Consecration to St. Joseph (Day 1) Livestream

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know what page that's on but you can follow along okay here we go we're going to pray the veni santi spiritus in the name of the father and of the son and of the holy spirit amen come holy spirit send down those beams which sweetly flow in silent streams from thy bright throne above o come thou father of the poor o come thou source of all our store come fill our hearts with love o come of comforters the best o thou the soul's delightful guest the pilgrim's sweet relief rest art thou in our toil most sweet refreshment in the noonday heat and solace in our grief o blessed light of life thou art fill with thy light the inmost heart of those who hope in thee without thy godhead nothing can have any price or worth in man nothing can harmless be lord wash our sinful stains away refresh from heaven our barren clay our wounds and bruises heal to thy sweet yoke our stiff necks bow warm with thy fire our hearts of snow our wandering feet recall grant thy faithful dearest lord whose only hope is thy sure word the sevenfold gifts of grace grant us in life thy grace that we in peace may die and ever be in joy joy before thy face amen hallelujah heavenly father during this time of these 33 days of coming to know and love the great saint joseph we ask you to pour out your spirit upon us that we can discover things that set our hearts on fire with this great man the man gifted to be called the father of our savior and the husband of the virgin mary and our spiritual father we bring to all of our ten intentions during this time especially for ourselves for deeper conversion for our loved ones for conversions and for peace of heart and holiness of life in the name of the father and of the son and of the holy spirit amen all right everybody so um i'm so excited that we're actually doing this we made it happen i figured out how to work this stuff and i think i've got it down so next 33 days guys we're going to be here at the same time and it's going to be fantastic so i'm grateful that you guys are here you don't know what this means to me as a priest especially um and as the author of the book to know that someone likes your work and reads your stuff is pretty cool um i mean really does mean a lot to me so thank you thank you thank you and as a matter of fact you know this book is dedicated to you it really is if you have a copy of it you know that um the introduction or the dedication is to you because this was the most difficult thing that i've ever done in my 17 almost 17 years of being a priest when it comes to writing a book i have 14 books this is the most difficult one i it was a time when i wasn't even sure that it was going to be published um that's how you know it was just crazy stuff going on but i asked for prayers and you guys came through um and i'm looking at my glasses they look so dark here maybe i gotta lower this light on that one thing that might get better huh hold on guys i'm gonna adjust that light because i have to wear my glasses to be able to read so don't you know i don't want you guys tripping on my face because you can't um it just looks like it's not right there sorry guys still working through some bugs i guess i just don't want to look weird so you can't see me some people trip on that like your eyes look dark what are you hiding father not hiding anything man it's my reading glasses bro um okay maybe that's a little better i can't tell well if i look like that but i can't stare at you like that well sorry guys just have to deal with that there and they're not those kind that turn with light it's just the way that it is okay so um it's dedicated to you and the dedication says to the many people who prayed that this book would come to fruition your prayers and sacrifices made it happen thank you and i mean that i i really do mean that um you guys made this happen those of you who are praying i'm so grateful so at the beginning of the book i have a quote from saint peter julian imar phenomenal saint this guy's out of control with his love for the blessed sacrament and also saint joseph and our lady and everything holy but he says this devotion to saint joseph is one of the choicest graces that god can give to a soul for it is tantamount to revealing the entire treasury of our lord's graces when god wishes to raise a soul to greater heights he unites it to saint joseph by giving it a strong love for the good saint my friends you know you've been chosen you've been selected to to go to great heights in the spiritual life because god wants you to know and love saint joseph so what i'm going to do is i'm just going to go through the basics of the book because today is an introduction day there's not a lot today when it goes to day one which will do but i just want to give you an introduction that background to how this whole thing came about and um what what kind of what it's all about it's really important that you read the introduction to the book a lot of people don't read introductions to books they just jump right into chapter one sometimes that's fine no worries right introduction sometimes just thanking a bunch of people but this one you really need to read the introduction to the book because it's important it sets up the whole reason for why that this thing exists and i don't i'm not going to sit here and read that for you because it's kind of a long introduction to be honest but i felt that i needed to do it and i basically set up