Follow Me! // Part Two

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well are you ready to get into yaws word I want you to open your Bibles with me to Matthew chapter 4 beginning with verse 18 in just a moment we're gonna continue in the series that I started last week called follow me we're gonna be talking about how yoshua has charged his disciples to follow him he never said follow a religion he didn't say follow Judaism he didn't say follow Christianity he said follow me and I have a lot of scriptures here to bear that out today and we're gonna believe we're gonna get through all of them alright Matthew chapter 4 beginning with verse 18 it says in yeshua walking by the sea of galilee her galilee saw two brothers Shimon called kapha Simon Peter and Andrea are Andrew his brother casting a net into the sea for they were fishermen and he said to them follow me everybody say follow me now if you can underline that in your Bible go ahead and do that and I shall make you fishers of men and immediately they left their nets and followed him so his early disciples followed him they weren't charged to follow a religion they followed him and then look at verse 23 and Yeshua went about all Galilee teaching in their congregations of proclaiming the good news of the rain and healing every disease and every bodily weakness among the people and news about him notice it wasn't about a congregation it wasn't about a denomination the news that went out was about him went out into all Syria and they brought to him all who were sick afflicted with various diseases and pains and those who were demon-possessed and epileptics and paralytics and He healed them he is our healer and large crowds from gelila and Decapolis in Jerusalem and from Yehuda and beyond the yard and followed here so again I want to make that point very strongly as we begin today's message that in the early days of Yeshua's ministry the disciples understood clearly that they were not following a religion they were following Yeshua all right now go me over to John chapter 14 beginning with verse 1 and this is a passage that many of you are very familiar with in this passage Yeshua said I am the way I am the truth and I am the life all right so he is the way any other way is a wrong way he is the truth any other message is a false message and he is the life any other pathway leads to death let's look at verse 1 of chapter 14 Yeshua said let not your heart be troubled believe in Elohim believe also in me and my father's house are many staying places and if not I would have told you I go to prepare a place for you in other words after my resurrection I'm going to go and prepare a place for you and if I go and prepare a place for you I shall come again he's gonna come again at the last day and receive you to myself that where I am you might be to see this is about a relationship this is not about religion he wants to be where you are he wants you to be where he is amen he wants you to be his bride he wants to be close to you he wants you to be close to him amen verse 4 and where I go you know see he told them he was going to the Father they just weren't paying attention and the way you know Tamara Thomas said to him master we do not know where you are going and how are we able to know the way here it is Yeshua said I am the way the truth and the life no one comes to the Father except through me he is the way to the Father how many of you want to make your way to the Father you will not make your way to the Father following religion you won't make your way to the Father following a denomination or even a congregation or a preacher you make your way to the Father following Yahshua he said I'm the way the only way I am the truth the only truth and I am the life the only life no one comes under the Father except through me then go over to Matthew chapter 23 we're going to begin with verse 1 as it was mentioned already these woes to the religious leader of Yeshua's day so Yeshua actually rebuked the hypocritical religious leaders who were promoting man-made religion so there were people of the planet who were promoting religion did you she will get along with them or did he rebuked them he rebuked them listen let's take a look at those woes a few of them at least Matthew chapter 23 verse 1 then Yeshua spoke to the crowds and his taut ones his disciples saying the scribes and the Pharisees sit on the seat of Mo Shay alright the seat of Moshe is a literal seat in the synagogue's where the rabbi's would sit and they would teach mo che they would teach the tour okay therefore whatever they say to you to guard guard and do in other words when they teach you the tour of bo che do that but do not do according to their works for they say and do not do now we all know that's the that's the definition of hypocrisy to say and not do so he's calling them hypocrites for they bind heavy burdens hard to bear all right I want you to get that in your spirit these religious leaders were binding heavy burdens hard to bear say that with me heavy burdens hard to bear say it again heavy burdens hard to bear now why am I asking you to say that because your shoe or later is gonna contrast his yoke his burden and it's not heavy burdens hard to bear alright for they bind heavy burdens hard to bear and lay them on men's shoulders and that's what religion will do for you but with their finger these religious leaders they do not wish to move them and they do all their works to be seen by men so these religious leaders are doing what they're doing for self-promotion to be seen by men they're proud they're arrogant they're self-seeking their self-righteous all right now not all of them but Yeshua was speaking generally concerning the scribes and the Pharisees all