"Final Say Faith" - Banky & Adesua Wellington

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yeah good morning water brock [Music] okay that that um the devil is a liar that that applause was nice and i appreciate it but let's make some noise for the reason for the season let's make some noise for jesus christ amen [Music] can you help me just you can't even remove it it's okay amen amen good morning who missed me i've been gone for a while okay if you didn't miss me did you miss susu [Music] all right all right all right um it's good to be back we bring you greetings from baby zayah and i know i know most of most people haven't seen him yet but i promise you he's the most beautiful baby boy i've ever seen so if you see me calm down calm down if you see me i'm the shameless dad that says hey how you doing have you seen my son have you seen me so if you see me just tap me out immediately is my screen saved by in fact so don't worry um but i feel like zaya is like my 40th birthday present i turned 40 recently um [Music] and uh you know and and shortly before i turned 40 it was susu's birthday in february so it was like god god has done a marvelous thing in our lives and we're so grateful and we're filled with celebration and joy and he's not letting us sleep but we're enjoying every sleepless minute of it yeah are you are you good you all right i think this is a good time for me to reintroduce my queen let me take my time with it baby don't stand up here don't stand up yet ladies and gentlemen my purpose partner ladies and gentlemen my lady my love my baby mama the finest woman oh my ladies god gentlemen make some noise for addisoia toby wellington please that she joins me on stage hey sugar [Music] yes i'm extra i'm extra welcome sugar and uh today's easter sunday and we're very honored because we're going to be sharing a very special testimony with you guys never shared before in public and um so uh the title of our message or conversation today is called final say faith by the way how many people know i have a new song and video out with my with my lady it's called final say please go and watch it listen to it stream it shameless plug yes fully i told you i'm already shameless there's no i don't get embarrassed um but that song is more than a song it's a testimony it's about what god has done for us in our lives and what we believe by faith he will do for you amen so whatever it is you know as we get into this conversation today whatever it is that you are believing god for whatever you've given up on whatever you've let go we're here to tell you that he turned our story around and he will do the same for you in jesus name and i think it's only appropriate if we start with a prayer so if you would please in jesus name heavenly father we thank you for your goodness we thank you for your mercy we thank you for your loving kindness we thank you for bringing us into your presence once again lord i pray in the mighty name of jesus that you will prepare our hearts for the word that we're about to hear in the mighty name of jesus for that i pray that your word will fall upon the fertile parts of our hearts and bear much fruit in the mighty name of jesus i pray that you help us not to only be sayers of your word but also doers of your word in the mighty name of jesus oh lord i bring myself a banking to your hands oh god make our lips like the pen of the ready writer in the mighty name of jesus and i pray lord that all glory all honor all adoration shall go back to your name in the name of jesus heavenly father dwell with us heavily today in jesus name amen amen all right so let's um open our bibles to john chapter 11 and really what we're going to do today is we're going to be sharing two stories one is from our personal lives but we're going to kind of intertwine it with a scripture that god gave us that showed kind of the journey that we went on and it's in john chapter 11. now john chapter 11 is packed it's got like almost 60 verses so we won't be able to read the entire thing and i want to encourage you please when you get home read it in your own time and just unpack everything that god has for us in that chapter amen amen so let's start by reading john chapter 11 from verse 1 to 14. so if you have your bibles please go there how many people know the spirit of god is in this house right now amen if you are sitting around waiting for this part of the service you have already missed some things because god is here because miracles were released during the praise and worship because the spirit of god is moving so please be sensitive and tap into what god is saying today amen amen tell your neighbor you are lucky that you are sitting next to me because i am covered with grace and favor so maybe maybe my anointing will rub off on you amen all right let's go let's get into the scripture from verse one it says now a man named lazarus was sick he was from bethany the village of mary and her sister martha this mary whose brother lazarus now lays sick was the same one who poured perfume on the lord and wiped his feet with her hair so the sisters sent word to jesus lord the one you love is sick and when he had heard this jesus said this sickness will not end in death no it is for god's glory so that god's son may be glorified through it now jesus loved martha and her sister and lazarus so when he heard that lazarus was sick he stayed where he was two more days and then he said to his disciples let us go back to judea but rabbi they said a short while ago the jews there tried to stone you and yet you are going back jesus answered are there not 12 hours of daylight anyone who walks in the daytime will not stumble for they see by this world's light it is when a person walks at night that they stumble for they have no light and after he had said this he went on to tell them our friend lazarus has fallen asleep but i am going there to wake him up his disciples replied lord if he sleeps he will get better jesus had been speaking of his death but his disciples thought he meant natural sleep so then he told them plainly lazarus is dead and for your sake i am glad i was not there so that you may believe but let us go to him amen amen so for everybody who's ever been to church before you've ever been a church-going person in your life you know this story for those who haven't let me give you a spoiler alert lazarus dies but he's resurrected and we believe that by faith that same miracle that happened for lazarus will happen to any dead situation in your life today that needs to come alive amen amen all right so let's get right into our points for today you ready all right first point is hidden in verse 5. now the points that we're going to be talking about is you can call it the keys to final say faith the keys to final say faith so point number one is hidden in verse five in verse five it says now jesus loved martha and her sister and lazarus here's point number