the the premise that now was the time of saint joseph and that's a bold claim that's a really bold claim i'm just an ordinary dude man i'm not like some mystic i don't have visions or locutions or anything but looking at this stuff nobody could deny that the church has done more in the last 150 years to promote saint joseph and to honor him publicly than she's done in the previous 1800 years of christianity it's true it's factual i've done the research and everybody who's done this they can affirm that and in the in the introduction i talk about some of those things i've got a long list here where i list some of these more significant ones that have happened specifically since 1868 but did you know that right now 2020 we're celebrating the 150th anniversary of when saint joseph was proclaimed the patron of the universal church that was uh declared proclaimed in 1870 by blessed pope pius ix so this is the 150th anniversary year right now 2020. this is a huge year for st joseph that's why there's a lot of stuff going on for st joseph both good and attacks no kidding so after 1870 you had the founding of a whole bunch of religious communities dedicated to saint joseph from really holy founders one of my favorites saint joseph morello founded the oblates of st joseph those guys are great some real good friends of mine plus they they run the shrine of saint joseph out in santa cruz california guardian of the redeemer shrine it's uh it's sort of right across the street from a place called steamer lane it's the best surf break in central california i don't know how i know that just saying um 1879 st joseph appeared in knock ireland right in classic form too he didn't say anything nobody did actually but it's an approved apparition see this stuff start picking up speed when you acknowledge a title of saint joseph boom things start happening same thing happens with our lady right when you start to when you give a title about our lady all of a sudden she shows up in an apparition calling herself by that title remember remember lords and the immaculate conception well here we have saint joseph coming on the scene now then in 1889 we get the first encyclical on saint joseph by uh pope leo the 13th and what a pope he was wow but isn't it kind of sad that it took until 1889 to get an encyclical on saint joseph that's almost shameful it's almost embarrassing but we finally got it and now you know more more and more things are coming after that we get saints mystics blesseds who start to establish like major shrines around the world to saint joseph there's this one in spain that not a lot of people know about but i know there's some friends here from spain who are watching this blessed petra of saint joseph phenomenal saint blessed she established a shrine to saint joseph in spain i haven't been to that one yet to that shrine i want to go someday but then even here in in north america we have the great saint andre bessette right brother andre who established the oratory of saint joseph in montreal and i know some of you are are watching from montreal love that place love that the world's largest shrine dedicated to saint joseph is in north america in canada what a blessing what a blessing and then a whole bunch of other stuff we had the official proof approval of the litany of saint joseph in 1909 pope saint pius the tenth it took until 1909 to get it officially codified canonized so to speak uh in in in in the church public you know liturgy now the amazing thing about the the litany of saint joseph is a lot of people are familiar with the litany of loretto right that's the one for our lady and it's beautiful prayer love that prayer well this is like the the counterparts of that for st joseph and it's phenomenal phenomenal so much so that the the litany of saint joseph forms the template for the book and i'll explain what i mean by that as i go through you know leading up to day one and then doing day one what that means because that litany is power it is so powerful and we're going to be praying it every day at the end of these uh little little sessions here so then after that st joseph appears in fatima did you know that saint joseph was at fatima he was yeah not somehow people miss that or they don't write about it they don't talk about it but at the last apparition october 13th 1917 he appeared holding the christ child and they together father and son joseph and jesus blessed the world huge for fatima's peace plan right and we're not going to get peace we're not going to get the triumphant immaculate marriage till we get the family right family is the building block of civilization of society if that's all jacked up mary's heart is not going to triumph mary's heart's not going to you know be everywhere ushering us to christ we've got to get that right that's what our lady wants in a huge way and i'll go through that in these next 33 days then we get uh blessed be saint joseph her most chased spouse put into the divine praises theological journals all kinds of other stuff leading up to um saint joseph's name being put in the mass again it's almost embarrassing actually it is embarrassing that for for so long saint joseph's name was not in the holy sacrifice of the mass what right that's almost unbelievable to think about but now he is and he's in all the eucharistic prayers praise the lord so i want to read to you a section from uh pope saint john the 23rd he had a great love for saint joseph and he said that now is the time basically he's saying now is the