The Church of The Kingdom | Dr. Myles Munroe

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thank you for joining us for another power-packed message provided by monroe global incorporated and monroe we transform followers into leaders and leaders into agents of change we hope that this message is a blessing to you as you advance your life and discover your purpose now let's go into the message the kingdom of God the kingdom series but in this segment we're gonna deal with a topic that seems to be a little bit strange we're gonna talk about the Church of the kingdom the segment we're gonna be dealing with today the Church of the kingdom I want you to write it just like that in your notes we're gonna be dealing with rediscovering the original role and purpose of the church rediscovering the original role and purpose of the church what's our topic today say it now one more time the Church of the kingdom the Church of the kingdom now I want to begin this session with a couple of comments to help you understand what the the title of this session means in the Bahamas where I live and in all former colonial colonies of Great Britain whether it is Jamaica Barbados or st. Vincent where this Trinidad Guyana all the other nations that were under Britain you will know that the British form of colonialism produced a system of parliamentary democracy and parliamentary government that establishes government in a certain structure one of the most important aspects of parliamentary democracy in governmental structure listen carefully is the establishment of what the government calls ministries it's very interesting that the British used this word to describe their government's execution of its administration it establishes what ministries so in the Bahamas in Jamaica in Barbados and st. Kitts and st. Vincent and the Grenadines in Barbuda all the way down to Trinidad and Guyana and any other British colony including India which is formally a British colony they have what they call government ministries now in the United States which almost became a British colony and they have really called the revolution they have the same thing except in America they don't call those ministries ministries and United States they call them departments same thing so in the Bahamas we have a central government and that central government executes its administration as a government through an organized system called ministries so we have a Ministry of Education a Ministry of economics a Ministry of Fisheries a ministry of social services a ministry of local government we got all the different ministries now what they really are they are structures that represent the central government's administration and they carry out the government's policies and mandates and the government's are programs in the country they are in in the United States they call it the Department of Education the Department of Economic Development the Department of Social Welfare same thing what are those they are simply organizational structures from the government that are set up by the government to execute the central federal government programs for the society or the people or the citizenry for the kingdom now I want you to read the topic of our session again what is it the Church of the kingdom what we really have is the government of the Bahamas or the United States or any other country execute their programs and administration through these ministries or departments so the Department of Education the United States or the Ministry of Education in the Bahamas is a Ministry of the government is that clear so that's a specific structure that is set apart and the government appoints what they call a secretary in our countries called a permanent secretary in the United States is called a secretary the Secretary of Education in the Bahamas is called the permanent secretary of education same name now the responsibility of the secretary is to oversee the operation of that ministry or that department to make sure that when the central government program intends to do is being done by that particular ministry or Department so they've been assigned by the government to carry out the government's program in that ministry or in the department now it's very interesting follow me carefully that no secretary of government is voted in you don't vote for a permanent secretary in a country they are appointed personally by who either the President or the Prime Minister depending on which system you are in all permanent secretaries are appointed by the head of the country you don't vote them in you vote in representatives you vote in Senators whatever they can be appointed but you cannot really vote in a secretary the secretary is chosen by the king by the president or by the Prime Minister and they are set over that local department or ministry to carry out the government's programs for the citizens are you following me so far now I want you to read the topic again of our session what is it the Church of the kingdom I think the church has misunderstood a true hmm that's why we can't talk about it the Department of Education is not the government am i right the Ministry of Health is not the government but they are established to carry out government programs to make sure that the citizens received with the government promised them that's what Department is for that's what a Ministry is for so let me think about the kingdom of God let's think about the kingdom first of all of the church let's put it in your terminology here the Department of Education is really a department of the