BUSTING a Cash Mule Scammer FACE TO FACE

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this is the home of a scammer in sacramento california and the man inside is expecting a package delivery today containing 15 000 in cash and we're about to knock on his door and confront him face to face [Music] not only are we going to confront him but we're going to have 15 000 in cash hanging out of the package and we're going to see what he has to say for it the cash is fake but the scam is very real how did we get here it's all thanks to this man our brother johnny in india has gone undercover as a pretend amazon refund scammer you're about to hear a phone call between johnny and a real scammer boss in india a boss that runs his own scam call centers in india and has multiple money mules all over the united states accepting cash payments from victims on a regular basis we have tons of videos on our channel explaining this scam in detail but it involves a fake amazon representative convincing a victim that their account has been over refunded forcing them to send large amounts of money to rectify it this money is sent to what's called a money mule whose job is to receive the money take a percentage and then launder the rest of it back to the bosses in india and a money mule can be anybody it can be your grandmother who's been manipulated into thinking that she's doing the right thing or it can be a dangerous criminal who knows exactly the kind of fraud that he's facilitating johnny is pretending to be a scam boss and he's on the phone with a real scam boss named ankit and kit has instructed johnny to have his victim send the cash to a man named tommy who lives in sacramento california johnny sends the info to us we send a real box overnight so that there's a valid tracking number to show the scammer and then we show up with our decoy package and confront the recipient face to face and kit spends a great deal of time explaining to johnny that he's trustworthy and wants to do business long term he's even gone as far as to send johnny video recordings of previous cash packages being laundered real ones check out this clip from ankit as he records a time with a real victim as the poor man wraps up his life savings in foil and packing tape put some more tape and put it into the edges as well so it can cover all the corners put some more tape you got a tape or it's in the other do okay just get the tape here in front of the camera it's absolutely infuriating and check out this other clip that he sent of a real cash package being opened by a money mule in new york [Music] this happens every day and it's sickening the man we're about to confront tommy is a money mule that ankit claims has been working for him for almost a decade we've got some questions for tommy so we're headed up to his house right now to get some answers before we knock on tommy's door i'd love to say thank you to the sponsor of this video incogni every day your personal information is being sold online without you even knowing about it have you ever entered your email address into like a newsletter or some kind of online inquiry and then suddenly started receiving countless spam emails that no matter what you do you can't put a stop to or have you ever gotten an email from some big company saying hey we had a data breach your info is at risk sometimes this happens because there's something called data brokers who are aggregating your personal information and then selling it off to other companies for them to do whatever they want with it now thankfully the law requires that these data brokers delete your information if you ask them to but doing that one by one by yourself would take an eternity incogni will do all of this work for you automatically they will reach out to data brokers on your behalf request the data removal and they'll fight any objections for you and it's all automated i signed up myself and i'm so happy that i did all you have to do is make an account and enter the info that you want removed once you've given them the right to work on your behalf all you have to do is sit back and relax they'll handle any and all objections for you and keep you updated every step of the way and i can log into my account at any time to check progress and see just how many data brokers had my information most of which i'd never even heard of as of this video dropping right now on youtube the first 100 people to use the link below and the promo code trilogy are going to get 20 off in cogni click the link below to check it out it helps out our channel and it also helps you by taking your personal information back now let's go make some noise in sacramento i will make sure that my brother records the video records the opening of the boxes they don't know actually there is money inside i told him do not tell fedex that there is money inside because that's why that that's fine i don't understand that but the reason is that there should be no miscommunication yet between menu if i record it and i'll send it to you that there is money inside then also you will be happy and if there is money there is no money inside that and if i will require and if i will open in that so you will be much aware of that that what your customer has ended yeah that's that's okay yeah you can send me the video at that time the last time i sent a package it was about i think forty thousand thirty yeah it was thirty five thousand dollar and the guy stole all my money i was crying for three days so see um i will not tell you that i am very good i'm very nice or no i'm not going to explain in these kinds of rubbish things yeah once i receive the money you get your money that do the work that's the reason i'm saying i was telling you continuously do a small amount when you trust me i trust you then you will proceed for that i'm not that kind of person if i might be stoling your money i might have set you that 745 send forty five thousand dollars and i would not be explaining you these kinds of things i will prefer bitcoin you know do you have other options as well yeah if you want cash i can give you cash also no problem if you want an account i can do one hour in favor for you i can send thousand dollars every day to you in seven days