Confronting a Scammer In India (Face to Face)

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Congratulations they just got scammed for another time. I can tell this guy isn't sincere. I feel they're being fooled a little too easily now

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/lenochku 📅︎︎ May 29 2022 🗫︎ replies
i'm just gonna come right out and say that this is gonna be a very controversial video all i ask is that you please watch to the end before you visit the comment section and thrash i'm not here to push any opinion on anybody i'm just here to tell you what happened [Music] we're about to confront a scammer face to face in kolkata india he has no idea that he's about to see us he doesn't even know that we're in his country but he knows who we are and some of you watching may know of him as well this is monu he's an ex-scammer or some might say current scammer who has repeatedly lied to us at trilogy media duped us out of money and harassed members of our squad for months by trying to solicit donations from them directly after repeated lies from him and promises that he'll stop it continued and continued and continued for this video we're in kolkata india and we're gonna trick monu into our hotel room and then art and i are gonna walk out of the bathroom and confront him and you won't believe the look on his face and make sure to watch to the end of this video to see something that's never happened to us before on this channel okay so a lot of you watching right now are probably new subscribers and are not aware of mono's story but even if you are i'm going to give you all the juicy details and drama of everything that's happened since our last video about him before i do that the sponsor of this video surfshark gets a shout out and a massive thank you they've sponsored countless videos of ours and are a huge reason why we can continue to travel the world creating content and exposing scammers they're a vpn or a virtual private network that protects your personal data while you're surfing the web and hides your location and ip address while doing so with cybercrime being more prominent than ever everybody should be using a vpn on any device that connects to the internet i never leave my house without my laptop and we do a lot of traveling on this channel i am always online and editing on the go and surf shark is protecting me 24 7. i've tried a bunch of different vpns but surf shark is my favorite it's incredibly affordable easy to use and gives you protection on an unlimited number of devices under one single subscription also with surfshark you can change your virtual location anytime you want which allows you to access content that might otherwise be geo-restricted to you it also put me at ease when people were trying to find us and kill us in india just saying use our link in the description below and use promo code trilogy at checkout for a massive 83 discount with three extra months of service added on top of that for free use the link below and give it a try now we're about to confront monu but before things get heavy let's take a look at how we got here about a year ago art and i were scam baiting on a youtube live stream as we do and we connected with monu who was working in a refund scam call center if you stay on the phone right now and you quit right now after a deep conversation we promised him that we would personally send him the money that he needed for his rent if he agreed to get up quit his job and walk out the door on the spot [ __ ] all of you people i quit which he did loud and clear i fight right now he [ __ ] did it oh my god he followed up with us after on video chat yeah i quite i told them that i am not gonna work again and i left we paid him the money that we promised and got to learn a lot more about his life and his dreams of being a dancer about a month later we heard from monu again but not in a good state he was in pain from a serious leg infection and desperate for money to pay for medical treatment and here's where things started to get complicated over the several years that we've been doing this channel we have helped several ex-scammers in the past now we've talked to thousands of scammers over the years of doing this channel and the vast majority of them are pretty heartless and vile but not all of them some of them are like marquissimo or bente who were very young men that needed to support their families and got duped into joining a call center that they thought at the time was legitimate finding out later that it's a scam they're then stuck in this tight grip by these bosses who use manipulation blackmail or otherwise to keep these guys in there for life everyone we've helped has a very different but equally fascinating story but one thing has always remained the same for us if a scammer truly wants to make a better life for themselves we give them that chance we don't assume anything one way or the other until they show us and prove to us that they're worthy of our trust or not monu told us that he needed a thousand dollars for his medical treatment including hospital visits and medication now at this point in the story monu had fulfilled all of his promises he took a risk by trusting us and he didn't give us any reason to not trust him so we did we asked our squad for some financial help for him which is something that we only do when it's very very important to us we gave him a thousand dollars he went to the hospital and he got the treatment that he needed for his