Power Apps: Planning SharePoint Lists Relationships

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hey everyone this is daniel and this is a beginning of a three-part series that i'm doing and in this one specifically i'm going to talk about planning your sharepoint list relationships for the power apps in the other two i'll actually go ahead and show you how we can initially start building the app and get all these relationships together and then the third one i'll show you how you can start saving the data and get all these relationships also saved in the data over there so that's the three-part series that i'll be doing over there and before we jump into it here's my intro [Music] so here is the part one of my three-part series and like i said it is the planning of the sharepoint list relationships for powerapps uh just to give you a little feedback um this actually came in high demand from my youtube comments that i've been getting people have said that hey you're so good at showing the patching you're so good at showing how to build the forms but can you actually explain to us how you're building these list relationships and kind of deep dive into that thank you for all that feedback that you've given and i took that in and i took a while for me to kind of formulate and plan this and then now i've taken it to a whole different level so in this that's why i broke it down into three different parts as well and then this one we're just going to focus on how do we just build a sharepoint list and plan their relationships over there and then after the other two we'll deep dive into the the apps and then putting it together so in the three-part series i've already told you this one we're going to go ahead and plan the sharepoint lists planning of the sharepoint list specifically their relationships using that little trick which i'll show you over there uh then in the second one we'll start the initial build of the apps basically we'll start putting all the controls together things such as galleries and we'll tie all these relationships together so that the data all begins to match over there and in the third one we'll go ahead and actually finish building the app where we can make all the selections and then save that data in the sharepoint list and we'll take all those relationships as well and save that over there so you can view it for future reasons so that's basically the the three part series over there now in this one we're going to start preparing the sharepoint list relationships i've already got a lot of it done but i want to walk you through it so that you can do that over there now that's a quick sharepoint 101 uh every time a sharepoint list is built it by default comes with its own id and that's very important for you to know i'll even show you because what happens is when you build a list you know you will always see the title on the top and you'll see the title column is required over there and you may not always see the id column but rest assured it's by default there and that's why sharepoint lists becomes such a easier way to use the backend data source over there because it already comes with these important things that you need over there and then once you get this id we'll go ahead and start attaching the id into different data data locations like lists and in one library so you can make that relationships all right now these this is the overview of the backend data remember i told you that i'm going to actually you know i really spent some time thinking through this and i've gone ahead and now you know expanded it so that you will get a really good idea that how how you should plan to build these relationships and once you get a good understanding over here you'll be quite ready to go ahead and expand on your apps as well or either take your existing apps and start working some of these formulas in it or in the future apps if you're using data sharepoint as a data store is you can come up with ideas like this so in here you can see that these are actually nine lists that i'll be using and then one image library because i want to show you that scenario as well that hey i'm using images how can i go ahead and do that now if you've already seen this you kind of said hey daniel this looks a lot like that app in the day that we've done and you're right the app in the day was actually a great place for me to start because i wanted you to start working with something you're already familiar with um if you've not done app in the day i've put the link in the description down there i highly recommend that you go do that because it's a great way for you to start getting familiar with building apps um so go get familiar with that and then you can come and start over here if you don't want to this is also a great place to start but i'm just throwing some ideas there now um that's what i'm saying that i've gone ahead you know and it really expanded on that topic where instead of just having you know two maybe three data sources over here i've actually added 10 data source one of them being a library and this is just the overview of that now let's expand into what this is all about now i've gone ahead and broken that down into two different sections because one set of lists and that one library is actually a place where you only use for viewing purposes in the app and you'll see what i mean where basically in the controls and the galleries i'm just displaying the data and that's why it's so important for me to have that data available otherwise the display functionality won't work very well but after i've gone ahead and done all the selections i'm going to save that data in three other lists and i'm breaking it down into three other lists where one is the the request that came in what was the device that the user selected that was you know will be stored over there and it'll have a whole bunch of relationship ids over there then also any accessories that were selected in addition to the request that will be so stored in another uh list along with some ids over there and then finally how do we want to get this shipped that is also in a separate list and it has its own ids over there but i want to show you now on a