Convergence Church // Pastor Aaron // 08.29.2021

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[Music] is [Music] is [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Applause] but you are always good [Music] is [Music] you [Music] [Music] and there [Music] you've always been with us we've already [Music] [Music] never won a mark on you and there is [Music] show me one thing you can't do he's the god of the breakthrough [Music] possible [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] he can't move [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] and [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] show me [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] anything is possible [Music] [Applause] uh [Music] [Applause] [Music] there's a sling in my voice in a stone in my praise pushing back when the darkest weapons [Music] is [Music] we're going to start worship in just a few minutes so if you all want to get your coffee quick step on into the sanctuary can't wait to see you it's going to be a fun [Music] there are morning [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] it is [Music] [Music] [Music] come [Music] [Music] when [Music] good morning how you guys doing all doing good you guys are live this morning ready to go awesome it's good to see you online family welcome glad you are joining us let's all just stand we're going to a time of worship this morning we stand before a king amen come on [Music] yeah just hold your hands out in front of you just like you're receiving a gift let's just invite holy spirit into this place jesus we love you [Music] that's how we start today we love you we love you we thank you for who you are [Music] lord would you just sweep through this place right now here we are we're ready and we're waiting we're expecting for you to come and do what only you can do come and move on our hearts with your love with your presence with your presence that's unlike any other [Music] would you come we just ask that you would stir us to longing this morning that you would stir our hearts to long and ache for you jesus above anything else in any season that we would fix our eyes on you that we would fix our eyes on your goodness [Music] that's god we're here just to worship you to love you to honor you [Music] we just say right now you are worthy just let it leave your lips this morning you are worthy jesus you're worthy you're worthy you're worthy you are good you are kind you're beautiful you are holy come and reign in this place this morning as we worship you as we engage our hearts with you come and reign over all [Music] we just leave anything at the door this morning we leave our shame at the door we leave our mistakes we leave our past behind us because we're in the father's house this morning and in that place there's just joy joy joy more joy increase with your joy in this place on every heart yeah we love you jesus we love you we bless your name [Music] jesus [Music] yes [Music] what an honor to be invited to the marriage of the lamb to come and worship him a celebration it's the joining of the bride and the sun the two becoming one [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] many waters like this [Music] is [Music] with wonders [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hallelujah [Music] is [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] and we'll sing till the whole world knows king jesus he is faithful he is the blessed hope he will shout to the whole [Music] the whole world knows king jesus he is faithful he is come on let's just declare this this morning when he is king jesus [Music] [Music] we're getting ready we're getting ready [Music] we give him [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] we're getting ready we're getting ready [Music] [Applause] [Music] we're getting ready [Music] [Music] he's [Music] [Applause] [Music] jesus is [Music] [Music] he is [Music] jesus [Music] the king jesus faith is faith for king jesus [Music] [Applause] [Music] many waters like the sound of rolling thunder [Music] give him hallelujah for the marriage of the lamb is calling hallelujah give him glory for the marriage [Music] there's not another king like this [Music] there's not another king like this his name is jesus he's strong mighty he's beautiful he's [Music] key glorious this worthy of all the love of all our worship of all our affections [Music] his name is [Music] his name is [Music] not another king like this there's not another king like this his name is jesus the man jesus is [Music] his name is just let his name leave your lips now there's not another king like back the this it's what pushes god despair it's one verse [Music] [Music] his name is jesus is [Music] [Music] [Music] acceptance [Music] [Music] is not another king like this his name is jesus there's not another king like this it's not another king like this there's not another king like this his name is jesus [Music] jesus jesus jesus jesus [Music] [Music] so [Music] and i don't know where to go [Music] over and over your promises have never [Music] is much better [Music] much better you always remind me [Music] [Music] your promises have never [Music] me [Music] there's much there better much better [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] it's better so much better with you my life [Music] because it's better so much [Music] it's better so much better [Music] is is is [Music] [Applause] it's better it's better it's better life with you is much better it's better it's better it's better life with you is much better life with you is much better much better [Music] it's better it's better when life with you is much better return return me to my first love when i knew when i knew that life with you is so much better return me to my first love [Music] turn me to my first love turned me to my first love [Music] returned me to the places where my heart was tender cause life with you is much better [Music] better [Music] is it's better my life with you [Music] [Applause] it's is your life with you is [Music] is [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] you is much better [Music] [Music] so much better [Music] so much better so much better in your house [Music] it's better as one day in your courts better is one day in your house better is one day in your courts and thousands elsewhere better is one day in your courts better as one day in your house better as one day in your courts than thousands elsewhere better is one day in your courts better is one day in your house better is one day in your course than thousands elsewhere better is one day in your courts better is one day in your house better is one day in your court and thousands elsewhere better is better is one day in your courts better is one day in your house [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] life with you is much better there's no one like you lord i'm all yours life with you is much better [Music] it's better it's better life with you is much better it's better it's better it's better life with you is much better [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] i've been strong and i've been broken within a moment i've been faithful and i've been reckless in every [Music] [Music] chase my heart [Music] and every time i turn around [Music] i was found before i was lost and i was