Constructing Faith

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so we're starting a new series that i'm really stoked about and and kind of a question i'd like you to consider before we even jump into it is what do i believe and why as a christian which most of you would say you are um and there might be some of you that wouldn't say that today and that's i'm glad you're here um but as a christian what do i believe and why what do i believe about jesus but what do i believe about scripture what do i believe about god the father the son the holy spirit what do i believe about creation mankind sin redemption purpose what do i believe what do i believe about family what do i believe about marriage what do i believe about identity what do i believe and why how did i come to those beliefs what do i believe about the future about death about spiritual beings angels demons and and why do i believe that where did i come up with those beliefs from was it from parents was it from media was it from an upbringing in some sort of church which have varying views on many of the things we just said is it from school is it from feelings do i actually believe some of the things i believe because of the way that i just saw some some different things put out there in the way that i feel is it that i have these beliefs because of what the bible actually says do i know the bible in a way that i could state that and feel confident in stating that that it's because the bible actually says it and so we're starting a new series um that i think is very important for all believers to be great for us as a church and it's called constructing faith and i don't mean that in the sense that you can force on a growth in your faith but as we understand all of the different aspects of what we believe that it is built out in a way that it's full and also it's a play on just the the popularization of deconstructing faith it's healthy it is healthy that we take an assessment of our faith how did i come to what i believe that's healthy now destroying everything that's come before this moment because i'm not sure how i got here is not healthy but it's good for you to assess i had my own i remember very vividly my own journey and following after christ and coming to the to some understanding and reading through the bible for myself and looking at the different historic preaching of the text and realizing wait a minute some of the things i believe i'm not really sure where that came from i'm not sure what book series or or movies or what what preaching that i heard or viewed that brought me to that conclusion but now i'm reading things in the bible that are confronting things that i held fairly tightly to and it is good and it is healthy as believers that all of the things we've believed to this point are constantly being brought underneath the authority of scripture and so i hope what we would do is not just destroy everything that came before us or everything that brought us to today but just make sure that it's in alignment with the truth of god's word and so that we would come to uh god's word and we would come to this series as we work through many of the topics that we just talked about that you have a view on or maybe you've never considered much before but that are important to understand that there is a christian belief about that topic and that we would understand in in kind of the subtitle here constructing faith belief built by scripture not just on it like we could just take a scripture and then just build off that and run but it's built by it and so i'm excited in teaching the series constructing faith or reconstructing faith i also want to just be completely um open and honest to you on a personal level for myself and that is i'm willing to be wrong and i hope you are too some of us hold so firmly to beliefs that may or may not be in scripture that we don't know what to do when we're confronted by god's word and so when that happens let's just walk this journey out together and let's all be ready to abandon things that weren't truth from god in his word to cling to what is truth and have a faith that is built by scripture so let's first talk about what faith is what is faith glad you asked the definition you hear often is in hebrews 11 and verse 1 and and it is this now faith is confidence in what we hope for an assurance about what we do not see now i want to start a couple verses or a verse before that and read it to you it's not going to be on the screen but in verse 39 of chapter 10 it says but we do not belong to those who shrink back and are destroyed but to those who have faith and are saved it's very important that we have faith so it's important that we know what it is it goes on to say now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see this is what the ancients were commended for verse 3 says by faith we understand that the universe was formed at god's command so that what is seen was not made out of what was visible understand that when it says that faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see that is not to say that faith is blind it doesn't mean that faith is just a feeling that we muster up on any old thing faith is an assurance it's a confidence in the hope that we hold as christians it is a confidence that god is who he says he is that his promises are true and so if we actually it's not going to be on the screen but it's in your bible i assure you um went back to verse 23 of chapter 10 it says let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess for he who promised is faithful our faith our confidence our assurance isn't just blind out at nothing and nowhere it is assurance of god and his promises what we cling to what we hold on to what we have confidence and conviction there is evidence of in god another translation says now faith is the assurance of things hoped for and conviction about what we do not see or the substance of what is hoped for and the evidence about what we do not see that is to say that we have not seen the return of christ yet that is to say we have not gone into the new heaven and the new earth but we hold firm to them we have faith because we believe god that he is true and his