All Things - I Want the Best for You - Philippians 1:3-11

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awesome so glad you're here you can go and grab a seat welcome to the roots community church where it's all about jesus as we go as we group as we gather and uh i think i have a little bit of an echo i don't know if you can hear that up there in the sound sound booth um oh the joys love technology and the things that it can bring with it right echo am i good now i feel good i feel good all right let's do this um if you have a bible you should turn to philippians chapter one uh we are in a series going through the letter written by the apostle paul to the church at philippi um and you see it in your bible as philippians and so this is the church that paul actually started about 10 to 15 years before he wrote this letter he showed up in philippi he came across a small group of women down at the river that were believers in yahweh but hadn't yet heard of jesus christ and being saved through the gospel and one person specifically this woman lydia believes god moves her heart to believe paul's message she is baptized her in her whole household and basically they just start a church at her house there's other people that are saved you can find it in the book of acts um and last week we just started with an introduction to the book of philippians we looked at verse one and two and the series is simply called all things the book of philippians has a bunch of verses that you've probably seen before heard before if you've been in church they're ones on t-shirts coffee mugs posters specifically the most popular one is probably this i can do all things through him who strengthens me it's a powerful verse the very powerful verse it's not one you can just take out of scripture and enforce own vision and plans it's one as you submit yourself to the lord you see to be true i'm going to say that again it's not one that you can just take out of scripture to apply to anything you want to do to say i can do whatever i want because god is with me instead it is you submit your plans unto the lord and see it to be true as in the context here paul says i know what it's like to be full and i know what it's like to be hungry i know what it is to abound and i know what it is to a base i know it is to be at the top i know what it is to be at the bottom and because of that i know that i can do all things through him who strengthens me and so all things is just the theme of what we want to see here that in all things we're gonna be okay when we are in christ jesus and so what we'll look at today is um a message i've just entitled i want the best for you i want the best for you and and i mean that personally me for you paul says that to the church in philippi will see that he has a prayer that would be the best for them god wants the best for you but i hope that you can hear this correctly because some of you can hear that and go that's right god so get on my plan get on my purposes that i've already decided in my heart the best for me is this this this and this god so get on it i want god's best for you not the best you can envision not the best that the world would say you need but a life transformed a life in line with the beauty of what god has for his people that we see clearly in scripture and so what i want to do is read through philippians 1 3 through 11 together it's it's simply going to be paul's thanksgiving prayer for the church in philippi and and i want to talk about it how it applies to us today so here we go starting in verse 3 of philippians chapter 1. i i thank my god every time i remember you in all my prayers for all of you i always pray with joy because of your partnership in the gospel from the first day until now being confident of this that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of christ jesus it is right for me to feel this way about you excuse me about all of you since i have you in my heart and whether i am in chains or defending and confirming the gospel all of you share in god's grace with me god can testify how i long for all of you with the affection of christ jesus and this is my prayer that your love may abound more and more in knowledge and depth of insight so that you may be able to discern what is best and maybe pure and blameless for the day of christ filled with the fruit of righteousness that comes through jesus christ to the glory and praise of god i want the best for you verse three thanking god for fellow believers i love this paul says i thank my god every time i remember you how great is it to know this amazing apostle who has started the church where you're from when he's gone he's in prison but when he considers you when he remembers you when you pop up on his mind what it would it spurs in him is gratitude unto the lord when i think of you i thank god i hope that you have some people like that in your life fellow believers that you have a relationship with even if it's distant even if you haven't seen them for a while but that when you would consider them when you would think of them remember them let me go to my handheld check check check all right check check check check check check oh baby thanks for persevering with me you guys are awesome how about now praise the lord i thank my god for you i i just wonder not only how often do i when i think of fellow believers is that the posture i have when i think of other believers often times we can be frustrated because they're also human so are you i also wonder when believers think of me and they remember me does that spark or spur them to thank god consider that for yourself when my fellow believers think of me are they