Consecration to St. Joseph (Day 2) Livestream

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in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit amen remember almost chase spouse of the Virgin Mary that never wasn't known that anyone who fled to thy protection implored thy help or sought thy intercession was left unaided inspired by this confidence I fly unto you my spiritual father and I beg your protection o foster father of the Redeemer despise not my petitions but in your goodness hear and answer me amen Heavenly Father during this time of this livestream on the day - of consecration to Saint Joseph we pray for your blessing upon us for an outpouring of your Holy Spirit upon us that we would come to know and love in a deeper way the great st. Joseph so that through him we can fall more in love with our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ help us today to open up the significance of the great litany of st. Joseph and to really treasure this prayer that you have given to the church in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit amen so started with the member aarika st. Joseph so I bet you there's no way I can take a poll or see your hands or anything but I bet you a lot of you didn't even know that there was a memoir ra2 st. Joseph many of us know about the memo re to our lady right which is a beautiful prayer love it always pray it especially in you know emergency situations it's a powerful prayer but there's also one to Saint Joseph that's very similar it just uses his name and you know some of his titles so on that's in the book by the way I prayed that on page 240 in the book so before I begin today day two and day two is a short day it's probably the shortest a day because once we start tomorrow we really start getting heavy we go deep we start diving deep into st. Joseph's and really unpacking stuff and it'll be pretty intense today is the the the easiest day yesterday I did the preliminary stuff and it took 45 minutes sorry about that usually they're not going to go that long but you guys didn't seem to mind but I won't go that long every day now I was reading through the comments which I'll do every day after we're done because I can't be looking at him here I got two devices YouTube and Facebook I'm doing this and that you guys are commenting so much and I just want to focus on what I'm doing but I'll check those out later and the next day I'll if there's anything I need to bring up or whatever I will some of you mentioned or at least one friend of mine actually Mary Ellen in New York that the the Facebook thing or though is this Facebook I think it's a Facebook one yeah I got it backwards like when I hold up this book you you don't see consecration Sejal you see it like backwards I don't know how to change that there she told me the button but I don't see it on my phone so I'm sorry you're just gonna have to read it I guess you're not seeing it the right way I'm sorry about that now many of you were asking about the book because I guess a lot of you don't have it which is fine but please try and get it at some point even if you can't get it during this 33 day series get it later and you were asking where to get it and a lot of you are watching this from around the world no kidding you guys are amazing I mean you're watching from all over the globe I'm so inspired by that man it touches my heart so much so if you want to get the book in the United States the best website to get it is consecration to st. Joseph dot org and you don't spell out the saint it's just st so consecration to st. joseph dot org and i'll mention that later because when i do when i talk about that contest i'm doing again that's all so we can get the art you know i'm doing the contest but if you want to buy the images you can do that too on that same website now if you're in canada or pretty much anywhere else around the world you're probably gonna have to get it through amazon because you know they carry stuff around the world so if you're in spain you can get it in spain on amazon if you're you know anywhere else in Europe or Latin America you know they have they tend to have Amazon you can get it from there it might take longer to ship of course but you can get it from there now there are places in like England and Ireland there's a place called Veritas and I believe that they are now printing it and selling it there in the UK you can also go to Amazon you can get it Australia there's a great organization called up parousia or parousia I don't never know how to pronounce that where where the accident is on that thing but it's a great Catholic outfit great people there with this guy named charbel they are now printing it and selling it for Australia and New Zealand so please check that out and I just heard today check this out guys super excited about this it's now being printed and sold in the Philippines right Oh Filipinos are so awesome and they're gonna eat this book up it's not on the website yet it's for the Marion fathers in the Philippines but it's not on the website yet but as soon as it is I will put that up on the social media stuff and I'll let you know what that website is might be in a couple days or so hopefully but they are now they have it and they're selling in the Philippines so praise got a ton of Filipinos have been asking me about that okay so I think that's some of the initial things