promises will come to pass in fact we see if we go on a couple verses later in verse 6 it says this and without faith that confidence that assurance that hope it is impossible to please god because anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him now chapter 11 is all about those that actually took god for his word the example so there's the evidence of this faith and the examples of that faith are those that god spoke to about what is to happen and they believed his promises and they moved accordingly because they believe that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him that's what we're called to as believers when we're talking about the faith that we have it is not what some of us have been sold on of just like think of anything you want and just put your faith in that thing that's out there it is a faith in the fulfillment of a promise by a faithful god it is found in scripture that's not to say that god wouldn't speak to your heart on something that he has for you i believe that he does so but what i'm saying is that it's not to just say like well i'm gonna have all the stuff that i want because i have faith for it that's faith in i don't know what that is faith in your own heart's desires faith in your own hard work and i'm not saying you shouldn't believe that you can work hard and that there will be a return but let's not confuse it for biblical faith constructing faith what is faith we need to know it is confidence and what we hope for assurance about what we do not see but do not be confused that faith is in god the only way to please god is to believe that he exists and he rewards those who earnestly seek him because faith is not just a feeling but a belief in god and his promises and we see that the fulfillment of jesus and our salvation comes through our faith in him it is not just some random it's faith in the promises fulfilled in the person of jesus in romans 10 9-10 many of you know these verses if you declare with your mouth jesus is lord and believe in your heart that god raised him from the dead you will be saved there's belief that must happen for it is with your heart that you believe you have this hope this assurance this evidence and are justified it is with your mouth that you profess your faith and are saved your faith is a belief that god is who he says he is and he accomplishes what he says he will so that you believe in your heart and that when you say it with your mouth all you're doing is professing that same faith and by that you are saved when when our christian faith is pressed against understand that our faith is not just blind it is not just in in out there into space or the universe or hoping that something returns it is in god and that he fulfills his promises and that we have seen that in the death the life death and resurrection of jesus christ we are assured of that in our spirit that is inside of us that he placed in us we put our faith in him we have an assurance of what is to come and we have a hope of that promise being fulfilled romans 10 17 about our faith says this consequently faith comes from hearing the message and the messages heard through the word about christ how do we come to this faith this belief in who god is this belief that jesus christ is lord god used the preaching of his word the message that is heard through the word about christ as we work through all of these things constructing faith understand this christ is the cornerstone of that construction he is the one in which all of it stands and falls and is aligned it is in him and we know that truth through the authority of scripture which we'll get in next week i want to preach ahead of myself because we have a lot to work through i love this and i think it's important for us to understand when we put our faith in jesus what we're actually saying we believe in in my reading this week i saw a quote by a man named james orr as christians we're we're we're followers of christ and of christ's ways look at this quote he who with his whole heart believes in jesus as the son of god is thereby committed to much else besides obviously this is an tell old quote way it reads he is committed to a view of god to a view of man to a view of sin to a view of redemption to a view of the purpose of god in creation in history to a view of human destiny found only in christianity that when i'm saying jesus christ is lord when i believe that he is the son of god the risen king the one who reigns over all things the returning judge of all when i'm declaring that what i'm saying is that the things that jesus is about i'm about and so it's important for us to understand that because there's so many things going on in the world at large and our view of them should be shaped by christ and often what happens in in this listen everybody's kind of maturing in in this work god's maturing us by his spirit but he uses his word and the truth and discipleship to bring us along in that maturing and so we can see constantly because of things and i don't always mean to beat up social media but it's just a platform in which everybody gets a megaphone and so it exposes um where we're at on that spectrum of maturity and so very often when topics come up in the world at large because they constantly do what happens is we spew an opinion that actually isn't in accordance with the truth of god's word his promises and his ways and and we come even oftentimes before god i'm getting way ahead of us in the series but we come to god and say like i'm worshiping god my way read your bible god says how we're supposed to come to him and we need to know that and that's not to say that we all need to be um super scholars but we all should continue to try to learn and understand the god we profess to love and believe and trust in and we know more to know him more i say that because i don't want you to hear this as only instructional but this is all pushes us towards relational we know more about god so that we know god more not just so we can fill our heads more but so that i would better know the god i love and serve i could better love him who has called me into this deep and amazing relationship with him for eternity that he has laid out how to do