you will get here yeah so that would be easier for you to get it into your account okay and is your guy trustworthy i mean who's in california do you trust him he's my brother okay his name is uh some quite cool yeah his name is tomi from california i have i have been doing business with him i can say he's not my own brother but i can say i've been doing business with him from nine years and i don't have any issues with him all right okay if there will be issues from your side only then there will be the issues because the persons to whom i'm working with i can share the contact numbers with them you can talk to them they have done a business with me from half a million million dollars a day i'm also running a center so i know what situation you might be dealing if somebody takes the money definitely bro we can work for a long time have long term business if you want that you want to do business with me for a long time you just take this money and once you come and meet me i will meet you but we can understand each other and then we can proceed further from there itself once you get your money you will be also understanding that i am not the right i'm not the wrong guy who can take money yeah and do you do or do you also accept checks because checks yes check is easy if you can send me physical check written check but the amount should be not more than five thousand dollars with the check and how much commission will you charge on the checks is is the same correct no i will not charge fifty percent i will give you sixty percent i will take forty the reason is that cash in united states is illegal yeah so cash is very difficult you send me five checks thousand dollars each i don't have any issues okay and uh the check will be on the personal name or it will be a company whatsoever you want i have three companies in the united states if you want companies i'll give you companies but but if you take uh take the normal people check that like a personal account a checking account it would be much more easier because i have to not pay a taxes we will definitely go and go for the wire transfers and for the checks for the future deals do you run your own car offensive or you just deal in yeah okay same refund i'm looking no no i'm not look i'm not running okay you're running pop-up and all that yeah pop-up amazon and pop-up calls are really expensive yeah eighteen hundred dollars a call yeah eighteen hundred rupees yeah i was running a pop-up before but i think refund is more profitable than pop-up profitable and easier yeah yeah yeah you get chargebacks on all in pop-up correct yeah refund is much much much easier so why don't you do the refund why are you stuck on the pop-up no i'm i'm the reason is that customers used to die and i need that kind of sales that if i need money any time no i can call that customer and you can give me any time yeah yeah yeah exactly if you if you do pop-up sales and all you can definitely call call back after month or maybe two months and make another sale they can give me any yeah whatever amount i used to tell from the suppose that i have charged customer 3000 and if i called him back again after two months he will be giving away 2500 with no frequent yeah problem he can give me two thousand dollars any time refund is much better what i say is because the person if i crack the sale now you can easily do if another call yeah you have 90 plus percent of the if the agents are good enough now they can convert 90 plus percent of these sales which has been done yeah i was running a center in hyderabad for three three and a half years once once the money is being received no i will go ahead and do it make a video recording and send it to you once it is done you will be able to get your money every day the package will arrive i think tomorrow morning so we should be good i think once i once i get the package you will immediately get thousand dollar deposited into your account okay every day all right brother i think that's see the reason it takes it takes time because urea has a limit of thousand dollars every day yeah if you have western union cash pickup you can go i can do directly by a name you could go and pick a picture yeah if you have moneygram whatsoever you have you can tell me i will definitely give i send a pie on him you go and pick it pick it up i don't have any issues yeah tomorrow morning this package will arrive then definitely if everything is fine enough immediately i would go ahead and give you the other day once it is we just do the tracking work as well yeah you see that that is delivered just do let me know yeah sure sure show thing okay okay all right take care bye-bye see you the person we're going to see today is tommy t-h-o-m-y tommy or tommy so tommy is uh they were saying tom tommy but i think it might be tommy so tommy's potential cashmere yeah the one who's folsom california 15 thousand dollars okay an amazon refund scam from chase chapman i cut down their phone call just like a minute and a half so you can hear the highlights in case the police show up we've been making so this mule is supposed to open the package he knows there's cash coming yeah it's not like a field it's not like i keep it sealed and forwarded down he's supposed to open it so this is 15 grand and fake cash i say we put it in here i'll write the address on here put this in here and then we tear it i'll steal it and then like rip a corner right so as soon as he says yes i'm tommy then you say okay my apologies it came open and show him the cash and see what he says yeah that's mine then you got him yeah yeah 100 i'd say there's no question so let me write the address on here chase chapman 15 grand uh 50 50 split between johnny and the scammer and uh and then johnny also suggested we try to get the mule if he cooperates to call the scammer and get him on video chat to open the package and so we can see his face johnny hasn't gotten his face yet which decent show it to ashland when did he say that right now so johnny send me this right now and he said show to ashton [Music] i'm [ __ ] unbelievable that's what makes my blood boil yeah i came from you know all right she's jamming cash is should i seal it and tear it i will fill it we're still going to