one relationship see martha mary and lazarus had a relationship with god they had a relationship with jesus they loved him they knew that he loved them in fact if you read other passages of scripture you will find that when jesus is passing through bethany he would sometimes stay over with them martha would do the cooking mary would sit at his feet listening to him when he's teaching so there was an intimate relationship between that family and jesus and so today we're talking about financial faith and how many people know that sometimes we are trying to exercise faith without the foundation of a relationship sometimes we're trying to walk in faith and say oh god do this thing for me but you're talking to a god that you speak to when you're in trouble but you don't have a relationship with you don't talk to him you don't worship him you don't serve in his house you don't spend time searching his word you don't spend time getting to know god and yet we want to treat god like he's an emergency line like he's 9-1-1 you know in case of emergency break glass call jesus okay now that this problem is sorted i move back to my life some people the only word that we get from god is what we're hearing on sunday and then we go through monday through saturday without that relationship but the first key to having final say faith is relationship do we have a relationship with god amen amen are you guys here this morning i know the service has taken a little bit longer we can share the grace and go or we can get into this world amen all right let's do it and so the point in in relationship is it's not enough to know that god is real it's not enough to even know that jesus died and resurrected because we know that but god you have to move past the point of knowing that god is real to ensuring that he is real to you in your life and when we talk about relationship pastor dell is here pastor essay is here um when we were getting married they were very instrumental in our pre-marital counseling classes and and i have to say a big thank you to them and to the house of freedom for the tools that they gave us because marriage is not beings it's not beings and you know they needed to give ideas what they they were with all right to cope with no i'm just kidding but but but listen if you are getting married or you are married please please take premature counselling seriously and when we were about to get married we went to premarital counselling and prior to this there was a day at this one tried to talk to me about love languages and being the strong intelligent ignorant ignorant coconut head african man that i am i said please please please i don't believe in all these things i love you you love me let's move on but when we got into premarital counselling you know that topic came up and i think it was pastor essay that talked us through love languages so do you want to tell us a little bit about that yeah um so apparently there are five five major love languages um acts of service um words of affirmation quality time gifts and physical touch i i was trying to have a conversation with him um about how i like to be loved and he was like i don't believe in all these things please please please and i was just like it is actually really really important because you what happens is that you start speaking a language that the other person doesn't understand now my love language is quality time you cannot say you love me and not spend time with me you can buy me everything i those things which i try to do and it didn't work for me i kept telling him to stop buying me stuff because it doesn't work for me that's not my love language but his love language is acts of service um so there was a particular time that we were so we were we were not fighting but there was like a cold war at home you know you're not really saying anything but your attitude you can already tell that there's something going on um and married people do you understand when they would get it when there's tension in the you're not saying it with words yeah but you just know that the air is very thick um um so he was really really busy during that period i think it was during the election um the campaign time so he was going out a lot and i was just like campaign is great i'm really happy for you i support you 150 but you cannot not spend time with your family um now aside from that i was trying to do acts of success oh yeah oh yeah so he'd wake up make me breakfast i'm like that's great you know the time you used to make the great passage you actually spent it with me um so it wasn't it wasn't getting across to me um because that's while i appreciated it it wasn't what i wanted per se right so there was like a cold war at home and he was getting frustrated because he was thinking but i'm trying to show you that i love you and i'm like that's great but it's not working for me then on a particular day in the bathroom the holy spirit ministered to him yeah so so on this particular day i um you know i had tried to make breakfast for high in the morning you know arrange a couple of things in the house and then i was getting ready and then she was still in the mood and i was like what's wrong with this woman you know i'm trying i'm campaigning i have business i'm still cooking for you i'm still trying to take it and you are still carrying strong face for me so i had vexed and at that point i was like you know if we are going to fight let's fight and i was getting ready in the bathroom i was getting ready to go and i heard god say to me but you know you are speaking different languages and i froze and he said it's like somebody arguing with another person and once one person is speaking greek and the other person is speaking chinese and you're not hearing each other because you're speaking different languages they taught you in premarital counseling that her love language is quality time so you may be doing acts of service you are speaking your own love language how about you try speaking hers because of everything that you are doing the one thing you are not giving her is the one thing that she understands because when you are not spending time with her it feels like maybe you don't love her and i heard it and i froze and i repented there and then i took my office shirt and tie off and everything and i said you know what let me cancel some meetings and i got back into bed and i held my wife and she busted out into tears and we didn't i don't know jesus i didn't really cry just small just very and nothing needed to be said because i was speaking the language that she needed to feel happy now i say we said all of that to say this what is god's love language you ever thought about that what language do you speak to god to let him know that you love him and that what's god's love love language one of his love languages it's faith the bible says without faith it is impossible so you can be doing everything but if you