"The Reasons for your Drama" Pastor John K. Jenkins Sr.

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I wanted to talk about this for a few moments today this 61st chapter of Isaiah is well focuses but the Book of Isaiah was written by a prophet who was raised up who was given the assignment of speaking to the divided Kingdom Israel at this at this point in his history is divided into two nations as it were and Isaiah has the assignment of speaking to one of those nations Judah in particular he has the assignment of prophesying and speaking to Judah and what he must tell them is about the difficult times that they are about to face he in fact has the assignment of warning them and letting them know that there's going to be some drama in their life how many know that folks don't get excited about drama nobody jumps up and says I can't wait for the next dramatic experience to come in my life but the reality is if anybody's going to accomplish anything and go anywhere in life you're going to have to go through some drama the thing I've tried to preach and tell you over and over again and try to let everybody understand notice that anybody who has achieved anything significant for God has had some drama in their life look at your neighbor say I must be going to do something big at all the drama in my life tell your neighbor that I'm getting together here I must I must I'm about to go ballistic God bout to blow me up with all the drama in my life take your time pastor take your time this 61st chapter of Isaiah is particularly of interest because there in Luke chapter 4 don't turn there the Bible says Jesus had the assignment and the responsibility of when he walked into the temple one day to worship God he picked up the scroll and unrolled the scriptures and read Isaiah 61 as a matter of fact it is exact this section of scripture that Isaiah rheya that Jesus read from Isaiah when it says the Spirit of the Lord God is upon me listen to what Jesus said the Spirit of the Lord God is upon me because the Lord has anointed me Jesus was anointed how many y'all know that Jesus was anointed he was the anointed one and here's what he was anointed to do it lays out right here all of the assignment given to Jesus he was anointed to preach good tidings to the poor he had the assignment of bringing good news to people who were without the comforts of life he had the assignment of telling people who were meek and poor struggling with life didn't have all the necessities in the compass of life his assignment was to tell them that there was some good news not only was he giving that assignment not only was he anointed to bring good news to the poor but the text says he was sent to heal the brokenhearted that means he had the assignment of bringing healing to people who had experienced broken relationships anybody ever had any broken relationships 1 2 3 ok well if you haven't the rest of you're gonna have something that happens in your life where there is some relationship that has been taught or broken or bruised Jesus said I've come to let folks know who have gone through the agony and the pain of a broken relationship for them to know that it can be healed he also says he was anointed to proclaim Liberty to the captives somebody say Liberty to the captives it means to bring freedom to people who are captive by sin and habits anybody here got any habits or sins that they've been captivated by there y'all go lying again like y'all ain't got no issues y'all Minds will tell the truth everybody in here got something that they are tempted by orbit or at some point in their life been held captive by I know that I know that the sunday-go-to-meeting church crowd try to act like they ain't got no drama and ain't got no issues in their lives but if the truth be told if we were to follow you around just for a couple minutes it wouldn't take us along to find out that you got some vices up in your camp y'all go ahead look straight ahead act like I ain't talking about you but you know I'm talking about you with your jacked up so that we got some areas in our lives where we need some Liberty somebody say I need some Liberty ain't nobody in here perfect and nobody here dotted every I and crossed every teen why y'all acting like y'all ain't got no issues Jesus had to come for you and me we because we were we were jacked up we were held captive and Jesus said I came to bring liberty not only did he come to bring liberty but he's also anointed the scripture says the open of the opening of the prison to those who are bound he has the assignment of coming and bringing down the pipe to us and letting us know that God has given them the power and the authority to open up the dungeon and release us from bondage we're in the dungeon and we abound the prison means that we're in the dungeon Jesus said I've come to open up those prison and to let make you get free from being bound bound means in the Hebrew to be joined in battle it means that you are enslaved in a battle that you can't seem to end the battle you can't seem to get over this fight you seemed as soon as you think the fight is over there's somebody else waiting soon you get out of one round there's somebody stepping into the ring for another round and the text says God sees all the battles that you've been in and he said that Jesus has been anointed to step up in our camp and bring us out of the bondage that some of us have been in not only has he been anointed to do that but also he says right here again in verse number 2 to proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord and the vengeance of and the day of vengeance of our God that's exciting because what it says is this that God Jesus is anointed God has anointed Jesus for the specific assignment of letting us know that this is our acceptable year I don't know where y'all are but I'm claiming this is my year I don't know where y'all are but I'm telling y'all it's the year 2008 is the year of the daybreak this is a year of victory this is a year that God has said you have finally stepped