that I wanted to say as I was reading through the comments yesterday okay day two so day two I talked about the litany of st. Joseph's because you know to put a book together like this you need something like a template or a format a method like for example st. Louie De Montfort had his method for his total consecration to the Blessed Virgin and it's brilliant you know you you you you read from the imitation of Christ you do some readings and then you do a lot of praying and it's fantastic it's really wonderful so as I was coming up with this book you know I I had a problem at first because st. Louie de Montfort he had the ability to rely upon the Marian doctrines and dogmas at least the ones that were in existence at his time right there were several too that came after you know he his death the Assumption and the Immaculate Conception but he still had you know certain doctrines to work with that he could make that a template for the book I didn't have that with Saint Joseph you know we don't have like dogmatic formulations about st. Joseph so I couldn't structure the book in that similar way we don't have a book that's comparable to the imitation of Christ when it comes to st. Joseph I mean there's some great books on st. Joseph for sure but I didn't know what to do so I started putting the book together with all the research remember I did a ton of research around the world and I had people translate things for me from foreign languages that have never appeared in English before that talked about st. Joseph's stuff from Poland stuff from Spain stuff even from Rome that Pope's have said that only was in Latin before or like Italian if it was an audience or something and they gave it in a time but they never bothered to translate it into other languages I saw our Malta as well and some other countries I had people translate these things for me so I had all this material and I set out to put it into the book but after trying to come up with a program I kind of freaked out because I was like this isn't working this isn't going to be smooth this is just gonna be like buckshot man just like throwing stuff on pages that's incoherent there's not good transitions and the material is good the content but man this is not a good method so I panicked and that was about four months into it putting the book together and I basically you know if you could crumple up you know stuff in a computer I crumpled up the papers and tossed it and I realize that's not gonna work and I pray to the Holy Spirit as a Holy Spirit you got to tell me how I'm gonna put this book together I have no idea we know what I was doing at the time without even realizing it I was praying the litany of st. Joseph's and at one point I think the Holy Spirit has opened my eyes because I was praying that let me have st. Joseph's and I'm going through the litany I start to count up the titles and even the beginning where you know you started litany with God the Father of mercy you know God heaven have mercy on us God the Sun Redeemer of the world all those kind of things I counted it up and I was like hold on a minute there are one two three four five six seven eight nine ten there were thirty of them and I was like he's perfect because if there's thirty I can have an introduction that will take a day or two and then I can do a conclusion where we do the concentration and all those in-between I can use as the head for every page for every day and just unpack that with st. Joseph's titles privileges and all that kind of stuff and that will make it in perfect accord with the church and what the church does and her public veneration of st. Joseph and so that I knew the litany of st. Joseph's that's the template for the book and then it all came together and ran smooth as butter once I once I was able to get that down so praise the Lord praise the Holy Spirit for giving me that insight to be able to do it so on day 2 oh and by the way the litany that we are using here is the one that was codified made official only a little over 100 years ago in 1909 by Pope st. Pius the tenth there's there were lit knees before that where you would get variations of different titles of st. Joseph but this one now is pretty much the universal standard across the globe and it's a powerful litany and one of the things that I love about the litany of st. Joseph's is that it's unique it's unique because there's a lot of other litanies out there like you know you could have a litany to a certain saint for example and you you call upon certain titles for them when those are those are wonderful but this one along with the litany of Loreto though the litany dedicated to Our Lady there's something that you only find in these that you'll find in no others no others for example in the litany of Loreto we talk about Our Lady having the superlative of the virtues so we call her the most chaste right the most of this the most of that the most of that the most of this who do we do that with also Saint Francis of Assisi now the little flower no and they're awesome I love those Saints by the way I they're awesome phenomenal right but we never say the superlative for them we don't have a litany to them that says the the you know st. Francis most loving st. Francis most you know this that the other we don't do that we only do it with Mary and Joseph only Mary and Joseph do we do that with that's extraordinary now I'm