Priorities Pt 1 (Haggai 1)

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you know we had a we had a staff day this this week where Jim and I and the rest of the staff here at Cornerstone just got a way to pray for a day and so we went up to rocky peak church because their property is a little nicer you know I mean we have a nice view here of penny-pinchers in the train but we went to have two rocky peak you know just kind of overlook the valley and just think about the majesty of God and just praying and praying for one another and so different staff people were asking me throughout the day how can I pray for you and it seemed like the same thing I kept coming back to was I was telling one you know what pray that God would help me say no more often you know it's like I want to do everything every time someone wants something's like I am my immediate responses yeah yeah yeah I'll do it I want to help but you know there's only so much time in the day and and you know something that I'm learning every time you say yes to something you're saying no to something else you know because you're crowding something else out of your schedule and while all these things may be good you know there's nothing sinful about saying yes to these things but it becomes that when you're doing all these good things and yet you're neglecting the best things the most important things and we do this in our lives we we say yes to so much that we end up crowding out the very things that ought to be priority in our lives and usually the first one that gets crowded out of our lives is God because he's not down here on earth physically you know screaming in your face I need your time give me your time give me your resources serve me do this do that and so we fill our times with all the other things and we crowd God out and you know we have this problem saying no and so I go you know just just pray it doesn't sound real spiritual but I need to learn how to say no to all these other things so I can say yes the things that are most important our inability to say no we see it when we go to Costco you know to pick up two or three items right and you know with this whole cart of stuff why because everything's yeah I probably need that I probably need that we start saying yes yes yes yes yes to all this stuff and you know we we do it we do it with our time you know it's our lives are already too busy right and then yet someone says hey can you do this can you do this and we just yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah sure sure sure meanwhile you're crowding out some pretty important things is why we get in debt you know we just keep saying yes we can't say no and this idea of crowding God out it's it's like it's like when my wife and I go out to eat a lot of times we'll just order one meal because I don't want to overeat and also because I'm cheap and so so we'll get the one meal and what I do when the meal comes the extra plate is I'll cut off her portion and give it to her you know I don't go you know at least let me just eat until I'm happy and then I'll give you whatever is left over because I know if I do that I know I know myself I can eat a lot and I would consume everything there and then I'd even want more and and and the truth is is that's what we do with God though we tend to just say you know what let me just take care of myself let me buy the things I want to buy let me do the things I want to do and then if there's any left over time I'll give it to you the problem is we're consumers and we say yes to everything and so pretty soon there's nothing left at the end of the day to give God except maybe a visa bill you know and pretty soon there's no time for God and he gets crowded out and and you guys this whole series on on priorities is not about hey how can we fit God in here a little bit it's not about that's not about fitting God into your life when we talk about priorities it's just that it's saying you know what I want God to be priority over me see because everyone has time to serve God everyone does everyone has enough time to serve God everyone has enough money to give to God now do we have enough time and money to where we can serve and give to God and also live the lifestyles that we want to live probably not so at that point you make a decision well who's more important and usually it's us and then if there's anything left over I'll give to him and he's the one the sacrifices I'm talking about the possibility just just to thought and I know it's a crazy thought to some of you that maybe you come to a point in your life where you actually are more concerned about pleasing God than yourself and for something that's that's just the craziest thought in the world and yet you guys that's the very basics of Christianity that's that's a very core is for Jesus is for someone to deny himself take up his cross and follow me making me the one that's that's the one to be followed my desires and my will for your life rather than being the one that's usually crowded out now that the book we're going to study the next couple of weeks is a very interesting book I love this book and how many people have studied it from the at least the last few services it's a book of Haggai how many of you have studied the book of Haggai okay two three four okay it's a great book in the Bible okay you'll have to turn to the table of contents which Julie is doing right now because it's just one page you can't flip over and go there's Haggai it's just like you'll miss it so just open the table contents turn to the book of Haggai oh you're going to love this book you are trust me I think I never even heard of them all right it's the best Haggai chapter 1 verse 1 just this verse itself listen to Haggai chapter 1 verse 1 it says this listen closely in the second year of king darius on the first day of the sixth month the word of the lord came through the prophet haggai to surah beable son of shealtiel governor of judah and to joshua son of jehoiada the high priest that powerful guys are going oh that's all i needed i can leave now now okay that let me um now most of you go now what's that all about so let me give you a quick as quick as I can history lesson