[How To] Cisco Catalyst 9100 AP - Convert to Embedded WLC

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Today we're going to take a look at the new  9120 access points that have come out recently.   I got my hands on a couple of  them not too too long ago and   wanted to run them in a little bit of a lab  environment. And what I didn't realize picking   up two of them, was that you can get them in  two different modes - one is going to be the   lightweight mode that you'd use if you had an  existing controller and the other would be the   embedded wireless controller where it actually  runs the 9800 controller software on the access   point itself as a container. You know and for  my lab environment I looked at doing the virtual   version of the 9800 controller but I wanted to  save a little bit of VM space, so I decided to   look at trying to stand up the 9800 controller  embedded on the access point itself. And it   turns out that the conversion process is actually  pretty quick and straightforward. So the first   thing that we're going to do is go to cisco.com  - we're going to go over to software downloads then we'll type in the access point, in my  case it's the 9120 the AXI. Look under the   IOS-XE software and grab the bundle for the 9120  embedded wireless controller AP bundle image.   All right in my case, I've already gone ahead  and downloaded this ahead of the video so I   have an access point, one of the 9120s, sitting  next to me right now and what we're going to go   ahead and do is plug this in, plug in a console  cable, and get this thing booting up. The boot   up process is going to take a couple of minutes so  we'll go ahead and skip ahead and come back later.   All right now the device is booted up and  we're at the username and password prompt   we will go ahead and log in with Cisco  and Cisco as the username and password,   both with a capital C. We'll go ahead and  enter enable mode also with password Cisco.   First thing we're going to do is set the  hostname using the command capwap ap hostname   and the name of the access point  that you choose in my case 0xAP1 here are the software images I already have  loaded on the server. In this case I've unzipped   the file that we got from cisco.com and I have  a TFTP server running in the background. Now in   this folder we see a bunch of different images  but we're going to need only a couple of them.   We can open up the readme file which will show us  the mapping of the AP images to the file name in   the directory. In our case since we have the 9120  access point we need the ap1g7 file we will also   need the C9800-AP-iosxe-wlc.bin file which loads  the controller software onto the access point. Let's check our software version first... In this case our AP is running version 8.9 code  today. There's a little bit of a difference   depending on which version will be running, we  will use a different command to load the image.   So if we're on 8.9 or below we'll run ap-type  mobility express followed by the AP image and   the WLC image. If we're running anything higher  than 8.9 we would use the command ap-type ewc-ap   and then the AP image followed by the WLC image.  In our case we are running 8.9, so we'll go ahead   and copy the string from the top of here which I  have already pre-filled with the TFTP information. One thing I'd like to note, is that after  the access point has rebooted we will no   longer see the command prompt for the access  point itself. Instead we will see the command   line for the embedded wireless controller.  One of the cool things about the Catalyst   9100 access points is the ability to do  something that we call application hosting.   What that means is that we can essentially  run a Linux container or docker container   on top of the access point. There's dedicated  processing power and storage to allow you to   run some small containers and services on top of  the access point itself. This could be great for,   one, in this case using the embedded controller  on the access point and not having to run it on   a separate appliance or two you might be able to  find another application or use case where you   could deploy a small software application to the  access point to run something closer to the user.   One instance of that might be running network  monitoring - like let's say a monitoring agent   or like smokeping or something like that to  gather real time latency and ping statistics. All right, now that the access point has  completely booted up with the new image   the first thing we're going to see is the  same old always "would you like to enter the   initial configuration dialog". In this case  we will go ahead and say no, we'll manually   configure the settings that we need to. As I had  mentioned earlier the access point booted into   the new image but our command prompt that we see  now is not the direct access point CLI. Instead   it is the CLI for the WLC. And we'll get a nice  friendly warning up front that asks us to do the   basic day zero provisioning prior to deploying  the access point. So that's just gonna be a   couple of commands that we'll walk through quickly  here. First we will set the hostname of the WLC,   in my case I'm setting that to 0xC9800.  