government of the country so the government is the government of the Ministry of Education am i right the government is the government of the Department of Education the government is really the one that is the ministry so when God first set up the entire human program when you read the book of Genesis chapter 1 you'll find that God says let us make man in our own image on an our own likeness and he tells us why for they will have dominion over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air and over everything that creeps upon the ground and over all the world all the way earth so what's on God's mind God's mind is he created a planet called Earth and he's gonna set up a department or earth to run the earth for him and he wants to have his Dominion care on that planet by a structure called man mankind is God's heavenly Department responsible for executing heavens government's program on earth is that as simple as I can put it on my speaking English is there anyone in here two years old who don't understand what I just said don't don't complicate the Bible the Bible is very simple God is the king he has a government called the kingdom of God he has a territory called heaven God wants to extend his government to other realms so he creates what he calls the visible realm the visible realm includes the millions of stars and planets and galaxies and one of them by his own divine choice he chooses to become an outpost of heaven that would make sense he wants to set up a territory outside of heaven that receives his heavenly government's influence and has his governments colony on it and he exposes this planet and then in Genesis 1 verse 26 God tells us how he wants to operate his government on that planet how does he do it he says look at verse 1 of Genesis first one is very interesting and God created the heavens and the earth notice the word heavens is plural in other words all of the galaxies and planets and milky ways and all the beauty of space the scientists so far have discovered 500 million galaxies that's a lot of places now look at the next statement the heavens and the earth earth is what singular heavens is plural which means he created all the stars and all the planets you see but he also comes right down to one he says and I created the one of them that is called okay look I was 26 then God said let us make man so now he's setting up his structure his ministry his department to run this planet really let us make man man is a it's a evil word ish and it's a plural word I keep reminding myself of that because I keep thinking sometime you forget the word man is a plural word man is referring to an entire species let us make man a species an entire structure an entire group of species of beings we will call them man and he tells us why he's making them why let them have our image and our likeness we know what that means by now image means spirit nature and character this structure these this species will be just like me God says they will have my nature and my characteristics and then he says they would have my likeness the word likeness means they were function like me doesn't mean they look like me physically they will function like me that Hebrew word actually means to function like so they will have my nature my character they will function like me so if you want to know how he's supposed to function you got to study God continue to read verse 26 he says now here's why I made them no guessing let them have dominion some translation says rulership over the fish on that planet the birds on that planet the camel on that planet on the whole earth said third the fourth statement there the whole earth the whole planet and in the last statement says an over everything that creeps from the ground and verse 27 it says so God created man so you planned it then he did it he made them in two models male and female models right then was 27 and then it repeats himself and God blessed them and said here's how to dominate the place be fruitful be productive multiply that means reproduce yourself whatever you produce reproduce it replenish that meat distribute yourself and subdue take control over the planet and then the last statement says and have dominion that's how you do it so what is God after now now I'm gonna make a statement here it's gonna be a little heavy you gotta listen carefully please listen carefully God started the human race as church just right there done that make sense in a minute God did not begin the church 2,000 years ago Adam was Church write it down Adam was a Casilla God did not begin the human race with some sinners and then chose a few from among them and made them church God did not begin with sinner God only chose one group of people in history one and it was not Jews it was man god only created one race on the planet and they're nothing to do with color let us make what man the only race that God freed it was man God did not create Jews Gentiles black white pink yellow God fit in one race he calls it man so church was the first thing God set up on planet Earth as the department responsible for execution of his government's programs on planet Earth it's called dominating territory for God ruling the earth for God is man's number one responsibility so the original and ultimate goal of God for man was to establish his heavenly kingdom on earth his goal was for man to do that for him can I hear an amen there are no two departments of education in any country it causes confusion God never contradicts himself never does never I don't care what the theologians and the critics may