Look Beneath the Surface | The Book of Haggai | Gary Hamrick

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we are here in the book of Haggai Haggai is number 10 out of the 12 mine it's as we round out the Old Testament the last 12 books your Bible known as the Minor Prophets these are prophets who were not less important than the other prophets but just that their writings were generally shorter hey guys book here you'll notice only two chapters long so he is one of the minor prophets his name in Hebrew is spelled with a CH it just as that rough sound so it's a guy the guy is his name it's from the Hebrew word hog which means feast or festive and he prophesized in 520 BC and we know because he specifically dates his prophecy here force during the reign of King Darius he prophesized in 520 BC to the Jewish people now they're back in Jerusalem after they've returned from their exile in Babylon we're going to talk about that and understand it historically so that we can frame it properly his ministry span less than four months again because he dates it so specifically there are four Oracle's that he gives us in two chapters and so his ministry spans from August the 29th until December the 18th 520 BC the book of Haggai and the events mentioned here all fit within the book of Ezra so earlier in your Old Testaments you have the book of Ezra everything about Haggai fits within the book of Ezra that is key because we're gonna use as far as a commentary on the book of Haggai as we look together at these two chapters but what we're gonna see from these two chapters is a prophet haggai who has a passion he is passionate about seeing his people rise from the ashes of Exile and become once again the light to the nations that God has intended the main theme of this book is Haggai coming to motivate the Jews to rebuild the temple of God in Jerusalem and so it'll make more sense as we go through this book together but let me start here in chapter 1 I'm gonna read the first 11 verses from Chapter one and then five verses from chapter two so here we go chapter 1 of Haggai verse 1 in the second year of King Darius in the sixth month on the first day of the month the word of the Lord came by haggai the prophet to zerubbabel the son of shealtiel governor of judah and to joshua the son of josedech the high priest saying thus speaks the Lord of Hosts saying this people says the time has not come the time that the Lord's house should be built and then the word of the Lord came by haggai the prophet saying is it time for you yourselves to dwell in your panel houses and this temple to lie in ruins now therefore thus says the Lord of hosts consider your ways you have so much and bring it little you eat but do not have enough you drink but you were not filled with drink you clothed yourselves but no one is warm and he who earns wages earns wages to put into a bag with holes that says the Lord of Hosts consider your ways go up to the mountains and bring wood and build the temple that I may take pleasure in it and be glorified says the Lord you looked for much but indeed it came too little and when you when you brought it when you brought it home I blew it away why says the Lord of Hosts because of my house that is in ruins while every one of you runs to his own house therefore the heavens above you withhold the dew and the earth which holds its fruit for I called for a drought on the land and the mountains on the grain and the new wine and the oil on whatever the ground brings forth on men and livestock and on all the labour of your hands jump over to chapter 2 verse 1 in the seventh month on the 21st of the month the word of the Lord came - hacked by haggai the prophet saying speaking out as a Rubel the son of shealtiel governor of judah and a joshua the son of josedech the high priest and to the remnant of the people saying who is left among you who saw this temple in its former glory and how do you see it now in comparison with it is this not in your eyes as nothing yet now be strong Saru Bible says the Lord and be strong joshua son of jaws attack the high priest and be strong all you people of the land says the Lord work for I and with you says the Lord of Hosts according to the word that my covenant it with you when you came out of Egypt so my spirit remains among you do not fear do not fear let's pause there and pray Lord it's good to come now together in your house and to open up the words of Haggai here and to see what you would have to say to us today we thank you that you're so gracious with us and patient with us that you would reveal yourself through the pages of Scripture and even in this ancient text we pray that you would bring relevant application to our hearts and lives today we're grateful for your mercy and your love toward us speak to our hearts now we pray in Jesus name and everybody said amen the last three books of the Old Testament and we're into it now Haggai Zechariah and Malachi the last three books of the Old Testament are known as post-exilic prophets what exactly does that mean starting with Haggai and including Zechariah and Malachi these three books that round out the Old Testament are known as post-exilic so let me explain what that means and in order to explain it I'm gonna have to give a timeline so everybody understands the chronology of events when the Jewish people were rebellious against God when they were worshipping idols instead of the true and living God when they were rebelling against him God sent prophet after prophet after prophet to turn them from their evil ways and turn their back to God but unfortunately the people refused to listen to prophet after prophet after prophet so what God does instead then to get their attention is he brings a foreign army from what today on a map would be Iraq he brings the Babylonian Empire and he brings them to Jerusalem to besieged Judah which is the southern kingdom of Israel