you know you've understood this as a breakdown of what is being pulled data source for viewing purposes as against data source service for adding the data i want to show you the relationship that you've got over here now remember these are still those 10 sources over there but one of them um has a additional relationship id so let me you know this sounds a little confusing let me explain that to you now remember i just said that sharepoint list comes with by default its id and therefore that falls on the left side which is lists without relationships ids they already have their default id over there but they do not have those relationships ids and it's important because you know things such as are already just pulled for viewing purposes uh usually they are the ones which do not fall which you know don't have these additional uh relationships but there's also the ones on the one on the right where you along with viewing some data you will also have these relationship ids that come in over there to make the viewing of the data more easier and also these lists contain the places where you're saving the data now i know this is a little confusing because i'm breaking it down into just tables so let me show you this the matrix will really help the concept you know uh kind of sink in over there so i've kind of broken it down into three different sections the first one are these primary sections one ring below what there these are the ones where all they have it's either a list or a library all they have are they are you know out of the box ids and then the data a great example over there is the mfr's list which is on the left side over there this one all it has is the list of manufacturers that's it and it has the names over there and it has this primary id now another important one is the one on the bottom right the images one that is actually a image library but i'm just storing all the images over there so if you kind of now understand that this is like the you know the bottom of the primary section of the matrix where i've got the data and the data by default has this primary identifier or id and that's it next layer that comes around are these ones over here where it has its you know the device list and the office location list over there they have their own ids by default but they also have their identifiers for other things so let's look at the office locations list over here the office locations list it has its own id but it is also referencing the location list over there the location list comes ahead and it the office look uh office location list is referencing the other location list over there specifically for uh you know some things that he needs to pull now device list for its place over there it has a column called url and that url is referencing the image library list over there so that's why the office location list and the device list falls in that second category over there and then finally the top three categories the ones where we are storing the lists i've put them on the top over there they are also referencing all these other lists over there therefore if you'll notice like the request list on the top left it will have the most number of ids or identifiers over there you'll actually see very little data stored over there but you'll see a lot i take the back you'll actually see a little less amount of text or numbers over there but you will see a lot of these relationship ids over there because that's how you want to store the data and then here is basically the overview of how everything connects right see the ones from the request uh accessory request it is tying into all these other ones over there from the the request list as as against the device lists over there same thing on the office locations id i said it is referencing the id of the office locations over there the request list has a lot more going on it's going ahead and having all these relationships to that lower section of the matrix the primary one over there and then finding the shipping list over there the shipping list is also referencing the request list now i know this is a lot to take in but it's very important for you to understand that this is how i have planned the matrix this is how you should also kind of start considering the matrix where don't just have one big list where it stores all the data but you want to start breaking it down into different segments or different lists over there and build these type of relationships so this is actually you know if you've already kind of understood or getting a good idea or not it's just an overall idea that okay i get what daniel's saying is that build multiple lists and in multiple lists start building relationships so that all the data is not stored in one place that's basically all i need you to understand i know i kind of gave you a lot more information over here but this is for something for you to sync in later on just take away your big take away from this is that just don't do one list do multiple lists and start building relationships among them so what i'm going to do is i'm going to switch over from the slide deck and let's start showing you some of these lists in the back end all right so i'm going to switch that over here and jump back we're going to now go into our sharepoint list let me show you the completed app all together um that way you can already have a good scenario what things are going on so here is the app i know like i said it looks a lot like the app in the day device request but i've almost taken that and have you know super sized it um normally it only has two maybe three data sources i've got ten data sources over here um so i'll show you especially i'll show you how the images library work over there but let me do the demo now for the sake of this one you're gonna see that the data is actually going to be stored in three separate list locations this is the request place the request places where whatever was selected during the request gets stored over here so you'll basically see two only big text ones over here the title and the requester and then all of and even the comments but then there's a whole chunk of ids coming in the second one is once daniel has selected