yours before i was nine there's grace to spare for all my mistakes [Music] i i don't deserve this kind of love but somehow this kind of love is who you are it's a grace i can never [Music] you love me as you find me thank you jesus [Music] my praises but if this borrowed breath is yours lord take it off you are faithful you are gracious and i'm just grateful to think you don't need a single thing still you want my heart see that i was found [Music] before i was nine [Music] [Music] i don't deserve this kind of love is [Music] me [Music] thank you jesus [Music] me [Music] me [Music] me [Music] [Music] is [Music] is me [Music] me [Music] i don't deserve this kind of love but somehow this kind of love is who you are it's a grace i can never [Music] as you find me oh you love me as you find me your love's amazing you love me as you find me right where i'm at lord you love me as you find me he loves you right where you're at even now you love me as you find [Music] cause i need your love more than anything and i'm in i'm yours your love's too good to leave me surrender if you want my heart jesus [Music] i need your love more than anything and i'm in i'm yours you're always too good to leave arise in this place [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] i'm [Music] me oh jesus [Music] hey [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] we give you our love again jesus [Music] it's too good to leave me your love's too good your love is too good your love's too good his love's too good [Music] his love's too good [Music] just one more time if you want my heart if you want my heart i won't your guess cause i need your love more than anything i'm in i'm yours your love's too good to leave me here [Music] okay [Music] probably good hello hello oh yeah probably couldn't uh think of a better song to move into communion with today we're going to have communion together corporately and so we can get our folks in place let me just read to you a portion of scripture but those who hope in the lord will renew their strength they will soar on wings like eagles they will run and not grow weary they will walk and not be faint just a reminder today that we put our hope in the lord we put our hope in the lord we pray for our country we pray for our nation we pray for leaders we intercede on behalf of a nation but our hope is anchored in the lord and when we put our hope in the lord the promise is our strength will be renewed and i feel like as we come to the lord's table today i just feel like there's going to be an impartation of the life of christ pray that there will be a renewal in our heart there'll be hope that fills our hearts again as we gather each and every sunday as we pray throughout the week before we do i just want to turn our attention just to pray for the church in afghanistan again and i want to pray for our troops and those that are over there u.s citizens father we just pray in the name of jesus as the body of christ as the ecclesia of god those who legislate from heaven to earth we do so with our intercession we go between right now we ask lord for mercy and protection our soldiers lord mercy and protection over those of the church in afghanistan for the us citizens that are there god we just pray that you would give wisdom to leadership in the name of jesus we pray for encounters in the night we pray for dreams we pray for angelic visitations in the name of jesus we pray for the supernatural power of god to be released the media will only give us the natural we're praying into the supernatural we're praying from heaven to earth lord where we are seated in heavenly places so we do our part as the church of the lord jesus christ and we pray and we pray and we seek your face we pray for the families of the of those that lost loved servicemen in afghanistan lord we pray that you would bring comfort to the families lord god i pray that there'll be a supernatural peace that would be deposited god i pray that you would bring people around them lord god of the divine nature who carry the wisdom of the lord god i pray that you would bring them close as they're needing much needed comfort right now we just cover them the church covers them we cover them we cover the we cover the nation of afghanistan we pray for our own country god that righteousness would reign in the name of jesus we pray life in the name of jesus and we ask lord that that the church of the lord jesus christ would continue to awaken in this hour praying from heaven to earth lord we give you praise and we thank you in jesus name amen amen all right [Music] well what we're going to do is we're going to take a moment and we're going to have you guys we have actually four stations set up we have one one in the back here one in the back here on the back here if you would kindly just move from your chairs and receive the elements the bread and the cup but do not partake until we all do it together okay so let's just give you a few minutes to go ahead and whatever you feel most comfortable with hopefully the closer the better so amen [Music] welcome [Applause] [Music] yours is [Music] god [Music] [Music] silencers [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] if you have not been served would you kindly slip your hand up we just want to make sure we have everybody covered awesome awesome so important for the body of christ to be unified under the blood of jesus and at the foot of the cross i love the fact that we're so diversified in our ethnicity and our careers in our opinions but at the cross at the cross here remembering who he is that unifies the body we're all brothers and sisters just turn to your neighbor next to you and say you're my brother you're my sister just just go ahead and just there's no confusion there's what i'm saying we are the body of christ [Music] let me just read to you portion of scripture here out of first corinthians chapter 11 verse 23 for i receive from the lord that which i also delivered to you that the lord jesus on the night in which he was betrayed he took bread and when he had given thanks he broke it and said take eat this is my body which is broken for you do this in remembrance of me father thank you for sending jesus jesus thank you that you came [Music] thank you lord that you willingly sacrificed your life for ours and so we receive the body of the lord jesus the bread today with grateful hearts thank you for dying for us in jesus name let's receive [Music] in the same manner he also took the cup after supper saying this cup is a new covenant in my blood this do as often as you drink it in remembrance of me jesus thank you for your blood that covers a multitude of sin thank you lord for us who are redeemed blood-bought that your the righteousness of god the blood of jesus being poured out was the satisfying factor that has given us opportunity to receive and inherit eternal life thank you jesus for paying the price thank you for the blood in the name of jesus let's take the cup let's drink it and so remember the lord for as often as you eat this bread and drink this cup you proclaim the lord's death until he comes let's just take a moment we'll slip our hands up to heaven if you feel comfortable with that go for it if you don't feel comfortable with that go for it because it says in the bible lift up holy hands it does say that let's just