now you might ask why would God bring a foreign nation to come against his own people doesn't he love his people more than that well the fact is because he loves his people he he's going to reach them with another method because they're not responding to the province so he's resorting to bringing a foreign army to get their attention because of their rebellion and their sin and their idolatry so the year is I'll just marched through this timeline with you the year is 606 BC God brings the Babylonians and they besieged Judah which again is the southern kingdom of Israel and Jerusalem is the capital city they come in full force in 606 BC for the next twenty years they will be siege Jerusalem and the surrounding cities and villages until 586 BC when they will capture Jerusalem and they will destroy the temple of God in Jerusalem now over the course of those 20 years from 606 BC to 586 BC the Babylonians deported tens of thousands of Jews from Israel to Babylon about 900 miles away in again what is modern Iraq so over the course of these 20 years tens of thousands of Jews are being taken captive and deported back to Babylon they will spend 70 years there God had already predetermined it to be 70 years that they are to be on this timeout where God's going to get their attention and to things that he's principally going to deliver them from our idolatry and a monarchy because they worshipped idols and he would purge them of idolatry and when they would come back to Israel they would no longer worship idols and he also purged them of a monarchy now it's a modern method of government I understand but among God's people he wanted to be their King and they didn't want God to be king and so they adopted Kings of the foreign nations around them so that they would not be under a theocracy and God allowed them to have kings but it wasn't his best intention this was their deliberate way of trying to get out from God being their king when they come back they will no longer be a monarchy in fact even today the form of government that Israel has is not a monarchy and so God is going to purge them of a few things over those seventy years but then God is going to move on the heart of a new king King Cyrus of Persia the Persians and the Medes overthrow the Babylonian Empire and in 538 BC King Cyrus of Persia allows the Jews to return to their homeland and to rebuild the temple it really is the move of God on this pagan King's heart he allows the Jewish people they have favor with him he lets them go back to Israel and they start to rebuild their lives and their city and the temple of God and in 536 BC they lay the foundation for the temple why because it was destroyed in 586 BC when the Babylonians first came so 536 BC when they get back in the homeland they lay the foundation of the temple of God and thus 70 years between 606 BC and 536 is their completed sentence for 70 years they had been sentenced and now God allows them to go back to their homeland they're on probation and Haggai is their parole officer does everybody understand what's happening now so they've been let out of jail they get to go home but they're still on probation and Haggai comes as the parole officer and Haggai will come in the year 520 BC sixteen years after they laid the foundation stones of the temple now consider this as soon as they lay the foundation of the temple in 536 BC they abruptly stop building the temple they just suddenly stopped the building project and the building project lies dormant for 16 years until Haggai shows up in 520 and Hagia is going to challenge them and encourage them to build for 16 years without the temple of God there's been no worship of God there's been no temple sacrifices there's been no spiritual life because there's been no temple and all those things revolved around the temple and so when Haggai first comes to them brought to them by God in 520 BC he challenges them look back in your Bibles here at Haggai chapter 1 verses 3 & 4 and Haggai says in verse three then the word of the Lord came by haggai the prophet saying is it time for you yourselves to dwell and your parcel rather in your paneled houses and this temple to lie in ruins is this right for you to be in your nice paneled houses while the temple of God is still in ruins you haven't been building that for sixteen years yea what what's the deal here and we've actually find out from the book of Ezra that the paneling that they used for the interior of their homes was imported from Lebanon and it was originally intended to be used to panel the interior of God's house and instead of using it to panel the interior of God's house they had confiscated it for the use in their own homes and so Haggai comes to them and in the words of dwight schroot he's like what are you doing what's going on here what are you doing this what you have taken the paneling intended for God's as your paneling your own houses and your busy building your own homes and establishing your livelihoods all of the while God's house remains in ruins what is going on here and so he challenges them and Haggai actually connects if you noticed with me when we were reading through chapter 1 he connects their lack of honoring God with their material lack in chapter 1 verses 5 & 6 that's what he means when he says now therefore thus says the Lord of hosts consider your ways you have so much and bring in little you eat but you do not have enough you drink but you're not filled with drink you clothed yourselves but no one is warm and he who earns wages earns wages to put into a bag with holes you ever felt like that as soon as you make your you know your income for your job and just like it's good it's put it up in some kind of a bag with holes in it just goes right for like I just made this and now it seems to be suddenly gone like like on a trip to Costco you know how that feels you ever gone into Costco just for eggs and milk and