legs this is the cream he gave me and this is the syrup however after we uploaded that update video about him there was a lot of skepticism about why his treatment cost so much now i don't live in india i don't know what treatment costs so i asked johnny to get the truth about monu something that i admittedly should have done way earlier on but lesson learned johnny was able to connect with monu and talk to him in hindi and get the full truth now his illness and his medical treatment were real but he lied to us about the true cost apparently he asked us for more money than he needed so that he could pay off some of his family's debts and i was [ __ ] furious angry and hurt that he not only lied to us but used our sympathy against us to risk our reputation to our squad by asking them for help now we did confront monu about this via text and despite his relentless apologies all trust was lost now things started to heat up [Music] monu started to go behind our backs asking squad members for money directly he would watch our live streams go into our facebook group and started messaging people directly blatantly asking for money for his upcoming wedding his dance studio dreams or whatever other story he would tell [Music] it didn't take us long to find out about this so i made several posts warning people about his actions and immediately refunded any new donations that came to us on his behalf but things didn't stop there he continued to solicit donations from people both in direct messages and on his instagram stories on an account that he shamelessly created with our name in he continued to push harder and harder to people directly guilt-tripping them even making people feel bad when they would donate an amount that he deemed insufficient i sent him countless messages telling him to stop but the lies persisted and his ripple effect continued to widen now i don't believe monu is a bad person he's very very young and he's got a lot to learn about social etiquette trust and keeping his word i'm not saying any of this to make you all hate him but i needed everybody watching this video to understand the position that we were in prior to confronting him in kolkata take the facts and form your own opinion but while we were in kolkata this happened [Music] oh come down the seat now yeah life is crazy what's up do you know who i am [Laughter] do you know who we are nobody has to harm you just maybe not yet for anything he's what's up do you know why we're here they were now in new york they wanted to be in your city they wanted to meet you for you for you they came here for you i'll give you a hug but we have a lot to talk about why are you crying why are you crying why are you emotional right now why are you emotional right now have a seat okay we're not here to do anything so he told me in the car uh he could not tell you guys exactly uh what he want to tell you because because he he can't speak english very well okay so there he wanted to tell you yeah he wanted to tell you a lot of things okay but it's because of the language from he don't know english yeah i can speak i can i can translate that morning look at me it's okay it's okay it's all right no one's hurting you sorry they they wanted to meet you just want to talk they they they want to meet you they came here for you yeah is he saying it's her no no no no no why because it's broken is it hurting me yeah no sir she's listening why are you crying why are you crying talk to me why crying happy why are you happy talk to me it's okay it's okay it's all good everything's fine it's okay take your time yeah you need water even and why it's not good you can draw it's okay take your time he said i can't speak any okay it's okay it's all good these are these are your friends huh we're not here with anger we're not here with hatred we're not here to do anything we just have some questions we just want to talk to you all right human to human okay it's okay we're just gonna talk and you're gonna go home it's gonna be fun yeah but we just wanna meet you you want to say anything he said i want to speak but i can't speak okay whatever english it is i'll help you to translate it okay i never dream about this good morning i i thought that i lost you guys you didn't you got you died you did you didn't you didn't lose us and you know why exactly because you did some [ __ ] you heard us i know bro i dig with it you broke my trust i trusted you i really don't know what to do on that time just because i can't speak more than this whatever whatever you did whatever is is your problem you can tell them they're your friends okay right all of your problems if there is a communication problem we you you couldn't talk them through the chat but right now they're here okay you can speak you can tell them everything do you know that we very independent me and ashton wouldn't like to ask you know when it's time for money help i go to him he come to me he's my family and his family we very rare ask for help very rare and we did that for few people that we love respect and we trusted chinese here that we love unconditionally you are here and few more people people take our word and they go and help we put our reputation as a truly media for you what did you do with that how did you use that help did you [ __ ] us over did you backstab us what did you do with the help that we did for you and for your family how did you use that help with respect integrity or you just take that and put it in the trash explain how did