Lightweight Plans in Planner | 365 Message Center Show 207

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hello hello hello everyone and welcome to this week's episode where we will be talking about refreshed microsoft whiteboard client experience coming and it's quite a big announcement we will also be covering how microsoft wants more of your money to cover the cost of their services in microsoft 365. and the new lightweight plans and planner it's a very interesting concept and we're going to dive in and tell you what it's about and along with of course several other announcements but um let's first check in with daryl how are you sir oh you're doing it i i'm good thanks daniel yeah um there's a lot to talk about um i'm looking forward to talking about breakout rooms and i know that school's going back in the u.s soon but we actually get to benefit from some of these things within the corporate sense so yeah we'll we'll get to talk about breakout rooms indeed i have some good examples for brick i think i've brought it up a couple times uh here on the show of how we use breakout rooms so um maybe maybe we just dive right in let's do that uh and start okay so there's a couple of breakout room announcements and we're gonna cover them back to back the first one is breakout rooms pre meeting room creation and participant assignment this is mc27891 and this is rolling out beginning mid-september completed in late september and this is going to give organizers the capability to pre to create rooms before the meeting starts and assign participants to those rooms before the meeting starts and we'll be able to uh bulk create and delete rooms like i said uh renaming those rooms uh beforehand uh be able to uh i now really think this pre-assigning participants is huge we this is a i feel like a feature that has been missing in and people have been looking for being able to say i'm going to have breakout rooms and i want to be able to assign these people to those rooms so just like we can now get to the meeting settings before the meeting happens in teams and change the settings for presenters and all that who can bypass the lobby this one will be able to create rooms from the breakout rooms tab and do all those things i mentioned renaming assigning people now this is going to be there's a couple of caveats here we and we need to make sure we understand this is that one if the meeting has more than 300 people you're not going to be able to assign those people to rooms it's just not going to happen because of the limitations of breakout rooms and the other item here is you have to be invited and be in the tenant i'm sorry you have to be invited to be able to be us you know selected to be assigned to the room which makes sense if this is a channel meeting and you've not invited anybody then you've just invited the channel then you don't know who's going to show up and or who's in really going to accept that meeting so that's kind of the caveats there what do you think daryl is this are you excited about this like i am because this is a like i said for me it's a feature that i think we've been wanting for a while with breakouts i i think uh breakout rooms have been underused probably for this reason that you know to try and create more interaction within meetings and getting people to talk in smaller groups it was just such a hassle to get people to join the rooms you know and if you wanted to put people in specific rooms you couldn't do it ahead of time um so this is definitely a great advancement looking forward to to seeing this in action well we've actually got some ideas about how we'll use it for regarding 365. yeah so rolling out next month and we should be seeing that pretty soon and then right on the back end of this one was another breakout rooms message that i think does even more and gives us more functionality that we've been kind of wanting uh tell us all about it will you please yeah well they are linked so this this message it does mention something of a new role called a breakout rooms manager and so this uh is the message about breakout rooms presenter support that says mc278893 um like i said one of the the troubles with trying to set up rooms and get people to interact and you know go to go to plan as uh if you were the organizer you had to do it yourself because you were the only one that had permissions and like i might have daniel off to the side and it's okay daniel just tell everyone about how this next part of the workshop is going to run and i'll go ahead and create the rooms and assign people but now we'll have a role called a breakout room manager who can be assigned ahead of time as we saw in the previous message and we can have multiple breakout room managers we don't know how many yet they will be able to do pretty much everything that a organizer can do if we scroll on down here we've got signing users to rooms add and delete rooms open and close rooms they can actually say right we're going off to our bracket rooms now to discuss the next question away you go reassigning people to rooms sending announcements um recreating rooms and setting times so all of those sorts of things definitely will be helpful to assign to a co-pilot or two or three when you're running these workshops so that role means oh they can also choose to to join whatever breakout room they wish so that's another good uh capability there but one thing uh that daniel and i we were talking before the show um is that you want to be cautious about how many breakout room managers you've got because some of those capabilities are quite powerful and can you imagine people closing and opening rooms and continuing to do that uh and and conflicting with each other what do you think daniel yeah yeah and it doesn't