okay I want to take you back so that you understand the context of how guys time I want to go back to to when God created the world so we're going back pretty far actually were going back before that okay like one even before that now there was it before that but I was as in the beginning God in the beginning God or John says in the beginning was the word I want you to think about something there was a time when all there was was God think about this there were no angels there was no earth nothing else but God there was no one no angels going all your God but he was still God there were no people on the earth praising him as God yet he was still god that's that's his name I am when he says you when Moses hey who are you because my name is I am it was talking about his each her now that he just always is unlike us you and I became we came into existence at a certain point God just as I am and on the same yesterday today and forever it's just that just Who I am I am and there was a time when there was just God think about that all there was was God the earth was just a thought in his mind there was no earth and just the thought of creating an earth was in his mind and think to yourself what if God never thought to create an earth so you and I were just a thought in his head I think I'll create Chris I think I'll create Rob I think I'll create Morgan Yee that was just a thought that's that's that was my only existence as this whole earth that was his own the only existence was in God's head in his mind what if God never thought to create you where the Creator never thought to even create this whole earth it's just Tim he's still God I mean seriously dwell on that sometime sometimes we walk around like everything revolves around us and then you just stop and you think wait a second I this earth didn't even exist it was just in the thought of God in the mind of God and God got things to create a world so he creates this were old he creates these people he creates Adam and Eve they populate the earth thousands thousands of people and God gives them some commands and says this is the way I want you to live God says okay look here's dessert I made it I made you here's how I want you to live the people here at God's laws and they don't like it because we don't like restrictions we don't like to be under anyone's authority so they began to rebel against this God and they do all the things that he hates oh god floods the earth Genesis 6 is look at these people I mean look at the way they treat me in my laws they just trampled him you know what forget it and he floods the earth floods kills everyone except for Noah because there's this one guy who was trying to pursue God because you know what I'm gonna keep him alive keep his family alive they repopulate the earth and God promises I won't do that again and he gives us that sign of the rainbow something I'll never flood the earth again like that so he repopulate through no one know it's you know it has all these kids all these kids have kids kids excuse me everyone starts you know developing to all these people and all these people on the earth again seek to rebel against God collectively they let's just go against God let's just and God frustrates them gives them a bunch of different languages Genesis chapter 11 we got to hurry here and he's um a they're going everywhere you know their own languages their own places and all of them separately start rebelling against God again we don't want to follow this God and his laws so they start making up their own religions and they start making up their own God saying well you know I the way I picture God is he'd probably let me do whatever I want and then and most of those religions back then if you study them a lot of them were built upon worshipping like phallic symbols and things because it was all to please whatever desire they had they just wanted to make God their own creation whatever would make them happy and so you've got this going on all around the world and all these people are saying oh no gods like this gods like this and and they had this freedom in their mind to make out however they wanted him to be whatever they thought he should be like and so God says okay that's enough of that here's what I'm going to adhere so I'm going to show myself to the world now he chooses this one man named Abraham Abram at the time he goes Abram I'm going to change your name to Abraham which is like a plural of your name meaning there's going to be so many of you you're going to have all these descendants a one problem on 100 years old you know and have no kids you know and my wife's 19 she's not looking so hot and and God's God says no no this is this is what I'm going to do because this is going to this is how I'm going to show myself to the world I'm going to have you have kids and your children your descendants are going to turn to this huge nation this mighty nation and I'm going to I'm going to bless this one nation so much is this one nation not all the other ones it's just one nation because I want the whole world to look at this one nation and go out there God's the real one because you're going to go to feeding armies way bigger than yours and I'm going to bless and multiply and none of this should have happened but everyone's going to look at this nation and go wow their God must be the real God and then I'll get the worship that I deserve so Abraham as a kid Isaac Isaac has a kid Jacob Jacob has 12 kids and God says Jacob I'm changing her name to Israel and that's where we get Israel Israel had 12 kids and those are the 12 tribes of Israel were his twelve sons God says you guys are my people I'm going to start blessing you now his people they start getting attacked by the Egyptians they become enslaved by the Egyptians and so God says you know what look there's my people there they're being enslaved by this other group but I love them and so let me show my power I'm going to send a deliverer or a leader whose name was Moses and Moses goes and he goes to Egypt and ghost apheresis hey God says let his people go Pharaoh says no way and so God starts showering all these curses upon the Egyptians and eventually he says you know I'm going to the