Control Your Tonality, Control the Vibe: Live Emotional Expression Exercises

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talk about opportunity and confidence when did you realize that that was like really tonality and confidence when did I realize that was very important okay here's appears when first of all you know I realize I noticed this personally he's like when did you realize tonality was important well first off I realized that I would go out when I first started learning game or whatever I would go out and I found that if I did not project and they they had to say what when I first did my initial approach would I'd be like hi hi good evening under dad who lies more than a women or whatever you know whatever dumb thing I was saying did you see the fight outside or whatever if they anytime that they had to say what anytime they had to say that it was done immediately even if I fixed it after the fact even to this day if I go out and I'm not like projecting like maybe it's the first approach of the night and I haven't really kind of calibrated to the the volume of the music in the venue if if they say what oh yeah right you know fix it talk louder and I and I fix it even then it's pretty much done it's that it's literally that important that's when I first noticed it but then I also noticed I would often be on these live events and I meet them often in like a quiet hotel lobby or I'll perhaps meet them in the van like I'll have my it's kind of funny I'll have my my assistants they'll meet them at like this coffee shop or something I'm like you aren't you unless you're for the program all right come with me and then we go to like the van and I'm like waiting in the van welcome yeah so and then they they come in and we kind of we preview from there and oftentimes they'll be like all right so tell me a little bit about yourself what's your name your your age your occupation like get on can you speak up a bit it's like oh my name is Bob and I would will go to the thing and I'm like like literally they cannot do it and I'm like look man if I can't hear you in the confines of this creepy van or or in this quiet hotel lobby I can assure you there's no way that anyone's gonna be able to hear you speaking in a nightclub no way it's not gonna happen and the thing is I saw this happening so frequently so so frequently that I that was the impetus for me to create that resonator program was because it was such a common problem so you can know all the technique in the world you can you can even be reasonably you know well-adjusted internally in terms of the the attitude you're bringing to the table but still if they can't hear you it doesn't matter and people were they'd either blow their voice out and that was another thing I would blow my voice out on stage all the time even with amplification just by virtue of the sheer volume of speaking that we're doing over the course of a given weekend and you know it was at the point where even oh and he had like a pretty much permanent case of laryngitis like a mild permanent case of laryngitis which eventually can result in like vocal nodules and an all kind of manner of awful things so you know it was it was close to home on that part but frankly we just got sick of dealing with this I was like I'm sick of dealing with this first before we can even get into the meat of the actual stuff we're trying to teach and it was kind of funny because when I told Owen about this this idea I have for this this program like I don't know he's like I don't know man that doesn't sound that doesn't sound very sexy you know I don't know if people are gonna like this but oh man so but here I can do it really good oh and I can do a sort of good Julian what's up guys this is Julian and you know you know what I can do a real it's kind of funny Trump it only took me a month to learn Trump say okay guys welcome to the senator okay it's gonna be the best said now you've never heard everybody loves it okay okay it's gonna be great just ask anybody okay phenomenal tremendous okay okay so yeah it took me a month it took me eight years to learn Obama because he's a little more nuanced in fact I know you feel comfortable doing that fine so okay it's not even like relevant since the how do you like it relevant okay so I was talking to Michelle the other day [Applause] not you're not gonna let these people so anyway so I was like yeah I don't know about this but then once he saw it in practice and you saw me bringing these people up and kind of working on he's like holy okay yeah cuz he felt every instructor has dealt with this issue where you have this guy and you have to work through these vocal issues before you could even get him to a place where you can start working on his charisma or whatever so where we bring Ben up alright who else we're bringing two more guys up first off I just want to see how how your general vocal projection is okay so let's start with you and I what I want you to say like let's just hear like a tone of the back let's just go over the e okay e no no just him just him in fact I'm gonna take this off so I guess like ii ii ii like that to the back okay so what do you notice immediately right there from hearing that what do you notice about his tone production does it sound can you hear in the back no okay so you I want you to project to the bar okay okay go it's pretty good okay so again what what do you know what is the quality that you're noticing about in his voice there it's very pinched it's very pitched okay it's like it's like there's something blocking your projection okay