even need to be nefarious or any anything like that it could just be all right you know the the main speaker says okay let's go ahead and kick off the breakout rooms and uh and then they you know they're about to click it and they're like but let's first i guess cover and but too late one of the other managers has went blip and everyone's going poof and they've gone off to their rooms it's like wait i didn't want that to happen right so when you are assigning managers i think you just need to communicate before the meeting how you're going to handle the meeting and how you're going to handle the breakouts that's you know i think communication is key in every relationship and it's key here with between organizers and these managers making sure that you just communicate how we're going to run this thing and who's going to do what um and but daryl you know this this is another aspect i think of breakout rooms that really have bothered a lot of people in that it had to be the organizer to do all this stuff in the meeting when the organizer may not be the person who's you know running this uh you know managing this process and so this gives that capability of saying okay i'm setting this meeting up and i'm going to assign you know these managers to handle it i agree with you you got to watch how many people you assign as managers well um that's uh expected to be begin mid-september and should be complete late september like they asked the last message and so both together are also empowering schools to make better use of breakout rooms too but daniel let's uh hear a bit about this next one it's a bit of a lightweight message lightweight plans and planner mc279089 and this is a an interesting development in the planner area because let's think about the way planner works now if you create a plan in planner then you are creating a 365 group and this is helpful for you know when you're working on projects communicating in a team and being able to work on your plan and assign tasks and so forth but what if you're in a meeting and it's not a it's not a meeting from a team it's just an ad hoc meeting and you want to create some tasks and you know kind of a plan but you don't want it you know you don't want to group maybe it's just a one-off kind of thing and that's where i think this lightweight plans comes about so what a lightweight plan is it uses this new concept called uh roster container which is a planner only kind of concept so don't think they're introducing a new azure group thing it's it's only in planner but it's basically being able to create a plan and now it's not fully featured it is lightweight but a plan that is then shared with those that you share it with that is part of you know this meeting let's say we're having this meeting we have this plan and we all have the same permissions we're all in there able to create lanes we're all able to you know create tasks um and uh it's just an easy way to have something to where you don't have to resort to um you know some other tool when you don't want to group and i've got a good example for this and then i'm going to ask ask you darrell what you think about this but um i we're we're my company is right now scheduling some webinars there's going to be it's going to be a series of webinars one's going to be a panel and then three breakout webinars basically and we've been talking about the title and what we're going to talk about and how we're going to organize things and assigning you have to come up with your name and your abstract and all that and so there's been tasks that we all need to communicate and then there's five of us that are kind of part of all this and it's been emails flying back and forth frankly and it's been kind of crazy um but if we had a plan now we don't have a group this is an in in a month this this work group is gone right so we don't have a group it's if we had this lightweight plan we'd be able to create tasks and assign and and really keep track of all the things that need to happen before this happens because you know one person has to go and schedule these and start promotion on social media and send out email you know all that kind of stuff so it would be perfect for something like that um what do you think about this this kind of removal this is another uh service in microsoft 365 that is providing capability without a microsoft 365 group that's this is an interesting development i think what do you what do you think well the plans will still be in the planner app what we're reading here that let's say you are in that meeting you want to list off a few tasks and and have somewhere to refer back to those tasks and complete them as action items after a meeting they will be available in planner so it's it's just they won't have features like onenote and a sharepoint site or been able to attach documents to those to those tasks but the part that kind of interests me too uh it's further down here where we're we're thinking about how um there's some restrictions uh you know with a lot of these services daniel what can we turn off so it's warning us that if you do turn off the roasted container capability that you are going to break something to do with meeting notes integration and tasks and the tasks ecosystem and we haven't really seen what that is yet but i think it's it's about the new experience with meeting notes in onenote and that when you create a task maybe it becomes part of this lightweight plan in the background yeah i find this note pretty interesting because what it's saying is if you prevent these lightweight plans by turning off the roster containers then you're not going to be able to do what you just said use this new functionality that we have not seen but to create using meeting notes to create