grateful to god that i've been in their life do you think when you think thanking god for fellow believers i think we should grow in that but paul has some specific reasons and and paul would remember them a lot and one of the reasons is they had sent someone to him epaphroditus who has been sent with a gift and he's still with him he's about to send them back to the church in philippi but every time he sees him he remembers the people that he came from so he's thinking of them often and every time he does he goes thanks god thank you lord i'm not in this alone you've decided to connect me with other believers that would partner with me that would share with me in your grace and your goodness that's what he's going to say if you're taking notes write down partnership in the gospel partnership in the gospel in all my prayers for all of you i always pray with joy that's a lot of alls and always he says whenever i remember you i thank god and when i thank god i pray for you and all my prayers all of them that are for all of you so every single one of you i pray for there and in every single one of those prayers i always pray with joy think of you i thank god it spurs me to praise the lord and to pray for you petition for you care for you unto the lord with joy again does this mark our prayers for other believers and he has a reason to also because of your partnership in the gospel from the first day until now and when it says partnership there that is koinonia that is the word fellowship and other places in scripture where we see the word fellowship it's the same word here partnership it's sharing it's connecting together it's full participation in each other's lives it's a giving of oneself unto the other and so when we see that he says because of your partnership in the gospel from the first day until now understand the very first day when paul shares the faith he's invited through hospitality into lydia's home from the first day the believers there care for him give gifts we're going to look at them in just a moment being confident of this that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of christ jesus paul says i know that you believe with me i know that you partner with me in the gospel in the spread of the gospel in the pushing forth of the gospel i know that you're with me on this and i'm confident that god the one who began this good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of christ jesus that his confidence is not just in their ability to persevere on their own but that god would keep them and that if god starts the work god finishes the work because god is faithful and so he has great joy when he thinks of him god gets praised because of them he's confident in their completion because god will finish that work it is right for me to feel this way about all of you since i have you in my heart paul says i care for you you come with me when i go somewhere you come with me i think of you i feel for you whether i am in chains or defending and confirming the gospel all of you share in god's grace with me that's an awesome line what paul is saying here is paul is literally in prison he's been in prison several times he was in prison right out the gates when he was at philippi he's in prison now while he's writing them this letter in a different prison all for the proclamation of the gospel and he says whether i'm in prison or i'm preaching whether they've locked me up or they've let me free to defend and confirm the gospel everywhere that i go you're with me you share in god's grace with me and i want to just for a moment talking talk about um sharing god's grace or partnership in the gospel and i wonder if as we're considering if others would thank god for us if we're if we're if it's a short list or a list that's not there maybe it's because we haven't partnered with anybody for the gospel sharing in god's grace i want to show you four ways in which that's happening with with paul and the church in philippi and that happens for us as believers one receiving the gospel that we share in the grace of god that we have experienced through salvation we share in that joy together and so i thank god for you i i have joy for you because you are my brother or sister in christ and we share in we partner in the fellowship of receiving that good news of christ jesus by faith receiving the gospel we share in god's grace by living the gospel in walking out god's grace by being obedient by the embodiment of the gospel we partner in the gospel in receiving it and embodying it in the embodiment of it in philippians 2 12-13 we'll see you soon i won't get too much into it because i don't want to preach ahead of myself in the text therefore my dear friends as you have always obeyed not only in my presence but now much more in my absence that's awesome right everybody that's discipling someone or raising up a child you don't want them to just do the right thing when you're standing there your greatest joy is to know that they did the right thing when you weren't present then you know they've actually owned it for themself they're actually growing in it they're maturing on their own so paul says my dear friends if you all as you have always obeyed not only my presence but now much more in my absence continue to work out your salvation with fear and trembling for it is god who works in you to will and to act in order to fill his good pur fulfill his good purpose this is awesome the bible says you have a salvation that you were to work out as god works in he's doing a transformative work in you that you should strive to have your life line up with who you are in him and so we work out our salvation with fear and