All Things - All for Jesus - Philippians 3:1-16

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so church uh we're going through the book of philippians um we're gonna be in chapter three today so if you have a bible you could turn there if you don't bible with you we have bibles in the back of the sanctuary on the table there um and then everything else will be on the screen i gotta just shout out tyler real quick it was only his uh what second third time preaching in the main stage and the tv went on the fritz and he handled it with much more grace than i handled technical issues and so well done um that was great but since i was last here you guys worked through a couple different pieces of the text going through kind of the last two sections of chapter two um which were shining as bright as the sun and so really talking about what it means to see the humility of christ jesus and have it apply to us that through humility we would be obedient and our obedience would shine to the world at large around us and that we would shine in the darkness and be a witness to the world and then last week greg preached on you first every time the main he'll like this the main point was mo betta mo butta less bread just kidding that was the one point he was like here's my working title that we're not going to use um but when he was speaking of the example of these two great men that are along with paul on this journey timothy and epaphroditus who were these outstanding people for us to look to as examples of humility and putting others before themselves and the interest of christ before their own interests and so today we'll continue on and and paul will talk to us a little bit about um where we should put our our trust and that although we're not saved by our works we should be a people of great works and so i'm excited to get into this today what i'd love to do to start here is the message today simply just called all for jesus but we're going to read philippians 3 1-16 if you're new here um and this is maybe a new way for you to have a message preached and that's to go straight through a book of the bible but it's very important to us that you get the full counsel of scripture that we don't just cherry pick verses here and there that that we feel um we want to preach on because they're comfortable for us there are times to speak on a specific topic for the people that because it needs to be talked about but mostly what we do here is work through books of the bible so that you would get the full counsel of scripture even the things that are hard the things that are difficult the things that are confusing and so today um hopefully it won't be that confusing but that that's what we're gonna do is we're gonna go philippians 3 1 through 16. here we go further my brothers and sisters rejoice in the lord it is no trouble for me to write the same thing to you again and it is a safeguard for you watch out for those dogs those evildoers those mutilators of the flesh for it is we who are the circumcision we who serve god by his spirit who boast in christ jesus and who put no confidence in the flesh though i myself have reasons for such confidence if someone else thinks they have reasons to put confidence in the flesh i have more circumcised on the eighth day of the people of israel of the tribe of benjamin a hebrew of hebrews in regard to the law of pharisee as for zeal persecuting the church as for righteousness based on the law faultless but whatever word gains to me i now consider loss for the sake of christ for what is more i consider everything a loss because of the surpassing worth of knowing christ jesus my lord for whose sake i have lost all things i consider them garbage that i may gain christ and be found in him not having a righteousness of my own that comes from the law but that which is through faith in christ the righteousness that comes from god on the basis of faith i want to know christ yes to know the power of his resurrection and participation in his sufferings becoming like him in his death and so somehow attaining to the resurrection from the dead not that i have already obtained all this or have already arrived at my goal but i press on to take hold of that for which christ jesus took hold of me brothers and sisters i do not consider myself yet to have taken hold of it but one thing i do forgetting what is behind and straining toward toward what is ahead i press on toward the goal to win the prize for which god has called me heavenward in christ jesus all of us then who are mature should take such a view of things and if on some point you think differently that too god will make clear to you only let us live up to what we have already attained so much great stuff in the text um if you're wondering how we're going to get through all of this the lord knows i pray that he's prepared your heart for it and your bladders to be able to stay in here the whole time until we make it through so let's do this the first main point is gonna be the first six verses and that is this those works can't save you and i know it seems obvious oftentimes when we read through the bible or we talk about the law as we see it in scripture we look at the old testament we go well like a duh there's so many laws that we see there and and we understand that even though there's some of the moral law that we still keep there's so many other laws for the nation of israel and israel and so many other things going on that like it's it's mind-boggling and it's daunting and it's it's more than difficult and so we we kind of accept that okay thank god i don't have to abide by all of the things that i read there but unfortunately we can do is we can we can kind of let go of one law only to pick up another one and although it's not the same exact things that we read in the old testament what we do is we pick up new rituals new religious practice that if i do these things i can somehow balance the scales or work my way into being right with god and so we wear ourselves out and oftentimes still feel like i'm sorry god i'm still not good enough and you're right