tasks for people so you're not going to be able to do that across the board even if you you know even if this meeting is a channel meeting that is a part of a group you know and you're taking meeting notes you still won't be able to apparently you still won't be able to do that so there's actually a ramification to turning this off um and i i i feel like you you know if you told me you made me decide should i leave this on and turn it off i'd say leave it on uh but every you know company needs to kind of consider what they're going to do here but i feel like this there is a lot of need for this of keeping track in a group way of tasks without a group in a group way without a group um you know because we have to we have our own personal task management but that's and it does have some capability of allowing people to see and and but it doesn't have what planner has and so i feel like there is room for this to work i don't like the decoupling from groups um but in this case it seems like it does work yeah yeah yeah so um let's move on to recording one-on-one calls yeah well you pretty much said it actually that's what it is we've been able to record meetings um and we've been able to create transcripts but what is coming um to the one-to-one call experience whether it's voice over ip or pstn calls is transcription and recording um and v2 v2 no no um mc270 yeah okay calls that v2 oh yes because it has needed a lot of work mc279469 um so think about this that when you are in a call let's say daniel and i are having a bit of a chat and i say hey daniel is it okay if we record and transcribe this so that neither of us have to take any notes sounds good but i've called daniel over a psdn i've just called him on his mobile maybe he doesn't use teams and so how do i get that transcription to him um well factors yes we can have that recording called it's going to create a file that i can take and perhaps share with him i we are assuming here that the recording will be stored in the onedrive of the person who hit record and then a transcription as well now if you want to view this and maybe you're doing this uh recording or transcribing with someone within your organization who has teams um then both of you will be able to see this in your call history and in the chat history and in the call details pane you can go through and much like you can today with meetings you can um you know play that there and also watch the transcription that will also be the same place you can go to get the file to share with someone who you just called them on their mobile but yeah there's probably a few details that are missing not to mention some of the ones that have been heavily obscured in these screenshots um lots of blur yes lots of blurring i and i will say one thing that daryl just mentioned about the whole asking for permission to record you know we do this in meetings you know saying oh well usually we do i've been in meetings where they just hit record and you're like i wasn't asked if i wanted to be recorded um the but there are laws you know for this type of stuff so you need to make sure that here's what i do you need to make sure you ask for permission and not only that but i actually here's a little tip for you is that i ask for permission when given permission i hit record and then i say we are recording uh just to you know remind you that we are recording this uh with your permission and that way it's just a kind of reminder hey i have recorded proof that i said we were recording and that you gave permission um because there are laws and you don't want to get into legal trouble at all with any of this because you can think about this one-on-one someone hitting record and uh you know you could get into kind of a sticky situation i wonder what they hear at the other side of this daniel if it's a pst that is a very good now is it announced um hey this meeting has now been recorded and then you're back to your regular program with your person talking on the other side yeah other other kind of functionality like this prior to teams you would hear like a beep you know every once in a while um you know to kind of give you an indication that something's going on uh i'm not sure i think it would be nice to have an audible this meeting is now being recorded you know um for those that are just phoning in but so it looks like september's going to be a busy month like august was supposed to be um in fact we know some updates that have been pushed to september but yeah this is coming to standard ngcc tenants in late september expected to be complete mid-october and for gcc high and dod tenants you'll have it late october and completed mid-november daniel this next update we're going to tag team aren't we because there's so much in it it's about microsoft whiteboard woohoo yeah it's refreshed microsoft whiteboard client experience coming soon mc279 627 and you're right this is a mammoth of a message i'm just going to blast it i didn't i didn't even count how many bullet points with new functionality is being added here but it's a let's call it a plethora of new and and changes to functionality we i think we have some of our favorites that are in here but you definitely need to take a look at this now you know no we don't have a way of demoing this for you however microsoft has given us the capability they've showed a video and some nice website there um so being able to kind of demonstrate what they're talking about um but talk to us darrell about this real time collaboration yeah making it easier well they've grouped um some of these features and under different headings like that with real-time collaboration that's really one of the key strengths of whiteboard is everyone's in on it and using it at the same time but what