"Consider Your Ways" Pastor John K. Jenkins Sr. (Haggai 1:1-11)

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this is a very important message and the normal circumstance I wouldn't even want to try to preach but this is a message that has had already great I know guy gave it to me I know he gave it to him because it's already had a huge impact at the 8 and the 10 o'clock service and I know it's going to have an even greater impact on the 12 o'clock rascals father annoyed this time we have in your word and I pray that you speak to us profoundly and mightily in Jesus name open our eyes help us see what you're saying to us in Jesus name Amen let me give you real quick background hey guy is a minor prophet he's a minor prophet doesn't mean that what he wrote was less important in comparison to the major prophet it just means that he wrote less he didn't write as much and so he wrote just three two chapters and but what he says is profound now catch the picture here get the scene of the background of this particular book hey guy is writing to some Jews who have been freed from captivity they have been in captivity slaves and they get free they had been slaved for 50 years for 50 years they had been slave they've been slave for 50 years and they get free and when they get free and they go back to their town their city of Jerusalem one of the things they discover is that the temple has been destroyed and burned down in this in a wreck and and they would regularly say they're going to rebuild it they kept saying they're gonna they're gonna rebuild it they're going to rebuild it but here we are 20 years after deliverance and the temple is still not built and Haggai has to speak to them and tell them what God feels about it God is concerned about it so look at me in verse 2 are y'all with me verse 2 of the I first of all all y'all EDI H a eh eh GG AI y'all got it chapter 1 thus said the speech the Lord verse 2 thus speaks the Lord of hosts saying this people says the time has not come the time that the Lord's house should be built then the word of the Lord came by Hagar the prophet saying is it time for you yourself to dwell in your panel houses and this temple to lie in ruins now thus now therefore thus says the Lord of hosts consider your ways look at your neighbors they consider your ways look on the other sides they consider your ways that's what I want to talk about consider your ways listen carefully I want to give you the abbreviated version of this of this message but it's very very important so the people in verse 2 the thus speaks the Lord of Hosts saying that the people said it here's what the people say it the time has not come the time that the Lord's house should be built so here that the temple is in ruins and they've been free for 20 years and now they've made no effort to rebuild the temple and God says I've heard that people say it's not time now what is the meaning of that for you and I today here's the meaning you and I have been freed from the bondage that we were in we've been freed from our slavery of sin matter of fact some of you can testify that you're not the same person today that you were twenty years ago can I get a Amen right there some of y'all are not the same person you're not you're not the same today that you were ten years ago or five years ago God has changed God has done something but yet the problem is has the people of God stay right here and Haggai that God says the people say it's not time to get the church right yet it's not time to rebuild the temple and while hey guy is talking about a physical temple we're in a beautiful physical temple but our physical temple has is beautiful but our spiritual temple that means that people in the church has not yet risen to the condition of the physical structure that we reside in yeah y'all miss the grace about to say Amen right there in other words we got a beautiful facility but the work of the ministry is lacking This Means War I'm going to have to do a battle with you because we have eleven thousand people to come to this church every weekend eleven thousand we're hard pressed to get 1100 people involved in ministry no no that's not another shot about that's that's a low a while that's that's shameful that's horrible that people come and receive the benefit of ministry but don't participate in giving back to the Minish you always cheer me on to come on it preach it a few minutes ago that was come on pastor bring it on well I'm bringing it and look at verse two he said they say the time has not come the time that Delores how in other words they're waiting for some sign some signal when is it going to be the right time when is it gonna be the right time for you to get saved some of y'all waiting for some magical signal for you to get saved you waiting on a voice from heaven you you waiting from some voice to say it is time now for you to give your heart to the Lord Jesus go now or you wait for the Lord details time for you to join the ministry it is now time for you to get engaged in the ministry of the Lord Jesus Christ at the First Baptist Church of glitterin you need something you want thunder lightning you want something special but the Lord is talking to you right now it is time now through the pastor I'm preaching to you through pastor that is time for you to get saved it's time for you to rededicate it