotions in this context sometimes your heart it's a little bigger than that but here you guard your emotions and regard your thinking again many people believers sincere believers they're they get these wild negative emotions and wild negative thoughts and they just let that that rushing river of negativity carry them for a couple days or a week or two until it kind of runs its course and they go wow that was warfare the lord says no that's just humanity but you go you have an answer but they actually the answer is in your mouth say what i say about you say what i say that you should believe you say that and you'll find peace will actually guard your emotions and your thinking you will have a reprieve and some of that heightened negative stuff you don't have to let it run its course for a few days or a few hours or even a few weeks whatever paul said it another way in romans 12 we i've used these verses almost every week you'll be transformed in your emotions by renewing your mind lining your mind up with the core truth that god said to believe let's look at top of page two so we're gonna look at these four verses these four core truths three of these truths are related to what jesus has done or will do three of these truths are the what that god has done or will do and one of these truths are the why he did the what's she's gonna give us three what's and one why why behind the what first he says i mean this is remarkable paragraph a in my father's house he goes to peter he's looking i i have no doubt he's looking right at pete you're going to deny me but don't let your heart be troubled and the first thing he says is so surprising he says anchor your thinking in the reality that i have with my father we have we're the architect and builder of the city of god the new jerusalem the father's house it was in our heart and mind to create this for you oh and peter could say well aren't you talking about me being afraid of denying per having personal failure denying you what are we talking about eternity for anchor yourself there first i mean i just don't i don't know very many pastors or counselors that if somebody was troubled with shame they would go right to the new jerusalem of the father's house that's truth number one that they actually says in hebrews chapter 10 i mean chapter 11 verse 10 that god is the architect and builder of that city the new jerusalem which is the father's house so we that's the first thing what god has already established the father's house exists point number two core truth number two jesus says i'm going to prepare a place for you and he means the cross we talked about that last week but the idea is the strength of the word is the word prepare he is saying i am going to do something so perfectly i'm going to accomplish it with such success it's going to be so reliable you will be utterly prepared forever by the work that i do and nobody can undo it that's i'm going to the cross i'm going to make a way for you that's the second what i'm going to do then the third what i'm going to do i'm going to come for you i'm going to come for you and in the main thing he's talking about here is the second coming but we find in i have this in the notes in john 14 23 right here in this chapter he's also going to come to them after the day of pentecost by the holy spirit and he's going to communicate with him so he comes to us spiritually now in this age but he's going to come to us physically at the second coming and put it all together so we're going to have the spiritual he comes to us and then the physical at the resurrection with his physical resurrected body and we're in the father's house and he brings the father's house down to the earth in new jerusalem it says it three times will descend out of heaven to the earth and we will live with resurrected bodies in the new jerusalem in the father's house so fact number one the father's house exists core truth number one core truth number two i'm going to the cross to secure in a reliable successful permanent final way your place in that house i'm paying the debt for you it's final it's done this time tomorrow i would have cried out it is finished and it's finished forever and that's a fact you can count on and number three core truth i am coming to you by the spirit between now and the second coming and i'm coming to you in the sky in a physical body and we're going to live for billions of years in face-to-face communion forever that's who you are and that is your story peter don't be troubled by your shame but trust in my heart for you now he's going to give us a why behind those three watts why is there a father's house why is he going to the cross and why does he want to come to us this is indescribably glorious he says because i'm going to receive you to myself i mean this is almost impossible to exaggerate the glory and the privilege you what i'm going to receive you to myself i mean we're talking about the genesis 1 god who became a man who came down to the earth they're stumbling and failing he says i'm coming after you because where i am there i want you to be with me all of my days i desire you peter more than you desire me i am more committed to you than you are to me so there is the fact of the father's house the fact of the accomplished salvation going to the cross paying the debt the fact of me coming to you and the why so that i'm always with you that i want you with me peter i want you to like you believe in god the god of moses you believe in the old testament god believe in me that these core truths are as real as the truth that they you were taught in the old testament of course he's talking to the 12. now like i i love to just repeat this because you just can't say it enough i have here in paragraph a i encourage believers