Wi-Fi, WLAN, WLC - Get (free) Hands On | Cisco CCNA 200-301

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] and hello and welcome everybody to great Wednesday afternoon Pacific time it is 4 p.m. and for me what that means is it's time to talk about some CCNA content that's gonna be important to virtually everybody here's who's studying for their CCNA if you're just joining us my name is Keith Parker it's great to have you I am CCI a 6 7 8 3 I got my first plane in 2001 another one in 2003 and I continue to learn these things about Cisco and new technologies all the time so we're grateful you're here the way these live streams work is we're gonna focus on the topic as promised in the advertisement for this live stream and then we'll take a quick pause and then do Q&A think of it like the instructors hours afterwards I got that question on the in my social when the chat said how is this different than the CBT Nuggets at CBT Nuggets where I have a full-time career we create the content for like CCNA we have 50 plus hours of content they're focused they're lab based there's hands-on labs they're in and out nobody gets hurt focusing on the topics this is more like the instructor after hours to talk about a topic chat about it share with insights about it and then take your questions so for anybody who's interested at CBT Nuggets if you haven't checked us out there's a free 7-day trial I strongly recommend you to check it out see what the hubbub is all about this is Jeremy Chara Chuck Keith myself created the CCNA content there now for our topic today is Wireless I've been watching lots and lots of videos about people's experience with the CCNA exam now it's as of this recording it's the 11th of March 2020 I have now set the exam yet I'm planning on taking it probably within the next six weeks and I'll make a little livestream about as well but I've been paying close attention to what people are saying as they've taken the exam and their experiences and one of the things that I've noticed based on my feedback that I've heard is that the there was some Wireless content there that was pretty challenging for individuals and so what I'd like to do is take just a few minutes in this livestream and talk about Wireless in an infrastructure with a wireless LAN controller access points explain how the relationship is between those guys and why we would use them talk a little bit about security and then give you a way to get hands-on practice with all those elements for free and it's pretty easy to do I've promoted and talked about packet tracer forever well not forever but since we've been doing these live streams I've been encouraging people to get their hands on practice I thought you know what is it time is it time today to break out packet tracer and the answer is yes because a lot of people don't have access points and wireless LAN controllers just laying around that they can just lab up and get hands-on practice with and so I'm going to share with you a zero starting with a green field nothing there topology with packet tracer and build it up to where we have servers clients access points controllers and a wireless client that's what we're gonna do so let's set up let's go ahead and do a plan to cover all of that and as I'm also by the way I saw a lot of people that were in the in the room is so great to see so many familiar faces and also a lot of new faces as well so our focus here is training training training and getting people better at the various technologies so let's let me create another level right here there you go all right got my camera dialed in and let's just do from the ground up we'll call it a zero to wireless local area network we won't call a hero I just want to share with you the ability to get this up running in a very short period of time and having a plan is a big part of that so here let's draw out our plan for plan we probably had to have something at the middle of our network to glue it all together and if you think what is it in a corporate network or even a home network that glues many device devices physically together and one of the things that might come up for us is a switch just a simple layer to switch it learns the source addresses makes layer two forwarding decisions it's a wonderful thing but we're gonna use as the glue for our little enterprise that we're gonna build from the ground up then we're also gonna need somewhere in the enterprise something to hand out IP addresses and for that let's use a server and that will be a D H actually you know what it's gonna be more than it's gonna be more than just DHCP so we'll call this SR VR and it can do DHCP which we're gonna need several times as we'll see here coming up and let's also make it a web server so that we can test if we're doing TCP testing to connect to various devices and let's see what else will we need we're also going to need something called a wireless LAN controller let's talk about that for a moment and then we'll I'll draw it in and then we'll talk about it so this little device where should we put it let's put it let's put it over here we'll call it W LC for wireless LAN controller and let's talk about Wi-Fi for a moment in order for use Wi-Fi all the time think about it we're on Wi-Fi networks like almost a big Buddhist Lee where are they just you go to a restaurant there's Wi-Fi you're at home there's Wi-Fi at work there's Wi-Fi and so we associate with an access point an access point and let me go ahead and draw one in when we talk about here an access point is a device that sends and receives radio frequencies think of it like the Wi-Fi signals so if we have a user let me go ahead and draw a user out here so we'll call this Bob I don't know why Bob is purple but today he is so Bob is a wireless device he associates with an access point to get access to the network wirelessly but in an environment where we have lots of devices lots maybe even several floors or several buildings we need to coordinate the access points so we have even coverage of the entire space that we need to cover and manually configuring each one of those access points like Coco you're gonna be in the 2.4 gigahertz range centered on channel 1 or channel 6 or channel done and we'll have other videos that talk more about the wireless frequencies in the 2.4 gigahertz space and the 5 gigahertz space and also some security but at the end of the day we need to have the APS placed in such a way that we can make sure that there's coverage for anybody in the oh that's purple that's I was trying to make the same color as the other guy hold on one second and let me I need a color like I'm gonna do this I'm use my pen tool I'm gonna grab that color and then I'm gonna go ahead and repeat it over here why is that purple hold on one moment why are you purple okay if we can't fix this in about two nanoseconds oh it's because I have my other tool out hold us again if I can't fix this in a few nanoseconds it's gonna be a purple ap just for a little diversity yep it's gonna be a purple ap that's how it's gonna roll all right animate close that window - all right in the heat of battle so here's another access point over here and we want to make sure that we have enough connectivity and overlapping frequency overlapping signal range so that we can actually cover the until whole network and all anywhere where Bob might want to roam and so those are all connected I couldn't bring another layer in maybe that'll help me so they're all connected to the network physically so the access points are going to be wired into the network and then as Bob associates with what an access point or your roaming associated with more than one access point that's what gives him that Wi-Fi connectivity for access into the network so that's Wi-Fi with a little dash in there so the benefit of having a controller is that if we have 10 or 20 or 30 access points we want to be able to centrally manage them and not have to go to each and every one like okay here's your configuration here's your configuration so what we do is we talk to the controller and we tell the controller the instructions what we want to have happen and then we have the access points report into the controller think of it like a manager and their staff and so the access points are going to be the staff the wireless LAN controller is the manager who's in charge of everything and so if bob connects through this access point this access point actually forwards that tunnels that traffic over to the controller where it makes the decisions on can Bob get in how I should Bob be routed and so forth and we have one Wireless LAN controller or set of them that are in charge of the entire enterprise so that's sort of the architecture I was looking at the blueprint for CCNA I grabbed it real quick and here's what it said it said describe the physical infrastructure connections of wireless local area networks including an access point so they're going to be hardwired to a switch a wireless LAN controller which is also going to be wired to a switch and it talked about some other layer to connectivity surrounding it as well and then it also mentioned about the architecture of how these guys interact with each other so now we have a server that can be a DHCP server or web server a wireless LAN controller that can be in charge of these access points and we can just make the commands here and the wireless LAN controller can talk to those access points and configure them and then we'd also probably want a management workstation as well hold on one second I'm curious why I just can't get another freakin color out of my color wheel here hold on one second let me get one more shot yeah it's like stuck and I don't know why hmm I'm anxious to uh okay there we go all right little persistence there so that we all see a management station so we could work on this so let's say this is our computer MGMT that's also connected to the switch so here's the game plan for setting up this environment and so we can manage the wireless LAN controller and the controller can manage the access points we need to have some IP addressing in place so let's plan on that collectively and let's put IP addressing in white let's use the ten network and we can use an 8-bit master I'll just save me a few typing a few keystrokes I don't have to type 255 as many times and for the DHCP server let's use 10 for the wireless LAN controller let's use dot 11 for this management client if we bring up the DHCP server first it can get an ID Peters dynamically these access points can get an IP address dynamically and Bob once he associates with the wireless network he can also get an IP address dynamically from the DHCP server so it really needs those two addresses so that's the concept I'd like to go ahead and demo and also how walk you through so you can watch this video later if you want and just get packet tracer for free just go to netacad comm sign up for a free account and then just use packet tracer and you can follow step by step with what I'm about to do and I'm just gonna do it from the ground up starting with the zero note apology there whatsoever no no pre placed devices and that way you can get a good head start with packet tracer as well alright so I'm just thinking I might have to come back to this and look at it to get a refresher on the actual IP addresses actually the only two IP addresses 10 and 11 and then as we place each of the devices we'll talk about it as we go through and our goal is for me to share with you how we can get this up and running and active in just a matter of minutes and that way it give you the framework to start practicing with wireless time controllers and managing and knowing where in the interface certain things are it's a fantastic opportunity for that so let me bring up packet tracer and let me dial this in it's just a little bit so it's nice it's nice and evenly okay so there's op there's preferences that you can set if you go to options and preferences prep you can make things show up or not show up there's lots of tuning that can be done but this is basically a flat wide-open nothing here yet network and if we go to help and about this is version 7.3 and change that I'm using so you need besides what I share with you what that version is and probably a future version you could do it as well so let's start off and let's build our topology here's how we do it I'm clicking on the logical tab up here on the top left and I'm simply gonna put a switch in so down here on the left we click on we get routers switches hubs wireless devices we're gonna click on the switch icon right here and then I just gonna drag up a 2960 nothing fancy my hands are never leave my arms just nothing too fancy basic switch all the ports are gonna be up by default it has a built in power supply so you don't have to add one that's