don't trust him and so sometimes god will take you down this journey to say i need to get you to this place where you trust me completely absolutely not because of what i'm doing or not doing or my timeline or your timeline but you are trusting me because you know who i am and you are absolutely certain that i'm a good god and that i love you and that everything will work together for your good amen amen and so god's love language is faith and if you read this entire john chapter 11 you will see that mary and martha started to speak that language of faith and trust even in the midst of their circumstances because one day trouble came knocking on their door and lazarus became sick and by faith they sent out for jesus and what did they say they didn't even say lazarus they said lord the one you love is sick which means they know first of all we have a relationship secondly we have faith and trust that you will do something so they sent that message lord the one you love is sick and they knew that because they had spent time with him and they'd spent time in his word they knew that jesus had the power to turn that situation around they'd seen him heal other people they'd heard him teach they knew who he was amen amen but then in verse six it says so when jesus heard lazarus was sick he came right over and rushing to their side is that what it says are you awake what's a broke it says so when jesus heard lazarus was sick he stayed where he was two more days it doesn't even give us context that maybe he was busy healing people or the crowd it just says he just stayed where he was yeah and you know i don't know what to do with that because it's like but you love me and i'm i'm in trouble and i need you now and because you love me you don't do anything and you wait and you delay and that's what we want to get into today amen everybody sitting in this room everybody who watches this message online has a lazarus if you are being honest with yourself there's a time there's something that you have prayed about that you have waited on god for there's an answer there's a job there's a breakthrough there's a business there's a relationship there's a marriage there's a sin that you can't break there's something that you have prayed and you have waited on god for and you have seen him do it for other people you have seen him answer somebody else's prayer you have seen him come through sometimes for other people that have not served god like you for other people that don't have the relationship that you have worked on and you are there confused and that's what we're going to get into today amen amen but the first step is what the first point is what relationship relationship now let us tell you a little bit about our lazarus do you want to take over so we got married in 2017. so we got married in 2017. back 2017. you're lucky like to stop my life and i was like okay fine let's marry yes um so we got married in 2017 and we had planned our lives out we had talked about it and we're like this is what's going to happen bam bam bam is going to be like we're like we're going to be so busy might as well just get the children out of the way let's do it now and just you know let it come through and then nothing happened um and then you try and you try and nothing happened and i remember having a conversation with banky and i was like you know let's go do ivf and banky was like calm down it hasn't even been a year give it a year so yeah i came when it was 11 months and a couple of days i was like hey how far so it's been a year let's go try ivf and we prayed about it we did pray and by the grace of god still we did get pregnant and we got pregnant with twins but before we we touched that i want you if i can ask you a question sure so in that first year talk to us about dealing with disappointment oh right every month okay so it was like a monthly disappointment and anyone would tell you that when you want a child even one month or two months seems like such a long time um talkless of people that have waited for years and years so it was constant disappointment and trying to stay in the place of faith and knowing that you serve a god that doesn't lie and knowing that you serve a god that can do it but for some reason he's just really kind of slow in your opinion um and it was really really tough and i'm really grateful for banky because he always called me back um and also dealing with pressure dealing with pressure that you put on yourself and dealing with pressure that is external we got pregnant with our son after two and a half years and i can tell you that every single day of those two and a half years someone trolled me every day i couldn't have an opinion without someone saying go i'm born i couldn't say anything without someone saying get out go and have a child you are barren you did something with your womb you did i heard all sorts and every single time i heard that i just went back to god and i said father lord they know i serve you so they are mocking you not me and i remember feeling like i don't know why you're not coming through because these people are watching they know it's you i serve i haven't done anything wrong why am i here and i'd like to start off by saying that my mom's a pastor she's at home right now watching ziya thank you mommy thank you jemima um and all those times i'd see people come to her people that were waiting on the fruit of the womb and that you could almost taste the agony the agony was tangible and i remember saying to myself that father lord if there's anything in this life you're going to make me go through please don't make me go through this because it just it just seemed so harrowing and just such a sorrowful place to be and the sorrow is like every single month is like like i said monthly sorrow um so yeah that that was really tough okay and so we finally you know at the end of the year we said okay we found a good place that had a track record of success yeah and we started the ivf process yes so how was that first of all i'd like to give a huge shout out to every single woman that has gone through ivf i know what you have gone through i have veins in my hands that no longer work they're so traumatized that you can't get blood out of them ivf is a very very tasking thing emotionally physically on your body mentally it is very very tough um but at the end of that actually i have a picture do we have the picture so and and so was very very tough and that's i don't have the picture of the injections it should have been too much the videos are too much so another time we'll share that um so it was it was very very very hard and and this is also i'm going through this while going through every day every day hearing one rumor or the other people are making things up husband is important people saying that i've done done something to your womb it was very hard but and you know but the internet kind of gives people the opportunity to