say about scripture God will never contradict himself matter of fact that's why the Holy Ghost and peace will now be on at the same time did you know that crisis if I don't go he can come God never confused themselves count two of us and then both of us talking to you and then say two different thing no no no no no one of us can be here and that's what speaking you can't have two secretaries of Education it's a simple things I'm saying there's only one ghost on this planet now when you tell me here from God better line up with what God's Word says God doesn't contradict himself so you cannot say the Lord led me to rob a bank when God says thou shalt not steal so you can't tell me God tore you to do something if it contradicts his word so Jesus came to earth to do something follow me when the first man was created a boy say man what is man plural when the first department was set up God said to that department and the permanent secretary he says you run this department for me dominated planet for me execute my judgment on this planet and you represent my government here and you carry out my dick tastes just like I command-u and do not break relationship with the government don't touch that tree don't destroy the connection don't uproot the telephone lines don't cut off connection with the government otherwise you would have no way of knowing what I want he was surely die that was really the instruction stay in touch with the government well you know which happen in Chapter three what happens well an unemployed cherub came to visit he had a discussion with the department this is one of Dominion he got somehow to talk to the secretary the assistant secretary that's pretty good didn't it yeah and he convinced assistant secretary to violate the government's regulations she went into the permanent secretary and convinced him to violate government regulation and the government made a promise that the government keep not wanting with this government it cannot lie once this government tells you something it will carry out its dictates and the government said the day you violate my regulation I will cut off relationship with the Department by the way right the word sin down again I want you to get this word right because the word sin has become so muddy sin does not mean to lie to steal to curse to commit adultery to to to backbite all them stuff because sin all these things are manifestations of sin they are not sin the voids sin as used in the scriptures means write it down rebellion against the authority of God so the word means it means rebellion against the will of God will means what intention so when a man or woman say they sinned when God says you said he's saying that you are rebelling against the government's will so when Adam and Eve disobeyed God God says you I called this rebellion against my government through sinners when you talk about the death of Jesus the sacrifice of Jesus if you study the Bible carefully I know you're good students you will find that the word better than refers to his death it has a singular word sin he died for the sin of the world the rebellious spirit against government's authority he died for this spirit that is antagonistic against God's rulership on earth in your life and so Adam the permanent secretary and assistant secretary lost contact with the government now the problem is they still in the territory and the department still their only problem is they don't know what the government wants so they start guessing sounds like you right hope this week hope that week hope just the right place in the marryin hope this the right job I hope and doing this thing I hope and we keep hoping all our ways to help we even hope we find God so we try to hopefully use our religious activities hope we get back in touch so religion is really man's attempt to try and reconnect with government of ever can I repeat this religion is man's attempt to attempt to reconnect with the government of heaven that's why religion is a reaching up we offer sacrifices we we go to a kind of tradition as we go to rituals and in every culture around the world believe me they all got their cultural traditions trying to find some greater authority and they could they they invent religion but what's so incredible about this man Jesus is that he reversed the whole process he says for God so loved the department that he didn't actually part men to try and reach him oh boy that's a good place to say thank you Jesus then God saw us in our mess he said look I know you can't reach me so all your works is as filthy rags in my sight everything you attempt to get back and touching my government is useless so tell you what because I love the department so much I will send myself to reconnect you to the department do you know what man is without God man is a ruler without authority it's a good thing to write down a man a human without God is a ruler without authority which authority is from the word authorization a human without God is unauthorised rulership it's not authorized he's not you know some of you who work for government whether in America or in the Bahamas or Jamaica Trinidad or Barbados or wherever you work if you work for a government you know if you work for a department the permanent secretary can really do anything without the government's ok come on talk to me matter of fact nothing can get a permanent circuit he fired faster than contradicting the minister are you going with me here so the Holy Ghost will never disagree with Jesus well getting ahead of myself matter fact Jesus said when he comes he will