handy it's got all that sporks are in VLAN 1 1 slap you want one slap Network and let's start let's at our server so click on this icon right here for n devices down the left hand corner and then I'm just gonna drag up a server and that'll be our DHCP and DNS and web and other options that we can specify as well so there's our server and you can rename these two if you'd like I'm just gonna leave the default names and while we're here let's bring up our management computer our PC and let's also see a server laptop great so down on the Left we'll go ahead and click on network devices right here make sure that's an envision yep and then we'll click on this little icon for wireless that's wireless devices and let's bring up some wireless devices for this demo I'm just gonna bring up a generic lightweight access point and that's worth talking about actually let's just bring in two of them an autonomous access point is one that works by itself I can do everything myself I don't need to be a part of a team I'll just be configured locally somebody can connect me with the console port that can connect to me with a TA OTF by via SSH or telnet nobody uses tell me anymore to go ahead and be configured that's called an autonomous it's all by itself when we're using access points these radio generators and receivers when we're using them in combination with a controller is referred to as a lightweight access point and that's because the access point by itself isn't doing all the heavy lifting it's part of a team it's responsible for the radio signals but it's getting all the training and instructions and all the heavy decision making processes are gonna be done by the controller which we should bring up next so there's three options for well there's several options for controllers here let's go ahead and grab the 3504 and bring it up this will be the brains for our wireless network and before we cable all these together let's let's do a couple configuration items on the server I see oh we also need a smart client let's go ahead and go back to end devices or here near the bottom left and let's bring up a smart device how smart are you we'll see once we get it all configured the other cool thing is you can hover over these guys and they'll give you details about that device so you don't have to actually have to go to the command line although again go down to the command liner to the configs or each of each one of them so the server let's give it an IP address we'll just click on it that's how easy it is let's click on it to bring it up checking my feedback monitor make sure we can see it that shows us the physical view that's the tab that we're on right there and let's let's go to config and let's get a fast ethernet zero and let's give it a static IP address based on our plan this is our server this gonna be and tab and we use the default class a mask of two 55000 that's great and also while we're here we'll go to services the services tab and say we want DHCP and we can start the pool it has a default pool here called server pool we can start handing out IP addresses at let's start at 101 and it's gonna hand out that many or could hand out that many and also let's do this here's the WLC address when a when a wireless access point boots up if it's in light-weight access mode lightweight autonomous lightweight AP mode when it gets an IP address via dhcp if it gets the option for the wireless LAN controller address which is an option in DHCP it then knows okay I have my IP address I'm gonna check in with the wireless LAN controller to go ahead and get my instructions and follow his instructions or her instructions based on how I should be what wireless networks are there what protocols are used and so forth and so handing it out from the DHCP server makes a lot of sense so that's going to be signing controller yet but we also haven't put any connectivity in her network with cables yet that's all coming so let me see if I have everything here that looks great and it's just a flat network so I don't need a default gateway at least handing out one and because there's nowhere else to go except for this 10 Network and then we'll simply click on save that updated our details here and so we have DHCP running and just to check on HTTP we have web services running by default that's great and we could also make this a radius server if we wanted to with Triple A we could say week instead of weather if we wanted Triple A clients using radius to the server we could that would be a bit beyond what we need to do for this demonstration all right so that's our server also good to go and let's set up the controller now the controller I ran through this last night and I for the for the 3504 wireless LAN control I just went to Cisco's docks looked at it and it has a console port on it so you can connect to it via console port or some basic commands to bootstrap it give it an IP address it also has a default address if we hover over this it's got a default address a management IP address of 192 168 1.1 with this last 28 but if we want to here in packet trace we can just click on it go to config go to management and we can simply specify the address we want it to use as a starting point which is what I want to do so we'll give this a 1000 11 why because that's the IP address the DHCP server is going to hand out saying that there's your wireless LAN controller and then we'll use the same mask we're using everywhere else and I think that's it I always like the in packet tracer I always like to click off and then click back just to make sure the value there is what I think it is also there's no apply and packet tracer many times it's like you put it in and it's done so that takes a little getting used to because there's no I'm not like a commit or ok button you just put it in verify it's there and you close it so we've got the wireless LAN controller at 1010 0 11 I'm sorry 1000 11 the server at 10 10 0 10 acting as a DHCP server let's wire it up so to wire it up in packet tracer you simply click on his lightning bolt icon in the bottom of 10 corner and then there's an option for auto connect that's the lightning bolt again and if you're not sure - I need a crossover cable or a straight-through cable that lightning bolt lightning bolt option it just gives you it automatically connects for you so this is connecting to our from our wireless LAN controller - the switch is showing a dotted cable which represents a crossover cable because there's switch ports on both those devices and we'll do it again and we'll go from the server to the switch that's a straight-through cable hence the black line there and then we'll do it again actually that's yeah we need to wire in the exit I'm gonna wire in the access points after we have the wireless LAN controller all set up in fact until we get that yeah I need to wire the client in because we're gonna manage the wireless LAN controller from the client all right so that yellow they are that orange amber color that you see right there that's spanning-tree one thing that's pretty darn interesting about packet tracer is that they're gonna make you wait for a spanning tree to go from it's listening to learning to forwarding state unless you turn on rapid spanning tree which doesn't have listening just learning and forwarding or if you enable port fast and we have videos of all those in the playlist here at CB tonight at CBT Nuggets we definitely have that content and CBT Nuggets but I also have some videos that here on YouTube in that playlist all right it's gone green so this laptop should be able to get an IP address if we hover over it let's go tell it so I'm clicking on that PC will go to config fastethernet 0 and will tell it to be a DHCP client just by clicking that button there we go oh 169 not good so right there and if you can see that it's showing a 169 which means your DHCP client but something did not go well something didn't happen correctly and that means our DHCP server probably isn't functioning so this is a good test before we bring the APS online I'm trying one more time yeah so 169 is the AP IP a the automatic private IP addressing assignment where the client says I need to get via D I need to be a DHCP client discover and then something doesn't happen the discover process the d'Oro process doesn't happen and then says well I guess I'll take 169 address that I just pulled out of my ear and use that but it's not good this is a problem this is a troubleshooting problem so let's go back to the server and click on services DHCP and right there look at that always works better when you enable the service great so that's why we test as we go all right so now that it's enabled let's go back to our client and we'll bounce him from static back to DHCP and I'm hoping for a 10.0 0.0 s and that's how the and that's how the livestream went so I'm just gonna move that so I've got connectivity so it's not the switch and spanning-tree holding me up let me try oh I was looking at the wrong okay I'm in the wrong place and interface fasting at zero there it is 1000 102 is the IP address that it has I was simply on the wrong field okay so to test this let's do this let's go to the desktop on this client this laptop and bring up a command prompt and let's do an IP config they borrowed a few Windows commands for this little virtual machine and let's do a ping to dress of the server yeah great okay step by step we're gonna make progress here and that's how we do in a production environment too you can figure something verify it move forward all right so our PC is good let's go to our controller by clicking on it and we've already specified the management interface here great so now that's in place here's how we can bootstrap the wireless LAN controller from our PC we simply go to our PC and we bring up a browser Chrome Firefox Mozilla Edge you name it whatever you want to bring up so you bring up a browser in the emulator here this little button for it and you go to HTTP and it's 1000 dot the IP address of the controller this is a new controller that has not been configured with an administrator password or anything else yet and then we'll simply click on go and with any luck it's gonna be it's gonna bring up this page right here as I smile which gives us the chance to bootstrap this Wireless LAN controller and so it wants us to create a user account an admin account I'm gonna use a dmin I'm gonna use a password with upper and lower case alphanumeric at least eight characters it has some minimum requirements if you don't put them in the minimums it'll tell you and say this is not good so I'm gonna use uppercase C lowercase is CEO exclamation mark 2 3 and I'll repeat that now you might say Keith why did you tell everybody well in case they forget halfway through the demo you can remind me hey Keith this is the password all right so that's the admin password we'll click on start and let me give us a little more real estate here and it's asking for a name for this new system also see up here that where it says 2500 series guess what's gonna be very similar when you configure the wireless LAN controllers they're all gonna be very similar so it looks it looks like to me and packet tracer either they forgot to update that one field on top or or in the life I can't imagine the live production environment that they left that banner but I noticed that when I did it last night I thought yeah it's like looking like an older wireless LAN controller okay I'm gonna name this our wlc and then it's gonna scroll down it's asking for the management IP address which we're gonna leave at 10 0.0 11.43848 /transform abc123 ABC or something and that's the password that's being used when a client wants to authenticate or associate with the network they have to have that same pass for that pre-shared key if we choose wpa2 enterprise what that means is that we're using some type of a triple a server a triple a server is a fancy not like Automobile Association of America a triple a server is a server that sits there and says I know a lot oh yeah what do you know triple a server and this triple a server also sometimes called an authentication server or our radius server or authentication or tac-x server sometimes if using that protocol it says I know what usernames and passwords are directly or I'm tied to Active Directory I can pull it from there and I also know who I'm willing to talk to and give that information so we could configure a wireless LAN controller to do authentication with a radius server so when the client authenticates they put in their credentials the wireless LAN controller would take those credentials pass them over to a triple-a server who would say thumbs up or thumbs down and then pass back the news the good news with bad news so the client could authenticate so wpa2 or better is what we should be using