out of all of the drama that you've been in and I'm stepping you into your purpose and your destiny he said not only is this to proclaim the acceptable year for you but also that it is the day of vengeance that means that God's gonna pay back everybody who done your own come on somebody I don't have to get you back I don't have to try to hurt you I don't have to try to inflict damage on you I don't have to try to make you cry like you made me cry I don't have to try to pay you back God said it's the time for me to execute vengeance and anybody here know who knows anything about God knows that when God execute judgment when he gives out vengeance it is true vengeance you see my punch is just a little slap against the face but when God brings out his stick of a whipping you gonna know that your butt has been whipped come on somebody talk to me for a second it is the assignment that God gave it is the appointment it is the anointing that is on Jesus Christ to bring and to minister into all of these arenas of life to preach the good tidings to the poor to heal the brokenhearted to proclaim Liberty to the captives to open up the prison and those who are bound and to proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord and the day of vengeance but who is he doing it to look at verse 2 he says in first to the latter part that this is a ministry to comfort all who mourn to those who are crying for those who are weeping tears for those who don't see a way out of their dilemma who don't see an answer or a solution to comfort those who mourn as a matter of fact verse 3 says look at this this blew my mind to console those who mourn in Zion that's an interesting phrase to me when it says to console those who are mourning in Zion Zion what what is ioan and where is Zion it says there's some people crying and mourning in Zion Zion is the City of David it is the place where David built his temple it is the place where he erected an altar it is the place where Solomon built the temple it is the place where Solomon's Palace was his altar walls and the Temple was Zion represents the abiding place of where God is listen to me very carefully whenever you design in Scripture it symbolizes being in God's perfect will it is the place where God abides Zion is the place of Hope and Glory Zion is the place where God wants all of his Saints to be Zion is when you are walking in the absolute perfect will of God but listen to what the text says in verse 3 it says that Jesus is anointed and likewise the church has been anointed to bring comfort to those who are mourning and to control those who are mourning in Zion there are people who are in Zion but yet they are crying and I know that might seem to be an oxymoron but the theology of our day has been twisted and distorted when people walk around and teach and believe that if you are in the perfect will of God nothing will ever go wrong nurse nothing could be further from the truth gone and preach Pastor Dan gonna say nothing it is possible to be in the perfect will of God and still have things that will cause you to cry you can be doing exactly what God told you to do living in the way that God called you to live in or beat into the things that God called you to be in and still find yourself in some drama I said you can be in the absolute perfect will of God and still have drama in your life Joel was in Zion he was in God's perfect will but he lost his riches lost his ten children and was sick from the top of his head to the sole of his feet and had his wife come up talking foolish to him he was in the perfect will of God and my brothers and sisters you can be in the perfect will of God and have drama on one occasion Jesus told the disciples his very own disciples he said y'all get on the ship and go on the other side they got in the ship and headed toward the other side of the sea and while they were on their way they encountered a storm there they were doing exactly what Jesus told them to do and they wound up in the middle of the storm and the storm was so violent that they became afraid as a matter of fact on another occasion Jesus was with them on board the ship and the ship got tossed by the winds and waves and they thought they were about to lose their lives yes my brothers and sisters you can be in the perfect will of God and have drama you can be in Zion and be broke you can be in Zion have trouble in your marriage you can be in Zion and have disobedient children you can in Zion and be politically exploited you can be in Zion and be economically deprived you can be in design and be going through a divorce you can be in Zion and get sick you can be in Zion and be lonely you can be in Zion and be discriminated against you can be in Zion and be disliked and hated you can be in Zion and get fired from your job you could be in Zion and have somebody who's sick in your family who you were praying for died you can be in Zion it had drama yes my brothers and sisters you can be in the absolute perfect will of God and have drama so the text says that they're crying in Zion then it tells us in verse three why they're crying three three key words it tells us it says there's some ashes y'all see there it says to give them beauty for Ashes then some ashes they're crying because they've got remains a fire has come through and ripped their lives apart and all that's left are ashes some of you know what it's like to to be able to look back over your life and all you have remaining of better days Israel is the memory that's what an ass he is all you all you have to go to look all you have to go by of what it used to be is a memory the time when the family was happy the time when you had a good job the time when your marriage was strong time when you have money in the bank I y'all not feeling me are you but now something has happened the fires of life and the trials of life have rushed through and destroyed and all you have left dashes and so they're crying because all they have our ashes but that's not the only reason they're crying it also says right here