firstborn of every household died in Egypt and so they all ended up dying you know the firstborn of all of the Egyptian homes and fear of flying goes okay get out of here just go go your God is too powerful for me I don't want to deal with this God anymore we're all going to die if I keep rebelling against his God so go you're free okay so this realized you know they run there they're free you know God saved us and and then Pharaoh changes mind goes on oh wait a second I want those guys back they start chasing them and the Israelites are backed up to the Red Sea and what do we do now when Moses touches the Red Sea and and it parts you know and so the Israelites are able to walk through you know God's people are able to walk through the Red Sea and then once they get to the other side Pharaoh's Army's pursuing them and God drowns them all in that sea and the people again we're free God God got us through this he really is God he really is God and God tells them because listen not only that but now I'm going to take you to this land I'm going to take you to the greatest land I promised the Abraham Isaac Jacob and now you guys are going to get to go there because you're my people we're going to be this great nation and their people are all fired up and they send some spies out to the land that God was going to take them to the spies come back and go we saw the land it's beautiful - everything God said it would be but there's these really big guys over there there are these giants and I don't think we can beat them and God's gone wait a second I just slayed the firstborn of all Egypt you saw me do that right you saw all the plagues I put on them you saw how I split the Red Sea wide open and now you're thinking I can't defeat these guys for you because you know what I'm tired of you I'm just sick of you and so this is what I'm going to do I'm going to have that whole generation die that's I that's my answer to a lot of things I'm going to have that whole generation of you I'm just going to have you die that's what I'm gonna do I'm going to have you wander around the desert for 40 years I mean the kids are okay because they aren't in this decision it's you guys you guys are the leaders you knew better so I'm going to have you die out and your children so after those 40 years that next generation they're going to go to the promised land and so on a Joshua they're taken to this promised land they get to the land and sure it's beautiful they conquer all the people just like God said they would and and Israel become just powerful after a while Israel goes this is great but God we'd love to have a king and gods going to I'm your king yeah but we want like a man you know and gods like guys you're driving me crazy but okay fine fine you want a man here saw you like enemies nice big handsome everything else he'll be your leader he'll be your king now Saul was a terrible king you know just an evil king and you know and so God takes a blessing away from him raises up another guy David now David was a good king yeah it was a murderer an adulterer but you know but God still called him good what just comforting right if you killed a couple people this week and he goes okay but but he's still mine I forgive him and he loves me and so David is king of Israel Israel flourishes then David has a son Solomon Solomon takes over the kingdom and God tells Solomon Solomon I want you to build a temple for me there you're the one that's going to build me a temple right there in Jerusalem right there in that Temple Mount I got all the the you know the specs and everything else and he just built the most beautiful amazing temple and God says this is where I'm going to dwell on the earth this is going to be like the center of the earth this is everything I put my name on put my glory you put that Ark of the Covenant in the temple you put that Ark I told you to make put it in there put the Ten Commandments in there put it you know and my glory is going to fill that place and everyone's going to know you don't mess with the temple you don't mess with the people of God and so that's what happens during Solomon's reign the temple is built Solomon has a sunray a boom you know things kind of go on for a little bit but then there's a division in Israel and they start fighting and suddenly there's a half of the people take you know half of Israel the other half go north you know under this guy named Jeroboam and so now suddenly the kingdom of Israel is divided between these two leaders and in the midst of all that they start wandering into their sin again the northern kingdom was really bad they didn't have any good Kings it seemed like everyone was just rebelling against God the hair-dye had any good going on there and so God has this group of people called the Assyrians this army we have heard of them the Assyrians come and they attack that Northern Kingdom around 722 BC they attack them carry them off and so now they take that northern kingdom out of the promised land the southern kingdom stays hangs tough there you know the southern kingdom of Judah under a king hezekiah you know Assyrians try attacked them but he's a follower of God and so he keeps them strong and they're okay for a while but then things happen Kings keep changing and eventually the Babylonians come by about a hundred years or so later the Babylonian Empire comes and takes over gets the southern kingdom of Israel out and so now now there's the Jews are all out of Israel the Babylonians are under captivity under them they're away from their land after the Babylonian Empire comes the Persians now under the Persians there is a king named Cyrus King Cyrus says you know what I'm going to let you guys go back to your land I'm gonna let you guys go back to your land so Cyrus allows the governor of the people who was rubble and their high priest Joshua lead them back into the land and so the people are back here now okay and and so then after after Cyrus come za'darius and Darius you know during that time that's where we pick up the story and Haggai Haggai comes and speaks that josh was a rubble and the people and say hey I've got a message for you guys from God okay you got it okay so that's where we are and