lift up holy hands it's just thanksgiving you know to me sometimes getting our my hands lift as i surrender lord i just surrender everything again i say jesus your king your lord of my life thank you thank you for loving me enough that the holy spirit drew me unto salvation that people prayed for me that i don't even know that brought me to the foot of the cross and i've given my heart to the lord lord i never want to ever take that for granted thank you for the life of god in me let's just go just give them thanks just go ahead just offer it to the lord father as a body we just say thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you lord for the peace of god that goes beyond all understanding thank you lord that i have a hope that's eternal thank you god and in my distress i could be comforted by the holy spirit thank you lord for the blood-bought price that jesus paid thank you for eternity thank you for my brothers and sisters thank you lord god that we stand in the presence we feel that the touch and the anointing of the holy spirit people who don't even know jesus as lord and savior don't have the peace of god that goes beyond all understanding they're reaching for things but today we stand here and we say thank you for the peace of god for the hope of god for the love of god for the righteousness of god thank you and we give you praise in jesus name everyone said amen amen all right all right while you're still standing we're going to take about three minutes and we're just going to go ahead and greet each other so why don't you go ahead flip the lights on i know the music's already playing but we'll put some music on oh we're doing this now water baptism now oh man i totally blew that all right hang on hang on everyone just please be seated [Music] oh yes if you want to be water baptized we do have like what we call spontaneous water baptisms and if you feel like you want to be water baptized this morning you can see gabrielle put our hands up right there we're going to get you all wet all right so if that's your feeling led to do that go ahead and do that okay transition time man my bad i hadn't even done my notes i had it in my iphone man i can't believe i did that okay so water baptism doesn't save anybody water baptism is actually a declaration of your faith that you're following jesus made him lord and savior and you're declaring before the church family that you're you're dedicating your life to the lord it's really a public statement of an inward act of following the lord and really what it's about is is actually found in the book of acts we see it but when you go in the water that kind of rep that represents your old life your old life in in its sinful state and then when you come out of the water that represents your new life in christ and so some people they get water baptized immediately the new testament even says but also there are those that have rededicated their life to the lord they want to be water baptized for those even later on in years maybe they've never known about they want to they want to follow the lord in in water baptism so we have two people today who are going to be baptized [Applause] so the first one is going to be muay lim and there she is [Music] and she's gonna go ahead and she's got the t-shirt i've made a decision to follow jesus [Music] she accepted the lord on easter sunday this april 2021 [Music] [Applause] and she writes that this morning she wants to declare that she is following jesus we're so excited for you [Applause] [Music] boy up upon your confession of faith in our lord jesus christ i baptize you in the name of the father the son and the holy spirit come on now yes thank you lord [Applause] thank you jesus [Music] the water's like 85 degrees [Music] people might want to stay in there you know we did about anyway people have been anyway i'm not even cold water baptisms man that'll get you saved all over again so we have some hot water and warm water in there all right so our next uh [Applause] how many guys love kenny kenny is really wanting to make a declaration today [Music] kenny got saved when he was 16 years old he's not 16 now but he writes he's making the public declaration that my life belongs to the lord he felt it was important for him to do this publicly today and so kenny man all of heaven is rejoicing with you as you go ahead and be baptized today [Music] kenny upon your confession of faith in our lord jesus christ i baptize you in the name of the father the son and the holy spirit [Music] all right let's everybody stand up why don't you go ahead and just greet people around you for the next three or four minutes give somebody a high five fellowship for a minute introduce yourself to somebody maybe you haven't known yet or sitting next to you say hi to some family and friends god bless you guys [Music] [Music] i know it's you yeah i know [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you paint the sky with promises of your grace [Music] [Applause] [Music] i [Music] won't let know [Applause] [Applause] um [Applause] [Music] you'll never change [Music] staring into your eyes makes my heart come alive [Music] hello hello hi everyone thank you thank you i love you too hello how's everyone doing good good i see more people are realizing we're starting hello guys hi hello so we have this amazing woman up here cindy is going to share a testimony for us [Applause] well i have to be obedient um i just have a second so i am just going to take a second and if you want to hear some more testimony come out to the svsm booth and i'll tell you a whole bunch but right now this is what the lord is telling me to do so this is about svsm i highly encourage you to sign up because the lord is doing something amazing when i'm praying over the names of the people that are signing up i can't hardly contain myself right now so this is what i want to say to you that have signed up and and i want to tell you something if you're on the fence jump on off and go get signed up because something amazing is going to happen at svsm this year and that means the world is going to be impacted so don't miss out so this is romans 1. my phone rolled sorry so i give thanks to god for all of you all of you that signed up for svsm because the testimony of your faith is spreading throughout the world and god knows that i pray for you continually and at all times for i serve and worship him with my spirit in the gospel of his son my desire and constant prayer is that i would succeed in coming to you according to the plan and timing of god i yearn to come and be face to face with you for i long to impart to you some spiritual gift that will empower you to stand strong in the faith now this means that when we come together and are side by side something wonderful will be released we can expect to be co-encouraged and co-comforted by each other's faith so don't miss out come sign up wow so good thank you cindy oh wow that was so good okay um check out the spsm booth after service pastor caitlin will be there cindy will you be there perfect come get it she's got a lot of it all right we're gonna we're gonna do some announcements real quick my name is gabrielle if this is your first time here can you wave your hand at me i want to see you hi welcome guys welcome welcome hello we are so happy that you all joined us um we would love to