not speak anything of himself he will only say what I tend to say while he works with a government so here we see a department without connection to the government still operating it's called fallen man now therefore what did earth loose earth lost the influence of the government of heaven on earth that's what it lost it lost the Kings Dominion on earth it lost the king Dominion the kingdom of heaven on earth that's what they lost so we are a department without connection so then when God sends when God sends or comes himself in the flesh called Christ what do you think it comes to do answer me I like the word you're getting it what is it what does he come to do Christ didn't come to start a religion he met a lot of that here his goal was not to start some building for some steeples and some bells and some stained-glass windows and some chairs and some pulpits and some choirs and and all this stuff we get involved in he didn't come in and start no candles and the incense and no prayer meetings and he didn't come to do that he came to do one simple thing he came to reestablish three connect restore revive reconcile man back to God is that simple enough so what did he bring he bought the government of God back he bought the Kings Dominion back to earth let's read what he says here in Luke chapter 4 verse 42 very familiar verse we've been working with this for a while but I to see it again in the context of the Department verse 42 but he said Jesus speaking I must preach the good news or that must be good news it you ain't got a hope nothing work anymore you ain't got a guess about life anymore he said the good news is I have come to bring you a reconnection read it I come to preach the good news of what the kingdom of God to the other towns also next statement because this is why I came end quote there's no question about why I'm here we think he came to die on the cross that is not really his purpose the cross was a means to an end we did what the cross is simplified across let's see what cause Adam to cut off relationship with it where to go what sin sin what does God require % well sin is what he said the day you eat you were surely dad okay so the result of sin is what death okay death now some is every human every man deserves death God has to make sure that they keeps his word so God that makes sure all man died or something got to die that satisfies God so God decides instead of all of you dying I'm gonna create one man and he'll die so he can get the depth satisfied get that saw so he sends himself in a man's body and then kills himself not no Jew killed him no Gentile can no Roma sorta kill Jesus not a body keep repeating it no man takes midnight he you know i Isaiah say it so clearly he says he was smitten of God so God killed himself so you don't to kill you praise the Lord can you just praise Him you just go ahead and praise him for a second Wow make me wanna shout he killed himself to satisfy his own judgement now watch this so he satisfied himself now so the death on the cross was to take care of what was stopping the reconnection so the debt was not the goal okay did we try it this way we tried this way give me the good it's a good example yeah you have a a toaster a fan a VCR whatever refrigerator and this thing is running good I mean the fan is the toaster working VCR running and then what happens somebody pulled the plug Oh watch this what happens it shuts down does it still exist yes can it still work yes it's a component still in it yes it's potential still present yes do you want to benefit from it yes can you know why disconnection now if you call me as a specialist to come in and put the plug back in my question to you is is putting the plug back in the ultimate goal important question well what do you think some of y'all say yes we can check you out okay you have a VCR you got videos to play for the plug is up you call me to put the plug in what is your ultimate goal what to watch the movie not to put the plug in later see we wishing to plug all time God the plugs it for years the plug and never played a movie we camp around up the socket we spend years preaching on the socket the beautiful socket a lovely plan a powerful plug an awesome blood find Garver the plug on just sit down and put the movie in leave the plug to enjoy your movie Calvary was God turning to earth to put the plug back in to reconnect us once again to the government of God so we could what execute administration Dominion on the earth so Jesus is what I came to do what to preach the kingdom of God he said that is why I came I didn't come for the cross or this gets heavy now the cross is quite necessary you can't operate movie road electricity get me wrong but electricity is a means to the end of watching the movie do you know what religion is that religion gets you reconnected and let you spend the last 50 years of your life talking about our sweetie connection is never watch a movie never eat toast bread stop into debt and saying I'm connected listen the toaster working baby go get the bread and eat some toast bread can I head even somebody say how wonderful this toes no one's hose isn't working and can be eaten bread he that gave us price how would he not also with him give us just giving you Christ he's the technician he come to put the plugin but also everything that comes with that reconnection he says is yours hallelujah some of you get me take neighbor I want the whole thing let chance it thank God for for the reconnection now I'm gonna watch the movies and all them are about me and I'm the star hallelujah