Convergence Church // Pastor Andrew - 9.12.21

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[Music] my [Music] calm down [Music] when you fill [Music] tonight wow so jesus jesus precious lord that i have found more beautiful you are my treasure my great reborn and i just wanna i wanna move i just wanna stand in my and pour my love on you no matter how give much all to you to you your love made [Music] jesus jesus [Music] a sacrifice [Music] [Music] good morning how are y'all doing good oh no my scripture moved when i picked up my phone well welcome i'd just like to invite you to stand stand in the presence he's already here the man that's where two or three are gathered he's in our midst second corinthians 3 18 out of the passion translation i'm going to read from we can all draw close to him with the veil removed from our faces and with novel we are all beco we i'm sorry with novel we all become like mirrors who brightly reflect the glory of the lord jesus yes lord remove the vowel god remove the veil so that we would reflect you like a mirror we are being transfigured into the very image of christ as we move from one brighter level of glory to another we move from glory to glory to glory in you jesus in you and this glorious transfiguration comes from the lord who is spirit amen amen yeah we recognize your presence lord [Music] we thank you that in you we move and live and have our being [Music] yeah we recognize your presence today [Music] this new day this new day that you have given us lord we thank you let's just turn our hearts to thanksgiving to him thank you just lift up your voices and thank him thank you lord we thank you for your presence we thank you for your nearness we thank you that you never leave us or forsake us that you're near that you're here [Music] you're oh so close [Music] you're so close the very air that we breathe yeah we breathe you in we breathe lean in just i just encourage you just to lift up your hands and lean into his presence just lean into his presence [Music] there's no one like you [Music] oh how we thank you we thank you that you walk into [Music] this [Music] stretch forth your hand today stretch forth your hand today and touch each one of us [Music] mark us lord mark us with your presence for your presence changes [Music] we're lovers everything you we're lovers of you jesus [Music] we invite you into the spaces of our mind and our heart we invite you to come closer [Music] for any thought that does not line up with you we have to remove from our minds for we believe you god we believe your word [Music] abide in us come remain in me come remain come and rain come a bite [Music] [Music] [Music] i'll just let the music play over you [Music] into the core of who you are [Music] foreign [Music] of the foreign and i've called you my own my son my daughter i've marked you for such a time as this in the chaos of this world i am steady i am firm unshakeable unmovable lean in to me stand firm in me i direct your past your identity is found in who i am he says christ says your identity is found in him in christ alive just thank him thank him thank you jesus we thank you we thank you we thank you that in you we live and move and have our being yes be magnified in us be magnified enough lord be magnified in us jesus [Music] yes we just crossed our hearts position your heart towards heaven towards father towards christ writes your story he's the one who writes your story as we partner with him [Music] what creation [Music] we hear christ be magnified for the whole earth [Music] from [Music] this morning [Music] christ be magnified in christ be magnified in me [Music] in magnify [Music] christ be magnified [Music] so we give it all to you [Music] and if it puts me through the fire i'll rejoice cause you're there too and i won't be formed by feelings i'll hold fast to what is true and if that cross brings transformation you can't hang me there with you cause death is just a doorway into resurrection life and if i'll join you in the [Applause] christ be magnified [Music] christmas me oh jesus this morning we just surrender again we just say yes again god we give you everything you can have my heart again you can have my ass again whatever it looks like whatever it sounds like oh let's just sing this bridge again i won't bow to idols [Music] i'll stand strong and worship you and if it puts me through the fire i'll rejoice cause you're there too and i won't be formed by feelings i'll hold fast to what is true and if that cross brings transformation you can't aim me there with you cause death is just a [Music] glory with all the angels and the saints my heart will still be singing my song was just one more time singing in faith now how about the idols i'll [Music] feelings i hold fast to what is true and if that cross brings transformation you can't hang me there with you cause death is just a doorway into resurrection lie and if i join you in the suffrage then i'll join you when you rise and when you return it glory with all the angels and the just let [Music] magnified just let its praise rise christ be magnified be magnified [Music] thank you jesus [Music] yes we thank you we love lord love you jesus thank you that you're magnified in us through us you're worthy god you're worthy jesus [Music] is [Music] when you poured out your spirit in the power of your presence holy spirit the holy spirit [Music] holy [Music] my spirit as i call on your name [Music] [Applause] [Music] song [Music] as i stand in your presence revelations of your love as i look to the heavens holy spirit [Music] my [Music] jesus [Music] oh jesus [Music] me here in your presence lord i surrender to your glory let's make this personal this morning just sing it straight to the holy spirit [Music] [Music] [Music] to your glory me [Music] [Music] just say oh to your glory [Music] break upon my praise as i sing of your love holy spirit fight come and burn within my soul as i call on your name call your name jesus as i call on your name jesus [Music] as i call on your name jesus as i call on your name call jesus your name jesus [Music] jesus [Music] i [Music] like [Music] lift up your voices [Music] [Music] is [Music] we're asking for [Applause] we're asking for [Music] we're asking for [Applause] [Music] asking for [Music] we're asking for we're asking for more asking for we're asking for more [Music] we're asking for [Music] do what you want to do now we're asking