in verse three they're crying because there's mourning you see the second part of that the level of that verse says the Garn it says that the oil of joy for mourning they are mourning there's a crying that's going on they're shedding tears here's what mourning means in the Hebrew in the Hebrew mourning means that you're shedding tears that will not go away what causes those tears they're caused by the pain that we have done the things that we have done that have caused others to cry look straight ahead nobody know I'm talking about you but you know you done done some substrate some other people cry anybody here ever made some choices made some decisions gone some places and did some things that cause other people to cry you see it's a tragedy when your behavior is so devastating to other people but yet you never feel the pain and you're never sorry for for it true repentance comes when I recognize that what I've done has caused other people pain and I'm crying over the pain that I've caused somebody else or when you have an encounter with God when you shown up know Jesus when he manifests himself in your life you will cry over the pain you have caused other people that's why they're crying they're crying because they come to grips with their own behavior they come to grips with their own choices and their own actions and their own decisions that they realize that they've not only brought drama on themselves they've brought drama on other people and so they're mourning but not only are they mourning not only are they in a posture where they are they have ashes but there's also a spirit of heaviness you'll see that in the text there's a spirit of heaviness that means to be depressed to have clouds like Linus had the clouds and the Charlie Brown cartoon hanging over him it's a level of depression it is the circumstances of life has depressed you your marriage has depressed you your single status has depressed you your children have doubly SuperDuper depressed you you your finances have sapped all your joy you've been disturbed by what's happening in all the parameters of your life and so it is a spirit of heaviness thanks be to God that when the text talks about these things it does not leave us hanging with the fact that they have all this drama I read to you the three key phrases out of what caused the problem but look at what it puts in front of each one of these phrases there's a remedy and there's hope look at West versus three says he says he gives them beauty for Ashes who I I felt something right there maybe y'all didn't but but but here's what it is God says I'm gonna give you beauty for Ashes I'm going to replace your ashes with beauty and the word beauty there is a Hebrew term which means a headdress he's gonna put us up on your head something a little bit better than the wig that's on your head something a little bit fancier than the hat that you got going on that nobody can see up here but around you because you got this big gigantic head on it it's it's easy going pastor it means he's going to give you a explanation for why you had to go through the pain that you've gone through when he says headdress he's going to give you clarity and an understanding of why you had to go through what you went through now now here's the problem most of us are depressed because we don't have the answers while we in the fire and we don't have the answer while we're sitting in the ashes but God told me to tell you that while you're sitting in the ashes he's about to come with an explanation and exchange your ashes for his beauty what's so beautiful about it what makes these ashes so beautiful what makes them beautiful is he's about to explain to you in just a few days why you went through what you went through so that you will begin to be able to thank God for what you went through I'm not getting no help from that upper tier up there maybe they can't hear me let me see if I can make this plain to you you got upset in mare cuz he dumped you you got upset cuz she didn't want you no more she forsook you you came home and your clothes were sitting outside come on somebody don't act like don't act like you didn't know she was waiting to exhale come on for just a moment and she finally let the a out I got some help back here God says I'm going to give you an understanding he dumped you she didn't want you no more and though you were pained at the moment 10 years later when you see her wobbling down the aisle at the grocery store I can't get no help up in here ten years later when you see him sitting on the corner drunk as a stuck as a kite then you'll be able to look back and say god I didn't understand then but I thank you now that I didn't go down that road somebody how far your neighbor's animal thank God for what he did it's not playing now it's not clear now it's not understandable now is that you can't see it now but my assignment is to tell you he is going to give you beauty for your ashes when you step up into ministry with the mantle of God's anointing resting upon your life and the words flow through you and pierced the heart of broken people and help bring them to the place of redemption and our knowledge of Jesus Christ you will be able to say and see that I went through all of that drama because God wanted to bring me to a place that I could minister life he will give you beauty for your ashes he's going to give you an explanation but not only that he's going to take your mourning and give you the oil of joy y'all know what all is oil is a lubricant it's designed for the purpose of easing friction friction is generally caught you generate friction when there's either motion or heat I got emotional heat they will be friction and oil is used to lubricate and ease the friction when you open the door and the door squeaks that's friction there's friction in the hinges and so if you put a little bit of oil on there and let the oil get soaked all down into the crevices and the cracks of the hinge it'll take the squeak eNOS away now I don't know if y'all ever been around any