to say these kind of things like in the father's house thank you father jesus thank you for the glorious privilege of the father's house i mean when's the last time i'm not saying this to make you feel bad but when's the last time you've actually said to jesus thank you that the father's house exists that it was in your mind that there would be a father's house for us with many mansions thank you number two thank you that you're preparing away a final complete successful reliable eternal way that can't ever be undone thank you thank you and then thank you for coming to me by the spirit in this age and even in the in the physical in the at the second coming and then i love to add the phrase show me more lord show me more of these things we want to get these truths into our mouth when our heart when we wonder when we're obeying the command don't let trouble dominate your heart and he gives these four truths right off the bat and says this is your beginning point paragraph b now i want you to note this this is where jesus begins this is the point of truth he emphasizes first when he's teaching them to overcome a troubled heart i mean what pastor or counselor or analyst or psychologist would ever begin a person has a troubled heart of anxiety fear shame and the first point they make is the father's house the eternal father's house like really that seems a little pie in the sky jesus says it's not you get anchored in that truth you will view your life through an entirely different lens when you see this as your story your inheritance and how i feel about you it's remarkable topic uh paragraph c now he makes this big statement i go to prepare a place this is massive i think this is one of the most monumental statements that jesus made in his whole three and a half year earthly ministry it doesn't seem that big to them he's told them on three occasions on his way to jerusalem he says i'm going to jerusalem to die and and they just they couldn't even grasp what he meant you can't die you're the messiah you're going to deliver israel from rome and usher in a worldwide kingdom you can't die then that's not possible there's too many bible verses that say you rule everything well there's bible verses isaiah 53 says i die too well anyway they couldn't get that but i told him three times at least three times i'm going to jerusalem to die but he's never told them why he's going to die it's the first time this is massive he goes i'm going to prepare a secure reliable eternal place for you in face-to-face communion with my father in my presence forever i'm preparing that for you through my death and they're going what i mean i just don't think any of this makes sense to them but it makes sense now it totally makes sense now they thought you know i'm going to go prepare my father's house they're probably thinking you know because he went in the temple and he rebuked the the temple cleansed it and and then he said every stone in this temple is going to be torn down he just said that on tuesday here it's thursday they're probably thinking well maybe he's going to go to another area of israel and build another sort of temple or something in his father's house because he called the temple's father's house they're not grasping what he means they're not grasping it at all so he's told them i'm going to die in jerusalem but now he's telling them why he's going to die because it's for you i'm preparing a place and why am i doing that i want to be with you why would a god as powerful as beautiful as interesting as fascinating as you want to be with somebody as weak and boring as me because that's who i am that's the god i am you just don't understand me but let me say it again believe also in me now though you don't see me after today you won't see me i mean he made a couple resurrection appearances three of them too to the disciples or maybe more but at least three that are recorded but by and large they have to believe in the invisible promises just like we do this is remarkable so when he says i go to prepare a place that's such a massive statement he's making i'm going to prepare a place for you that's secure and final and completely sufficient and the place that he had to pray go was the cross to die for to atone for their sin to pay for the price for their sin in the in the court of god's justice he had to bear the wrath of god in their place to remove every obstacle between them and the father they didn't understand that at all i don't believe at all i think it was after the resurrection and i mean after the holy spirit was given and they had different uh revelations from the holy spirit they began to understand what was going on but paul said at the clearest right here second corinthians 5. i mean this is really graphic and clear for he the father made him who knew no sin who is him who knew no sin that's jesus of course god the father catch this made him to be sin what he made the innocent one took the role of the guilty so that the guilty ones you and i could take the place in the position of innocence before god as a free gift this is staggering beyond human almost comprehension the innocent one became guilty so that the guilty ones could have the privilege of being innocent before god here's why he did it look at the second corinthians 5 21. i mean it's just like what this is staggering it's mind-boggling so that we weaken broken people as a sheer gift of god we would become the righteousness of god in christ jesus beloved when you received jesus he gave you his righteousness as a gift he prepared a place for you but why did he do it because he wants to be with you he didn't do it just to have free workforce in heaven forever he did it because he desires you he desires the relationship so therefore paragraph c we're still