time for saint joseph and he talks about joseph's this building wave of saint joseph coming and he wrote this in 1961 he says um joseph except for some slight sprinkling of references to him here and there in the writings of the fathers of the church for long centuries remained in the background in his characteristic concealment almost as a decorative figure in the overall picture of the savior's life it took time for devotion to him to go beyond those passing glances and take root in the hearts of the faithful and then surge forth in the form of special prayers and of a profound sense of trusting abandonment the fervent joy of pouring forth these deepest feelings of the heart in so many impressive ways has been saved for modern times right now right now see there's there's never been stuff like uh a total consecration to st joseph this stuff was never really done because the church hadn't fully developed a a doctrine of saint joseph the church itself was kind of like who are you saint joseph i mean we we know you're you're there but we don't know much about you and it hasn't been really been developed but did you know that and these are some things that aren't in the book you know that there's been prophecies about this in the 16th century there was this dominican priest father isidor de isolanis he talked about a forthcoming era of saint joseph when the church would be going through a very difficult time hello right and then the faithful and the the church leaders would turn to saint joseph and acknowledge his great dignity and who he is and then the church would experience a revolution of holiness a renewal my friends we need that more than ever right now there's another saint uh that was from spain um saint jose manonet probably never heard of him unless you're from spain but he's a great one he talked about this a forthcoming era of saint joseph he talked about that in the 19th century and then we have in the 20th century you know a pope talking about this something is happening the holy spirit is doing something so we're blessed to be a part of this to live right now difficult times oh no doubt but now something's coming something big is coming with saint joseph and the devil doesn't like it and he's trying to destroy it in a big way and i could go into a lot of details there but uh um this is being recorded so i don't want to get in trouble there's a lot going on right now with saint joseph a ton of stuff going on with saints there's a battle going on in a certain sense for the real identity of saint joseph right now in a huge way in a huge way now why did i decide to put this book together in the first place like just to write another book what was the inspiration behind it well as a priest now for almost 17 years um i was having people come to me and i speak at conferences parishes events this that and the other and people were coming to me man and they were like father i don't get it why can't two men get married and i'm like excuse me what and they're like why can't what's the problem why is a church so mean and nasty why does it change church a bunch of haters right and i'm like where are you getting that church doesn't hate anybody that's you know the truth is it it may sting because it's medicine but just because knowledge of truth you know doesn't mean that you're a hater it's wrong it's not right right well we're all sinners broke wounded we all got baggage and issues all of me first right pray for me but this is this is not right and so i saw such confusion and people were saying you know my my son identifies as a as as a girl and now we call her nancy him nancy or whatever it's okay right father it's okay and i'm like oh man wow we're confused today we've got attacks on marriage in the family like never before like never before you know sister lucia dos santos the longest lived visionary of the fatima apparitions she kind of got the bum into that stick by the way i mean the other two got canonized the other the other one lived at like 100 years old or something i think she's only is she a venerable now a servant of god for sure i think she might be a venerable now but it's like dang so she said that the final battle between the lord and the kingdom of satan will be over marriage and the family yep got that right i mean today with divorce rates at an all-time high when sixty percent of all families do not have a father sixty percent that's the latest statistic more than half don't have a father we've got problems right this is a huge issue and so you know that's one of the reasons why i wanted to put something like this together because it dawned upon me with this crisis that we've got going on you know we we need a good loving father to restore order because there's such a father wound and now sadly we've even got a major father wounds in the church we've had scandals we've had so many things i don't need to detail them for you know what they are horrible sinful sometimes criminal things shameful stuff right a lot of father wounds what better person to turn to to correct this to restore order in this messed up household than to the head of the holy family than to say joseph right he took care of of jesus and mary if he took care of them he'd take care of us and now's his time we've got this building movement so that's that's the first reason the second reason is the whole world needs to be re-evangelized i mean even christian countries now you know they're falling apart all over the place and you know saint joseph in many ways was