and in this lab for brevity we're gonna use wpa2 personal with a pre-shared key that way we don't have to set the radius server in addition but you know what I did that yesterday also hooked just for practice works like a champ so those options are all yours inside a packet tracer when you're setting up a wireless environment so if we chose wpa2 Enterprise it's going to ask for the Triple A server if we choose wpa wpa2 personal is just asking for the passphrase so let's use I'm going to use the same path it would be a bad idea in production to use the same password to log into the controller as the same password that you're gonna have when people authenticate via the wireless network but I'm gonna do it so I only have one password floating in my brain and that is uppercase Cisco I'm just going to type it out it's hard to chew gum and walk for some sometimes for me all right and it looks like it took it and I'm going to click on next it used this virtual IP address of 192 0 2.1 for internal communications with is access points we don't need to change that unless you a reason to so I'm gonna leave that as the default and that was giving us a summary okay here's what you got going on user name name of the wireless LAN controller the IP address default gateway the name of your first Wi-Fi network the type of security you're using and the management virtual IP address we'll click on apply it says ok I've got a reboot and we can go ahead and close this browser because when we connect back to this wireless LAN controller we need to do it on HTTPS which is using security and the services of SSL / TLS to protect all the traffic between the management station the PC we're sitting at and the actual wireless LAN controller so I'm gonna click on this little X here which closes that browser on this laptop that we're sitting at and I'm not gonna try to login yet via HTTPS and I'll tell you why the people who created packet tracer which is Cisco they built in it's a simulation but they built in a lot of the delays like spanning trees gonna make you wait when you're booting up a server for the first time we're booting up a new services rebooting they're gonna make you wait a little bit and that's good because it gives you a kind of a feel for the real world like why this isn't working now we should be working now things take a few moments to boot and initialize and now that I've given it a few moments I'm gonna click on HTTP for my laptop and let me scroll the server so we can see it all right and go back to the laptop so this desk this browser window represents coming off of this laptop right here and we'll go to http whack-whack 10.0 10.0 that 0.4 i click on go' last night I couldn't get this worried I was like I can't get there I had transposed the IP address I would I had the wrong IP address so when planning out your topology you might want to jot down the IP address as you plan on using and stick with them that way you remember where stuff is so I'll click on go it logs us into the wireless LAN controller click on login I'll put in the username that we set up which was admin I'll type in that top secret password of capital C is CEO exclamation mark two three and it's also got me last night too is that if you just press ENTER it's not going for this login button so for this login after you put your password in please dick login that's ten minutes of my life I'll never get back I mean I tore it down I rebuilt it like what oh I just got a click on login as opposed to pressing enter so there's our physical interferes a this this looks very much like a live wireless LAN controller interface it's amazing so if you're curious like where would you go in the wireless LAN controller to configure the the authentication type or where would you go in the controller to do XYZ a few minutes in this will give you that practice of where it is so if we clicked on like if we scroll down a little bit how come this guy has no access points look at that total access points zero not none and it's just occurring to me that yeah we haven't connected these access points to the network so we should probably do that before we continue because it's gonna be pretty boring with a controller with no access points to control so to connect these two in we'll go ahead and I'm clicking on the connector connector tool and then the lightning bolt again to use that automatic cable selector it's a straight through cable based on the output here do it again and then this is another I love this I absolutely love this feature you see how the the link indicators are here you can turn those off if you want you can go to edit and preferences and turn our options preferences and turn them on or off so you don't see them but it's handy because on the left hand side this is showing it should be showing spanning tree with the amber LED saying spanning tree hasn't gone to forwarding state yet so this is the that switches the routes which there's nobody else to compete so all of that support should be designated and forwarding but this this guy's never gonna recover or go over we can see that red right there that red next the exes points means we are down like on a router by default the interfaces are down by default and on an access point they shouldn't be down by default but you know what every access point loves it loves either power over ethernet which is a great solution to deliver the power over the same mechanism you're delivering the signals with from the switch or it loves a little transformer plugged in so check this out if we click on the Trent on this access point here showing us the physical view I'll zoom in a little bit and on this physical view see that little D see that little power connector there say oh it's empty painful so to solve that you're gonna take this power supply and drag and drop the connector and plug it in bunk and you'll notice that little indicator went to green because this access point is now on now in the background what's happening spanning-tree says hey there's somebody there so the switch is gonna take its merry little time going through listening and learning with traditional spanning tree or learning and forwarding with rapid spanning tree B the way there's a delay there because port fast isn't enabled you could also do that if you wanted wait wait that port eventually will go to green on the switch at which time the client this access point will do DHCP Dora discover off a request acknowledgement the access point will get an IP address and a bunch of options one of those options will say hey here's the wireless LAN controller address at which time the switch the access point says hey ok great I'm gonna go ahead and report into the access to the wireless LAN controller and a link up with them and receive his instructions for our cap lap tunnel cap WEP is the language of love between an access point and the controller so most of that should have already happened we can also just hover over this and see see how we're hovering over that it says cap will happily get my other pin out and that guy so right here it says oh it just went away darn um when you hover again and get rid of my pin love to just watch it in hover mode oh it's connected now so right here oh I see what I did I moved the mouse so it says cap WEP status connected meaning it's connected over to 1000 11 the controller and also look at that huh how did this access point know about supporting the Wi-Fi network called Wi-Fi one and the answer is it's getting its instructions from the control so let's bring in another one as well that's this guy second access point drag up the power supply we can just win a lot faster because we know what's going on now and then if we hover over it it's saying it doesn't have an IP address yet it's not associated with a controller yet but that'll all change just like a live environment spanning trees got to give up you know traffic flow on the switch port then the client the access point will get an IP address via DHCP then I'll report to the controller then they'll take about 10 to 15 seconds to figure that out and then eventually we're gonna have an access point that's in cahoots with the controller and other controllers controlling both of those access points so we can go to the controller and look at the details create new VLANs our new Wi-Fi networks I should say and all that information dynamically gets pushed out to these access points so just can give one more moment for the second access point to get an IP address and also to associate with the controller doo-doo-doo-doo doo-doo-doo-doo it's on its way all right I'm almost empty oh there we go so it has an IP address press and now the next step would have an association with the controller via cap web it's a fun game the waiting game there we go all right so it's all set so if we go back to the controller and the way we're managing this controller is from this management laptop we've got a browser session with HTTP over to the controller for management if we go back here and the access points it says zero but we need to do a refresh because that's the screen I left it on so we'll click up here on the up let me see if it's or my face is in the way sorry and move it over so we'll click around refresh that should refresh the screen wait for it wait for it if not we'll just log back in and I don't see him I don't see him I'm willing to log out and log back in because that'll force it to be shown up usually a refresh will do that for you if they're really associated click on log in now there we go alright that refresh button in the upper right by the way in a production wireless LAN controller will refresh this page and it should show that the two access points are there so if you scroll down a little bit it cracks me up internal temperature 31 degrees Celsius sure it is you're a simulation anyway so here's the access point so we have two that are up currently as far as rogue APs we have no rogue ApS that are showing up and if we click on the wireless lans tab it shows our one wireless local area network called Wi-Fi one if we wanted to create a new one we could go ahead and simply click go next to create new create a new one in fact well let's let's get one working and then we'll come back and tweak for this one bart wireless LAN we click on it we can go ahead here and under the general tab we can specify details is it enabled or not under Security tab here's where we can specify the type of authentication and security that we're using if we're using triple-a servers it's here we'd specific triple-a if we had a QoS policy it'd be under the QoS to have all of this are under the details of that wireless network this is actually part of the profile for that wireless network that were looking at and so not every features implemented in packet tracer but it's I'm ok I'm ok with it I used to teach back when it was a certification CCNA Wireless I taught that at CBT Nuggets in that course if you're a CBT Negus member or if you want to subscribe into trial they're still the CCNA Wireless course which goes through on a wireless LAN controller the details and in degree D gonna house set everything up and set up security and and eat and 802 dot One X and additional features but as far as learning the basics of where stuff is is a great way to go so the controller Wireless here's our two access points security which is where we'd set up our radius server information mat and so it only takes if you lab this up and go through the tabs it's pretty easy in just a couple passes in a few minutes to kind of remember where stuff is also if you want to create a new wireless network that's also a great exercise you go back to wireless lans click on create new and you put in the details for the new wireless LAN wireless LAN and the only thing I forget is there's a button for enable and just like an alive controller if you don't click on enable the new wireless let network will not come up alright so that is the wireless LAN controller I am going to leave that window up we are that's from the perspective of the clap the client laptop who is managing the controller and let's bring in the smartphone to the party so we'll click on the smartphone oh it's gonna hover oh so great see house house it has a 169 address it there's it has no connectivity to a wireless network so it's lost so we'll click on it go to config and we'll go to Wireless 0 and we'll put in our Wi-Fi network which I'm gonna hover over one of these access points which was Y Wi-Fi - one alright so we'll go back to that device we'll type in that SSID Y - fi - one was it weather or two dashes I need to go check I'm so sorry I want to make sure I get it right and no - I didn't put a - put that together anyway it was me so it's Y Phi Wi-Fi - one and then we're using wpa2 with a PS key which is fancy for pre shared key a