Webinar: Understanding SharePoint Content Types

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thank you for coming for everybody that was able to take the time out and actually come my name is Benjamin dylon and we'll be starting over here what I wanted to cover last time we covered understanding what's going on inside a SharePoint site so we weren't really over to structure the list the libraries the sites and basically everything that's going around inside your SharePoint site or site collection this time I run it to go a little bit deeper inside content types it's something that's quite often placed as being complexed or very difficult so I want to see if we can demystified a little bit and kind of see what we can do with this so this is going to be a continuing session so I'm gonna try to do different sessions each time this one is on understanding SharePoint content types so of course this is me so you get a feel of who's talking on the other side of these little application again I'll say if you can I may have a little accent I am from Montreal so do have little French accent and I'm sorry in advance for that feel free to contact me directly via email or Twitter or anything you would like on my blog I'll be happy to help so today what I really want to show you so we're going to take about an hour an hour and a half I'll try to leave a good 15 20 minutes at the end for questions so hopefully we'll be able to get through all the content quickly so that I can answer anything or any questions that you may have so today we're going to look at a recap of what I saw in the last webinar which is columns and side columns try to get a feel of what's the difference but I know we already covered it I just want to make sure that everybody that's joining is on the same page and then we'll skip right to it and we'll go and look what is a SharePoint content type how do you create a SharePoint content type how do you associate it so how do you use it now that you've created what you do with it how is it useful and then finally we'll try to understand the ones that exist already in SharePoint and you'll see that you've actually been using them for quite some time and just haven't really realize it so let's recap so if you were here last time we talked about SharePoint list libraries and these are things that are inside the site and we saw that we have something called columns that are inside your lists and libraries so don't worry if this feels like a very high overview it is just doing a quick recap so we know we have a document library here and we know that we have some columns and thanks to these columns I'm able to get additional information on all of these documents that are in my document library inside of SharePoint now we remember that when we're creating a column it's very important to look at the different types that we create when you create a column it's usually stored directly inside that list or diet library that you've created it so if you want to reuse it it's going to be quite a credit pain because basically you can every type of column that you create we said are very crucial because if you don't tell SharePoint that what's going to go in this column is a date and time then SharePoint is not going to be able to use it to create a calendar for example so we said that the types of columns are very very important when you're creating them so you must know when to use the right one but that will come with practice views will be created based on columns workflows can be triggered based on columns and of course SharePoint allows you to validate the content that's inside so this is what we saw last time if you have any questions we can talk about it afterwards during the Q&A then we said well hold on a second if you don't want to use the list or library column because if you have 200 lists or 200 libraries you'll have to recreate the column each and every time and this can lead to error mistakes and that's not what we want so then we talked about creating what we called site columns so we saw that we could create a column directly in our site and then associated to the list other libraries that we want around our entire site collection so all the sites linked together we said that I strongly recommend it side columns of course there's a there's a scenario when to use them and when not to use them but most of the time I'll use a side column so that I'll be able to reuse this column in the same site and all of the sub sites below it so this is very fun when you're doing for example a lookup call right so you have a list of customers for example and you create a sight column of type lookup this will allow you to look up your customers in all of your sub-sites so this can only be done with a side column is very very interesting and very practical so usually what I said is to create your side columns directly at the root so as a quick little recap this is what it looks like if you're looking at the hierarchy if I have a topside so this is the top top top side and then I have some sub sites right if I create a side column called a all the way at the top then all of my sites will automatically have side column a available in their site to be associated to their list and their libraries perfect however if I come somewhere here in this sub site and create a column called side column B it will only be available in this site and his sub sites so this is a way of creating reusable column and if I have a very very large hierarchy I can decide where I want to store these so last part of our little recap is the differences between columns versus side poems so we saw this slide in the last presentation a stop refer referring to the last presentation but basically we have lesson library columns yes they're fast to create however they're not reusable so you'll have to recreate it every time if you're offering three choices or thin choices in a choice column and you have 200 libraries you'll have to go through 200 libraries and edit those 200 columns to add a new choice in the future now it does not permit cross-site lookup whereas you'll be able to with the site column not available in all content query web part so that's a little bit advanced but basically yes it is easy to use for power users I agree the side column however is reusable you can do a cross-site lookup column it's all the fields are available directly in special webparts called the content query web part for example you can easily organize them and they're very useful to provide advanced solution even if you're in SharePoint foundation and you want to do some complex alright alright I'll skip we did the recap everybody's on the same page what we really want to hear and what we want to look at today is what is a content type right so this thing that we've been hearing and talking about everywhere what exactly is it well to put it simple and this is really putting it simple it's a way to actually group a bunch of site columns together in a way that makes sense so that they're always used together we call this a content type so I'll give you an example if I have a side column called contract ID I have a column called a cycle on called custom and another side column called is active for example is the contract active if I know that every time I use these columns together it's a contract then I'm going to create a content type that's always going to group these columns together so that instead of going to a new document library and adding the columns one by one manually I'm going to say no no this is a content type so a contract automatically includes this side column and that side column and that side column that I created so this allows you to reuse a group of psychologists implemented types will allow us to do many many different things and can be a lot more complex but at the core it's really a way for you as a power user to group your side columns together and always call them using the name of the content type so don't worry I'll be doing a lot of demos I'm not going to just be showing you slides here so one of the first things is well what's a content type right so if here we said that it's a group of columns so we said it's a reusable set of columns used together perfect but there's a little bit more things and these are things that I'm going to demo to so don't worry if you don't understand right away what they are for example one of my favorite parts is a customer will ask me well Benjamin do you know how I can have a document template in my document library if I click in the ribbon and click new document a Word document opens how can I have different document templates in the same document library how can I have users say new contract new invoice new memo and a document template pop up well this is thanks to our content types over here another ways to associate document policies for example if you create a document of type contract I want to make sure that it gets deleted within seven years now these are the type of rules that I'm going to associate to a content type so wherever I have a document associated to that content type well I'm going to find the policies I'm going to find the retention policies and I'm going to make sure that wherever it is in no matter what document library of this as long as the user that uploaded the document has specified that yes this is a contract then these policies are going to apply this is one of my favorite ones but it will be hard to explain what the document information panel is this is really a fancy word that Microsoft put in SharePoint for those of you have been using SharePoint for quite some time now you may have noticed that when you edit a document for example a word document that's stored in SharePoint and you open it directly in Word at the top right below the ribbon you're going to have this little popup menu that allows you to modify the columns directly from the word document so there's a way to modify the way that it looks so you can add add your logo add a disclaimer add some kind of information and this can be done through the content types so let's get some demo here I'm tired of sure of PowerPoint slides so here I have a little SharePoint and I hope everybody can see it normally everybody should so here I have this SharePoint site that I've created make sure it's