trembling for it is god who works in you praise god to will and to act in order to fulfill his good good purpose that's why both can be true that we can say the confidence that i have is that the lord will finish the work he started in you also i can look at you and say do the right thing then my confidence is that he's going to keep you that you're going to persevere that you're going to be transformed but we can look at our own actions we can look at our own lives and we can say work out your salvation with fear and trembling before the lord with all of your might you work out as he works in we share in god's grace by partnership in the gospel receiving the gospel and living the gospel we're sharing god's grace by proclaiming the gospel together and what we'll see is that even if that means suffering for our faith is a way to share in the spread of the gospel philippians 1 29-30 it says for it has been granted to you on behalf of christ not only to believe in him but also to suffer for him fun since you are going through the same struggle you saw i had and now here that i still have let me read that again for it has been granted to you on behalf of christ not only to believe in him that god would be praised in your salvation that was granted to you faith that you would believe you put your faith in jesus praise god for that and paul to the church in philippi is saying that and also it's been granted to you that you get to suffer too is that the way we consider suffering for the good news we should if it's for the good news some of us suffer because of bad choices some of us suffer just because people sin against us that's reality that happens in this broken world but what paul is talking about that god has found fit for you to the only way you suffer for your faith as if your faith is known what i mean by that is that if as they are facing persecution paul saw persecution when he was in philippi paul in this moment is imprisoned and so he says you're starting to suffer the same way so apparently they're under some persecution and suffering at the church in philippi and paul says we we participate in the gospel we partner in the spread of the gospel in the suffering that we share that both of us are brave enough to proclaim the good news no matter the cost so our partnership in the gospel is not just in the receiving of the gospel by the grace of god for our salvation it's not only just in the embodiment of the gospel as we are living out the righteous life we've been called to but it is in the proclamation of the gospel regardless of its cost i'll also say in partnership in the gospel and sharing in god's grace providing for the gospel the gifts and resources to push forward because i thank god for you i have joy when i pray about you for your partnership in the gospel that you've received that you've lived that you proclaim and that you've provided for the ability to push forth the gospel we're going to see later in philippians in chapter 4 him speak on this in verse 14 through 18. he says yet it was good of you to share in my troubles moreover as you philippians know in the early days of your acquaintance acquaintance with the gospel when i set out from macedonia that's where philippi is not one church shared with me in the matter of giving and receiving except you will only for even when i was in thessalonica you sent me aid more than once when i was in need not that i desire your gifts what i desire is that more be credited to your account paul says it's more important to me than even the thing that you gave me i was struggling i was in need you sent me something you know what the great joy i have in that is not that i had something to take care of my need but that you had the opportunity to give that it would be credited to your account i have received full payment and have more than enough i am amply supplied now that i have received from epaphroditus the gifts you sent they are a fragrant offering an acceptable sacrifice pleasing to god paul says when you're pushing forth the gospel when your contribution for the help of the gospel going forward and taking ground it's not only a taking care of someone's need paul says it's greater than that i'm grateful that my need is taken care of but it's even more important to me that it's credited to your account that you have done it and that you understand that what you have done is a fragrant offering an acceptable sacrifice pleasing to god that you have laid something down of yourself to honor the lord for his work to move forward listen this isn't a tithe and offering message message right now but it would sure work because it's one of it's one of those moments of like is there someone that could be grave i'm grateful many of you are so sacrificial that what i get to do is speak like paul and say that the needs of me and my family are met because of your sacrifice out of your generosity and honoring god that will be credited to you and is a fragrant offering unto the lord [Music] when we send people to guatemala when we care for others that are pushing forth the gospel then we wouldn't pat ourselves on the back we would do so because we see the need and we care and we love but that we would understand it's even beyond that that god would be praised and that would go unto the lord as needs are being met how beautiful of a picture is that in partnership of the gospel and i want to just challenge you that we would share in god's grace together and with other believers receiving the gospel living the gospel proclaiming the gospel and providing for the gospel to be spread and to move forward the second main point i want to look at tonight is wanting the best for