looking at this one and it looks fuzzy but I guess it's alright it's going in and out of focus I don't know why it's doing that mutes maybe I'm moving and I'm throwing off the camera so that's that's huge because as we get into the consecration the days ahead we'll see why that that is because st. Joseph's stands above all the other Saints he's just below our lady that's extraordinary so at the beginning I have a quote from st. Theresa and you know now it's saying the connection is unstable I don't know what's going on there guys yeah sorry about that I hope it's working yeah is this working guys on YouTube can somebody tell me please cuz it's saying that it's going in and out if it is I am so sorry it might be a bad connection or something okay I guess it than it is okay she had an extraordinary devotion to st. Joseph and again we'll talk more about that later because I focus on her in a special way and on another day but she talks about how she has never known anyone to not make progress when they go to st. Joseph's and she knew this firsthand firsthand and you know it's Carmelites Carmelites have kind of always had a particular special devotion to st. Joseph and they carry that on to this day it's a real blessing you know if they're any you know secular Carmelites watching this you know this to be true but the Carmelites in st. Joseph are really really close and she was a major player in that now I go into this talking assuming that all of you know about st. Maximilian Kolbe the great st. Maximilian Kolbe a write one of my favorites just a hero a martyr of love laying down his life you know for someone else just unbelievable many people have heard of her that's I I dare say most people have heard of st. Maximilian Kolbe but have you heard of father Joseph Ken panic now this guy is pretty much on the same level as Maximian Colby it's just that not that many people know about him he's a phenomenal man he's actually on his way to sainthood he's a servant of God right now which you know there's four stages to being canonized this you become a servant of God which is the first step then a venerable then a blessed then a saint well he's it the first one so they're studying his life in his writings make the scene if he was you know virtuous and all that stuff before he can be declared venerable well this guy actually established a Marian organization of consecration to spread consecration to the Blessed Virgin Mary before st. Maximilian Kolbe did say Maxim and Colby found in his militia Immaculata in 1917 father Joseph Canton ik founded what is called the shown stock movement in Germany 19:14 so three years prior to sink Maximian coal based organization and the similarities between st. Maximilian Kolbe and father Joseph Kenton X are uncanny it's uncanny really and truly I'm going to show you a picture I haven't even one of my other books father Joseph Ken tannic you know look at this I mean he's just got the holy look grow a beard like that you know and you're in it's like someday I'm going to by the way I grew a beard like that I did once years ago got it stuck in my zipper jacket one time zipping up my jacket I'll do it again someday when I lose the hair on my head I'll start growing it on my face so but that's him I mean just got the look of holiness holy holy guy and he went through some real trials you know how st. Maximilian Kolbe was caught you know by the Nazis and thrown into outfits where he gave His life well father Ken t'nuk was caught by the Gestapo and they said because of his health that he didn't have to go to a concentrate concentration camp but you know what he did he signed up for it he volunteered right to go to Dachau he signed up he said I'll go who does this a saint a saint and why did he do it just randomly yeah yeah I'll go no he wanted to suffer he wanted to suffer for his Marian movement so that it would bear fruit so that would bear fruit and he was in Dachau for three years he was in Dachau concentration camp Wow and then you know when he was released he went through even more hardships he was actually exiled from his own community that he started and guess where he went to Wisconsin to around Milwaukee Wisconsin area so anybody watching him from from that area you know you might have some familiarity with you know the servant of God Joseph Kenton act because he was there there's a lot of shown stock wayside shrines up up in that area actually every day on Facebook and on YouTube there's these videos that I did a little one minute videos for the concentration that we filmed at a Sean Stott wayside shrine in Wisconsin I don't remember the town it was it's like out in the middle of a cornfield or something but it's beautiful a little quiet little place place to pray in front of the image of the mother thrice admirable the image associated with shown style so he was a phenomenal man and you know what he said in his form of Marian consecration because a lot of these Saints they got their different ways of talking about Marian consecration right you got the you can be a slave of love you can be the property of Mary you know all these different ways his way was called the covenant of love and he talked about becoming an apparition of Mary when you're consecrated to her now that's that's odd when you first hear that it's like wait what well not a literal apparition but what he was getting at was that when you