ready and what I did is I have this little document library here and as you can see I have a bunch of documents now this library shows me documents for customer a customer B and customer C's but they're not all the same and of documents so if you look I can see that different documents in this library for the same customer are different content types I'll explain how I did that afterwards but basically if I look at the properties so I'll click on edit properties for this document and I'll see that this is the contract ID is CTR 15 I just made that up the customer is customer a and it's not an active contract however I'm in the same document library and I'm going to edit the properties of this document that's an invoice if I click on edit properties look it's not the same columns it's not asking me the same questions except for customer so this is very very useful if you're in a document library some people will do a different document library for different types of document so they'll do a document library called invoices they'll do a document library called contracts and you'll have a document and this can be very very long and painful I'm not saying that it's bad sometimes that's the way to go it depends on what you need to actually do so if I know that I'm pretty much going to have the same permissions for the entire team to use the documents in the document library I know that I pretty much be going to be working with all these documents based on the customer so I want to be able to say hey for customer a show me all the contracts and show me all the invoices the way that is set it up here well what I'll have is in the same document library I'll have the two content types but they share the same side column don't worry if you don't understand what I'm exactly explaining right now we're going to be covering that's the point of this session today so because they both have the column customer whether I'm uploading a contract or I'm uploading an invoice and this document library I'm going to be able to group them together here by their customer this is very very fun another thing that I was able to do by having two document content types in this document library is that when my users will actually go to documents here and click on new document look at that the user can either create a contract or he can create an invoice so it doesn't say new document anymore inside of here so if I click on new invoice look what happens so word is going to open up and I'm actually going to show you this is what I was talking about when I meant we can have a document information panel so as you can see I've pulled a template so this is obviously a fake this is not a real invoice but you can take any of your templates PDF templates and have that as a template as soon as the user creates a new invoice and this is what we call the document information panel remember I referenced that earlier this is something that you can change per content type so I can say that whenever a user is creating a new invoice and sorry if you hear some background noise apparently there's something going down in the street and I'm very close to the streets so what I was able to do is actually create H my ad my logo directly in the document information panel this could be one of your sorry obviously the sound is very distracting that it shouldn't be take two too long now apologize for that so I'm going to be able to add my logo I'm going to be able to add a disclaimer and we'll see how to change that if we have time at the end same thing when we upload a document if the user uploads a document what's going to happen now so if I choose a sample document that probably have on my desktop already so for example this one if I upload a document as a power user SharePoint is going to ask me hey is this a contract or is this an invoice so these are the things that you can do with content types is basically within the same document library have two or three or ten different kinds of content that you can manage but they still live in the same library so that you can put your workflows in the same place so I can have one workflow for this library I can have one view that shows everything so this can be very very useful so we'll see how I did all of this by understanding how to create a content type so that brings me to the next section here so how do you create a content type don't worry if you still didn't understand really it's really going to come as we go especially through the demos what I'll do is we said so far that hey we can do a document library yes we can do columns or side columns even better because the side column can be view reused across all of our sites now I'm saying hold on a minute what I can do is take these five side columns and group them together because together they make sense together they are an invoice together they are a task together they are an announcement in my company so this is what a content type will do for your SharePoint site so how do you create it well to be honest is very simple you go to your site settings and there is section called gallery and under this gallery section you will have the site content types why because when you create a content type it belongs to the site this is where it's created if you click on site content types you will arrive on a new screen that's going to show you all the content types that exists in this site so quickly you will see yes there is a button to create one and we'll see that in a few seconds but first you will see the list of content types so first here this are decide content types that exist in your site some you might already recognize for example have you done a document before have you seen a image in SharePoint so these are the document content types that you may already seen and the next column and this is probably the most important part of your content type especially when you're creating it so one thing to really remember is that every content type inherits from a parent content type okay I know it kind of doesn't make sense right away what do you mean by that then well let's say I create a document content type and I call it marketing and I want to make sure that every time somebody uses a marketing document he's going to tell me to inform inside the column I want to make sure that it tells me which marketing program is so I'm going to have a column called marketing program and I'm going to have another column called the owner of this marketing document for example now this will be a new content type if ever I want to create a more specific content type later on so if in the future we create specific marketing content types and I call this a sales marketing or I killed that doesn't make really much sense does it let's go with something else and we can tell that I don't work in marketing I should have chosen something else ok so inside of marketing I will have finance marketing or accounting marketing or a specific product that we have marketing well what I can do is create a new content type that inherits from my more global more general marketing content type that I've done earlier what will happen is that automatically it will inherit from the columns that I had created earlier ok so I know this doesn't make much sense let's go back to this page and let's just keep it simple we have all of your site content types listed every time you create them they have a parent from which they inherit so for example the form content type as you can see inherits from the document content type which is over here so if in this content type I have two three four columns automatically these two three four columns will automatically appear in my form content type because it inherits from it in the last column you will see where this content type was actually created which is the source because if you remember earlier we can say that if I create my content type all the way at the root site it is copied to all sub site just like side columns it's available in all sub sites so this columns tells you exactly where it's from this is the screen and don't worry I'm going to be doing a demo right after this slide this is the screen that comes up when you choose to create a new content type so you're done you've done a little bit of work you created your side columns and then you realize that how long this makes sense to be a content type of invoice for example so what you're going to do is you're going to pull this screen and you're going to say well I'm going to give it a name this is the name that every user is going to see so you have to make sure that this is something that speaks to the power user it's not for you all it is a little bit but especially for the power user it's what appears in the drop-down menus it's what is going to appear in the columns as well you can put a description it's always good to put a description and then this is where everything about the content type is tor it's really important that you don't make a mistake here because once you choose which is the parent content type which one do we inherit from you cannot change it afterwards all right so if chosen document and I'll explain the parents very shortly you cannot go back and say oh no no no I made a mistake I want it to be associated to announcement list that I create so make sure you don't you take your amount a good amount of time to choose over here and lastly you can just group this you can change later this is in which group you want to organize so this is really for you to organize your own content types where do you want to put them you can create put them in an existing group called custom content types or you can create your own custom group so let's go to a short demo because we just said a lot of things alright so I'm here and how did I do all of this well I went to site settings as we said earlier and then under site settings we said that we had something called site content types in the site content types we have all of these content types we're talking about see if you don't recognize some folder wiki page document if I keep going down announcement does that make any sense right when you create a new list you have a list called the announcement list you have a list called the contact list well this is basically a list that automatically comes with a content type let's