praise God I'm gonna watch my movies before I die I tell ya anybody got any movies in the head do you see the house you want to live in and that business you want to own and that marriage you remember a movie ok he wants you to join everything you dreaming about gives you visions in the night the next segment Luke 12 verse 32 do not be afraid little flock Christ is speaking again for your father has been pleased to give you not religion but the kingdom that's why you came the father has been pleased to what give you the kingdom the word pleased is from the word pleasure God's pleasure he gets pleasure when you start dominating again when you start taking control of your circumstances when you start not being a victim anymore of your environment and people and opinions and situations when you take charge of life Garces our that's my baby look at my boy I mean you know I think it's excited matter of fact there's a little hint about this a pleasure the Bible didn't speak of Christ laughing too often did you know that let me tell you where the Bible talk with him laughing I mean actually he wasn't just laughing the word is used which implies that he was leaping around ecstatically and the word in the Greek language actually implies to be clamorously foolish I want you to imagine the holy Jesus as you call him leaping around wildly yes Wow that's what the word means it means he was shopping up and leaping and screaming and excited guess where that word is used about him the Bible says he sent them out two by two gave them authority authorization to cast out demons heal the sick raise the dead cleanse the leper and to preach the kingdom gospel to the villages they went out they met demons wipe them out when sickness cleansed oh he meant demons customer and the Bombers as they came back later to him and said master guess what we heal the sick we did it we raised the dead we cast out demons we took authority over circumstances every demon that manners had to leave every sick as we touched and to leave my God Jesus has been there and the Bible says and in that moment Jesus rejoiced the word three joy joist means to jump in case you don't know rejoice means to keep doing it keep doing it over and over again why he gets too excited because he finally saw a man no longer a victim of circumstances God gets excited when you walk in there and make your last mortgage payment you're not ready yet God says yes my girl paid off in two years instead of 10 say man some say that's me claim that clinic quick that's where he came my claim the clinic premise it lets me say paid off thank God gets excited when you get healed if you stick today in this room I'm telling you you say God I want to make you excited give me the Kingdom Department of Health well getting ahead of myself if you stupid sorry if you are ignorant in the Bahamas the government reputation is tarnished by illiteracy that's why the government spends so much millions of dollars in education why because when the people are stupid it reflects on the government so the government says I can't have you stupid so the government bills these billions of dollars with schools and teachers and equipment of material and resources and everything and then makes it mandatory for you to go to the school and if you come out they catch up with you back I mean the government of you I can't have you stupid your talk to me ma'am that's our government works the department is to make sure the government looks good so if you are sick today there's a department called the Department of Health the chance is the lord I come to get with mine have you sick thinking right now for healing this is reclaim it take it from the department the Bible says you are healed by the stripes provided by the permanent secretary Healing is not a suggestion from God if you are a citizen of your country and you have a child the government cannot refuse that child education it is called a right hallelujah Feeny is your right I said Healing is your right get this thing the devil can tell you you ain't qualified listen not only am I qualified the government qualified me there's nothing that you can accuse me of that hold he says that no man can accuse me they that walk in the spirit is that there's now no four therefore no condemnation can you just use your faith a little bit whatever wrong in your body you might even know what it paid right now I have a right to this I am healed now come on put it down I am healed now in the name of the king Jesus Christ praise the Lord somebody clap hands with me you take it as a right I say as a right for the contract it ain't no suggestion and that's why religion will make it comfortable in your sickness Kingdom don't tolerate it you have a right to be here give a right to be educated give a right to have social welfare I said social welfare you know what Commonwealth means y'all would think sometime the Bible actually uses the word we are members of the Commonwealth of the whole soul of God Tomlin well I supposed to be blessed more than you there's something you ain't taking that's all come on shout Amen somebody I mean the fella in the big man was still a son his robe was where in the closet slippers where in the closet ring where on the table still is would eating food it's a choice what was his response he was a religious man religious says I just want to be a servant of the lower I just happy to be in the house mopping the floor washing dishes father says you're a no servant my son who was lost see a servant has no rights but a son has an inheritance the kingdom of God is