Cisco AIR-AP1142N-A-K9 Radio and Wifi Setup Tutorial

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after installing the access point into your DHCP enabled router by plugging it into one of the rj45 ports you will need to log into your DHCP table and find the access points IP address once you see the IP address you're going to copy that and you're going to paste it into your URL and this access point is set to default so the default username and password is Cisco with a capital C now that we are in the access points web interface to enable the radios we got to go to the easy set up network configuration and as you can see the aps name is AP which is default and the IP matches the IP and the URL so we're going to enable the 2.4 gigahertz radio it's the same procedure for the 2.5 so there's no use enabling both we're going to give it a name we're going to click broadcast SSID and beacon so it can be seen on the network Universal admin mode we're going to disable so security will be wet key for this purposes we're keeping this very simple we'll go over our security options in the future for this video we're going to go with what with 40-bit encryption we're going to give it a key the role of the radio network there are a few options we're just going to click on access point optimize for third port there's a few options the reports what we're going to go for channel least congested internet extensions we're going to leave enabled power maximum going to apply change and it's going to give you warning letting you know that the page will be updated you click OK to continue and as you can see the SSID is showing in the table so now we have to actually enable the radio so it can run on the network so we're going to go back home now going back to the home page you'll notice that the radio is disabled that is because even though you set up the SSID you have not enabled the radio so to do so you need to click on the radio that you set the SSID for and go to settings and enable radio you click on enable radio the settings you put forth for the SSID are all saved ready so there's no need to go over them you can look them over if you did decide to make a change this would be a good time to do so once you've looked them over and you're satisfied with the settings you click apply and it'll give you warning letting you know that the page will be updated you click OK and certain cases there's a delay before the actual radio comes up so if you click enable and apply and 30 seconds later it still hasn't enabled be patient and wait it will come up you can click on detail status to get a little more information the easiest way to make sure that radio is up enabled is enabled excuse me is to click on the home and you'll see that the 2.4 gigahertz radio is enabled now we want to actually log into it there's a network so we're going to go view wireless networks and as you see the 1142 is there we're going to connect to it as you see we're connected we're going to test it out we're going to go to a website and we're on our website as you can see we have internet connectivity and we're good if you liked this video please click on the like if you have any questions you can email us and if you'd like to purchase one at the bottom there's a link to our website where you have the option of purchasing I hope you enjoyed the video thank you very much
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Keywords: Cisco, Wifi, Access Point, networking, Router, Switch, AIR-AP1142N-A-K9, prank, public pranks, social experiment, kissing, public, prank in the hood, hood, Girls Prank, Funny Girls, Funnel prank, wake up prank, Cool Tech Trick, Awesome Top New Technology Cool Gadgets and Inventions, Technology (Industry), Invention (Literature Subject), Top new tech, review, Invention, Innovation, bend, samsung, Htc, gadgets, smartphone, free, 3D Printer, smart, wearable, Gameplay, Oculus Rift, Gaming, price, latest, Tech
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 28sec (328 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 29 2015
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