Content Types are not Dead | Russ Norton - #M365May

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I welcome everyone I'm Russ from three gross SharePoint training and welcome to my session content types are not dead so before we go into the the demos and slides and things like that we'll just could a couple of important slides and housekeeping notes and so on to go through so first of all just like to acknowledge the traditional owners of the land here in Australia where the conference is being delivered and of course also New Zealand and where some of the speakers are based as well there is of course a code of conducts most of this of course is perfectly common sense to the vast majority of people there's a quick version up there on the slide they'll leave just for a moment if it's have a quick read through we can also find a full version of that at the m36 slash code of conduct there's of course a prize giveaway so if you are wanting to enter that there's a QR code on the screen there don't feel rushed to take a snap of that right now the video is of course we're all being recorded and will be made available later anyway there's lots of wonderful prizes are provided by the fantastic sponsors at the end of the session we are going to bring up a slide to make sure that you are aware of all the sponsors that have contributed to prizes and money and so on to make sure these events go ahead [Music] so before we get on to the the main slides and demos just a brief note about three grower and myself if you're not familiar with us or me so we're a an asia-pacific based training organization running public and private training courses and workshops throughout the region in person of course one when we're allowed to and also we do online remote sessions as well in all the areas of office 365 including their power platform and of course SharePoint teams and so on also add-on tools like new takes workflow in intake forms and live tiles a bit about me so I'm managing director of three grow based in Melbourne and I've been a trainer for over 17 years the last probably 13 or so of those years spent specialising in SharePoint and then later the office 365 tools so what I'm going to talk about on this session is well first of all just why they let you know where the year the name of the session came from content types are not dead so I had a couple of discussions with people little while ago regarding content types and people people said to me things like content types and dying no one's going to be using content type soon because you've got you know the likes of office graph selfish graphics not familiar and I mean I'm no developer but my business user understanding is that office graph essentially and analyzes your activities within office 365 in your interactions and then determines based on that what you're most likely to want to find and people say our office graph knows what you're looking for well the office graph couldn't possibly know what I'm looking for at any given moment maybe I want to go and browse some files that I've never looked at before and I don't want to view them in an organized way so what we'll find is that content types aren't certainly still play a very important part in your information architecture so throughout the session what we're going to be doing is explaining what content types are first of all and for those you're not familiar with the terms we'll have a look at the benefits of using content types of what there are many we'll have a look at quick demos of creating and managing content types we'll have a look at how to add those to our lists and libraries also talk about the content type the hub which is a tool we can use to publish content types out to the whole organization and we'll also talk about managed metadata so they spin around along with the content I pub manage Mestre's has been around since SharePoint on-prem 2010 and as has been around since the beginning of office 365 as well so I'll talk about the benefits of that we'll go through a few demonstrations just to make sure that we're happy with how how this fits together Oh first things first um the most common mechanism for categorizing and organizing files in most organizations is folders but folders are in my opinion generally not the best method of categorizing files the main reason being that folders provide a very rigid structure that only suits certain at one particular situation or purpose so for example looking at the example we're going to be talking about and some demos is let's say customer documents such as invoices and quotes now if we organize those let's say by customer then subfolders job number then subfolders for invoices quotes and contracts that's fine if I want to see all of the invoices for that job for that customer but if I don't see it in any of the way then I can't if I don't see all of the invoices we raised as an organization between two particular dates or all of the quotes that I raised as an account manager in the last 30 days things like that so I don't have that flexibility your information is siloed off into this little sub containers again people use the argument of search for why can't you search but and again the issue is that with the search was search results are sorted by relevance and therefore if it's if you're if you perform a search and it finds your search term within the body of a document because of course if I'm searching for a quote for 8 3 to 4 Acme industries I can put that search term in but it's going to be finding that not only within the actual quote for 832 for Acme industries but maybe it's going to find other stuff that references it as well and within the body of those documents however if that information is sitting in metadata fields and columns that's deemed more relevant so your search was also sorted by relevance and where it finds the term affects relevance if it finds your search term within the body that's less relevant than if it's found it in the metadata the properties of the document so content types and mess nature in general do cerny and help with that so they don't allow that flexibility as we say so most data columns properties whatever we call them they have those amazing benefits when it comes to just not only searching but also presenting information in groups and before performing filtering within lists and libraries and so on so the example of a folder structure here and I thought about kind of tidying up that that diagram and trying to fill the space a bit better but I think it just illustrates the downside of folders in this instance and so for