is time for you to get involved in a ministry it is time it is time it is time it's time would you write knowing somebody been coming here for four years but you never committed you receive the benefit of ministry but you don't participate in giving back let me say that again that must have went over y'all here it's turn to my heart you receive the benefit but you're not giving back therefore the church cannot be built to the degree that God wants to be built because people are not participating so let me hurry up because I did say I was going to speak for 30 minutes so let me go ahead to verse number three then the word of the Lord came by Hagi out the prophets saying listen to verse 4 this is the Lord speaking to the people through the Prophet is it time for you yourselves to dwell in your paneled houses and this temple to lie and ruin in other words is it okay for you to have your house all decked out and everything is going on well but yet the God's house is falling apart is it okay for you to have order in your house and order in your family but yet you don't help there be order in the church that's that's a dilemma it's a problem it is it is a challenge it is frustrating and and God says here's how you know you fall in that category because he begins to list out some symptoms somebody say symptoms he lays out symptoms and it starts in verse five now let me let me read verse five now therefore thus says the Lord of Hosts consider your ways matter-of-fact in multiple places in this passage he says that consider your ways the word consider means give wait give consideration think about this look at it give it serious thought consider then he says your ways your way of living your mode of life what's regular pattern of your life and here's what he says when you consider your ways here's what you got looking I got with me have I lost you yet he says here the symptoms of a person that's fallen in the category you have so much and bring in little you you keep giving to a lot of people but ain't nobody given to you you eat but you do not have enough you drink but you have not filled you are not filled with drink you clothed yourself but no one is warm do y'all see that you got plenty of clothes plenty to drink plenty to eat but you're still hungry still thirsty you got all the clothes in the world but you're still not warm you're still not satisfied and listen to this and he who earns wages earns wages to put into a bag with holes in other words you're making a lot of money you got the cash but it's just like you get the cash and you're putting it in the bag and you can't even tell where the money's win you put it in the bag and the bag got whole you know made a lot of money but you have nothing to show for it some of you have made more money in five years then your parents have made in a lifetime but you have nothing to show for that's a symptom of a problematic situation now you hear what I'm saying to you today that that's a problem and and here's here what amazes me here's how to happen here's what verse 9 says look at verse 9 you look for much but indeed it came too little you had great expectation that you were going to get a lot but when it all came down to the bottom of the barrel when everything was said and done it came too little and when you brought it home look at this and when you brought it home I blew it away it made all this money and nothing to show for it you had these great expectations nothing this became what you hoped you would be and God says when you bought the money home I blew it away you can't even get a count and then you say why says the Lord of Hosts you wanted to know why here's God's answer because of my house that is it's in ruins while every one of you runs to his own house my house is in ruin you go home and take care of your house but you're not doing anything to help my house here's how that translates God says you got your agenda and you've been focusing on your agenda and God says I can't help your agenda if you won't help my agent Wow y'all don't like this kind of preaching to you and you'd understand cuz it is the call of Almighty God for all of us to help advance his kingdom his agenda his house you gotta ask yourself the question what are you doing to help advance God's house what have you contributed some of you all you do is come to church that's all you do you don't serve you don't give we got 119 ministries you can't find a single one to devote some time to not one if y'all say Amen together nobody know I'm talking about you but I'm talking about the majority of the people who attend the First Baptist Church of Glynn on and you will gladly tell people when they ask you with Church you belong to you stick your chest out I belong to the First Baptist Church of Martin John Cage it seems as my pastor but you're not contributing anything to help make the church what it is now I'm almost finished I'm bussing you upside your head you believe I see the blood but this is the word that God gave me for the house consider your ways matter fact this verse describes in Mitchellville right here this this verse right here is a Mitch of your verse God says you look for much but indeed he came to loo and when you bought at home God says I blew it away because of my house that is in ruins while every one of you runs to his own house your parent houses everything is