pass their pain on to others yeah because everybody's going through something yeah and for some people they want to project that pain onto you and so when they see you happy or see you in a joyous mode the next thing they want to do is make you feel the way that they feel and i'd like to say that i'm coming out here to say all these things because i promised god that i would and i know that our testimony is tied to the faith of so many people so there's nothing anybody can do to make me shut up about the goodness of god come on so um so we got pregnant so we got pregnant and we got pregnant with twins and we had gone for the scans we had seen the heartbeats at this point actually very very few people know when this happened every report that you have had is a lie because nobody knew when it happened um so um and we we um saw the heartbeats everything was okay and then during a routine checkup we went back to the hospital to have a scan and i just saw the doctor's face you know when you know when a doctor i don't know how to explain it when something is wrong sometimes you can tell and she was scanning she was cutting and i was like what's wrong she's like oh nothing i'm just you know and then i looked at the nurse's face and she looked a bit funny too and i was like what's wrong she was like addisoia i'm looking for the heartbeat and i said for two of them and she said yes and i'm actually not going to lie i started laughing because it didn't it didn't make any sense to me i was just like what do you mean you can't find the heartbeats of both and she said yeah so and so we um i i went home banky wasn't home at the time so i went home and i remember being in our living room when i was at the hospital actually left i was like god knows god knows then when i got home i literally collapsed on the floor and i wailed wailing is not the same thing as crying wailing is a deep groaning in your chest it's like a knot that you can't get rid of and i'm sharing this because so many women go through this but nobody talks about it because it's almost like a thing of shame for whatever reason and i don't know why because you don't control your body you don't create yourself um it's funny how we can accept that every other organ might need help you can get a heart transplant you can get help with your kidneys but when it comes to the reproductive organs it's like a dirty topic nobody wants to talk about and i think it's really important that we talk about it so we decided that over the weekend we were going to pray because god is a god that cannot do there's nothing he cannot do impossible is nothing with him so we're going to go back on tuesday on monday i forget now for a scan believing that god will come through and monday or tuesday rolled around and we went back for the scan and not only did we not see heartbeats the embryos were shrinking so they were decaying and they were dying was towards the end of the first trimester and um it was a tough it was a tough time and you know like she said you start your head starts turning that you know but but i love you and i serve you and you know this was the answer that we were looking for and why is this happening and the truth of the matter is having faith in god will not stop you from crying yeah having faith in god will not stop bad times from coming it won't stop you from hurting but your faith in god will help you heal yeah and it'll help you get back up and it'll help you keep going and it will help you get the answer that you're looking for yeah because sometimes you can be in a relationship with god and things die dreams die prayers die things that you have been waiting on they just die and let's go back to the scripture let's go from verse 17 to verse 20. on his arrival jesus found that lazarus had already been in the tomb for four days so lazarus is dead now bethany was less than two miles from jerusalem and many jews had come to martha and mary to comfort them in the loss of their brother and when martha heard that jesus was coming she went out to meet him but mary stayed at home let me pause here for a second so martha obviously they're both dealing with grief but martha comes out and meets jesus at the gate of the village and wants to talk about it right then and there and mary stays at home can we normalize the fact that people deal with grief and experiences different differences for some people they need to talk about it right then up front for some people they need to hide under the covers a bit longer and both are valid yeah so let's let's step away from this place where we judge people based on how they deal with their life experiences amen amen verse 21 lord martha said to jesus if you had been here my brother would not have died if you had answered my prayer if you had come when i asked if you had just done what i asked you to do i would have been okay but then verse 22 comes around and she says but i know that even now god will give you whatever you ask if you actually skip all the way to verse 32 you see that mary had the same reaction said lord if you had been here my brother would not have died and she falls at jesus's feet and she begins to weep or in her dishwas words she begins to wail and when when um when we found out that we were losing them and that we had to do an evacuation it was a very emotional time and she cried and you know as the man you think you are first of all women are stronger than men let me just tell you that crying is not a sign of weakness but as a man you know you have been raised to be like oh you have to be the man you have to be strong you know you can't shed a tear so you know she's feeling a certain way she's crying and i'm trying to be there for and i'm just you know holding hands saying it's gonna be okay it's okay but the day that we cried together was the day of the evacuation an evacuation for people that don't know is when they remove the dead embryos and we go to the hospital we do the procedure and addison is one of the strongest people that i know but i had never seen her so frail and in so much pain emotional and physical and you know for somebody like me whose love language is acts of service is helping it's fixing the problem there was absolutely nothing i could do at that time and we came home from the hospital and i remember i led her up the stairs and we got into the couch and i i held her in my arms and we cried and i say it again it's okay to cry amen it's okay to serve god and cry it's okay to feel pain and i think one of the most powerful verses in the bible is john 11 35 where it says jesus wept because he saw mary crying and he saw the jews that came with her crying and everybody going to be now he knew he was going to solve the problem but what that verse tells me is that even when you are in your most painful moment god is right there with you yeah and the holy spirit and that day when we were holding each other we were talking about in