Arlo Scammer Is ANGRY After I Do This!

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hello this is Russia we are listening in on your phone calls you need to get this refund immediately or the internet police will be there tomorrow someone tried to access your information are you serious so you always use the white failure all the device changes are you talking about it how's it going folks this is your boy pierogi with scammer payback thank you for watching another video with us today one of the scammers and always makes me laugh that I really like to work with are these fake are ello scammers they really get super triggered with us and we have fun time messing with them but have you enjoyed this one let's get into it hello my name is Paul I'm the technician we work on your phone feature earlier I hope you remember it oh you worked on the oh yeah I've got some weird I got a weird document could I tell you what it says on my screen this was on my this is on my desktop it says hello this is Russia we are listening in on your phone calls you need to get this refund immediately or the internet police will be there tomorrow you hang up the line with Henry immediately if you do not then we will make sure you do not get a refund immediately / jump this morning okay and what you do what do you mean what do I do and do you want to call on this number what number providing the number you are lazy working fine or not well the Allah I don't know I guess I should go check then assess if the stuffs going on please check it let me tell you more volume calling you because as they can click that someone try to act if you're in from it are you serious I knew something's been acting up that light on the Arlo's been it's been flickering a different color what was your name again honey please tell me last few days did you receive a lot of this email a lot of the junk email um I don't think so I haven't really been useful II just do my do my email on my phone we went to Costco last weekend and ever since it's been kinda we've been kind of weird because I went over to the there's a Vitamix sample station and I bumped into a gentleman and he looked like he was from Russia and he stayed he didn't say anything he stared me down and then after that my computer's been acting really weird it'd be the Russians doing it I don't know man first of all you can check it by yourself who they are and how many people they asked you into your device's of ok you can check it by yourself I will guide you some simple instructions that you need to follow and you can check it ok so you can do one thing ma'am man do you have any computer at your place yeah downstairs did you feed your computer in with anyone else oh I haven't shared my grandson's been on here does your family member right yeah my grandson okay so you are in front of the computer oh oh no you need to be down there I can go down there if you need me to please what was that ransom letter about I'm in last few days as you can check that on your server someone try to attacking on your network without your permission and everything they're gonna try to be stealing your personal information just scratching at the door it's a bird Frank Sinatra it's a bird he's worried about a bird precious okay so my next stop is turned on okay and you have the TeamViewer I can right yeah TeamViewer 14 it's blue team you are okay okay just start insert your partner's ID into the box on the left side any ID can you see that yes as your ID and password but it doesn't show any numbers right now it says insert ID to it just a bit okay how long do we need a way for this like one minute not of one minute like a thirty second this is saying in a band ma'am I talked to you last time I talked to friends and and he's he's busy on another call and they told me you can call us sometime some up time [Music] and that's the reason I call you two days and I know how many people are how many people are using your internet I've got a ring doorbell I've got four Apple watches because we've got four four kids they come over and they connect to the Wi-Fi got one of those Samsung refrigerators with the iPad we've got we've got a couple of the windows surfaces we got off a QVC I thought they was iPads and the QVC made it look like it was an iPad it was a surface and I bought it which I'm not very happy with it I've got and then we also have about every single room we live in a seven bedrooms 7 baths 5000 square foot house we have seven Alexa's in the house did you survive in with anyone is any unknown person maybe I downloaded there was a Midler movie that was just south and I downloaded that was where the Russian thing came from and I was talking with David Smith the other day yes that was right because I gave him I gave him $300 she's been working for Microsoft you can't see this can you I cannot anything okay the dot dot dot dot dot dot what do you mean the data I'm already out of computer I'm not into oh you're out of my computer yeah okay the email is cat lady Vivian what I hid after this it says sign in not a member sign up oh there's sign in okay I'm talked to my supervisor and he asked me do you have any payment receipt or phone number myself and I can give it to you I know how many times you called on this number well they call it pretended to be support a bunch of times and then when I gave him $300 to fix a virus you paid from the people yes I'm putting please put the user ID in that sort of the Arlo I mean I don't have that maybe you are looking right into your phone well here's the thing is it's already typically automatically logged in and that's my question is like what how can you fix this if I can't even get logged in because it doesn't work when I put in my password and everything optimum I will provide the password which one you want you can frame you can make on new paths but please open the our log to your phone and let me get my may know what is the name of your phone yeah there is any option into your Arlo application well I look like a settings or profile why did you guys change the icon for Arlo it's like a different color now there are love and Arlo application is update does religion is a change okay I'm pleased first opened our law application into your phone I've already been doing that honey can you just log into your stuff and fix it for me this is get a little ugly we can fake it absolutely we can fix what do you say ma'am I'm checking that I'm taking that someone tried to accessing your email and you serious calling he's Russian I think it's him doing this he's been trying to connect to our Wi-Fi for years I think he's trying to do something do you think it could be him I just got a new notification for candy crush I got some more gems for that one level 178 by the way hey Paul are you there honey are you checking yourself I'm picking on the federal room before lunch there's nothing like a sparkling water and a wonderful evening and your email addresses at Lady Vivian at if in it how did you know it was cat lady Vivien because I met you already have you are using our service you said you can't see it laughing I