the first christian missionary he's the one who took jesus to pagan territory to egypt now we need saint joseph to to bring jesus back to former christian countries because we've lost it and these aren't this isn't father calloway sounding mean and nasty and you know condemning people i'm not condemning anybody i'm just stating the facts if you don't like what i'm saying to listen to these words of saint john paul ii the patroness of saint joseph must be invoked as ever necessary for the church not only is a defense against all dangers but indeed primarily as an impetus for her renewed commitment to evangelization in the world and to a re-evangelization re-evangelization tough word and those lands and nations where religion and the christian life were formally flourishing and are now put to a hard test we're being put to a hard test today where where are we going to go we need to go to st joseph and you know many of us have done marion consecrations and i encourage those if you haven't done that yet do it it's life-changing stuff that's amazing stuff but see now with this attack on the family we've got to bring in the secret weapon who's been hidden in the background for so long we've got to bring in the terror of demons the great saint joseph to turn things around because it's the family that's being attacked remember salvation began in a family and that's why satan hates the family and he wants to destroy the family salvation began within the context of the marriage of mary and joseph so that's why satan hates marriage so we've got to bring in the head of the holy family we got to bring in the spouse of the immaculata we've got to bring in saint joseph that's the reasons why i put this book together there's other reasons as well but those are the primary reasons now some people have said well how can you consecrate yourself to saint joseph if you've already consecrated yourself to the virgin mary isn't that contradictory isn't that going to take away from what i've given to the blessed virgin mary no heck no of course not we are not children of a one-parent spiritual family mary is our spiritual mother and saint joseph is our spiritual father is would your mother be upset if you also went to your father of course not of course not right i mean that's like saying about about you know mary and joseph i love her but there's some other dude in the background kind of in the shadow some old guy i don't know he's like holding a cane i don't pay much attention to him that's silly he's your spiritual father we need both of them and by doing that we're actually imitating jesus christ right in the gospel of luke what does it say we'll get into that in day one that jesus in his human nature you know growing up he increased in wisdom and wisdom and stature before god and man under the watchful care of his parents doesn't say parent it's his parents if jesus entrusted himself to mary and joseph we need to entrust ourselves to mary and joseph doesn't take away anything from marian consecrations matter of fact it it it kind of complements it and it brings it full circle in the time of crisis of families we need the holy family we need our father this is what we're going through right now okay so we need i i we need both we really let's imitate jesus now um also some people have asked well what is consecration i mean i thought you could only consecrate yourself to god well yeah technically right if you want to get if you want to make distinctions distinctions distinctions okay technically yes but we're talking about a pious filial consecration which basically means an entrustment of yourself to your spiritual parents and this is a you know tried and true method you know throughout christianity and saint louis de montfort actually isn't the inventor of marian consecration that's been around for a very long time it's just he gave form to it he gave a method to it when he did what he did and it was brilliant what he did you know brilliant but we can also do this for saint joseph you know because we we they have the ability to accept that gift that we give to them as their spiritual children and to help clean us up and make us better and take us to jesus because all marian consecration any form of consecration to saint joseph is all about jesus it's all about jesus christ so we can consecrate ourselves to the person of the virgin mary and to the person of saint joseph yes we go through them to jesus jesus is our ultimate end but we can give ourselves to mary and joseph because we are their children and they will help us and this is this is such a treasure for us anybody who's done marion consecration knows it's a game changer it changes your life changes you know heals marriages vocations come from it we'll watch about what's about to happen when we bring in saint joseph it's going to be explosive there's going to be a a major movement of consecration and renewal in families in in in men especially and i think even in the priesthood i think even among the bishops that there will be great renewal when we turn to saint joseph okay so the structure of the book and i know i'm going in this i won't be doing it like this every day don't worry don't panic don't freak out but i want to do this because i want to give you the background before we start going through the days themselves okay and there's not much to day one anyway so the format of the book is the litany of saint joseph where every day i take a title uh from the litany and i give like a little short reading on