going well in your house but you're not helping God's kingdom move forward spend hundred nineteen ministries and and we have in comparison to the numbers of people that come here very few people matter of fact let me take my hat off to the people who are serving in some capacity you got your own agenda though if you ain't involved you got your own agenda you got your sororities and fraternities your Alpha Kappa beta Sigma Q I don't know I don't know about whatever it is but all of those sororities and fraternities you got your Eastern Star meeting you got your Mason meeting you got your robe it's class five more three more two more one more here we go to the left one more you won't miss that but you don't have time for a single ministry meeting but you won't miss one week of your aerobics class hmm preach on paths I think I am verse 10 says therefore these are the symptoms the heavens open above you withdrew to do the heavens above you with withhold ado and the earth withhold its fruit you're not getting the prosperity you're not moving forward you're not getting the things you will hope verse 11 for I call for a drought on the land and the mountains on the grain and the new iron in the oil or whatever the ground brings forth on men and livestock and on all the labors of your hands God said I caused it to dry up you're not moving forward coz I stopped it I kept it from happening because you're so busy about your agenda you ain't got time for God's agenda say consider your ways and he points out the very Basics in that in verse number 2 they said it's not time to build God's house how long you gonna keep pushing it to the background when is it going to become time for you to serve when it's gonna become time for you to join when it's going to become time for you to contribute when it's going good time for you to get saved what all does God have to do doesn't have to pull everything and take everything from you before you make the decision I better get right with God now when is the right time let me tell you when the right time is right now today is the right time this moment today you hear his voice harden not your heart this is the day to do it some of you have been coming here for years and summers kept you from participating got 119 ministries and you never joined the church and some of you have joined the church but you're not participating anything you remember but you you still Legion owners y'all know what the leech is a leech is a creature above animal I know what it is what kind of animal is but what is a bug what is it huh parasite that's what it is a parasite it gets on you and sucks the blood out of you takes life out of you doesn't it doesn't contribute it and give back it takes out and when you come to a ministry and you take out but don't give in you a leech look at your neighbor somebody on your rose to lead your parasite then you get mad at the church you get mad you get mad because you come here and you can't get your kids in Sunday school parkings and mess traffic is all hell and you imagine you get upset and I'm standing you we can't get your kids in Sunday school because we don't have enough teachers but yet you complain because you can't never get your kids in Sunday School Superintendent right here elder you can't get your children and George and Linda cousins packed out why cuz we ain't got enough people who can give one Sunday a month to serve I told y'all y'all won't go like this sermon but I had to get it out of me now you say well pastor what ministry should I join there's 119 ministries choose one but how do you know what you want somebody always ask you how do you know which one whatever bothers you about the church join that ministry if you don't like to wait across sing and join the choir you think you can sing better than the lead singers are singing you join the choir so you can leave the song I know you sound good in the court I know you sound good in the in the shower but wait you said up in front of thousands of people to see what you sound like that y'all can't handle the truth in here y'all don't like this kind of preacher if the traffic bothers you and you don't like how long it take to get in and how long it take to get out do you need to join the traffic and parking ministry we can do the traffic better we can do the parking better and we have more people to help us direct people to where the parking spaces are but we can't do it cuz you ain't in a ministry not a single person clap on his whole row right here it's too late now to look at these two jokers now they come crap it's too late do you hear what I'm saying either that the church can only be what it needs to be when everybody participates and God told me to tell you I woke up at five o'clock this morning this what God told me to preach at five o'clock I know I don't like trying to throw a sermon together at five o'clock in the morning but I'm doing what thus said the Lord told me to good that's right is he worshiping the Lord Oh oh oh he saw this praise the Lord he sold enough I'm sorry are y'all with me can let me close I said I wouldn't keep you long I'll have my glasses up there yeah I need a glance ministry who got someone are those prescription glasses those are can I borrow for a second Lord heal this man I need glasses but I don't need that kind of those guys um okay um guy gave them some