right and they make their Tuffle and wide the little boxes that contain the Torah scriptures that they tie to their left arm and around their foreheads alright and lengthen their seat seats the seat seats of their garments the tassels that the Torah says that we're to wear so they make them real long so that everybody would see them you know if you've ever seen somebody it's got real long seat seats with every step you know those seats see Jesus waving in the wind you know they're making a statement look at me look at me I wear seat seats but I wear them short because of this scripture right here because it's not about me they are reminder to me of the Covenant that I have in the commandments that I keep but they're not a show for everybody to look at alright I'm talking about the really long ones really long as they go some of them go down to their knees practically okay they lengthen the seat seats of their garments and they love the best places at the feasts all right the best seats in the congregation they're all jockeying for the front row in front of all the people right and the greetings in the marketplaces and to be called by men rabbi rabbi which which really means my great one they love to be called great now these are religious leaders look at verse 8 but you do not be called rabbi for one is your teacher the Messiah he's putting the focus where it ought to be you've got one teacher and that's the Messiah learn his ways do what he did and you are all brothers so he just leveled the playing field right there we're all brothers and do not call anyone on earth your father for one as your father he who is in the heavens neither be called leaders an exalted leader for one is your leader the Messiah so again the focus is on the Messiah we follow him for certain but woe to you scribes and Pharisees hypocrites because you shut up the reign of the heavens before men with all your man-made rules and regulations your man-made laws and precedents for you do not go in nor do you allow those who are entering to go in so very few people were getting into the kingdom following these religious leaders because they were blocking the entrance with their man-made rules and regulations verse 14 woe to you scribes and Pharisees hypocrites because you eat up widows houses in other words you unjustly coerce resources from the weak and defenseless and for a show make long prayers again they're going through the religious motions for self-promotion because of this you shall receive greater judgment woe to you scribes and Pharisees hypocrites because you'll go about the land and the sea to win one convert and when he is one you make him a son of Gehenna all right your Bible they say hail a son of El twofold more than yourselves in other words you're converting them to religion you're converting them to the traditions of men made up stuff not the written Torah but made up religion that's what you're converting the people to and Yeshua said when you converted you travel by land and sea to find one and when you when you get him converted you make him twice as much a son of Gehenna a son of a firey place of judgment than yourselves pretty strong don't you think verse 23 woe to you scribes and Pharisees hypocrites because you tied the mint and the anise and the cumin and have neglected the weightier matters of the Torah so now he's gotten into Torah because the Torah tells them to tithe those things but he says your your focus is on these tiny little matters you're extremely judgmental and yet you have missed out the weightier things to the Torah altogether so there are some things that are weightier the right ruling and the compassion and the belief these need to have been done all right let's pause for a moment here Yeshua is saying explicitly that we need to obey the Torah if you want a passage in the breat hadashah the New Testament that'll tell you that Yeshua said obey the Torah that's it that's one of them these you should have done you should have obeyed the Torah Commandments without neglecting the others blind guides see if the blind lead the blind they're both gonna fall into a ditch that's what Yeshua said straining out a net and swallowing a camel in other words you obsess over the lesser matters of the Torah ignoring the weight of your matters that's religion woe to you scribes and Pharisees verse 25 hypocrites because you clean the outside of the cup and the dish for they were adamant about cleaning the dishes and washing things in a certain way you clean the outside of the cup in the dish but inside they are filled with plunder and unrighteousness so you're all about appearing clean and set apart but inside you're filthy and perverted and there are people like that sitting in congregations every weekend they know where to shout they know where to say amen they know how to clap their hands and do a little dance where it looks like you know they're very righteous and set apart when in reality on the inside they're filthy and perverted come on you might as well say Amen if you say Amen everybody will think I'm talking about somebody else hallelujah Amen blind Pharisee first cleaned the inside of the cup in the dish so that the outside of them become clean to start on the inside verse 27 woe to you scribes and Pharisees hypocrites because you are like whitewashed tombs which outwardly did indeed look well but inside are filled with dead men's bones and all uncleanness so they make the outside of the tomb all pretty all whitewashed and beautiful but what's inside dead men's bones and impurities and this is a picture of religious leaders of that day it could be a picture of any person actually all pretty on the outside but inside filled with dead men's bones and impurity verse 28 so you too