so and it's my heart to understand him better that it would not be to puff us up or to make us more religious but we would know him in his ways and by doing so we would know and love god and better love people i'm also not interested in us learning everything there is about god but not knowing him we see very much in scripture and i don't have it on the screen today because i use it often but when jesus says many will come to me in that day and say lord lord have we not any names all these things that are like these powerful things that believers did that they knew they were supposed to do because of the right steps and he says get away from me i never knew you it would be a shame if we had huge heads but didn't have a relationship with god this is to drive us to a better relationship and understand this god wants you to know him i don't know if that gives you peace at all for like it does for me how comforting is that the creator of the universe the one who stars but he loves me he already knows me but he wants me to know him we see it in creation he reveals parts of who he is through the beauty of what he's made we see it in the way he's built us and his image and our conscience to understand some right and wrong is built into us by him we definitely see it in his word that in all of these things he's showing us that he wants us to know him as he reveals himself so that we would know him better we see it most in christ god reveals himself to the world through god the son jesus christ and and we see that jesus says in john 17 verse 3 now this is eternal life that they know you not just that they know everything about you they know you the only true god and jesus christ whom you have sent god wants you to know him and this is a daunting task for our couple of pound mortal mind we're finite we're limited let's be honest if i give you a textbook about any subject at the end of it none of us are getting a hundred percent me and my wife started watching rain man again the other day i don't know if you've ever seen that start memorizing the phone book for you that are under 30 um a phone book is what they used to send out to people's houses and everybody had a landline what that was a phone on your wall everyone had a phone number you could find their name anyways he memorizes the whole thing like he's memorizing all of it and none of us have minds like that i haven't met any of you that have a mind like that but any textbook we're going to mess up if it's the entire textbook so exhaustively knowing any subject on its own is beyond us even though we could know the content of that but listen with god it's even greater god can be truly known by all of us in a relationship with him through christ but we'll never know him exhaustively what i mean by that is he is beyond what we can fully grasp even though we can we can truly grasp him i hope you heard that he is beyond what we can fully grasp even though we can truly grasp him in fact isaiah god says this about himself for my thoughts are not your thoughts neither are your ways my ways declares the lord as the heavens are higher than the earth so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts this can sound like a daunting task when we go about trying to understand god better and what he wants because he's beyond what we can fully and exhaustively understand in fact in romans 11 33-36 the doxology here paul says this beautiful piece of text says this oh the depth of the riches of the wisdom and knowledge of god how unsearchable his judgments and his paths beyond tracing out who has known the mind of the lord or who has been his counselor who has ever given to god that god should repay them for from him and through him and for him are all things to him be the glory forever amen he is amazing worthy of all praise and and we have the spirit in us to help us grasp and understand who god is to the level we even can and i want you to understand that as we get through this and don't tune me out because you feel like it turns into a lecture instead of a preaching um this is all so that we grasp him better and i need you to understand that everyone is a theologian somebody like i don't even know that word is so i can't be that theology is just the study of god it's quite literally the word of god the word about god all of us have a concept of who god is even someone that's not a christian has a concept of if there's a god and who that god might be and if there is a god then what does that mean for us and what does that mean for everything else as a believer we have scripture to help us grasp and understand that we have the spirit of god in us that teaches us all of us are theologians some just take it more seriously look at this this quote from a man named shirley guthrie in a book called christian doctrine so the study of theology is by definition the quest for the ultimate truth about god about ourselves and about the world we live in who doesn't want to know that who doesn't want to know who god actually is and what that means about who i am and what that means about the world we live in what a noble task to to go after and try to understand and i'm i'm heartbroken by so many that whose faith and has been shaken and shattered in this last i don't know a couple of years more than i've ever seen but what i'm i'm realizing is that so much of what was called faith are things clinging to pieces and traditions of religion instead of to the clear teachings of god's word and clinging to jesus our savior and it's important that we know these things so that when people have a conflict or a struggle with faith maybe it's even our own that we know where to turn and we know what the beliefs are of christians of jesus your beliefs matter first timothy 4 and 16 in fact we'll see two different things here where paul this amazing preacher and apostle is coaching this younger preacher and pastor on what to do with his life and what to do with his church and he says this watch your life and doctrine closely and doctrine simply means teaching or instruction sometimes what can happen is depending on your upbringing inside of the church the word doctrine can either be what it's all about or it's like we