others in jesus paul goes from this kind of attitude and feeling of this is why i this is how i pray about you this is why i pray about you he's about to shift and say this is what i pray for you so i praise because of you but i also petition the lord for you what you have done has led to the praise of god what i am asking is that god would move mightily and it's because of his love for them god can testify that's awesome that's god is my witness that me that's just him saying that god knows how long how i long for all of you with the affection of christ jesus now this is to be understood not just that i long to see you as often times that's how we see paul's language that i long to come to you normally he would say that if that's what he means fully but the understanding here of longing for you is i hope for you i have a want for you i hope to see this come to pass for you i long for all of you with the affection of christ jesus that's a high bar i long for this to be done because of my love for you in christ i love you like jesus does we see in in john 13 34-35 can we pull that up a new command i give you love one another this is jesus saying this as i have loved you so you must love one another we've heard this before by this everyone will know that you are my disciples if you love one another paul we can see already to the church in philippi this is a letter of friendship this is a letter of affection for this church we really are brothers and sisters paul is like doesn't find much that he needs to admonish them on needs to warn them of mostly paul is saying thank you for being my brother and sister in christ thank you for really being about this work about god's mission for partnering with me that together we share in god's grace it's not just a one-way street but together we would we would suffer we would proclaim we would live we received we would provide for we would push forward this kingdom he wants the best for them in jesus can we go back to the philippians text then he says and this is my prayer that your love may abound grow increase more and more in knowledge and depth of insight this is awesome so i love you as christ loves you you've received the gospel you're pushing forth the gospel my prayer for you though is that your love would continue it's already big but it would abound it would overflow just more and more abundantly in knowledge and depth of insight that you would understand the depth and width and length and height of god's love and that you would reciprocate you would you would push forth you would love god and you would love people that you would abound in love more and more in in knowledge and the depth of insight into what that means and why is that what is his hope for that so that so he says if you understand that love if you grow in that love and the knowledge of it the depth of insight in it so that you may be able to discern what is best that you would know what is best paul wants the best for them and his heart is that you would understand god's love you would grow in your knowledge and depth of insight into what that love is and that's not only to know in your head but that's to know experientially that you would know love and that by you growing in that more and more you would be able to discern what is best you know what's best and may be pure and blameless for the day of christ so that you would not only know what's best but you would do what's best that your actions and your life would be pure and blameless before the lord so paul has his heart for these people is to know the best to do the best so that they would be presented to the lord on that day that he returns blameless right we know our righteousness comes from christ because we are seen through the blood of jesus but also we are called to live a life in accordance with that truth that we would not only know about it but that we would apply it to our lives filled with the fruit of righteousness that comes through jesus christ that we would know the best that we would do the best and filled with the fruit of righteousness that's the idea of production what do i mean by that that is the idea of produce that fruition that that thing that has been sown would grow until it's complete and so paul here is saying i want you to know what's best do what's best and produce what's best and here's why and here's how comes through jesus christ and here's why or to whom should be praised for that to the glory and praise of god so often when we think of god wanting the best for us it is to the glory and praise of us what paul says is for you to discern what is best for you to know what is best and do what is best and produce what is best is only accomplished through connection with jesus christ and its outcome is the glory and praise of god so i can confidently say and believe that i want the best for you i want the best for me i want the best for every brother and sister in christ i want the best for unbelievers and i know the best for unbelievers to be made right with god through faith in christ i know the best for believers that have already put their faith in christ is to really believe what god says about his word to be transformed and live a new life according to that word on mission on purpose and to see the fruit of a life transformed the fruit of the spirit in their life the fruit of salvation and others around us we proclaim the good news of the gospel unto the day of christ jesus to the praise of our king so that sometimes i can go against feelings i can go against emotions i can go against plans of my own and others and be honest to say although that seems best i want the actual best for you although what you're considering