outwardly indeed a appear righteous to men but inside you're filled with hypocrisy and what law less Ness so you can look like you're all righteous on the outside and yet you're you're not obeying the Torah you're not living the way that your shoe is living you're not walking in his ways amen by the way you may be able to fool man but you can't fool the Almighty in that right verse 29 what are you scribes and Pharisees hypocrites because you build the tombs of the prophets and decorate the monuments of the righteous and say if we had lived in the days of our fathers we would not have taken part with them and the blood of the prophets in other words if we had been alive back then we wouldn't have killed the prophets thus Yeshua said you bear witness against yourselves that you are sons of those who did murder the prophets and you fill up the measure of your father's in other words you're just like them you do the exact same things that they did serpents brood of adders how would you escape the judgment of Gehenna and then verse 37 says you shall I am yer shall i killing the prophets and stoning those who are sent to her how often I wished to gather your children together the way a hand get her chickens under her wings but you would not see your house is left to you waste alright that's a reference to Jeremiah 22 verse 5 for I say to you from now on you shall by no means see religion said what it says see Judaism is that what it says see a new religion I'm gonna start called Christianity is that what it says no what does it say you shall not see me until you say blessed is he who comes in the name of yah and he was quoting psalm 118 verse 26 alright so that's what religion will get for you I want you to get that in in your heart in your spirit today that's what religion produces alright false religion will produce that now look at Matthew chapter 11 verse 28 this is Yahshua now contrasting himself follow me not religion he's contrasting himself with the hypocritical religious leaders of his day what does he say come to me come to me I can hear him say not religion come to me not religion all you who labor and are burdened remember what I had you say a few months ago heavy burdens hard to bear come to me if you're under a heavy yoke of religion come to me if you're burdened down with man-made rules and regulations see Christianity has said that it's the Torah that's the heavy burden hard to bear and yet the tour itself says these Commandments are not too hard to do did you make y'all a liar it's not the Torah that's the heavy burdens hard to bear it's all the man-made rules and regulations it's the man-made laws and the precedence of the religious leaders Amen you schewe said hey if you want to escape that I mean he's looking out there what does he see he's seeing people like sheep who have no shepherd being destroyed by false shepherds by perverted Shepherds and what does he say to them he says come to me all you who labor and are burdened and I shall give you rest I'm gonna give you rest from all that religion I'm gonna give you rest from from the man-made rules and regulations he says take my yoke upon you and learn from me the scripture says Yeshua is the living Torah he is the word made flesh and what did he come to do he came to demonstrate to us how to live out the scripture by grace in the spirit amen he is the living Torah so he says take my yoke upon you and learn from me if you learn from your schewe how are you gonna be learning you're gonna be learning from the word he is the word amen when you open that Bible you read that word and the Holy Spirit comes and interprets it for you correctly he leads you into all truth you are having a deep intimate personal relationship with Yeshua the living Torah that's how you fellowship with Yeshua you get into his word you discover his ways the Holy Spirit gives you a desire to walk in his ways and the power to walk in his ways then you're following him and if you follow your shoe you will end up where your shoe ended up where did he end up the right hand of the Father how many of you want to go to ABBA hey make sure you're following the right one make sure you're following the right one take my yoke upon you and learn from me for I am arrogant and self-righteous and proud is that what it says is that what he said about the scribes and the Pharisees about the religious people of his day so he's contrasting himself with those people and with religion right for I am what meek and humble in heart and you shall find rest for your beings for my yoke is gentle and my burden is light so Yeshua himself is describing the yoke and the burden of the Scriptures because he is the living Torah he's the scripture in the flesh so if you want to know how Yahshua defines the scripture he says the yoke of Scripture is gentle and the burden of Scripture is light and he is in complete agreement with the Torah he didn't change the Torah he said don't even think that I've come to abolish the law the prophets I've not come to abolish but to fill it up he took the exterior commandment and he internalized it so that it's not just the action of your hand it's the motivation of your heart that's not lowering the standard that's raising the standard folks he's filling it up hey men so what was just you were doing in this statement he was leading people back to a pure form of worship as defined by the written Torah and the prophets that was his mission to lead people back to obeying the scripture to deliver them from the heavy yoke and burden of man-made religion amen so let's go a little further so that was the state of religion before the resurrection right before the resurrection that's what religion was like what about after the resurrection do you remember