don't need to worry about and let us just understand that a relationship with christ is what it's all about but doctrine and teaching and instruction is necessary because if we say we follow jesus we must know what his instructions are or how could we actually say that with any truth watch your life and your doctrine closely says this to this pastor and preacher it's important your example and what you instruct persevere in them because if you do you will save both yourself and your hearers that it's vitally important that we understand who god is because when you say you have put your faith in the one that can save you have you put your faith in the one who can save you or have you simply parroted a name that you heard other people say and have no concept of who that actually is i don't say this to beat us up but to encourage us that we have work to do and we have a future to help others along the way he says save you both yourself and your hearers that's saving from compromise and saving from demise the saving from in ephesians 4 they would say that all these leaders have been given by christ to the church to equip the saints for the work of the ministry so that we would all mature and no longer be thrown back and forth by any simple and new doctrine or teaching that comes along it is necessary for us to hold firm to the truth of scripture are you guys with me or am i wearing you out already this is only the first message of the series so i know most of you have the day off tomorrow and you're thinking about what we're going to do later because you can sleep in tomorrow listen in second timothy this is so awesome and i think it i almost said it applies to uh us here of course it does now but it even applied two thousand years ago when it was written paul writes to timothy and he says this in second timothy chapter four verses two through four preach the word be prepared in season and out of season correct rebuke and encourage with great patience and careful instruction for the time will come when people will not put up with sound doctrine that is instruction or teaching without error instead to suit their own desires they will gather around them a great number of teachers to say what their itching ears want to hear they will turn their ears away from the truth and turn aside to myths we live in the info age so you can easily find plenty of people to justify your position be careful your flesh will draw you to do so constantly constantly and if you're not careful you can be calling things gospel or sound doctrine that are actually people that are saying what helps your itch scratch that itch in your ear oftentimes you don't understand how much your your your breakfast table with your family or the media that was in front of you or your schooling or your your friends have shaped how you actually view god and so in a time when when it might confront you what you'll do is say yeah but i heard the pastor say that my way is true yeah but i heard the tick tock guy there's a lot of tick tock preaching going on right now but i heard the tick tock guy like what you're doing in that moment oftentimes is not interested in the historic teaching of what the bible has said for 2 000 years but you're going to find someone or a group of people and i've seen it so much as these hot topics come up we look for people we look we're pastors and preachers that will justify our position on the hot topic instead of positioning on our positioning ourself under the authority of god's word to shape how we view that thing and so i i i want my political affiliation to win let me find the guy that says my political affiliations the biblical way i want to get a vaccine or wear a mask or not get one or not wear a mask let me find the guy i want to march for something or not march or something let me find the person because somebody will take a scripture and pull it to where they want it to go and preach it in a way that will scratch scratch that itch for me and i can feel good about the position i've already created before going to the text let's not be those people and and let's be okay with abandoning all those other things as long as it is in us conforming to the truth of god's word what am i saying to you really take an assessment if what we go through is from god's word and we see it clearly laid out as the historic teaching of scripture are you willing to abandon your political affiliation think about it if you're not you have an idol you have an idol i'm not saying you'll have to i'm just saying are you willing to when it comes to a stance on an ideal uh an ideology or some of the hot topics of our day things that are getting voted for mandated or told about or that's a million different things so don't pigeonhole what you think i'm saying right now either if you're not willing to reconsider where you stand based on the authority of scripture this is going to be difficult to you and you might want to just think about the fact it's not just everybody else when i read this verse you know what we all do when we read this verse we all go i know that person i know that person they're the person that thinks the opposite of me and they've allowed themselves to be tricked a mature believer understands that it is in constant humility we must walk before the lord and be willing to let go of what we heard what we thought what we feel to cling to the truth of god and i already said it once and i'll say it again if there's something as we go through this or always as i am as i'm blessed to be the pastor of this church and the primary preaching pastor if i'm out of lying compared to scripture this is the authority not me you not only have a right i believe you have a responsibility to bring that to me and the other leaders where you believe i'm off base or we're off base as a church so that we could consider if we are not worshiping the lord correctly in the way that we preach or that we live how dare us allow someone to continue in their ways if it's the wrong way that we wouldn't lovingly approach them i'm so far off my notes it's ridiculous let's just some practical things for us as we move forward let's renew our minds we need a constant renewal of our minds in this