for more we're asking for more of you do what you want to do [Music] so um [Music] and [Music] yes [Music] i just feel like [Music] we need to realize to the degree that we hunger and thirst for him he desires to be with you to the degree that we long for a touch that we long to be transformed into his image he longs to pour into you [Music] for god so loved the world that he gave that you said yes thank you father that you love us so much that you gave [Music] um um [Music] is [Music] set me on fire [Music] yes jesus [Music] so i found [Music] [Music] we wanna [Music] [Music] yes jesus renew revive and restore refresh renew [Music] revive [Music] and restore it's what you do refresh renew revive and restore what you do refresh renew [Music] reply and restore it's why you do refresh [Music] three five right [Music] [Music] [Applause] all of us [Music] three five and three [Music] jesus [Music] jesus [Music] [Music] [Music] we're hungry for you jesus we desire you more than anything more than anything [Music] [Music] [Music] is it your nature god it's who you are for you've come to make all things new your name is above every other name [Music] your name is above every other name and we stand in authority and in the power of your name [Music] and when we stand in authority in the power of your name every disease must bow [Music] every depression must bow its knee in the name of jesus every fear must be drived out by the light of your face figure the name above every other name you're the name above every other name just say that with me you're the name above every other name jesus you're the name above every other name jesus say his name jesus jesus just keep saying his name jesus his name is enough his name is enough his blood is enough amen his blood is enough jesus jesus it's who he is it's who he is jesus [Music] hmm [Music] so if you're in need of a miracle [Music] i just want you to receive as we sing the song miracles the one who made the blind to see is moving here in front of me moving here in front of me the one who made the death to hear is silencing my every fear silencing my every fear [Music] i believe in you i believe [Music] [Music] the god who dies impossible [Music] is reaching out to make me whole reaching out [Music] the one who dies impossible [Music] is reaching out to make me hold reaching now to make me hold the one who put death in its place [Music] is i believe in you i believe in i believe in you i believe in your oh i believe [Music] you are [Music] is [Music] got [Music] the power of the race the god who brings the dead to life [Music] [Applause] god miracles [Applause] miracles and i believe in you i believe sing it again yes you are [Music] it's who you are it is your nature a wonder working god the gods [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] god [Music] is [Applause] miracles the power you're the god of miracles you're the god of miracles you're the god of miracles you're the god of miracles [Music] find a working card [Music] yeah i just feel such a sweet spirit this morning we had that holy spirit night on friday night and i feel like there's such a nearness of the holy spirit this morning that it's the overflow from just saying yes and inviting him that friday so i just want us to lean in just for a few minutes longer i feel like there's an invitation into greater faith into greater belief in who god is the god of miracles i feel like this song is a declaration over each one of your hearts maybe some of you are struggling to have that faith to have that belief and i feel like god wants to restore that this morning so i just want to actually sing this chorus again and i want to invite you into just seeing this with all your heart and just invite the lord into that place of jesus i believe that you are the god of miracles that you are great that your name is above every other name that jesus you reign high above it all god i ask that right now that as we sing this god as a family as a community god that you would raise the faith in our hearts jesus god i asked for an increase of childlike faith that we would just trust you that every single bit of doubt that every single bit of worry would just fall to the wayside as we exalt your name and we declare who you are the character of jesus the god that we serve so let's just sing that one more time i just want to encourage you to sing that with all your heart this morning [Music] [Applause] [Music] i believe in you i believe in you you're the god of miracles oh i believe i believe in you i believe in you you're the god of yours [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Applause] jesus [Music] the power the [Music] you're the god of miracles oh i believe in you i believe in you you're the gods [Music] and i believe in you i believe in you [Music] you're the gods [Music] yes jesus we choose this morning to believe in you god we choose this morning to say yes to what you have for us god to say yes to that faith to that trust in you again we stand on the foundation of your word god of who you are we say that you are faithful and you are good that you are the god who does miracles you are the god who saves heals and delivers jesus jesus we love you jesus we thank you yeah let's just all lift to shout to the lord just thank him for that thank you jesus we thank you jesus you're so good and you're so faithful he's good amen amen thank you worship team so much [Applause] [Music] yeah so we're just going to transition into your time of getting to know people i want to encourage you if you have never met someone here to just go and find that person or multiple people get to know someone new and just share um share the love of jesus with him all right we're gonna do that for about two minutes and then we'll come back up here [Music] oh [Music] is [Music] is [Music] cause no one's gonna [Music] [Music] [Music] hey [Applause] hello hello oh hi hello thank you hello hello morning guys wow lots of chatting i love it we're gonna have pastor greg share an announcement all right good seeing you guys glad you're here i know you guys are all chatting with each other that's actually super healthy you're actually visiting with each other hanging out with each other super cool glad you're here um just a quick announcement that i have just be praying tonight tonight we launched our school of ministry uh svsm and and you know we were thinking we were you know with all the stuff that's