but you're going about it wrong you're correct to think that all of the good you can do all the things that you've aligned don't bring you into the presence the only thing that does that that makes you right with god is through the sacrifice of jesus christ through faith in the good works of our savior and lord jesus christ and i know for many of you that can feel obvious but some of you are in this room and you've been a christian for a very long time and still find yourself in the place where you're not relying on the grace of god supplied in jesus and so you go home after a a sunday service or you go home after a community group or you just kind of like hit your pillow at night and feel like i didn't do enough to be received by god to be loved by god and you've gone back into law and forgotten the love of god received through christ just preach the whole message so you guys can go home now let's actually look at the text further dang it further my brothers and sisters so this is so then believers and this is familial this is us really being connected together rejoice in the lord and that's not a suggestion he doesn't say if you get a chance if you find it in you if you can figure it out he just says brothers and sisters therefore rejoice in the lord and if i wasn't gonna preach that in depth in chapter four we'd get into it more right now but i just want you to understand that rejoicing is something that you can do regardless of circumstance when it's in the lord oftentimes we rejoice in the circumstance in the situation in the outcome and so the reason we have a hard time finding a purpose to rejoice is that we're looking at the things around us the bottom line the outcome the promotion the finances the different things and i have nothing to rejoice and you have everything if you have jesus it is no trouble for me to write the same thing to you again things to you again and it is a safeguard for you this is awesome this is what it feels like to be a preacher of god's word a preacher of the gospel this is what it feels like hey it's no trouble for me to get up here again and feel like i tell you the same thing every week because if you read your bible consistently what you'll recognize is it's repetitious and the reason is we forget quickly we return to our sin quickly we wander off regularly so we constantly need to be reminded and not just of hey you're wrong you missed it hey you wandered but you are a son of the most high god you are a daughter of the most high god the sin that you're wrestling with right now and that you feel shame and guilt for has already been forgiven and removed and dealt with breathe my child so again and again we get to preach the gospel and again and again as a safeguard for us because as long as the truth is constantly washing over us as long as the truth is what is constantly being conversed about not only from the stage but but in the lobby and in the car and in your home and at the restaurant when you gather with other believers in all of those spaces it helps to safeguard us about uh from turning to other things being deceived by the many many in in a world of information where there's a fire hose of information that every moment in your pocket is every answer just ask siri she'll tell you or he if you change the voice but we're looking for truth not just the longest list of potential answers and we need to know that be washed with it constantly and he goes on to help him understand like it's okay for me to write you again on these things because i need you to watch out or be aware of those dogs those evil doers those mutilators of the flesh clearly here paul there's there's what are called judaizers uh there in their midst there's there's people that there that are saying like this jesus thing is cool but to actually be with good with god go ahead and take some jesus but then make sure you do all the jewish practices because we are his nation we are his people so if if you even if you've been baptized now you need to get a flint knife and you need to be circumcised and he's got some pretty strong language he calls them dogs and unfortunately in america people treat dogs like children sometimes better so we don't have a grasp for this he's like you dog and people like dogs i love dogs he's talking about like feral vicious wandering mangy dogs that eat the garbage that wander the streets and in fact it's kind of a play on words because oftentimes jewish people would call gentiles dogs to put them down and here paul is saying there there are the jewish brothers among you that are trying to deceive you away from the gospel and he flips it on him calls them dogs and evil doers and it's interesting when he says evil-doers there oftentimes what we think when we hear evil-doers is like the worst pagan right like we think evil doers are the ones that like call the cops but we'll see some from some verses later on that we look at that to tell people to do anything other than trust in jesus for salvation is an evil work and so those that would suggest that christ is not enough that your sins are not forgiven that you're not a son or daughter of the most high god if you put your faith in jesus christ are doing evil at that moment and he says the mutilators of the flesh and he's speaking specifically of them saying you must do a fleshly thing to be righteous before god and so he'll go on and say for it is we who are the circumcision talk about confrontation of people that say our father is abraham we are the circumcision they have the seal this sign that all the males are circumcised on the eighth day and they're set apart look different than the rest of the world because they are the people of god and then paul would say they are mutilators of the flesh paul's circumcised but he says anybody that would try to make it about that instead of about jesus are doing an evil work and so he says we and he's speaking to mostly gentile roman colony and he's speaking to these these roman citizens and he says we are the circumcision he's just taken that and given it to christ's followers and i want to read