Christians who are squeaky Christians they complain about everything they complain about life they complain about that job they complain about their children they complain about their spouse they complain about their church they week to squeak squeak squeak squeak Jane take trans-mexican to complain complain complain what they needed some oils come on somebody they need they need a squeak of oil and that's why I try to press my way to church cuz every now and then when I come in here somebody's the choir sings a song or I hear a word that put some oil some oil of joy in the squeak eNOS of my life so you complain about everything cause you ain't got no joy but when you get the oil of joy I can't get no help here when God gives you a joy that is unspeakable and full of glory when you get the joy that Jesus has to offer it makes all of those squeaky things in life be unimportant I suspect there's somebody on your road needs some oil go ahead and look up and down the road and see if you can figure out who it is oh there there there's some matter of fact on your road there's at least 2 or 3 people who are squeaky squeaky doors if you want to have heat or motion now you got to have motion to go somewhere when you're moving there's oh listen movement always requires there's going to be friction somewhere so you need some oil when there's heat there's gonna be some oil needed and so matter of fact when you cook you need you need some more right is that right you need some more when you cook what do you need oil with to cook good we would fry chicken I knew you know what every service somebody say Fried Chicken that's the first thing they say you know you'd pass in a black church when you asked about that and they say Fried Chicken you know it's a black church what else fish French fries pork chops yeah huh what happens if you don't put oil when you cook it sticks that's what happens when you don't have the oil you get stuck in a certain place you can't move forward you get stuck in the pain of some you get stuck it when somebody did to you you get stuck and what they said about you you get stuck that's why you need oil so you won't get stopped I love you but I don't want to get stuck in a place in life cuz of what you did or what you said I got to roll on I got to move on I got a charge to keep in a guard to glorify and I can't kids suck what else let's see G what about when you're cooking do you need oil with bacon no why it does what it makes its own oil when you apply the heat the oil for it to cook in is is comes out from the inner part of the bacon I can't get no help up in here but God is saying I want you to be the kind of believer that when the heat is applied even if you can't get to church you got some oil on the inside that comes out from the inside whoever who am I talking to today if you know what I'm talking about how far somebody else who know what I'm talking about and say I got some oil on the inside I got some oil of joy I got joy I got joy that's not governed by external sources I've got joy that's not dependent on the car driver I got joy that does not determine by the clothes I wear I've got joy that doesn't come based on a promotion on my job I've got joy that does not determine buy a new suit I've got joy that is generated from something that's happening deep down on the inside I've got a personal relationship I've got a walk with God and because I have a walk with God I've got joy on the inside I got the hurry on y'all making me stay here longer than I wanted to he said he said look here I like this he said I'm gonna give you beauty for your ashes an explanation for your your fire and the drama I'm gonna give you the oil of joy to replace your crying in mourning and I'm gonna give you the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness I'm going to give you the ability to slip into a garment that you can learn how to worship and praise God and not be moping around and depression and frustration I see I think it's important that y'all understanding you have to put the garment on God's not gonna put it on you got the Holy Ghost ain't gonna come and make you worship Him you have to learn to make a determination that I'm gonna put the garment of praise on I'm gonna choose to worship God see some of y'all are sitting around waiting on something to hit you so when I was growing up we used to think that the spirit would hit people because we'd be sitting there singing the song and so I didn't a jump all around they run around come on some of y'all who grew up in church on top I know some of y'all y'all new to church y'all don't know anything about that but I used to get scared whenever somebody would jump out and shout and scream and holler and run around I got scared I and whatever it was that hit them I just didn't want did it to hit me but when I was a child I spake as a child I understood as a child I thought as a child but now that I'm a man and I understand that and I read my word I know that the Holy Ghost don't hit you he don't slap you upside the head he gives you the free will to choose to worship Him and so I don't sit around and wait for something to hit me I make a conscious choice to celebrate the goodness of the Lord to bless him and matter of fact I realize that I need to bless him the more when I feel the more depressed go on and preach pastor Dain hearing you I'm trying to help you out I'm trying to get you out of a pot he'll hold at you in I'm trying to speak a truth to you to tell you that when you feel down and you feel a spirit of heaviness upon you make up in your mind to put on the garment of praise let me tell y'all something I have long since stopped being concerned about what other people thought about me the some of y'all are concerned about the people are looking at you who cares who gives a hookah who who gives a turn I'm sorry but who cares who's looking at you who cares whether you raise your hand who cares whether you open your mouth who cares they don't have a heaven to put you in or how to take you to they can't solve your