let's take a peek everybody knows the contact list usually let's just look at it quickly if I click on the contact content type look at what happens I can see that all of these columns all of these side columns are grouped together to form what we call a contact and this is why if I come to create a new list create a new list and I say I want to create a new contact list and call it contacts right if I create this look at this if I click on add new item these are all the columns that were associated to this content type called contact so let's see how to create one of our own Oh see how I did the invoice one went to site settings site content types and what I did is I created a new group and I've put my two content types here so how did I do this to make sure that it goes on to the right document library when when you create a new content type the trick is actually that's going to my this is a blank site I didn't do anything here so I just changed site I went to a new site collection nothing has been done here no content types have been created no side columns the first one was really to demo what we can do now let's go to site settings and let's start actually creating it so I can click on create and it's going to ask me what is the name of this content type well let's go with that same example we said let's look at how we can do some invoices now do I want to call this invoices probably not because when users are going to be uploading a document it's going to be a single document at a time so I want to make sure that they understand that this is an invoice not invoices finally this is the most important part we said which parent does it belong to and this feels like it's talking Chinese to me I don't understand anything what's going on so how do you choose the right parent I'm going to give you a little secret nobody is an expert so what you want to really and is where do you want to use this content type right you're going to be creating these grouped side color side columns together and you're going to be reusing it across multiple sites across multiple lists or document libraries you got to choose where this is going to be available because something that works for lists will not work for document libraries once for documents once for lists they don't work the same way so as you can see the most popular ones the two that you really have to remember is do you want your content type to be available for document libraries so usually I will pick doctrine content types or will it be belonging to the list content types and be available on lists and libraries once you choose one you can see under which already existing list content type do you want to inherit from if I choose contact at this point well automatically my invoice library will only work for lists it will not work for document libraries and if it only worked for lists it will automatically inherit from all those columns that we saw for a contact so we will see the last name the first name the email and all of these other columns that will automatically be there in invoice so this is not what we want to do we want this to be available for documents so again remember the document content type and the list content type the others will come with experience a more advanced stuff but really we were going to stick to these two over here now which kind of documents or dog smell if you want libraries but which document content types do we want to inherit from so there are many over here but the one that is used by every document library that you have ever created and then out-of-the-box SharePoint a brand-new SharePoint team site if you create a document library the basic content type that is used is called document you know the one I'm talking about the one that has only the column title right you ever wondered why every time you create a document library you have this column called title and maybe you would like to remove it well this is how we're going to be able to do it so I'm gonna I'm not going to put it in the custom content types group I'm going to create my own and I'm going to call it custom share yet for example I'm going to create this content type so there it is I've created a brand new content type and I can choose which columns I want to associate to these content type so by default you can see that the column title is already available why because I've inherited from a content type called document which automatically inherits himself from another content type called item that's why you have a column called title that automatically arrives if you want to create or add a new column then simply create a new side column so this is how I was able to create a new and say I want the invoice number as part of this invoice content type so I'll just create it quickly so now I have a new column another thing that I can say is you know what that title column I don't really want it you have to be careful when you say that actually because the title column is used by every single content type because everybody inherits from item right if we go back and we look at all of our content types you will see that item is probably the most popular one and if we find it right if we look at item which is over here this is the top top top content type because they all have a parent there is no content type that has no parent except if you want the item work so he has the column title and because everybody technically inherits from him we all have the title call this is why I have title here now if you click to edit it you have to be very very careful you see it allows me to edit the title column but it's not just the title column that I would be editing it says hey Benjamin do you want to edit the side column called title now I people click this and literally ruin a SharePoint site collection for hundreds of people you have to be very very very careful because if it says edit the site column you're really editing the site column that is being pushed or used by other content types around your SharePoint sites so be careful I don't want to edit it I'm just saying that hey in this content type called invoice I want you to hide this column I don't want to I don't want to see it in the forms and click on OK see update so now I've created a new invoice content type that inherits from document so it automatically got that title column and every document library will be able to now use this content type okay I hope everybody if you have questions again we will do some at the end if you have something that you really don't understand you want to cover right now try to put it in the chat I'll try to answer it as I go sometimes it can help all right so let's go back we saw how to create it let's see if we want to do a second one quickly I go to site actions site settings I want to create and look at the site content types if I want to create a new site content type I click on create I can give it whatever name I want perfect but I have to remember that the name that I give to a content type will be seen by everybody what is the parent of this content type so what do I inherit from so there are already content types that exist that belong to document libraries lists and other things that are more advanced so if I want this to only work with lists I will choose list content type if I want this to only work or inherit from announcement list or announcements if you want contacts or an event calendar or if I want this to work all the way at the root from items so if I say that my new content type called demo is going to an from the list content type item but basically I'm creating a new content type that's only going to have the column title that I'm going to be able to use in every single custom list or every list that I created in my SharePoint site right okay alright go so we finish how to create yes the the session is recorded somebody just asked it would be nice to have it recorded at the end it's absolutely being recorded the audio is being recorded for those that have maybe having a little bit of issues with the sound it'll be available directly on this side I'll send an email out as well okay so I know sometimes I go very quickly we've created a content type it's basically a bunch of side columns put together if you created this content type we saw how to create it we have to make sure that we create we associated to the right parent now that we've created our site sorry now that we've created our content type the trick is how we're going to use it how do we take that invoice content type that you created then and how can I put in my document libraries around my sites well it's the first and probably the only time I usually go to advanced settings in your list a library now the funny thing is if you do associate your content type to your list or to your library it actually copies it to your list or library I'll let you think about that for a second because it took me a little bit of time at the beginning to really grasp what was going on I created my content type in the site but when I use it inside a list or a library it is actually copied there so it becomes kind of independent but still linked to the one that I'm managing at the site level kind of complicated so let's see what I mean by that well first we're going to go to a list or library and we're going to say I'm advanced I want to manage my own content types I know what they are now so I'm going to do it myself so once I do that there's going to be a new section that appears in your library settings called content types and if you're in a document library you will automatically see one called document I removed it for this example or for this screenshot so as I said the I created an invoice content type and a contract content type in my site but when I create when I created a doctrine library and I told it to associate the content type to this document library it copied it over here so it allows me the flexibility to change the content type if I want or need for this specific document library so let's see what I mean by that here I've modified I've clicked on the content type called dummy in my document library and because it was associated to my document library I was able to associate columns that were only available in this list or in the site and associate them in my new content type