what we talked about last week when we said that Paul spoke to the elders of Ephesus and said after my departure after my death savage wolves will come in not sparing the flock he's not talking about some something that happens 2,000 years in the future he said after my departure shortly after my death this apostasy is going to begin in the congregation of Messiah and savage wolves are going to come in he also says that from among yourselves men shall arise speaking distorted teachings so when did the distorted teachings begin in that first century to draw away the taught ones after themselves that's what these teachers are going to do and the Apostle John said in first John 2 starting with verse 18 little children it is the last hour and as you have heard that the anti Messiah is coming the ultimate and Messiah at the end of time even now many any Messiah has come he said they've already come this is how we know that it's the last hour they went out from us but they were not of us for if they'd been of us they would have stayed with us so John declares that there are many anti messiahs at work in the congregations of belief in the day of the writing of his epistles was happening then folks not just now then and then what did Jude say in Jude 1 starting with verse 3 beloved ones making all haste to write to you concerning our common deliverance he wanted to talk about our common deliverance but he felt a necessity to write to the believers urging them to earnestly contend for the belief which was once for all delivered to the set apart was you're gonna have to contend for the original you could say AAPIs taluk belief that was delivered by Yeshua and his set apart emissaries why are you gonna have to contend for it because it's under attack the enemy you think the enemy just rolled over after the resurrection did do you think he just said well I got beat so I'm just gonna quit no he began to attack that first century body of Messiah vehemently attack it alright look at verse 4 for certain men have slipped in already slipped in whose judgment was written about long ago wicked ones perverting the favor of our Elohim for in decency by the way when it says perverting the favour of our Elohim it's saying maybe your Bible says is perverting the grace so this idea about perverted grace that's not reset folks that started in the first century alright wicked ones perverting the favor of our Elohim for indecency and denying the only master yah and our master Yahshua Messiah so the question is do we have further biblical evidence that these things spoken of year actually happened let's let's dig a little bit deeper and see if this apostasy was taking place in in the first injury alright let's look at Revelation chapter 1 starting with verse 9 hi Johanna nor John both your brother and cochere in pressure or in tribulation and in the reign of the kingdom and endurance of Yeshua Messiah came to be on the island that is called Patmos for the word of Elohim and for the witness of your schewe Messiah I came to be in the spirit on the day of yah and I heard behind me a loud voice as of a trumpet saying I and the olive and the taw alright you'll your Bible may say I am the Alpha and the Omega that's the Greek the first in the last and write in a book what you see and send it to the seven Assemblies of Asia to Ephesus to Smyrna to Pergamos to theater ah to Sardis and to Philadelphia and a layout of Kia alright so Johan honor John hears this loud voice as of a trumpet saying I am the olive and the taw the first and the last noticing there's nothing written there or said about religion it's a person Johann heard the voice of a person not of religion let's look at what the scripture says about this person verse 12 and I turned to see the voice which spoke with me and having turned I saw seven golden lampstands that's a reference to Zechariah chapter four verse 2 and in the midst of the seven lampstands one like the son of Adam in other words a person not religion that's a reference to Daniel chapter 7 verse 13 dressed in a robe down to his feet and girded about the chest with a golden band that's Daniel chapter 10 verse 5 and his head and hair were white as white wool as snow and his eyes as a flame of fire and his feet like burnished brass that's a reference to Daniel 10 verse 6 as if refined in a furnace and his voice as the sound of many waters a reference to Ezekiel 1 24 and 43 verse 2 and in his hand you see what I'm doing here putting the emphases on his when you read it you could do it too and it is in his right hand he held seven stars all right the seven messengers and out of his mouth went a sharp two-edged sword and his face was as the sun shining in its strength and when I saw him see he's all yo-ho none could see how many of you know Yeshua fills the whole picture and he ought to be the only one we can see amen it's too much out there to look at to distract us to get us off course we need to stay focused on your schewe and in his right hand he held seven stars and out of his mouth went a sharp two-edged sword and his face was as the sun shining in its strength and when I saw him I fell at his feet as dead and he placed his right hand on me saying do not be afraid I am the first and the last a reference to isaiah 44:6 and 4812 and the living one and i became dead and see I am Alive for ever and ever amen and I possessed the keys of shell and of death who possesses the keys Yeshua right therefore what you have seen both what is now and what shall take place after these so it has both a present and a future significance the secret of the seven stars which you saw my right hand and the Seven golden lampstands you could say menorahs the seven stars are messengers of the seven assemblies and the