here we must not let the trouble of shame trouble our heart in light of everything he's done for us jesus says don't let shame rule your heart romans 8 verse 1 the famous verse there is no condemnation for those in christ jesus now i'm talking about in context sincere believers but i'm not talking about mature believers oh and they're included as well of course but sincere believers they have a genuine yes in their spirit i want to obey you and when they come up short in sin and they stumble they don't look at and say well you know boys will be boys we do you know what everyone's doing and so what's the big deal no they know they declare war on it i mean they set their heart and say no that is not okay with me they might stumble 50 a hundred more times over the years than that but they rise up they go no no that's not okay with me i am yours and you are mine and i stand before you by the gift of righteousness you prepared a way for me you've prepared it it's already done and you did it because you desire to be with me and i'm going to believe you and i desire to be with you by his death he qualified us says that in colossians chapter 1 verse 12. you can just read that later is that by his death we are qualified we are made cool can you imagine people like us are qualified to live in the father's house as a free gift and jesus the next day at the cross he would declare it with prophetic certainty it is finished and that's what he meant as i'm going to prepare plays it will be finished very soon it will be a fact that will never ever be undone now what a stunning declaration we will dwell together in the father's house forever paragraph d just a real quick overview of what's going on here in these verses here why are we confident why are we going to have this assurance so that we're not overwhelmed with a troubled heart or we're not a slave to a troubled heart trouble having you know dominating our mind and emotions again so many believers they live that way and it's like no you don't have to do that you really don't why should we have confidence to overcome these troubled emotions and troubled mind uh thought patterns because real quick paragraph d because of what he did verse two because of how he feels verse three and because of who he is verse four to 10. of course we're not going to look at verse 4 to 10 but in the weeks to come we're going to those are the three reasons why we have confidence what he did how he feels or why he did it is another way to say it and who he is paragraph one what did he do jesus highlights i mean uh two different things in verse two jesus is the architect and builder of that city well him and the father in the spirit i don't like you know separating who built it the other one's watch they all did it all together but in hebrews 11 he it's called uh the word of god has created the worlds and the word of god is the builder and the architect of that city he didn't have to do that that's amazing the father's house exists because of jesus and the father and the spirit and their wisdom and their eternal counsel and then the next thing in verse two is that i'm going to a place to prepare it for you which is the cross this is remarkable paragraph two or number two here how does he feel i mean this is fantastic he goes i'm gonna receive you to myself i've already said this but i just want you to really get it to where i am you will be that's why i'm preparing a place for you i'm not just preparing a place for you because i want an eternal workforce of servants in my kingdom i want a family i want a bride i want you to be with me forever he desires us more than we desire him and that's staggering to us we're thinking oh lord don't write me off and the lord says no stay in the conversation with me why would i go prepare a place why would i establish the father's heart why would i come again if i don't want you i don't know it just seems like i'm not that wantable you know i don't know it just doesn't seem i'm just bad and the lord says no line up with what i say about you paragraph two our confidence and god's affection grows as we understand what he did on the cross but more not just one not even more but in addition why he did it we have to thank him i mean again when's the last time you've used this core truth in verse three and said jesus thank you that you want to be with me like really thank you wow that just kind of bounces off my brain i mean who you are you want to be with me because verse 4 to 10 we'll look at in the weeks to come he is one with the father i mean the man who's saying i want to be with you he's one with god the father he revealed the father to human history in his day in his ministry there we need to speak these truths back to the lord thank him for them ask him to show him more we need to speak these truth to other believers because believers all around us are are just sinking in despair with troubled hearts but these four core truths must be laid hold of by others you love them and care about you them get familiar with these four truths more than just the introductory idea but get familiar with a growing understanding and get others to buy into this i call these four truths they're mountain truths there's a mountain of implications but these four phrases that are gigantic implications he's just whispering and he says we'll unpack it to you by the spirit of you know throughout history here top of page three i think they had no idea the magnitude of what he was saying to them in verse two and three they had no idea the magnitude he's going to die as a perfect man filled with love he's going to die to accomplish eternal salvation for weak and broken people anyone can have it for free what really i mean that is that is just beyond exaggeration you just can't