problems they can't bring deliverance to your situation but the God that we serve can that's why I decided I will bless the Lord at all times his praise shall continually be in my mouth oh magnify the Lord with me and let us exalt his name together so the Lord is worthy to be praised now I went through all of that from that's my introduction I went through all of that to bring you to three simple points I got two minutes to finish these three points how many I know I'm not gonna make it in two minutes but I'm gonna do the best that I can listen jot this down right in the text are the three reasons why you going through your drama why you've got ashes why you've had this morning and why you've had the spirit of heaviness why because God wants to do three things number one here it is right here in the text it says right in verse number three he said that they may be called trees of righteousness God says the reason for your drama is number one he wants to make you he wants to call you a tree of righteousness now let me see if I can make that plain to you because what God is in essence saying is he trying to make you a tree now let me tell you somethin bout a tree see some of y'all are not trees your bushes your plants and bushes and plants get blown by every wind of doctrine whichever way the wind blows they that's the way they go whatever everybody else is doing that's what they are if everybody else has said they said if everybody else is depressed they depress it everybody else is complaining they learn to join right in with what everybody else is doing but God says I don't want you to be a branch I don't want you to be a bush I want you to be a tree a tree represents strength matter of fact you can tell the maturity of a tree just by the size of his trunk the bigger the trunk the older the tree is God says I'm trying to and trying to make you into a tree I want to call you a tree I want you to be able to be able to withstand his his what's unique about a tree a tree that's been around a long time is significant because of a mature season stable strong tree don't get nervous will not get nervous at the sight of a few clouds a tree won't get scared because the wind is blowing real hard or the Sun is beating down on a hot sweltering day it does is not fazed why because a tree has been down that road many times before and it's still here Oh y'all missed a great spot to shout on a tree says I've been this way I've come through this road before I've had this experience I've survived it and I know it's coming again I can make it again see if you're not a tree and and the weather comes in bad weather comes up upon you you will be scared because you're wondering if you can make it but because you are a tree and you've been through this before you don't get scared or nervous you say to yourself I've been here before experience that been there done that got the teacher I made it before I'm serving the same God and if he kept me in the last storm he'll keep me in this I can't get no help up in here today somebody tell your neighbor you won't make it through the storm trees have experienced violent storms they have made it to strong winds they've been through the real brutal heat of the day and they know they can survive they know they can make it and no matter what the weather is the tree always stand the wind's blowing hard but you look over our side and the trees people come people go people die people come alongside the tree people call their names in the tree because people draw sap from the tree people put off fruit from the tree no matter what happened the tree just keeps on and the reason for your drama is God is trying to get you through through seasons of storm so that you know that you can make it so that you can be see they not y'all not getting it here's what the tree does regardless of the weather the tree always has its branches lifted y'all such a slow crowd here today I got to explain everything to this crowd yeah I don't know what's wrong with y'all y'all I'm preaching bad are y'all jacked-up one is one of the other but don't you understand it when you become a treat ain't a whole lot of them but a tree got his hands raised in the midst of the storm our tree has his arms raised in the mists of the winds and the tree has its arms raised in the midst of thunder and lightning the tree has his arms raised regardless of the weather and that's what that's the reason for your drama he's trying to get you to a spot that you know how to raise your hands regardless of your circumstances anybody can worship God when things are going well anybody can shop when everything's going your way but can you worship God and give him thanks in the mists of your store now I know you're saying well pastor this is a tough storm how can I shout in the midst of the storm because he already told you he gonna give you beauty for your ashes and the oil of joy for your mourning and he's going to give you the garment of praise for your spirit of heaviness he's already promised that all I gotta do is go ahead and shout and celebrate cuz he said he's gonna do what he's gonna do do I have a witness anywhere in this camp as a matter of fact he says I want you to be trees of righteousness righteous means to have righteous living and here's what he's after he says I want you to be a tree that worships God at all times who's also living righteously see see here's the problem some of y'all have moments of righteousness minutes sprinkles flashes but he wants you to be a tree of righteousness meaning that you have faithful longevity in your ability to live righteous and that's what we're trying to get you to is to a place that you can consistently and regularly live righteously well how do I get like that I'm glad you asked the question that brings me to my second point I'm almost finished I'm bringing my plane in for landing I'm going as fast as I can you're going through the drama because he wants you to be called trees of righteousness and he wants you to be the planting of the Lord y'all see that in your