fall out i'm going to seal it and then we tear it when we get there okay good thank you oh what did you do figure we already in trouble we didn't get to the house yet he's not going around me and he's been following me the last several times my car is so red that you can see me from a helicopter i'm not usually trying to invade helicopters on it now he knows we're filming him so he's really gonna be watching me at any reason you can [Music] yeah there's a guy in a room like going in and out of that red uh pontiac right there [ __ ] dude it really reminds me of [ __ ] florida the full house um also he's got full access to a ton of golf clubs in that uh in that garage so just we're not going in his garage from this ball here we're parking here and walking around i think so i'm gonna trail pretty far behind you because there's a straight away so just get his you know and then where let's tear this what do you think his name put his name in the thread it's right here but we need to tear it open yeah yeah i know okay up click right here right yeah so you can just say i came open in transit and show him the cash all right you don't have to count it or pull it all the way out but just show it to them that way okay all right guys let's go all right [ __ ] tommy come to daddy let's go [Music] hi i'm looking for tommy oh no is it yes are you tommy yes mayhem can i see your dropper license please hey are you crazy come on come on oh he's all right you can you can let him out just texted me he said it's an old guy tell me after delivery already for today um package came a little bit um it was ripped out in the corner ripped out right here and uh not good do you are you expecting cash yes you expecting cash yes and why do you expect cash hold on because this is business transaction what business is uh hello this is my business partner and uh he's expecting cash and he said this is business investment okay what kind of business investment are you working on uh we've got a website and a spice site okay who does i do yeah and my business partner okay who's your business you can look it up be martin my apologies we build websites okay um any you can build one from anywhere from four hundred to three thousand dollars depends on what you wanna do sure but it's custom made okay because we don't use a format okay we use we call you and say what do you want and we design it okay so where is this money coming from this is an investor okay he's investing in our business who is it this guy chase chapman chase you know who chase chairman is have you been personally no money okay this is true who's your business partner i ain't get true okay that's who's okay that makes perfect sense see i'm supposed to send this to him where is he where is he well presently he's an indian mm-hmm yes yeah we spoke to him yesterday we spoke to him yesterday and you've been working with him for nine years two years so so you get investment money from investors and you send it to an kit part of it and you keep some of it and you keep someone i get a card but yeah okay some of it do you know this isn't do you know this is money what stuff that you're doing this is money laundering do you know that oh yeah you're collecting money and kid is scamming you and has been scamming you all right well we're going to tell you we can tell you what's going on well first of all he's we're from 200 media let's introduce we have a company called trilogy media what we do is we investigate scams and we try to reveal where how scams are happening and how people are being taken advantage of okay um and kit is an owner of a scam call center in india several actually okay so you probably see on the news a lot of times where people get robo calls about like fake well this is you know i've been talking to him personally i know i know because he's very smart but he's manipulating you so let me tell you exactly what happens people like us investigate scams and for us to do that we pretend to be scam victims and we have people like ann kidd who direct the victims where to send the money that they're being scammed from and this one in particular is called an amazon refund scam so this money this is fake money but we're here only to see where it's going but every package that you get with cash is from a stolen stolen from a victim usually an elderly of an amazon refund scam well he's not in business with you he's lying to you and he's taking advantage of you because he's in india so he needs to get his victims in the united states to get cash to india so he uses people like you to receive the money and send it back to him and he gives you a little bit of it to keep you going but he lies to you you're not in business with him you are a victim of his how did you came across with this guy from the beginning how how did he find you about two years ago okay and what happened and uh you're just on the phone and he asked if i wanted to invest in the business did he call you email you or how did he find you i'm trying to remember i think it was through some other business if you if you're if you're okay with it i'd like to play you an audio recording i can prove to you what i'm saying this is a conversation between ankit and one of our guys in india this is a shortened version of it but this is him giving us instructions on where to send the victim money but listen to this the package will arrive i think tomorrow morning that's our guide so we should be good i think once i get that you will immediately get thousand dollar deposited into your account okay every day i will make sure i mean who's in california do you trust him he's my brother so that's i'm done that's fine you're welcome to do whatever you're going to do yeah i'm just going to tell them no but if you would like yours i i know that you're supposed to call him and you're supposed to open this in front of him yeah have you ever seen him on face video chat no no no um if you would yeah you don't want to help us catch him no this guy uses a lot of a lot of people like you and we want to put him in jail and we could use your help well all we need you to do is call him and tell have you tell him that you got the cash and see what he says well what he wants me to do is deposit a thousand