it's beyond anything we can grasp in its fullness this is so big we can never lose sight of it matter of fact uh paul uh said it in galatians 6 14. he goes i glory in the cross and what happened i never lose my fascination with that man and what he did for us on that cross and then i have the passage here in revelation 5 i mean for all of eternity the magnifying this man for his shed blood on the cross we'll be singing about it for billions of years will never ever exhaust the gratitude and fascination we have with this reality meaning let's get into it now let's not wait till the age to come to start really locking into this this is massive roman numeral four well he prepared a way for his people to be with him he says again i'll come to you and receive you to myself so that where i am there you will be also paragraph b when he says i'll come again there's three different applications in john 13 to 17 these five chapters three ways that he comes the major way is at the second coming that's the big coming in the sky the one that he talked about two days earlier on tuesday in matthew 24 uh verse 29 he goes i'll be there in the sky and everybody will see me and they know what he means but he also means that he's going to develop it just a few verses later and right there in john 14 and verse 23 i'm going to come to you by the spirit not just at the end of the age i'm going to come to you now and you're going to experience the father's house spiritually in communion with me before you live in it physically forever and ever and then they talked about coming to them right there in john 16 meaning i'm going to he appeared to them right after his resurrection on several occasions okay paragraph c this phrase the desire the emotion of god he says i'm going to receive you to myself and then a little while later you know maybe a few moments later an hour or two who knows in john 17 he's it's in the same evening he just gave the teaching now john 17 is his prayer he's not talking to them he's talking to the father but they're listening to him and he says this fantastic statement it's why he's going to prepare a place why he's going to the cross to prepare plates he said so you could be with me in john 14. but here's john 17. he says it's a little bit different even stronger here he is just moments away from sweating drops of blood in anguish in the garden of gethsemane just the that's that's just just a minute down the road maybe an hour or two who knows but right before there he goes father i desire that they be with me where i am i mean here he is praying and i mean he's about to enter into the anguish of the reality of his suffering but he goes i desire i can just imagine father i desire her i want her with me my bride i don't want to rule the nations alone i want to rule it with them i want them to be with me i mean this statement is just it's so dynamic it's almost impossible to grasp the full meaning i love the verse in song of solomon where the the bride talks about she goes i am my beloveds and she made this declaration and spiritually speak of king jesus but she was speaking of a of a king solomon the king's desire is for me when this truth touches us a little bit his desire is for me it's like really i mean we only can get a little bit of that just like really paul prayed in ephesians 1. the prayer we pray all the time at ihop ephesians 1 verse 18 he says oh lord well verse 17 lord release the spirit of revelation verse 18 they would experience they would know by experience the riches of the glory of being jesus's inheritance beloved the riches of the glory of being who he wants you are who he wants look at yourself why does he want you why does he want me why does he want the others because of who he is it's because of his personality beauty is in the eyes of the beholder his heart is so different than anybody else's heart that's why he wants us so much paul said oh that we could see the riches of the glory of being the inheritance being what he wants deeply and so we pray jesus i want to see what you see i want to feel what you feel when you look at me jesus i want to see what you see and feel what you feel when you look at me paragraph d well this that where i am you may be also that's the high point of this revelation it's the why behind the what the what is he's established the new the new jerusalem i mean the father's house the new jerusalem the what he went to the cross the what he's coming back why to be with us this truth declares our essential intrinsic value beloved you know why you're valuable he wants you that makes you valuable enough he wouldn't die for angels but he would die for you he wants you this statement also tells us what he contends for he wants us close together this statement tells us what satan is attacking satan does not want us to enter into this look at hebrews 10. instead it says in the new king james the word boldness and full assurance but i put the word confidence it's the same thing we have confidence do we i mean we do if we take hold of the word if we just let negative emotions run with us we see our failure we just oh i'm just so bad whatever no we resist it and we say what god says we have confidence to enter the holy of holies that's the father's house i mean it's that i mean there's more to say to it than that but we have confidence to enter in by the blood of jesus it's a new and living way here it is verse 22 draw near with confidence draw near with confidence beloved don't be content to beat a distance well i really messed up last week and yesterday and i don't read the word i'm god's boring to me i mean i love him but he's boring and the bible's boring prayer is boring nothing fits and everything's bad i'm just gonna wait this thing out no don't be content at a