going on if we had you know 20 students that are going that would be amazing that would be incredible we have 40 that are going to be coming to the school tonight 40 students are going to be coming to the school tonight and i remember i always say this but i remember uh bethel school of ministry when they first started they had 37 so i'm gonna go ahead and text valetin um and let them know that we have 40. so that's just a fun thing and i just want to want you guys to be praying uh i know really uh just been praying for us as we launch our school of ministry tonight uh at four o'clock and then it's going to be going all the way through the end of may so pray for all those that are attending that there'll be life transformation and revival amen all right we're gonna bring gas back up hello again i'm gonna stand on the stage because i'm too short you probably can't see me in the back hi how are you all doing good if this is your first time here can you wave at me i'm gabrielle i just want to say hi nice to meet you how a whole row hello hi guys welcome it's so great to meet you all my name is gabrielle i would love um if you could fill out a welcome card it's in the seat back in front of you i'll get that you can put it in the offering bucket or at the connections desk and then i'll get to say hi i'll send you an email with more info we won't spam you and we'll just get to start connecting so that would be lovely please do that um i don't know i just got out of breath all of a sudden hi okay so we are actually now gonna do prayers for ties and offerings so i'll have everyone stand with me this is an exciting part we get to trust the lord with our finances and see him move in our lives in our church in the bay area that's a beautiful thing so say this with expectation of what the lord is going to do okay as i breathe my tithes and offerings to god's storehouse he is opening the windows of heaven and pouring out abundant blessings he rebukes the devourer for my sake and he surrounds me with his favor as a shield he blesses the work of my hands the lord's plan is to prosper me to give me a hope and a future i am the lender and not the borrower the head and not the tail i give from my heart because god loves a cheerful giver as i seek first his kingdom he supplies all my needs according to his riches in glory in christ jesus every good and perfect gift comes from above so i will continually thank the lord for his blessings that overflow in my life amen oh father we are so thankful that we get to partner with you we're so thankful for the way you provide for us every day all of our needs are met by you so we cheer of our hearts we give in to your kingdom in jesus name amen hi everyone it's jess with today's video announcements today after service we'll be having intro week two there's pretty much a group for every single stage of life so it's a great place to get connected find people who are running in the same place as you if you want to find out more about it you can come and talk to us at the connections desk after service on september 23rd we'll be having our phill and spill outreach we'll be meeting at the church at 5 pm and then going to do outreach at 6 pm if you want to get connected we would love to have you sign up online and we can't wait to see you there on september 18th we'll be having our second young adult worship night at pastor domani's house last month was super super powerful it was such a good time to connect with everyone get to know new people to worship together pray together we'll be having worship and a message on this one we look forward to seeing you there come and join us on september 18th that's all the announcements i have for you today now please give a huge welcome to pastor andrew as he gives today's message [Music] good morning um we don't have a podium because kenny decided to body slam it so i'll have to fix that this week it was kind of my fault my weld was not the best i had made it myself and once it broke i i knew like it was my fault it should have survived the body slam well welcome glad you guys are here the holy spirit is active he's moving my heart is alive and it's so much like to the point of where i need to pray for myself as well because there's so much that the lord has just put on my heart that i want to just i don't want to word vomit i don't want to just unleash on you everything that the lord's stirring in my heart i want his word to be accurate his word to be sound so would you guys pray with me all right father thank you so much for your presence thank you for your guidance i thank you that you're not only my guide you're my shepherd you're my tender loving father and i thank you that you've called us all you have a plan that you've drawn out a dream that was in your heart that you penned and you formed us in our mother's womb by your hand you stitched us together all along we have been the desire of your heart and you have placed us here for such a time as this lord we thank you that we're not alone not only have you given us a god-fearing hungry community but you've also blessed us with your holy spirit so lord we wait on you to come again i ask that you would stir the fire that is in our bones lord we remember the testimonies from the past and how you came how you touched the streets in the azusa revival we've heard of the miracles we've even seen lord in our own lives the testimony of jesus coming to fruition father you've touched us lord we ask that you would do a mighty work in this nation now and it's not for our glory or our fame but it's so that you will receive the do honor the dew glory because you're good lord we live in a world that is broken and in need and we know that you are the answer i thank you that your word says that when your children ask a good father for bread that you will not give them a stone a good father will not return to them a stone or a serpent lord we ask that you would draw near and pour your spirit out on all flesh men and women we ask for a good thing from a good heavenly father would you come lord in jesus name amen last week pastor greg talked about fear overcoming fear how so i'm going to take a a stab at that this week this is a topic that i i thoroughly enjoy um maybe i'll start with a little bit of scripture i'm just gonna paraphrase it for you okay and tell you a story you guys like stories i recognized this in my early uh early years of being a believer when i gave my