you came out with $1,000 worth of stuff you think what what just happened here I just wanted eggs and anyway what had guys actually saying to them is there's a correlation when you deny God the resources he's given you you will suddenly find your own resources lacking you know it is amazing that when when we offer the little we have to God how he does much compared to what we think we can do when we hold on to a lot and so Haggai ties this together he says do you see how just you are impacted materially because you were denying God his rightful do it is rightful honor and then in addition at the end of chapter one God says and he it says that he brings a drought upon the land why because God's trying to use all these things to get their attention you're back in the land God saying to them I brought you back in the land you're here by my hand by my mercy and yet you're not giving me the priority that I deserve and so thus there are things lacking in your own life because I'm trying to get your attention in that regard now there are a couple of different angles that you can take in approaching the study of the book of Haggai one of the angles that I've typically taken over the years whenever I've taught through the book of Haggai is the whole idea of misplaced priorities and that clearly is a lesson to be drawn out of the book of Haggai the people had misplaced their priorities for 16 years the temple of God had been still lying in ruins while they went about their own business building their own homes building their own livelihoods having family and career and all this kind of stuff and and they had misplaced their priority there's clearly an element of that in this story where they had not really given God his rightful place in their lives and his rightful due but there's another angle to this story and quite honestly I've never taken this angle before but I was challenged in in my prep time for this story and in some ways I feel that perhaps when I get to heaven I may have to apologize to some of the people in this story because over the years I've really hammered the whole idea of they misplaced priorities they didn't make God first they went about the lives doing what they jolly well wanted to do all the while God's house remained in ruins those people just didn't understand priorities and I I would use it it not in a self-serving way in a way to apply it to all of us because that'll preach in Loudon County and the idea that sometimes we can get so busy with our own lives and so caught up in our livelihoods and our careers and our ambitions and all this kind of stuff that we don't make God priority and and we don't focus on the work of the Lord and the kingdom of God and all that kind of stuff that will preach and I understand that and I have preached that but I think in some ways I may have to apologize to some people in this story one day because quite honestly and here's the other angle that we can take and this is the approach I'm going to take in the study here of Haggai okay they stopped building suddenly and abruptly and for 16 years the temple of God went without being rebuilt but I I think we should stop and ask and here's the angle we're gonna take why why did they stop building you know for years I would just hammer the principal home misplaced priorities misplaced priorities and never stopped and really asked why why did they stop building was it purely for selfish reasons did they get lazy and give up is it as simple as lacking right priorities we need to dig a little deeper here and ask why now let me illustrate this and tell you why it's important for us to do this I heard about this and I don't know if this is a true story or just you know something I I heard it as an illustration but I share it with you as an illustration either way I heard this story about a man who was a widow and he was living alone and he would often sit out on the front porch of his house and people in the neighborhood would walk by and always wave and give him a smile and have a little conversation with him but then the neighbors as they would walk by began to notice that the old man hadn't cut his long in a while and now his lawn was overgrown and weeds everywhere and so HOA got involved and sent him of violation like you don't have your lawn manicured and you're making the rest of the neighborhood look bad and you need to get out there and mow your lawn and and then people began to notice that his mailbox was overflowing and a bunch of newspapers were delivered on his driveway that he had never gathered and so he got more HOA violation notices about that stuff like get the newspapers off your driveway and you know mow your lawn and all this kind of stuff but nobody stopped asked why until one day somebody finally decided we need to call the police the police came broke into his house and found that he had been dead for a few weeks and see nobody offered to find out why was his lawn overgrown they were just bothered by it and nobody asked why was mail overflowing from his mailbox and newspapers lying on his driveway they were just bothered that they were I think it's easy for us to read the book of Haggai and just get bothered at their misplaced priorities and think to ourselves ok we need to get our priorities right it's easy just to look at this and to get bothered that they had misplaced their priorities that they had put God on hold while they attended to their own busy lives but I think what we need to do is to stop and ask why why did they suddenly stop building what might be going on under the surface that we don't know about before we judge them for being lazy and unmotivated with misplaced priorities let's dig a little deeper deeper here and find out why now fortunately for us we have a commentary on the book of Haggai because as I mentioned the book of Haggai and all the events of Haggai fit within the book of Ezra and Ezra gives us