distance he wants you near him this is the truth in verse 23 look hold fast this confession on your lips this is your testimony instead of the word confession your testimony without wavering this is what you say this without any wavering i'm going to draw near that is my testimony that's my statement paragraph f satan's greatest weapon in this age is accusation well you could say fear in one way lies but accusation i think is probably you don't have to pick one over the other he accuses you to you he gets you to buy into lies about how god has written you off that you've gone too far and it's too late and it's no there's no new day tomorrow he gets you to believe lies about you to accuse yourself then you are easy prey to speak accusations against others because if he can get you into accusation against yourself you'll have no patience with the failures of others that bother you you just it'll just flow out so easy he wants to put his accusations in your mouth against yourself and in your mouth against others top of page four how do we respond i'm just going to do this real rapid fire here how i mean how did jesus respond why do we care about how he responded because malachi 3 6 and hebrews 13 several places god never changes so whatever he did to the apostles it's a picture it's a guarantee it's a reliable model of how he's going to respond to us what he did to them and i could give you a handful more verses of how they failed besides just stumbling that night but i don't want to take time to do that this tells us how he responds to his servants that stumble and fail paragraph a again i just have a little rapid fire here that very night peter stumbled and all of them stumbled he spoke lovely to them he called them his friends he prayed for them he spoke words of life over them each one of these truths and i could put more verses than these i just wanted to put a few they're like every one of these truths there's like a missile destroying satan's lies that come and accusations that come to hold us into bondage here they're going to fail jesus says a few moments later you're going to bear fruit you're not it's not uh you're not disqualified you're gonna be a fruit bear but i thought we're gonna fail about by you know the next day they said no we're out of the race completely he goes no no you're fruit bears he spoke that over them knowing they would fail but he goes this is your destiny the enemy wants to convince you you're disqualified and it's over and it's not true he's called you to bear fruit number paragraph verse 9 he says i love you in the same intensity the father loves you i mean the father loves me i love you in the same intensity the father loves me and tonight you will fail but this truth the way i feel about you is going to cause you to recover they're going well we're not going to fail tonight yeah you will this time tomorrow you'll know how important what i just told you was speak it back to me and beloved i don't care what stumbling you did this month last month this week next week you repent of it and you say you love me thank you you love me like the father loves you show me more this is my testimony this is my story i'm lining up with you and i'm not gonna let my heart be troubled the next thing he says a few verses later verse 11 he says my joy will remain in you beloved there's life after failure the enemy tells you no he lies you went too far it's too late the opportunities passed jesus said no there's remaining joy that's going to be a part of your lifestyle next day they were weeping they were so broken after that he says joyce say this back to me that my joy will be in you thank you that your joy will be in me thank you that is my story thank you that is my future joy and peace okay doesn't feel like it the lord says no line up with me do not let your heart be troubled don't be carried or rent down that river that dark river that raging river of darkness next verse 12 you love one another he says i'm going to raise up communities all over the earth where people believe in my truth they only not only believe them for themselves their support systems to other people who fail because they love one another he's telling love one another but all of you are gonna fail tonight love those other failures like i love you i mean that's the context actually and so it's over and they're looking at each other saying hey let's say what god says and do it together and then he says this is just almost unbelievable he goes you're my friends wow well then we're going to deny you and they're going to fight and argue about who's the greatest they did that a number of times in galatians chapter 2 peter i mean a couple years down the road as a chief apostle he was he stumbled in the fear of man and hypocrisy him and barnabas chief apostles and paul corrected him said peter you're being a hypocrite it's the fear of man what are you doing you're like oh my goodness i did it again i just keep stumbling paul in romans chapter 7 verse 18 to 19 he says i do things i wish i didn't do and the things i wish i did do i don't do and the lord says you're my friends though that's the truth thank you when's the last time you thanked jesus that he sees you as his friend and you said lord show me more show me more well look at paragraph b then an hour two later or whatever jesus prays for him well if he's praying for simon peter you know he's praying for you because romans 8 34 says he makes intercession for us hebrews 7 25 he lives forever to make intercession he's making intercession for us just like he did peter but look what he says to peter not only am i going to pray for you peter because satan's coming after you but look at the two phrases he said at the end of verse 32 he goes you are going to return he spoke