example meeting documents often organizations may store their agendas and minutes in their work create a folder per year then a folder per month and maybe there's additional layers at the top or bottom of that which is for different types of meetings such as team meetings project meetings manual meetings and so on and but rather than side user I think it just kind of the diagram illustrates the absurdity of folders in the sense that they're just not a practical way of or certainly often flexible way of presenting information and organizing information so the answer of course as we've mentioned is content types so let's talk about what we mean by content types so everything every object every item in been documented in any list or library is based on a content type we have a series of content types we get out of the box with our with each which with our SharePoint implementation we can of course create our own and we'll look at some demonstrations of doing that but every list or library templates that we use when creating lists and libraries within a site will have a default content type that comes with that that list or library template so content types to summarize are can be described as item templates not the same as a document template there's a lot more to them than that so content types define their settings configuration and behaviors of all of the items based on them so that could be the metadata the columns as we talked about workflows together of different workflows assigns different content types to manage different approval processes because their file templates if they are document content types for use in libraries things like retention schedules and retention policies so maybe invoices are automatically archived after two years whereas quotes are automatically archived after a year something like that so again we can have different retention schedules or signs at the content type level as well for data protection and so on so why we should use content types so the example I use just a moment ago is we want to store customer related documents such as invoices and quotes in the same library but they require slightly different metadata from each other for example with a quote we need to know who the customer is through the camera injuries there the finite they and currency value associated with the quote and the date it was raised to quote date invoices are very similar but we have the addition of the PIO number which is a mandatory property all of these are mandatory so customer can't measure amount and date raised that quote dates are mandatory for quote customer account manager amount date raised and Pio number aren't mandatory for invoices now what we could do and what's quite a common scenario is to and the columns at the library level but the problem behind that is what two potential issues if we had the columns at the library level they will affect everything in the library so therefore what do we do about that Pio number column as we said the Pio number column is mandatory for invoices shouldn't exist at all the quotes therefore if we add those at the library level what do we do about that Pio number column if we want to store all of our invoices and quotes in the same library which we probably do because we want to be able to see all customer related documents in one place so the option we have is to make all the columns mandatory apart from Pio number because that will allow the user to populate Pio number for invoices and leave it blank for quotes but it also allows users to populate that value for quotes and leave it blank for invoices so in short the user is being left to make the decision as to whether or not they should populate certain values depending on what they've created or uploaded first tip of the day don't let users make decisions if he can help it because especially its bat scenario where if we make it optional the user has the option to leave it blank a lot of users probably would if they have the option of either doing something or not doing something then often they won't so if you want to enforce good quality information going into SharePoint I'm sorry if you want to ensure that people are accessing good quality information and are easily able to find that good quality information throughout SharePoint we need to enforce good quality information going into SharePoint in the first place and the way that we enforce that is through content types so there's two kind of key benefits if you like to to using content types to going to summarize based on that so content types allow us to have different albeit similar types of items in the same list or library so what I've found with a lot of organizations which is mainly due to I guess a lack of knowledge or guidance is that they simply just use the documents library that comes with the site now I'm not saying that we shouldn't ever use that library first small-scale collaborative scenarios using the documents library to store a handful of documents for a handful of users is okay it's fine there's no problem but if you need a more comprehensive structure then I certainly would recommend against storing everything in that that documents library because if you suppress everything for a team in that one library metadata essentially becomes unusable because in a single library if you're storing anything from invoices quotes contracts meeting minutes meeting agendas policies procedures the metadata requirements of each of those is very very different from each other so if we put everything in one library metadata properties columns whatever we call them become essentially a unusable scenario therefore we rely on folders instead which as we said not an efficient way of finding information apparently the average amount of time spent looking for information by the average user is 30% of their working day which if you imagine based on an eight-hour working day is over two and a half hours a day whether that's browsing a folder structure flicking through a filing cabinet and scrolling down through your email inbox or something like that all of those things and contribute to approximately 30% of the average users working day if we could even knock an hour off that that's saving five person hours per employee per week for every eight members of staff that's a full annual salaries worth of time which is substantial so we should be doing everything we can to make the accessing of information a lot more efficient so if we try and cram everything into one library we have various different types we end up having to use folders for that so what my recommendation