the backstory Ezra tells us why they stopped building Ezra tells us why for 16 years the house of God would remain in ruins I'm gonna read a little bit from Ezra you don't need to turn there or you can if you want I'm gonna read from Ezra chapter four verses one through five so we can get the perspective here in the backstory on why they stopped building so when Ezra chapter four this is what it says in verse one now when the adversaries of Judah and Benjamin heard that the descendants of the captivity were building the temple of the Lord God of Israel they came to saruba bell and the heads of the father's houses and said to them let us build with you for we seek your God as you do and we have sacrificed to him since the days of Azharuddin king of Assyria who brought us here now wait a minute the Bible says these are adversaries of the Jewish people they're claiming while the Jews were in captivity to have been there in the land offering sacrifices to God hold on a second there's no temple how are you offering sacrifices to God listen this is just their way of trying to infiltrate the ranks here these are adversaries of the Jewish people so it's a River Bell who's the governor during this particular time he's on to them and he says they're in Ezra 4 verse 3 but zerubabbel and Joshua and the rest of the heads of the father's houses of Israel said to them you may do nothing with us to build a house for our God but we alone will build to the Lord God of Israel as King Cyrus the king of Persia has commanded us and then it says the people of the land the adversaries tried to discourage the people of Judah they troubled them in building and hired counselors against them to frustrate their purpose all the days of Cyrus king of Persia even until the reign of Darius king of Persia this went on for years they were just continually harassing and discouraging and frustrating the Jewish people in their attempt to build the house of God furthermore it says in the rest of the book of Ezra that in addition to discouraging them and frustrating them did you hear what I just said that they hired counselors they hired counselors what does that mean means they hired attorneys they hired attorneys that's what the Bible is saying now today with respect to a lawyer in a courtroom we call him a counselor they hired attorneys to issue a legal injunction to prevent the Jews from building the temple of God by the way when I was reading through this I'm like oh yeah kinda it's kind of familiar story for us I mean for those of you don't know when we went to build this building we were sued by an adjoining landowner the Town Council of Leesburg and the mayor signed off on it but we got sued it ended up in court we lost in Circuit Court fortunately the Virginia Supreme Court heard our case and gave us a unanimous decision in our favor but I'm reading this I'm going yeah it still goes on today it still goes on today so they hired attorneys and they wrote a letter to a new king on the throne of Persia now his name is art exact seas and art exerts this was not all that familiar with what Cyrus had said in letting the Jews go back and build the temple when art exerts ease gets this letter from the attorneys he reads it and he's like yeah this is not a good thing because these Jewish people have a reputation of rebelling against kings and they're not going to do that under my watch sends a letter back to the adversaries and and says to them you march up to Jerusalem and you demand that they stop building and art exerts these issues this cease and desist order and so those guys go marching up to Jerusalem it says this and Ezra for 23 to 24 now when the copy of King Artaxerxes letter was read before ray Hume Shem Shai the scribe and their companions they went up in haste to Jerusalem against the Jews and by force of arms made them cease thus the work of the house of God which is at Jerusalem ceased and it was discontinued until the second year of the reign of Darius king of Persia what happened in the second year the reign of Darius king of Persia the Bible says Haggai was sent by God to encourage the people to start to rebuild so this is where Haggai then enters and he encourages them with the words that we read at the beginning of our study glance back in your Bibles at chapter 2 verses 4 & 5 Haggai shows up and he says to them yet now be strong this is chapter 2 verse 4 yet now be strong sir rubber Bell says the Lord and be strong Joshua son of Yas attack the high priest and be strong all you people of the land says the Lord and work for I am with you says the Lord of Hosts according to the word that I covenant with you when you came up out of Egypt so my spirit remains among you do not fear alright your attention now put all this together we have Ezra's the commentary on the events of the book of Haggai so when we look at why they stopped building in 536 BC and suddenly abruptly they just stopped the building process it's not because they were lazy it was not because they were unmotivated it was not because they were indifferent it was because they were discouraged the adversaries of the Jews had frustrated them had threatened them had gotten the government involved to issue a cease and desist order had themselves these adversaries even marched up to Jerusalem armed with weapons to tell these people stop and so they got discouraged and the Jewish people retreated and the house of God went without being rebuilt for 16 years until Haggai shows up and he encourages them now we know the why why did they stop building they they were discouraged so they gave up you know when you get super discouraged about something is it helpful to you when in your discouragement someone comes to you with both barrels loaded and chews you out or is it helpful to you when somebody comes along side of you and says God's got this be strong don't fear God is with you this is what Haggai does he shows