dollars in my account and send him 2 500. but this is supposed to be this is supposed to be 15 000 yeah yeah so where's the rest go he didn't say because he said he just slowly over time just to keep it in my hand so when was the last time when you received package from him like this like this never this is the first time i know you usually get smaller amounts of money yeah yeah a few hundred okay well well let me just tell you this anytime you get cash in the mail that is stolen from somebody so i would recommend you turn it over to the police if it happens again if you would like to call him i'd appreciate it because that way we could help to catch him and put him in jail so he knows that it's not your fault it's our fault because we intervened well i can't because the one-way number doesn't work he only calls you yeah i tried to call back so how do you tell him when you got the package next okay so can you text him and he will call you immediately yeah do you mind doing this please well let me get my phone thank you sir thank you it's just like we've been in this business for so many years and there are two type of people person who has a cash mail dealing with and person who is knowing and unknowing and that's what we're trying to figure out if you know you this has resulted me losing my house i'm basically living with my brother and my credit rating is in the toilet how much money have you lost from to this guy um three four thousand at minimum probably well virtually more than that over what period of time over two years it's more than that it's about twenty thousand dollars wow yeah uh because this is what he does i was talking to him and everything made sense yeah so well they're very good at what they do they're very good at manipulating people most of the time when we're finding people who involved in this business it's people who are older yeah i've been warned i feel stupid no you don't need to feel stupid these people are very good at what they do and they get people like you all the time what i can tell you is this if you're able to get him on the phone we can get him to leave you alone um because what we do is we take everything that we find and you know we give it to the authorities because it's it's mail fraud it's not money laundering well the problem is is he's opened a lot of accounts in my name that's what he does yeah and he's about to say he has your social security number probably everything yeah do you have access to those accounts some of them i would recommend closing them or changing the passwords taking advantage of whatever you have because he's just when he finds out that you now know that he's scamming you he's gonna try to hurt you as much as he can by taking whatever money he can take i mean he'll leave and he will leave all this damage under your name and next time not me going to be knocking on your door fbi yeah well i don't know how to stop that well and that's how we're trying to see we can well by you telling us what you know helps a lot um well he's got a discover card opened in my name oh gosh and he's got a td card in canada opening the bag well we're going gonna help you to put a stop to all of this um it would be great if you can get him on the phone right now um that way we can tell him maybe even get him into a video chat if he'll do it i was expecting sometimes when you have a cash meal and us being in this business you know you get a teenager you get you got a criminal you know but i was not expecting cu opening this door expecting 15 000 cash well i told him i didn't like it this is this is not good but it's not about you did not like it you continue doing this you know you continue receiving those couple hundreds couple thousands and you continue taking that money you know he's giving you god every single time and he's putting you in danger with the law because he's using you to accept the money so it protects him and it's particularly exactly oh yeah you are absolutely yeah kashmir you're 100 cashmere and guess what next time it's gonna be fbi they cannot catch this guy he's an india he's an international they're gonna deal with you hello yeah the package is ripped i i don't know i just got the package and it's ripped open take a picture of the package yeah okay yeah hang on a minute i'll take a picture of it well there's money in it but i haven't counted it just check it don't do it uh i've got no way to answer a damn call hello did you get that picture i haven't i haven't really counted it but i'm worried about it yeah um it doesn't appear to have anything anything missing i should piece of [ __ ] he's using this one text text now decks now that's why he gets commercials and we'll get always i can't get the [ __ ] ad off of this i know i hate that i hate those things hello yeah okay this thing keeps popping ads up and makes me crazy from what i can tell everything's there yeah that's what it looks like [Applause] [Music] yeah it seems to be all here okay now okay well rio only takes a thousand that's their limit the money gram doesn't have a limit so anyway i'll i'll go to rhea for a thousand [Music] and then uh put the rest through moneygram hello [Music] what is ria it's a money like western union like western union yeah yeah except it's nicer really no union sucks yeah let's go through the last the all directions and in the end we can confront well he's telling him to go and deposit a thousand dollars yeah um if if you can get him one more time i i'd be happy to talk to him and and put this and stop put a stop to this for you if you'd like well my problem now is all these accounts are open some of them i don't even know about yeah and what am i going to do to cut them off well do you know what banks they're at no that's the problems one of them is paypal okay i would recommend calling every institution with paypal bank of america wherever they might be and giving them your identity and telling them what's going on telling them i've been scammed they have fraud department because if they're under your name you should have every right to talk about them with so and then they can help you to close them and you can file i would recommend filing a police report police report calling banking institution and the third