the device what are the accessories that come along with it so there's a list for that as well and then the third one is the shipping now remember this falls in that one separate category where i said that the one set of lists is just for viewing purposes but there was those three lists where data is actually being saved and this are these are those three lists over there the shipping the accessory request and the and the request itself that's the way that the data is being stored so let me show you that example all right come over here here's the app this is the home or the well actually the home is here the main screen of the app i'm coming in and i'm going to put in a new request coming in a new request here's a gallery here's a gallery nothing big and fancy i'm just doing some relationships over there but i'll come let's say to dell i'll look at dell you know what i think i'm going to select the alienware and now i'm going to come back over here now it just showed me right here this is just showing me what i selected on the other place but now i'm actually going to say here are the exercises i'm going to select them all i'm going to say this is a replacement to my previous uh dell alienware um and now that's what i'll put it over here so i think i'm good for overground uh maybe i'll just go first class because i need that fast um i am going to save it to my home now if i had switched over to office it would have already given me some office names and locations i'll go to home and i'll go with the my address here three main street street boulevard the city over here is charlotte i'll put that as nc 28262 submit are you sure yes data has been saved comes back over here now when i come over here in the initial requests when i refresh that it tells me hey this is what you selected this was the requester and then it's just giving me a whole bunch of ids like it's things it's referencing the manufacturer's id it's referencing the device id it's referencing the location id and then it's also referencing the shipping class id over there you know what was the shipping whether it was overnight or things like that location was uh what type of location did he select i actually selected to my home so it's referencing that and then the device id is what kind of device was it so that's the dell alienware and all the specs for that and then the manufacturer id was for the teddy so kind of understand this is that it helps to just have a list with all these relationships over here the ids because you don't have a one big long list with all the data the list is actually pretty small but it's already accomplishing a lot of things it's actually saving a lot of data but it's making it a nice concise form over here but that's on the request site all right let's come back to the there you go on the access request it did two things all of the accessories that i requested it brought them down into different rows or different list items but it maintained the consistency of the request id let me show you that if i went back over here see this one's request id was number two and so this one is maintaining the relationship that hey this all these were all the accessories that were actually saved um for um the second actual request that daniel picked over there and then it's telling me what those were what was here and it's also making uh maintaining the accessories uh the list id of the original accessory list now come back to that over here it's basically saying that again this is the original list id number of the request which is this one that i did see request id it's maintaining that relationship and then it goes ahead and puts in all the list information that i did so remember this is basically what i was saying those three lists over there that's the one where all the data is being saved at the same time when i'm saving the data i'm taking all those relationships and saving that data as well we'll cover that in the third video right so kind of get an overview of what i'm covering over here it's kind of important that you understand the gist of this that it's one app ten separate data sources one of them being an image library over there showing this data and then when you're saving it you're taking the data but it's always list id relationships and storing it back over there i know i'm constantly repeating this again and again but it's very important that you kind of let that sink into your mind because this will really help you make your apps more professional in the future again you don't have to put all the data in one list you break it down and you make it and actually it helps to keep your app a lot more secure because you know then it's not just one place for all the data to be stored over there but it also helps in your app's performance and then in the growth of the app over there okay so let's now jump into what is the focus of this video over here and the focus of this video is planning of the sharepoint list so um like i said i broke that down into three separate categories and i'll go back to that area over here all right the three separate categories were this one over here uh the initial ones on the bottom all right so i'm going to go back into those two different types of lists this first is the list without the relationship ids which was these different categories over here the one with this color over here so let's go and take a look at those first one that i want to show you and that i'll spend actually a few extra minutes on that is daniel how did you manage the images for sharepoint so i used the sharepoints out of the box images library some people have used document library it's completely fine as well i basically just came over here and i went to the document library or the app and you can use the image library over there it's completely fine to use the document library as well all right so as you can see they're both the same so i went to the images one and i already dropped some images and i'm using this one place for everything and i'll show you what i mean for everything like for example when i do the acer this is the place where i'm going ahead and storing the logo of acer remember the logo is this one over here when