seven lampstands which you saw are seven assemblies okay so there are seven assemblies and Yeshua then gives an excitation all seven of those assemblies but for our purposes today we're going to look quickly at five of them because five of those assemblies got a rebuke and we were saying earlier that the Apostle Paul said shortly after my departure savage wolves are going to come in not sparing the flock we had all of those witnesses earlier that told us that the apostasy was going to happen in that in that first century in other words we're gonna get - you better keep your eyes on your Shula because after two thousand years of apostasy do you think it's gotten better as a matter of fact the scripture says it's gonna get worse people say well you know it's going to get so dark that we're gonna be able to see and discern the darkness from the light no that's not what the scripture says does it say it's gonna get so dark you're gonna be able to tell easily the darkness from the light it says the deception is going to get so great that's going to be difficult for you to be able to discern the difference between light and darkness and we already see the culture following in that pattern they're already calling good evil and evil good they're so confused and mixed up now amen so let's take a look at five of these assemblies we're gonna start with Revelation chapter 2 and verse 1 and this is the Assembly at Ephesus and remember what we said this is where Paul said after his death that savage wolves would come in not sparing the flock says to the messenger of the Assembly of Ephesus right he who is holding the seven stars of the messengers in his right hand who is walking in the midst of the seven golden lampstands he's walking in the midst of the assemblies by the way when two or more gathered in my name he said there I am in the midst of them he's still walking in the midst of the Assemblies we welcome him he's here today praise y'all he says this I know your works and your labor and your endurance and that you are not able to bear evil ones in other words you resist evil men well Paul prophesied that they would come and have tried those who say they are emissaries or sent ones and are not he's speaking of apostles and have found them false they're savage wolves and you have been bearing up and have endurance and have labored from my namesake and have not become weary first for but I hold this against you that you have left your first love alright so they had done some good things there they had resisted evil men false apostles and the like but in all of that they left their first love in other words they lost their intimacy with Yeshua alright they were no longer walking with him in his pure ways as defined by Scripture it appears that they had allowed some things to distract them from their focus on following Yeshua alone I wonder what's distracting us how about religion religion has distracted the masses from truly walking in the ways of Yeshua broad is the way that leads to destruction and there are many who are on that path but narrow and difficult is the way that leads to life and they're few that find it if it leads to life then who is leading it Yeshua Yeshua is the one who's leading on the narrow and difficult path that's why I have a message called beware of the many some people think the many the approval of many is the approval of the Almighty but I want to remind you that the Tower of Babel was the biggest thing going in those days was it not I mean it had the most people it had the most excitement the most enthusiasm a lot of wealth and yet it didn't have the approval of the Almighty so just because it's big and exciting to the flesh and wealthy and even famous doesn't mean it has the approval of the Almighty beware of the broad way that leads to destruction alright verse five so remember where you have fallen and repent or go back and do the first works or else I shall come to you speedily and remove your lampstand from its place he says I'm gonna judge you as a congregation I could if you don't repent I could remove you as a congregation as an assembly if you don't get back to me I'm gonna remove use what he said if you don't cut through whatever it is that's distracting you from walking in the pure ways of Yeshua as defined by the scripture I'm gonna remove you he has no need for a congregation like that can you say Amen I'll remove your lampstand from its place unless you repent alright let's go on to the assembly at Pergamos that's revelation 2 beginning with verse 12 and to the messenger of the Assembly in Pergamos right he who has the sharp two-edged sword notice that's not religion it's a person says this I know your works and where you dwell where the throne of Satan is so there in Pergamos the altar of zeus was there and many other pagan temples were there as well and you hold fast to my name and did not deny the belief in me even in the days in which Antipas my trustworthy witness who was killed near you where Satan dwells but I hold a few matters against you listen when he says he's got a few things against you you better listen and you better get ready to repent and I have a feeling he has a few matters against the religion of Christianity thank you brother for that Amen I got one good Amen there hallelujah alright but I hold a few matters against you because you have there those who adhere to the teaching of Balaam or Balaam who taught Balak to put a stumbling block before the children of Israel to eat food offered to idols and to commit whoring so he says I've got some matters against you because you're allowing this false teaching to take place in your midst you remember false teachers and false apostles were gonna arise well they were allowing this teaching