up here he's not berating them he's he's not angry he encourages that be strong sir River Bell be strong Joshua be strong you remnant of Israel God is with you do not be afraid and he comes alongside of them and he encourages them in this way and at the end of chapter 1 the Bible says that God began to stir the spirit as a rubber Bell he began to stir the spirit of Joshua and he began to stir the spirit of the remnant of the people there and they began to work on the house of the Lord coupled with hey guys encouraging words to motivate them and they actually started to do the work of God's temple again and what's interesting you know what's interesting about the book of Haggai different from all the other prophets that the people actually did what the Prophet told him to do you read almost any of the other prophets in the Old Testament and the people like now we don't like what you have to say in fact we're gonna kill you that's usually what they waver they responded and this story they're like yes thank you for that word of encouragement thank you we got discouraged we were frustrated in the way that they were coming against us thank you yes in the name of the Lord we can do this and they marched right back up to Jerusalem and they rebuilt the temple of God in five years from 520 BC what Haggai started to challenge them they finished in 515 BC and the temple of God was completely rebuilt all they needed was a little encouragement all they needed was a little encouragement until you know somebody's story don't judge by what you see on the surface yes the book of Haggai is about putting God first over our own interests but it is also a book that reminds us that there are sometimes reasons why people do what they do why people behave as they behave it may not necessarily be an excuse for their behavior it wasn't an excuse here God challenged the people you need to get back to the work of God but even though somebody's behavior may not be an excuse it might be a reason for us to get a little bit deeper and to understand their story because if we get a little bit deeper and understand someone's story maybe we will have compassion for them instead of judgment and maybe we will have some comfort for them instead of frustration God sent Haggai to a people who needed to be encouraged and it's easy for us just to look at this book and say are these people sixteen years they didn't do God's work and misplaced priorities and their busy lives and the fact of the matter is that if you if you lift up the hood and you look under the hood a little bit what's going on in their hearts is that these people are just weighed down they are discouraged that's why they're doing what they're doing so again why people do what they do may not be an excuse for their behavior but it might be a reason for ours how are we to behave and respond to somebody based on what just the surface appearance of things or perhaps we should dig a little deeper to understand what's going on in their lives you know when a baby is hungry and a baby is wet we don't get angry at them when they cry we realize that there are some underlying issues here oh they're probably hungry oh they're probably wet so what do we do we feed them we change them and we comfort them but suddenly then when people become adults we stop discerning what might be under the surface we stop looking at well what might be the issue that's underneath why they behave the way they behave and relax some empathy and compassion and sympathy towards people because we just look at the surface and we evaluate what we see on the surface without having any consideration about what might be going on underneath it's important for us to realize this your coworker might be nasty for a reason your neighbor might be belligerent for a reason your extended family member might be angry for a reason maybe they somebody betrayed them maybe a spouse betray them maybe maybe they've gone through a tragedy maybe a child has died or maybe they got bad news on a diagnosis you never know you never know why people are behaving the way they're behaving don't just simply look at the surface and think to yourself well that's not right and and and they shouldn't be like that okay maybe they shouldn't but maybe we should dig a little bit deeper to understand how we might possibly be a Haggai in their life to come alongside of them and say God's got this don't be afraid be strong the Lord is with you and that's what Haggai did in this story we've got to dig a little deeper under the surface to realize maybe there's something there that is valued in the life of this person worth ministering to I share this illustration I shared this many years ago this this will be something that some of you have heard before but every time I think about this kind of a theme this story from my own life comes comes to the surface for me it's not a story I'm proud of but years ago when I was about 19 or 20 somewhere in there hadn't been a believer very long I was attending a church where in in the middle of the church service they do what what we typically do here between the worship time and the teaching time there's a moment of meet and greet everybody stands up and they and they they greet each other I know some of you don't like that I get emails once in a while it's flu season don't make me shake somebody's hand I might get coronavirus just stop drinking Corona and you'll be fine but any and so so I know some people like little germaphobe about that kind of thing but but this is the kind of thing that happens right and and so it was happening in this church where I was now there was a particularly D in this church in her early 60s that just by her appearance just bothered me and and I'll explain so she again like 60-ish and she would always come into church late with her husband and she was always dressed to the tease I mean she hi permed hair a thick thick makeup