to you a little bit about the fact that we're all the circumcision regardless of your flesh in colossians 2 9-14 it says this for in christ all the fullness of the deity lives in bodily form and in christ you have been brought to fullness he is the head over every power and authority in him you were also circumcised with a circumcision not performed by human hands it's not about the flesh your whole self ruled by the flesh was put off when you were circumcised by christ he's like you think the circum that regular circumcision is cutting our flesh and removing it your entire flesh was removed in christ by christ having been buried with him in baptism in which you were also raised with him through your faith in the working of god who raised him from the dead when you were dead in your sins and in your uncircumcision of your flesh god made you alive with christ he forgave us all our sins i think there's a verse 14. do we have another verse at the end of this no there it is having canceled the charge of our legal indebtedness which stood against us and condemned us he has taken it away nailing it to the cross that when you put your faith in jesus the motivation for the works that you will do are how do i know him more how do i get closer to him how do i pursue him and from there we say this is what his word says about what it means to follow him humbly and obey him out of love and out of response for the good things that he has done for you not so that you would be right but you have been made right now let's live it out can we go back to the philippians 3 text you're already there for it is we who are the circumcision we who serve god by his spirit and the word serve there is also worship it's to minister we who worship god by his spirit we know we must worship god in spirit and in truth and this is paul again just just bringing more into the fold here that is so rich because he says that we are the circumcision we who serve god by his spirit that the old testament there is a sign and there is a seal that you are one of god's chosen people his elect and that is that you would be circumcised the sign and seal in the new testament isn't a circumcision of the flesh the seal is the spirit of god that dwells inside of you when you put your faith in christ jesus and so a new sign of who are he is in ephesians 1 13 through 14 it says then you also were included in christ when you heard the message of truth the gospel of your salvation when you believed you were marked in him with a seal the promised holy spirit and this is great some of you are wondering like i put my faith in jesus but do i have the holy spirit this says you do when you believed you were marked in him with a seal the promised holy spirit the answer is yes who was the deposit guaranteeing our inheritance until the redemption of those who are god's possession to the praise of his glory that the sign and seal is not something you have to put on you have to do you don't put your faith in jesus we're like now you have to shave your head you have to get the tattoo you have to cut off some flesh you have to do the things there are some things of obedience that christ asks of you but it's not so that you can show that sign that's the seal that you know that you're assured of your salvation isn't because you did the ritual it's because the spirit of the most high god indwells you your passions are changed your desires are changed you still fight against the flesh but it's a fight now you're no longer slave to those things we're still in the first couple verses if i get a couple weeks off i just come with more notes that's what happens who serve god by his spirit i think that's good it's not in your own strength it's not by the fleshly work you've done it's not in your own strength who boasts in christ who glory in christ jesus who boasts in christ jesus and who put no confidence in the flesh we live in a boastful world the majority of how we communicate now of like who we are to the world at large is done through platforms it's done through screens it's done through editing even if you're not using the filter you're filtering which picture you post even if you're not using the filter you're filtering all the words that you're using i'm not saying there's not like some some wisdom and not just spewing out what's on your mind but what i'm saying is don't act as if it's an intimate connection with anybody it is worse than face value because at least when we're standing in front of you we might feel each other out a little bit and that is the way that we interact and and that is where we find our confidence that's what we boast in when we are called to boast glory in the fact that i'm in the lord and that is not a sense of arrogance but it's where my confidence lies i love and boasting in the lord in galatians 6 14 it says this may i never boast except in the cross of our lord jesus christ that's awesome may i never boast except for in the cross of our lord jesus christ through which the world has been crucified to me and i to the world i'm dead to it and it's dead to me and i love this looking back in jeremiah 9 23-24 this is what the lord says let not the wise boast of their wisdom or the strong boast of their strength or the rich boast of their riches isn't that what we do as believers we're not immune to this our natural in fleshly desire is to come across as smarter stronger richer i know more i am more i have more and that's where i find my confidence that's what i'm boasting that's where what i glory in but let the one who boasts boast about this that they have the understanding to know me and that is not to say like they're more wise than somebody else that's that they have this revelation to know god that i am the lord they understand that he is the lord and that he exercises kindness justice and righteousness on earth for in these i delight declares the lord the lord says don't let the the wise man boast that he's so if you're here and that's where you feel like listen maybe i'm not like strongly everybody else and maybe i'm not rich but what makes me feel confident