retrospect as we cried and after we cried there was a peace that came over us and when the bible talks about the peace that passes all this understanding we've experienced it it's not that you will not go through a storm but in the midst of the storm you will have his peace and you will have his comfort and you will have his strength amen amen [Applause] ah thank you jesus let's move to point number two because time is going so relationship that's point number one are you with me yeah point number two is actually hidden all the way back in verse number two in verse two it says mary whose brother lazarus now lay sick was the same one who poured perfume on the lord and wiped his feet with her hair point number two is also in verse 25 to 27 when jesus said to martha i am the resurrection and the life the one who believes in me will live even though they die and whoever lives by believing in me will never die do you believe this and martha answered and said what yes lord she replied i believe that you are the messiah the son of god who has come into the world now this is point number two their brother not only was sick jesus did not come he had died he has died he has been buried he's locked away in a tomb and four days have passed and now god shows up and what do they do they worship and martha said if you had done what i had asked you to do we would have been fine my brother would have been okay but i know that even now god can give you anything you want and i believe that you are the messiah you are the son of the living god so in the midst of that pain in the midst of the end of the story as she knew it at the time she's still acknowledging who god is and point number two is worship and how many people know that it can be hard to worship when you're going through warfare yeah it can be hard to praise when you are in pain and that's why the bible calls it a sacrifice of praise sometimes praise is a sacrifice amen are you with me in fact i mean are you with us sometimes praise is a sacrifice if we had time i'd take you to acts chapter 16 when it says paul and silas not only are they minding their business they're actually minding god's business they're out you know serving god preaching healing people and the next thing the mob turns on them and they start beating them stripping them beating them dragging them into the court completely wailing and assaulting them and they leave them lying in their wounds in prison and even when they're in that state of pain what are paul and silas doing are they resentful are they sitting there saying that but god it was you that we were saving when this thing was happening to us no they are giving god a sacrifice of praise when you are singing we bring the sacrifice of praise you need to understand the depth of what you are talking about but it is in the midst of them giving god that sincere praise and worship that the miracle happens and when the miracle happens not only does the earthquake take the chains off of their hands it breaks the chains of everything around them in the prison and so point number two is worship the bible says it's the same mary that pod perfume if you if you check it and do the research that perfume was worth a year's wages and she poured it on jesus's feet in one go and wipes her feet um his feet with her hair how many people know that giving is an act of worship yeah worship is not just singing songs and praising god and that's good but giving is an act of worship giving is an act of love yeah and whenever you talk about giving in church people get uncomfortable because that that principle has been abused but just because the devil has abused it and confused it and misused it does not make it not the truth yeah we don't give to get we give because we are trying to have the heart of god and god so loved the world that he gave and so i will so love god that i will give i we don't share what we give first of all nobody no no leader in this house earns anything from the water broke let me say that so i'm telling you this not because i want you to make anybody here make money pastor bless does not any salary he should in my opinion but he doesn't at this point point in time he doesn't earn his salary he has never earned a salary from the water book but i can confidently tell you that my wife and i we live a life of giving we give to god we give to building his kingdom we give to people we give to the poor we don't because your bible says don't let your left hand know what your right hand is doing so we don't allow this but we try to live a life of giving even in this period that we are going to all of this one day the holy spirit spoke to me and said sell your third car and give it to the building project at the water brook and sometimes you are not sure if it's god that is talking because me i come with some radical idea you know me i'm crazy but i always like to use because it's no these are tough truths and i i use susu is like my she's my sounding board she's you know she's who i go to for advice before i try to do anything so when i when i felt god saying that i came to so i said you know this car that we used to use to do i think that god wants us to sell it and donate the money to the church and she immediately said fantastic let's do it who's going to buy it you're going to say okay no problem let's do it let's do it immediately you know who else i sold the car and giving it to the church your pastor your resident pastor i sold his car and i'm not saying all of that to tell you to go and sell your car please where is there for god to tell you what you should be sowing and what you should be giving yeah but giving is an act of worship this is the same mary that put it perfume worth a year's wages on jesus's feet amen but point number two is worship so can you worship god despite your circumstances can you worship god when that thing that you are praying for has died when you've suffered loss when you are going through grief the bible says he gives the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness and you wonder why when you look around there's so much depression in the world today that's the spirit of heaviness there's depression there's sadness people are going through things what the bible says he gives the spirit of and the garment of praise for the spirit of happiness so the solution to the way you are feeling is to break into the presence of god and praise god enter his gates with thanksgiving enter his court with praise praise opens the gates for god's manifest presence to come and be active in your life and your situation so praise god when you're in in the jail like paul and silas and beaten up and bloody and bleeding and hurting praise god there praise god like mary and martha worship when you are in warfare worship when you are winning worship when you are at war worship when you are healing worship when you are hurting worship regardless of your circumstance because