now let's see if you do it pushing air so again we have like your seat is pretty pretty clean yours you seems like you're you have some blockage and yours it seems like you're pushing air so we want to work on this so first off understand when you're doing like what is what does all vocal projection composed of what's all singing composed of it's a series of what vowels it's all vowels you can't really sing consonants can you right there's a couple you can actually you can sing hmm there's several that you can kind of sing but it's more humming but most of it's gonna be it's gonna be it's those vowels now it's important to understand where these vowels are being produced in the mouth so E is generally very forward on in the tongue so like think of it like this go inna II it's forward right do it now [Music] so do you feel how that moves back so it's like II ah oh here's like II oh who was back in the throat so with those you want to think of always cheating cheating the boys forward now here's another thing you can do I want you to think when you're trying to project to the back not only do I want you to compensate like less breath more ring more pinching but also think about bouncing the bowel off what's called the hard palate so right now if you kind of pretend like you're yawning like let's kind of do it you're like feel how it like it's hard up front and then it kind of goes up right you want to think about bouncing the sound off of that to create more of a resonant tone okay it's called resonance so keep everything loose just keep everything loose and let's just do an e because that's very forward it's very easy to do and then we can practice cheating the other vowels forward but right now let's just go like mmm they get pinched keep it loose primary control this I don't you think a pinching like a laser to the back and then bounce it off that hard palate so I'm gonna do it right now II [Music] that's very good actually not you do it again okay listen you do it again okay now let's cheat let's practice let's do it lower like ah I was try to cheat it forward okay so okay can you feel it like cheating forward okay feel like you're it's resonating off the front okay so what's going on what's going on here because this is obviously like the the hard case here okay no offense no offense so I think you have like a lot of in fact in fact let me let me just take a look here real quick your step forward so let's see your let me see your just stand normal yeah take off this jacket if you would take it off take it all off take your shirt off to take your pants off yeah just throw it over there so it should be all good okay so let's see how your stand you stand normal neutral okay essentially looks fairly good this actually looks fairly good so it's very it's very tight here okay I want you to loosen everything up and now just say to the back say this say good evening how's it going good and even then how's it going okay sit again like project all the way to the back good evening good evening how's it going how's it going okay so what do you think's going on here right so more breath like think of it coming from again below the abdomen and I want you to like sit to say it to the people in the back pinch here don't push air and try to bounce it off there okay again it's a lot to think about but I want you to think saying it to the back okay hey guys how's it going hey guys hey guys how's it better better I like that good start it alright let's hear you Sam hey guys how's it going can you hear them in the back okay what about you guys pretty good as well now what I want to do is I want to take this a little bit further because if you just you know it's one thing to actually be up just project but what goes on top of that that makes it compelling beyond that soul inflection so again number one I want to see conviction in what you're saying so how can you express a certain level of conviction to people I have conviction maybe I have a conviction on my record yes sure but here's the biggest thing so like why wouldn't you say it natch say it as you would naturally went to the back hey guys how's so like for me let me just say as though I would normally good evening how's it going good evening how's it going good evening how's it going how's it going okay now one thing that's important to bear in mind is we want to layer on tonality now now what I'm up here and I'm speaking what what do you notice about my kind of general tonality right so this is what we call breaking rapport now it's weird because we talked about he's talking with us all the time in the past so there's a breaking rapport versus neutral rapport versus trying for a poor right so again if you were to think of it as tonality neutral stays kind of monotone trying for rapport goes up and breaking rapport has a tendency to kind of drop the tonality at the end many guys that I coach they go up and they're like they're very sort of attempting to garner favor right so they're like hi good evening how are how are you oh cool do you like tacos or whatever the they're saying right so what do you think of these guys tonality do it again say good evening allow me to introduce myself my name is blank whatever your name is good evening allow me to introduce myself my name is Cooper okay what do you know about history sounds got a neutral to me now it's interesting because what Owen always just to say back in the day he would say that my natural tonality is breaking rapport even when I'm trying to be neutral it just goes to breaking so I have a tendency to kind of like be a little