romans 12 2 verse we use often it's where paul goes from the first 11 chapters of romans really talking about doctrine and and what we believe as as believe right to the roman church here's how you should see this and here's how you should view this and now let's move to application and in these kind of transitional verses we we use verse one a lot about offering everything unto god because we understand the mercy is extended to us then in verse 2 it says this do not conform to the pattern of this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind that's the constant renewing that's reforming then you'll be able to test and approve what god's will is his good pleasing and perfect will let me say one more thing as we continue in some of the quotes that i'll read as we go through some of these things um are these these historical teachings of scripture we still have to be open that even they could be wrong as long as it's wrong to the fullness of the full counsel and authority of god's word what do i mean by that the catholic church preached a lot of things for a long time that needed to be reformed the church today could be at a place where we've gotten off base and we need to be reformed we would have a wrong view about something so we always have to be open to that possibility and the way that we know that we're growing in this the constant renewal of our mind that we're in the word that we're in his presence that we're with his people regularly being washed over so that we could see that and understand it then you will be able to win once you renewed your mind constantly you're renewing your mind then you'll be able to test and approve what god's will is his good pleasing and perfect will that god has a good pleasing and perfect will and many of us as believers don't even know what it is and we don't know what it is in a way that we know and understand it or that we apply it to see that it is good pleasing and perfect and we do that by constantly renewing our minds and being transformed and we do that not on our own not only on our own but we do that together there's this great quote from a guy named christopher morgan in a book called christian theology said this good theology studying of who god is who we are what that means for the world is done by with and for the church because the church is the people with respect for historic church teachings and in life together that we navigate this journey along with each other you know this week we're uh restarting and um our community groups kind of in full swing and so that means we during the summer we did kind of maybe once a month some barbecue stuff now we're getting back into uh twice a month meeting in each other's homes breaking bread together and today we recorded a video group guide what does that mean that means when we come together like this we sit in rows and i get to preach the word of god and have it wash over us and myself and it's awesome it's impactful and we should do that we worship the lord together but we want you to sit in circles too dialogue talk with each other pastor each other disciple each other and that we would be doing theology together with god's word and so there's there's we make these short videos where i say like hey don't forget we learned about the importance of constructing our faith belief built by scripture and here's some things i want you to consider and talk about among you and that's starting like some of them already started this last week some start this week sometime the next week and so if you're not in community to walk this out i encourage you to do so don't do this by yourself and we have a great example shown to us in acts 17. the bereans i love this group of people paul's going around he's he when he shows up in a city he's going first to the jew and then to the gentile and what i mean by that is he would go into the synagogue the jewish people and he would proclaim to them the messiah you are waiting for has come his name is jesus and here's how you know oftentimes they wouldn't listen sometimes they would but often times they wouldn't then he would go somewhere else and just tell everybody about jesus and so what happens here is he he shows up watch this in acts 17 as soon as it was night the believer sent paul and silas away to berea on arriving there they went to the jewish synagogue now the berean jews were of more noble character than those in thessalonica that's where he just came from it's a bummer when in scripture you're like man our people weren't as noble as the other people but what what made the bereans noble what did paul see in them that he's like listen this is what they did or luke actually is the writer of this but he's the companion of paul marines were more noble character than those in thessalonica for they received the message with great eagerness and examined the scriptures every day to see if what paul said was true as a result many of them believed as did also a number of prominent greek women and many greek men what a great example that this group of people would be those that believe in the authority of scripture so that when the teaching would go out they would hear that teaching but then they would gather together and open the text and they would work through do we believe that is that what god has given us to understand to walk out to live unto his glory unto the good of others and unto our own good as we follow is that is that really what's going on here and so i want to encourage you that we would be that people and so if you don't have a bible we have them i don't see the table back there but we have them out there on a table and we'll give you a bible um we would love that would be we would be grateful to be able to because it's important to me that you don't just listen to me as a mouthpiece although i believe in the preaching of god's word but that you take it home and you read what's before and what's after and what it all says so how we're going to navigate this together we're going to do it with constantly renewing our minds we're going to do this together i need the worship team to go ahead and come up and the example is the bereans but we're also gonna what are we gonna do when