about your restoration to your rights in God let's take a look at something here the kingdom in the church let's talk about the difference first of all this is a confusing thing for most people they're not sure what the kingdom is they show the church matter of fact the church thing is the kingdom the church is not the kingdom of God the depart of education is not the government get it are you all okay let not your heart be troubled you believe in God believe also need and my father those are many mansions bless you amen okay watch this read out loud for me the church and the kingdom are not synonymous please write that down I want to share something with you very very tantalizing in your spirit here it is because you are a member of the church doesn't mean you will experience the kingdom you know being employed by the mini-vacation doesn't make you the government it's not amazing he worked the Department of Education doesn't mean you the government the church is not synonymous with the kingdom second point the kingdom existed before the church as we know it as we know the church the kingdom is before the church let's refer to that scripture there please turn to Matthew 25 Matthew chapter 25 verse 34 I want you to read this let's see how long the kingdom existed the kingdom existed before the church matter of fact the kingdom is called what the kingdom of God how long did God exists long before man so the church is what God's Department of humanity to operate his government on a planet God existed before let's read it you got it was the same really from your love then the king will say to those on his right come you who are blessed of my father take your inheritance look at that word heritage what is it the kingdom which was prepared for you how long before the creation of the world the kingdom existed before the earth so that the church cannot be the kingdom y'all notice every time a new government comes in the departments get nervous you'll notice that every time a new government comes in all the departments get nervous why because now you got a new Authority in place and they began to change people they want to change they take a rake permanent secretaries they move this and move that sometimes we call it victimization now the devil got a lot of that going on his kingdom the kingdom of God existed before the church the government exists before the Education Department it creates the department it produces it it establishes it it comes out of the government so let me talk about the church we got to be careful point number three the key to the kingdom was the influence of heaven on earth by the Holy Spirit through the agency of mankind I want you to write that whole sentence down very important sentence the key to the kingdom was the influence of heaven on earth through the Holy Spirit through the agency of man I want you to underline the word agency mankind is an agency of heaven the key to this thing is next to the Holy Spirit who's the Holy Spirit the Holy Spirit is the plug between the fan electrical company if you take the plug out there's no connection when Adam disobeyed God the plug left so the most important person on earth today is not the Pope it's not Maharaja Selassie I Muhammad etc the most important person on earth is not your mother father or your boss the most important for the earth is not your wife your husband or your boyfriend or your fiance you better hear this most important person on earth is an invisible person they are real he is a he what it crisis when he the spirit of truth comes he will guide you reconnect you into all truth the ultimate goal of Jesus is very simple coming to earth was to get the Holy Spirit back inside a human being no big deal about the mystery man it's like running went to the cross died his last words were it is finished we thought that was his last words that's not true that's the last words on the cross the last words of Jesus were strange words yet torva one this was after resurrection we see the holy ghost his ass last word in Acts chapter 1 who was it about who was the word about it was in both Calvary he wasn't about no blood it wasn't about no resurrection it was about this person he says you stay here in Jerusalem you shall receive power when the Holy Ghost comes he said what you missing is the ghost that brings the power can I hear amen let me tell you that is why religion is such a danger because religion doesn't guarantee the Holy Ghost Nicky y'all know Nicky yeah Nicodemus Nicky was a faithful religious leader in the synagogue the man was in charge Christ says you ain't connected he was in charge of prayer he's in charge of the program he was in charge of the service this guy devises a leader of the synagogue he water right robes and the turbaned had the best plate the guy was decked out in Haller backwards and everything and yep he came to Christ and Christ says you know something you still a in the kingdom he said how can I get he said we tell you to get it except a man be born again oh the spirit he cannot even enter the kingdom of God Nicky says how can I do that I'm a man he even stupid he says except you be born of the stern you cannot see understand the government of God it connects by the Holy Spirit if you got the Holy Spirit lift hands I'm thanking for the Holy Spirit and if you ain't guardin you better well if you hand over now see Lord I receive it right now in Jesus name Jesus came to give you the Holy Spirit brother young man young woman children God give you the Holy Spirit is free he says the father's pleasure to give you the Holy