they're adding is um collaboration curses seeing a bit more of where people are you could kind of see that earlier it's just it was not as descriptive laser pointer uh the idea of following along so um you're bringing people to to where you're working and helping people to to see that um you know different templates that are available but yeah you can see it in action here it's it's um getting closer to some i like the templates yeah well it does it does help doesn't it um it does it's getting closer to a couple of other well-known products that are out there for for whiteboard and collaborative uh experiences um yeah so that's that's the collaborative features um but what about the boosting of rich creativity and interactive content daniel yeah and the idea here about how you can you know insert images and and documents in your whiteboard i think it's fantastic be able to collaborate on those um having more of a you know and we've talked about the fluid components on the show before bringing those in um in these kind of aspects of whiteboard and being able to collaborate there i think that is a great experience for creation you know content creation of let's let's modify or refine what we're doing here as a group and come up with uh you know a better way of of doing whatever the task is at hand um and then i think yeah well it's just going to say that note grid um there's more options there like so often when you're wanting to use something like this but you kind of want to have your notes all in some kind of orderly fashion um that boom there's a note grid and there's a few options to to display that reorder it even vote on on notes as well yeah and i think just having like i said templates but also i want more more items and that's what that's what they're giving us than having to draw everything or you know bring in outside stuff i want you know i want more types of blocks and post-it notes and images and reactions and i want more of that kind of stuff that's pre-made because frankly most of us are on a mouse you know yes there's some people with a tablet and pen but most of us are using a mouse and keyboard and so bring in more stuff like that for us to make it easier to to collaborate in this white space um on whiteboard and they're doing that so that yeah that you know a fair point you know if we are using our mouse a lot then some of us are pretty terrible at drawing let alone with a mouse so what we see here is an example of of drawing shapes and that whiteboard does a far better job at recognizing and turning that into the intended shape it is limit to ovals oblongs diamonds as you see there but it is at least giving you that capability to to draw the um the shapes and and not worry too much about that and and hopefully that'll get better uh you know giving us having better recognition um on that so i'm i'm really i'm liking this and you you mentioned it before this is bringing it more in line with some of the other kind of tools in this space that non-microsoft tools i i they needed it and love to see that it's happening here so um so the the key thing about this uh update daniel isn't it like there's just so many things in there they talk about how that what when is this going to happen it's happening now but it's also rolling out between now and late september and then there's some bullet points in there where it even mentions that it won't necessarily be in this next update it might be in a future update yeah but hard to follow yeah like things uh there's a voting so you're able to like and and unlike sticky notes you know so kind of a voting kind of but they're they're going to have a better voting experience but it's not going to be in this update it'll be in a future update things like that that's an example of oh that's cool that'd be great to vote on here we've got these ideas we've whittled down everything to these three things now let's pick one and we're able to like and dislike but it would be great to vote and maybe have even more complex voting like picking the top two instead of just one right uh you know stuff like that i'm not saying that's what's going to happen but that would be nice if it did yeah um well this next uh discussion topic daniel it's not really a message as much as it is um a announcement should have been it should have been yeah it should have been an announcement um this is the microsoft wants more of your money uh um a blog post was put out on the microsoft 365 blog on the 19th of august and new pricing is coming for many of the licenses the office 365 and microsoft 365 licenses these will go into effect march 1st of 2022. e1 is going from 8 to 10 e3 this office 365. e1 e3 is going from 20 to 23 e5 from 35 to 38 a microsoft 365 e3 is going from 32 to 36 and a business premium is going from 20 to 22. uh there's no changes for education and consumers so if you have a microsoft 365 family or personal they may have renamed those they like to do that but if you have any of those those consumer licenses those are not changing in price so uh i think this is interesting daryl because uh there's a couple things here one um it goes into effects march 1st but when you sign up for services you sign up for a year now you are paying monthly but you sign up for a year it's a contract so i'm not sure if your bill is going to actually change in march of 2022 or when your renewal happens because you have a yearly renewal i'm not entirely sure when that will take place it's not it does not say in the blog post at all i have a feeling we'll get more information as we get closer but also if i mean if you look at the price increases here e1 going from eight dollars to ten okay that's just two dollars fine just two dollars per user per month but that's a 25 increase in license