one and then reported to the ftc ftc this happens all the time all the time well that gets me out of it well you know you you if everything you're telling us is true then you don't have anything to worry about because this guy has taken advantage of you well he's also paid some big bills of mine he actually paid him yeah because he's giving you a little cut because he's stealing tons of money and helping you out a little bit just to string you along you know so you'll keep helping him because he needs you for his whole operation but it's all a lie are you um are you on the pension already yeah i'm retired i have a fixed income and my mother died but i lost the house so i'm here i'm trying to get my credit rating and get my own home and my brother's going to go berserk well you can my brother is literally going to go dessert well i hope i hope not it's not because it's not your fault again you know it's not with him it doesn't matter he's anal retentive okay and he's retired i understand and he's we're here happy to help we'll give you all of our information um what i would recommend is maybe allowing us to say something to him on the phone so that he leaves you alone because if he knows that we stopped this then he's not going to try to keep scamming you i will you're going to start looking for another victims so he will you just want well he'll leave you alone is he gonna destroy me he already has oh he already did because again you're putting victim people money on your account you did already cash meal you did money laundering without even knowing he already did damage okay so right now how do i correct this i would call every bank and find out if you have accounts under your social security number yeah give them your social and have them check and that you can tell them it's a fraudulent account they'll close it you need to uh when you go talk to police they're gonna walk you through the same stuff they're gonna tell you you can do these you can do these you can do these but those three things that you must do can you text him one more time and say well yeah i need to talk to you hello yeah i uh this this whole thing is bothering me yeah well it's well let me let let me you talk to these guys hey and kit yeah hey i'm the i'm the delivery guy that dropped off the package that it was ripped i'm so sorry about that uh that it was ripped okay um but it's funny because i i looked inside and there's a bunch of cash in there and every single bill is uh fake there's no money here it's a big money it's faithful you know and you know why it's fake because we send that money to catch you at the end you've been taking advantage of this guy for years you piece of [ __ ] yes yes yes i am not the right person yes you are who sent me i don't know no no cut the [ __ ] cut the [ __ ] this is our this is art and ashton from trilogy media and we have exposed your operation and you're going to leave this man alone if you have any problems you contact me you understand google me [ __ ] black girl is that i got his number uh we're going to talk to him i've never been able to get it to work really yeah yeah probably because he's got it blocked he's just it's all right we have a person inside we have our guy that has his real indian number yes we will contact yeah yeah because i'm going to need help yeah we'll help you yeah we're going to walk we're going to tell you i financially my brother's a genius i'm an idiot yeah you know what we're going to help you you feel free to email me as well that's also our website trilogymedia.com info media also write down the things i recommend that you do to report this yeah so hello i i seriously have a problem right now yeah well they took the package with them and they tell me it's all fake money and they're adamant that this whole thing is a scam of a fraud just don't entertain that i totally want to be very safe with that did you return them to them yeah because i've looked at it and it doesn't look real at all it's funny well more or less as far as i can tell i am i was i was i was very much depressed yesterday it might be some kind of a big thing because immediately well i'm right now at a loss i i don't know what to do well i mean i can't tell what's what now because because these guys are really thorough and they're saying flat outright that everything going on is a complete money laundering scheme and that i'm going to be visited by the fbi so i'm a little bit nervous here well oh i thought it was fedex and actually it was trilogy media which is a anti-scam company well they said they had somebody that tracked it from india to here and that it's everything is a scam completely so going back now well apparently they're going to go turn it over the ftc and to law enforcement so what i'm worried about now is protecting myself because i don't need to go to jail at my age [Music] well we'll let it go with that for a moment but uh right now i gotta make some major adjustments just in case no just that i've been the victim of a mule i'm a money mule and i'm not terribly happy about all of this okay okay we'll go from there yeah freaking out yeah well i gotta go get some stuff off my computer too yes everything you said was great he might reach out to you again okay um he will but don't follow any of his instructions he's just going to keep trying kicks now on sure yeah make sure you and uninstall it from your phone and your computer it's gonna be all right tommy um it's gonna be all right it's just it's just you have to you have to follow the protocol if you like you said just look out for yourself close whatever accounts and connections i can't get the damn thing to delete that's all right you can delete it it's okay you can do it inside like two or five minutes well i'm gonna get it off my phone is it on your computer too [Music] yeah okay now you wanna make sure that you uninstall it that's what i'm trying to do and it is not cooperating [Music] do you know samsung i don't know samson [Music] [Music] whatever you need help with the police with anything evidence uh explanation we got your back yeah all right can i just call these people or do i have to abandon them you could try you could call them explain what's going on whatever you got to