right now appears to be an option that would feel best i want to superior best for you currently you're seeking a temporary best and in fear your best when god is offering something so much better in him wanting the best for others we understand god's love better we grow in his love both received and given he says out of that out of that abundance of love and knowledge and depth of insight to be able to discern what is best maybe pure and blameless for the day of christ filled with the fruit of righteousness that comes through jesus christ to the glory and praise of god they would know what's best do what's best produce what's best that we would know what's best know what is best in isaiah 55 8-9 it says this is the lord saying for my thoughts are not your thoughts neither are your ways my ways declares the lord as the heavens are higher than the earth so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts that is to say that left on your own the ways that you would come to certain conclusions may not be right and that there is one whose thoughts are above your thoughts that you should go to to say god right now my thought is that this is the best what's your thought that i would set my mind on things above and say lord help me to understand your ways to discern and know what's best romans 12 2 would say this do not conform to the pattern of this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind the constant renewing of your mind how do you do that by going to god's ways over and over and over and over and submitting yourself underneath them the only way to know what's best is to turn to the one who created it all and ask him god what's best renewing your mind listen then you will be able to test and approve what god's will is his good pleasing and perfect will i love this when when will i be able to test and approve when will i be able to like walk out god's will to see that it actually is good pleasing and perfect it's not while i'm conforming to the world when will i be able to experientially say i've i'm walking out god's will and i see that it is good pleasing and perfect only when i no longer conform to the ways of this world but i am constantly renewed transformed by the renewing of my that's the constant renewal of how many know that a day of renewal is great but it doesn't take very long for you to slip right back into the patterns i'm the only one awesome but that we would constantly be growing in god in our love and affection for him that we would know him better know his ways better and by renewing our mind we would be able to test and approve as we follow after him what his good pleasing and perfect will is that we would know what is best so that we could do what is best what is best what is best for us and this isn't a man centered preaching but that's understand something a jesus-centered gospel is what's best for man so it can still be best for you even though jesus is the center i don't know if you heard me just now i'm not trying to make you out to be great and say that the world revolves around you and that's all i care about but i do care about you and i care about god being praised and the bible says that that he gets glorified and praised as you know do and produce what's best and it's also best for you to know do and produce what's best so to do what is best jesus says at the end of the sermon on the mount this powerful message for all these people therefore everyone who hears these words of mine and puts them into practice is like a wise man who built his house on the rock the rain came down the streams rose and the winds blew and beat against that house yet it did not fall because it had its foundation on the rock but everyone who hears these words of mine listen both people in this story hear the same words they both know because they both received it they both know what they should be doing the difference between the one that is called wise and one's called foolish is application everyone who hears these words of mine and does not put them into practice is like a foolish man who built his house on sand the rain came down the streams rose and the winds blew and beat against that house and it fell with a great crash same knowledge given same storm came only difference application that we would not just know what is best i want you to know what is best why we preach through god's word know what is best and do what is best that would be unto god's glory but it would also be for your good it's best for you john 14 23-24 jesus says jesus replied anyone who loves me will obey my teaching my father will live with them with them excuse me my father will love them and we will come to them and make our home with them anyone who does not love me will not obey my teaching these words you hear are not my own they belong to the father who sent me jesus says if you love me obey my teaching if you don't love me don't obey it that's why i think it's great that paul says that your love would abound more and more in knowledge of depth of insight so that you could discern that it is driven out of receiving and understanding the love that we have through christ jesus and out of that great love we long to glorify him god show me your ways god empower me to do them because on my own i'm i don't know what to do and i can't do it once i know it that's why only through christ we can do it that we would know what is best we would do what is best we would produce what is best as paul prays for that church in philippi in galatians 6 7-10 it says do not be deceived god cannot be mocked a man reaps what he sows so we're going to see here again the idea of of sowing and reaping that you would know what