your worship is not due see god's love for you is not based on your circumstance god's love for you is not dictated by when he chooses to answer your prayer god's love for you is proven by who he is and what he did giving his son this is easter amen i don't know maybe this message is too soon just because i was crying earlier sorry are you with me are you with us come on water bro come alive in fact we are going to stop now to give you 15 seconds to praise god give god a crazy praise right now [Applause] come on so back to our story yeah so that attempt passed so that attempt passed um and then we had another we did another round of ivf because we still had um embryos um so this was our second try there's a picture that circulates where i'm with tools and it shows my belly a bit bloated people were saying i was pregnant i wasn't i was going through ivf so i was bloated and it was really really really tough it was a really tough period and guess what it actually did not work it even work at all it wasn't like the first time when there was a glimmer of hope this one did not even work at all nothing and i remember just feeling disappointed again both of us were quite disappointed but talk to us about what the doctors were saying oh oh yeah the doctor said um [Music] that they said that i had pcos that's polycystic ovarian syndrome um they also said that his morphology my for my sperm you can see it's when my sperm apology was not right was off um they said my ovarian reserve was too high then i prayed for healing then my ovarian reserve came to the normal place that it should be then the doctors were worried that because it moved too quickly too fast they were not like ah maybe you are losing all your eggs let's remove them let's remove them maybe you're going into aluminium was then at that point we're just like i'm not doing it again because after the third time we just stopped where we were and i was just like i'm not doing any i'm not i'm not taking one single pill i'm not taking one single injection i'm not doing anything anymore i am done and we got to that place and we had that conversation yeah he said listen maybe we're not going i'm happy if god gives me a child praise jesus if he doesn't there's there must be something else that he's planning i am not doing anything anymore and that's an important point because as as all of this was going on that picture that i showed you i was i looked at it and i said this i don't feel like this is god's plan you know sometimes you've already made your plan and then you're asking god it's what we did we made we didn't seek the face of god now we're saying all of this to say it's not we're not saying that ivf is bad we're not saying that surrogacy is by adoption it's bad no what is not that is you need to find out what your journey is to do with you on your journey yeah and we didn't seek his face we just were moving and i remember looking at the pills and the doctor's report and i called to i said baby this it doesn't feel like this is what god wants for us i i don't i said listen if god refuses to give us a child and we end up adopting then it means there's a child out there that he wants us to take care of and i will be happy and content and in love with you to the day that i die even if we don't carry a child ever because we're going to get back into that place of trusting god and believing that whatever his plan for me is better than mine yeah because his ways are higher his thoughts are deeper and we if you want to clap just praise god and clap it's not for us you are clapping and so we said you know what this was end of 2019 entering 20. yeah entering 20 the beginning of 2020 we were even we even considered surrogacy at the point they even called us to say we have a song for you but it just there was no peace yeah with that particular decision in general so at that point we're just like we're not doing anything again and i remember we went to see pastor tony and paso tony was always laughing at us wait wait wait before you tell him that so we had decided that we were going to stay at least a year without doing anything yeah we felt like that's what god was telling us like we literally felt like god was saying stop just stop doing everything don't no test no pill no nothing there's nothing wrong with you stop so we had said that you know what this is what god is saying to us just go back to the place of trust then we went to pastor tony yeah then we went to past attorney we're having like a one of our morning meetings where we go for prayer meetings so we wake up really early i think we get there like 6 30 to 7 to pray and just spend a bit of time in his presence and pastor tony was actually laughing at us and i was like this guy he's actually not funny you know but he was just like i'm laughing at you people because there's actually nothing wrong with the people you just need to calm down and he said um you know what give god six months don't do anything and it was confirmation of what we already thought we should do in terms of not just doing anything at all um so he told us give god six months and this was in february of 2020. and that's important because pastor tony was confirming what god had already told us but you have to hear for god you have to hear god for yourself pastor cannot have a relationship with god he cannot hear god for you now seeking godly counsel is important yeah but you seek godly counsel because you have already sought god for yourself and you feel like hey this is where i'm at this is what god is telling me to do then you can pray with people that can give you godly counsel and they can reinforce what god has said because the bible also says out of the mouths of two or three a word is confirmed thank you and what are those two or three witnesses one is his word you got to be spending time in his word and god had given us scriptures that we were praying so he's giving us visions thank you god also speaks to you through his word but he speaks to you directly he can give you dreams here he can give you visions there was a day we were both on a plane and we're coming i think we're coming from abuja to lagos and i'm sitting there on the plane and i felt like i had this vision i did have this vision of a little child a little child and i kept it in my heart and then hours later i mean i kind of forgot maybe slept up i know later on at night i said babe when we were on the plane this afternoon i heard she said people same time we just didn't know we did another time i was praying i slept i had a dream and i was walking into the lobby of a popular hotel and a little boy was about two years three years old was running in front of me and i didn't see his face but he was the cutest little boy and i saw a bit of his complexion and i saw that he had a lot of hair that's banky projecting because it doesn't because i don't have hair and you were praying for your child not to have my problem