come off as a little abrasive and now here's another interesting thing when you regardless even with training at the end of like a long weekend of coaching my voice will still be hoarse simply from the volume of speaking that's being done right so oddly enough though I will just Susan for example for a scene lesson I can still sing but I can't talk does that sound weird to you so why do you think that's happening because yeah when you speak in certain tonality it just where's it at on that tonality so one thing that she said to me recently she's like when you're doing you know these events it's like you're starting to feel hoarse just change your tonality kind of to kind of be more buoyant so like hey guys like I'm jet like I can feel it's less harsh just doing that of course I'm so engrained to be up here kind of like alright then is the tea or whatever right that that that I'm kind of it just naturally tends to where but if I were to talk a little bit more buoyant like even just doing this it feels as though it's it's less harsh on my voice just doing that but unfortunately it has a tendency to be a little bit more what trying trying for rapport now this guy's the tonality is good I think your tonality is all pretty good but now what we want to start layering on top of that is expressiveness now somebody mentioned body language there's again you want to there's a lot of different things to bring in here so there's facial expressions there's body language but there's also different emotions and this is one of the biggest things that I notice again in newer guys is they can go up but they're an emotional flat line right they're kind of like a um it's just it's very monotone right so they're like hello how are you oh I'm doing well dun Dada Dada and you they're not it's not compelling so what you want to think about is when you're having an interaction they're sort of like a line that goes through it where you know they called the grand line where it needs to be connected through the entire interaction and the longer the interaction is the more attention and concentration is required to maintain that line and you have to maintain this even through interruptions or things that happen that required that that divert their attention the line through needs to be kept if you're going to like end up accomplishing what you want to accomplish so again one big way to do this is to practice varying emotions now with you it seems like you're very kind of like emotion like your emotion is you you kind of have more of that monotone effect right so what I want to do now I want to practice going through some different emotions alright and this is an interesting practice and what I got here I've made some cards that have a variety of different emotions on them so what we're gonna do is we're gonna go through these cards and we're just gonna actually practice some different emotions like playing with some different emotional color because I think this is huge it's the reason why again as instructors were able to be very compelling because we take them on a wide for a wide range of emotions so first off I want you to let's let's do this one annoyed all right so you're gonna say the same thing we're gonna change it up good evening good evening my name is blank it's nice to meet you yeah okay let's do that so good evening my name is blank it's nice to meet you okay annoyed go good evening my name is Cooper nice to meet you but I want you to keep the I want you to keep the projection on it there too he looks pissed okay next okay next okay see more like coma but okay let's try a different one let's try shocked my name is Cooper okay that was pretty good I like that [Applause] okay you're shocked you are shocked okay let me do it - good evening my name is Jeff nice to meet you okay I'm just imagining I saw Justin Bieber's that's okay cool let's try defiant it's like what does that even mean just whatever it means to you again just these are nuanced emotions right yeah okay I like that see again he put like here's the thing what I want you to do with these like put a lot of color on it like a lot of emotional color on it like almost words again we're not this isn't an acting exercise per se so I don't want you to like be believable okay I just want you to be almost a caricature of these so we're exercising we're exercising these these different emotions these different like modalities okay like I said there's basically two things that are at odds here when you're out there's a lot of these opposites that you have to reconcile so when you're talking when you're interacting with people number one you have the content the content is what the words you're saying what are words words are logical how many people in here have a very logical job okay how many people find it difficult to switch into an emotional headspace where you're just kind of bringing the fun when you go out to transition because again like if you're out and let you have a logical job if you try to be illogical and like communicate in a free-flowing way at your profession you know you want to work and they're like so tell me what's the you know what's the reports from last quarter you're like balls I love balls you're gonna get fired you know conversely if you go up to someone in the club and you're like good evening allow me to introduce myself my name is Jeff and I'll tell you a little bit about myself you know I had a bit of a rough upbringing and but I made it through with a bit of luck and perseverance and you know I'm a couple of friends of mine we were able to form an industry