Connor Fanboys over Mother Knows Breast

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the hugest wave of nostalgia like right it's a golden [ __ ] place no it's okay okay so mother's no breast was made was made by like Studio milky and Studio milky you've you've seen the logo if you were if you go into anime in like the mid-2000s yeah because it's okay shit's hot man milky is the queen bee of last generation man it is like the lowest quality it's it's like it was like the only people the only reason people liked it was because all of the hentai was uncensored this is the first time I've ever seen an a hentai uncensored and I was like [ __ ] go back please go back like please go back I could never get over the [ __ ] details of their dick and vagina which was just like singular color it was like it was just like it was just like uniformly one card I think I wrote it down I'm like why isn't that like fear for what you don't know the first time I saw it I was like okay that's like a little different but then as it goes on I guess like the animators would just got sick of the ringers by the end of it it just looks like a desk drawer the [ __ ] their genitals looked like a [ __ ] Cannon Barbie doll with a strap-on foot on it I'm like how how does anyone get on to get I'll get off to this in like 2020. well first of all uh I don't really care about like animation it's more yeah sorry like the porn scenario right like because you know how like you know it's always like okay well it's a [ __ ] step mom what this is literally like OG stuff okay because it's supposed to be our mom but if you like I mean you read the synopsis and you get a big like because it's not blood related so you're like all right nice nice I I will say like I remember watching this when I was a [ __ ] teenager because that was like that was like milky like there was like that was milky and there was like pink pineapple back there yeah that was like the two big studios and he chose milky I remember no I remember because I [ __ ] I was always I was always conflicted because milky had like the hardest premises yeah the premise is [ __ ] hot yeah the hottest premises but like it was like I'm I'm I have to like will my dick to like Jack up to this [ __ ] junky ass sexy man no it is Jank but it's like it's just it's hard the premise is hot but then I but then like at that point I might as well just jack off the [ __ ] manga and though jinchi right yeah because at least the art is good yeah I need something to go with it little little something something you know well there was nothing in it like audio and [ __ ] you know what like the repeated moans they're on a [ __ ] sandwich okay it's been a while since I watched it but I I mean okay here also right I don't know why maybe it's because I'm a guy right yeah rape I'm like that's [ __ ] up reverse rape I'm like all right right now you're talking well we'll get into that but yeah I because I I don't know if it's because I'm a guy and to me I think it's like not so much as reverse rape is like I'm I see that character but it's more like I guess like I said like it's envisioning yourself in the scenario right yeah right and obviously in my head if I'm in that situation we ain't rapists right I'm gonna get that out there yeah they're out there she's like weird because I'm so conflicted because I see rape normally in a lot of hentai silence but then reverse and I'm like now you're talking now I'm listening my ears you know because it's yeah like I said it's mine you know what's the one thing I hated about this one though what is the fact that the sister's name is oshinoshinovu which is literally the same name as that I didn't even like literally the same name I wish he wasn't such a little [ __ ] as well she's so aggravating both of them and yes she has my wife's name so I'm just like I'm conflicted yeah but I just I just thought I mean okay I mean it's it's no I mean when you see all my list I think older women are hard as [ __ ] right we all know that right I'm gonna throw in a couple for this one I actually uh ended up watching the dub for this one oh [ __ ] I haven't watched the job it was like okay it was it was surprising right because like there's no job I didn't even know yeah because everyone because the reason I know this is because like every milky has a dub every every milky anime or hentai had a dog back in the day right and it was it was like it was surprising to see how Okay the like you know the the mum was actually it was actually pretty good but then like the main protagonist was like Sonic the Hedgehog oh gosh I wish my mom wouldn't [ __ ] me here I come so he was really jarring hearing like a really hot older like mum character have really good like voice acting and then just like just like Sonic the Hedgehog I don't know what it is right but if you've thrown a bath scene in there it's like immediately 10 times harder a bath or nonsense scene I'm like 10 times harder yeah not gonna lie like when it got to the bath scene like that was when I was I kind of just lost interest to be honest that's when I was like now it's getting interesting because like okay the bath scene was just like for me was just excruciatingly long like it felt like it went on forever not to mention it that's why I liked it not to mention it was a flashback anyway I don't [ __ ] remember okay okay the [ __ ] the [ __ ] noise that the flashback though there was one scene there really like I I I burst out laughing when I can go to Bear in mind I don't [ __ ] remember the last time okay so so there was a