Spirit if a man has a child he says and he acts this chat and chat ask him for an egg will he given a snake in the actual breath will give him a stone how much more will your heavenly Father give you specifically the Holy what is the kingdom the kingdom of God is love joy peace righteousness where in the Holy Spirit don't ignore the Holy Spirit he talk to you today tomorrow the next day on your job when you're on the bus when you're driving in traffic the kingdom is always active listen to him he tells you what corner not to go through how to stop where it go does take another route today I mean he tells you you got listen to him why he knows the administration some time he tells you bake a cake and take it to somebody so he tell you don't go on take that money give to somebody else he listen to the government the government knows was going on thank God for the Holy Spirit holy spring wants to guide you every day he's our thority and that's how the kingdom works look at this next point very important point the fall of man caused the departure of the holy spirit so the spirit of man lost a spirit of God and thus the loss of the kingdom influence of heaven on earth was lost that simple a you can't represent someone you were in touch with so your invention representation so a sent a man is a man representing itself that's why you gotta trust a man without God you represent themselves and you know any one of them the stuff they get people lying to keep yourself looking good it's like a man going over a girl you know you never believe one another believe me don't believe a person who say they love you you know they think y'all going steady here instead you shaky-shaky everyday I tell you they protecting their image okay before you that's why you never see them enroll is looking ugly they're looking pretty all the time courtship is a dangerous thing you don't talk about courtship people never look bad never looked dirty never look smell steak it would be nice but once they caught you [Applause] boy them foot smell bad bad breath ugly face in the morning of Maisie jeez that's the real truth now coming on see a man without the Spirit of God is representing himself and that's why he lies let God be true and every man a lie always life I love you baby Jimmy you know the Bible says if a man had not God he had not look now I don't know how a spell in English make it simple for you can I speak in English a little bit more if a man doesn't have God he knoweth not love that's what the Scriptures teach so I don't care how cool the brother looks Jheri curls pants down on his hip cool as a cucumber Camaro car brand new everything that you love you ask him you got the Holy Ghost No you don't love me you lie and you try and protect yourself you represent yourself you can love me can I hear name it I mean someone who got the Holy Ghost even got in trouble in love with me you talking about that we got it at all cos they're working with them phrasing horn praise the Lord he lost the Holy Spirit what did I get a wrap-up Oh Lord anyhow let me just give you this this concept of the kingdom of God to keep ahead what's the difference the kingdom of God and the kingdom of heaven I wanted to go over this quickly with you because you in the Bible you've read these two statements and sometimes they confuse you sometime Christ would say the Kingdom of Heaven and then other times he would use the kingdom of God so are they the same are they different and sometimes it becomes a question so I wanted to clear this up okay let me see if I could use an example that you can understand in the Bahamas and in America and in Jamaica excetera never they call local governments don't they yeah can local governors in the Bahamas and America they call him state governments so you got a central government a federal government got a state government Bahamas you got a central government you got local governments in different areas now the kingdom of God is the central government in the person of God the kingdom of heaven is the location of the central government so in the Bahamas we would say that the government is in Nassau so it is the government of the Bahamas and the Bahamas is represented by the capital the capital is what gives the government is identity it's the central place of the government power in the Bahamas it is now saw in the United States it is what Washington now if you listen to the news today I want you to go home turn the news on and understand Kingdom grin the news so given the news and they want to say what the government is saying they would simply say Washington says camera day yeah in the Bahamas they sent me say the government says now those two statements are referring to the kingdom of God the kingdom of heaven is referring to the place so the kingdom of heaven is referring to Washington so we used to use the word Washington you were talking about what a whole lot of power a lot of authority a lot of people that Congress and the Senate and all did you know judiciary got all that is the Washington so he said one word Washington when god says the kingdom of heaven he's talking about all the powers the four and twenty elders all the authority and having all the cherubims of service when Gaza the kingdom of heaven has come unto you he's telling you everything in the headquarters is narrow available to you I'm about to share though about us opening matter of fact when it says Washington says listen brother that's a big word it means that army the Pentagon the Congress the Senate everyone's talking now the Oval Office and God tells