get to know you more there is a welcome card and the seat back in front of you you can fill that out put it in the offering bucket or at the connections desk out front and we'll reach out to you get in touch and start getting to know one another we would love that okay you guys ready for one of the favorite things i'm not gonna try to do what pastor angie did last week i can't do that um but we're gonna do tizen offerings which is a beautiful way to honor and serve and love god so if y'all could all stand up with me and be ready to declare that truth are you ready it feels a little quiet so i'm not sure that you're ready thank you okay praise god all right let's go as we come to honor the lord with our tithes and offerings we proclaim these promises from his word the lord delights in the prosperity of his servants our gifts rise up before god and he remembers them we will be made rich in every way so we can be generous on every occasion as we prove ourselves faithful with little we will be entrusted with much as we delight in the lord whatever we do will prosper when we give we will receive a good measure press down shaken together running over and pour it into our laps he will throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that we will not have room enough to receive it now to him who was able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine according to his power that is at work within us to him be glory in the church and in christ jesus throughout all generations forever and ever amen god thank you so much that you are so faithful to us and you provide in every way and we just want to pour back onto your kingdom and partner with you in what you're doing in convergence in the bay area and in the world so bless this offering and bless the hands that are providing for it thank you jesus amen hey guys right after church we're having bouncy houses we're having so many other fun activities and we're selling pizza for two dollars a slice go out there get some pizza and have fun we can't wait to see you guys out there hey guys intro week one september 5th right after church this is a great opportunity to get connected and to know and experience all hearts and our values here at convergence church if you are interested or if you're a newcomer here at convergence we want you guys to get plugged in and get more connected with our church family we can't wait to see you there guys that's all the announcements i have for you today now please stand as we welcome pastor aaron [Applause] all right sweet good morning guys i'm so excited this pulpit won't do the water i'll just i don't know i'll put like this there's a rim oh no wait okay that's scary it's gonna fall i'm just gonna put on the ground all right good morning guys oh my goodness do you feel that do you feel god's presence right now raise your hand if you feel god's presence guys oh man i have the easiest job right now it's so when we have water baptisms and communion on the same day after worship after that worship i don't really have to say anything because god's already been speaking i could we can just we can just go home now i think oh man no actually there's something the lord has for you today uh and i'm really really excited about it can you all say joy all right nice and cuz i'm killing since i'm a children's pastor i'm just gonna go and make you say it louder say it again joy nice okay you know during uh i thought i knew how i wanted to start this but during worship the lord dropped one more one more passage on me and i want to open up i want to open up with this so if you i'm going to be here for just a second here if you want to follow along turn to hebrews chapter 12 and this is the one that's not bookmarked because this one wasn't planned at first because you know jesus okay here we go hebrews chapter 12 and this is uh i'm just really excited guys god is so good listen to this this is crazy you ready all right therefore since we have also since we also have such a large cloud of witnesses surrendering surrounding us let's lay aside every hindrance and the sin that so easily ensnares us let us run with endurance the race that lies before us keeping our eyes on jesus the source and perfecter of our faith for the joy that lay before him he endured the cross despising the shame and sat down at the right hand of the throne of god there's so much there i'm going to read it i want you to catch what's being said here what paul or whoever wrote hebrews that's debated but whoever they i want you to catch what's said here okay let us run with endurance the race that lies before us keeping our eyes on jesus everyone say jesus we're keeping our eyes on jesus the source and perfecter of our faith for the joy that laid before him he endured the cross despising the shame and sat down on the right hand of the throne of god so guys jesus we've talked about this before jesus is our example and i want you just to get the picture real quick here that he had perfect joy right the fact that it says he endured the cross by the joy set before him so knowing what was going to happen after the cross knowing that the rescue mission was going to be complete he had a joy a supernatural joy on the inside of him and that actually produced a fruit of endurance where he did the most unthinkable thing which was allow himself to die on the cross that's pretty weighty right right like that's i want joy like that and i feel like uh the kind of theme for the message today is joy i feel like uh i was thinking about i was like lord of praying into what just talk about what to what to encourage you guys on and the theme of joy kept coming up um and when i whenever i whenever that theme came up that's when i felt holy spirit on it it was just like okay this is it this is what we need to lock into right now guys this is a key for the season and it's a it's a key for our uh i'm gonna say our supernatural default as christians as sons and daughters of jesus joy is our default can i get an amen all right so let me actually flip this open here um and we're gonna we're going to get into this here we go thank you jesus all right now you guys know you guys know the answer i'm going to eventually say but i want you to think about this question real quick what does our world need just think use your brain what is our world what does this world need right now and there's a lot of good accurate answers right our world needs truth our world needs righteousness our world needs the presence of god our world needs jesus there's a ball well that's perfect doesn't say the world needs joy right the world needs joy and the thing is um joy is found in the kingdom of heaven is that true wait thumbs up if that's true thumbs down that's not true can it yep get some feedback here great so joy is in the kingdom of heaven so guys when jesus teaches his disciples how to pray do you guys remember what he says let's go there real quick i'm going to hop around matthew through a couple spots of the sermon on the mount here but i'm going to start with matthew 6 verse 9. so join me here real quick here matthew 6 verse 9. here we go listen so jesus is teaching his disciples how to pray he says therefore he should pray like this our father in heaven your name be honored as holy your kingdom come your will be done on earth as it is in heaven and he keeps going right