so what do I mean by that I know don't worry I know it's big complicated it took me quite a bit to understand all of this content type stuff so we said that we can have a bunch of side columns with grouped together yes there are content type and I call it invoice now I can use this in every single document library that I have in my site collection perfect now I've taken that invoice content type and I put it inside a specific list or specific library okay what happened is sure point copied this content type over to my library so if I click to edit it from my library I can actually change it without affecting the global sites or the global content type if you want so it's not going to affect all the content types and all the other sites that is also invoice just this one on this library and I can actually add if your users or yourself have created list columns or library columns previously you can put them in your content type now but obviously it will only be in this list or this line it will not become goal Borge generally available okay so let's go back to the demo I said there would be a lot of demos right okay let's go back to this we went to this demo webinar site we went to site settings and what we said is all my content types there's a new group called custom share gate and in there I want to create a content type called invoice and it's going to inherit from documents and be available in all document libraries okay inside this content type called invoice I said don't show the column title I don't need it it's doesn't it's not relevant to invoice but put a column called invoice number okay what's my next step well if I go to this shared document library that we created if I go to documents and click on upload document let's just go grab a random one here probably the same one well and everybody still see or okay there we go okay that was that was funny so here I'm going to take this excel document and upload it here now see what's going to happen it's not going to ask me any questions it's going to upload the document directly here and if I click on edit properties it just makes me edit the name and the title okay so there's no content type associated so every time you've ever used a document library it's been using content type but because there is only one already associated it's not asking you which one you want to use so what this is how we're going to associate it we're going to go to library we're going to go to library settings and this is when I told you we're go to Advanced Settings here in advanced settings one of the first question is do you want to allow the management of content types yes some other options not going to cover these today but it'll be fun to look at them sometimes they could be very useful click on okay look what happens in my document library settings I have a new section above columns called content types and by default I have this content type called document and this is the one that's been asking me the title column all this time so what I want to do now is add from existing site content types and I will see mine called invoice now if you have too many content types you can filter by the group's you've created and that's where I have my custom share gate and this is where we've created invoice earlier so I can add this content type and now when a user comes it's going to be asked well whoops do you want to add a document or do you want to add an invoice right what did I say happen once I did this because I associated my content type to this document library it's actually been copied here so let's see what happens I go to my shared document and if I delete this quickly so here I'll take this document and I open it and I'll bring it to my document library so here now it's going to ask me hey Benjamin is it a document or is it an invoice and if I choose invoice notice the column title if I choose invoice there is no column called title it's gone I didn't delete it I said that for this content type I want to hide the column title and put the column called invoice number for me to put anything I want if I click on save everything works perfectly so what does that exactly mean what if I don't want to use the document content type anymore all right so this is where it becomes very useful to know that a content type is actually copied to your list or your library this means that if I go to this document library and I say well it's only going to hold invoice documents if I click on document and I say delete this content type now the first times I'm not gonna like the first time I probably stayed five minutes in front of this option completely scared that if I pick on this everything was going to blow up in my face but look at where I am I'm inside the shared documents library inside the document library settings I'm looking at the document content type so if I delete this content type called document I'm not actually deleting it here in the site I'm actually dealing it here in this document library so perfect I'll click on it I'll delete it of course is it it's you know why there's an error because I have a document in the document library that's still using it so you can't delete a content type that's still being used by a document so this document I would have to either edit to put it as an invoice or would have to delete it this time I can actually do the demo that I wanted to do which is go to my library settings tell me if I'm going too fast look at my content types and see that I have this document content type in this diary and I can absolutely delete this content type without any errors this time so the option is disappearing on me there it is so if I look at my content types here there is no more document content type but it still exists if I go to site settings and I go to site content types document is still very healthy living no problems it's just that for the shared document library and if users upload documents now just refresh here for user uploads a new document and click on browse and this time the window popped up look at that what happen if I go get this the session that we're doing right now click on open and upload it's not even going to ask me hey do you want this to be a document you want this to be an end voice no directly there's only one content type in this library now it's not going to ask me the title and it's just going to put the columns that I said to put so let's look at what we did in the first demo do you remember here I created a customer documents library perfect and then here when a user came here he had the choice to upload documents and then he would have to choose between so let's just go grab one he had the choice between contract or invoice so that's how I did it I went to side actions I went aside settings I went to side content types I created a new group when I created my first content type called contract that inherits from documents to make sure that it's available in document libraries I then went and created some columns so I say hey I need a column called contract ID I need a column called customer and I need a column called active contract okay I said that the column called title I want to hide it because I can't really edit or delete that column I would break SharePoint right so I'm just going to hide it I could create some new ones and later we will see that we can also associate workflows to it and we can change the document information panel as well well which I'll show very shortly once I created this document content type called contract and I also created the invoice content type and I put my columns as you can see title was still available in this one I was then able to go to my customer documents library and went to library settings what sorry went to library settings I said that in the Advanced Settings I want to allow the management of content types once that was done I was able to say remove or rather add contract add invoice and delete the default document content type right so this means that for this library I have all of these columns available now the beauty of it is that for the contract content type I have a column called customer which is a side column and then the invoice content type oops and for the invoice content type I also used the exact same column now please take note I did not create a new column called customer I am reusing an existing side column that I had already created for contract called customer so it's the same column which means it's reusable if I go here at the side settings and I go to side columns and I go to the column that we created which was called customer which I put under custom which I just skipped there if I change it here at the side column level and I just add a new choice customer D every single content type that's using this column will be updated you know what just happened you just have 500 document libraries in different sites all over your site collection just be updated in a single instant with a new choice this is a single site column that's used in the invoice content type in the marketing content type maybe in the in a list content type even for tasks when you want to assign a new task maybe you want to assign it to a customer or a reference a customer the same customer list that's available in the invoices simple to a side column and then associated to your content types and then go to your document libraries and just simply associate your document content type to those document libraries that's how I did customer documents here and that's how I was able to go to the library settings and add contract and invoice have two different types of content within the same library so I have two different forms right this is what we saw when a user uploads a document here which we saw many times actually what we'll do is well edit the properties of one that's already here when I come and edit the properties for the same document or for the same document library rather I can have these columns or if it's an invoice I will have different columns and this is how you have different columns within same document library for different types of content content types took me a while to get that alright so we forget that one out the next step and time is passing by super quickly the next step is now that you've created these content types is how am i