you use it you know that right all that all was wrong but why did you do that [Music] what he's saying is that whatever money you guys sent him he just used ten thousand rupees for the treatment we understand the rest of the money he paid his father's stop okay so i didn't know how much it was gonna cause the treatment so i asked my brother he said it's it's gonna maybe it's the something like it's gonna we might have to cut your leg or whatever it is maybe a serious infection so i just asked for a thousand dollar approximate but that's a lie you're lying to me right yeah you're lying to me right now why why how is he lying you told me that you were being deceptive and you asked for more because your dad had debts your father had debts you told me that you told but i had to pay my fathers that but that's different than what he said two minutes ago he told me that his brother said he didn't know how much it was gonna cost i mean he's i i know but i think he's a little bit nervous or whatever of course yeah he lied you accidentally right he just lied again okay so he's saying i didn't know how much was for the treatment okay but i had to pay the debt as well so i thought i should make it a thousand dollar okay and maybe put it in a treatment and yeah i can do it if i am a separate problem let's put this on the side let's put that over here okay i asked you many times to stop asking squad for money this is from one person one person two weeks ago got upset with me for donating during the stream and not donating anything to him got upset with me for donating during the stream for arts punishment and not donating anything to him i can show you a screenshot you circle circle donations that basically is that she asked him if you need any help in the future just ask me but but she said if you have some funeral going on okay and he saw this donation on your chat and he mocked it and asked for you to send them [Music] you understand what i'm saying yeah where you don't understand few words i'll explain that but you just think a little right i understand but i can't keep who gave you this power to watch our channel and blaming our fans for nothing money who are you i think you know i i respected you even i told you in the car that you don't have any business i pay you to set up a small business i promise you right and i'm gonna do that but i think this is really wrong that someone is donating them and you asking them why are you donating them and why are you no it's their choice who they want here's the more important part it's okay to ask for help but after i helped you with medical bills i asked you to stop asking squad for money and you ask squad for money every day you oh why why you open instagram account and you associated our company with your name who give you that permission are you choosing media you open instagram account he's trilogy media you're not you're not it's okay why because you did wrong right i was you know when i started with them i was just like you have instagram it's not about instagram i'm saying how you build your reputation how you uh make relations right it's not about money all the time i know you need you needed help you have family you don't have work i know how it is here but i think i have no problems with whatever you ask money for but i think this is wrong someone's sending donation to them then you're asking them why did you send donation time why didn't you send it to me i think this is wrong and more important that you promised me that you would stop and you kept doing it over and over and over again i can't trust you you messed that up he you know what uh they wanted to work you know they wanted to come to this wedding but it's slowly would you like on to your wedding you want to come to your wedding i don't want to see your tears mono i don't want to see these [ __ ] tears right now because you're a man and living here in india you provide for the family but taking people generosity from 10 people that we help in the whole truly media life you're the only one who [ __ ] up you man you have balls you provide for your family and you decided to take advantages of us and put our reputation that we work so [ __ ] hard to earn that reputation used again people who fed you we paid for your [ __ ] medical bills we paid for your father dad and you came and you [ __ ] us up and we told you stop two times three times five times and you just start going again like towards people who supports us you made people who love us and support uncomfortable some people love truly media because of you they don't support us because of you yeah and you didn't stop two weeks ago are you [ __ ] kidding me it's been one year we put your video down you have no rights zero rights to go it's okay you know something happened with him me all right we will handle it but you go after people who helping us to pay rent and blaming them while they supporting us and not supporting you and so far i heard zero explanation and thousand sixty-nine thousand excuses and you better change because i don't have [ __ ] time for you no it's it's okay right you can't you don't have to make excuses right now because you know you did wrong right so maybe you can i'm okay with me with that if i have to it's not working from after d you say sorry he said i can't speak he says you owe them at least an explanation right so explain that that's all they want and be honest because i don't want to hear excuses just be honest yeah hey guys i want to take advantage