therefore is is to split things out into collections of related information I'd have a library for meeting documents where I'd store agendas and minutes the reason being they have similar metadata requirements but and also I want to be able to see them all together I want to be able to see all agendas and minutes for certain meeting types delivered between two certain dates or I want to see all of the meeting agendas from meetings where I was the chairperson all of that is possible if I have that metadata if they're in the same library I can see it all together I don't have another library for my policies and procedures I have another library for my custom related documents in the case of a sales site such as invoices and quotes so we collect similar content together because we want to see them together and they have similar metadata requirements but if I put them in the same library as we've said if I use library level columns that's not going to allow me good quality information I'm not enforcing good quality information if I'm allows it allowing the user to leave the PIO number blank for invoices or populates it for quotes so by using content types we can control that at the library level per document so as well as allowing us to have us different albeit similar types of items in the same list or library such as invoices and quotes in a customer document library it also allows us to have the same type of item in multiple lists and libraries potentially across different sites as well so for example and each regional sales team sites such as Victoria and New South Wales and Queensland and so on can each have their own customer documents library that each use the invoice and quote content types that allows that consistency because if I then go and update invoice content-type that will then have a huge knock-on effect it will then go and if I decide okay we need a new piece of information for invoices we now need let's say an order number or something like that the didn't already exist I can then add that at the letter forgot the PIO number field in the first place I can then go and add that to the invoice content type they'll then add that to every list and like every library sorry that used as that content type every new file created based on that content type from that point onwards as well as any existing files already based on their content type so it's enforcing that consistency other reasons that we and that we should rely on are those true we should have an understanding of content types is that certain features rely on that knowledge so document IDs is is the principle of assigning unique ID to each file within a site collection and that then allows that it creates what's called a permalink so if you're familiar document IDs then worth looking into potentially it allows you to identify a document via and a unique URL that won't change even if the document moves to another location so for example if I and provide a link to a document to a user I then moved into a different library if that's a regular link that's going to be broken immediately with a document ID I can provide the document ID link which stays with that document even if it's moved into different sites for example document sets if you're not familiar document sets that certainly recommend looking into those based on the amount of time that we have left at the end of the session we where then we may have a look at the demo of document set so I've got plenty of demos to go through so we'll see how we get on time wise again if you if you if we don't get a chance to look at those I certainly recommend looking into them to summarize document sets are I describe the business super folders folders on steroids so folders that can have metadata um folders that can contain pre-populated content so when I create a document setec can come with documents already inside it and those documents can inherit their metadata properties from the document set itself and so it's a really good for kind of collections repeating collections of documents and so yeah we'll have a look at a demo of those if if we get time if not I said it's only worth looking into in your own time so when it comes to creating a managing content types every site has its own content types gallery behind the scenes which includes out-of-the-box content types as a starting point and also any Content types that have been created created and published from the content type of hub which we'll talk about a little bit later will also be available at the point of site is created we can then create additional content types that are used specifically for that team so for example maybe HR create content types specifically for the content that they need to store within their site so we get the standard set of out-of-the-box content types and we can then create content types specifically for that area of the organization if you are using a hierarchical structure of sites which of course is far less common these days since the introduction of office 365 group connected team sites and therefore the needs to to structure things in a much flatter way then if you are using sub sites which are still appropriate in certain scenarios then any Content types we create at the top-level site of a site collection will then be passed down to the child sites the sub sites within that site collection so creating the content types in the top-level site of a site collection make them available for use throughout that entire site collection with we've created our custom content types or if you simply want to add content and out-of-the-box content types to your lists or libraries generally that should be done by site owners now what we will find as well is that there are by default now since SharePoint 2013 on creme and that around the same time with when the the the interface was changed to share part online to kind of match up with SharePoint 2013 on Prem what Microsoft decided to do was use the edit permission level by default for the members of a site as opposed to contribute now the contrary permission level still exists and my recommendation in the most part is that that's what your end users should have members of a team end users well general site owners in most organizations haven't had anywhere near a relevant amount of training to be a site owner end users even even less so so the edit permission level that is a science in members by default allows people to not only view add and edit the content within the list in libraries but also create lists and libraries edit the settings of those lists and libraries and