it and then a longer reading more substantial reading on it and then it ends with the litany of st joseph okay um that's how i set the book up and people the feedback so far has been great people have said father thank you so much uh for this it's really easy to follow some people have said that the e-versions like the kind or whatever it's a little it's not as easy as when you have the hard copy because there you have to flip back you know and forth and i don't even have a kindle man so i pity all you people who got one of those things i like a real book in my hands but i know the whole world's gone e version this that and the other but um some people have told me it's a little difficult because you've got to be flipping and whatnot but either way it's not too difficult i've tried to set it up as easy as as i possibly could for people to do now some people have gotten confused you know the book's been out for four months and by the way there we've sold officially now over 100 000 copies of the book in four months it's gone into i think five printings now um it's being translated into five languages as we speak and there'll probably be more down the road many of you are asking me where's the spanish it's coming don't worry don't panic um should be out sometime in the late summer probably august september maybe something like that will work the you know virus the whole situation the world messed things up a little bit with timelines and so forth the french is done and they did it in france um but they got to put the book together and stuff and there's the polish they're working on the croatians slovakia and they're working on so yeah so those are coming um all right now i want to tell you about something neat that i'm going to do at the end of this these 33 days the last five days of the 33 days i'm gonna do something special because i'm so grateful that you guys are tuning in and i need you to help me to continue to pro to promote it because after we're done you know at that time probably most parishes are going to be fully reopened hopefully god willing um and we'll get back to some normalcy hopefully it'd be a great time for you to start it in your parish right as a group uh because parishes will be open again a lot of people been doing this kind of stuff online uh but after this we can start doing the parishes again so as an incentive for that to help promote the book the last five days of the consecration i'm gonna do giveaways i'm gonna give away 50 items you heard that right five zero 50 items now how do you participate in that okay now i'm saying this now i'll say it at the end of every day but i wanted to say it uh now so i don't forget um i'm gonna give away 10 books of consecration of st joseph signed um and one of them this one i'm using right now this is going to be like the major one because i'm making notes in it and i'll give this one away i'll hand you i'll send this one to whoever wins uh this one for what it's worth right um so 10 of those and then what i'm gonna do we're not a frame there for a minute but is also on those days for the last five days of the consecration i'm gonna give away ten of these these are the canvas images only some of them and i'll be talking more about the stuff as we go through the program these are sweet right super nice this is a cover of the book one super super nice and then we got the heavy duties man the immaculata and the terror of demons check out that bad boy i commissioned that from an artist in malta who paints like this today unbelievable like this dude walked out of the 15th century or something is that beautiful or what i'm going to give away 10 of these 10 of this one specific 10 of the other one 10 of these and i'm going to give away 10 of these bad boys see that's the gigantic one behind me you can't get the size behind me that i got special privileges i i did that one but i'm going to give away 10 of these this is st joseph the terror of demons look at that look at that that's what i'm talking about yep yep and then i'm gonna give away 10 more that i don't have yet i just had a new one done it's on the website but i don't actually have the physical copy yet i'll show that when i get it how can you participate in this to help me promote consecration saint joseph any time time between now and the five days at the end of the 33 days if you do a review of the book on amazon you're in and even if you've already done one by the way because a lot of people are doing this again for the second third time if you've already done one you're in because on those last five days i'm gonna have another device and i'm gonna randomly scroll and i'm gonna just bing okay adeo datus whoever that is whatever the title is that you did it with i'm going to select 10 a day for the last five days and you'll win those and they come to you free in the mail they're yours so do the review on amazon it super helps promote this book people will buy it they they go to buy something else they see it pop up in the side margins like oh that's interesting cool cover click put it in my basket buy it and then you've done something tremendous for a soul their life could change their marriage could be healed a young man could get a vocation to the priesthood from something like that so i'll be repeating that every day it's gonna be awesome okay my friends let's get in to uh oh the last thing the last thing before we get into day one in the book and on the website and let me tell you about the website maybe some of you don't