exactly going to be able to go a little bit further with this Benjamin you showed me that here I can have new contract and you invoice and if you go to share document over here the new one that we created earlier if I click on document and I click on you it says new invoice but if I click on it it's a blank Word document very boring and this at the top is completely blank so how can we fix this well I'll see what we can do a content type is a lot more than just cite columns that I grouped together that I'm reusing already for just that it's amazing right you can reuse all of this information and have it centralized in one place so you have one user changing side columns adding some new choices or adding a new item in a lookup column or changing the format of a date and have it reused in all of the content types so I just saw a question pop-up I thought was interesting what if you edit or delete a column would you lose information from all documents right so you can't really as you saw earlier you can't delete the whole content type as long as the documents are still using the content type however you can delete the columns you have to be careful yes you will lose the information if you remove the column right because the information is really stored in the column it's not associated to the document so when you put a document in SharePoint what's stored here and what stored here is in SharePoint it's not inside the document so if you delete this column from SharePoint and the content that was associated with it will be gone however I said that when you associate a content type to a document library it is copied the document library so if you delete the column of the content type from within the library it will only affect that library and not all of the libraries that's using the same content type okay okay so we've we've understood what a content type is I hope and the second part was how to create a content type so I think we got that down the next thing we wanted to do is we saw to associate the content type to your document library so that within the same document library you can have different forms or different columns if you want then I said well hold on a minute content types can do a lot more we can change the template and have different templates from within the same library so here what I will do is I will go to my library settings go to my content type here called invoice and now I can change other settings that exist over here now pop quiz if I change anything here will it affect other libraries that's using the same content type right no very good it won't because if I change the settings of my content type here it will only affect the content type used in this document library because it was copied however if I go to site settings and I find my content type called invoice which is used in that document library if I change something here if I create a new column it will push the changes down to all of the content types that were copied before so it's a weird thing right when you associate a doctrine a content type to a document library or to a list it's copied over but it's not really completely independent it still kind of linked to the one that you created at the source at the site level so that if you change it at the site level it will push down the changes if you want it's an optional whenever if I create a new column right now it's going to ask me if I want to let us see it do you want to update all content types inheriting here so basically that's what we mean do you want make push the changes down you don't have to but it we usually do so this is kind of like an architectural choice that you have to make do I want this new column that I'm creating or this setting that I'm about to change only for the content type used in this document library or for this content type that's used in this document library and all other document libraries alright so one of the cool things that we can do if you go to advanced settings and you didn't think we'd be going through so many advanced settings but once you get to know them they're not really advanced if you go to advanced settings it's going to ask you if you want to use a document template with this content type what does that mean let's go back to my demo here the one with all the customers if I click on new contract a word document template is going to pop up so there's already things written and then I can just come here and start typing a street address city and and fill out the document so this is called a document template right so what if I want a document template to be associated just like that with the content type that I created so I'll go back to our new site so let me just recap what I did I went to and at this level I'm at the site content type I went to advanced settings and what I can do is upload a new document template click on browse again it's popping behind no interesting try again I'll do a refresh I'm having some my browser might be apparent okay for you guys there it is so here I'm going to upload now can you upload any document it doesn't matter for this example I'm going to use a sample document that I have I have a bunch of documents here and here I'm going to use okay a PowerPoint document for example I'm going to click on open and I'm going to click on OK now what happened is that for the invoice content type that we created there is now a new template that's been associated to it so here if I go to my shared documents if I go to library settings here and I go to the content I'd die associated to this library which is the one I just updated and I'm going to Advanced Settings here as well you will see that the document that I had added as a template at the site level has been pushed down to this content type that's been copied over to this document library you know what this means this means that users can now go to this document library click on document new invoice and you can see it's a PowerPoint and those it's a PowerPoint now I click on create a new invoice obviously an invoice would probably not be a PowerPoint there with me and it would be a template this obviously a blank PowerPoint but you get the idea so think about this two seconds you can actually have PDF templates that you may have created you can use Word documents you can use Excel document templates that you may have this gives a lot of possibility for a user to just come here and click on you invoice now sometimes you can even cheat and take the URL that this calls and put it directly on your home page so you can put a link the same link here and say when users click on it it's going to open the template and want to directly save in this shared document library as an invoice now I see that I have a quick question so let me just read it out to everybody what happens to column data if you have a column used only on in one library on a sub-site that you decide that column is useful as a side column if you then modify the slide content type what happens to the existing sub-site that already has this column name okay if basically if I understand correctly you already created a column somewhere down below and then later on you go up top in a parent site and you decide to create a content type with a column that's going to have the same column name as the one that's being used below SharePoint has a way of dealing with it so you can have that issue happen without actually having an issue so you will have two times the column with the same name it'll be two different columns actually because inside of SharePoint is going to do something that's going to change the name a little bit for himself for you it's still going to be have the same column name but technically it's going to be a little bit different at the core okay so this is one of the options that we can do is add a document template so what I did here in the first demo is that I went to the contract content type I went to the invoice content type I uploaded two documents in the Advanced Settings so that when users come to my document library they can choose to either create a new contract or create a new invoice based on my template and you can have as many as you want okay what is some other settings that we can do with content types well let's go to library settings I'd sorry contract content type there's also the document information panel so for this I'm going to go to the one that I haven't touched yet which was the invoice content type so sorry about that and I'm clicking everywhere library settings go down to invoice we created and here I'm going to say another I want to change the document information panel and this is actually going to call you need a program called info path to be able to change this right it usually comes as part of office so you usually have it it might not be installed on your computer but it's part of office so here I'm going to say I don't have an existing custom template I'm just going to create a new one so I'm going to click on create a new custom template and just as a recap the document information panel is this thing here let me show it to you one last time let me click on this how's the audio still okay I'm hearing some may be breaking up okay perfect so here at the top this is the document information panel see I added my logo over here you can add your disclaimer and you know what I like to do is I like to add maybe some text like a legend explaining to the user what he has to fill out and how and what's important and what's not important so this is what I'm going to do I'm going to go to our new one here and I'm going to say create a new custom template if I click on this it's going to launch InfoPath now it looks fancy I'm going to click on the only button that I can click which is finish it's going to do a bunch of stuff I'm going to resize this a little bit so you can see right and you can see that by default I have the column the side columns that I've created in this content type except title because I said to hide it and it automatically shows up over here now this tons of stuff going on here what I'm going to do is I'm going to put my cursor I'm going to say to go before I'm going to click on all the way at the left for example and I'm going to say what if we insert a picture so I go here maybe on pictures online now my internet