even delete lists and libraries now in my opinion I don't think that all end users of a site who as you said probably had no training at all I don't think that they're appropriate people to be able creating editing deleting lists and libraries themselves so I generally recommend most users having contribute right than edit there's a video on the three great YouTube channel that I've recently posted that will allow oh they will demonstrate how to do that in an on group connected sites such as an on group connected team site for a communication site for example it's very easy to simply swap which permission level is assigned to a permissions group however in a an office 365 group connected site we can't swap the permission level that's assigned to a group but there is a workaround so if you're interested there's a as soon as that just go to the YouTube and search for and the three great Channel and it's a video you'll find in that so we're not here to talk about permissions that's just a bit of a side note but generally I would I would suggest that site owners should be the only ones in the most part that should be creating lists and libraries and of course editing the settings of those so in order to add content types customize which content types any list or library users that generally will require you to allow management of content types through the Advanced Settings of that list or library once you've done that you'll then be able to add site content types to that list or library which then gives you what a local list or library level copy of that content type the idea is that I might add the the meeting and gender content up to five different libraries one of those libraries it needs an additional piece of information the other four don't it's what it allows me to do is just tweak the content type at the library level and for those exceptions rather than creating a new site content type just fit with it with those changes just for use within that one list or library as we said when we update our site content types that will automatically pass those settings on to every list or library users that content type not only for new items created based on that content type from that point onwards but also existing items will also be amended for example just to explain that very diagram the invoice site content type we then add that to four different libraries and of course it will take all these columns and settings with it if I then go and update it by adding a column making changes to columns maybe providing a document template that will then add that column to that content type in every library that uses it as you said not just for new items created from that point onwards but also existing items will then have that column available on that so the content type hub or so the idea as I mentioned this briefly earlier the idea of the content type hub is it allows us to create these content types at an organizational level we can then publish those content types from the hub which once the appropriate timing job does run which normally takes as runs every hour or so it will then publish those content types along with any additional columns and so on into every site collection within your SharePoint environment now the content type hub is a principal as I said this existed since 2010 this is something that has to become set up manually by the admins in SharePoint on-prem however in SharePoint Online it exists in the same location in every organization's tenant which is simply a tenant URL slash sites slash content type hub as we said when we create content types and them or edit content types within the content type hub and publish those out it will then send those out to all the site collections within your organization so there are a couple of frustrations with the content type of hub and which we'll talk about in a little while but overall it's it's a nice tool there's other ways of providing content types in a more automated way to separate the sites rather than have to create them over and over and over again that's using P and P so AM SharePoint P and P but with P and P bi it's creating these content types still app that's patterns and practices sorry in case you're not sure the term first are the couple of downsides to that is it you need reasonable technical knowledge for that it's more of an IT Pro can a role not a business user role in my opinion content types should be managed by business users because they know their area of the business site owners should be business users content types should be managed by those site owners someone with the technical knowledge doesn't necessarily know exactly what you need for those content types and therefore and they don't they're not therefore able to create them and set them up exactly as you need them there might be a bit of a doing and throwing until you until they get them right not only that but if we use PMP patterns and practices to which is like a scripting tool to be able to they push content types out to the various different sites they're not live that's just creating them as a starting point if I then decide to need to update a content type I can't push the change out to every side to have to still go to every site and make that change so if I'm let's say use P and P to create a meeting minutes and meeting agendas content types and push those out to every site if I then need to add a new column to all meeting minutes documents will have to go to every site now I have to go to but the site owners have to of course edit them within their own sites and so it's repetitive changes happening which is generally should be avoided wherever possible now and when we go through the demos I was hoping that the modern content type hub would be available within within my SharePoint of within a sharepoint admin center however it's not quite there yet so I have described a screenshot from SharePoint Jeff comm who you know has a cup of there's a blog post about there the modern content types content type hub now through the site admin Center you'll see again we'll see this in my demos as well in a moment but the bit will have missing is the content type gallery and the analytics the modern term store is now there that's where we manage our managed metadata term sets but the modern content types gallery is not there yet so we'll still be storing it within that same content type of hub but we don't need to go to the content type of to do that anymore or at least we won't to wince we have the modern content type gallery through the admin center there still be stored in that gallery