of Balaam or Balaam to take place in the congregation so you also have those who adhere to the teaching of the Nicolaitans that are going on in congregations that Yeshua and he's the one that matters it's not it's not the opinion of the religion it's not the opinion of of the leaders of the day the one who matters is Yahshua and there are some teachings that are being spread in religion today that he hates you can't just sit in front of the television watching Christian television and think everything that's on Christian television because it's on quote Christian television is approved by the Almighty there are some teachings out there the almighty hates we're talking about the deception that gets so great that you won't be able to tell the difference between light and darkness when Satan comes dressed as an angel of light you must have a deep personal intimate relationship with the Holy Spirit who is the Spirit of Truth who will lead you into all truth if you're going to make it through these dark days if you fool around and you walk in religion and you don't get serious you most likely are going to be deceived I can't wait for this message to go around the world because people around the world need to hear this repent verse 16 or else I shall come to you speedily and fight against them with the sword of my mouth in other words turn away from these false doctrines and return to following Yeshua and walking in his ways and his teachings he gives them time to repent we'll find out that's a fact in another one of these excitations but there comes a time when his patience has come to an end and then he says I'm gonna come and I'm going to fight against them with the sword on my mouth I'm gonna execute judgment with the word that comes forth out of my mouth I don't want to be on the receiving end of that judgment amen now let's go to the assembly in Thyatira Revelation chapter 2 verse 18 and to the messenger of the Assembly in Thyatira right this says the son of Elohim who has eyes like a flame of fire and his feet like burnished brass I know your works and love and service and belief and your endurance and as for your works the last are more than the first you got a slow start but you're doing pretty good look at verse 20 but I hold against you that you allow that woman Jezebel who calls herself a prophetess to teach and lead my servants astray to commit whoring it's possible he's talking about temple prostitution and to eat food offered to idols so all of these wonderful things were going on in this congregation but Yeshua said men I'm offended by this woman Jezebel who calls herself a prophetess that you give an opportunity to teach who's leading the people astray into whoring into immorality it's almost as if you just letting it go and winking at it we need to stop winking at immorality in our congregations well if we if we call out people if we if we call sin sin people will leave well let them go Yeshua preached this whole crowd away one time I don't think a preacher is worth its weight in salt until he's preached his crowd away I mean you're not preaching truth until you've evacuated the room I told you before I'm an equal-opportunity offender there are fewer people here today than last week maybe maybe that worked last week I don't know it's probably the rain hallelujah so they had some good things going on but he says I hold this against you that you allowed see there's some things that we allow we shouldn't allow these things you allow that woman Jezebel who calls herself a prophetess to teach and lead my servants astray to commit whoring and to eat food offered to idols that's idolatry and I gave her time to repent of her whoring and she did not repent see I am throwing her into a sink bed is this your she was speaking I was taught that the Almighty didn't do things like that position she was speaking so he gave someone time to repent and they wouldn't so what did he do see I am throwing her into a sickbed and those who commit adultery with her into great affliction unless they repent of their works there's still time you remember what I told you that the great white throne judgment was not the verdict stage of the trial but it was the sentencing stage every trial has two stages the verdict stage where you found guilty or not guilty and then the sentencing stage and there are people who have been given time to repent who have ignored it and they have not repented and Yeshua has gotten to the end of his patience and he brings a verdict guilty and there's an earthly judgment and the earthly judgment happens before the sentencing phase at the great white throne judgment Ananias and Sapphira you remember that case they dropped dead because they lied to the spirit so the Almighty is well able to judge a person on this planet for their resistance and their unwillingness to repent that's why it's a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the Living L we need to keep that in mind verse 23 and I shall slay her children with death say that's a severe judgment well he is able because he is ill he is our Elohim he could do what he wants and all the assembly shall know that i am the one searching the kidneys and the hearts and i shall give to each one according to your mental ascension that Jesus is the Christ is that is that what that says but that's what religion says but all you have to do is mentally ascend that Jesus is the Christ and everything's okay but that's not what your shoe is said what did you shoot us a and I shall give to each one according to your works what you did and to you I say into the rest in Thyatira as many as do not possess this teaching you reject this teaching and who have not known the depths of Satan as they call them I am NOT putting on you