have the book yet consecration to is the website that the marian fathers designed and it's sweet it is a sweet it's it's it's like attractive it's not an eyesore it's not bombarding you with all kinds of stuff it's just got simple things you can click finding out about the book the introduction and then the chart there's a consecration chart that's on the website in the book as well that gives you options suggestions for when to do it oddly enough the one that we're doing right now isn't in the book because you know we're ending it on father's day in the united states june 21st and that always changes the date is never all it's not always june 21st at least in the united states so um that one's not here but these are some other suggested ones so if you later on want to do it on your own or do it maybe with your spouse or with your parish these are suggestions but you could do it at any time i've actually heard spouses husband and wives they've done it so that it ends um on their wedding anniversary and i think that's really nice i think that is really really one of these days i'm probably going to do it um on my priesthood anniversary that would be really neat okay my friends so that's all the introduction i'm not going to repeat that stuff in the future except for the contest stuff reminding you about that let's get into day one because this is this is where where you know we really go deep here as you can see the the readings for each day are simple they're two pages that's it the days are just two pages i intentionally made it that way when we were going through it i said if there's any overlap and it goes to page three we gotta cut it down because i just want every day to be two pages and that's it before the bigger reading so day one why consecration to saint joseph well saint peter julian imar answers it pretty easily and i already read half of this quote at the beginning he says when god wishes to raise a soul to greater heights he unites it to saint joseph by giving it a strong love for the good saint my friends we need holiness today in the church we need holiness today in families we have got to return to virtue we have got to return to common sense we've got to get back to the basics and i think that the way that the holy spirit wants us to do that today is to bring in saint joseph our loving spiritual father because to be consecrated to saint joseph is to become like him is to is to imitate him is to acquire his virtues see you can't give what you don't have well mary is the immaculate conception she desires to help us acquire grace to become holy to to to ourselves flee from sin and and and and become holy and immaculate ourselves right we well mary received the beginning of her existence god wants to get to all of us you know as we travel through life and when we die god wants to make us immaculate in heaven see that's why we've got a loving mother to imitate to to come close to because she has that gift and she can help us get it well saint joseph has extraordinary graces as well though not an immaculate conception he's an extraordinary saint as we'll go through the book we'll see the greatest saint after the blessed virgin mary and as our spiritual father we should want to resemble him don't all children resemble their parents now mary and joseph are not our biological parents but we nonetheless should look like them spiritually when we consecrate ourselves to mary we become a more faithful disciple of jesus christ when when the holy trinity looks upon us he'll see a marian imprint we've been stamped with a marian imprint that's what marian consecration is when we consecrate ourselves to saint joseph the holy trinity will also see in us those virtues those qualities those blessed gifts that he gave to our spiritual father because saint joseph wants us to have those and he's going to teach us those he's going to help us and he's going to make of us a more faithful disciple of jesus and more faithful children of the blessed virgin mary saint that's what he wants for us you know something amazing is as i went through the the study for this because it took me three years to write the book you know i've discovered tons of things man i i didn't know a lot of this stuff i didn't know that joseph meant anything i mean usually everything has some meaning behind it but i've never looked into it joseph means increase that's what his name means and and i didn't discover that until i read this quote from saint bernard of clairvaux where he says who and what manner of man this blessed joseph was you may conjecture from the name by which a dispensation being allowed he deserved to be so honored as to be believed and to be called the father of god what right you may conjecture it from his very name which being interpreted means increase that's where i say in the next sentence saint joseph is the increaser he will increase your spiritual life he will increase your relationship with jesus christ he will increase your closeness to the virgin mary he will increase grace virtue in you he will increase your relationship with the church that's what he does and by saying that we're saying that he is going to decrease your selfishness your sinfulness your your bad habits your addictions your problems all those things he's going to come in and he's going to cut those things he's going to help you to become a saint a saint the role of every parent is to strive to get their children to heaven how much more so with mary and joseph that's what they want for us