tents right there the planting he wants you he wants you to be listen the planting of the Lord he'll miss that right there let me back up he didn't put it to you this way he wants you to plant where he plants you he wants you to be the planting of the Lord he wants you to be where he wants you to be now now here's the drama that some of y'all are having is you want to be where you want to be you don't want to be where God wants you to be you don't want to accept God's call for your life and so he's bringing up drama until he gets you to a place that you are willing to go where he wants you to go some of y'all don't have no you you can't have consistent righteous in your life because you won't be planted where he wants you to be planted so he's trying to plant you somewhere went before I before I started pastoring before I started pastoring I went out and applied for all these churches around the Washington DC area I went to all these churches gave my resume for some of the church I wouldn't preach and got interviews but not now one of them called me cuz I wanted to I wanted to pastor at a place that was convenient for me I wanted to be in a place that was prestigious I wanted to be the pastor in Washington DC in the nation's capital in the metropolitan area in the this broader metropolis of somewhere around the Washington DC area but none of those churches called me so I decided I won't go to apply for no more churches so I quit plant looking for church and lo and behold when I quit looking I got called to a church in King George Virginia y'all ever heard of King George neither have I I drove 55 miles one way to preach the 35 people 40 on Women's Day it was a good day on Women's Day 40 people on that day 40 people 55 miles one way and then thank God First Baptist Church the Glen Arden cold y'all excuse me but here's my point God had to get me to a place where I was willing to go where he wanted me to go and that's what's happening with some of y'all God's trying to get you shaking loose from trying to create your own plan for your own life doing what you want to do want to be who you want to be wanting to be planning where you want to be planted he's got a place he's trying to plant you but you resisted it you don't want to go you don't want to do it but he says I've gotten you going through all that drama how many how many y'all know that after all those other churches didn't want me to be their pastor when King George finally called me how many y'all know I gladly went if they had called me first I wouldn't have gone but after a few dramatic experiences I willingly went and so God says the purpose of your drama the reason for it is because he wants you to be planted where he plants you let me close on this third and final point the text says the last phrase that he may be glorified oh I feel a shout coming on me right there cuz when it's all said and done God says I want to get the glory out of your life I want to put you in a spot or a place where I am the one who gets to glory and y'all need to be clear God will not share his glory with anybody else he wants you to he wants you to be willing to give him the glory to give him the credit to give to make the boast of him see God is putting some of you through drama because if he brings you through too quickly you would try to take credit yourself so he's got to put you into a spot I'm about to say something here he's got to put you in a spot that you can't dig yourself out of so that when he ultimately brings you out you'll be able to say had to be the Lord cuz there's no way I could've got myself out of this situation poor somebody say God get the glory for me get the glory out of my life you get the glory so matter-of-fact I'm finished now but the word glorified in the Hebrew means that this tree has been shook and so God is shaking some of your trees hallelujah when he finished shaking he will get the glory because after he has shaken you you will still be standing he will get the glory somebody put your hands together and say God is worthy to be praised hallelujah somebody said I'm going through this say I'm going through this that I might be called a tree of righteousness I'm going through this that I might be the planting of the Lord and I'm going through this that he might be glorified don't you know that somebody's watching you what you're doing and they're gonna see how you respond to what you're going through and when you come out with your hands raised and you stand and firm they'll say there's a tree that's been planted by the Lord and God is getting the glory we hope that you have been blessed by this message from Pastor Jenkins if you understand to have fallen away from your relationship with Jesus Christ you just have to confess with your mouth right now that Jesus Christ died on the cross for your sins and rose again with all your sins are now beginning and you're part of a family of God welcome maybe you're already saved and in need of a church home one that will nurture your grill to development as a Christian or perhaps you were once in fellowship with God but have since drifted away ready to return to your first love whatever the case we'd love to have you become a part of the first baptist family simply contact us a 301 773 3600 or visit our website at WWF BC lunatic for information on any of our convenient services or 100 plus ministry is designed to meet your most intimate needs Pastor John Kay Jenkins senior First Baptist Church of Glen Arden we are developing dynamic disciples
Channel: Inside FBCG
Views: 123,080
Rating: 4.8132119 out of 5
Keywords: FBCG, Pastor, John K. Jenkins Sr., First Baptist Church of Glenarden, Lord, God, Jesus, Jesus Christ, Sermon, Word, Bible Study, Baptist, Church, Gospel, Preaching, Ministries, Ministry, Praise, Spirit, Religion, Blessed, Blessing, Salvation, Holy, Baptists, Truth
Id: g6Z5oOteUG8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 23sec (2543 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 06 2014
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