i i think you guys are the only one that can help me i decided to do this i need to know why i'm good foreign he's not getting any work okay eighty dollar how many how many members are in your family five fights five brothers four sisters one mom one dad baby and her and they have 80 that's the income of every month and he's not getting work no one is giving him a job and that's not already about me i'm they only give me work for one day and then they give me money and they tell me not to come again because they have they don't have a lot of work only people who doing call center here they are only earning money but whatever people are doing genuine job they can't earn money because of the problem which going on past couple of years the karuna that's why people can't hire anyone they don't want to help because they can't pay if we work they will hold us for one month two months then they will pay us but not proper money that's the reason i don't understand what should i do i only have one hope with your squad that's why i i got some few people and the lady taffy she already talked to me she always told me that you are my brother whenever you need any help don't need to shy you can ask me i'll i'll help you whatever i can so i never ask her lot of money i only whenever i i asked her before only about fifty dollars because i want to buy a cloth for my mother because she had birthday i never buy her anything so i asked her just fifty dollar so i can buy her craw cross sorry that's really that i keep asking because i don't have any home reason whenever i go to anyone they can't get the kickers on i want to hold i'm doing it right now do you know that yesterday we went to a town that is 200 kilometers away from bangladesh almost on the border okay so we went to that town yesterday we spent almost two hours one hour 30 minutes one hour 35 minutes drive you know what i told everybody in the car when we drove over there how people work on a field plantation agriculture what do they ask whether people get money to open those little businesses capri yeah yeah they yeah it's just a small i think small investment when people want to find a job they find it they find it so your excuses about that you work one day they give you money and let you leave maybe because you're lazy maybe because you're not hard-working person maybe because you're cocky maybe you don't treat people with respect when you're doing something right you stay long why this guy been with us for 10 years why every single person with us long term because they're doing amazing job they love what they do they're passionate about it and guess what you don't want to lose those people you're right let me add to that this needs to be a huge lesson for you because we were ready to help you oh my god for a long time you had a golden ticket you had lottery ticket in your hand i don't know what it's like to live how you live i'm not saying that you have it easy i know you have it way harder than me but what i can say is that trust goes way further than anything else you should have earned our trust and you broke that so i'm gonna tell you this you can do one of two things you can spend the next several months earning our trust again again and we can help you you're a good person i don't think you're a bad person you can earn our trust again okay or you can continue doing what you're doing we might live on the other side of the planet but we can get here in 24 hours and if i have to come back here again and do this this is going to be a very different conversation do you understand i promise i wouldn't do i have your word thank you everything that he said i will add only one thing to earn the trust i want that you will apologize to every single person that you made uncomfortable you ask for money and you send and annoy the [ __ ] out of them i want that you will go through every single message on instagram facebook and your emails and you will cc trilogy media and tell them how apologize you are for your behavior and this is the number one step to start getting your trust back can you do this yes all right i'll make you i make you a deal here right now not about regime it's a personal thing okay i'll not give you money but i'll buy a tuppy for you okay you still want to buy a business a storefront i buy him a copy you know you're not happy it's a it's a kind of shop but it's on the road okay at the top it's like popcorn when you push and you sell okay just several adjustments small advancement i will not pay you money because i really don't trust you right but i will buy you a copy i'll buy you a stock whatever stock you need in it okay you make you can boil eggs sell it like other people sell you sell cigarettes uh whatever you want to do you sell whatever you want okay you can sell the different things on it right and i promise you that i i do it before i leave kolkata is that good you happy about it you can you know it's not something that if you want to build a business you have to start from a scratch it's not like you're gonna get a big restaurant or something then you can start you can start from a small thing okay save some money slowly slowly okay feed your family then when you have some money in your hand you go for a little bit bigger business then you take money from that then you make it slowly slowly you make it bigger right you're going to do that okay i'll help you with that that's my problem realize how awesome that is okay i didn't ask you to do that okay so you so you