manually hard-coded key and it is uppercase Cisco I move this over just a little bit because I want you to see something amazing when we connect it'll actually show the association between the smartphone and the access point so it's is Co exclamation mark - 3 press ENTER and just wait for it if yeah and the crowd goes mild it associated with the access point and if we looked at the type you dress right here in the bottom right can you see that on the screen yeah here it's 1000 106 it's been given an IP address from the DHCP server that because it's now associated with the network and we have access that's that's it soup 2 functioning Wi-Fi network involving two access points a controller a DHCP server and a client from the ground up and from the time I started it's less than 30 minutes and that's with me explaining it as we went through now what should happen is if we click on the screen and I click on this little back delete key here now it gives me the the black axe of death this is the delete option sometimes it is tricky because this is the select option that's the delete option so before you click on delete make sure you've clicked somewhere else in the topology so it's not I'm gonna delete the device that you're looking at so I'm like I'm selected this access point I'm selecting the server I'd want to click away on something else and then click on delete I get the X and I'm going to take this cable between the switch and access point 0 and take a look at the smartphone it lost connectivity and it reassessed it with another freaking access point which is how it should work so it's pretty darn amazing and then I'm gonna go back to the Select view up here not the delete go back to the smart phone and go to the desktop for the smart phone and just go to browser and let's go to the web server it's still a web services will click on go and there's the home page for this web server here's a small page back here's copyrights back here's the image page back here's the image back so it's pretty darn functional and I want to share with you one other thing before we take a quick pause and then take questions it's really easy to add new networks with wire with a wireless LAN controller you just you go to the controller you go to the wireless LANs you click on create new you put in the details but kind of authentication you go you're set it's also quite easy to add a triple-a server if you need any heads-up on that the online documentation at Cisco is great my course called CCNA Wireless which is still available at CBT Nuggets have a wants to watch those pieces that's still available and you can also follow this video the stream and just build this from scratch so here's all what else I want to share with you that is this this is the logical view if we clicked on physical view right here and then we use this option called intercity and just went right to the wiring closet so I'm going to click on rack so I clicked on the compass clicking on rack and then click on jump for those people who really need a taste of that physical aspect here's the rack of the gear we just put on the topology in the logical view a tract is for us Power Distribution on top then we have our switch shows all the connectors and then we have the server and then we have the two access points and then we have the wireless LAN controller and if we clicked on them right here it brings up the menu for it once again so at the command line there's not too much we can do with the actual controller but if we're looking at a case that we're looking at the server just click on the server here it brings up the window for all the services you can take care of all of it right here yeah it's it's pretty darn cool as a learning tool because it lets you go from nothing to a full functioning network in about 30 minutes and then you can start building on that and tearing it down practicing again I also want to share with you something that's pretty interesting and that is let me just bring up a window so I can make sure I'm giving you the right scoop here hold on one second hi this is the side of the headshot I'm just gonna bring this up in incognito so I can verify whether or not it works anywhere without any cookies yeah it does let me bring it up then alright thanks for your patience so this is a web page web page that I've had for a while I haven't really used it in a long time but it's called the Keith Barker calm and you know if you scroll that house videos you can subscribe it says links to my YouTube videos you can subscribe for YouTube but right here in this window right here a Cisco PT it has let me bring this up just a little bit more there we go oops wrong window this link right here the Cisco PT wireless LAN WLC network that's the network I built last night I saved it as a zip file and if you'd like to go to the keith Barker com click there it'll download that zip and then I'll use packet tracer and you can open it up so I would encourage you to build it on your own from scratch but if you want to compare and contrast like oh this isn't working why isn't working either go through the video or go through the live stream recording again or you can just look at my packet tracer file and literally everything I just did short of removing that link from the first access point is all right there in that file alright I appreciate the opportunity to chat with you in these live streams it's a lot of fun for me and a little heads up at CBT Nuggets I just finished what day is it it's Wednesday happy Wednesday I just finished on Monday video aand on that at the ccmp level and i am preparing to finish this week a series of videos on CBT Nuggets regarding multicast routing I used to teach that at the CCA level and as I start to study that again I'm like feels it feels good it feels good because I have a major edge on somebody's who's seeing it for the first time but the opportunity to teach it and lap it up and dive back in with the stark emojis and the Eskimo cheese and PIM and sparse mode and dense mode and rendezvous points and all the multicast addresses involved it's a lot of fun so what I have to do is I'm gonna go ahead and take a quick sip of water and grab some yeah grab some water when we come back if you have any questions at the CCNA level my focus for this little channel these days is CCNA if you have any questions about what we've just covered or packet tracer in general anyway answer it just do an at Keith Barker so it gets my attention and then select my name and then do your question that way I can see him because there's been a lot of questions going up and down I'll just start from now going down so if you did something earlier that didn't get addressed that you want to ask regarding CCNA please feel free to do it I also want to give a shout out to a lot of great people who are moderating in the discord Channel if you haven't joined that yet and want a place to chat and discuss and think about CCNA related things that's the place to do it and I'd like to thank all the moderators who have volunteered you know their time to when they're in there answering questions or escalating questions and in discord if there's ever a chance or an opportunity where it's like okay we've talked about this Keith what do you think just at oh gee of I T you'll find my link there and I'd be happy to jump in and that's probably the best way to reach me these days I also have an email at contact at the Keith Barker comm but I only check that like once a week and sometimes that gets pretty full with a lot of stuff so the discord is probably the best option to reach me if you want to alright um subscribe if you haven't already enjoy the journey as you learn share with other people what you've learned and then keep on growing and my goal for everybody on this channel is to have you outgrow what we're talking about here become a master at it and then come back and help other people in their journeys because it's a lot of fun it also helps those people who have already learned it to read by teaching it it helps reinforce those concepts in your mind alright so I'm grabbing some water and I'll be back in just a few moments and what we'll do is we'll take Q&A for I've got a commitment well I need to leave at 6 p.m. Pacific time which is an hour in 10 minutes so my time is yours up till then if you want it so I'll see you back in just a moment [Music] life is a winding road no telling where it goes driving through days and nights won't stop for traffic light ok we are back and again I'm just gonna take a look at starting now going down for any questions that come up to have my name associated with them because I know there's a lot of questions are being answered by other people which is fantastic thank you what I want to share with you oh maybe later ok darson saying the websites gonna increase from now on yep it's gonna probably have a few more hits and if you like the packet tracer labs I think we could also if you're into that we could also do some more troubleshooting to where I have a whole topology and I say here's the whole topology it's all great except this doesn't work why and it could be a layer 2 problem it could be a layer 3 problem it could be an access control this problem so if you'd like to see packet trace or troubleshooting Labs in discord in the recommended videos let me know because that's where I'm going these days to look and see about topics from the group make sure I get what you want alright root beer welcome root beer glad to have you do you have any cyber ops content not on this mmm so I've I've been on YouTube since 2009 and there's a lot of videos here that I have created so I'm bound to have many many security related videos but for cyber ops what Cisco did was they didn't they were keeping the cyber ops associate I'm based on the feedback allotted from this channel I've looked into it and there's gonna be a new test that's gonna be given for Cisco cyber ops and CBT Knights will be making content on that but as far as this channel my goal is to do CCNA only sort of like the instructor hours chatting helping people working on CCNA those types of things and probably most of the ten outside of CCNA I won't be focusing on here like I I had a temptation the other day I was doing ei GRP oh I can show this and then I realized you know what Keith stay on target stay on target your this community who's studying for CCNA is going to appreciate it if I stay on target and that's what I'm going to do so probably not too many topics outside of CCNA on this channel if you're looking for CCNP level content I probably have a few dozen videos on CB on on YouTube already but as far as this playlist and the focus going forward for quite a while it's going to be CCNA but I'm glad you hear root beer fantastic to have you alright and then you bring the mic over SPO eighty white underscore yote is saying something about a four digit code so the I don't I don't know if that's in regards to so if you could rephrase that with a few more words that would be really helpful let me also reap aced the link to join the discord server which is right there just did it and that's a web link so you open that from a web browser and that'll take you and if you have the app installed for discord it'll still get you from the web it'll get you dialed in so you can join us love to have you and Michael's asking hi Michael welcome are you ever going to walk through some of this Cisco's small business products RV routers in connection with packet tracer mmm because those I don't recall those being anywhere on the CCNA I probably am not gonna focus on that so my apologies there if I finds like for wireless I was I was reminded it from a lot of discussions from people who have recently seen an exam that the wireless LAN controller stuff is something that's horribly lacking and for people's experience an exposure and that's why I wanted to take a few minutes and create that stream today to let you know that packet tracer can be used for wireless LAN controllers to give you a quick and easy way to set it up practice with it and once you practice with it a few times you can answer if you need to answer questions about or even work with it you know where stuff is and that's really the tricky part is which tab do I go to to configure the security the triple-a server to add a new wireless network see the status of the radios etc okay thanks for that question are shims asking I had our stating I have a valid CCNP awesome and I'd like to tackle CCA some times this year do I need to start from CCNA what would be my cert track well if you have a current valid CCNP what I would see is this is tricky for me this is new ground because even though I have a couple CCS and I have lots of friends who are currently working in the current CCNA field it used to be where you'd have a CCI written