around everybody else here as i'm smarter than you or maybe we all play these games we walk into a room and go like oh i'm kind of not confident cause that person has more money than me but i can beat him in a race that's real let the strong men now look around the room and go look they're smarter they're richer but i could beat them up and let the rich man not go like oh he's smart and he's strong but i pay for what i want they wish they had my money but let us boast in the lord let's go back to the philippians text go ahead and go to the next verse there though i myself have reasons for such confidence now this is an interesting statement paul says don't have any confidence in the flesh although if you did i'm that guy his reasoning here isn't to boast his reasoning here is that there are those among them the the the church in philippi that are putting their faith in their works and their religion and what paul wants to do it's not so he can just say i'm greater than you it's so that he can say that i've done more than you and i've come to the conclusion that it doesn't work and so let me just help you if you're trying to attain what i already have because you think that's where it's at it's not and so what he says is if someone else thinks they have reasons to put confidence in the flesh i have more circumcised on the eighth day of the people on the okay he's gonna go through this list that to the jew is a big deal to us maybe we can't relate but there's some common themes that we even as believers can go like he says he's the hebrew of hebrews and what we can do is go i'm a christian of christians circumcised on the eighth day he comes from the right beginnings set up for success from the beginning of the people of israel he's from the right nation of the tribe of benjamin he's from the right family a hebrew of hebrews so those who are the jews that are trying to get people to convert really back to being jewish not christian he says you're offering something to someone i was higher up in the ranks than you are i'm the hebrew of hebrews i come from like you don't know my family history i'm from the right family i went to the i'm from the right nation i went to the right church i memorized the right verse he's like watch what he gets into it's not only where he came from he's going to say i also did the right things i'm from the right line i did the right so some of you might put faith in the fact that like my family's of course i'm saved my family's saved i come from a long line in regard to the law that's knowing and obeying the commands the law the extra law a pharisee that are those that are set apart so you think you're by the law i'm above i'm the really righteous one as for zeal persecuting the church oh you think you're about it have you gone around and grabbed the christians and throw them in prison and one of them to die as for righteousness based on the law faultless paul says in this group of people listen they think they're awesome for the things that they've done they're tempting you to want to go that route to be right before god but let me tell you i've already been down that space and i need to kick off my ride in a revelation of who jesus christ is because what i did was wrong i missed it i was depending on all these things and they came up short no one is righteous not even one in ephesians two eight and nine that's what your works don't work says ford's by grace you have been saved through faith and this is not from yourself it is the gift of god not by works so that no one can boast it's given to you by god as a gift salvation through faith you must believe in the lord jesus christ it's not from yourself it's the gift of god not by works it's not because you're smarter it's not because you're stronger it's not because you're richer you didn't achieve it you didn't take it you can't buy it you receive it those works can't save you knowing christ is of ultimate value you guys still with me good i got three more pages of notes it's two and a half but so he says i did all these things i had all these things i've done all the stuff i've got it all figured out i memorized the verses i went to everything i was in the leadership class i've done all the stuff i served in the ministry on sunday like i was asked to i read the bible in a year plan i did all the things this person didn't i got to be good before god i'm a good person paul says i'm better than you but whatever we're gains towards his self-righteousness to me i now consider loss for the sake of christ there's like this accounting terms that are going back and forth whatever was profit and now is a loss what is more i consider everything a loss because of the surpassing worth of knowing christ jesus my lord he worked his tail off he had the the all the little badges all the little sashes all the little stickers all the stuff he's a better believer than you and i and where many of us will be tempted to weigh ourselves against other people to weigh the scales if i'm good with god based on how hard i've worked and the things that i've done stop it you can't you're not good enough let me just free you up you're no good apart from christ he has greater value the worth of no of the worth of knowing christ in matthew matthew 13. there's a there's a good way of like there's a greater value choose the greater value understand the greater value give up the thing of less value and cling to what is best and jesus says this the kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field when a man found it he hid it again and then in his joy went and sold all he had and bought everything he had attained everything he had worked for everything he had done in that moment there was this revelation of the value of what was before him that everything i've worked for and come to to gain i'll you right i got to get rid of it it it it pales in comparison to the value of this thing that's been revealed to me in the moment and it goes on again the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant looking for fine pearls when he found one of great value greater value