consecrate yourself for the Blessed Virgin Mary people should see Mary in you because you should become like her in her virtues and her holiness she's a spiritual mother you should resemble her I think that's brilliant to be an apparition of Mary in the world boy do we need such apparitions but what about Joseph see this is what I get into in the second day as we're gonna unpack the litany of Saint Joseph I said to myself that was brilliant when Father Kenton it did why don't we do this with Saint Joseph so if we consecrate ourselves to Saint Joseph we can become apparitions of Joseph in the world today and boy do we need such apparitions and this applies to everyone by the way because we're talking about virtues but in a special way we need a lot of men who are like Saint Joseph who are servant leaders who are stepping up who are providing who are who are so loving so caring so compassionate and so dedicated to the end to be willing to die for those who are entrusted to your care we need apparitions of Joseph in the world today so I thought that was brilliant so I ended up putting it in the book I just thought that was such a such a unique thing now as I said today is you know a light day the lightest day that we have and it's just showing that we're going to unpack the litany of Saint Joseph for the remaining days going title by title through it and it's really amazing what you're going to discover and what you're going to learn I learned so many things doing this I really did and one thing that I learned is that in the Latin litany of st. Joseph's some of the titles come across even stronger the translations in the English sometimes are kind of weak but I also included in the back of the book the litany of st. Joseph's in Latin now you might not know how to pronounce some of these things can be a little tricky if you're not familiar you know with it but you can still give it a go and it's powerful sometimes when you when you pray that in Latin it has a certain punch to it because you can pick up on what it's saying and it just has a certain cadence and a certain punch to it so I put that in here as well so we're going to use the litany and we're going to look to st. Joseph as our model models are meant to be replicated so when we look to st. Joseph we want to keep an eye on the days ahead on these particular virtues and try and apply them in our own life because this is what it means to be consecrated to Our Lady or to st. Joseph is to become like them is to become an apparition of Mary is to become an apparition of Joseph in the world so my friends I'm going to be praying for you as we go through this that you would see this change in yourself so far the people that have done the book have told me incredible things they really have I've had some conversations with men who have said that father I have struggled with the sin of lust for so many years falling into the same habitual sins but something has changed in me with this consecration because I now see that I you know I can be like st. Joseph and even though I've messed it up in the past I still got a pulse I've still got hope which means that I can change for the better and father's something has happened I'm finding myself not going back to that same filth that I used to go to and something's different I there was a witch actually two women that told me that they suffered from insomnia right just could not sleep never got a good night's sleep and this went on for decades and decades long times and they told me that they after doing the consecration they just felt that they could rest that they could they could totally surrendered let go of all those anxieties because they knew the st. Joseph was watching over them and they had that they had that peace of heart and they found themselves throughout the day doing little acts little things you know to imitate st. Joseph and his virtues because he's our model he's our model for how to be a more faithful Christian for them to be more dedicated to Jesus Christ more zealous in that and remember his name means increase he's going to increase our virtue he's going to increase our closeness to Jesus Christ and he's going to decrease our vices and all the things that our life that are taking us away from Jesus Christ that's what this is all about blessed William Joseph Shama nob he said this st. Joseph's eminent virtues constitute his merit and he becomes our model st. Peter Julian e-mart said this st. Joseph is our guide and our model because our vocation is like his we must live his life practice his virtues and assimilate his spirit Wow how awesome is that to think that we're able to do this that the Holy Spirit is wanting us to do this y'all privilege that we are I mean I feel spoiled from heaven I really do I think to myself sometimes why is all of this being shown to me I'm nobody I really I'm no better than anybody else why why is my mind able to grasp this and my heart able to delight in these things when the world seems to be going by and I just want to go sometimes out on the street and say everybody are you aware of what we have of what the Catholic Church has as I see so many people running off to New Age movements and trying to do self-help remedies of trying to better themselves and do it yourself this and do it yourself that and it ends up disappointed losing your money and usually with a lot of drama and heartache we've got