and we've we've talked about this a lot in fact we'd say one of our one of our go-to phrases for convergence is bringing heaven to earth right because we believe that what's in heaven needs to be here and we've been given the authority to manifest what's up there to be right here because we're ambassadors and co-heirs does this make i think most of us a good percentage of us in this room know this already in the heads but i want to get this to the practical so is there joy in heaven yes or no yes oh perfect so if there's joy in heaven there needs to be joy where on earth good job you guys are following along great so when we pray your kingdom come here will be done on earth as is in heaven one of those things that we have free access to is joy all right and that's not just like a happiness like i'm gonna i'm just gonna sprinkle joy on the situation but that's something that's that comes from the depths of who we are okay and that's produced by the holy spirit so let's keep going here so on earth as it is in heaven and guys we do this when we pray we do we when we talk about healing we bring this up right because there's no sickness in heaven so and we've seen so many people be healed just by that prayer of faith that we believe god there's no there's no sore throat in heaven and no sore throat here so we pray healing in jesus name when we do that we've seen people get healed i've seen it right we believe this stuff is real we believe jesus is our example and we believe it and guys that goes for joy too i feel like there's some christians who are like it's like we make it most of the way and we're excited about the epic stuff but we forget that there's a holistic aspect to this okay so i'm ready i'm ready to pray for for a cancer patient that i'm not i don't know very well but i'm just okay living in my anxiety and it's just a problem that i bear and it's just something that i keep with me everywhere i go and i forget that that's something that god also took care of right is that true or not true that's true right so god i think some of us we we have faith for others but we don't actually remember that this is isn't it's a door that's been unlocked and it's for us does that make sense and guys our world needs joy right now this is trying times all right and i think some of us we i don't know somebody somebody lied to all of us once and said a sign of maturity is being cynical and just being weathered by the storms and you're just like oh life is hard no that's you know what a mature christian is when i meet when i meet somebody who's way older than me and they have the joy of the lord on their face and they experience things that i wasn't even alive for right that's a sign of maturity because that's someone who knows heaven's perspective i guess again because heaven sees something different than what we see and i'm a world changer and i'm important but like my time on this earth is very small meanwhile god's been here the whole time and these angels have been here the whole time and they've seen they've they've seen it all guys god's not surprised right tracking with me okay so let's go my my screen went blank here here we go okay and guys i yeah so uh there are a few things that are an enemy of joy one of those is selfishness which i'm not going to quite get into yet one of those things is anxiety though and i want to prove it real quick i want to prove it in scripture i'm already in matthew 5 here let's flip to one page forward in my bible might be on the same page in years matthew 6 25. some of you already see this coming some of you are like just say it already some of you already see this coming you ready say yes yeah all right here we go therefore i tell you do not worry about your life what you will eat or what you will drink or about your body what you will wear isn't life more than food in the body more than clothing consider the birds of the sky they don't soar sow or reap or gather into barns yet your heavenly father feeds them aren't you worth more than they can any one of you add one moment to his lifespan by worrying and why do you worry about clothes observe how the wildflowers of the fuel grow they don't labor or spin thread yet i tell you not even solomon in all of his splendor was adorned like one of these if that's how god closed the grass of the field which is here today and thrown into the furnace tomorrow won't he do much more for you you have little faith so don't worry saying what will we eat or what will we drink or what will we wear for the gentiles eagerly seek those things but your heavenly father knows you need them but seek first the kingdom of god and his righteousness and all these things will be provided for you therefore don't worry about don't worry about tomorrow because tomorrow will worry about itself each day has enough trouble of its own all right so let's go back two verses here seek first right says seek first the kingdom of god and his righteousness and all these things will be provided for you all right so guys good news is um it's not just i'm not theorizing up here i'm not just giving advice because i feel like it right that's the word of god and not only is it the word of god but this is jesus talking this whole page is red letters okay so and uh we're allowed to quote scripture that's not plagiarism okay um it's okay so guys i want you to latch on to the fact that jesus said that right some of us feel more spiritual when we worry and we say oh i'm just being wise i'm just thinking through all the so and it's a guy i want you to think thinking is good but there comes a point where we have to trust and that's what this is looking at right here that's what that's what jesus is exposing right here is not worrying and and just trusting the god who made you right all right so let's let's keep going here um yeah we can we can pray that prayer on earth as in heaven and we can believe that anxiety is not for us i think some people in the room might be going like i know that but how do we do that like i know that i've read these verses before pastor aaron i get it but how well there are a couple there's a couple house there and i think you already know it but i'm gonna i'm gonna go ahead and say it anyways as if you've never heard it before because this is something you need to know right now everybody say now okay so matthew 7 7. i'm going to flip there right here all right so just a little bit more this is also somewhere on the mount same area of scripture i'm just skipping ahead okay ask and it will be given to you seek and you will find knock in the door will be open to you for everyone everyone say everyone okay everyone who asks receives the one who seeks finds and the one who knocks the door will be opened who among you if his son asks him for bread will give him a stone if he asks for fish we'll give him a snake if you then who are evil know how to give good gifts to your children how much more will your father in heaven give good gifts to those who ask him all right so guys if if that's something you're struggling with right now today if that's something you're like i am dealing with the fact that like i don't i don't feel joy and it's okay to be honest i don't want you to lie and be like oh i'm joyful but really life's crazy at home i don't i don't want the fake christianity thing so don't worry we're this is a fake