don't have to find a job you don't have to go or ask someone give me a job you can create your own job and you should be proud of that you are boss of your for your own shop right nobody told you nobody told you do this do this it's your your topic right whatever you want communicate with us and show us that we can trust you again one day we can help more one one year from now this might be a totally different situation i want to see apologize to people that you heard i don't need to apologize from you to me or to ashley you want to say apologize to him please do it for me i don't give a [ __ ] but i give a [ __ ] of people that you hurt who made me who i am today and who support my company our company well said that's all i want okay if you can make that happen we good we're good okay your friends again good friends okay all right and um we're leaving here from on sunday i'll do that before sunday okay that's my work all good okay great anything else i just wanna sit please foreign i want to apologize to all three large media squad members please forgive me for my bad behavior i really can't explain how much like i feel shame i feel guilty about it i i understand that i'm doing wrong please forgive me about it i i i don't have a lot of what and i really don't understand what to say just i just want to say all of you please forgive me for everything whatever i did please suppose that i just want to say i apologize i will prove you everyone i will surely do what my brother said i'll do hard i'll do very hard myself they forgive me everyone it's okay that's all i want to do you're already forgiven just earn it that's okay you don't have to beg it's all right just show us that's all it's all right your action speak louder than your words yeah right this apologize when for people that we love and it's squad that we adore and we're grateful for and next time when we're gonna see you yeah i really hope it's going to be we're going to come to your place to your own business then we're going to buy a few things from you make sure you have some cold beverages it's all good good all right tears it's all good it's all good right now we deserve it hot come here now i can give you a hug everything is okay do right things all right it's all right okay you got this all right you're so young yeah you have all life i gotta can you fix everything okay exactly you got this all right look at you you [ __ ] awesome dancer you you good all right yeah yeah i watched his videos yesterday he's amazing awesome dance they're busy so it's all good okay okay it's all good you can do this okay yeah right you can do this yeah we're waiting outside okay you can do this you can do this you're good you just stop doing this stay focused and just you know we're here to help you if we can trust you that's all let's set it up okay we'll be there yes okay all right so we're gonna see you next time in better conditions okay let's go let's go how many times did you [ __ ] up at age 21 because i did a lot i [ __ ] up a lot of times in my life and if people friends family my neighbors would not give me a second choice in my life i would not be here i don't i i can't i can't physically handle all the emotions of the last 72 hours i can't yes you can i can't [Music] [Music] [Music] i saw that you have a little um is its little sister a little brother in your family little sister yes so right now 10 kids total yeah wow that's him up front holy [ __ ] oh my gosh [Music] yes [Music] so basically that's how you do it right [Music] i'm doing the other side uh [Music] now we had to get out of there quickly there were two guys on motorcycles that came up and saw us and then stopped at the side of the road just up ahead and continued to watch us now they could have just been innocent bystanders but we were technically still in hiding from the death threats received from our glitter bomb video and we took a risk leaving the hotel just this once to see this through and fulfill our final promise to manu we're blessing ourselves that's what's supposed to be for scammers i feel like i'm in skyfall you know or something moving in hello we truly do want the best for monu and we hope that he takes this opportunity to heart and makes the most of it i believe in second chances or seventh chances sometimes but we've done what we can and now it's his turn to step up thank you all so much for watching this video annoying youtuber plug incoming shameless yet still effective in helping us to grow the channel so please leave a comment hit the like button subscribe notifications just do it all it helps seriously it helps a lot if you want even more trilogy media please consider checking out our very own streaming platform called trilogy plus or you can find it in the app store google play store amazon fire roku all that good stuff we have a bunch of exclusive content on there an extended two hour version of the glitter bomb video just dropped so much exclusive content and it supports the crap out of us and you can try it for a week for free for no obligation so check it out love you so much and we'll catch you in the next one you
Channel: Trilogy Media
Views: 505,914
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: scammers, scammer, scam, scams, scambaiter, scammer confronted, confronting scammers, scammers raging, syskey scammers, scambaiting
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 27sec (2547 seconds)
Published: Wed May 18 2022
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