another burden notice what he says in verse 25 but hold fast what you have until icon he's not talking about religion or false doctrine or the teachings of false apostles holdfast what you have hold fast like Jude said contend for that original belief that was once for all delivered by Yeshua and is set apart emissaries you got a Kadena for it you have to struggle over it hold fast what you have till I come hang on to it till I get there amen Revelation chapter 3 verse 1 to the Assembly in Sardis and to the messenger of the Assembly in Sardis right he who has the seven spirits of Elohim and the seven stars says this I know your works that you have a name that you are alive but you're dead in other words man has said what a great congregation what a happening place in this a great place to be don't you just love the music don't you love the lighting effects don't don't you just love everything about this really happening place you have a name that you're alive but you're schewe says you're dead I know your works that you have a name that you are alive but you're dead you appear to be alive people celebrate you as being alive but you're dead wake up and strengthen what remains and is about to die for I have not found your works complete before Elohim in other words you're just going through the religious motions you're not walking into pure ways of Yeshua you're not taking the scripture seriously and the thing I want to keep saying making this point is these things were happening in the first century what do you think they're like 2,000 years later he's saying the same things wake up wake up shake yourself wake up wake up out of this stupid that you're in this religious stupor the the I'm okay you're okay we're all okay it's all great mentality because it's not all great and I'm a joyful warrior I'm not angry I'm just preaching the truth remember then how you've received and heard and get back to the original teachings of your shoe it is set apart emissaries and watch and repent if then you do not wake up I shall come upon you as a thief and you shall not know at all what hour I come upon you nevertheless you have a few names in Sardis who have not defiled their garments only few there's only a few who've not defiled their garments with impurities of the world and false religion and they shall walk with me in white because they are worthy they're gonna walk with him why are they gonna walk with him because following him they have an intimacy with him and they're in white which is the righteous acts of believers well let's get to Laodicea revelation 3:14 and to the messenger of the Assembly in Laodicea right the a man and the trustworthy and true witness the beginning of the creation of Elohim says this see again a person I know your works I know your works he knows your works he knows my works I know your works that you are neither cold nor hot I would that you were cold or hot so because you are lukewarm and what is lukewarm a mixture lukewarm is a mixture it's a mixture of cold and hot he would that you be cold or hot some food is better cold ice cream is great cold some food is better hot baked potatoes better hot but when you let what needs to be cold warm up or you allow what needs to be hot to get cold you've got lukewarmness it's called a mixture and it nauseates the Messiah it makes him sick he hates mixture folks he wants us to worship Him with a pure form of worship defined by the scripture not man-made religion he doesn't want you to mix in the ways of the world he doesn't want you to mix in the ways of religion he doesn't want you to mix in a bunch of traditions of men he doesn't want you to mix in heavy burdens hard to bear he's given you his word why would he give us his word if we weren't going to read it and discover his ways you discover his ways by reading his word once you've discovered his ways you're responsible for walking in them so many people have a Bible sitting in their lap or on their nightstand or on their coffee table these days you have the Bible on phone app on your computer nobody has an excuse you don't know the word because you don't want to know the word you're not willing to do the study just say Amen and everybody will think I'm talking about somebody else I'm giving you the key it's the truth how long will you be in eternity standing before the Almighty giving an account for yourself before you realized that what you busy yourself with on this planet doesn't matter for anything it's the time you spend in his word it's the time you spent in a personal relationship with a spirit it's the time that you spent in discovering his ways and walking in them that matters amen so because you're lukewarm a mixture and neither cold nor hot I'm gonna vomit you out of my mouth you nauseate me he says because you say rich I am and I am made rich I pay everything I need man we've got so much money coming into this ministry this is a reference to Hosea 12 verse 8 we don't need anything we've got man's approval we've got large crowds we've got good offerings coming in lots of good income we don't need anything we're rich and need none at all we don't need anything and do not know that you are wretched and pitiable and poor and blind and naked so you think you're doing well and your riches must be a sign of the approval of yah but he sees you differently don't let a time of prosperity law you and deceive you away from walking in your shoes ways you know when trouble comes people man they they hit the floor man they go to the knees and they're crying out all save me save me save me and then things go well for a while and they start forsaking the assembly they stop reading their Bible because the almighty was a cosmic bellhop you know they ring the bell and the