christian free zone okay you can be honest with me if things are hard okay but what i want but i don't what i don't want to see is you being okay with it and being content with it and just learning how to live with it like oh you know like it's it's like learning how to live with a limp instead of just getting it fixed right uh i believe that god has something better for you and i think some of us have a lot in this room have lost hope that things can be better so we just we just live with we just live with it whatever the problem is all right and i just want to encourage you today that you can be joyful you can have a joy-filled life and you can be an unshakable person that when things happen yeah life is hard but you don't waver right does that make sense an unwavering joy that comes that comes from within all right happiness is fleeting you can add it you can you can try to have a good attitude whatever but if there's nothing if it's not on the inside then then it can be shaken off right so here let's keep going let's keep going my ipad keeps going to sleep um i hope you guys aren't going to sleep but uh the ipad anyways okay i also want to encourage you guys as we latch on to this it's actually more important than you realize everyone say important because if you latch on to this and you go for what god has for you we also realize in this in this walk with jesus that what we get is not just for us but it's for the rest of the world too because we don't follow jesus just for us that's why we get saved but then jesus says great you're my you're my beloved son you're a beloved daughter now now we're doing the family business go share go share with others that's what he says right so you're like oh but does he really say that well of course he does let's turn the bible just a couple more pages backwards still sermon on the mount but i'm going backwards this time boom boom where uh yes this is jesus talking again my whole page is in red letters you guys ready for this no i'm not gonna i was gonna do a jesus voice but that's not good i'm not gonna i'm just gonna i'm just gonna read it in my voice it says oh sorry uh matthew 5 starting at verse 14. i was hoping you guys were prophetic enough just to get there without me telling you we'll work on that the prophetic message that's what pj's gonna do next week and we'll no i'm kidding okay check it out you are the light of the world a city situated on a hill cannot be hidden no one lights a lamp and puts it under a basket but rather on a lamp stand and it gives light for all who are in the house in the same way let your light shine before others so that they may see your good works and give glory to your father in heaven okay so that's that's another i could even go on a whole tangent on that but i'm not going to i want to just i want to stay there with joy real quick here okay if we can get breakthrough in freedom and just having joy in our lives that's going to be a light and it's going to shine to others this person is different so-and-so is different aaron is different he's not like he's not like other people okay uh substitute your name in there you're different you're not like other people so when you go to work you're not like other people you're not shaken like other people are shaken and that's actually that is the light that's a lighthouse for people it's a city on a hill where people go this person is different and i i need it i want it because that's because the kingdom of heaven is what we need the things that jesus purchased he didn't just do it for fun so everybody's hungry for it whether they like it or not whether they reject it or not people want to be saved eve guys even atheists desperately want to be saved they just don't know it because they've they fooled themselves all right so like i want to encourage you it's really like obviously do your best but if we're christians but we're just we're okay with whatever and say we're not we're like you know what i don't need that breakthrough i don't need that breakthrough in my anxiety well you know you might have a co-worker who's also anxious and you guys are anxious friends and they don't and you know what they know you're a good friend they know you're not gonna lie because you're a christian but you know what when they see you're they're gonna they see you have no breakthrough are you that much different than them right but imagine you have your anxious friend who you get to be anxious with and you get freedom what's that testimony going to look like right because it's not just for us it's for the world right and we've been talking about pastor greg he's been he's been hitting that phrase want to go from being just a church attender to a world changer right it's those little things those little differences in our life that make us a world changer because people see the differences and it provokes them it makes them uncomfortable but it also makes them hungry and they might ignore it at first and they might be offended at first because the gospel is offensive to some people but little by little the erosion of the word of god they get hungry and hungrier and hungrier before you guys get in the picture here okay great so let's keep going here i'm so excited guys oh my gosh i almost cried when we're doing baptisms i love baptism so much okay okay thank you jesus thank you jesus okay so where i talked about asking and seeking and knocking we look at how we look at how do we do this how do we get this the other thing guys is time spent with jesus everyone say time everyone say god's presence guys god's presence will can and will change you okay i've noticed i'm affected by the people i spend my time with okay when i i did not grow up in the bay area i grew up in the pacific northwest okay i grew up most of my years in this area of oregon nobody visits because it's deserty and small town the town was of 2000 people okay we went grocery shopping we had to drive 30 minutes to go grocery shopping okay so like it's just a small town boy okay small town boy right here okay so here's the thing though so i grew up and we had our defaults and you know grew up did did life sure we knew all the pop culture stuff but when i moved to the bay area there's bay area slaying that was so weird to me man it was weird and i'm like i'm not gonna do that i'm not gonna say that i'm never gonna say that and i was i was like solid for over a year but guys day after day i lived in college dorms in my bible college in east oakland so i'm surrounded by people and the way they talk and day by day it wore on me and war on me and war on me twelve finally i let it slip and i said the thing i said i'd never say it's not it's not bad or anything you guys know the word hecka okay we didn't say that in the northwest okay but i let it slip and i was like i guess i say that now man and and i said it and i just kept saying it and i was like i guess i'm one of them now all right because when you're in a culture when you're around people that you love and spend time with you can't help but change a little bit all right does that make sense now i've lived in the bay for a long time i still don't root for the niners but i don't hate them anymore okay guys i grew up from the womb from the womb my dad was probably whispering in my mom's tummy we hate the niners okay probably i'm just guessing here but