sorry in that site collection but we could also manage them now through will soon to be able to manage them through that modern content types gallery the warnings and as you said as I said when we publish a content type in the hub it will publish it to every site collection which it's not the end of the world it's just a bit frustrating because there say I bought a content-type that's only relevant as sales sites that means that we have to publish it out to either we have to create in the content type urban publish it to every site collection even non sale sites or we have to create it individually in each of the sales related sites which could be the main sales site plus 8 10 12 regional sales team silence so we're either repeating ourselves by recreating over and over again and if we need to change it editing it over and over again or we have to create it in the content type hub publish it everywhere that then allows you to allows non sales people to use sales related content types which again is not the end of the world but it's just more clutter when browsing through that content types gallery of their site and so on so the there is an exception it will publish the content type to every site in the site in your every site collection in your tenant apart from any sites which already have a content type credits at that site level of the same name for example if New South Wales had already created an invoice content type for their site and then we create one called invoice in the content type of herb and publish it out every site apart from New South Wales will get that new content type from the hub New South Wales are left with just their local copy with this at a site level of that content type so any changes made in the invoice content type in the hub won't affect New South Wales the main frustration there as well though is that it doesn't actually tell you that it doesn't tell you that is not published it to certain sites at the point of publishing it just says yeah that's done within an hour that content I will then be added to every site except any that already have a content type of the same name so yeah the fact that we don't know about it is potentially an issue you think it's works but it potentially hasn't added it to every site all right so we get on to the demos in the moment but last little thing to talk about is managed metadata so it can bring all these things together into the demos so the idea behind managed metadata is you may or may not be familiar with something we can turn on per list or per library which is called enterprise keywords now the idea of the enterprise keywords setting is that it adds a column to to that list or library that allows users to tag items with terms or values or text fields that don't already exist in any other of the items columns so for example let's say at load of products listed and someone keeps searching for the SharePoint manual product but it's not finding the SharePoint manual when they search because it's not called SharePoint manual is called SharePoint ebook or SharePoint courseware or something like that so the idea of something like enterprise keywords is it allows the user to add additional kind of searchable or relevant terms so synonyms and so on the great thing about enterprise keywords is that it is a free text field so people can tag it with whatever they like the downside is it's a free text field and people can tag the items with whatever they like so it's good that it allows the flexibility the downside is that it will and people can tag things returns that are just not relevant what managed metadata allows you to do is provide a set of terms that the user can then use for tagging in certain scenarios so a terms set that's created through the managed metadata term storm is essentially a collection of terms those terms are then used as a potentially hierarchical set of choices for a column so it create a column that uses the metadata they're managed metadata fields as its set of choices most people can simply use the choices we've provided but we can allow certain users to add their own terms on the flight as it could be just a flat set of terms such as you know product keywords or something like that or I see on the slide there an example of something like the org structure it can be a hierarchical structure of terms so see examples of that shortly there's another slide I'm going to bring up now because this is again something we're not going to see within the demos because it's simply just simply not available at the moment so with managed metadata you'll see that benefit here is that we're able to perform filters based on that structure so again this is just taken from SharePoint Jeff and we could I could for example take Africa which would then automatically choose all the sub terms below Africa or I could expand one of those maybe I could choose just Algeria plus its sub terms and so on so idea is it provides a hierarchical tagging structure and then that is reflected in a hierarchical filtering pane as well this used to be available I have used this modern hierarchical management data filters pane in the past however maybe it's something to do with the the update that's being rolled out with the modern management data terms store or something like that this currently isn't available in my tenant so therefore I just brought the screen shot up so you can see how that would look when filtering because not something I can include within my demos for we move on to the depth to the demonstrations just to summarize what talked about talked about what content types are why we should use them the principles of creating and managing them and how to add them to the lists and libraries I've talked about the concepts of the content type hub and managed metadata we'll move on to the demonstration wizard run some demonstrations we'll just thank our sponsors make sure we're familiar with all the people that have contributed time effort prizes and and cold hard cash to make these wonderful this wonderful m36 5 may event take place and then woods would and that will then go through any questions that have been posted throughout the session make sure we get those answered as best we can just a couple of demos just to illustrate the benefits of content types so first of all we talked about the benefits of invoices and quotes for example so here I've already set up the content types we'll see how this looks from an end-user perspective and then what we'll do is have a look at how that set up behind the scenes so rather than the standard options we get within a document