expecting to come running but he wants a relationship with us a daily relationship with us amen so so don't think you're all that that's called self-righteousness I think I'm all this when the Almighty has a completely different opinion of you and of me we should ask him in prayer what do you think about me in the way I'm living it's a dangerous prayer innit he'll let you know he loves you he wants to draw you closer to him but it's not what we think it's not what the religious mind thinks there's gonna be some changing on the inside amen I advise you notice it's a person I advise you to buy from me if you want true riches come to me to buy from me gold refined in the fire so that you become rich the riches of a deep personal relationship with him as defined by the written word and white garments righteous set apart living so that you become dressed so that the shame of your nakedness might not be shown and anoint your eyes with ointment that's talking about the revelation of the Holy Spirit get some revelation so that you truly do see as many as I love I reprove and discipline so be ardent and repent in other words change your course see I stand at the door and knock he's standing at the door and he's knocking what is this saying somehow they pushed your schewe out of the house I wonder I wonder if religion has done that I believe it has will I follow Christianity well you may have pushed your schewe right out of the house he never said follow Christianity said follow me see I stand at the door knock if anyone hears my voice and opens the door to me I shall come in to him and dine with him and he with me that sounds like a personal relationship to me amen to him who overcomes the temptations of the world and deceptions of false teachers and man-made religion I shall give to sit with me on my throne see as a queen or as the bride sits with her King amen as I also overcame and sat down with my father on his throne he who has an ear let him hear what the Spirit says to the Assemblies is anybody hearing today now I've got a couple of more scriptures and then we're gonna close here but I've got to put a nice ribbon on this alright Revelation chapter 19 verse 6 and I heard as the voice of a great crowd as the sound of many waters and as the sound of mighty thunders saying hallelujah that's why we say that a lot around here getting everybody ready for this hallelujah bye say hallelujah for Yael shad da rains let us be glad and rejoice and give Him praise why for the marriage of the lamb has come and his wife are his bride prepared herself she made herself ready that's what the Spirit is say in these days calling on the bride to make herself ready and to her it was given to be dressed in fine linen clean and bright for the fine linen is the righteousness of the set-apart wants your righteous because you're walking in his ways amen and then in revelation 19 verse 11 and I saw the heaven opened and there was a white horse and he who sat on him was called trustworthy and true again a person not religion and in righteousness he judges and fights and his eyes were as a flame of fire and on his head were many crowns having a name that had been written which no one had perceived except himself and having been dressed in a robe dipped in blood and his name is called the word of yah and the armies in the heaven dressed in fine linen white and clean did what followed him what did they do they followed him they started following him they continued following him and they're still following him they followed him on white horses and out of his mouth goes a sharp sword that with it he should smite the nation's and he shall Shepherd them with a rod of iron that Psalm 2 verse 9 and he treads the winepress of the fierceness and wrath of el-shaddai well I'm here I might as well finish with the last part revelation 23 starting with verse 13 it's a it's several verses was it say I am the olive and the tall the often the Omega your Bible might say the beginning in the end the first and the last you start out following him you end up following him blessed are those doing his commands remember those commandments that are not burdensome not man-made commandments of religion heavy burdens hard to bear so that the authority shall be theirs unto the tree of life and to enter through the gates into the city how are you going to have access to the Tree of Life and enter the gates of the city by following him obeying his Commandments amen but outside of the dogs and those who enchant with drugs and those who and the murderers and the idolaters and all who love and do falsehood in other words those who disobey the commandments those who do not have a deep personal relationship with Yeshua those who don't know his ways and those who don't walk in his ways amen or 16 I eschew I have sent my messenger to witness to you these matters in the assemblies I am the root and the offspring of da weed the bright and Morning Star and the spirit and the bride those believers walking in his ways say what come come master Yeshua and he who hears he's got an ear to hear let him say come and he who thirsts come and he who desires it take the water of life without pay follow him those two words define who we are it defines the true body of Messiah we are followers of Yeshua can you say Amen
Channel: Triumph In Truth
Views: 1,025
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: Triumph Family, Triumph In Truth, TNT, G. Steven Simons, Hebraic Roots, Hebrew Roots, Follow Me, Yeshua, Jesus, Christ, Messiah, Lord, God, Bible, Scriptures, Truth, Follow Me Part Two
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 51sec (3711 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 01 2017
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