such models in the Catholic Church we've got treasures we've got a treasure trove of so many blessed and st. Joseph's is right there at the top and so many people they haven't known this you know for a long time because as I said there hasn't been really any dogmatic or even doctrinal formulations with st. Joseph's I pray that happens one day you know I really do III I don't know if we're ever gonna get anything like a a dogma of st. Joseph's you know eminent sanctity or that he was sanctified in the womb or something like that but I think it would be wonderful maybe someday we'll get more liturgical feasts in honor of st. Joseph you know I've often thought about that when I was putting this book together it dawned upon me these titles in the litany are so amazing do you know what the church needs in my opinion right we have a mass book us priests we're familiar with it maybe some of you are as well you're you know hanging out in the sacristy we have a mass book of votive masses to the Blessed Virgin Mary and they're beautiful oh man if you look at the titles of some of them and the prayers it is phenomenal as a matter of fact when I was first ordained a priest you know what I did I made it a point whenever I was not liturgical II impeded to celebrate every one of those voter masses the Blessed Virgin Mary as soon as I could and I was able to do it within like you know three months or something you know it wasn't that hard to do it was lovely you know I I cuz I wanted to have all of those new mother of Mercy fountain of life beautiful titles for our lady what if the church had a a book a vote of masses to st. Joseph do you imagine how awesome that that would be if there's any bishop who's watching this if Cardinal Serra is watching this video right now brother do it we made something like this right now the church this would flourish we would have an unbelievable you know just growth like overnight if priests had this ability it is right now we have a we have like you know a couple masses for st. Joseph's the solemnity on mark xix you know May first st. Joseph the Worker and there's a few others where maybe he's mentioned in brief like the Holy Family you know in December but can you imagine if we had like 20 masses to st. Joseph that came from the titles from the litany of Saint Joseph if you imagine we're gonna unpack these but let's just take a look at some of these to see what we would be dealing with a vote of mass to st. Joseph most chaste I think that would greatly help with purity and do we not need purity today you bet you we do st. Joseph most courageous oh we need some courageous Christians today for sure most obedient most faithful patient oh pillar of families say Joseph pillar of families today's mass is for st. Joseph's pillar of families Wow kidding me comfort of the afflicted patron of the dying terror of demons baby can you imagine if we had a vote of mass to st. Joseph's terror of demons please Carlos turn off your watch does somebody send this puppy to car no Sarah so we can get this thing going we need stuff like this today we can turn things around we got to look to these prayers approved by the church and that's what we're going to do we're going to unpack it my friends we're going to unpack it as a matter of fact right now what we're going to do we're going to pray the litany of Saint Joseph's and that'll close today as I said today's a short day and then I'm going to talk about that contest don't turn it off after I pray the litany of Saint Joseph and I'm going to close with a closing prayer don't turn the videos off because I'm going to mention those those items I'm giving away 50 items so so stay tuned okay all right so if you have the book the litany of Saint Joseph's is on page 233 and I'll do the whole thing and wherever you are you just respond according to where you're at in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit amen lord have mercy lord have mercy Christ have mercy Christ have mercy lord have mercy lord have mercy Christ hear us Christ graciously hear us God the Father of heaven have mercy on us God the Son redeem of the world have mercy on us God the Holy Spirit have mercy on us Holy Trinity One God have mercy on us Holy Mary pray for us st. Joseph pray for us noble offspring of David pray for us light of patriarchs pray for us spouse of the mother of God pray for us chaste guardian of the virgin pray for us foster father of the son of God pray for us jealous defender of Christ pray for us head of the Holy Family pray for us Joseph most just pray for us Joseph most chaste pray for us Joseph most prudent pray for us Joseph most courageous pray for us Joseph most obedient pray for us Joseph most faithful pray for us mirror of patience pray for us lover of poverty pray for us model of workman pray for us glory of domestic life pray for us Guardian of virgins pray for us pillar of families pray for us comfort of the afflicted pray for us hope of the sick pray for us patron of the dying pray for us terror of demons pray for us protector of the holy church pray for us Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world spare us O Lord Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world graciously hear us O Lord Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world have mercy on us he has made him Lord of his household and Prince over all his possessions let us pray O God