words of life he didn't say you owe hypocrite you loser you hopeless hypocrite i never could count on you anyway you know that he goes no no opposite you will return peter's thinking i haven't stumbled what do you mean i'm gonna return he goes these words will matter to you i'm speaking words over you and he's speaking those words to people in this room and on the web stream right now you will return you will recover you talk to him don't draw back and run away talk to him enter into the conversation you will return to your first love not only that you're not disqualified you're going to be anointed to strengthen the brethren you're going to have a ministry that's important to touch other lives peter goes the next day i'm sure he's weeping he's broken like i can't be a help to no one else because yes you are i prophesied it to you last night you well jesus has died it is by this time the next day but he tells him you're going to be used of god the enemy wants to tell you you're not recovering you're different than everyone else and even if you did recover you're so disqualified you'll never be used to strengthen others well some days later when they're up in galilee because jesus is appearing here and there off and on for 40 days this is towards the middle or the end of the 40 days simon peter there he's fishing all night he's been fishing all night and you know why he's fishing he's not fishing for uh recreation you don't fish all night with toil for recreation he's fishing all night because he quit as an apostle yeah i can't do this i'm a loser i'm going back to be a fisherman i i can't be a leader i can't be trusted he goes up to galilee he gets his fishing boat he jumps back in the business he's out there in the water jesus appears his resurrected body but he's on the side john chapter 21 and they don't know who he is and they go he goes hey hey you guys he goes throw the net on the other side i said what are you talking about no we've been all night there's nothing this is exactly what happened three years earlier in luke 5 when peter and jesus first met first met peter worked all night and she said throw your net on the other side and peter's like what this is you know where john 21 what do you mean he throws it on another side 153 fish and there's a reason for that that's not my point right now but there's lots of ideas why that number is mentioned and peter throws it has the fish in other words jesus said i'm supernaturally confirming peter what we did three years ago back in luke 5 you are a fisher of man i'm reinstating you in leadership even in your weakness and failure well it's only been a few weeks since i failed i i can't be in leadership i can't be trusted i'm calling you leadership but not only that look at verse 15. feed my lambs verse 16 tend my sheep verse 17 feed my sheep the three times peter denied him jesus commissions him to leadership three times in a row he says no we're in this together peter like what kind of god would do at least put me in the penalty box for a couple years let me prove how sorry i am no i want to prove i know you're sorry i know your heart better than you do i want to prove that i'm more committed to you than you are to me and i want to prove that i desire your presence more than you do my presence and you're going to produce a meekness and a gratitude in you you will treat everyone different when you're wounded by my tender mercy over your life and failure you know it's jesus gave them these truths in the upper room you know in matthew john 15 16 the passages we're looking at before they failed because if you get these truths before you failed it's a lot it's a lot easier to believe them after you failed but if you failed to hear these truths go that's too good to be true you want to get him now somebody said oh it's too late i already did some failure okay let's not worry about that right now but my point is go deep in these truths now go deep in you're going to need these truths we're entering in i believe the generation the lord returns will be the most lawless perverse dark hour of human history generation of human history there will be more temptation seduction darkness demonic power and there will be people stumbling and failing and jesus is saying get anchored in what i said the father's house i prepared a place for you that's secure i've done it it's reliable i'm coming for you and i desire you get those truths deeply locked into your heart paragraph d just going to mention this real quick in matthew chapter 15 18 jesus talks about if a brother sins go to him and privately and try to win him what happens often when the brother sins we go to someone else and tell them about the brother who said and she said no don't do it that way go to him privately and don't go to your brother privately to accuse him like hey i caught you i know go try to win him to walking in fresh obedience with the lord and my point isn't to break that down on how we go to people my point is this this is how jesus comes to us in our sin over the years he comes to us privately he doesn't even bring someone else think of how many things you've thought or done over years that he didn't bring anybody else he came privately to you to win you so he's telling us to treat others like he treats us this is a revelation of how he approaches us i mean this is beautiful he's the god of the second chance a thousand times again the micah 7 18. he delights in showing mercy he doesn't do it begrudgingly he delights in showing mercy let's have the worship team come on up if you would paragraph e you've got to understand this one point paragraph e and you can just read a little bit on yourself there's a difference between rebellion and spiritual immaturity a spiritually a sincere believer that's