the greatest value he went away and sold everything he had and bought it i love this he doesn't say he went away and sold a couple of his more precious pearls so he'd get the bigger pearl no he goes everything i've accumulated is worth nothing before this man that's a view that's a view of the kingdom of heaven that many of us need to retrain train our perspective christ is not an add-on it's a takeover he doesn't just get added to the list of priorities fit into the schedule he is the focus he is the center he is above all he is lord can we go back to the philippians text everything allah is because of the surpassing worth of knowing christ jesus my lord for whose sake i have lost all things i consider them garbage rubbish trash sometimes that word for garbage is used for excrement feces that's the level he's trying to really help people understand here what you hold of high value needs to be thrown out into the heap into the pile into the burn pit that i may gain christ and be found in him not having a righteousness of my own that comes from the law but that which is through faith in christ the righteousness that comes from god on the basis of faith i want to know christ he has to know the power of his resurrection he's gonna get on this list of all the things he wants to know about christ when he's going to say here this is experiential this isn't just informational it's not i want to know everything there is to know about christ although those are good those are good things for us to learn it doesn't save you to know about jesus you must know jesus he says all this is nothing if you're talking about comparing it to knowing jesus in fact it's garbage because it doesn't make me right with god only knowing christ does and i'll give it all up in fact i'm willing to go through no matter what it takes so that i would know him more sacrificial love oh man that's hard to do but you know who i would understand better the one who sacrificed the most i should learn to sacrifice more and love others better suffering for the name of christ man that hurts i want to run from that i've been told everything is good and gucci and wonderful if i just follow after jesus everything's awesome it is but not in the way the world defines it paul would say i want to suffer like jesus he wants to why i don't understand him yet like that there's a way in which jesus suffered so that others would be loved that i haven't loved like that and suffered like that and and gone through that for the for the king and the kingdom that i would know jesus better we could share that experience together that i would get to experientially know because i'm living like him in a real way knowing jesus christ is necessary matthew 7 21-23 says this and i know i use these verses often and they're scary verses but we're going to use them anyways not everyone who says to me lord lord will enter in the kingdom of heaven but only the one who does the will of my father who is in heaven many will say to me on that day lord lord do we not prophesy in your name and in your name drive out demons and in your name perform miracles then i will tell them plainly i never knew you away from me you evil doers evil doers the things they did were prophesy cast out demons perform miracles and jesus says that's evil if it's not done because you know me because then you're doing it as if it can save you and you're showing other people that's the way to salvation and it's not so you're leading them towards good works headed to hell instead of faith that would reconcile you to the father and he calls them evil-doers he says those works you can even say the right thing lord lord you can do the things that seem like good works but knowing him is what matters and so on the positive look at it you go he's greatest value choose the greater value and one that feels a little more heavy it's all the things you're doing won't save you knowing him is necessary if we can go back to the philippians text i want to know christ yes to know the power of his resurrection and participation in his suffering becoming like him in his death and so somehow attaining to the resurrection from the dead this isn't this isn't paul wondering like is this how you what you have to do to be resurrected this is paul in his humility saying that man i hope to see him i can't wait to see him and somehow he'll speak in other places that that somehow is either i'm here when he shows up or i die and he resurrects me and i want to know that power i want to know and experience him and his work i want to know him better and know what it means to live for him more to be more like him in the way i express myself to the world all right let's keep moving one last main point run that's the point run which is kind of funny for me to say but scoot doesn't fit for what we're saying here listen to this not that i have already obtained all this or have already arrived in my goal but i press on to take hold of that for which christ jesus took hold of me he says although you're striving to be saved is worthless and then he goes here and you better run all the running you're doing to try to be good before god by doing the rituals and the laws it's not going to work it's only in christ jesus that you're good with him and now run he doesn't want you not to work he just wants you to do it out of an understanding that you're already made right with god through faith in jesus christ now you have a work to do go and so he'll deal with those that think they can be saved by their own works he'll also deal with those that go oh i'm saved why work if i don't have to work to be saved why work at all paul said you don't have to stay or you have to work for your salvation but when you are saved you run and you run towards the things that he has already given you that you would be found complete and perfected in his sight and this verbiage is like this push and i have our now that i've already obtained all this or have already arrived to my goal but i press on i run i pursue to take hold of that for which christ jesus took hold of me brothers and sisters i