the documents library which is for example just the standard templates I see really add our own content types to a library these are replaced with those content types now when in this demonstration I'll just show a demo of uploading something that's all I'll do is just grab a file off my desktop and let's just grab this file here called invoice drag and drop into that library and notice here I've got the option to choose between those content type now the default content type is quote every library has to have a default content-type same goes for lists and the default is quote meaning that is requiring us to populate customer account manager and date raised and amount but this is not an invoice it's a so it's not a quote it's an invoice notice how I choose invoices the content type is now requiring the PR number as well so the customer column is a Detroit as a lookup column grabbing customers from their customers list and it just tells it can't sabers at the moment because it's missing mandatory properties or it's you know something's not matching our validation but that's okay we can still fill in the rest of the fields in the meantime it'll save at the end take raised notice that what I've done is when creating the columns okay so there's another piece of validation in there that I'm missing which is stopping the same values being used and now all those metadata fields are saved so each of these fields are of a particular data type we can add validation you'll notice that it said that I had to begin my P own number with the characters P oh it was also enforcing unique values so that no two invoices can have the same p own number and so on now and what we can also do is of course when creating a new file I've also asked it included the the quote template in there as well but what may frustrate the users is they for the information in here such as who the customer is who the quote where the quote date the account manager and so on and then when they save it they've got to populate the same information into the metadata now I can understand that users would be frustrated but the way that they will see it is that and they didn't have to do this when it was a folder structure that will be their argument what this is taking longer because I didn't need to do this before I didn't need to set these properties before well they kind of did but in a different way because if you think about it there's two steps to the process we create the document such as filling in the information that you see in front of you there and then if it's a folder structure we then still have to browse through the folder structure which is potentially quite a convoluted folder structure to determine where to save it so still filling in the file and then we're categorizing it categorizing is by browsing a folder structure in scenario now all we're doing is swapping the method of categorization since they're browsing through a folder structure they simply to fill in metadata fields now I personally think that probably takes less time than browsing through a convoluted folder structure however the way the user will see it is they're filling in a document then they're filling in fields and those two things are too similar to each other and they think well we didn't have to do this before but they did because they still had to categorize so it's not taking any more time but the users won't necessarily see it that way they just think broad browsing through a folder structure is just part of the process and they don't even notice that they're wasting that time doing that either way the point is that if we can save them time then why not so what we can do I've already got it set up at a different library here notice that when the user chooses to create a quote for example not only does it bring up the quote template but this managed metadata this the fields are already and displayed inside the template so we can't populate those through the browser-based version of word so I'm just opening the desktop version and notice that this is our different sites as different lists of customers but here I can then populate the metadata in here a person or group field we can't sit through here however we can still choose so we can't actually populate that within there the body of the document however if I go to view SharePoint properties I can still populate the information here now just two for one yet there has been crashing recently for some reason just noticed at the end of last week so when we try to open that and that pane to edit SharePoint properties in the desktop version of word it does crash which is a bit unfortunate so just a bit of a bug going on at the moment so what I'll do is I'll just set the properties that I'm able to using word desktop so it's reopen the document in where daesil cuz it crashed before it had performed the autosave and I just set the amount in gear and it won't bother with the details pane I just leave that as it is so just left the accountmanager blank notice this information is now populated inside the document and let's just give two more meaningful name so quote followed by a number once that saved if we then close that browser tab and just expand the three grow group expand the quotes group so this is the benefit we get to have folders of course it is flexibility and here is that brand-new quote notice the information that I populated such as the customer is in the three grow group because the information I input into the body of the document so the fields inside the document are the metadata fields as you said we weren't able to set the accountmanager through the body of the document and the SharePoint properties pane is currently crashing within word so what we'll do is just populate that value through the SharePoint interface instead again this is another slight bug that sometimes occurs is to do my browser cache it thinks I still have it open even though I don't so I won't actually let me modify it so I would have to just clear the cache I'm not seeing that happen for a little while but it seems to be creeping back into SharePoint which is a bit frustrating and so because all of the documents are based on an appropriate content type that then captures the appropriate metadata there then allows us the flexibility to present the information in different ways so if I just display a flat view of those documents each of those files we have the appropriate content type the customer account manager the amount and the date raised we've then got fields that there may be specific to the content type such as P own number of reinforcements