might not be super fast in this here I can go look inside office so maybe I don't know tests I don't know if we'll have some for tests perfect so I say I want to take this image here and I'm going to insert it so now I have this image as part of my document information panel I'll take this I'll resize it a little bit of course I'll do it here sighs maybe put it 120 you can resize it yourself if you want there you go and then at the end this is some text to help the users so this could be a legend some message that you want to pass along a disclaimer and when you're done look how easy this is going to be click on this thing it's called quick publish that's all you have to do you click on OK you can save a copy on your desktop somewhere it doesn't really matter it's going to publish it and tell you it's okay that's it this is a little bit of an extra it's not part of content types really but go back to my document information panel you can see that it was uploaded successfully click on OK and now if we go back to our shared document library and a user decides to click on new invoice and launches our PowerPoint presentation I'm going to have my little logo the column the user has to fill out and some text right that's it so you can actually I've seen some people actually do an entire forum so it's an entire huge form with disclaimers with choices and it basically fills out the metadata or the columns for you so the user just fills out the form there's lots of help and validation and tons of things you can do using InfoPath the only thing is that you do require InfoPath that's the only thing it isn't provided if you have a office I believe it's professional but I don't remember the license I it's not available in the Home Office version license for example so there we go so look at what we've done we've decided we've seen that we can create content types and we've seen what a content type is right we said hey a content type is my side columns grouped together with some other options like for example I can add a template I can change the document information panel I group all of this together and now this becomes a content type perfect with this content type I can associate it to listen libraries to be used and reused but when I associate them to listen libraries they are copied over and if they are copied over they are independent but not really right so I'm getting some little questions and I'm gonna make sure everybody gets them so can you have a place at the top of documents let me just go back scroll here can you have a place at the top of documents that individual users can enter comments about their document yes and no right if you put it like I just did in the document information panel it's just going to be a comment box so it's going to be the same box for everybody again sorry we're obviously having construction on the side of the building next time I'll try to go see what's going on before the second question do sorry do people do the people filing the info need for path filler no you don't need InfoPath to actually fill out the information it's part of office so as you saw I needed I had PowerPoint and I was able to fill it out with PowerPoint Word Excel you don't need info path to actually enter the information you only need info path to create the form of somebody actually answered them for me already thank you can you apply content type to documents already in SharePoint yes and no I mean the answer is yes but it's definitely definitely going to be very painful if you have already a million documents in a document library for example if I have these three documents and you decide that you want to change the content type for these three documents you have the datasheet view unfortunately it will not allow you to change the actual content type so you will actually have to go one by one click on edit properties and change the actual content type yourself so it would be above here now if you obviously there's going to be a shameless plug but if you use tools like share gate we have something called the bulk the bulk editor it's a tool that yes it does cost money it's 395 but it will allow you to bulk edit so if you have a very large document library you have a bunch of list items bunch of documents and you want to change them then you can use other tools that actually will change the content type for you for all of the items otherwise going to be very long and painful there are ways let me say one last thing you can do it with PowerShell but this is really advanced this is for your admins it's really not available at the power user level so there are ways with PowerShell and scripting otherwise to make sure you have all the information needed ok so that brings me to my last piece of information I hope that's been helpful so far in helping understanding content types there's a lot more to content types I can use them with page layouts and very more advanced stuff but if you understand what a content type is you'll be able to see how you can use in very very fun and flexible ways so if you are already been using content types whenever you created task list whenever you created a contact list it's a basic custom list that's automatically associated to a content type that Microsoft created with SharePoint so task list we saw the con types content type contacts together so let's browse a little bit see what we can do and there's one last thing I want to show you after and we can start the questions as I know everybody has the time until 3 o'clock so here I'm going to be able to go to library settings right we wanted to see sorry let's go to site settings actually site settings and then we'll go to site content types and you'll see that you already have many many content types that exists a word out of of advice it's probably a good idea never to edit the one.com with SharePoint right you don't want to change the content type called announcement because every single announcement list that you create so if you come here and you say I'm going to create a new announcement list every time you're going to do this it's going to have the new updated columns that you've created so sometimes you may want this I took sorry I don't recommend it right what you can do is you can create a new content type called your company announcements or sure gate announcement that inherits from announcement and what you can do after is you can say well you know this document library that I created and I associated a content type to it so I go to library settings I associated the invoice content type so in your case you'd be associating the new announcement content type that you created for example what I recommend instead is to then say I want to save this document library as a template but I do not want to include the content so if you say they save this do new document library as a template and call it for example company announcements well it's always going to create a new document library or a new list with the new content type that you created so that's my advice don't create don't edit the out-of-the-box content types right don't modify these ones but what you can do is you can make a new one saying that it's for list items for example and say that it's for announcement so it's going to inherit the same columns and then add or remove the columns that you want or you don't want associated to a custom list save the list as a template and reuse it across the board so a user can actually come to your create list or create document library and say I want to create a share gate announcement list or I want to create a marketing document library and everything is going to be already set up all the content types you only have to do it once instead of every time create a new document library add a new content type that already exists delete the document content type and then start working that could be very painful and when you save the library as a template that includes the views that you may have done right so I probably recommend doing that instead otherwise you're going to be doing a lot of work manual work again okay so if I go site settings site content types there's some out-of-the-box ones that we've seen that you probably know comment contact announcement document and some others that you might recognize we understand I think we understand what the parent means right it means that you're going to inherit from the previous one that you created so for example let's do one right away if I want to inherit from the invoice content type that I have but be more specific so marketing invoice I want this to inherit from the custom group that I created where the invoice content type that I created was stored now let's see what happens this time let's put it in custom sure yet as well so I'm creating a marketing invoice that inherits from my invoice content type that we've created in the last hour if I click on OK I already have the column called invoice number title is already hidden and it tells me where it comes from so now I can manage my invoice content type that's going to be the general one and then for each department I can create a new content type of invoice that's specific to that department but still have the parent called invoice that allows me to in one shot modify everything across the board again so I you know what I recommend what I usually do is I usually use it with a tool called X mind it's free you can use mine manager as well or vzo and I kind of do a map with you know I a chart or chart that kind of shows what I'm planning on doing and then I'm kind of like okay well I want to do an invoice but I'm probably going to have different invoices per department so then I see oh well yeah I'm going to need a marketing invoice I'm going to need sales invoice and then that's starting to form into content types so I recommend doing the architecture before you start doing all of this creation because again when you create an a content type you can't change the parent afterwards so some questions that we may have can you please okay can you replace repeat the piece about how to protect existing parent side columns by not clicking the Edit side column link yes so I was saying to never click if I want to change the title column inside my invoice content type I click on it never click on this as simple