do not consider myself yet to have taken hold of it he's saying i'm not perfect yet he's still sanctifying me he's still perfecting me and so we looked at it earlier in the text i believe uh tyler preached through but i'm working out my salvation it's not that i'm working towards my salvation i'm working it out i already have it i'm just looking more like it but one thing i do for getting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead can i just set some of you free do that paul says one thing i do understand your walk is a walk well run but that it's a journey that we're constantly moving towards what we already have been given in christ jesus we're reflecting that more and more as we pursue christ and so it's not something that we just receive to go sit on the sidelines it's something that we we receive to be empowered to do what he's called us to do now forgetting what is behind that last fall that last struggle that last issue forget about it i press on i look towards the one i pursue i look to the accomplishment of all of this the perfecting that will happen and i continue to to strive to be more like jesus so for some of you let go of what you can't change about what already has happened and hold on to what god has for you i press on toward the goal to win the prize for which god has called me heavenward in christ jesus not sure that's not in there for which god has called me heavenward in christ jesus i already have this thing it's there waiting for me and now i'm running to receive it i can't wait to be in his presence i can't wait to look more like him i should know him better today than i did yesterday don't beat yourself up if you didn't start today and start running pursue him not only to understand that sometimes we can feel like well i know the bible i kind of know the framework i see what jesus did awesome i know him and then when you go home tonight i think it's going to be a beautiful night tonight look up at the stars and and stare off into space and if you have a telescope look even further and realize the expanse and the how glorious it is looking up there and realize it doesn't touch the glory of jesus christ that you haven't come close to fully experiencing knowing the the fullness of the glory of your savior and lord jesus there is more to pursue and to run after and some of that will come experientially as you say lord use me lord you i want to i'm going to speak the truth of the gospel no matter what comes against me and i'm going to see what it's like to do so and it would it will help me understand what it was it is to be more like him i want to receive the pushback i want to experience it all even death that i would understand resurrection press enter the gold when the price was god has called me heavenward in christ jesus we have an eye on the prize in hebrews 12 1-3 you guys still with me some of you were wondering you're wondering if you're still with me i think you are i love this and what we're looking towards hebrews 12 1-3 it says this therefore since we're surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles and let us run with perseverance that means if you got caught up again if you fell off again if you went astray again perseverance is keep going forgetting what was yesterday forgetting what was just a minute ago and pushing forth and the sentence really entangles and let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us he already marked it out he's empowered us to do it we see the prize we know the finish line and we fix our eyes on it but fix our eyes on jesus the pioneer and perfecter of our faith for the joy set before him he endured the cross scorning its shame and sat down at the right hand of the throne of god consider him who endured such opposition from sinners so that you will not grow weary and lose heart the journey can become difficult your fight against the sin that you keep wrestling with can be difficult it can feel like you're not going to make it endure persevere and look to christ quit looking to your own strength quit looking to your rituals quit looking to the law we're looking at the family you came from quit looking to where you've memorized just looked at jesus look to him he is the pioneer the author and the perfecter of your faith now obviously look to the text pray that's the ways that we pursue him but don't rely on past ritual remember you're righteous now in christ and move forward i should probably have a worship team come up just to pick me up and carry me off listen i wanna tell you something the mature are runners i just said run i yell a lot of times some people the more mature they get it seems like the less they do for jesus not just do sometimes the more mature someone is as a believer the less they look like jesus how could that be due to the word mature here is is the word perfect he's saying those that think they have it all together should have a view similar to the view that i just told you look at this all of us then all of us then all of us then all of us then who are mature should take such a view of things and if on some point you think differently that too god will make clear to you i love this paul says all of us who think we're like you think you've you're you're there all of us that are perfect all of us that think we've gotten there paul says you should have a view that i just said you didn't get there by your works and you're not done running you didn't get there by your works it's by jesus and you're not done running you have more holiness to work out you have a better understanding of the identity you have in christ to work out you have a mission that you're still called to be on so you can't quit now in fact if you have quit then it shows that you're not mature because the mature view is the humble view that says there's still more to know there's still more to be worked out in me [Music] and at some point you think differently that too god will me make clear to you i love this paul says you should think like this and if you don't god will fix you what an awesome line only let us live up to what we have