out of whole cloth based on a weird internet subculture about 15 years ago and it's been rough but eventually we're able to build a brand and now I'm doing fairly well for myself and I'm very fulfilled and I'd love to share that perhaps with you would you perhaps like to get involved in a romantic relationship with me like in the club what's gonna work better that or balls like probably balls believe it or not so I'm not suggesting you do that but words are logic vibe is all emotion and it's important to understand that people are not attracted to the content what are they attracted to the vibe what is the vibe how do they feel while you're saying these things to them and this is a difficult concept for many people to wrap their head around very difficult because they think things need to make sense and they do most of the time but when you're out interacting with people in a social setting you need to learn to synthesize the two it's weird because it's like there's this like idea like of horizontal linear progression in a conversation versus vertical expansion of ideas and you've got to reconcile that as well so like I said there's three basic energies you have to balance what are these three energies your physical energy your vocal energy and then your emotional energy you need to balance these so again vocal projections one physical lack of tension and just you know posture and facial expressions gestures that's another but then these emotions are equally powerful and so you've got to really learn to think about all these otherwise they can be locked in this kind of weird triangle of tension but what I want you to start thinking of a a really good exercise can be isolating these things so let's do a couple more ease then we're gonna take it even further let's try this pompous so let me do it first good evening my name is Jeff it's nice to meet you okay boom pompous good evening my name is Cooper nice to meet you it's like nose in the air okay all right fair enough okay so what we want to do - so let's exaggerate this stuff like a cartoon so the physical the facial expressions the body language and the projection needs to be there as well okay so the next one hesitant good evening my name is Jeff it's nice to meet you boom Cooper nice to meet you keep your projection up okay cool now next loving good evening my name is Jeff it's nice to meet you what a nice guy alright boom I like that that's good good chip ok ok let's try this sluggish good evening my name is Jeff nice to meet you ok boom [Music] [Laughter] [Applause] okay so what I want to do now contemptuous like you're literally holding them in contempt it's kind of like disdainful I guess it wasn't it what's the synonym for that judgemental disdainful okay contemptuous try to think of somebody I hate I love Todd he's a good boy okay good evening my name is Jeff it's nice to meet you it's really nice good evening my name is Cooper really nice to meet you good evening my name is haha okay let's give these guys a hand I wanna I wanna pop down now what I want to do let's bring let's get two more guys up here we're gonna take it a little further so now first of all I want to kind of like like we did before I want to begin to play with your like like listen your projection first off so just go to the back like with a simultaneous onset like hey hey very good Hey okay what's what's he doing differently then this guy is that as loud as he can go is that as loud as he can go it's close its close it's it's sufficient we've tried again as loud as you can go to the back hey as loud as you can go hey so that's the interesting thing he thinks he thinks he's that's as loud as he can go right but physically is this guy's like vocal apparatus that much different than mine like we're ruffling he's taller than me might even have better air capacity what is the distinction why can't he projected the back okay so I want you to like so what it sounds like you're doing it sounds like the breaths just like deflating out it's like you're like hey right that's what it sounds like hey right so I want you to again think of breath control up right pinch pinch the lyrics bounce it off the palate hard palate and just laser it to the back like this hey hey hi hey hey kick the pitch up a little hey hey better okay hey I really feel the pinching here really feel the pitch okay hey hey hey we're glottal okay you do more glottal in fact okay here's we're gonna do okay we're all gonna do like that and then when I go like this we're gonna stop and then you keep going okay so we're gonna sustain the note ready boom that was it right now why was he able to do that right there exactly because the group did it and then when the group stopped what happened he had permission because the group gave permission for him to keep going makes sense okay so now let's start to bring in a phrase okay good evening I'm the next idiot of the night speaking with you boom good evening I'm the next idiot of the knife speaking with you okay pretty good but what what do you think's happening there yeah it's well first of all it sounds a little more monotone at first it came just like good evening on the next idiot of the night speaking with you good evening on the next idiot of the night speaking with you okay his voice is pretty good but what it's cept you know what it sounds like it sounds like he's pitches off right that's what it is so I think that that it doesn't sound like your natural pitch it sounds like you're kind of putting it down a little bit and you're also putting this sort of game show host welcome you're