so if you as an organization use e1s primarily then you're going to have a 25 increase in your licensing costs um if you're an e3 microsoft 365 e3 you're gonna have a 12 and a half percent increase from 32 to 36. so these are real numbers you know this is you know so you're going to have to talk to your finance team you're going to need to revisit your budget on what you're paying here because even if you have a medium-sized business your budget needs to change for your licensing it's been pretty predictable up until this point and now it's going to change i mean what do you think is this is this something we should be i i don't i haven't heard anybody up in arms at all about this but is this something that we need to we should expect more in the future i mean what do you think well i think that we've been pretty lucky to get to this point where price increases have have been few and far between so i don't expect that next year or even in two years time that there'll be um another similar increase but it's it's fair to think that there would be some increase after after this time it's just uh it is significant enough for businesses and it's great when you frame it up from a percentage that take that same percent and think about that as an increase in your budget as well um so yeah they've got a we've got a bit of time to to plan ahead it's not until 1st of march 2022 um maybe that might be reshuffling might even cause some organizations to re-evaluate whether they need an e3 and whether they could just downgrade to an e1 i don't know it's time for that again yeah um indeed quick mention let's do some quick mentions daryl yes let's go for it yeah uh so this first one uh let's find it we've got cortana adds new skills to push to talk at new skills and push to talk is enabled by default and this is mc279087 this is for microsoft teams meeting rooms and it's um i like i like that cortana's been brought in to try and uh make i guess the meeting room experience a bit safer if you if you've got this device in the middle of your room that you're not necessarily all touching it and you know i'm trying to bring someone in and dial in a number but you'll be able to do this with your voice and say hey cortana can you bring in daniel to this call and cortana will say daniel who i've got 300 daniels so um anyway but then on the other side of this there's push to talk so one feature that means i'm not touching the machine in the middle of the boardroom table but another one which is push to talk um all good so push to you know make that command anyway these these features are coming as a service update to meeting rooms during the week of august 23rd so this week people if this is something you've been looking forward to tell us what you think when it arrives and whether it understands you or makes it any easier or maybe a bit more difficult uh daniel tell us about i probably won't understand you if you're from new zealand obviously almost certain tell me about the next one yes tenant setting to disable the creation of new sharepoint 2013 workflows mc279468 this is giving us a new parameter a powershell parameter to block the creation of new 2013 workflows and as you've pro if you've involved with sharepoint workflows you have seen the writing on the wall they've turned off 2010 workflows and 2013 is not going to be that far behind well now you can do it from your tenant go ahead and turn those off because frankly when you get to migration time because microsoft says hey we're turning off 2013 you need to move these it would be better if you go ahead and start using power automate or some other service if that's your thing doing that now rather than allowing users to create these new workflows and then having to migrate them later this is will be available or is available uh august 10th so i'm sorry august 10th is when the minimum powershell was released it will be available this parameter will be available late august um so it's it's pretty soon but we'll be able to do a uh set spo tenant and change that for the whole tenant well that that brings us to the end of uh uh quite a varied list of messages so i think before we we started recording daniel like um you said oh it's all about teams but there was quite a a span there wasn't there of experiences and things to learn about um so thanks for everyone joining us in the live chat for uh those of you who are catching the recording afterwards uh we do thank you that that you know you continue to catch up with what's happening and changing and microsoft 365. um we will continue to keep uh talking about these messages uh do follow us on the socials it's 365 mcs on twitter um 365 misses sent to show on linkedin that's one that we kind of uh we usually are telling people about this this broadcast uh before it's um made public um over there anything else daniel yeah and make well make sure you like if you're on watching on youtube make sure you like this video kick the bell reminder so that you get reminded and punched the subscribe button if you're listening to the audio podcast thank you very much what would be great is if you would just share this podcast with your friends post it on facebook or on twitter and just say hey i listen to the show uh we'd much appreciate it tag us at 365 mcs uh wherever you're posting on social media thank you everyone for watching and listening this week we hope this has been helpful for you and your organization see you next week [Music] you
Channel: REgarding 365
Views: 435
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: 6b2cuI5E-Pc
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Length: 35min 37sec (2137 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 23 2021
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