is best and so what is best so that you would reap what is best do not be deceived god cannot be mocked man reaps what he sows whoever sows to please their flesh from the flesh will reap destruction whoever sows to please the spirit from the spirit will reap eternal life that the fruit that we want to produce is an eternal fruit so much of our time is caught up on the temporal things and it's not wrong that we do things like go to work so we can have a place to live and eat and we can eat so much of our life is wrapped up with things that will just pass away 200 years ago people were as caught up in their jobs and like making things building things and eating things and they were so caught up in it and guess what all their buildings are gone for the most part and their food has been gone you shouldn't take care of things take care of things but how much effort and energy is focused on the things that last god produce things that last through my life help me to know do and produce things that last unto eternal life lord the fruit in my life righteousness that remains help me to be more righteous that remains salvation for others god help me to proclaim the good news that you would work through that to save others that remains that is fruit that remains god that's the fruit i want in my life to be known for to be focused on to be about that when all of this goes away and then when christ returns the rewards that come are for the eternal i'm gonna love better to give better to share more of myself to pour myself out to be a servant and slave of all let us not become weary in doing good that can happen right god i'm sewing the good things you say i'm i know them now i'm doing them but i don't see a reward god you've helped me you've opened my eyes to understand that your way is best and i'm doing it i'm actually applying it i'm still struggling it's still hard this world still comes against me do not grow weary in doing good for at the proper time when's the proper time it's coming i can't put a date on the calendar i know that god promises to reward those things we do them out of the great love that he has for us it is a grace driven effort not just so that we could be rewarded but we we know that there is a reward in the future that is in him and sometimes we get the amazing grace of god to receive some of the the reward of the work that we do even now in this life at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up therefore as we have opportunity let us do good to all people all people especially to those who belong to the family of believers that's interesting good to all people like no one's left out and especially to the brothers and sisters in christ let us be the people that are known for knowing the best but not just those that sit on the sideline and can intellectually tell people what the best is but that we live out what is best and our life produces what is best and that is the best described by god in his word the only way to do that is through jesus christ in john 15 and verse 4 jesus says this remain in me remain in me as i also remain in you no branch can bear fruit by itself it must remain in the vine neither can you bear fruit unless you remain in me all of this sounds great and some of you that are planners that are goal setters can right now hear me saying these things and think i'm going to go home i'm going to learn what the things are are i'm going to make a strategy i'm going to apply these things i'm going to do it because i i have the ability of the brain to be able to learn i i'm good at checking boxes and i'm going to do these things the only way to walk a life that is godly is connected to god you cannot in your own flesh we walk out a life that is blameless and righteous by being connected to the one that is righteous jesus says remain in me as i do in you apart from you you can do nothing neither can you bear fruit unless you remain any in me i need a worship team to come up that we would be grateful that we would thank god for other believers and that we would partner in the gospel so the questions we have are am i partnering in the gospel am i one that just would sit and learn or am i connected with other believers for the pushing forth of the good news of jesus christ not only in the world as we proclaim the good news but also in each other as we proclaim the good news to each other and god continues to sanctify us to look more like jesus god help us to receive the gospel live the gospel proclaim the gospel provide for the gospel also do i really want the best do i really want the best for others in jesus do i want the best for myself and jesus to know the best do the best produce the best i can only do so when i remain in jesus christ and all of it is unto the glory and praise of god it is not so that once i know the best do the best produce the best i can look around at everybody else and go look how awesome my fruit is tell me how great i did we want others to receive in in and enjoy the fruit of our life but it is not for our own glory it is for the praise of our lord that even as paul would say about the church in philippi when i remember you i thank my god lord help my life to be a transformed life that is good to the others that are around me because i know do and produce the fruit that you have called me to produce that others when they consider me and remember me it would be for your praise as paul praises god for the church in philippi that all of us would long to do that and we only can as we remain in christ jesus that we know what is best that we do what is best and produce what is best to the praise of who is best john 15 and verse 8 jesus says this is to my