yes actually but god literally had shown us that this is what i'm going to do and that's also important because people will call you and be like oh i had a dream that you had a girl i had a dream that you had a boy i had a dream that you had twins i had a dream that you had triplets i returned those triplets to center in jesus name please but but but people will come to you and tell you all kinds of things that's why it's so important for you as a child of god that is your own father hear him for yourself let what you have heard let people be confirming what you already know by faith amen amen and so pt we had the conversation ptp said you know what give god six months that was february and the sixth month would have been august of 2020. and then remember point two wait point one was what relationship point two was what worship worship now we um we let me tell you point three and then i'll tell you how we'll tell you how it all ties together point three is the word right martha said even now i know that god will give you whatever you ask and you need the word of god when you're in your even now stage yeah so mother said i know that what you say will come to pass because i trust you and i know who you are she's basically telling jesus that your word never fails so even now that my brother is locked away in the grief is your word that i need if you say it it will happen yeah and and that's why you need your evenness remember we're talking about in the beginning that faith is god's love language but how do you get faith it comes from the word it comes from a daily commitment to hearing from god you got to be reading the bible you got to be listening to sermons you got to come to church you got to you you have to fill yourself with the word of god so when you get to your even now stage when you've let it all go you let it go because you are holding on to the word of god yes so now back to the story we had prayed god had given us words remember god had spoken to us through his word he had spoken to us through dreams and visions he had spoken to us through godly counsel he had spoken to us through his peace yeah and when god when it is god you will have his peace okay and those when the bible says two or three witnesses a word is established it's his word it's him speaking to you through his voice it's godly counsel it's the peace of god you know sometimes you want to do something and you will be uneasy there's a certain uneasiness and it's like ah and maybe if you went ahead you'll not think about that and god was telling me that i shouldn't have gone there and sometimes you can be in the midst of a storm and you will just have this supernatural piece that you know what i'll be okay and that's how you know god is confirming his word to you so worship and the word now talk to us about worship so um early in may i'm sure all of you know nathaniel bassey and i haven't shared this with him by the way um yes and pastor nathaniel bassey and his hallelujah challenge so god had laid it in my heart to join the hallelujah challenge i joined before on certain odd days but on this particular time it was very heavy in my spirit to join the hallelujah challenge and i remember that i forgot so i had missed the first day then on the second day i came across footage because you know it's it lasts for 24 hours before it goes off because he normally saves it on his page um or it was on his page one of the two or post or something so i what i did was i caught up with the first day that had already gone past and then i joined every single night for the two weeks that it was on in may and i remember praying fervently for people and for people that had um because he was always saying that you need to pray for others so we would pray for others and would pray from the depths of our souls for other people that needed the touch of god in their lives and we also prayed for ourselves and every single day in the bathroom of our room i would dance for an hour just praising god just thanking him for who he is and believing that he was going to come through whether it's one year from now whether it's 10 whether it's 15 i was just in a place of faith and trust and knowing that his plans are way better than ours so um so yeah so we we dance and every now and again um thank you would join me and we'd do it together and they'd say and he always said things like you're dancing dancing if you want a child dance like you're like you're holding the child if you want a letter of employment hold it and you know dance and you know it's funny how the things of the spirit look crazy and they look foolish and they sound silly but um it is so prophetic um so i would do it and i danced and i heard of a testimony of a woman that stuffed her her shirt with with something to give her a bit of a baby bump and she was just dancing and the testimonies were very encouraging so you know i dance in the in the in the bathroom every single day um and i remember that during that period of the hallelujah challenge myself and bank you were watching friends yes we were watching friends and i don't know if you watched the episode where monica and chandler were trying to have a baby and she'd always come and be like we're ovulating let's go we need to go now you know um and so the holy spirit ministered in bank is mine that we should go get an ovulation test kit now i want to say okay that we weren't doing something that we hadn't done before yes we had used an ovulation test skid before but you see i think the lesson to learn from here was obedience yes sometimes you have done it before but he will tell you to do it again at another time and your the spirit of obedience i i pray that your spirit is in tune with the spirit of god so that when he speaks you know that it's him speaking and i remember saying to banky i don't want i'm tired of all this peeing on his stick i don't want to do and he was just like this is what i feel like the holy spirit i said so i said yeah let's say yes so we went out and we got the ovulation test kids and uh when it was time for her to ovulate she tested you know women have cycles for people that don't know for young men are you men they are psychopaths there's a cycle you know normally you can estimate it you know calculated so on the day that she was supposed to ovulate she tested and i didn't and she didn't and then the second day she tested again and i didn't and the third day she tested again and i did it and she did not and i remember just i didn't i i wasn't threatened i didn't it wasn't something i was worried about i was just like if you like this do you be like come on if you like don't come i was still doing my hallelujah challenge in the bathroom and i was praising god um i tend to write my dreams down i wish i had brought it here to share because um each notes that you write on your phone has a time stamp and a date stamp and i remember having a dream that i got a smiley