much more flexible approach because instead of that fixed rigid folder structure I can now say well I'll group by a cat manager then within each account manager group grouped by customer so got that layered I still got a hierarchical structure I've got simply grouping just by a cap manager without the customer grouping in between groups by year there isn't even a year column I've created a calculated column that extracts the year from the date raised and I've grouped by that I've even got summaries per year and so on so the flexibility to view information in a variety of ways depending on how we want to see it on what we want to see at any given moment much much more flexible than folders so as far as how to populate a document content type with with the fields and things like that again there is a video on the three Gro YouTube channel that takes you through that so we're not going to go through a big demo of that now but what I will show you is for example with the likes of meeting documents I've added those two content types to a library here within the sales site but I've also then added that to the appropriate added those same content types to the library the meeting documents library here within or at least I will do in a moment and within New South Wales so the content types in this instance I created in the content type of hub the content type of her but instead we used for creating content types as an organizational level that could be creating new content types editing existing ones and so on and at the moment if we go to the library settings we'll have a look at this adding content types to a library what we'll notice is that there's nothing in here about content types so by default when we go to the settings of a list or a library it won't allow us to do anything with content types by default and I'll give Microsoft the benefit of the doubt in assuming that they've it hidden them away intentionally to make sure that people don't accidentally play around with something they're not fully familiar with so there's nothing in here about content types yet so we go to advanced settings allow management of content types would have allowed management of content types what we're saying is don't just use the content type that came with that list or library template let me decide the content type or content types that that list or library users so we now have this content types section of settings that wasn't there a moment ago all I can do is get rid of the document content type that comes with a document library by default so I'm deleting it just from that library then in under content types I can then add from existing site content hours and have a look where we create the content types in the moment probably should have done that either way around but there's a matter too much I can then add the agenda and minutes content types if they have templates that bring their templates with them of course they'll bring all their metadata with them so now when I choose to create an agenda or minutes those content types are available I will see it brings the columns with them because if I choose to modify the view by showing and hiding columns we now see things that chair person meeting location meeting date calculator column to extract the year describe and so on scribe is specific to minutes so again same principle if I were to just grab a random document right in here this is meeting minutes the default content-type is agender which means there is no scribe property however if I change that to minutes will then have to populate a scribe and so on as well as other information notice the meeting location this is an example of management metadata so if I click the tag I'm able to browse a hierarchical structure of locations that are set now it's just taking its time to open in the meantime what I'll do is I'll just jump into the SharePoint admin Center so here in the SharePoint admin Center we have content services now this is a new option that's just become available as we said soon we'll also have the content types gallery in there as well but for now at least we do have the modern term store the idea is we can create hierarchical structures that allow us to then tag things and filter things in a hierarchical way so I've created mine here called org structure which allows me to tag items in a hierarchical way and then filter those items as well so sometimes that's taking its time so what I'll do is I'll cancel that and just show an example that's already a set up with hierarchical content types here I've got an intranet I use for demo purposes and I've got a document library for policies and procedures and against each of those I've tagged them with the appropriate properties here so who that policy or procedure is relevant to now what we'll do is I'll just choose to edit the properties and we'll see what that looks like so more and properties will open the properties editing pane and here notice that that's the wrong one sorry that's all I've got the tag icon it give us a hierarchical August rupture so this is tagged with all company meaning of course the policy or procedure is relevant to everyone in the organization what I can do instead is browse through that hierarchy and just tagged with sub terms instead if I decide there's a team that's not listed at the moment then I have permission to actually add this on the fly as well so for example and let's say that here what maintenance policy which is assigned to logistics maybe I want to add an additional team there so again here I can choose to tag in the hierarchy notice that and operations I don't have a maintenance team so I can add it so the operations selected I can I just moved this option it's just under the ellipses now add a new term and term on the fly if I then go back to the admin Center and just refresh the term store will find that it has been added in here as well we can also in here we can add synonyms so that when someone's tagging they don't necessarily know that it's HR versus Human Resources so by adding synonyms it allows us to the user to tag in a variety of ways so for example if I wanted to tag this item as well with let's say it's just going to edit all properties if I wanted to tell you with Human Resources if I start typing notice not coming up with us if this is eventually clear the suggestion because I have already added human resources as a synonym so the user doesn't know whether it's HR or Human Resources so when they type two tagged as opposed to browsing the hierarchy they're not sure which to use it doesn't matter because we've got