i come back in this is the logo i'm i'm catching that information i also went ahead and i got a store in that place the document live i mean the hq all these headquarters so if i come back over here um hq's headquarters i've also gone ahead and taken that actual image this is not a link to anything right i've actually gone ahead and taken that image it's a png file and i've put it in this image library but what i'm doing is i'm setting up two things that what type of image it is was it the hq image or is it the logo image or is it a device and i'm telling the manufacturer silo here you don't need to do this but this came in very handy for me is when i was actually putting the images and i'm already trying i'm trying to see what are the images that i have and i want to split them up into categories and subcategories i actually put them into three separate categories but as i was building this i noticed that these were the two main ones that i needed i needed to know what is this image type is it one for the device or is it one for its logo or is it not for the headquarters so that's why i put that image type over here and then i also needed to know what was the manufacturer now you for your business reason you may need to put a model one as well you know go into categories and subcategories but make the decision if you need that or not and if you need it go ahead and add that i know here because it will help you for the future filtering in the galleries that you need but the key key thing for you for what i want to display over here is that this is my storage place for the images all right i'm not getting links to anything else i'm actually taking whatever image i have and i'm storing this in my images library can i understand that and i'm going to show you an example because i have now i've gone ahead and put in my microsoft one so if i come over here to the manufacturer i only have two images i have the main image of the the which is the the logo one and the headquarters one but i need to put in now the images of my devices i'm gonna walk you through how to do that so in my folder here i have my images and i'm going to come back to my model and here is the microsoft one so these are the four images that i want to go ahead and put that in so i'll come here now and i'm just going to drag this this this way i've got the images library and the beauty of sharepoint is i go ahead and grab all of them drag that drop it and as you can see over here it is going ahead and updating those diagonally so the intent updated two first went ahead and updated all four of them it's uploading and now it's done so if i come in they usually come in way on the top because i filtered it based on the modified date so here are the the four that came in on the few seconds now what i need to do is i'm going to go ahead and do the quick edit so i did the quick edit and uh based on the quick edit it actually went ahead and dropped it down so i can go back and you know um move from newer to older so it goes ahead and filters it back over there filtered it gave me those full back way and now i'm going to do this this is an actual device so i left that in here and one thing i should have told you is that these were actually a choice type column that i added in sharepoint lists you could put that as a single line of text and type that in choice type just made it easier over there but i did choice tab as just a single selection so this is also a device the surface pro 128 the this uh the surface pro 64. all devices so went ahead and dropped that down over here now this is the manufacturer the manufacturer we know is microsoft now what the other thing i could do is i could just grab this and i can drop it down as well and even that works so do whatever helps you know you won't do it one at a time or you want to do it all at a time do whatever it works sometimes depending on the browser or android performance you may have some issues over there but either way you just do it one at a time and once you're done you just go and click on exit and it gets done over there so in this case i'm seem to be having a little bit of problem because i guess it's internet performance or whatnot so we'll just come back over here and just do that over here okay go back to the quick edit and we'll just play the easy way by doing it one at a time and get that done yep and i've got all of them here now i have left the third column over there for models i don't need it for the sake but i've gone ahead and at least put that over here so it is now finished and it's going ahead and working it but we're not done yet remember i've just images in an image library now what i need to do is reference it to my device list so let's focus on the device list my device list now again falls into this other category the device list it's not the primary one over here all right it's actually a secondary level because the device list is now its url is actually referencing the image that we just dropped in right so we've kind of now taken it to the next level over here and since these are related i'm jumping it straight to that secondary level so i'm going now to my devices and what i've done is i you know just to save you some time i've already gone ahead and saved uh done a legwork amount of work over here so let's pay a little bit attention on that i went ahead and grabbed in this device list the only information i have is the manufacturer's id now the manufacturer is a primary list over there the primary list was i went ahead and just put in all the manufacturer's information which is right here is basically the manufacturer's name which is the title and then the id that's it i'll show you the urls the urls were actually came from that images library so let's actually just go back to that image library over here and in the image library there is the one say for hp or the toshiba is a good one you click on it and you click on it it displays the image but the url is just way too long and that's not the url that you need you want to now click on the view original and the view original will actually end with the image name dot the image extension or the image type so this is the one that you want to grab