you the kingdom of heaven has come unto you it's time for you to go to sleep and relax that means everything in the headquarters is working on your behalf hallelujah can you pick it can you think about some problems you can't lift your hands just think about them and say the kingdom of heaven has come to my house let's worship Him for a second just wish him for that just man the entire government of God is working on your behalf Jesus was setting up the department too much he was on earth setting up the department and the citizens got a little bit troubled so he made a statement it was political statement he says let not your heart be troubled if you believe in the government believe also in me you missed it he said look the territory is covered by the government staying at it he was getting ready to go away he said going away it's not a big deal the government is overseeing any movements of secretaries the government still in charge so if I go or state it doesn't matter you say the whole government of heaven is still in charge of you you are under the government's jurisdiction how can you worry what you will eat what you will drink what you will wear how you will live the father knows you need these things so Sikhi [Applause] the kingdom of heaven is a domain of heaven by the king who is God Himself rules reigns I want you to get these two separate in your mind he exercises authority and power over their territory so when you see the words Kingdom of Heaven in Scripture cleanse referring to the place where God has total control Matthew 4:17 his first statements publicly repent for the king of heaven has arrived his first public state even say the kingdom of God you know he said the kingdom of heaven has arrived in other words everything that is in that place has come to this place Washington has come to Miami heaven has come to her what a wonder what is the kingdom of God let's wrap it up on this the kingdom of God is any domain where the Kingdom of Heaven has influence and authority that's in effect okay local government local government state government all right so tell me lemon let's see how it works in the kingdom so tell me lemon is a date we all will remember for the rest of our lives Washington says no longer will we allow the state to provide security for the airport Washington shall take over this responsibility now and we will affect our influence in every state now previously we allowed the state to do it watch this but it didn't see President Bush's in Washington has decided that they will now man all airports all ship and cargo ports they were now man on borders they will take over security that means they have overruled the state in authority what you God now hallelujah you see Washington doesn't leave Washington to run the airport in Miami miss Danaher get into the clothes now Washington stays in Washington but Washington Sanders trains equips finances provides supports all of those are the signs to take authority so when the federal security agent stands in the airport it is no longer the state agent when the state agent told you to stop and you don't stop only the state could deal with you but when the federal government agent Washington ADA tells you to stop it is not the governor of Miami telling you to stop it's not the mayor of Broward telling you to stop it is Washington it is President Bush and the Pentagon and the army and the Navy and the Marines all of them telling you stop go at me now so you can run nowhere you can't leave Miami and go to Atlanta why they control that too you can't hide in Category they control the whole place you can't run the power of a central government Davis says where can I run from your presence or get ahead myself if I make my bed in hell the government reaches day let me tell you something before you are born again you are under state rulership your own rulership so you got to pay your own bills heal your own body prepare your own problems solve your own issues deep in life by yourself but then I heard the state government of heaven say the central government says come unto me all of you who are heavy laden all these problems and I will give you take my authority upon you for my authority is easy to live with and my burden no problem is life rejoice in the Lord always and again I say rejoice for my God shall supply your needs according to not your own but the central governments riches in glory shout somebody I gotta stop right here I got a lot more talk about love you praise the Lord so many times thank you once again for listening to this message as we hope that it has been a blessing to you our goal is to show you new paths and opportunities so that you can discover your purpose it is your love support and partnership that makes Monroe global possible please visit us online at [Music] you
Channel: Munroe Global
Views: 53,002
Rating: 4.8123751 out of 5
Keywords: myles munroe, dr myles munroe, munroe, myles, munroe global, motivational, inspirational, motivation, inspiration, kingdom, leadership, purpose, character, speaker, author, consultant, bahamas, nassau bahamas, the bahamas, food for thought, educational, learning, self help, personal development, album, speakers, teach me, planning and change, crisis, Azusa, conference, global, teaching, ruth munroe, charisa munroe, mylesjr, myles munroe jr, next generation, the legacy of purpose, legacy, prayer
Id: CfXgfgBRwMI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 70min 48sec (4248 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 06 2019
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