which was geared towards the CCI now it's just a core exam from the track you want to go to security or enterprise and so the prerequisites for your CCI is the core exam from that track so you have to take that so that would be the starting point you'd want to you need to pass that exam hmm if you currently have a CCMP I think you still have to take the current core exam as a prereq for the CCA I think the SLE Cisco's playing it so that's where I'd start identify the track that you want to go on whether it's enterprise or security or data center or whatever it happens to be and then focus on the blueprint for that core exam download it look at all the bullet points rank yourself one to five five of them an expert one I don't know what that is and then make sure you're at least a four or better on all of those items and then for CCIE prep I still feel pretty strongly that I've always felt this way that you really couldn't eat accompany coach a company to help give you work with materials so you can laser your focus on those technologies which are most important it was true back in 2001 I believe it's true now - and to do that you need a company that's on top of it somebody has many CCA's that are being certified every month not just like we had two people three months ago but people that are actually that way that you can validate that their content is on topic like when I was studying my first CCIE back in 2001 it the blueprint was pretty clear and and the training material I had was pretty clear but they had specific tasks one of them was phones voice over IP and I've told the story before but the short version is I didn't want to study that's tired I eight months for you know four days a week studying for my CCIE it's like I'm so tired I don't want to do it anymore and Ed genese who is CCI six seven eight four I'm CCA six seven eight three we studied together he encouraged me and said you need to study this noodle apps and I did the labs and having that hands-on practice with those topics based on a vendor's you know workbooks that I could actually practice through gave me enough experience with that so that in the lab in the last few minutes of day one it was two days back then like hammer I hate him picked up that one phone the other one rang Kathy the proctor at the time was right there she heard the phone ring and I thought I have a chance of continuing to tomorrow based on having enough points I believe and then I didn't sleep well that night so for si si se CAE focus on the core make sure you're good with those and then probably line up with some good workbooks from a CCI a focus company and there's several there's several good ones in the world and in the states I any intern network internet work experts which I worked for many years ago like ten years ago is a good one they're nice they're a good solid company they make CCIE and CCNP NCC make content as well but I can speak from experience and also annoying people that have currently worked with them they're a good company I would endorse them and there's some in other parts of the world too they're equally good alright Darshan's asking how to get seamless connectivity when there are multiple wireless LAN controllers and do they try okay as far as the enterprise and working with wireless LAN controllers and trunking and backhauling traffic and all those topics that are important for a functioning wireless network my goal for the CCNA level is do you know on the wireless LAN controller where things are like if I wanted to add a new case in point if we wanted to add a new wireless network if I could find my freaking mouse there it is found my mouse almost out of mouse mouse attack camp house if we want to add a new wireless LAN controller how would we go about that but back to the logical view go back to our laptop here's our controller I think we would go to maybe Wireless local area networks which rat and create new click on go we specify a profile will call this profile - and we'll call it Wi-Fi - and apply and now we're looking at the profile - which is associate with this new Wi-Fi network so he goes security and specify the type I see here so we can enable it here and then why are oh I see none that's why there's like I was like why are there no options for pre-shared keys and stuff so you select the type of authentication you want to use then you can specify the details down here pre-shared keys you put in the key here you can specify Triple A servers that are specific for that that group that profile there's the QoS policies mappings and advanced and apply Oh at least one WPA policy must be enabled my my xq them apologize okay how about wpa2 great we use wpa2 and then we'll click on apply oh and this is Keith you call for a pre-shared key you probably put one in Cisco one two three all right apply all right so now that's done what should be able to happen is that information we just configured on the controller should be I'll save this so that if we reboot the controller will keep it now that information that we just configured on the controller should be pushed down to the access point so we look at the access point the one that's still connected and hover over it see it has those two wireless networks there so we could in theory and why not just do it what's the name of that guy Wi-Fi Wi-Fi - - great so we can go to the smart phone and go to config and go to Wireless and change it to Wi-Fi - too and I'm using the same password and it should still work now let me go ahead and take off they put on the wrong password oh okay one two three four let me put in the wrong password okay so the wrong password is here we disassociated he's not there anymore and I put the right password back on that changes his attitude so as far as backhauling and keeping the same IP address in a different VLAN even if he crossed multiple access points beyond the scope of what CCNA wants you to know but what they do want you to know is on the wireless LAN controller using the GUI I mean it says so specifically it says can you go back to the big screen it says config this is 22.9 on the blueprint for CCNA configure the components of a wireless LAN access for client connectivity using GUI only such as wireless LAN creation just did that security settings did that to the QoS profiles which was we didn't put any specific there but it was there next to that and also advanced Wham wireless LAN settings those are those four tabs when we went to the details for that profile for that wireless LAN that we created those are the four tabs so if they're asking what's on those or you know what I just look at the blueprint go to the packet tracer practice a few times and you'll know where they are and the cool thing is this if you and I after we practice the packet tracer if we went to a corporate environment and they asked us - hey can you check out the settings on this wireless LAN controller we would know to open up a browser with HTTP connect to the wireless LAN controller with the right credentials we'd know where to go and when check the values and check the settings I mean it's it could be that simple all right oh let's see here I have a question from Dimitri oh thank you for that asking what is the link for the packet tracer file and all it is this is not the application you get the out packet or a packet tracer application from netacad comm login their sign up for a free account if you already have one and just download the packet tracer from them free and they're happy to have another person learning packet tracer learning Cisco is what the intent is so make copy the link where my site is and it is the Keith Barker comm I just pasted it a moment ago thank you for that request okay all right Gino is asking as awesome as the original gangster of AI t-shirt is where can I get one I don't I don't actually monetize anything on YouTube these days but let me think about how let me think about some reasonable way that I could get individuals who are supporting this channel which me really means that are learning or they're supporting others who are learning and get them rewarded with some shirts because I've got I ordered about a hundred for Cisco live last year they all got deplete most of them got depleted at Cisco live I've got a few reorder I've got a few left I'm gonna order some more for Cisco live in June as well let me figure out a clever way to get those to people for I wanted it for free but my challenge is shipping overseas and things like that it's not always really cheap like these shirts I buy them in bulk for like maybe twelve dollars eleven dollars i I got three samples is my og of I t-shirt and the sloth is wearing one right now I got three samples of shirts I thought which one it I washed all three of them twice and I said okay which one of these shirts would I want to wear cuz it feels so good and just you know it hangs well on the body it feels soft it feels like a good shirt not one that you just get at a trade show and that's the one I came up with is that try blend which I think in bulk they're like eleven bucks to me and so I'd be happy to give those away to but let me figure out a way to do it there won't cost $30.00 I feel so I did that originally I had a few people in Europe that I shipped to and it was like thirty bucks for one shirt mmm there's gonna be a better way so I'll fit I'll sort that out give me some time to think about that if you'd be patient with me I'll find a way to get every every warm-blooded og of i.t fan who's either learning CCNA or wants to help other people see Sydney or just loves networking I'll the way to do it edgardo thanks for the super chat again not required ever but I appreciate that I want this to be a resource that everybody can use okay do you know says root beer hey root beer do you know if packet tracer has external connectivity via host like gns3 I've seen I'm behind the pit I'm behind the curve with the new version of packet tracer I know there's options for learners like students to merge their projects together so they can talk to each other but I don't know of the options if they exist about merging packet tracer with the outside world even in a tricky way so let me look into that actually if you could do me a favor root beer on discord if you put that in the suggestions folder any one of them just do it at oh gee of IT suggestion so I'll be sure to see it that way won't forget and that way I can go through my list and make sure I follow up on that because I think if it's off if it's an option I would love to do that I mean Latinas 3 if you saw my old videos back in like 8 years 7 years ago a long time ago when I was doing my first genus 3 series on 800 8 or whatever it was I had some fantastic times in connecting that genus 3 environment to the physical world and I oh I still love doing that I have I now use VMware Workstation Pro because it's just so darn convenient with all its bells and whistles for virtualized environment and you can link those to public networks or to your physical networks and wireless networks and that's fun there's something about merging virtual and and physical gear and networks that is just how fun also when they did CCNE Wireless check this out when it's CCNA Wireless I had physical access points and then I had a virtual wireless LAN controller and all of them thought thought they're on the same network there's a lot of fun ok yeah so have is stating since CBT Nuggets hasn't launched on core yet what should we do to prepare good question I'll get the blueprint I would get a book I mean most people are gonna use several study materials what I've discovered when I was teaching back in the day I was doing ie level training like maybe 10 12 years ago and everybody talked to I say what are youse in the study and they were using all the major vendors products to study most of them and because their reason the ones that were reasonably priced they weren't going to three different $10,000 boot camps but they were getting the books and labs and so forth so I would say get a book not every book is gonna be perfect but Cisco press has some good books that are oh they're on core book isn't quite out yet either I just looked yesterday for somebody so as soon as the Cisco press a wait it's out what was I thinking oh it was a security book that wasn't out my apologies because I've been I've been the Encore book from Cisco press which Jason Cooley and three other authors wrote there's no such thing as a perfect book but it's a good resource and so I would say get a book go to amazon.com do 350 - 400 1 which is the exam number for encore see what people are saying if there's two or three choices we're getting us a book take the one if it has more than 20 or 30 votes that's a 4.5 or higher that would be a good move and I think the Cisco press book is a good resource as well