the next contestant on The Price is Right right so kind of kind of I'd say kick the pitch up a little bit okay so be like good evening I'm the next idiot of the knife speaking with you good evening I'm the next of the night speaking with you okay that sounds like closer to is natural pitch doesn't it okay what about yours do it good evening okay good but project all the way through it and to the back kick the pitch up a little bit and then I'd pinch it a little more okay good evening good evening evening okay good evening okay better now let's try it again we'll do the same thing where we're gonna go II and then bring it down okay ready so when I when I bring my hands on everyone stop at him so we're just gonna do e okay okay now off from there good evening I'm the next idiot of the night speaking with you boom good evening much better actually much better so now we're gonna go back to good evening my name is good evening my name is blank it's nice to meet you now but this time we're gonna do sarcastic boom first good evening my name is Vinay then the next any of the night speaking with you does that sound sounds kind of you know what that sounds more to me gam-cho so so let me do it first I don't know okay uh good evening wait we're not doing the next any of that good evening my name's Jeff it's nice it's real nice to meet you it's really nice okay boom it's nice to meet you my name is blank it's nice to meet you good evening my name is Vinay it's nice to meet you okay alright so that's sarcasm be as sarcastic as possible like make it a cartoon like a cartoon ready it's like good evening goody good evening good evening yeah my name my name is Jeff it's real nice to meet you it's so nice it's so nice okay boom like that sarcasm pure sarcasm dripping with sarcasm good evening my name is vineeth okay okay next we're gonna do mischievious good evening my name is Jeff it's nice to meet you okay i mischievious hey good evening my name is beneath it's nice to meet you okay next mischievious the weird the weird hand-washing the bizarre hand-washing it's phenomenal okay all right let's try this one giddy like like you're just kidding it's so nice to meet you okay boom giddy hey guys it's up beneath that so nice to meet you guys my name is mouth okay are you do a couple more okay desperate even huh that's my natural that's my default state good evening good evening my name is Jeff it's really it's nice to meet you it's very nice to meet you okay boom desperate okay okay let's try okay now here's we're gonna do now we're going useful like a very useful exercise we're gonna take it one step further okay we're gonna do a couple of these is this a good exercise can be isolating the emotion and the vocal and the physical right so now what I want you to do we're gonna say this but I want you to like like for example if we're gonna do anger I would want you to use an anger emotion like come for an emotional anger space while using a very soft voice and like friendly gestures right so it's kind of it's kind of bizarre but again this will try and kind of train you to look at these things differently so I'm gonna do it let's do a ger let's do enraged enraged but with a calm voice and like gentle physiology so for example what would something that would enrage you be let's say let's say you come out you come outside and you see somebody like vandalizing your car and I'm gonna say hey what like you know I'd be like hey what the are you doing stop stop that now right that would be you know in a rage anger but I'd be like this so now I'm gonna feel the inner range of motion loosen up and I'll be like hey what the are you doing you need to stop that now the are you doing you need to stop now okay so same thing you come out you see people your your car up your car you see people your car that would add that be more perplexed confusion yeah but but no they're like vandalizing your your your your property go what the are you guys doing to my car why why I want an answer why are you having sex in my car alright so again anger angry emotion calm voice calm like oh gentle physiology yeah so so okay more calm voice calm calm very calm voice but feel the anger like almost like think of it like this like if you're a teacher and the kids are running around you're gonna back kid stop you're like hey stop now so it's it's almost it's almost more menacing in a weird way right so think of it like that you come out you see them destroying your property but you're gonna again feel the anger emotion but calm voice and like open body language what are you doing back away now back away from the tailpipe so ok so let's give these guys a hand thank you guys [Applause] you know a lot of this just learning how to get out of your own way and and like I said there's a lot of different conflicting ideas that need to be reconciled
Channel: Jeff Allen Charisma Mastery
Views: 7,293
Rating: 4.9350648 out of 5
Keywords: jeffy, jeff allen, charismatic people, emotional intelligence, intellect, vocal mode, energizing, imagination, vibe, jeffy charisma mastery, presence, jeff allen charisma, voice, self expression, how to become charismatic, kinesthetic intelligence, how to have charisma, charismatic, giving value, charisma tips, facial emotions, rsd jeffy charisma, emotional express, emotional expression, tonality, tonality in sales, tonality and body language, vocal tonality exercises
Id: UyawLfcjgnA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 26sec (2306 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 28 2020
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