Next we'll configure an admin user   and provide it the privilege level as well  as a password to log into the web interface next we'll set an AP profile. So  we'll say ap profile ap-default and we will configure a management  user for the access points Next we will configure the management IP  address for the 9800 series wireless controller.   This is going to be the IP address that you use to  manage the device via SSH or the web UI. So we'll   go into interface gigabit ethernet 0 and add our  IP address configuration. Now we can exit out of   that, and set a default gateway for the management  interface of our embedded wireless controller. We want to enable the web server software on it  by doing the 'ip http secure-server' command. Once   we're done with all of that we can go ahead  and save the configuration. And we'll see   pretty quickly that we'll get the message  stating that the day zero provisioning is done   and there's a little bit of cleanup. And we'll  be able to log into our web interface shortly.   Let's go ahead and launch chrome and go to the IP   address of the WLC management IP that we just  configured. Bypass our certificate warning...   and now we have a login page. We'll log in using  the credentials that we had already configured.   And now we'll be dropped into the 9800  wireless controller dashboard, which will   give us a quick overview of how many WLANs we  have configured, how many access points are up,   if we have any clients... funny enough we're  already seeing that there are 25 rogue APs   detected in my area. So let's go ahead and  click on the access point and take a quick look.   So we'll see that we have the AP that we  configured.. So this is the underlying AP   and hostname and stuff that we configured prior  to uploading the WLC software. And it's got an   IP via DHCP. We can click on the AP and get  some base statistics on whether the AP is up,   if it's got enough PoE, what kind  of PoE, and some radio statistics. In addition we also see a setting here that says  what the current primary wireless controller is.   In this case it's the access point that  we've configured already and that we are   running the controller on today. If we  were to stand up a second access point,   which I'll be doing shortly here in my lab, the  two devices would automatically communicate with   each other and pick what the active and  standby controller is. We're also able to   manually configure one of the access points  as a preferred primary should we choose. In   the event of any failure of the primary embedded  controller, the secondary controller will come up   immediately using the same IP address and  configuration as the primary controller.   All right one additional thing that I wanted to  comment on before we finish this up... As you can   see I've switched to the software management page  that we can get to by going over to administration   and then software management. And you'll  see a couple of interesting things here.   So one thing to note about the embedded wireless  controller, is that with a normal controller   we would expect that the controller is going to  keep all of the software images loaded and handy   for when a new access point comes online and  joins. The controller is then going to send   that software image to the new access point as  it joins the controller to upgrade it and get it   to the software version that we wanted on. In the  case of the embedded wireless controller, since we   don't have a lot of space on the AP itself, we're  going to need to configure an external data source   to keep those software images. So on this  page we're going to have a couple of options..   and as you can see under mode we're going  to see TFTP, SFTP, CCO, and desktop.   So TFTP and SFTP are going to be pretty much  what you might expect. We're going to define   an external image server with an IP address, as  well as a path on the server if that's needed.   For desktop we're going to load the images  directly from the pc that we're connected to.   So if I went and just downloaded the images  straight from cisco.com onto my laptop,   I could directly upload from there. Lastly we  have the option for CCO, in which case you're   going to specify your cisco.com username and  password. And you can automatically download the   images straight from Cisco's website itself. You  even have the option to allow the controller to   automatically check for software updates regularly  and you can define whether or not you want it to   download the latest software version or  the latest recommended software version. Alright well that's all I had  for today. Thanks for watching!!!
Channel: 0x2142 - Networking Nonsense
Views: 11,741
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Cisco, Catalyst, 9100, Access Point, Wireless, AP, Wifi 6, 802.11ax, Catalyst 9800, WLC, Wireless Lan Controller, EWC, 9120axi, 9120, networking, wireless, wireless controller, eWLC, 9130, 9115, wifi 6E
Id: NBt370eiQ3I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 40sec (640 seconds)
Published: Tue May 05 2020
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