I use it as I study and also I use three or four different resources to when I study I do I use the official documentation almost every time I want to see what Cisco is saying about Cisco like that inside net outside was their position what are they saying and then I have other training resources that I go to and so I have a Safari books online account which gives me access to the whole technical library from Safari and Cisco press it also includes videos I am longtime fans of many trainers that are out there Kevin Wallace is a great resource we used to work together many many years ago I probably known him for 18 19 years and so where we find training that works for you that you can trust that's also a big thing I would use that so thanks for your interest an encore from CBT Nuggets I wish it was done I do my part I see here I have one last part the last part I have I may have two parts left I have one or two parts left and my parts will be done by the end of March but which is within of this date it is less than 20 days away I'll be completely done however it's a team effort there's a lot of people Jeremy chars working on it with us Chuck Keith is working on it with us a lot of great Jeff Kish is working on it with us Knox Hutchinson's working on it with this I believe yeah so five trainers all working on it and then once it's made and uploaded it's all it's it's we do peer reviews and tune it to a really good amount we want to make sure everything's right we have labs we'll make sure the labs all work and so if you're willing to wait we're glad to have you if you can't wait start studying it don't let it hold you back but it's it's gonna be done it is I've seen the content I've made I've seen the content Jeremy's made I've seen the content Knox is made and Jeff so far up to this point and it's all very very good so it'll be worth the wait alright so risky's asking is it possible to connect package Meister to the internet if it's possible to bridge packet tracer to a physical or wired network which I need to investigates on my list then yes it would be I mean once we get to any network then you have that same connectivity and you can add it out to the public network as well but I haven't I haven't heard a lot about that so I'll have to see what the actual result is of that can the two aps and different Wi-Fi profiles communicate with each other so one of the benefits of having a dharshan one of the benefits of having a controller is that those ApS can work together so we could have certain ApS there supporting certain Wi-Fi networks and certain ApS it or not we could also dial down we could do site surveys and dial down the amplification from 100 percent to 80 percent so it doesn't spill over into an unintended area so as far as can they communicate with each other it's really the the controller that's getting all the data and making calling all the shots as we're coordinating it a pattern that will cover the entire network so if they're seeing each other signals they're communicating that information of who they see and so forth back to the controller who can then make sense of it all right Milo's welcome I looks like Milo's has a question what do you recommend using for remembering the steps commands for configuring certain configurations for real works mind maps regular text with explanations lab examples so for me for like if there's a if there's a five step process to do something I'm a good one of her documentation documenting our processes are one of the most critical overlooked steps that many people forget to do so if like rolling out or onboarding a device there should be templates involved in steps and change control that's followed and so ideally when we have to do something that's new or repetitive ideally we have a checklist and we can automate a lot of that to get all the pieces done and not forget and that a lot of times security breaches come in to companies because somebody was in a hurry they rolled out something and they forgot to turn off dynamic trunking for example Danny amick trunking if it's on and we have that port hanging off in a cube somewhere and somebody gets Kali Linux and they plug in they form a trunk they now have access to every single VLAN in our enterprise known yeah no need to go through any router security because we now have direct access to all those VLANs with a port that wasn't configured so a template as far as me memorizing things how would I memorize I usually make act like mnemonics like we had a video on the OSPF neighbor states and I thought what's a good way to remember this and I thought let's make a mnemonic so I made the mnemonic of I T elf you know the I T elf who helps people at Christmas the IT hell elf who helps people at Ramadan or whatever your holiday is I should say the IT elf is there to help neighbor ships and if you think of IT elf and you say it a few times it's hard to forget if you see the picture you've now heard it see the picture and then it's just a matter of saying oh I T elf in it to a X start exchange loading in full I guess I know these neighbor states and that stuff is hard to forget so that's one way of doing it with the mnemonic of some type hands-on practice is a great thing like one of the things that's surprising some people is ad administrative distance which has nothing to do with which route from the routing table is going to be selected which is a common mistake ad has everything to do with who got into the routing table I mean once routes are in the routing table then it's a whole nother ballgame as far as which ones are chosen so I have a video in this playlist called the the master plays called why routes have to win twice we have to get in the routing table then they have to be selected from the routing people based on the longest match so where was I going with oh yeah so for CCNA there's no EIGRP officially right to sell the blueprint to test this fare and there's no BGP it's on the blueprint however if we were asked you have the same network of ten ten ten zero with a / 24-bit mask and it's being advertised by external BGP and EA GRP and rip and OSPF which one is which one of those routes would be in the routing table and then that's the moment in an exam where you'd say oh I wish I'd studied that a little bit not studied tigr P or is is or external or internal BGP external BGP but rather just knowing what those values aren't a big really important way of learning that is hands-on that because if you see it enough times like let's imagine you're saying the administrative distance for OSPF which is just the command distance space question mark and it shows you the laundry list of all the different I see it does it oh wait wait I have a I don't have a router up but let me show you how easy this is a pretty good thing to router up I mean that's one of the benefits a packet tracer so if you need a router just bring one up so we'll just click down here on the network devices and we'll just grab at 29:11 it'll do great as powering up so it was double click on it go to the CLI it's booting thanks for making us wait but you know what I kid because it's fantastic do I want to enter the initial config I do not but I would like to go into privilege mode and I would like to set a hostname so I'll do that from configuration mode hostname Bob no not Bob use r1 and then line com little zero logging synchronous that's the way we don't have to go insane before our time and no exact time out maybe there's a - there probably is yeah oh oh I've made this mistake before I did no exact pressed enter that means no shell on the console like oh I just toasted myself I can no longer access from the console because I said no exact so no exact time out or set you tie them up for a longer time in a lab environment and then I'll as far as other warm ups we went when to go to a no IP domain lookup I know IP domain and why are you barking at me huh just wants to be difficult okay so no IP domain lookup so that if I do a typo it doesn't try to telling that to that address if I do if I boot the machine it's not gonna also know service config it may not be honest you ever seen that oh it doesn't know if that is so pakka patient says I don't know what that is so on a live gear have you ever seen a device boot up and it's it's doing a broadcast it's looking for a config file trying to download it the nose service config will say hey but don't bother looking for a config file you're you're all by yourself alright so what we're going to do is router I need if I tell you the route er OSPF right now it would bark because there's no router ID available there's no no IP address so we'll do interface loopback zero and IP address and 0 dot 0 dot oh I would I don't if I connect this I need a different network than I'm currently using so let's do ten dot one dot zero dot one with a yeah I probably won't connect this to the rest of network alright so again IP address in the router OSPF one network bring everything in area zero do show IP interface brief look at that even packet rates are supposed to do in front of that so there's the do show IP interface brief why don't we loop back what's up and let's do a show IP ospf interface brief we should have oh well package I sir I just give you a big boost and then you said yeah so we can't do the brief command it's not supported but we knew should do a show IP ospf interface and here we can verify that we have our loopback address it's enabled for OSPF and oh so look we're in router config let's do a distance question mark oh look at that it's not going to tell us so seems to me there's somewhere where it tells us the administrative distances for all the routing protocols in the CLI but maybe I'm just dreaming that so what I'd recommend is that so if I did distance here if I set distance of 90 that means OSPF learn routes are no longer a value ad of 110 which is our default it now be a value of 90 so if I need and now if I had I should make I'll make it something different let me get 91 because EA GRP is 90 and then we don't have a battle especially at the CCNA level about which one's gonna win your OSPF or your your OSPF or your EA GRP when they both have an administrative distance of 90 that's that's like a CCI trick type of question that wouldn't be relevant for a CCNA level but on a live gear you could put them in and dial it in and see which ones would be believed I'm curious now that's how I'm Frank brain thinks what would happen is that those are corner niche cases but so going back to is is and external bgp which has an ad of 20 by the way and things like rip 120 if you know what those administrative distances are and then you get a question that's asking hey yeah well these routes which won't become the routing table you'd know which one was lower and and you could also a process of elimination based on the ones that you didn't know so even though he had GRP and OSPF and iose or not study of all I would definitely just want to be aware of what those default OSPF whether the default 80s were going forward alright next question do I plan on taking the exam I do sooner than later I wanted to give a few weeks for them to get any kinks from what I've heard and because I haven't taken the exam I don't know I I haven't I don't have personal knowledge yet but in the past they had sim let's where you'd have to go in and do stuff like config this config that put an access list on or what have you and those were pretty fun because I could spend some time in there and to look around what happens if I do this what happens if I do that how good is the sim and from everything I'm hearing up to this point and Cisco could change it everything's multiple guess or matching or drag-and-drop so you can you know drag-and-drop the order of something or multiple gasps multiple choice with either a single answer or multiple choices and they'll be very clear if there's one choice or three choices usually have a radial button where there's just one single choice and then checkboxes where it says two or three but they'll tell you they won't say unless they say choose all that apply which is not something that I've heard regarding this exam so yeah I'm gonna take it sooner when I do I will do a live stream just on it I watched I wonder who did I watch I work with Jeremy Chara and Chuck Keith's Network Chuck excuse me it's like who's Chuck Keith and I watched their live stream Monday night it was super good they both had taken it and they've all talked about it and Jeremy they they're very different people and they have different attitudes about the exam and they talked about it I watched the whole thing I don't normally watch the whole whole live stream because I mean I watched parts of things that are interesting to me I watched the whole thing I enjoyed the whole thing I think Network check is great I think