as that because what it's doing is it's modifying the actual side column not the column inside your content type it wasn't copied over this so if you click on this you're actually modifying the real side column that's being used probably buy every single content type in SharePoint so be very careful when you click on that modifying a column and it says do you want to edit this icon unless you know what you're doing unless you know that this is your side column and not the one used by SharePoint or use somewhere else don't click this instead play with I want it required optional or hidden another question was can you please review the relative advantages of creating a new content type versus saving a list as a template that's a very good question and it's actually the simple is very simple they as a simple is very simple the answer is very simple a content type is a configuration that you do in a site that's reusable so if I go to site content type here is an invoice and these are all the settings for our invoice this I can change at any time that I want and every single list and every single document library that uses this content type will be updated instantly if you do all of your configuration in a list or in a library and you save it as a template once you start creating all these lists and all these templates there is no way for you to add a new column and have it apply to all of these little libraries because now they've become independent lists and libraries that don't use the content type right so what happens here is that if I create a new column right now and I have 300 document libraries using the invoice content type they will all have that new column in a heartbeat however if I then do that and I created a document library that I saved and I pushed it out I have no way to essentially manage it that's the difference can you disable edit side Content ID based on permissions well you need specific permissions it's not necessarily disabling this it's based on the level of permissions that you have in the site so a site administrator will be able to do this Ellis library contributor will not be able to do this so you really have to go to your site permissions and you can look at the different permission levels that you have so let's say look at full control or let's look at edit if you give somebody edit these are the permissions that they will have you have all of them explained over here and one of them when you're managing does it with the website is really the one that's allowing you to create content types you don't have one that says create content types for example but it's going to be the manage the website so it depends on what access you have at the site level you have to be very careful it's a good question good point you have to be careful with everything related to permissions in SharePoint right ok since we have a little bit of time before we go to the questions I know some of you asked already some questions if I go to site setting there's one last thing I would like to show you about content types if I click on site content types and I click on the invoice content type that I created there's one last thing that we didn't cover there's information management policy settings now this will not be available in all versions of SharePoint you will not have this in foundation which is the free version of SharePoint this will only be available if you have standard or enterprise so you can just go check if you have it great if you don't and unfortunately you have a version of SharePoint that doesn't have it so if I click on information management policy settings for this content type I'm going to be able to create a and you have different policies retention policy auditing barcodes and labels to be honest they all sound very cool I've probably only used retention policies the other ones sound cool but I've never really had I've had some scenarios that customers where I actually use them yes but most of the time it's the retention policies and this is actually very very simple can everybody still hear me yes whoops okay oh okay so I'll continue so yes you can add custom policies if I click on enable retention now again remember it's associated to my invoice custom content type I can add a new retention stage click on add a retention stage and that's going to ask me Ben what do you want to do and it will show you all of the columns that you've created in this content type that are called that are type date and time remember if you were in the last presentation I did I said that it's super super important that you choose the right type of columns when you create columns you can create a single line of text column and expect SharePoint to know that it's a date so you create date and time column they will appear here so you can say that whenever a document tot of invoice remember a content type can be associated to all your libraries another benefit of using content types and say instead of saving document library as templates so for invoices I want whenever it's created plus seven years I want you to move it to the recycle bin permanently delete it transfer it to another location but this you will have to talk to your admins start a workflow let's start an approval workflow let's start something and then there's delete the previous drafts for example I like to delete my my drafts out after a year for example because it takes up space delete all previous versions only to keep the last major one so it's very cool so after a year after three months you can clean up your sharepoint based on your content types your invoices but not your marketing document not your contracts but they're in the same document library so within the same document library you can actually do some different management with it so I can say yes I want you to move it to the recycle bin and click on OK there you go created plus seven years move to recycle bin no recurrence then I can add another stage so and after this after 14 years well it's already deleted so that doesn't make sense but I can do many things I'd say after three months delete the previous versions after a year delete all previous versions not just drafts and then after three years is deleted can you move it to a different library I'm not sure exactly what you mean this these policies are associated to the content type so it's the content type that you associate to your different document libraries right so these policies yes I could make these policies for a document library but for the purpose of this session I'm explaining a policy so if I go back I went to my content type I clicked on my content type called invoice and for this one I decided to do a new information management policy you can see it's really associated to this content type then another question is I don't to our archive at a document and get out of search I'm sorry I'm not sure you can yes you can definitely move it to a different library so that's the enable retention and then I said that you can move it to a different location transfer to another location but for this to work one of your SharePoint administrators has to create registered location so this is usually an archive center or just a repository where you want to place everything so that's still available with search there are very different ways to do it this is more of a records keeping course we could do a session at some point but this will have to really be registered by administrator first can you this delete specific number of versions unfortunately right it only say delete previous draft or delete all previous draft you can try to start a workflow that you've created yourself that will do this but it will be our more much more advanced so unfortunately the answer to can you delete specific number of versions the answer is no out of the box right okay so I don't want to put too much information right I think that we covered quite a bit of information already we said that a content type is the grouping of side columns put together they're grouped we can associate them to lists or libraries depending on the parent content type that we had chosen there are once they are associated they're actually copied but will still inherit from the source content type the one that's created in the site or the parent site even then you can create document information panels so those are the little forms with info path we saw that we can create information management policies you can even associate workflows to the content type if you want which allows you to put in the same document library or in the same list different types of contents or different forms different columns and this can be very very useful exactly in this scenario right first one I explained where I have one document library but I can do a single view because they share a set a single side column so I can show me all the documents for customer a that are contracts and invoices even though they don't have the same columns all the same properties together that's it for this session however it is time for questions so for everybody that still want to stick around for questions we'll do it in chat and although guys I will be putting the recording of this session through the my blog you'll be it'll be available I'll send an email to everybody otherwise I also put it on nothing but SharePoint calm for those that heard about this session that we thank you for coming and I will look at the questions thank you very much guys I know it taken some of your time and I hope it really helped so let's go and see some of the questions that I have one that's starting to go down when you open a document that is a template and want to say save it can hold on when you open a document that is a template and want to save it can it be saved to a subfolder that is listed in a document library yes absolutely so basically when you open a document library that's open from a template when you're going to click on if you click on save it's automatically going to save it in document library at the root if you click on save as and you're using office 2007 or higher you'll be able to browse your document library from the save as menu so if you click on save as you will see your folder structure you can just navigate inside it and and put your document in the right subfolder let me