stick um and then the next day into the fourth yeah into the into that night into the next day so then we tested and we got a smiley stick and where banky was like ladies and gentlemen let's go as soon as i saw the green light what's your powers marathon filled with the holy spirit please i'm married i can't say it yes we did like we go over and again we get it are you sure we guessed it but i can make it the point we can get it thank you so much we went for it um but but in that way come on you sorry listen now you know we were we were we were just having a good time wait that's why the fourth time oh my god madam was saying this 48 hours you say i'm tired i said let's just do the tired one just don't stay like this it's okay it's okay i'm so sorry guys my husband is very listen we are adults here so sorry um yep you are just i'm extra because i've seen what god has done for me please allow me tmi [Applause] too much information but um so i like it you're in the spirit we were just having a good time also we weren't putting pressure on ourselves or anything like that but we were just going before i remember that this was also during the hallelujah challenge so um that finished and then two weeks later i i started i spotted for a day or two which is a bit unusual because my period is either on time or a bit late never early and this was i think two or so days early then when it was time for my period to come it didn't come and thank you and by like the second day that it was late i was like i'm ready to test banky was like calm down if it's positive now we're positive in seven days i said that's fantastic but you see this today it's today that we are doing this test and he was like it's still really early you know they tell you to give it a bit of time for your hcg levels to increase so that the test stick will pick up a more accurate result and but i was just like i i don't know what you're talking about but i'm ready so um so i'll explain where our bathroom is we have his and her sink and mine is on one side and his is on the other side so if i'm standing on my side you can't see him on the other side so the bathroom the toilet is on this side so he was sitting on his side because he was trying not to pressure me so that um i don't feel nervous and stuff which i wasn't to be completely honest and i remember now when you have taken so many pregnancy tests and you've gotten so many negatives you know exactly what a negative looks like so there's the test line and the control line and the test line comes before the control line and once the the p is moving across the stick and goes past the test line and you don't see nothing in a little bit you know that it's it's negative so here i was watching this stick and the p was moving across and he moved past the test line and the line was this was so strong like without a doubt i was going to start rejoicing then i said let me wait that's how the control line will not come it means the test is invalid then it goes across and the control line comes up and the test line is stronger than the control line and i remember just staring at the stick for a couple of seconds but not like in shock per se but just like this gourd and i just sat down i was still on the toilet seat and i said olu bangkoli jesus has done this [Applause] [Music] and i want to take you as we bring this message and this story to because i want to take you back to when we were watching friends and you know we're just having dinner and watching friends and i just heard in my spirit you guys should go get an ovulation test kids like she said we had done it before but sometimes even when you've gotten past the place where you have everything you have tried did not walk and god comes in that moment like jesus came to martin said and mary and said take me to where you have laid him now roll away the stone and that stone represents whatever it is that you are believing god for that you have buried and the stone being in front of it means nothing is coming and nothing's going you have closed it up it's like your heart you've closed it off but god is saying take me to that place where you give up take me to that point where you let it go because now that you have let it go i can take control and if we stayed in that moment and said ah we said we're not doing tests and this this year we're not doing we will be sitting here still till today but because when we heard god we obeyed the voice of god and so today when he said he told him cast your net they had casted before and caught nothing the only difference was this time they had instruction from god cast your net and they caught so much fish yep and let's close on this point let's think about this and this is what this is where we'll end it why did jesus and i asked this earlier why did jesus what did the bible say so when he heard lazarus was sick he waited two more days in total four days passed before jesus showed up so why did he do that why would jesus love us and not come when we want it is because accept you have to get to the place where you accept that god's plan is better and god has a bigger bigger picture in mind do you know that lazarus death was the tipping point that led jesus to the cross if you keep reading in the chapter is after he raised this it says bethany was two only two miles outside of jerusalem so many jews had come and so when jesus raised lazarus from the dead and spoke the word in front of everybody so many people in the nation started believing that omar this guy this is the messiah and some now run to the pharisees to say listen this guy is causing a problem he's going to tear down the temple the whole nation was getting turned upside down because of the miracle that he had done and so lazarus death was necessary for jesus to die and be resurrected and so he needed lazarus to tough it out he needed lazarus to be sick to the point of dying and giving up he needed to wait because there was a bigger picture in mind he could have spoken a word from where he was he didn't even need to come it's not like he even went into lay hands on lazarus he shot went and said lazarus come forth he could have spoken a word at any time but there's a bigger picture in mind it's like paul and silas when he broke off their chains he broke off the chains of everybody in the prison it's like bankia nadeswa he made us wait for some people two and a half three years is not a long time for us it felt like an eternity for you it might be a year five weeks ten years but trust that he has god is real in mind god is real god listens god loves you god answers prayers and when he does it it will be perfect and it will be beautiful amen
Channel: Banky Wellington
Views: 1,621,712
Rating: 4.9555888 out of 5
Id: LFs0k-eluu4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 48sec (3588 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 05 2021
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