and that's what consecration of saint joseph can help us to achieve i want to go to heaven i want to be there i want to be there with all of you that's our ultimate end our ultimate goal in life this is a secret my friends not what i just said there but say joseph he's been hidden for for 2 000 years and we're going to unpack it in incredible ways from what the saints have said what mystics have said and you're going to wonder why we've been chosen during this time to come to know him in such a deep profound way because this secret weapon of christianity is about to be unsheathed it's about to to step on the stage in a huge way when you've got a war going on and you've you've tried everything and you've exhausted your resources but you've kept a secret weapon you bring it on the battlefield that's saint joseph the great saint joseph i firmly believe that he's about to come on the scene in a huge way that maybe some of those prophecies from a vote are going to be fulfilled i pray that it's in our day because we need this renewal we need it more than ever blessed william joseph chaminade another figure in the book i quote a lot will learn about him later saint joseph was not a passive instrument in the great work of our salvation he played a very active role and that is why he was included in the merciful councils of the incarnate wisdom i'll end with this and then we'll pray the litany of saint joseph and we'll end for today saint peter gellinger said this he's a great one too my friends we are going to consecrate ourselves to saint joseph we shall place at his feet all that we are and all that we have oh yes the time has come the time has come for saint joseph to come into the life of the church in a way that he's never been before and to the marriages into seminaries into seminaries we need him we need him in chanceries we need him in parishes we need him in diocese we need him in homes we need him in convents we need him everywhere this is the way that we're going to do something very pleasing to god this is going to usher in the triumph of the immaculate heart of mary this is going to be a spiritual powerhouse of renewal for the church so my friends spread this let people know about it even if they miss day one they can watch it later and jump on board and these are going to be saved people can watch it later and jump on board we're on the verge of something tremendous remember these are not father calloway's words these are the words of pope saint john the 23rd uh of saint saint jose magnet in spain and so many others all right my friends so let's pray the litany of saint joseph now i will pray the whole thing you can just follow along where you are this is such a beautiful prayer i love this prayer so i'll say it but you can wherever you are you just say the second half lord have mercy lord have mercy christ have mercy christ have mercy lord have mercy lord have mercy christ hear us christ graciously hear us god the father of heaven have mercy on us god the son redeemer of the world have mercy on us god the holy spirit have mercy on us holy trinity one god have mercy on us holy mary pray for us saint joseph pray for us noble offspring of david pray for us light of patriarchs pray for us spouse of the mother of god pray for us chase guardian of the virgin pray for us foster father of the son of god pray for us zealous defender of christ pray for us head of the holy family pray for us joseph most just pray for us joseph most chaste pray for us joseph most prudent pray for us joseph most courageous pray for us joseph most obedient pray for us joseph most faithful pray for us mirror of patience pray for us lover of poverty pray for us model of workmen pray for us glory of domestic life pray for us guardian of virgins pray for us pillar of families pray for us comfort of the afflicted pray for us hope of the sick pray for us patron of the dying pray for us terror of demons pray for us protector of the holy church pray for us lamb of god who takes away the sins of the world spare us o lord lamb of god who takes away the sins of the world graciously hear us o lord lamb of god who takes away the sins of the world have mercy on us he has made him lord of his household and prince over all his possessions let us pray oh god who in your loving providence chose blessed joseph to be the spouse of your most holy mother grant us the favor of having him for our intercessor in heaven whom on earth we venerate as our protector you who live and reign forever and ever amen and heavenly father i ask you to bless all of those who are watching this live stream for their particular intentions for themselves for marriages for young people for renewal for conversions we pray for the restoration of people to the sacraments to sanctifying grace that they would come back to the practice of the faith pray for extraordinary graces to be poured out through the great saint joseph saint joseph intercede for us we want to know you we want to love you so that you can bring us closer to mary and closer to jesus christ and may almighty god bless you the father the son and the holy spirit amen all right guys thanks so much for joining me and we will see all of you tomorrow here 7 30 p.m eastern time in the united states god bless you guys and have a good night you
Channel: Fr. Donald Calloway, MIC
Views: 90,265
Rating: 4.9519863 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 23sec (2483 seconds)
Published: Wed May 20 2020
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