and copy all right so we'll come back and do that now for those microsoft ones that we've uh put in so let's go up and we these are the the the three that we just added so i'm going to come now for the surface pro and just to make sure in this devices area over here coming to the manufacturer name i'm just going to filter it by microsoft that way i just see those and here are the four that i have for microsoft as you notice that i've already got the information this was just the simple all of them were simple line of text over there so i created the device name the device types and just put all the data that was the easy part okay just like an excel spreadsheet the one i wanted to focus on is in this photo library the folder library is and this is important for sharepoint i come over here to the list settings over here and in the photo library that i see over here it is actually a hyperlink or picture so when i click on that you need to select it as a picture type that's what's required on the powerapps to display that image you kind of want to understand that over here all right so i've got that list over there another little tidbit that i need i want to throw is anytime you're using those relationship ids like the big ones that i've talked about you want those columns to be a number type column don't use that as a text column because if you do use it as a text type of columns you're going to run into delegation problems in sharepoint i mean powerapps over there so switch that over to anytime you have you're referencing these id columns switch that over to a number type column over here and then you want to have delegation issues in powerapps okay kind of an important tidbit that i want to throw over there so let's come back now to our devices it should already okay we this filter drops we'll come back over here filter by go pick our microsoft apply that we have these three and now i'm going to do a quick edit first one is the surface rt 32 gigs let's go back to our images library and it is the surface art surface rd32 so i'm going to click on that remember i'm going to click on the original image and i got this i've clicked on it doing a ctrl c for copy come back now let me just close this one come back here and in the photo i'm going to select it and i'm going to paste when i selected these two already come up all i need to do is paste it on the link that's it and i can hit the check and it saves it over there so let's finish the other three as well this is rt64 come back over here all i got to do is i can close this tab here i need to go back and now i need the rt which one do i need i need the rt64 rt60 rt64 click on the view original grab just the length that i need clicked on it ctrl c came back over here moment i click on it it did two things it went ahead the the one on the top over here it's url automatically enter and change the pitch into an image or a folder remember why because when i went in the photo i didn't select the url i selected the photo icon here again remember you just click on the link and you're done save it and right now it still shows up as url which is fine because watch when i go now and get the surface pro 64 gig i can go ahead and basically close this guy come back over here black i need the surface pro 64 gig select that get the actual original get that come back over here and moment i do this one the top one is going to go ahead and get you know the actual image it's pretty simple and straightforward just need to do it over there all right so come back and now the last one we need is the pro 128 gig come back and close this one come over here go back and now get the surface pro 128 click on it gotta go click the original one get the url get it over here and when i click on this the one on the bottom to add it you'll see this one shows up there also on the link and there we are so once i've done that i can click on quick edit and now we've got all the links over here so in the powerapp now i've also got the you know i'll be able to see the images of these ones over here so the key thing i did over here was i went ahead and now saved the images in my sharepoint i know i can do that in bulk but i had to do that i know that in the images section you had to manually go and add the metadata which was what was the device was it an hq or was it a logo you had to go ahead and put that a device type as well that's just a little bit amount of manual work that you have to do but that is important you got to get that done over there and think about it you would have to do that anyway whether you put that on the cds or you put that on azure blob storage you would have to go ahead and add the metadata to yourself so sharepoint is your focus for whatever reason licensing bigger big one over here remember we dropped it in the document in the document of the images library we grabbed the original link the one which name ends with the file name and the file extension and then we came over here to the photo column it is a photo column not a url we pasted it over here so this is the important one that we did on that one so i'm going to go back to that slide deck and we can see that we were able to now get the images and then we got the images url let me put it on the devices one and now all these other ones are basically just simple lists so let's run through those really fast right and here for the manufacturers when i come back over here i've got a manufacturer's one a very simple basically if i spent and added the title and guess where i got the url i got it from the images library so it's just a very simple and straightforward over there next one again is the shipping class shipping class is very simple it's just got three little items it tells me what type of shipping i need is it a ground first cluster or overnight if you remember i went and selected overnight for the demo i did this is where that data is coming from finally i mean then it's the um the location list this location are all the types of locations remember i've selected home for that but you also have the options for apartment home or office this is where you grab that remember all of these by default come with their ids as well we already looked