do um but you definitely we're gonna take care of this camera on our end and expose more of his stuff and the goal is to put him in prison so um but whatever lies he tells you after this just don't listen don't listen honestly this is blessing because the longer you would stay with him the longer you would go with this scam the more money yeah and it's the more money people will lose because all this money that you've been receiving since day one it's been stolen money you know they've been going through you you middlemen yeah there is a big one and there is a boss so it's time to cut that middleman thank you for your troubles i know it sucks but it's one of those things you know um well i mean it's gonna suck do do you do you wanna talk to him is it any way do you think it's gonna help at least we can tell explain the perspective that it's not your fault let me ask you yeah absolutely hi how are you my name is my name is ashton we work for a company called trilogy media this poor gentleman we just want to explain he's very kind of concerned about the perception of what you might have of what happened but i have seen this happen many many many times people like him and it's not his fault he's not stupid elderly people older people get taken advantage of by these scammers all the time they're very smart they're very good at what they do they find and they when they spend money when they do all this cam right they run fake irs social security amazon refund so many pop-ups what they do they found people like your brother brainwash them make them believe that this is a legit business and what they do they need a cash meal in america so that person they try to do that to me all the time but you just say no well listen some people do and it depends on the kind of scammer you get a lot of these guys are he's good at business well you know how do you track him down here right because we have our we have introduced an intel who works in the call center in india and giving us information to follow the vectors to follow the health people so if you follow the money you're going to follow the victory yeah by the same people and that's why right now it's you need to go to the university go to commercial crime department tell them everything what happened that he'd been manipulated that he is not a bad guy the bad guy freaking in india and cat and he's a piece of [ __ ] and he's been taking advantage of your brother every single bank account every single um banking system has to be notified bank of america citibank yeah everybody can catch those guys we're working on it we're working but by by intervening here locally in the states we can then send this to the government and then they can connect the police in india and arrest them because they work out of call centers so that's our ultimate goal so one step at a time but most importantly we care about our own our own citizens here being taken advantage of and it's heartbreaking so just don't come down on him too hard it's not his fault these guys are very manipulative and very good at what they do and uh they're changing their story every other day so yeah i'm sorry but meanwhile this is a blessing that we show up not fbi show by the door and then they will figure out that he is innocent so yeah please help him together you guys can prevent and do all these steps and if you need anything we need we here yeah we live in l.a if you guys need anything yeah number information and um we're here to help yeah i got to get some stuff off the computer yeah delete any desk understand everything yeah because camera has remote uh remote access to his computer so he knows everything what's happening on his end yeah all right not anymore guys all right guys thank you for your time okay police number so fantastic please do sounds good guys brother we were doing a video message for you we're just making a video message for you what what no we were just trying to talk we were sending you a video but we'll tell you now we think this guy is innocent he uh he he believes that uh him and aunt kitt have a web design business together and kid has opened up bank accounts in his name all kinds of [ __ ] stolen a bunch of money from him there is any desk of course remote uh access to his computer like he owned him he was like he has my social security he has everything so uh when you were on the phone with with the guy and and kit we were standing there we could hear your voice but we didn't want to say anything because he had already told ankit that we had left so uh nice work johnny all right all right take care be careful all right okay cheers [Music] thank you all so much for watching every dark corner of this entire scam world operation that we can shine a flashlight on is a victory to us and it's all possible because of your love and support so thank you again always clicking the subscribe button below and the like button beneath this video are completely free ways that you can support our channel in our fight against scammers if you'd like to support us even more our paypal link is in the description below as well as johnny's paypal link if you want to support him directly also if you're watching this video right now that means we are mere hours away from the release of the premiere episode of fraud hunters malice in dallas our long-awaited multi-part docu-series about the most shocking scam operation we've ever uncovered it's streaming on trilogy plus our very own streaming service that you can get on apple android roku amazon fire or simply at trilogyplus.com and stream seven days for free just for checking it out love you all so much and we'll see you in the next video have a good one
Channel: Trilogy Media
Views: 314,500
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: trilogy media, trilogymedia, scambait, scambaiter, robocalls, scambaiters, confronting scammer, confront, confronting scammer at luxury apartment, scammed, cash mule, confrontation, busting a scammer, confronting a scammer, catching scammer, refund scam, money mule, scammer exposed
Id: 9E6RVGyXyh8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 1sec (2941 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 31 2022
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