life to the lord at 14 high school was kind of a struggle oftentimes when you're in high school you ask yourself the question when you're sitting in a class how is this going to apply to my life later like in it you know finding the the reason to to justify the means of you sitting in that chair was hard for me my heart was on fire for the lord all i wanted to do was be in ministry i i was hungry i wanted to see lives change and it felt and it still feels like that is what the world needs not geometry not algebra god if god uses a donkey though he could use algebra he could use geometry hear my heart i'm i'm not saying that this is if you love education that's fantastic i love education most of my friends would say this though i greatly despise history and that was the one class that i enjoyed i loved history i love stories i love um learning about where we came from where i came from how different nations formed the struggles that we they had so let's tell talk a little history exodus chapter one starts with the ending the wrapping up of the life of joseph we see in genesis the story of joseph and how his brothers gave him over and sold him into slavery he had a call on his life he was the favored son but then it felt like life was falling apart he was stabbed in the back he was given up his rag his he was in a royal gown but became rags he had nothing anymore he's in prison we know the story you do you remember a little bit about this the god he uses dreams in his life he basically comes becomes second in power in all of egypt it's really cool story read your bible you'll get a lot out of it i promise joseph passes away it says in exodus chapter 1 that there is a new king that is now over egypt and it says that this king did not know about joseph we're talking about fear today fears fear is the number one tool i would say so i like tools if you go to my garage i have a a few tools but there are some tools that require other tools so if you have a drill like a drill motor or an impact driver that can accept various different bits that will accomplish different tasks so if you need a hex head you put the hex head bit on your drill and then you can install hex head screws if you have a phillips you have a phillips head that is installed on that drill and then you could install phillips head screws tracking with me trying to like it's a key you could use the t-bit and it goes in one that has more than one side anyways just kidding you guys are super smart fear is the drill fear is the drill motor that the enemy will use for various different tasks it all comes down to fear let's even go back a little bit further when adam and eve were in the garden the bible says that there was the serpent who was deceptive deceiving shrewd like no other animal he met eve and he instills fear of not knowing lack of confidence he questions god did he really say that the action or that is the action which creates a an effect in eve's heart that she is not sure in life sometimes we are not sure and that's can be scary because we don't have control anymore we're unsure of the outcome there was doubt the drill motor is fear fear produces various different feelings emotions effects that are in our life but it all comes back to that fear looks like doubt looks like lack of assertion lack of confidence it all comes back to fear back to egypt a few years later pharaoh yeah just a few hundred pharaoh does not know the story of joseph she's looking from his place over the land and he sees that the israelites are multiplying they're growing god cares about his people remember when he gave them instruction he said go to the ends of the earth be fruitful multiply subdue it they were following his command so much so that this avenue was accepted the avenue of fear was accepted by pharaoh think about this his response to looking over the vest land of the egyptians or of the the vast land of the hebrews he says that they're growing this isn't good if we get attacked from babylon or any other nation surely the hebrews would join them and overthrow us where did that come from fear is sneaky we hear from three different avenues in our life we hear from the lord we hear from ourselves and we hear from the enemy that's why the bible says take every thought captive take it all captive and submit it back to jesus and say lord what what am i doing what are you saying is this you could you imagine if pharaoh would have taken that thought captive and he would submit it to the lord i would imagine and this is just my vast imagination i would imagine the lord going insane one one thing pastor greg has always taught me seek to understand always seek to understand that overcoming fear if you want to overcome fear you ready has to have action that is the antidote is action i'll tell a story a little bit later personal testimony of jesus i would imagine that if pharaoh would have went to any of the tribes in israel and he would say hey i have a question i see you guys are really thriving here uh you're growing i'm kind of concerned are we all right i feel uh i don't want to show my weakness but how's the relationship in our nations like are we seeing eye to eye on things and i would imagine those who remember history would have been toiling in the soil or you know preparing food for their family they would stop and look and say you don't you don't remember do you you don't remember the history of our people our father joseph and how the camaraderie of two nations we came together and we overcame a famine we saved lives together you don't remember let me remind you joseph was second in command he was your right-hand man our nations are always going to be at peace could you imagine but fear divides and this is where as kingdom-minded people we have to remember that we are the hope in the world we have to tell people about jesus because they don't remember the nation of america does not remember where we came from we talk about slavery oppression but we forget the conversation that happened on the mayflower 1665 i believe was the date a storm brings them off of the up to cape cod they can't even land on the shores of america god had a bigger plan he didn't want them to go to virginia i'm trying to get my geography right he wanted us to go a little further north because they recognized that there were people on the boats that were not part of their community they got together and had a prayer meeting the men gathered and