that's how it was we grew up in the northwest so my mom was a seahawks fan my dad was a cowboys fan we've never lived in texas i can't explain it it's just a thing okay so like but i was told like from from a from a little child son we love you and we hate the niners and we hate the redskins okay go play okay that's the team now here's the thing so but now i've literally i've lived in this place for so long now my closest co-workers my closest friends are rooting for this team and now i'm like i feel good i feel you know what good job guys i wasn't i'm not rooting for you anymore but i don't hate you anymore i'm not gonna you know i'm not gonna be like you know say boo boo niners you know why because it's time spent with people will change you right so i can't help but point out if we're spending time with jesus we're gonna become more like him right and if so if we if if this is such a hang up for us then one of the prescriptions has to be more time with jesus has to be all right and the more time we spend with jesus the more we realize he he's in control he controls everything anyways and he has the he has my best interests at heart so when we have time with jesus and we have that that investment with jesus when something crazy happens like i don't know a pandemic all right and everybody else is shaken we have deep roots and we're like wow this is unprecedented but stop using that word it's being overused and my god's still on the throne okay he's on the throne he knows he knows all right and i know that he's not surprised so like really i'm already on the winning team no matter what happens no matter what you say to me so then when i watch the news the news doesn't affect my emotions it just tells me what the world is thinking about all right so then now when i wake up and take a shower pull out my phone and it's like oh news article it's not gonna it's not gonna ruin my day if i see something crazy it might give me something to pray about i might honestly i might have a little bit of righteous igno indignation but i don't stay there because i stay where my feet are planted and my default are the things of the spirit okay you all know i got to go to galatians 5. right you know it right it says where did it go all right here we go i'm not gonna okay i'll just start there i was gonna read extra but i'm just gonna start here verse 22 but the fruit of the spirit is love joy peace patience kindness goodness faithfulness gentleness and self-control against the law the law is not against such things okay so guys now obviously i can dive into all the fruits but as we say the fruit of the spirit that's not like the achievements of the spirit okay it's not so it's not like i have to work on my joy badge for like boy scouts or girl scouts all right and finally get my joy badge i'm no we're not gonna work on our joy badge we're gonna work on our time with jesus all right and we're gonna inform our soul what we're gonna do okay so if i read in scripture ask seek and knock and i don't have it yet i know that my father in heaven will not give me a stone when i ask for bread so i'm gonna ask god until i get it god i want joy this is a joyful household i'm a joyful person and if i don't have i'm going to ask again i'm going to keep knocking and i'm going to keep knocking and i want to encourage you guys some of you stopped knocking some of you have lost your fight for some reason but i want to encourage you right now to keep asking it says seek and you will find not no you might find it it's not seek and god might give you a clue no it says seek and you will find right god if you ask for bread he will not give you a stone so some of us i don't know we have this wrong look at god and even like some of us who've been we've been in like charismatic church world for a while we like have faith for everybody else except us so i can serve on a prayer team and i'm like yeah god you healed so-and-so but my ankle still hurts oh well why why why do we live so double-minded like that guys you are you are worthy of all those things god has for you if he loved you so much to die on the cross for you then that miracle's for you then a joyful life is for you and you don't have to just settle does that make sense are you guys feel okay good good you're feeling good now let me see here we go yes psalm 16 i said in his presence there's joy that's actually a verse in the bible the end of psalm 16. you should read the whole chapter on your own time it's really good but the last verse of psalm 16 says you reveal the path of life to me in your presence is abundant joy at your right hand are eternal pleasures so guys as followers of jesus we can choose joy can everybody say joy all right we can choose joy all right and i think there's uh there's a few directions we can go with that all right because there's a lot of you in here and you all look a little bit different which is perfect because it'd be weird if you all looked the same okay so you all come from a different background you all have different individual struggles okay but there's there's something for you today and guys god has something big for you god has a big plan for you you know that and if we're weighed down we're not going to be able to do everything he wants us to do if we're stuck in fear like guys you follow me here you you are all anointed ministers every single person in this room it's not it's not like you're the church attenders and you're consumers and we're giving you something you want so you can say amen and go home and feel good about yourself no this is this is an equipping room all right we're world changers equipping world changers okay and where you're at yeah you might not be in employed by the church but you are all in full-time ministry parents in the room you are your children's first children's pastor okay those of you in the room if you for those of you who have any authority in your workplace you do that as a son or daughter of jesus all right we've all been given a dominion we've all been given influence some smaller some of it some of some of you kids in the room we have kids in the room say some of you it's just in the playground right now and you realize everyone does the game you tell them and you realize oh everyone listens to me for some reason that's not it's not an accident all right god's given you a leadership anointing all right and some of you are in a weird you don't know where you're at in life right now you're like maybe maybe you're in between jobs or maybe you had a job that you don't like and maybe and you're just floating i met a lot of people especially my generation where it feels like they're floating because they're hoping for something that's not here yet and meanwhile life's starting to pass you by guys you you are where you're at for a reason there's a reason you are where you're at okay so i want to encourage you latch on to what god has for you and start to give it away all right and in this world of uncertainty joy is going to be a magnet for the kingdom all right does that make sense i'm telling you yeah do i want to go there jesus if you're i don't know i just feel like there's a lot of reasons there's a lot of reasons we have where we can complain about the situation we're in all right like if if you're working a job and you're the only believer that's hard but you know that means