who in your loving Providence chose blessed Joseph to be the spouse of your most holy mother grant us the favor of having him for our intercessor in heaven whom on earth we venerate as our protector you who live and reign forever and ever amen and Heavenly Father we thank you for this second day of consecration to Saint Joseph help us to become apparitions of Saint Joseph in the world help us to have him as our model to assimilate his spirit and to acquire his virtues because they are desperately needed in the world today st. Joseph's we're unto you as we prayed in the memoir a we fly to you help us with your mighty powerful protection because you are our spiritual father in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit amen ok so check this out guys remember yesterday I talked about I'm doing a contest and in the last five days of this consecration I am going to be giving away ten items every day ten items I want to show you those items again okay because some people yesterday they expressed a little confusion about some of it so on one of the days I'm going to be giving away ten copies of the book right that I've been holding up and then hopefully you have and I'll sign them and I will mail them to you myself and I'll even I even be sending to one we'll do a special contest of the one that I'm using for this consecration where I'm writing my notes and the margins and so forth you can have that one right so I'm going to be doing that then I'm going to be giving away ten of these these are the canvas some of the canvas images that we print and that we you know sell but I'm going to be giving away ten of these they're beautiful and you can get your own frame for it and they're really really nice so this is the cover of the book of course more like an icon it's really really nice and then gonna be giving away ten of these this is st. Joseph's terror of demons that's the one behind me and remember you can't get the blanket version I have special privileges because I I'm the one who commissioned the people and you know paid for it so this is you can going to get ten of these free going to give them away oh there's the Acts by the way that you can see because he was a carpenter right a guy had to chop wood hello so ain't that awesome really really cool ten of those for free and then ten of these for free and this is one of my favorites this is the Immaculata and the terror of demons look at that I want to hold it look at he's got an axe again of course look at our lady biblically she's standing on the serpent because you know Jesus is inside her womb right a lot of people trip on that our lady she is another power well does it's because Jesus lives inside her he's chosen to do it through her right God's the one who does it but he does it through the Immaculata crushing Satan's face awesome and then he got her beloved husband there looking up at her after having sliced off the tail of the serpent I got you my lady I got you I mean it's awesome isn't that there's nothing like this anywhere in the world my friends anywhere in the world so 10 of these I'm going to give away and then 10 more of another one that don't have yet to show you as soon as I get it I'll show that one to you now a lot of people were like father okay great but how do we do it and what if we don't win all right how do you get involved in the contest to win one of these possibly win one of these do a review of consecration to st. Joseph on Amazon that supports the book and it helps to promote the book because if you do a review they promote the book on Amazon everywhere and people might see it and buy it you can change a life so go to Amazon do a review and in those last five days I will randomly scroll through here in your presence live on Amazon and I would just close my eyes ping and I'll see one so-and-so you win a book or you win a canvass image that's how we're gonna do it so go I mean I'm giving away 50 things you got a really good chance of winning guys I mean for real so what if you don't win though or what if you want to buy one now okay you can buy these now right go to the website consecration to st. Joseph dot org and all these puppies are on there you can buy them they're $19 it's like nothing right I mean this is classical Commission artwork that you know is you don't find people who paint like this today you know we've got like a modern-day Caravaggio here it's unbelievable so consecration to st. Joseph's org and please don't do those reviews because that is putting you in the contest and it's helping to spread this book all around the world if you're in Canada do a review there right and I'll be looking at those as well wherever you are all right my friends I hope you've enjoyed day to tomorrow we're going to start getting heavy we're gonna start going deep and to st. Joseph Joseph with his spiritual fatherhood so get met ready my friends and may Almighty God bless you and your face your intentions especially for the conversion of loved ones through the intercession of Saint Joseph named the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit amen all right everybody have a good night god bless you
Channel: Fr. Donald Calloway, MIC
Views: 46,775
Rating: 4.9520082 out of 5
Id: ChIdnk92gac
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 35sec (2075 seconds)
Published: Thu May 21 2020
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