see if there's another address of the blog it'll be get on the share gate site so I'm going to type in it it right now there we go slash blog this is where it's going to be don't worry though I have the email of everybody that joined saw send it out to you guys is there any other questions remember content types are very very very useful I definitely recommend recommend using this with side columns instead of just putting lists and libraries it's going to be a pain when you're migrating when you're restructuring so do content type surface in search yes they can by default they don't so you would have to talk to whoever is configure configuring the search because it's a big conflict complex especially in SharePoint 2010 another question now that was just a compliment thank you there we go what are other webinars we'll be putting on you know what I'm going to do a survey at the end of this to everybody that subscribe if you didn't subscribe and it just popped in the session great just send me an email I'll send out a survey and I'm going to ask you what would you like to hear about next I'm going to try to do this series of understanding SharePoint so we've done understanding a site now we've done understanding content types if you have preference I will definitely cover it in the next one all right Kenji shared a product be used to assign metadata with the same values as the file share folder yes absolutely we can share it can actually map properties from PDF from your office file and put it in SharePoint while you're uploading them you can send me an email we could talk I can even do a demo if you want I don't want to bother everybody with the product stuff do you recommend any books for to become a super user yes I actually have a quite a bit so I don't want to say one and forget one and and just give to me props to somebody and not the others so either send me an email ask me for the books and I have quite a bit that I have to show you or tell you actually some small that you like reading I like the ability to insert the SharePoint property in the Word document like a mail merge yes if for those that are still in this session checkout on Google something called if I'm not mistaking its quick part yes look for something called quick part in word and what it allows you to do it allows you to put your columns directly in your word document but throughout your content so you can put your column somewhere in the in the footer you can put it at the conclusion of your word so it's only for word however it doesn't work with Excel doesn't work with anything so if somebody edits the document directly inside word and you use the quick part it will change the column value for you very very cool especially if you're playing with the document information panel and you turn the document information panel into a form so that while people fill out the form its filling out your document template for you very cool you mentioned mine jet or something like that what was that and what is the use of that with SharePoint okay so this is completely another tool the one that I use is called X mind I'll type it up X mind is a free tool too that's pretty much exactly like my manager has some less features but Figg for what any and allows you to quickly create or charts and other kind of charts so what I use it for is to organize my content types there is no link between SharePoint and my manager or xmind it's only to help me create a structure of content types before I start creating them because if I start creating them then I have I have no at no option to edit the parent content type I would have to actually delete the content type recreate it and restructure so I use these tools to kind of organize myself before I actually start creating the content types don't forget that content types will be pushed down to your sub sites so depending on where you create your content type it might change everything so mine manager is not free X mind is free and that's really up to you guys see whatever you want to use how strongly against the use of folders in SharePoint are you are they really that bad um that's it that's the golden question yes I'm definitely against using folders in SharePoint we're trying to move away from that am i super strongly extremely against folders I wouldn't say so they have still I use but they're not I don't use them for the same reason anymore the only reason I will use folders is to change permissions for a group of documents within the same list or library there are no other purpose to folders some will argue that yes you will use folders to you know for performance of your SharePoint if you have 1 million documents in your document library it's helpful to put them inside folders so that SharePoint has listed query but that's really advanced stuff if you're talking about information architecture within your library you're not worried about performance I will only use folders to assign permission right because once you start creating folders and you want to create filters based on columns it won't work because it will only filter for whatever you see in the current folder it won't show you everything that's inside these subfolders so if you look at the SharePoint we created earlier and I said is it a invoice or is it a contract if you start doing full for that and you say give me all the documents for customer a that's never going to work right because some will be in the folder called contract some will be called in the folder called invoice so you won't be able to say show me all the contracts and invoices for customer a unless you play around with certain views that don't show folders there are ways around it but I will say stay away from folders as much as you can there still have a role in SharePoint mine is specifically to assign different permissions within the same library otherwise I have no reason to be using it I use content types I use site columns to enter the metadata and the information and then I use views to only show what I need to show yes it's more work but if you know how to use side columns you put them in content types then you create your document library you associate your content type you create your views you create whatever workflow and settings that you need then what I do is I save the list or the library as a template so that I don't have to worry about doing this work again so it's a lot of work at the beginning but it saves me a lot of time and it allows me to centralize everything later on so it's really your call or there can you provide your email address yes I'm going to put it it's the first slide so let me go all the way at the first slide two seconds play from the start there is my email address there this there's all the information that you may have let me see the other questions are there any limitations and sharepoint online in the use of content types not sharepoint allow online will allow you to use content types it's really a core sharepoint feature if you think about it every time you've created a task list a contact list a document library you've been using content types it's just that the check advanced settings allow management of content type was not enabled so you didn't really see it or you didn't really understand any other questions first search can you only use content types or can you use the metadata value for a search filter search is a whole other ballgame either in 2007 and 2010 think of it like this search is going to go through all your content in all of your sites it's going to get all of the information for your documents and your list item so it's going to get what is the content type value for this document what is the made a data value for this document and then it's up to the search admin to decide what he wants to do with this information how he wants to display it so the answer is yes you can use everything with Search Search is very very powerful and if you're if you start looking at SharePoint 2013 it's everything is based on search all right it almost not eliminated other stuff but they put a lot more value on search because it will get all the information including the content type including the metadata value and then it's up to you to show it using the search I hope that answered your question because this can be a very I can go very very large and talk for hours on it but so the only way to damage out-of-the-box content type is to edit them directly you cannot damage out and out-of-the-box content type if you only work in a copy that you create um I'm not sure exactly what you mean by damage out sorry um you're you cannot command original content type so you're saying that you already have a content type and you want to edit it I'm not sorry must be my ass so yes so the out-of-the-box content type my recommendation is never edit them right as much as possible because you're really changing the core SharePoint at this point you can it won't break but what you need to do is you need to create a new content type make sure that in it inherits from the content type you want to use and then associate it to a list or library and then save this library as a template and tell you users that that's what they have to use I haven't had too many problems using this because you only have limited users trading lists and libraries usually thank you thanks for staying I really appreciate it any other questions feel free also to send me emails commenting on Twitter or anything I'm always available to ask answer questions sometimes it can take up some time I won't lie can be quite busy but I always try to get through everything does that answer everybody's questions looks like it if you have any other questions again send me an email I wish you a great day great evening great morning for whatever time zone you're in and thank you again for coming
Channel: ShareGate
Views: 55,562
Rating: 4.8754864 out of 5
Keywords: SharePoint, Content Types, SharePoint Content Types, Microsoft SharePoint (Software), Webinar, Webinar recording, Sharegate, Microsoft Office (Software), Microsoft Office 365 (Literature Subject), SharePoint 2013
Id: om_AtcWQgFw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 91min 28sec (5488 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 14 2013
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