father's glory that you bear much fruit showing yourselves to be my disciples this is to my father's glory that you bear much fruit showing yourselves to be my disciples this is right after jesus says that you're to to bear fruit and that branches that don't bear fruit are cut off and removed and that the only way to bear fruit is to remain in him and then he says and when you do is to my father's glory that god would be praised in my life and in others lives as i remain in him as i look more like my lord jesus christ my heart for you with my affection in christ jesus i want the best for you and the best for you is to submit what you know to what he knows to submit what you do to what he says to do so that we would produce a life that is not only best for us and those around us but into the praise of our god and our king did you stand to your feet maybe you've been coming here for a lot of years or maybe this is your first time and i'm grateful uh either way maybe this is your last time we have friends that are moving they're part of the church that's why i say that i hope that you would in these moments not just check the box and say i went to church did my duty i did a little work in my heart but i got i got other things to do i got a week ahead of me i got to go home i got to take care of these things let these moments sit and and consider in these moments god what would you have for me but how do i apply what you have revealed to me tonight through your word and by your spirit a little tool we use to help us in that because we want to walk these out things out with you is the connect card there should be one nearby if not there's a bunch at the desk out in the lobby and it's a connect card there's different options for maybe what god's moving in your heart today maybe maybe you've never had a relationship with god the only way to do that god made a way for you to be right with him he is holy and righteous we have sinned we have been apart from him but through the finished work of jesus christ on your behalf there is salvation there is reconciliation being made right with god through christ and if god's drawing you to himself and like i don't know what to do but i know i'm supposed to be right with god and i know i'm not please let us know so we can talk you through that and walk with you on that journey it's not a long list of things that's putting faith in god through christ let's talk about that there's other things on here maybe you're ready to become a part of a church and this is maybe the church for you i believe that you are called to be a part of a local congregation whereby the working of your gifts that god has given you you edify you strengthen the church that you're a part of and that you are strengthened and encouraged by the other believers we want to make sure that you're in community we want a place for you to share and give and use your gifts and on the back there's a place for prayer if you have questions also an amazing way to do all those things is to go to growth track which we do right after service and we'll talk about it after we sing but i want to pray with you god we thank you we thank you for these moments that we get to get into your word god let us be a people of your word that we would get in on sunday together but during the week we would spend time with you in prayer and in your word and god help us to remember other believers and to thank you for them that help us to partner together and with fellow believers that are interested in the spread of the gospel in the many ways that we could partner god we are partners in receiving your grace we are partners in living out an embodiment of your grace of the gospel god we partner in proclaiming the gospel we partner in providing for the gospel let us have relationships that that happens god also i want the best for your people help us with the best for everyone else that we would know the best do the best produce the best only through remaining in christ jesus and unto the glory and praise of your name and god i thank you that right now you're here with us help us to be sensitive to what you would speak to our hearts and i pray that you're doing a healing work comforting right now in you lord god a reminding of our forgiveness god for those that have put their faith in jesus but still some for some reason god it's hard for us to let go of shame and guilt of the things that we have done help us to just remember and walk in the freedom that comes from knowing that it's not only been dealt with but removed we are clean and pure and holy and righteous in jesus god i thank you for the encouragement that we would step out courageously to walk towards the things that you have for us maybe we've shied away from those things or been afraid to step out in those things and help us to walk out what you have already helped us to know help us to do it and produce in it help us to live in fellowship and sharing and partnership participation in each other's lives and on your mission god thank you that you're removing barriers that are in the way of us doing that whether it's a thought life or or maybe it's a tangible thing god even if it hurts we would love for you to remove that so that we could live out what you have for us we trust you we love you we praise you we pray to you in the awesome name of our lord and savior jesus christ and everyone said amen
Channel: The Roots Community Church
Views: 116
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: O2w0FHpwvIU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 11sec (3131 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 13 2021
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