San Jose residents on alert after series of mountain lion sightings

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presence. He says one of the next steps is to bring back the bike patrols tonight. Many San Jose residents are on edge and on the lookout for mountain lions roaming their neighborhoods. After a series of mountain lion sightings. The big question is just how many big cats are prowling around people's houses. NBC Bay Area's Damian Trujillo is in Kelly Park, the home of the latest sighting. Park rangers were on alert today. Kelly Park is right next to Happy Hollow Park and Zoo and so some visitors were surprised to hear about the sighting. Today. Business continued as usual at Happy Hollow Park, despite an alert about a mountain lion sighting at nearby Kelly Park less than 24 hours before. They're not. This family says they had no idea. That is frightening. Just because I have little kids and I'm glad you were here to let us know that there's mountain lions . Park rangers say the sighting happened at the nearby disc golf course. Warning signs are now posted in that area. This crew tells me they were warned before their shift to be on the lookout, and got some advice on what to do if they spotted a cougar act big, act loud, call 911 in that case and back away slowly. Don't make yourself small. Don't crouch down. Pick up your children if you need to. This was just the latest of several reported sightings. On Wednesday, neighbors captured this video on L.A. drive. The police helicopter warned residents of the danger via its loudspeaker. We showed the video to Cesar Cacho, who lives two doors down. Wow. So you'll be one of those. Casas CSR says it's worrisome that the big cat was roaming through the neighborhood. Scary. Well, now. Yeah, of course. And tonight it's unclear if there is one cougar wandering the area or several and wildlife worries are not just a Bay Area concern tonight. This week we learned a 71 year old woman was killed by a black bear outside the small Sierra town of Downieville. It's the first documented attack by a black bear in California history. A camera caught another bear wandering through a football practice in Truckee this week as well. But San Jose Rangers say while wildlife is showing up where we don't expect it, this isn't the Rise and Revenge of the wild. No definitely not. You know, you know, wildlife is wildlife. All year long, right? We exist amongst their habitat. So we're not surprised to see them any time of the year. The San Jose mountain lion sightings are all relatively near Coyote Creek. And rangers say the waterways are highways for the big cats, noting they can roam more than 100 miles inside their territory. Tonight. Neighbors are keeping their pets indoors and their eyes peeled as they wait to see if the big cat has gone back into the hills
Channel: NBC Bay Area
Views: 6,029
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Id: vOsCv-9Wwhw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 46sec (166 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 08 2024
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