Jeremy is great and I had fun with it so anyway they both took it and I think I have enough I mean I need to brush up a little bit more on my Software Defined Networking which is what I'm studying for Cisco live I'm teaching that Cisco live so I'm gonna be a a moderate a professional level or better before Cisco live I'm also going to take both the dev net associate and also a CCNA before Cisco live which is in June so as far as when I will let you know stay tuned but when I do take it though and when I come back into a live stream I'm gonna go through my videos in this playlist I've got the CCNA master playlist and I'm just betting that virtually every single live stream is going to be on a scale of one to five five being the most important I bet you we're all gonna be fours and fives for all the live streams that have done because I've been specifically picking topics that are important not only for certification but also for the real world and I'll be able to verify that and based on the feedback I've gotten or spot-on and the CBT Nuggets content to by the way is more than enough to pass and very very good alright that was based on my lowest questions I kind of ranted for a minute there thanks oh and Jermaine's question okay office two crazy Cisco Meraki cloud based controller automates and pushes down when configurations um yep so Meraki is fantastic so Meraki is owned by Cisco and their products are amazing and they are GUI based and they don't take a lot of serious thinking and work to make it click Cisco Meraki isn't part of CCNA so as a result I probably won't be focusing on that too much in this channel but it is a reality and I imagine as Meraki gets a bigger footprint for small offices and even for bigger networks I'll tell what I love about Meraki is that this whole thing about the controller that we just did in Meraki there's a controller but the controllers in the cloud and so you just log on to your Meraki account in the cloud and your access points have access to that cloud controller and you say what you want to have happen it rains those configs down and it's done and it's so as far as like the tabs and so there's there's it there's different areas in the Meraki interface you can go to and in the cloud controller but it's a great product it's not part of the CCNA but it's a great product alright moving down ok thanks Jorge is saying that the score book is out in that's the target for the CCNP level security book fantastic good good good yep and encore 350 401 is out perfect perfect all right Michael is asking can we do Network automation on packet tracer also will you be uploading packet restore labs for the previous topics you covered in the CCNA playlist I I think Michael instead of going back we'll just go forward and so if you have requests for if you'd like to see a lab on something maybe it's spanning tree maybe just make that a separate request and what I'd like to do I think it'd be valuable is if we did the live stream and I actually built it which would only take just moments to do if I built it that way I could give you a walkthrough as I build it like access ports trunk ports etcetera etc and then I can make that exact topology that I built live available I think that would add a lot more value that way somebody who could they could watch this video go up to the the website the keith barker comm download it and have it and start working with it also if I did a troubleshooting video I can put it there as well so I think instead of trying to go back one of the techniques that I've I hope you'll you'll buy with me on this one of the techniques that I've time is valuable every human matters every human no matter what your faith-based beliefs are or your politics are every human matters and we only have a limited amount of time I would love nothing more than to impact a billion people for the good let me point that out I don't know that that will ever happen but if I shoot for a large number if we as such this one if we shoot for all helping a lot of people let's say there's twenty thousand people a month working on their CCA's which is probably probable a lot of people if we can help every one of those people with stepping stones and and getting what they need and better understanding a concept for having that light bulb go off it's a win it's a win for them their life is going to get better they're going to learn more skills they'll be more valuable to their families employers that's the way we can make a difference by impacting just a boatload modifying my words they're a boatload of people to to do better so as far as time my full-time gig is CBT Nuggets I work about 40 hours a week in making content for them and I spend probably half of that time researching studying labbing because our my intent is for those CBT Nuggets which for me are fairly short if it's a if there's no lab involved maybe five to eight minutes if there's a lab involved it may be seven to 12 to 15 minutes because I'm demonstrating the lab that I want you to practice on so my goal is to mass not master but to remind myself of how the technology works put myself in the shoes of the person who's learning it whether it's a entry level or a professional level and then deliver it as concise as I possibly can and then that takes two or three hours usually for one video so one five to ten minute video takes two or three hours so with these live streams my goal is that with a live stream you get a lot more of the hey I might but comes to memory is that when I when I put in on a switch when I did the VLAN and I put a VLAN interface no IP routing so it wasn't my peer outer had no default gateway and then it actually was able to talk to a remote network I was like oh my gosh this is like you know stuff that happens all the time and I'm so glad was caught on film because it's now part of the historical record and people learn from that it's like oh I didn't know that happened that's cool so I'm doing the live streams because there's no not a lot of editing because if I was gonna do this all these topics that I did so far we have like close to 40 videos now it's more of a here's the topic we're gonna talk about it demonstrate it do some really fun analogies make sure you get it walk away with a smile on your face pause then take questions and answers that people have then leave that as part of it as part of the video as well by doing that and not having to go back and edit all that I can continue to do three streams a week which is what I'm doing and based on the response the channel is almost at a hundred thousand which is I can't believe it it's amazing and that's because of you and getting getting the word out like a if you're studying for your CCNA you should probably check out videos also CBT Nuggets we have a very strong offering there it's not free it's behind a subscription but if your budget allows or if you wanna check it out for a free trial I I would recommend if it's in your parameters check it out as well it's really good jeremy tower myself and chuck Keith so what were they going okay so we're not I'm not gonna go back and look at all the other last videos and make new packet tracer files for it but what I will do is going forward if there's requests for it based on what you wanna see we can do new content and then we're packet trader can be used we'll add that as far as a donation that was also a question here from Michael can we do automation on packet tracer also you'll be uploading packet mmm I I haven't looked at the automation piece yet for what's available inside of a packet tracer I imagine there might be something but what I was but what I do have planned for you you're gonna love because I'm gonna walk you through a thing called postman and all postman is this an application that you know when we talk to Cisco routers like we are now we go to the console here we go that's our that's our communication path but when we have a controller like we have our wireless LAN controller talking to the access points using a technology or a protocol technology called cap lap and if we're talking to a router or a switch from a controller we're going to using something else other than just the CLI we're gonna using something called an application programming interface so instead of a command-line interface is it it's an application program interface that sends and receives information back and forth and a lot of times that uses HTTP and HTTPS and so what we can do is we can use scripts and commands including Python and an application type called restful api s and i intend as part of these videos is to give you a nice warm easy gradual welcome to that world and also in measurable terms how you can actually do it with public sites and actually do api is through postman on your own just to give you that warm up so you can oh I get it I did this a Bart Castle is another team member here at CBT Nuggets he's working in AWS that's his focus his name is cloud Bart you should find him on YouTube he sent super and what cloud Bart Bart castled did he he wrote these api's or enabled api's in Amazon Web Services so that if somebody sent an API using an API like the language of love between a computer and another computing device the way they agreed to receive comments and what frameworks are gonna like the structure like a yam well structure and also the types of things are willing to receive and come back we'll talk more about that with authentication tokens events but what he did was he invited me to participate and goes Keith here's your credentials if you want you can send me you can use postman and you can send me an API 7/8 send a command through my API Amazon Web Services and it will send me an email I it was fun and that's what I do for you guys too something that you can do from your own computer whether it's Mac Windows Linux with free software like postman and get a flavor of how to use api's and with dev net from cisco and d cloud there are some very free options for testing api's against live gear that otherwise might cost tens of thousands of dollars to have so all that's coming that's a little sneak peak and I did it after the you know the Q&A break because I wanted to make sure I'm not gonna hello we'll do it nice and gradual and we'll make it fun and so by the time you're done when we're done with these live series by the time we're done you'll say API maybe I got it I understand and then you can actually explain it so if your boss or some a-hole says what's this whole thing about Network automation programming you can have an elevator pitch that you can explain and understand behind the scenes we're gonna how it works so I don't know that packet tracer which I'm looking at right here has a lot of automation capabilities in it but the dev net cloud does dev net and also D cloud and also free tools that we can use on our computer that's all coming up ok next question what are macros on a Cisco switch if I remember this is going back 10 years I think the last time I thought about macros there's only so much memory on a switch and so what we can do with macros we can out look if if I'm remembering correctly we can allocate it to MAC addresses or I think they're like three categories I forget maybe ones routing on a multi-layer switch anyway that I believe the macro is setting up the switch to allocate certain portions of memory in a larger degree like a bigger slice of the pie for certain functions whether it's for MAC addresses if you intend to have lots and lots of MAC addresses and there was two other ones maybe well maybe well most QoS for QoS functions but I I recall that's what the macros were and it's either that or something completely different but I think that's it okay and I see going down the list thanks for the questions it's good to have you we've got 218 people on line it's every single person here I'm grateful for and that includes people who are learning people who know and are helping others and people who are here just to help reinforce what they already know or maybe pick up a tidbit it's great to have you I've been doing networking since well I started IT in 1985 that was my journey and then in 1987 I didn't know it's nice and 80 yeah I guess 1987 1988 I got into networking got into Cisco night I think I slipped a decade I got my first DC ID in 2001 also go to my LinkedIn profile and look anyway I started my career in 85 and then after that it's just all all an upward blur but I'm glad to do it alright so InfoSec pad is asking Oh Edgardo is asking why is it a good practice not to use VLAN alone I know it's for security purposes but what's an error does that mean can you give us some examples um the default for switches is VLAN 1 so imagine we had a 24 port or 48 ports which and we hadn't we just left the defaults and then we said oh we're gonna use VLAN 10 for sales and