god trusts you to bring the light into that situation and pretty soon you're not going to be the only believer okay because god trusted you that much right so i want to encourage you guys today that god trusts you god has a plan for you and uh we're gonna get this so there's three there's three things i want to address here as we as we head towards closing and we we're about to have some fun which is perfect we better have some fun after after i talk about joy so we can actually practice it um which i'm stoked about i think some of you need to be like you just need like an impartation of joy today where you're like you're kind of like eeyore where we're just like okay we're like okay with the fact that you're depressed all the time and you just say oh it's part of my personality no it's not stop it stop it that's not a part of your personality okay so uh there's no eeyore anointing okay those of you don't have time about winning the poo long story okay depressed donkey imagine okay always loses his tail it's awkward okay so sorry i just realized not everybody had my childhood so um but so but that's not a part of your personality okay and if you have gone so far as to say that then that's something that's a battle you stopped fighting a long time ago and that's actually from the enemy if it's not from god that's from the enemy and you're crippling yourself okay so let's let's not do that all right have you got raise your hand if you've ever seen the movie princess bride such a good inconceivable all right that's a lot of hands all right i feel like some of you are just fighting left-handed because all right there's a scene where they're like they're doing this epic sword fight and then one of them is taunting the other and he's like i know something you don't know i'm not left-handed and then he started starts doing a lot better but then the other guy starts smiling our main character the guy we're rooting for he's like i'm left-handed either and then all of a sudden they're both fighting right-handed because they're both right-handed and then it's even more epic and then one of them wins i'm not gonna spoil it for you even though it's been out for many years okay so now i feel like some of us are like okay with fighting left-handed and we're like oh yeah i'm i don't have much faith but i'm still gonna pray and do the christian walk yeah i struggle with doubt but i don't want you to stop trying that's not the message here the message here is to go for it all right everybody say go for it okay so some of you need an impartation of joy say amen all right some of you honestly you didn't even realize it till today you need to get you need to get saved or you need to rededicate your life to jesus because you've you floated too far past even following jesus on everyday level so there's people in this room that need to need that to happen and then there's people in this room i feel like guys i keep hearing about it so no shame here there are people in this room dealing every day with anxiety and doubt and you need freedom and we want to go for freedom today okay so what we're going to do is i'm going to pray and i'm just going to i'm going to say a general prayer for everybody and pastor andrew is going to close service but when he closes he's going to invite prayer team up if you in even a little bit i'm talking even a speck deal with anxiety i want you up here getting prayer okay even a little bit even if you're like my mind no if you're on the fence just go get prayer and get free okay for you but also for the world there's a lot at stake here get that freedom okay that sound good okay also if you're realizing that uh if you stumbled your way in here or on our webcast and you are realizing that you just need to give it all to jesus and you haven't done that yet you can experience this joy we're talking about it's not made up and it cannot be made by any other religion or any other worldview in this world all right god died for each and every one of us all right so like if you need to give your life to jesus which if you haven't you need to today's the day today is the day all right so here's what we're gonna do i want everyone to stand up stand up stretch your legs a little bit okay stay put though everyone put your hands in front of you like this like receiving a gift i'm going to pray this over you everyone say jesus there's a power in the name of jesus everyone say jesus one more time everyone say jesus dear jesus we thank you for the joy that you purchased for us on the cross and lord we just impart joy in jesus name on each and every one of these people sitting standing here standing here right now or those of even listening online we just declare joy overtake them in jesus name jesus for anybody who's dealing with depression we declare freedom right now freedom and breakthrough in jesus name anyone dealing with lies i just declare the truth will set you free let truth invade right now in jesus name people who are dealing with doubt and they don't and they just need clarity i just declare clarity in jesus name we thank you jesus we thank you jesus and god stay in this spot right here uh i want you to raise your hand high if you need to give your life to jesus or you need to rededicate your life to jesus no shame here i just want to see throw it in the chat i want to say that all right if you need that i want you to i want you to just run up here when it's time for prayer team okay so there's two things we're going for here give it all to jesus or you need to be set free from depression from anxiety and doubt okay we're gonna take care of this right now right now we can do it jesus already purchased it it's easy it's like going to a store where everything is free it's awesome all right i'm going to hand it over pastor andrew and he's going to wrap us up okay when you get past air in a hand that is good but like he said we're gonna have some more fun if you didn't know we've got things for your children to do we've got jump houses outside there's pizza that's for sale so if you've had plans today go ahead and cancel them and hang out or just invite whoever's with you to stay connect as a as a church body if you need ministry of any kind if there's an achy toe if you've got an ingrown toenail i don't it doesn't matter what it is we believe that jesus can heal you we believe that it's worth contending for every fragmentation that was caused by the sin committed on this earth jesus paid the price for it he paid the price for everything so let's pray and believe that he'll heal you so i just want to invite our ministry team up here they're going to be up here for about 30 minutes and we're gonna have our coffee bar open as well while everyone is just gathering out there so if you guys um have any questions please come see me if you rededicated your life to christ or gave or gave light wow gave your life to christ for the first time today please come see myself or pastor aaron up here we would love to connect with you with that said amen have a great rest your sunday [Music] foreign
Channel: Convergence Church
Views: 218
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: BYkxfYDwlvY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 123min 55sec (7435 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 29 2021
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