they had a prayer meeting they said lord we're here to pursue you but we see that there are those here with a different plan they've come to extort the land they've come to capture slaves they've come for money and riches but we've come for you for freedom for all what will you have us do one of the men speaks up and says do you remember what our pastor said in holland before we left the men are saying no remind us what did he say he said we need a form of government and he reminded us that the best form of government is the government that was shown and displayed in the book of acts he said that the ecclesia those that are submitted to the lord and to one another that is your government system you have the apostles how they led the church that is the form of government to lead by so they established ekklesia and those who came to exploit the land they weren't accepted into the community because they didn't come with their families they didn't come for freedom of religion and freedom of worship they came for other reasons it's important that we learn our history but fear wants to creep in and put on the drill bit of division put on the drill bit of a fence put on the drill bit of misunderstanding he wants to divide there's times when it is important to be quiet like when you are walking around the walls of jericho the lord said not yet not yet not yet it's important to be quiet it's important to wait but then there's the moment when he says now it's time to speak out it's time to lift your voice it's time to be the voice of truth again and those walls come down pharaoh chose the avenue of the enemy and listened to his voice so his solution let's make slavery we need to oppress the people of israel so he set tasmas task masters slave drivers over them to build cities to fortify the nation of egypt he saw that that wasn't enough from day one the enemy has always tried to put out the seed of god we are his seed pharaoh says he brings in the midwives he says bring the midwives to me we know all about midwives i mean we're we're close to a few days away from our new baby being here [Music] he says bring in the midwives he gives an order to the midwives he says when the hebrew women are on the birthing stones a chair where they gave birth if the baby is a male you kill it but if it's a female you let it live from day one the enemy's plan is to always extinguish the seed see in society culture wants to destroy those who set the tempo those who establish the culture set the language which is supposed to be fathers there's a reason why we see this happen in exodus while we see this happen over time and time again in history even all the way to jesus kill all the boys two years and younger it's always been the scheme of the devil to rip away manhood to shame those who are trying to grow and be fruitful and multiply not anymore we're working on that we get it so many times how many kids do you have not enough in the bay area who blesses the work of your hands who blesses the work of your hands whose plan is it to prosper you did you say yes or i don't know pharaoh says kill the men any boy that's born it ends now we need to get a hold of the hebrews the bible says in exodus 1 that the midwives revered the lord see there's a time to be silent it's a time to be quiet but then there's a time to stand they feared god more than pharaoh i believe this is a moment in time where he's calling the midwives to stand do not fear the enemy but revere the lord you know what you know what happens to the midwives they're blessed the bible says that the midwives were brought in later to pharaoh and he says what have you done he said they said well look hebrew women they didn't like the egyptian women they're tough they give birth and they're out of there we don't even have time to see pharaoh doesn't do anything there's no story that says then pharaoh took the midwives and threw him in the fiery furnace he took the midwives and drowned them in the red sea no the lord blessed them says that the lord showed kindness to the midwives that's the side of history i want to be on i want the lord's kindness um when i was a kid i shared this story in staff when i was a kid i saw an episode of the x-files i may have shared this story with you before as well and i won't go into detail i don't know how many kids are in here i want to just guard your hearts hannah's like anyways it was it was this thing this episode that made me have some fear about something under my bed so i remember my mom has always led me in the ways of jesus and reminded me of who god has made me to be but i had not made it my own personal choice until i was 14 years old i had made many bad choices that were outside of the will of god for my life until i chose the path of salvation in jesus christ that she had prayed and prayed and prayed it's just the beauty of prayers of a praying mother i remember though and i know now he never leaves us or forsakes us and this was the lord i was so gripped with fear and i felt it like just trying to establish itself in my life but i remember boldness came over me and as i was a eight-year-old kid laying in my bed something came over me and said i'm just going to throw myself on the floor and get under my bed and i'm going to prove to myself that there is nothing to be afraid of so i rolled off my bed and i faced my fear i reached my hands under the bed there was nothing i stood up looked at my closet and i ran to my closet opened it up pitch black nothing that i'm reaching in as a little boy fear wants to establish itself in our lives so that it grips us and we don't even realize these habits that we create even thought patterns of irrational decision making and but it's just one of those facets i want to encourage you today to take action take action as the midwives did take action like i did when i was eight what it does is it creates momentum in your heart we're doing a character study every week with our children in the morning it's part of our morning devotion time the first week was attentiveness the definition of attentiveness is listening with your eyes ears and your heart then we did uh contentment being content with what you have and where you are this week was courage courage is standing even when it's hard being willing to even stand alone when it's even when it's right when we are walking with christ the bible says that he has not given us a spirit of fear but of wisdom power and a