hat guy won now okay now I left out a lot okay he's an uncle oh I don't have to read the Old Testament now no I left out a lot okay so here they are they're in the land the temples been destroyed Solomon's beautiful temple was destroyed by the Babylonians that place and so in verse 2 God has a message for these people and the Lord Almighty says these people say that time has not yet come for the Lord's house to be built okay God's responding and he's saying you know what you people I put you back in the land but you're making the statement saying it's just not time for the Lord's house to be rebuilt right now okay you got that so I go it's just not time to rebuild the temple and so God's response to that and verse 3 is this he says then the word of the Lord came through the Prophet Haggai is it a time for you yourselves to be living in your paneled houses while this house remains in ruin is a bit of sarcasm there where God goes oh so it's not time to build my temple but it is time for you to build your own house they'll write your nice little paneled houses if the paneled house was idea that in their interior was this crafty woodwork I mean it just it just basically meant they're living in luxury and God knows that's really interesting that you go it's not time to build my house yet you knew it was time to build yours well mines that remains a ruin because interesting you you didn't hear a call to rebuild my house but did you hear a call to rebuild yours it's a double standard that we do to this day I hear it all the time Christians will come to me and say well I don't know if I should serve God right now I haven't gotten a clear calling you know God hasn't told me you know exactly where to serve him and what to do and I so I really feel like the right thing to do is to wait upon the Lord you know really from my heart and wait upon the Lord to tell me where to serve you know otherwise I'm running ahead of him here and stuff all the time and then I my response to that is did you watch TV this week did you hear from the Lord to watch TV did God say you know what you need to watch some television tonight you need to golf tomorrow need to shop the next day you got to do this is is that is that what happened it's insured we have this double standard that if it's about stuff that I want to do I don't need to hear from the Lord I don't need to be called to that but if it's to serve Him then I better hear an exact calling and everything else you better tell me what to do you see it's really just as over spiritualizing things so that we can do what we want and make it sound godly you know and that's what God's saying to these people that's really cute that you say I didn't call you to rebuild my temple and it's not time yet meanwhile it's time for you to build a pretty nice house for yourself to care for yourself and buy things for yourself it's basically they're putting God's work aside so they can pursue their own lives that's what Evan want to do I got my own desires God's got desires for me if I got my own desires and so I'm going to pursue mine until I hear a real strong voice from him and you're putting yourself before God I mean it's it's it is a crazy thought but I pray for this I go god I really want to be a man who literally cares about your house more than my own personal house that's what I want to be God I want to care like like you know what I'll sell my place I'll live in a tent you know what if if you need your house to be built my dreams my desires are secondary that's what it means to have him as Lord he's he's he's the one that I follow and to me it's the only thing that makes sense it's all that makes sense I mean think about the gap between the creator and a creative being for example I got a little man in my pocket okay now let's just say let's say this guy I know what don't you um let's say I get lonely no let's let's say um let's say okay he doesn't exist and in my mind I decide to create let's say I had the power to create and I decide I'm going to make a little man and I just create this person okay he didn't exist a second ago but I made him and I want you to think right now just think about the difference between him and I think about difference between he and I created being creator that's a big gap think about the difference between the gap between you right here in this little room and the Creator who made you and does it really make sense as a created being to go well you know let me do my thing and then if I have anything left over okay maybe I'll give something to you all right here's a couple bucks here's a here's here's you know 15 minutes here you know there does that that really makes sense to you as a creating being to put your own desires before that of gods and by nature of who you are it only makes sense to say okay no you're more important than I am your desire should come before mine because I wouldn't even be here I'll just a thought in your head you made me Here I am so so so what do you want me to do and when we do that then we realize you know what that God actually cares about me and and by following him I live the most filled life possible anyways but if that's not enough for you if that's not to convince you then hopefully verses 5 on will because to me once you read this you go ok well they're not just dumb and not to follow God verse 5 it says now this is what the Lord Almighty says give careful thought to your ways you've planted much but you harvested little you eat but you never have enough you drink but you never have your fill you put on clothes but you're not warm you earn wages only to put them in a purse with holes in it this is what the Lord Almighty says give careful thought to your ways go up into the mountains bring down timber and build the house so that I may take pleasure in it and be honored says the Lord you expected much but see it turned out to be little what you brought home I blew away why declares the Lord Almighty because of my house which remains a ruin while each of you is busy with his own house therefore because of you the heavens have withheld their due and the earth its crops I called for a drought on the fields and the mountains on the grain the new wine