scene where she was like [ __ ] like her like their stepdad or something and then these three kids were just [ __ ] watching and they're all like engrossed with it like like a [ __ ] episode of Pokemon was on or something like that they were just like watching the entire thing with a [ __ ] smile no literally the opening scenes of the anime is that yeah and the kids are just like sick they're just like yeah it's literally like it's literally just colon capital D wait that was the face over there I don't understand I can understand watching it as a kid being like what are they doing but being like whoa yeah but that but the sister was like way too happy it was just like yeah and then like and like like the kid brother comes in at the time at the time and you're just like what's going on and then he joins in as well so it's just like me and me and the girls watching my mom have sex no biggie no biggie just just a normal thing I'm not gonna lie the color on that boy's jizz is like warringly I watched that I was like oh dude you gotta drink some milk or something man like that it's one of those things where it's like there's there's I know that I was gonna get [ __ ] because I'm like it's [ __ ] called mother knows breast for [ __ ] sake I mean I don't think that's the worst part of the hair that's not that's not there's a lot of bad things to it but I just overall I thought it was it was pretty you know I liked it I liked it so the comics were hilarious yeah yeah there was like loads of comments were like [ __ ] that [ __ ] kid doesn't realize how lucky he is yeah yeah you look at who wrote It's like uh well yeah I mean like it's one like I I look at every milky anime and this one's no different where it's I normally I want hentai to be uncensored with milky anime man I [ __ ] wish it was censored yeah I wish I could have seen where I was like I wish I didn't see them already think about it like I don't know it's just so crazy I want high quality you want to look at the dick that's because it's that's why it's censored yeah but it's like in okay when you're watching like normal porn I hate it when they cut to a shot of like just the shaft and I'm like why why are you showing that like what is this what is the shot you know I'd never really well I I would like to see good details from like both sides yeah it's not just it's not just the dick but it's just I don't know that you you talked about hentai being like too high quality bringing you out of it if hence lights into too low quality that brings me out that could have been a Roblox dick and I wouldn't have changed anything for me oh [ __ ] like it would have been the same experience uh I also love uh I wrote down here I said I love how the guy contemplates castration instead of just saying no to the mom yeah yeah that was funny because it's just like should I just like get a castration I'm like you can say no bro it's just it's just a matter of going excuse me no I think I think a lot of people would be like well you kind of cut you know he's a kid I kind of I don't [ __ ] know how old he is yeah yeah also my favorite line in the entire first episode is when the mom I think is like banging the stepdad and she says uh bang me so that my pubic hairs wear out that's a that's a real line someone subtitled that I don't know yeah I mean this is just like Peak mid 2000s shitty hentai it has like all the callings of just like your T it's just very average I just wish there was a plot with like I don't know I mean I I would rather have read The Source material for this if that was Source material yeah I would rather read this with higher quality Arts than watch the shitty animation and it wasn't just shitty animation they used like the they used like the technique back then of just like using like the same repeated animations yeah so it just looked like the sex was taking place in the deja vu Dimension you know what I mean it was just like the same it's the same cut but it's just zoomed into the face yeah yeah exactly and then it's like let's do like a slow zoom out to reveal that it's the exact same shot I just I just like the Mother character he's just into Mills yeah I don't know the animation it's alone just kind of it it wasn't for me man it wasn't for me yeah I mean I appreciate this more when I was [ __ ] 17 or whatever yeah I think I think it's one of those things where I watched it like four or five years ago and I was like holy [ __ ] this is so hard I feel like if I watched it like back in the day yeah yeah I would have had a little bit more appreciation I mean I I was like Peak teenager like dude yeah even then because back in the day this had to compete with [ __ ] like Bible black and I guess so sure I think I would have rather watch Bible yeah I know and you know I most most of the time I did [ __ ] watch Bible black and it was it was like one of the few times where it was like it was it was always the scenario that kept me coming back to milky hentai because God that animation was just like such a instant [ __ ] softy man yeah it was pretty bad yeah it's the premise man the premise got me
Channel: Trash Taste Highlights
Views: 493,285
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Trash Taste, Trash, TrashTaste, Taste, Trash Taste Podcast, Podcast, Anime, Manga, CDawgVA, Gigguk, TheAnimeMan, Joey, Connor, Garnt, Highlights, Trash Taste Highlights
Id: zBVI4geafMo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 19sec (619 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 29 2020
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