sound mind first timothy 3 1-7 it's good stuff i believe the lord is depositing a strategy to the earth and it's simpler it's more simplified than we could even imagine i think it starts and it's not just because i'm the family life pastor not at all i believe it's 100 percent the call of each and every one of you to be faithful with the talents that the lord has placed in your life and i'm not talking about money i'm talking about the true riches of this world whether it's your children your parents cousins friends aunts uncles there's talents that the lord has given you that you are to invest in and be faithful with and in the day that we stand and in front of our lord the righteous judge he's gonna ask a question were you faithful with what you were given the bible says in malachi chapter 4 that in the last days the spirit of elijah will be sent the spirit of elijah elijah was a man that in the darkest days of history he was the voice of truth and light there was some fear he ran from jezebel he was afraid he hid in a cave but the lord brought him out he didn't see the lord in that time as he did before it wasn't in the fire it wasn't in the blowing wind it wasn't in the quaking of the earth but it was a still small voice a whisper the lord never leaves us he might talk a little different than we think sometimes it comes a little different than we expect i believe that right now in the hour that we're living as the days are getting darker the light must get lighter there must be a brightness that is distinct over the face of the earth there's things in our life that want to put a basket over the flame of our soul stress anxiety fear everything stems from the original acceptance of the voice of the enemy is that really what he said lord i pray that in this hour you would find us faithful lord i pray that even now you would start tenderizing our hearts lord that we would be faithful to our covenants lord that we would be faithful to our commitment to you jesus i ask for the hearts of men to be stirred with boldness and to be courageous courage costs you something it's not courageous to just blend in and to just be apart even though that seems very comfortable it's always convenient to not cause a ripple it's always more convenient to just submit look at the message from last week when the israelites said could we just go back lord let that not be our hearts lord would you keep us would you keep us steadfast god we ask lord that we would not settle or be complacent there's a reason that the same battle through history has always revolved around the unborn even now job and i were having a conversation uh last week got two more things and we're gonna wrap up actually i'm gonna start first with a very fun phone call i had with grandma suzy it was spontaneous but the lord works in the most beautiful ways she said a while back andrew i need to tell you a story and i said okay we'll talk soon and then it time went by and we just hadn't found the time but then she prank phone called me i'm just kidding she didn't but i was like hey did you call she's like oh i didn't mean to but so we just had a car we were talking on the phone and she said remember i wanted to tell you a story and i looked this up i did some research and it's true she tells me a story it's regarding animals there's a habitat in south africa where elephants were being brought in uh because they were being hunted so they were creating a new safe habitat for these elephants and these elephants were young males there were rhinoceroses there were zebra zebra there were animals of various kinds but there was an issue that was happening in this habitat these young adolescent males started killing all the other animals in my research i looked this up some i don't know what you would veterinarians maybe i don't know researchers that were watching over this habitat came to the conclusion that they were struggling with a post-traumatic stress disorder these young adolescent males saw the males of their elephant crew they saw them poached and harvested for their tusks so researchers put their heads together and said how can we help this susie's telling me this story over the phone after a doctor's appointment with hannah and i'm listening just very this is so interesting to me i love this stuff it's i love animals i love nature i love the outdoors i love hunting too but i would never shoot an uh elephant sorry just out of my no way i they're too no i you don't eat elephants oh when i hunt i eat remember the sheet that was brought down before peter go rise kill and eat i fully believe in all the bible the solution they brought in male elephants once they brought in these new leaders the adolescent males submitted and followed their culture their way of life so interesting if it's true for elephants who are not human but they're intelligent how much more true is it for you and i to have leaders to have those in authority that we are submitted under chaos happens and i think we've seen that we've seen the need for fathers back to malachi 4 6 he says that the spirit of elijah comes and the hearts of the fathers will turn to their children and their children to the fathers i want you to know that it doesn't have to be your personal seed your own personal child for you to father fathering is a position of the heart there can be a warm body named dad in a house but you never father your child that's just dead fathering is a spiritual act it's someone willing to rise up and take responsibility for their loved one so much so that they would lay their life down for the gift that god has given them we need to walk in this earth with a burden so much so heavy so valuable that is worthy of our very lives i want to challenge us this morning to ask us and pray into how are we investing in the talents that the lord has given us when i hear my children pray at night and they say i love you jesus that that is the feeling of a rich man i've experienced i've tasted it's good it takes every bone every fiber within your being to make sure that your investments stay healthy but i know that every breath that i give to my children will be worth it when i'm face to face with the one who created me job and i were talking this last week and he was talking about the walls of jericho and i thought this was very interesting there was a god that was being worshipped in the city of jericho he's a bull with horns and his hands like this and a fire