the oil whatever the ground produces on men cattle on the labor of your hands God says to the people because you know you're looking out for yourself but what happened you thought to yourself I know what I do for get God forget his house I'm just going to build my own little Empire here I'm going to build a beautiful house for myself I'm going to I'm going to plant all these crops I'm going to reap this harvest and he goes what happened came time to harvest and you had nothing there really harvest did you because you know why because I I created a drought I kept the heavens from raining upon your crops I kept the earth from producing crops and then when you got a little bit what happened because I blew it away you thought you're going to have all this money to save didn't you and then you put in your County because it's like putting it in a purse with holes in it he goes you know why I blew it all the way and he goes it's your fault your fault for neglecting me you you try to do it your way and you expected all this stuff apart from me because that's not the way it works on this earth it's not the way it works for my people my followers because I blew it all and he says you know what you need to do climb up that mountain start chopping down trees repent start building my house once you put your own desires aside for a second and build mine and then maybe you'd see the blessings again see people do this all the time they go no I've got away I know I know how to find happiness I know how to find fulfillment you know I'll pursue this I'll pursue this salary once I get this salary this number then I'll be happy then I'll have enough and then you get there right and is it ever enough but once I get this position at work in this position of power then you get that position oh it's not everything right so then you pursue something else it's just a relationship if I could have a relationship with that person that person comes here that's not enough maybe if we had a child maybe that child you know I could live through them you know her whatever it may be that'll have that will bring me pleasure that I'll bring it and all these things you expect to bring you fulfillment and many of you gone down these roads just chasing pleasure however you could find it it doesn't happen it doesn't work and God says you ever wonder why he says give careful thought to ways you guys wonder why you didn't harvest a whole lot while there's not a whole lot in your account he's because I blew it away because you put yourself first you prioritize yourself before me and that's not what it means to be a follower it's it's it's like this I've used this illustration before but it's like it's like if you were driving if you're driving your car this is this is just like an illustration of life suppose you're driving your car okay here you are and and you're driving you're in control and one day let's say you come to church or one day you you know you're here and and maybe for the first time whenever it was in your life you you're driving along life's road and you hear about Jesus and you hear wait I need Jesus Jesus was the son of God and he paid for all of my crimes every time i disobeyed God I was storing up wrath for myself but Jesus took it all on the cross man and I can accept him my life I can have a relationship with him and you think to yourself Wow and this may be the first time you've ever heard it but some of you go you know what I want that I want Jesus and a lot of people you know what that's exactly what I need I want this Jesus in my life I want him in my life so what you do is is is you pop the trunk and go Jesus climb in that sounds horrible but honestly that's what most people seek to do when they hear about Jesus they go I know I want him with me so get in the trunk God get in the trunk Jesus because every once in a while I run into a problem and I'll pop the trunk you'll come out and you'll fix it maybe I'll get a flat and you're already back there the jacks back there just get out and you can fix it you can fix it that and you guys as awful as that illustration sounds that's what most people want from God that's what they want they'll call him Lord master but what they really want is slave slave come out and fix this come on don't you care about my needs and you really think the guy the universe is going to jump into that trunk all cool you know I get to come into your life and be your slave the creator of another people come on not that bad I open the passenger seat door I even open the door for him to climb in the passenger seat and let me you know and I'll Drive and I'll just I'll take us around wherever I want to go and we'll have a relationship and you can help me with different things we'll talk through things in life but I'm in control and guess what God's still not coming in the car until you get out of the car and you're handing the keys and say you drive I'll sit in the passenger seat where do you want to go what are your priorities let me follow you and let me serve you and when we do that and allow God to be the Lord of our lives that's when he comes into our lives and that's when he starts taking it through these journeys that you never would have gone on on yourself by yourself and you start finding fulfillment in this relationship and being led by God in his commands his laws his direction his will you go wow this is pretty good see to me it's the only cookie it's the only thing that makes sense because even if you go you know I'm not about that I'm not going to follow anyone I want control busy this is why I think it's stupid even if you say no I'm holdin on I'm holdin on to the steering wheel I'm in control I'm taking care of my life I'm not letting anyone drive me around I got the keys you know what God in heaven is doing God in Heaven's gone yeah you you think you have control ah you know that's that's what's going on see don't you see that's the book of Haggai right there alright these people go forget you God I'm going to take care of my house I'm going to have all these crowds I'm gonna do all this and gods going watch no rain watch this everything you're working for it's an end in misery all these expectations why because