cannot see that I cannot see that but I had access right on change my bank password then if you say no I cannot anything only I can hit that hard oh I cannot our bank but if you want so you can change it I'm not forcing you okay so do you remember what is the path sort of they are looked Skittles 23 please please can you just fix this from your side absolutely we can fix it but I want to check on your server yes my server is not working but maybe it's my other email what which one could you please put it in for the password yeah I guess you're not gonna steal it this time I watch what a day what a day how's your weekend okay great did you celebrate the holiday yeah where are you out of welcome fella formerly power force and California could you please put your email here yes I can't she just put it on ma'am I will not the password okay well can you copy paste I would feel lazy right now so lazy Saturday could you please put your email address after that you can go get into your yes that's fine Arlo no no no I'm saying could you please put their email only the email just hold on write your email asking for the email address wise enough please put your email here okay found this is my this is my main email for this account but I think your email is Lady Vivian at vivianne Gmail found he said this he said that was the one that people people of the night somebody steal my account or something maybe ma'am I can do one thing let me check it yeah can you please why is the background black by the way because I'm working on your computer screen one time action is the only one time connection not all of the time I'm doing it I'm showing who they are and how many people and what they damaging your other security system don't worry I'm going to show you each and everything because it could be stolen by that but she said undertaken like WWE did you never watch WWE yes oh yes I love Stone Cold Steve Austin he was my favorite John Cena John Cena you can't even see him you know you do you went away to go do Hollywood stuff he's a Salas absolutely and I can see that these are a lot of the services of our lowest ring the warning air warning here let me read all these I count how many errors there are 339 there's 329 is names not eras though right there 1 2 3 4 5 years 6 years 7 over 8 I haven't had this many errors I've never seen this many I thought I had a virus on here looked like because when you when you put the user ID and password into your phone can't eat or plate but you have into your house you're right someone accessing your information without your permission if you allow me I'm gonna show you who they are and how many people you are using the Dell computer oh yes as in DHL not Indian gos but we are working in The Fault in California why is my saying is I'm connected to India no you are not going to ma'am you are using the Dell computer I don't know what isn't that the reason you can see that the current connection is 13 right so that reason there's a reason you are having in this problem in that case ma'am I can do one thing let me work wait did you write this I'm not writing I'm not trying to I'm saying let me talk to my supervisor Harris I'm saying that we talk to my supervisor I will do that for you yes ma'am yeah the Fenian technician was a man I'm sorry all right can you please leave your mouth Bob Wilson yep yes ma'am I have not rescues me I haven't I'm not clicking in anymore there's all this honey this is all the stop service what yes these services should be running but you kidding me right right just let me check it Bobby yeah what does cam camera know I'm checking out what devices connected with your computers yeah but the olives not connected to my computer why would you try to turn on the camera okay just hold on hold on give me a moment can you hear me now yes this rabbit so you always you the White Ranger all the vice changes are you talking about yeah that you use live streaming the YouTube and everything right that he opens the kind of banking information all the time talking about you do you do all these things all the time do I do these things all the time yes done you're laughing are you on the top floor a building in Calcutta yes you can say that you are because I know her that she Houston is it's really is a cute costume I'm in Calcutta right now watching watching your little enterprise that you guys have no let me know yeah do you do you think all the time or you do what do you mean do I do these things well I'm on a special assignment and that's fine I can see that your that your dress was pointing to India remember when I called that out on you you can't even hide your address do we do the things all the time what do you mean do I do the things all the time just a sentence that means live streaming YouTube and everything what are the scams do you do you just do a live like what are the other ones did you refund and check as well I bet you guys used to do right do you do refunds we check as well never we never do such kind of thing I just heard someone in the background say passwords one two three four five six you can add many of the lines by yourself many of those by yourself you can add many other lines by yourself but you used to make the money by deceiving the people and attention from the viewers then you are doing a wonderful job a lot of attention you are making money only to deceive the people right okay so you're not receiving anybody pretending to be all the many legitimate companies who are working properly but you guys never let them grow you make the money by deceiving the people by giving wrong information the script by the way I've read the script that you guys have that when you say this kind of stuff you know you miss out actually it's peachy before and I've talked to Bobby whatever his name is Bobby Smith and he has the really high-pitched voice like I knew that you guys were gonna we're gonna say this because I knew little supervisor the I got a girly voice I think you used to like earlier you were not accepting the thing now you're attempting right I was not accepting what are you talking about to do the life claiming in everybody so why would you why would you call me no I'm not live-streaming what I'm doing is I've got a we've got an operation thank you so much for watching this video if you made it you're really appreciate the love and support if you did like this video go ahead and like it subscribe if you haven't already spread the word tell your families tell your grandmas and grandpas to not get scammed by scammers thank you so much we'll see you here soon
Channel: Scammer Payback
Views: 237,241
Rating: 4.9383512 out of 5
Keywords: scam, scams, scambaiting, scammer, scambait, prank, arlo scammer, fight, phone scam, funny prank, tech support scam, trolling, scammer prank, fake customer support, hacker, scammer trolling, scamming, illegal scammers, 2019 scams, prank call, granny, vivian, arlo
Id: d1y-6YeJPZQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 33sec (1173 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 01 2019
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