in his belly they were making sacrifices to this god blood sacrifices it says in leviticus chapter 19 i believe that you shall not bring your children over the fire and make sacrificed idols these people were going against god's orders they were told that when you take this sacrifice which looking for children was children when you take this sacrifice you throw it into the fire and you're to dance without sadness without remorse on your face without any regret in your heart you were to dance before this idol and if you show sadness if you show remorse or if you show regret in your heart your sacrifice will be denied friends this is the same sacrifice that's happening today because if you show sadness if you show remorse or regret of any kind we're all worshiping something we're all worshiping someone it's the same sacrifice today as it was then we just got to know our history we just got to look in the past and see that the past is still living today it's not a battle against flesh and blood ephesians 6 it's against principalities powers rulers in heavenly places that are dark spiritual forces of evil it's the same then as it is now and that's why now now that the sacrifice the one true living sacrifice was made now is the time that we rise up and speak out we must rise up we must take authority that has been given to us this is the message of the gospel if we're hooked up on details of what about incest rape trust me beloved when you look into those things you'll see it's less than one percent the narrative that is being fed down the throats of americans we have to wake up and realize that this is the same battle that was before that is now believers must stand for life we have to stand up in the authority that was given and wake up the claps are not for me the claps are a resounding unison in the body of christ it's not to say great point andrew not at all and i don't even feel like hear my heart it's it's not my point the point is we have to be in agreement with one another it doesn't mean that we can't have differences and these these are the things that we get hung up on we have to have differences we have to come from different places we have to have questions for one another but not have fear in the midst of those questions love one another like you love yourself no greater love is this than the one that is willing to lay his life down for his friends you shall love the lord your god with all your heart soul mind and strength if you are able to walk you have strength in your body if you are able to breathe you don't give up yet you still got it we cannot be silent and it's not even about instagram or making a post or writing up your very well thought out statement that you're going to post for the world to see trust me we don't need any more keyboard commandos there's plenty of them there's plenty of that what we need is people to stand up and create relationship with their face and their words and their arms to bring unity to the body of christ in the bay area i do believe that there is a god that is being worshiped i do i believe that many in the bay submit to mammon i believe that there is a worship of money that happens in the bay area there is an idol of money that has been made in our culture sometimes it even comes out at church it comes out as restlessness you can't get sleep you can't you don't even have an ounce of energy left to to go and invest your and your friendships just too busy it's time to shift some culture it's time to invest in the talents that have been placed in your life malachi 3 says who can rob god he's convicting the israelites of robbing him he says watch that when you give watch that i'll throw open the windows of heaven so much so that i'll pour out so much blessing that you will not have room enough to receive it but we have to be faithful we have to be willing to have a lifelong vision something that we're willing to die for [Music] but like i was when i was a child on the bed we need to put it into action face the fear when you leave instead of just going straight home go hey can i invite you to lunch i want to get to know you before you just go have small talk go can you pray for me i've been hungry for the holy spirit but i haven't received what i've been asking for can you pray for me sometimes we think he's gonna come like the wind or quake the earth or drop like fire but sometimes he's in the smell still small voice like we didn't expect what if this revival we've been praying for doesn't happen in the walls of the church but in the walls of your home with your children and your neighborhood and your workplace what if it looks just different than it did before i believe that services will be packed because we're all so hungry but i think the messaging on sunday would even change i long for the day when we get up and just share testimony after testimony testimony after testimony of what the lord is doing won't that be fun it's coming but are we willing to throw ourselves on the floor and reach into that place and overcome fear fear of rejection fear of not knowing enough or fear of mis being misunderstood let me encourage you all people need to know is that they're loved start there you feel like you're called to father tell them that you love them you feel like you have no end with those that around you tell them that you're there for them and you love them [Music] that's the start not about you preaching it's not about your platform you can only give what the lord has deposited in you [Music] and that's love faith hope love the most important of all is love it's keys all over the bible read it all right father would you guys stand with me sorry stand with father wake us up wake us up to the reality of courage to the reality of there is nothing to fear wake us up and place in us the reverent fear of the lord grip us with the thought of what if he doesn't bless my life because i don't stand up [Music] lord we want to be used would you fan the flame that's in our hearts keep us pure the crooked paths that are in our soul lord would you make us holy would you burn our eyes god to have eyes that are only for you keep us fr from the many lusts of this world those desires that are outside of the will of god for our lives lord would you protect us holy spirit would you grip us keep us pure help us obey your word help us jesus with the thoughts that come in our minds help us bind our minds our ways of thinking to the mind of