I'm still in control and so you may leave you're going to know I'm not relinquished and I'm going you know what you're not really relinquish wishing anything whether you want to accept him as Lord or not doesn't change the fact that he is Lord whether you want to give him control or not is and to change the fact that he's in control you think you're in control of your life right now you really think you have control over your destiny and you have power to hold on to that wheel and and nothing no one can affect that you're crazy it's never happened in the history of mankind and it's not about to start now and I love what happens at the end of the story this is the best verse 12 then the rubble son of shealtiel Joshua son of Jehovah DAC the high priest and the whole remnant of the people obeyed the voice of the Lord their God and the message of the Prophet Haggai because the Lord their God had sent him and the people feared the Lord then Haggai the Lord's messenger gave this message of the Lord the people I am with you declares the Lord so the Lord stirred up the spirit of zerubbabel the son of shealtiel governor Judah in the spirit of Joshua San Jose a high priest and the spirit of the whole remnant of the people and they came and began to work on the Lord on the house of the Lord Almighty their God on the 24th day the sixth month the second year of King Darius the people heard the message the Bible says they knew it came from God and so it says they obeyed because they feared the Lord it didn't say that the people heard the message they agreed with it and so they just started talking to each other about all their intentions about oh I really will serve God yeah me too you know once I get to here yeah yeah yeah and and talk and make themselves effort that's what the American church does we're so good at talking but that's not what pleases the Lord what pleased the Lord was when these people just heard from the Lord and they just ran up the hill and start chopping down trees they did something God is not honored by good intentions we all have those he's honored by action he's not honored by you coming today and crying I really made a mess of my life so what what are you going to do now you're actually going to change the Bible says that godly sorrow leads to repentance it's not about coming and crying and going oh okay I got that off of my chest God says you do something and when those people did it God looks at that sees their repentance and I love this is what it's all about okay what he says this is the phrase verse 13 when God sees man they're going to listen to me they're running up the hill they're chopping down trees what's his response verse thirteenth and Haggai the Lord the messenger gave this message of the Lord to the people for words I am with you God looks down at those people they repent because you know what now I am with you now I'm on your side now I am with you and I don't know about you but that's all I want on this planet is to know that God the Creator the I am is with me that's all I need see because if I the house the bank account the stuff and all security but I don't have God what kind of security is that when he's in control and yet if I stand here and I don't care what I have I could have nothing I could have none of you with me whatever else as long as God says to me Francis I'm with you I go who's going to be against me what's going to damage me why I'm not to worry about the future the god of the universe is with me as long as I have that assurance I'm fine I don't know what you're after in life you're gonna try to make life work outside of God and I just go that's justice foolish we've all tried that doesn't work now I have God with me and I tell you I will not trade that for anything he's my lord he's in the car he's driving it and well god I just I just want to be with you I just I'm safe with you I have to worry about anything as long as you're with me where else do you hear that phrase I am with you think think hard in the Bible where else do you hear the phrase I am with you he said out loud Jesus lo I will be with you always in the end of the age Matthew 28 but what does it say it says got Jesus in verse 18 says all authority in heaven has been given to me he goes so therefore you go and you make disciples of all the nations you baptize them and name the Father Son Holy Spirit you teach them to obey everything that I've commanded you and lo I will be with you always lo I am with you always even to the ends of the age you see that he goes you be busy about the work see back then the work was rebuild the temple and I'm with you you guys could go go up that mountain start chopping down trees and I'll be with you New Testament our time he says to you guys you know what you guys go or go all over the place and tell people about me get them to obey everything that I commanded he goes and I'll be with you so why do I devote my life to trying to make every single one of you everyone I come in contact with I'm trying to convince you Bagon Bagon Bagon because the Bible says if I do that then he's with me and so I don't care if I say some things and you can't stand him and you leave here and go what I need it what a jerk bye you know I can't I gotta I got to tell you what he says to do I got to tell you how to obey Him 1 because I want him to say Francis I'm with you you keep making disciples you keep baptizing people you keep telling people to follow me and I'm with you and I go man that's all I need all I need that's you're enough you're enough is God with you today is God in your life is he the Lord of your life is he your priority I hope so man I'm begging you nothing else makes sense on this earth you're created being on the planet for a few moments any second it's over God's in control of everything anyways give him the keys ask him to come into your life and take over and rule and truly be the master the Lord of your life you
Channel: Chester Yee
Views: 72,008
Rating: 4.8730159 out of 5
Keywords: googlevideo
Id: F88hnpW6WXg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 7sec (2347 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 29 2011
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