spiritually mature i don't care what age they are in the natural but they're sincere but their spiritual immature they will do some of the same activities as the rebellious person will and at a glance outwardly you say well they look the same lord says no no they're very different i'm angry at persistent rebellion and i have tenderness towards spiritual immaturity yes i'm going to deal with the area and i want them to stop it but i delight in the friendship and the relationship i have with them i view them differently it's like if you have a big mud hole there the pig runs straight to it you get the pig out you look the other way the pig runs right back to the mud hole the sheep are going across the path they get stuck and they're kicking to get out they're both in the mud but one of them's trying to get out and the other one isn't and jesus told us in luke 15 how he feels of the prodigal son this is somebody in the family we always tell the prodigal son story about the unbeliever how god has compassion this was a guy in the family that wasted the family resources and privileges and dishonored the family but he came back and jesus is luke 15 he's he's telling this story to the tax gatherers and the and the harlots there's right in front of him but the pharisees are there too if you read luke 15. and he's looking at him he says let me tell you what the god of israel is like when that prodigal comes back he looks right the pharisees the father runs in compassion and kisses and hugs and rejoices that's what my father does when one of his children turn their mind back to live in a spirit of obedience that's how he looks at us well amen and amen let's just stand before the lord i'd love to say this last thing let's just go ahead yeah i love to say this it's one of my favorite sentences we have it made we really do we really do have it made i mean life is challenging you know some decades have challenged billions of years in this reality billions of years i don't like the challenges but i believe these four truths these four core truths verse two and verse three father here we are before you we say you're the god who delights in mercy micah 7 18 you delight in mercy wash us with the water of the word i ask you to wash us [Music] come and wash us we love your leadership jesus [Music] thousands [Music] you're saying the enemy's just attacking me i mean he's accusing all of us but i would like some people to join me in prayer i'm going to break this off of my mind i agree that i'm going to say your words but i'd like some people praying with everyone in the room the enemy attacks us with accusations but sometimes it's just you're overwhelming you're saying i just need a reprieve [Music] just come stand on the front line here for the second life [Music] whether you're visiting or you live here just put your hand on their shoulder you don't even have to say anything out loud if you don't want to say lord give him more [Music] a thousand times we love your leadership [Music] you've prepared a place for me jesus i believe and i see that you have prepared a place for i have prepared a place jesus it's reliable it's finished it's done you have prepared a place because i want you with me jesus i believe in i see that you have prepared [Music] can anybody else want to come down and pray for folks just put your hand up pray for people for a minute or two and then pray for the next see that you have prepared a place let your fire come lord let your fire jesus [Music] [Music] one [Music] release your power in this room right now lord [Music] you have prepared a place for me i take authority over lies the spirit of accusation condemnation and shame i say no more we're done with shame in this house we're done with shame in this house you have prepared a place for me jesus i believe and i see that you have prepared a place for me jesus i believe and i see that you have prepared a place for me oh lord jesus i believe i you have prepared a place for me jesus i believe in i see that i am [Music] you are accepted in the bible [Music] [Music] release [Music] jesus [Music] jesus i believe and i see that you have prepared a place for me jesus i believe in my secret you have prepared a place for me jesus i believe in i see that you have prepared a place for me jesus i believe i am accepted in [Music] it is [Music] [Music] you have prepared for i have prepared a place for you for me for me for you the place is prepared for you [Music] you have prepared a place for me for me you have prepared a place [Music] [Applause] [Music] i am accepted in the beloved [Music] i am accepted [Music] i am accepted [Applause] [Music] i am accepted [Music] [Applause] [Music] for i desire you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] his desire is for me [Music] that's my confession that's my testimony [Music] hallelujah [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Applause] [Music] desires me hallelujah [Music] [Applause] [Music] hallelujah [Music] take the light in your garden take the light in your garden [Music] lord [Music] let me feel your affections [Music] and he [Music] about is what do you feel about me [Applause] [Music] [Music] accusers [Music] what do you feel about me is my reality you
Channel: International House of Prayer
Views: 7,418
Rating: 4.9024391 out of 5
Keywords: Live, worship, praise, Music (tv genre), spontaneous, 24/7, prayer room, soaking music, mike bickle, sunday, church, stuart greaves, abi soto, isaac bennett, forerunner church, kansas city, Christianity, series, ihopkc service, Passion for Jesus, practical
Id: qUtVhxAXtV8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 115min 10sec (6910 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 03 2021
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