already attained i love this verse it's not a verse of striving to be something you're not it's a verse that helps us realize we're only called to live as we already are i'm not trying to be a son of god i am a son of god you're not trying to be a daughter of god you are a daughter of the god of it is just being who you already are just be that i know that sounds easy when i say it in that way but what i'm saying is [Music] blossom into everything you are and you already are in christ jesus he established it he grabbed hold of you your pursuit is only to grab hold of what he grabbed hold of you for that you would understand your identity not that you'll become but that you are [Music] that you would live up to the holiness that you already have that you would live on the mission that you already have received be who you are and do what you're built for listen when i say be who you are i'm not saying like the world does you know me better than that i'm not saying like be you boo like i'm not like do what you want man what i'm saying is if you've put your faith in jesus christ as lord you are the son or daughter of god be that don't be what your flesh tells you are don't be where your past tells you who you are don't be what your family tells you you are don't be what the world tells you you are don't be what be who you are in christ jesus your lord [Music] for we are god's handiwork there's special creation created in christ jesus to do good works which god prepared in advance for us to do he created us for it he prepared it for us in advance he positioned us for it he empowered us to do it through the spirit that indwells us let's be a church who is the church not playing church not checking the box of church let's be everything he's called us to be in scripture and when we miss it repent forget what was before move ahead two quick questions and then i'm gonna um crutch off the stage think about these are you running to know jesus more simple are you running to know jesus more are you running to live more like jesus who sacrificed and suffered and gave so that others would experience love [Music] i can't stand but could you stand your feet we're gonna worship just a moment and i'm just grateful that you're here and that you're pushing through it's important to me that we don't just it's gonna sound funny don't just check the box but there are boxes to check on the connect card but it's not so that you can just say you didn't run off this is just we want to know the journey that you're on we want to know where you're at what step is what's going on in your heart where are you at that god is drawing you from and drawing you to that we would walk this out together because we're called to do so we're the body we're the brethren the brothers and sisters in christ the family so we're interested in walking this life out with you and again many of you i know some of you i don't but i'd love to and so if you would consider just what god is wanting to do today in your heart or he's doing um and grab one of the connect cards they're either on a seat near you or they're out in the lobby and i want to know if if god has transformed your heart and you put your faith in jesus we it's important that fellow believers know we walk that out with you that's amazing it's the biggest decision you'll ever make in your life if you want more information about becoming a church member you can let us know or you can just go to growth track right after service that's how they know who the church is and you can ask questions we work that out want to join a community group you're not built to do this alone if you want to serve on a team god's built you to serve him and we do so by serving others and so maybe it's inside not maybe you're you're called to edify the church with what god's given you um and then if you have prayer requests we pray over these every week or if you have a praise report we'd love to hear those too because we like to celebrate what god is up to so i'm gonna pray and then um we're gonna worship but if you did fill one of these out today you could give it to the connect team on the way out or you could drop it in the box on your way out god we thank you we thank you for this time we thank you for your word we thank you that you have paul write these words god i thank you that i'm just believing that right now lord that there are those that have been just wore out by trying to be right before you by their works instead of resting in the fact that they are made right with you through jesus through their faith in jesus christ let us not rely on that thank you for our righteousness god also we just thank you that you didn't just save us to sit but although it is your grace that has saved us we no longer have to work we don't have to work for salvation we do work from salvation we have been saved let us live up to what we have already attained god help us to live a life of holiness help us to live a life as your children help us to live a life on mission for the benefit of all and for the glory of your name that we would boast in jesus christ as lord god thank you i believe you're transforming hearts not only on individual level but as the church are continuing to transform us into the image of jesus god i also thank you for the many things you might be doing in people's lives their families their hearts their bodies provisionally god i just want to come alongside my brothers and sisters that are praying for their spouse their kids their parents their neighbor because we ask that you would work through us and through others to draw people unto yourself that your kingdom would grow as you reveal yourself by your spirit transform the hearts of men and women [Music] god we thank you we love you we praise you in jesus mighty name and everyone said amen
Channel: The Roots Community Church
Views: 106
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: -kVQg7yw_Bg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 41sec (3221 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 26 2021
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