the synonyms applied alright so quick demos there of managed metadata and applying content types these just as a reference we're just running out of time a little bit which I thought might happen so when creating and managing content types we do this at the site level by going into the site settings and then through the site content types gallery we can create and manage our content types in here such as they receive as meeting minutes and meeting agenda it's good practice as well I'll show you this in the sales site to create content and a hierarchical structure so we can kind of pass okay group them together and pass changes down so with invoice and quote for example what we'll notice is that in the content types gallery I've created a generic content type known as sales doc or sales document and to that I add any columns that are relevant to all sales related content types and then invoice and quote their parent is sales doc so any changes I want to make all sales documents I can make that once so if I were to create a new column here add from new site column and just call that year raised we'll make it a calculated column and we're going to extract the year part of the date raised so I'll just use the year function on the date raised and I know that that will also give me a thousand separators what I can do is apply the left function to that extract one character I can then concatenate that with using the don't worry too much about what if you're not familiar with what I'm doing here so use the right function to extract the last three characters because otherwise it will show us two comma zero to zero so I'm just asking it to use the first character and the last three characters so removes that comma the thousands separator it will add that to all the content types by default which means that as soon as I then go into my customer documents library I have a new column now available in the view which is going to be the year raised so create the content types assign those to the libraries any changes I make to the content types will all then have a knock-on effect so it automatically calculated the the date raised all right so I said running a bit low on time so we'll just wrap up the demos they're not quite as I wanted to do but hopefully that's been useful so what we're now going to do is just before we move on to the QA is just bring up the the sponsor slide so you can recognize those sponsors and of course also like to thank and all the the organizers as well so Laurie and Megan strands Rebecca Jackson Darryl who's producing and this session as we go as well as the live session so thank all the people involved in putting all this together so we've got a few minutes just to go through any final questions that you may have Darryl do have any questions for me yeah no echo on my end okay John Xing is might be a bit new to SharePoint but he's just wondering about the size of SharePoint and how many but you can store in SharePoint and so the we can set limitations on a per site basis so for example through the SharePoint admin center when we go to our list of sites we have here you'll notice we have this is your organizational total so depending on the licenses that you have as an organization you get X amount of storage for the organization plus an additional X amount of storage and per license to use that but the reason I'm using X as the example is because as it's very much dependent on the license that you use that's your organizational level what you'll then find is that per site we also have the ability to set and a size limit a storage limit per site as well so I just go to the settings of the site and here we have the storage limit which we can edit on a per site basis so as a few factors involved but the two main things to point out another good question from anonymous yeah is it possible to permission trim the content type either out of the box or in PNP so I'm assuming what I mean by permissions trim or security trim is to allow it only to be available to certain people it's difficult to tell what they mean from the question and but a quick answer setting through the browser not sure with PNP I'm not enough mighty Pro or developer myself but certainly through the browser there's no way of security trimming the the content types whether that's making them available only in certain sites when publishing from the hub or who is allowed to use them within the libraries either way no you can't do that with through the browser so anyone who's got contribute permissions within a list or a library can use any content types assigned to that list or library any content types published from the content type hub will be published everywhere every site so what I recommend when publishing from the hub is to put them in groups so when you publish them from the hub you put them in a group called sales that said she tells sales people that they should use those or could can use whereas if they're under a departmental heading that's not in their own department then they shouldn't use them but they can if they want they've got as at the end of the day is their own team site whatever they're doing that team site is up to them it's their team site it's only gonna affect their team okay well that's not supposed to them that's fine it's this great Thank You Russ so and thank you for all those who did join and get a good good start or a good heaping of the changes and information they're around using content types the main thing is just to summarize is to thought and planning forethought and the more planning you put in up front there the more straightforward will be changing content type structure retrospectively is a bit awkward so I just recommend putting a bit of time and effort into planning this at an organizational level in a team level before we dive in couldn't agree more yeah good good and parler post-it notes in a whiteboard would help exactly or of course you can use Microsoft whiteboard and digital notes so can one workplace and all that are you an encoded protocol thanks again rustics again for everyone for joining this is our last week so do make the most of it there are plenty more sessions to attend so to add them to your schedule videos are eventually appearing on the regarding 365 YouTube channel and thanks you for coming along bye for now [Music]
Channel: REgarding 365
Views: 1,151
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Id: eUddT9j09ko
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Length: 61min 1sec (3661 seconds)
Published: Wed May 27 2020
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