it was the envy of an undertaker I mean it was just all over and and smeared on a dress two sizes too small that she would always squeeze into and jewel everywhere I'm not exaggerating she had a ring on every finger she had ten rings and she would just have a lot of gold necklace jewelry hanging down and she would always where'd this cornucopia this gold cornucopia around her neck I'm not making it up you know cornucopia like when you put on a Thanksgiving table with gourds on the inside she had one of those hanging around her neck walk it in late to church and I would always think what's her deal and and doesn't anybody want to tell her how unbecoming she looks all like that right so in my judgmental heart I was 19 or 20 don't judge me now all right I've come a long way still got a long way to go but I've come a long way and and I'm just thinking what in the world meet and greet time happens and of all the days she had to come in late and sit in the row right in front of me that's what she did so now it's meet-and-greet time great she stands up to turn around and to shake my hand and when she stretches out her hand to shake my hand it was a warm summer day so she had on a short sleeve dress I noticed on her forearm numbers were tattooed this is a picture a similar picture not hers this is a man with tattooed numbers on his arm because he was a survivor of Nazi concentration camp this was typically done in Auschwitz the the Nazis would so ID numbers on their clothing until that got too laborious and so they just started tattooing numbers on prisoners as I would come through the concentration camp and little did I know that was her story and in this 25 second meet-and-greet it's as if she looked with penetrating eyes right into my soul and knew exactly the judgment I had in my heart towards her based solely on the surface on appearance and this is what she said to me she said hi my name is and I don't remember her name hi my name is how are you listen you're gonna have to forgive me she says to me I know I just kind of get dressed up over the top but she said when I was a teenager I spent some time in Auschwitz and I vowed if I ever made it out of there alive I would never be in rags again I couldn't tell you what the sermon was that day it still bothers me when I retell this story see because I I just looked at the surface she taught me a valuable lesson that day don't make an evaluation on the surface you never know what's going on in somebody's heart and in somebody's life shallow surface people are a dime a dozen in our world how about us Christ followers we actually go deeper with somebody to love their heart to value their soul that Jesus died for it's important that we get to know somebody beyond just the surface that we accept and love an individual with all their flaws and all their scars because we've got some of our own too somebody once said that Christianity is one beggar showing another beggar where to find bread well let's help people find the bread of life let's direct people to Jesus and one of the principle ways that people are going to want Jesus is when we genuinely authentically love them enough to ask their story they may not want to share their story or you may not have an opportunity to ask what their story is but at the very least give them the benefit of the doubt and think the best of them and ask yourselves how would Jesus approach them love them and interact with them be that Haggai to somebody who comes alongside and basically says God's got this be strong don't be afraid the Lord is with you and serve to be somebody who knows the backstory a little bit at least enough to have compassion and grace and love for those who need it I end with this verse I'll put on the screen for us first Peter 3:8 finally all of you live in harmony with one another be sympathetic labas brothers be compassionate and humble in Jesus name Amen Lord we thank you for the book of Haggai and even though yes it is a book of priorities may it be a book that reminds us there's a reason why they stopped building they got discouraged they got frustrated and all they needed was somebody to come along with a little word of encouragement but if we don't know the backstory then it's it's easy for us just just to judge them and to think that they're lazy forgive us Lord whenever we've looked at people and judge them on the surface maybe there's a reason underneath all that why they are the way they are or why they act the way they act and we need to be people like Haggai who come alongside of them and instead of just judging genuinely care enough to encourage maybe we need to be Haggai to somebody today there's somebody who instead of evaluating stuff on the surface just comes along and says tell me your story I just want to minister God's encouragement to you today use us Lord as vessels but help us to search our own judgmental hearts first so that we might be used by you to your fullest glorify yourself through us lord help us to be humble and tender hearted towards one another gracious and compassionate in the same way you've been toward us may we be toward others in Jesus name we pray and everybody said amen god bless y'all
Channel: Cornerstone Chapel - Leesburg, VA
Views: 33,799
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Keywords: Cornerstone Chapel, Calvary Chapel, Gary Hamrick, Biblical sermons, leesburg va, cornerstone chapel leesburg virginia, cornerstone connection radio, great sermons by great preachers, the book of haggai explained, haggai, overview haggai, the book of haggai summary, don't judge a book by its cover, whats the theme of haggai, how does the book of haggai apply to my life today, whats the book of haggai all about?
Id: 54U5_Rh0lYE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 16sec (2416 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 18 2020
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