at the images library over there and then finally let's end with the accessories list now the accessories list is a pretty big list over there uh but in the accessory list i've also got the information about where um the you know what is the device type and then what is also its title and you know if it is is it an acer what is it a all-in-one or ultra book over there what exactly which a say is it is an ace or u or a m but then this is what's unique so if you think about it one line together with all the information is what makes that line unique if you just look at all in one well that's not unique because there's a bunch of all in ones over here if i look at acer u well that's not unique because there's two acer units over here but if i look at all of these together that's what makes it unique and you need to understand that because when you set up relationships we will be using all these in the filter function over there all right so it'll make sense i'll save that for the next video over there so i want to jump up a little bit and now look at these um the office locations as office locations list so in the office locations list over here we go to the office locations there are only 12 of them over there but it's grabbing the location id so this location id was coming from here so i wanted to basically say that if you ever selected two then in two um well if you selected um offices which is three then for that one you've got all these options over there because location three id stands for offices on the location one and moment i did that i was able to go ahead and get the spec this relationship basically if it makes might make more sense if i go to the app over here if i come back over here if i selected um offices i'm seeing this over here because this is setting up the relationship this is number three in that list and these are all those number threes i didn't have anything for home so that's why i was you know i was able to switch it over to add your address but i also don't have anything for two so that's why i just put that in over here so it kind of it's making sense how these relationships are working out over there but let's keep pushing forward all right we looked at the images we looked at office locations we looked at devices list that's like the secondary level it's talking to the third one now let's look at the final and the third level over there which are the places where data is going to be saved now i'm going to start closing some of these so we don't get too confused but those three of them were the places where um we are storing the requests which came in this which is this one over here we're also storing the accessories that were selected and we are storing the shipping so let's first look at the request over here so on the requests we've got basically just three things like the title which was selected and i used the title because that's the default one which sharepoint gives i can't delete it so i'm just going to go ahead and use it i picked in the requester because i need to know who requested it one thing extra that you can do on your site is do the request and maybe even add the manager you know other things that's something you can do on that and then i wanted to put some comment over there right because it might be hey for the shipping side or for the request that this cena needs to be expedited or i am completely dead in the water right now i need a new laptop you got to give the end user some flexibility and therefore comment comes in really handy so therefore i put in the comment function uh comment section over there but if you've noticed there is now in addition to its out of the box primary id i've also got three other ids and that's the beauty of these relationships over there because now i don't have that long list with all these columns over there i just have these simple ones because now manufacturer id is three well let me go see what the manufacturer id is it's manufacturers over here and its id number three is del so now i know that hey daniel selected manufacturer id number three and that id number three matches it's got a relationship with this one and that's a dell so i could immediately now just putting that manufacturer id set a relationship with that other list and i know what that manufacturer id is same thing on the devices id over here device id is fantastic because i've just put in device id 37 but if i go now to devices and if i scroll down in the id because it's the device id uh the column name is device id over there but i'm already in the devices so it's i just got to look for devices id number 37 scrolling and there you go that's that alienware 18 that i selected but just by this one relationship of 37 now i can go and pull all this information over here and this makes it so much more easier for you to save the data and to build that relationships and power up in fact at the last video i'm even going to show you how this will really help you make make your power bi reports so much more easier and efficient because some of it all power bi is smart enough to already do the relationships but i'll save that for the last video if we have time or i mean make a fourth video we'll see but for you the key thing was um in our list of requests all i had to put in was my uh sorry device id number 37 but the 37 goes in and gets all this information she doing the relationships over there and then the final one was um well now the final one over here in the location id location id is 2 well let's go see what location id is locations um was here and 2 was for my home so now i know that number 2 was number 2 over here now you may think that well you put number two over there but the number two was just a title so did that really help home is is an interesting scenario it really didn't have that much but say if i had selected office then office number three would actually go ahead and get me the full address of that office so even though in the quick example that i did all i selected was home um it is very important that i selected the home over there but i have a place now to put all that data over there you know which is the list and everything and actually i'll show you that because