clear instructions I'm gonna give it to you then I'm gonna be done verse seven thus said the Lord of Hosts consider your ways here's God's answer verse eight go up to the mountain and bring wood and build the temple y'all see that go up to the mountain point one sub point one bring wood sub point to build the temple so point three there's the outline of dad and give it all I give you a lotta all of it but that's this outline up down the screen I cut it down but here's the answer verse eight number one go up to the mountain here's what that means anytime to read somebody going up into the mountain in the scripture they always went to meet God Moses went up the mountain to meet God Jesus went up to the mountain ahead of relationship to connect with his father going up to the mountain means have an encounter with God what that means is get out of your normal pattern of life some of you will never be able to have a change in your life because you keep doing the same thing you've been always doing consider your ways and your ways are not giving God an opportunity to speak to you and tell you what to do my assignment is to challenge you today to go to the mountain go to a place where you can meet God break the pattern break the routine to what you do every day instead of you go into your robe its class one more two more three more maybe I ought to spend some time with God one day amen and ask out what you should be doing here's number two she says bring would somebody say bring some would in other words they rebuilt the temple with would bring the tools necessary to rebuild the temple go get the wood what does that mean we're not when this talks about wood for us and the application I'm talking about I'm not the application here is not physical wood it's bring spiritual wood and what is the spiritual work bring your gift to the temple bring what you have to offer I know you don't think you have anything offer but everybody has something that God has deposited in you that can be offered to the kingdom of God everybody has something and if you want to know what it is go away you have a burden you don't like the parking situation and the traffic join the ministry if we had enough people in the parking lot ministry and traffic ministry dig and Thomas we could direct people in the parking go so quickly we can get people out of here in record time if we had enough people to direct and well first of all the people would have to listen to the people in the that's another sermon we get we could get the traffic done boom done deal it would be no problem if we're getting up widget but we don't have enough people some of y'all got gifts that you don't like talking to people we're gonna put you on the transportation ministry let you drive a van you just go pick up people just you ain't got to talk just drive some of y'all think the ushers are nasty to you join the ushers of ministry and show them how to be nice to people we got a hundred and nineteen opportunities and if you're not participating in one with a regular and can I throw this in while I'm on hand I'm finished this is gonna be my first close right here and this is my first conclusion some of y'all join the ministry and quit and you let people run you away from the ministry but you never let another human being stop you from doing what it is God when somebody in the church if you involved they try to make you want to quit you need to plead the blood you need to say this means war I ain't going nowhere I understand right here did you start doing like this plead the blood if I let people stop me from doing ministry I would have quit years ago but I'm not doing this for people whoa y'all excuse me for a second hold up I'm finished here's my second clothes right here just let I want to say one last thing why do we do this here's verse eight here's why we do it look at verse eight he said that I may take pleasure in it go to the mountain bring the wood build the temple come back bring your wood that's your gift help build the temple help it help move God's ministry forward to be everything can be and then finally he says that I may take pleasure in the God you know how we do this because God wants pleasure you see you been living your life for your pleasure you've been doing it for you but God says I want you to do it for me hold up he says and that he could be glorified this is the deal God wants to get the glory not you tell your neighbor you ain't do no glory you ain't done nothing with anybody you ain't died on the cross for anybody you ain't raised nobody from the dead you ain't delivered anybody he's the one that is due to glory his name is Jesus the lily of the valley the bright in the morning star he is worthy of all praise and he says I want to take pleasure in your life
Channel: Inside FBCG
Views: 88,681
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: FBCG, Pastor, John K. Jenkins Sr., First Baptist Church of Glenarden, Lord, God, Jesus, Christ, Holy, Grace, Sermon, Word, Bible, Study, Baptist, Church, Gospel, Preaching, Ministries, Ministry, Praise, Spirit, Religion, Blessed, Blessing, Salvation, Revival, Fellowship, Choir, Black, Preacher, Preachers, Chorus
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 33sec (1593 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 17 2015
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