christ let us think like you help us see like you help us listen like you jesus father thank you for your son thank you for making a way for all to come to know you thank you for creating the bridge to salvation lord we ask that you would throw open the windows of heaven father i thank you for the remnant that has been faithful lord i ask now for their prayers to be answered for for their family members those who have fallen away god we ask that the prodigal would come home we ask lord that the healing that they've been contending for lord that you would creatively heal them [Music] thank you that you're always doing a new thing and that you don't get tired of us thank you for waiting for us lord [Music] i just want to pray for the men in the room if you're a man would you put your hand up all the way up okay i want you guys to lay your hands on them in the name of jesus i ask holy spirit that you would gird them up i asked lord that you would give them a boldness i bind the spirit of fear in the name of the lord jesus christ of nazareth i thank you for the price that was paid on the cross was so that you cover our lives with your blood and that we are seen blameless before the eyes of a good heavenly father i asked lord that you would give them dreams i asked lord that you would stir in them visions god give them something to die for i asked lord that though they may be older in age that you would give them young hearts and enduring spirits i asked lord that in these days that they would run and not grow weary that they would walk and not faint i asked lord that you would give them a voice in their household i ask that you would guide their very feelings [Music] in the name of jesus amen all right moms women future wives future current lovers of jesus if you're a female would you put your hand in the air okay gather around we're gonna lay hands on them father as a man i repent on behalf of my fellow brothers lord forgive us for throwing the weight the yoke of leadership on the shoulders of our women [Music] and expecting them to set the culture in our households father we recognize that this is a partnership that you have us in but you have called us men to lead father forgive us for not leading properly forgive us for neglecting our children and our soon-to-be children and lord now with the authority that you have given us we bless the mothers we bless the women [Music] we thank you for the voice and the wisdom that you have deposited and each one of them we thank you lord that you have established them to see differently than how we see we thank you lord that though we are the head they are the neck and you use them to guide us you have blessed us lord in our differences you have brought unity and i bless them in the name of jesus i thank you for the love that you've instilled in their hearts for the tender care that only they can give for the things that they see that we cannot i bless them lord we bless them in the name of jesus amen all right i'll pray one more time and then we're we're out okay lord would you say this with me put your hands out lord thank you for anointing me thank you that you're with me help me see how you see help me hear how you hear i submit my heart to you help me amen all right one more thing [Applause] i'm gonna bless you super simple okay you've got something on your heart that's burning i feel like there the lord is marking people for ministry i had a dream the other day uh in my dreams usually uh i'll have a nightmare and my teeth are falling out they go like this they come out my face and they fall out and i i'm freaking out like oh my gosh but i believe i had a different dream this time i had gotten braces and i believe that some of you have been praying over your finances and in a financial bind and you've been trying to figure out how to get out i want you to just like put your hands in front of you and not exposing anybody i just want to bless you this is a season where the lord is br correcting things and bringing them into alignment with heaven teeth i believe uh relate to finances so the lord is giving us an alignment so i bless you with spiritual currency from heaven i thank you lord for the favor that is on the lives of the ones that you've chosen and i ask that you would bring increase to them there was another dream the both of these dreams felt so tangible braces i was like man i got braces and you know what was really cool they were so thin i couldn't even no one could even see them but i felt the shift i i remember in the dream i looked at hannah i was like look i've written and she's like what it's like i have braces and she was like that's awesome in the dream you know that's awesome and my teeth were like my anyways the other dream i had it was i woke up and i freaked out because my backyard wasn't clean so i have kids that they'll leave toys all over the place you know like sometimes trash and i'm like oh my gosh i woke up because i thought the rain had started pouring i was like oh man i gotta clean the backyard it's all soaking wet i walked out open it's dry i believe that the answers to your prayers are coming like rain i believe that those have that have been contending for a refreshing of the lord i believe that's coming i believe the rain is coming so i just bless you those who have been contending for refreshing i bless you for the refreshing rain from heaven the exact things that you need you will receive in jesus name amen amen all right see you later [Applause] amen amen thank you pastor andrew so good i just want to encourage you guys even though it's a little late just not to rush out if you guys have to go it's totally fine but we will have prayer ministry up here and if you need prayer for literally anything at all if you need healing if you want to respond to the message that was just given i want to encourage you guys to come up receive prayer receive encouragement we're going to have the coffee bar open for about 30 minutes and then intro week 2 is happening today so if you guys are going to that go ahead and meet at the connections desk i believe thank you guys bless you all [Music] that i've been a criminal
Channel: Convergence Church
Views: 185
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: ryYdBkLcv9s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 132min 38sec (7958 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 12 2021
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