Congressional leaders agree on deal to avert government shutdown

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amna: A swirl of news today, where this afternoon the top four leaders in congress agreed to avert a partial government shutdown for at least a week after Mitch Mcconnell announced he will step down from leadership this fall. The news came as Republicans on the others made headlines. Questioning hunter Biden behind closed doors. Has the shutdown university? >> Yes for now. Let's talk about this deal. March 1 moves to March 8, so buying time means they are going to pass six separate spending bills between now and March 8. They have those bills ready to go and give members time to read it. The March 8 deadline would move to March 22. Basically they were buying time. , Is a historic figure, not just because he is a master strategist. He is also the most powerful opponent of policies and statements. We realize it's time for him to hand this over to a next generation. >> Father time remains undefeated. I am no longer the young man sitting in the back. It is time for the next generation of leadership. >> He mentioned Ronald Reagan got this wrong. Senator Mcconnell will step down from leadership and he says there will be a fight to replace him. It sounds like right now he will stay in the senate himself, because what we are seeing is the group that has been a traditional Republican boards is changing. More than 20 Republicans and younger members, Mitch Mcconnell stepping aside changes the dynamic. Amna: We know that hunter Biden testified for seven hours behind closed doors. >> We need to wait for the transcript. A couple of things. Hunter Biden did not plead the fifth out all even though he faces criminal charges. It was highly contentious, even messy at the beginning, both sides interrupting each other. Democrats said Republicans were asking personal statements. He told members that he was here today to provide the fact that would end the false premise of this inquiry. I did not involve my father in this business. Here's what Democrat said. >> We just witnessed a deep-sea fishing expedition because the Republican case has fallen apart. >> This has been a waste of time. They don't want us to pay attention that they cannot govern. That was across the board. Amna: Staffers say they felt like there was nothing new. Here is Nancy mays. >>'S testimony is in direct conflict with other witnesses. The transcripts will be out, but it's no surprise and no shock he is being that way and in some cases he does not recall. Amna: Here's the thing, we want to see this for ourselves. There are witnesses that say and today in testimony we will watch that but right now we do not know there is that direct evidence. One thing we heard today is they expect to have public hearings. That is the next step. Public hearings are the next step before potential articles of impeachment. >> Thank you so much.
Channel: PBS NewsHour
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Id: QF69pnAzm_w
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Length: 6min 29sec (389 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 28 2024
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