we come to things where there's uh different conclusions that we come to in scripture you know there's i don't even know how many denominations and most of those denominations have come because as a people are reading through scripture they come to an idea a thought an instruction a teaching and one group says i read it as this and the other group says i read it is this and we say like well i love you brother well that's not how they've all split but then they would say i love you and that i believe i'm gonna worship jesus with you forever but i don't believe that's the way that we're supposed to express that and so why don't you go with those that believe what you're believing and i'll go with those that believe what i'm believing and we navigate that together so as we get through this i want to be honest and as much as possible show the different sides of some of the beliefs some of them are just firm and true and they're the closed-handed issues of what christianity is but there's other things that are more open-handed about how certain things could look and there's some things that you might actually think are more open-handed but maybe they're not as open-handed as you think based on the text there's some things we'll talk about that are a matter of salvation and must be fought for there are some other things that there are those that are saved that believe a little different on and we're going to worship jesus for eternity together even if we don't agree now so how do we navigate that together there's a quote that actually this is interesting because even who they attribute the quote to is different people many attribute it to uh saint augustine of hippo and it says this in essentials unity that's those close handed we have to hold together this is if we abandon this it's not even christianity anymore in non-essentials liberty that there's some freedom we can see it in in uh romans 14 specifically paul talks about like some people can eat meat some don't and both of them do it to the thanks of the lord so what does that mean he says whatever whatever those you choose you stick to that conviction because if you didn't you'd be sinning but don't force it on somebody else because they're also doing the right thing so in that you can eat meat under the thanks of god or you cannot eat meat under the thanks of god and both of you are doing it right unto his glory there's liberty there he says some of you think a specific day is the day that you must make holy and some of you think every day is a holy day into the lord and both of you better stick to that with that conviction and go for it and if god changes that conviction in your heart you better go with what he's given you the liberty to worship him in if it's not clear in the text hearing me in essentials unity in non-essentials liberty freedom in all things charity and understand we say charity often we understand charity of like handed money to the guy in the corner which that is also charity but charity in scripture depending on what translation you're looking at is literally the word love so in the old writers and the the people that would say this they're saying love in essentials unity we must hold together for this in non-essentials liberty let's give some freedom if somebody does it a little different in the places that there's freedom and in the way in in all things that we do in to the glory of god that are not obviously reckless or some other thing we do all of this we navigate this in love and with charity towards one another so i'm excited to walk through these things you know tonight um is the first sunday and so uh i'm gonna pray for us in just a moment but after i do we're gonna worship and and tonight tonight we take communion together and so there's uh a t two tables in the back um and as we go into song after i pray in just a moment if you would um just have one person so if you came by yourself it's you if you came with some other people just one of you so it's not as clogged go back and get as much as you need is so that you could partake in communion and let me just help you understand what it is maybe you're like what do i do that or not what that is is for all those that put their faith in jesus we are in christ with communion with god through christ and jesus on the last supper the lord's supper with his disciples before he goes to the cross he says do this in remembrance of me and he breaks the bread he says this is my body that is broken for you and he takes the cup and says this is my blood that is poured out in the new covenant for you when you do this do this in remembrance of me and so what we're going to do is is take a moment of remembrance of what christ has accomplished on our behalf that we were brought into the family made sons and daughters of the most high god through christ that our sins are forgiven our shame and our guilt is removed and we are brought into the family of believers you and i are united in christ so i'm going to pray after i pray you grab that but don't don't take it yet just grab it bring back your seat sing for a moment i'll come back up i don't know if you notice i came up with crutch without crutches this time praise the lord we're progressing yeah don't get too excited i might take a tumble so here we go um so so let me pray god we thank you we thank you for this this time where we get to know more about you so that we would know you better because we long we seek to better know you to better love you god we want to praise you by being in alignment with your word help us to understand it help us to live it that we would depend on you rely on you god we love you thank you for the faith that we have that is in us that that was revealed we understood through hearing the message about jesus christ that we are saved by grace through faith god we love you we praise you we pray to you in the awesome name of jesus and everyone said amen
Channel: The Roots Community Church
Views: 108
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: 6rfFweigVVY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 33sec (2793 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 06 2021
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