it did help i went ahead and did that location id over here but i also have the shipping class id the shipping class id is actually let me stop and come back to the location the location id was 2 right 2 is just a home but we've got the uh final one over here i mean the the actual shipping location shipping location is when i'm saving the data it's picking the request id too but it's telling that hey this is related to request id to request id2 watch for the shipping and i can go ahead and save all the data again it's a little bit sometimes more information for you to absorb in this one video but the ids helped build that relationship and it's important because you see it over here i was able to go ahead and actually just grab from the shipping its request ids i was able to go ahead and use the saving location id and the shipping id and now i have all the information of where it is being stored where it is getting shipped and so on and so forth very important to understand this matrix over here and then the final one was um go back to my request list was the shipping class id and the shipping class id was whether it was first class or overnight again reference to the other section over there the final accessory request was um i wanted a way to go ahead and save and make it easier just how many accessories that i've selected and now i don't care how many accessories are selected because i don't need to add extra columns they automatically just become extra rows and that becomes really helpful when we come back to this list over here because this information is coming from an accessory list and i could say for this device i could have five accessories i'm completely fine because no point now will i be able to miss or skip any of my rows that i have over here like i would say in my initial planning i would say that man i will if i did use columns over here i would say that i only plan for three selections but this guy went and selected five accessories i am out by two i will never run into that problem because i'm not saving it based on the columns i'm saving it based on the rows over here so there now i've already gone ahead and taken care of the fact that this is you know whether they selected three i've got a unique identifier which is by the default on the sharepoint list but i've already tied that to the request id see the request ids are the same and i've already tied that to the accessory id over there so it really really helps once again just to go and take a look at this this is what the relationship was and i've walked you through it there were 10 storage places there were nine of the um nine of them were sharepoint lists one of them was an image library in the image library i went ahead and took the data and i clicked on each of them and i got the url the url see that url away i saved that in the div in the devices url and now in the devices list when i go and when i pull that into the powerapp i actually get the image over here and that's basically what you're seeing is in the in this section this is coming from that devices list and i'm getting that image but this the url of this image is coming from another image library so that's why you might think that you know daniel this looks like maybe one two three four five where are the other five coming from it's because of things like that which is happening in the back end you know there's three different places we're storing it so that's three more eight but things about y the images library that's nine and then also the extra things we save and submit that's why it's important to break that down into 10 different places remember seven of them are just to view the data three of them are to actually store the data so hopefully this information was helpful this is how we went ahead and did all the planning of the matrix using purely sharepoint lists and sharepoint libraries um this was basically the you know the the places they were first we went ahead and did just the viewing of the data to the adding of the data some of them had their own out of the box ids but the other one had relationships ids and then the this is how we went ahead and set up the matrix over there um the bottom layer which is ids going ahead and getting those and how they are interconnected now in the next videos i'll the next one i'll be covering this section over there the initial build of the app now you've already seen the app and that app and i will start building it uh we may not make it that fancy we'll see uh but i wanna at least go ahead and say that initially how we went ahead and grabbed that list i mean that's device that i selected how that device now takes us to the next screen and then how are the accessories that are tied to it when i go ahead and you know based on the access uh based on the accessories um i want to show you that when the accessories are selected you know how they are saved and then what are um you know what are the the the shipping places and the locations will build the at least the shell of the app tied to all those connectors and in the third video i'll show you how we can save it and we can get all the information here but now those are the next two videos hopefully this was helpful if you have any questions leave in the comments remember the app in the day also descri i've got that link down there so if you want to start playing with that go ahead and do it but uh hopefully this was helpful and as always keep power wrapping
Channel: Daniel Christian
Views: 47,164
Rating: 4.9226117 out of 5
Keywords: Power Apps with SharePoint Lists, SharePoint List Relationships, Power Apps: Planning SharePoint Lists Relationships, powerapps sharepoint list, powerapps sharepoint online tutorial, powerapps tutorial sharepoint, microsoft powerapps, Power Apps for SharePoint users, Planning SharePoint Lists Relationships for PowerApps, Daniel Christian Power Apps, Power Apps with multiple SharePoint lists, powerapps tutorial, learn powerapps, power apps, powerapps tutorial for beginners
Id: qU22DiaIPpU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 16sec (2476 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 17 2020
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