we're used VLAN 20 for marketing and VLAN 30 for engineering and each one of those VLANs which is the layer 2 broadcast domain is going to have a separate and logical layer 3 IP address network as well that's all great but if we if we if we use VLAN 1 as our management VLAN which means that's how we're communicating to our switches so if we're sitting at a PC and we're remote SSA Qing to a device that's four routers away well four switches away on VLAN 1 for example and we're using that an attacker who is on a port that hasn't been configured would be on VLAN 1 so the default puts the attacker who's just found an open port and a cube on the same VLAN as your management network which is access to the IP addresses of all your devices so ideally in a secure environment the first thing that some people do these a template and a checklist they take all the switch ports and they put them into VLAN 999 which doesn't go anywhere it's the dead end there's no router interfaces on 999 it's just a dead end and then as they start to carve out access ports for production B that's ten twenty thirty forty if they forgot any during that dead end veal and it's more secure also a default a really good default is to make sure that all the ports are not trunking meaning they're not willing to drunk it's not as easy as it seems to tell a switch port not to be able to dynamically trunk they want to so there's a few conditions that exist for that one is to do switch make an access port not a dynamic port so if you make a port an access port switch port mode access that means it won't trunk so for all your ports if we put them in VLAN nine and nine we made Wells access ports by default that way if we forget about a port and our attacker accesses a port through a cube not in the wiring closet or the data center but to a cube they're basically going nowhere there's no DHCP services no other devices are there and that would be and then you could choose use B than 10 or some other VLAN as your management VLAN if you don't have out-of-band management also you could make VLAN 10 across the board your native VLAN so no tags are required when trunking that's also very possible that way if trunking fails for some reason and you're using the native VLAN of 10 and you're not and you're not tagging on it then your VLAN 10 traffic would still work so that's one of the reasons basically it's the default and most environments many environments it's dangerous because their management network and the default for all the switches are VLAN one I'm thinking about doing a video no it's not CCNA see I got to keep in my lane I was think about doing a video on double tagging a lot of people asked have asked about that I was thinking about getting a Kali Linux box and actually doing double tagging to show how you can slip past but after after CCNA I retract that thought I no longer have that thought I want to I love what I do I love security I love networking and I love sharing thanks area for being here okay so are you doing the new CCNA and the answer is as CBT Nuggets I we did create the new CCNA as for the as far as the exam I'm going to be taking that and the DEF net associate exam before Cisco live which is June and if they cancel Cisco live because that little virus thing going around I shouldn't say little man it's just taking the world by storm if they cancel the physical event I still I'm gonna take it before the data Cisco live which is like the first or second week in June so I'll give everybody an update when I'll do the live stream and all I'll go down the blueprint and I'll rank them for you based on my experience not telling you what I had just saying how important are these items in my opinion after I've sat the exam and I already have a really great idea I bet you in fact let me do this I'm going to before I take that exam I will get a fresh blueprint with a nice pen and I will rank what I believe are the most important parts I'll rank them one to five five being high one being low then I will date that I won't put in an envelope and mail it to myself or maybe I will yeah so what I'll do is I'll keep you honest I'll keep myself honest I'll rank that and then when I go take the exam I'll compare that against what my experience was and you know they may have a pool of a thousand questions or you know everybody's test looking a little bit different but I'll bet you I'm really close on what's important to know and what surprised me and I can show that with you my motivation is please learn everything please learn everything on the blueprint if you see a bullet point and you're at a three move it to a four if you're at a four of that topic for CCNA you don't really need to push it to a five but before you take the IE stuff you would thanks for that question and I see Gus in here answering questions Thank You Gus and every else who's answering questions alright okay Matthew has a great question given that cisco is moving to the iOS XE based controllers will we see quick example we're not haven't seen the exam but based on the blueprint which I I feel is extremely accurate based on all the feedback I've had they're not gonna ask us any questions at a left field about the XE operating system from Cisco so nothing specific just just straight up meat potatoes layer 2 layer 3 security automation just the concepts of automation and some wireless and also as part of that ipv6 and ipv6 static routing all right good question great question let's see here all right do bond I don't know the answer to that yep I don't know the answer your question Dubonnet I apologize I don't think I think it's I don't think of CC I don't think the CCNA blueprint is asking for either but just for myself I don't recall the answer that question on the top my head all right another question for manual regarding encore from CBT Nuggets it's Mike Mike content will be done completely by end of March and I know there's some other team members who are working very hard making the best content possible for it I don't know the exact dates for them they may or may not ask other trainers to come in and help with some of that so I would just say if you subscribe to CBT on Twitter that would be a great way because they will be announcing on Twitter and other social media when it comes out so that would be the fastest way to get the accurate scoop of when it comes out I would love it to be Tsun Tsun Tsun but I I don't think it'll be the end of March anymore I used to think that was true now is my content will be done but not quite not quite there for the whole project all right Dan hi Dan another great video thank you as for configs on PT packet tracer the command requires a - no I D IP domain lookup hmm so let's take a look at that I'm game let's take a look so on a router like this 29:11 we do a show run show run pipe include no there we go so I just what this command does show run you're probably familiar with and the pipe says filter based on the following output I did a shortcut for include and I said no which means it's only has shield lines of output they have the word note in them a simulator like well this simulator supports it that's great so yeah right there look at that so here's here's the scoop on that command thank you Dan for pointing that out I appreciate it I the newest version of that command is no IP domain space lookup but they both work I feel at least in a live router no I'll see here no IP domain lookup so it takes that and it takes that and they both do the same thing but if we do a control C together and do a up arrow key it puts the dash in so one of those two commands is older than the other and on live Gear and I could be wrong I don't have I don't have a lab up at the moment otherwise I just go to us and live gear and try it I believe is they know I believe the domain space lookup is the current syntax anyway what was what this router is doing it took both commands no problem and then it put in the command that it felt it should have and because as a simulation they could have either used the current flavor or the old flavor and either one will work so the command would be domain - lookup the main space lookup they both work and then in the config now I'm dying to know so Dan I know you've got some gear if you want to do that in live gear do a know IP domain space lookup and then take a look at the running config let me know I am curious if you have time to do that before the livestream ends I would be interested in seeing that we've got 15 more minutes before I need to bolt my cat had some surgery today so I need to go back to the oh I did this is what my hair looks like with no product yeah I was talking to some neighbors young child that was in the neighbors for touch Keith what do you mean I was talking to one of my neighbors down the street and he was on a motorcycle and his sister was like she was a lot probably 6 or 7 years old and she looked at me and said what are you putting your hair to make it gray I said I'm 55 comes with the territory it's great so anyway this is what I look like with no product I've been a bit a little bit of a rush my cat had a procedure today it's like kitten so you might might want to imagine what that procedure is and I'm gonna go comfort that cat while my wife goes sings in the circus she is a performer a singer at Cirque du Soleil she seems a tow so she's on tonight and she's going to work she's already on her way to work so the cat has a small window with nobody there so I'm gonna leave this studio and go and check out the cat I hope he's fine I'm sure he will be all right more questions okay okay great great great great great just looking for ones my name Matthews asking what do you think is the best way to study with Ciscoe prep books or with video content and that totally depends have you noticed that sometimes people when they watch they get their news some people are readers they want to read the news and I like just even if it's in like a digital format they want to read it versus watch it my wife and I are opposite with that like me I have I have a limit I watched 15 minutes of news a day on what I I wish it well on what is a fairly neutral like Associated Press flavor of reporting and so it not too much you know suggest ability and motivation one way or the other that's one oh you know how many people have the coronavirus and what happened with this and that the other in stock market just give the data and without too much bias as far as who's to blame so I will watch that and I have a I have a go-to app I use for that and then what she does she never watches the news ever it's just not her thing she prefers to read it and so as far as learning new things whether a person reads it if you have a book that's really good that's accurate and it feels like you're used to reading that's a great way to go Peter lepue cough who I work with that I any many years ago like nine ten years ago he is I think he works at Facebook or Microsoft one of the things you know or a big company now super smart guy yes he goes when people would fail to see CIA he'd tell them it's alright you know I had to take the CCA exam four times and then he says after a pause and I got four different CCA es he has this thick Russian accent he's just so great Peter lipu cough if you ever have a chance to meet him or read his work or or or shake his hand well maybe give him an elbow bump now with the virus going around do it he's a great guy whenever we teach at CC at at ine if he was in the area or in the room I'd always pick his brain and sometimes you'd joke with us I think he was I'm not sure next time I see him off to ask him sometimes he did tell us details about technology with like IP packets and he describes something in the header or some part of the IP packet and I think to myself that doesn't that doesn't exist in me I she pack it and and I thought to myself I know he knows right he knows but is he testing me should I just say uh-huh he's great he's great and he's super wicked smart so he has four CCA's but came back to the point of the question he would he read that's how he studied for his CCA's is he went to the documentation he looked at the blueprints he lifted the technologies he then lab the heck out of all of them but just studied I don't think he watched a lot of any videos to get his CCA's he just read read read so depends on how you learned for me what I love doing is I love a short I love a short ramp up like a learning curve and so if I want to get into new topic for me video just crushes it for getting in getting started and then once I have the basics then I could say okay I got the basics I have the framework now I can start using books and other reasons and labbing it up and getting more hands-on practice so for me it's video for other people if you're more adaptable to reading and that's your thing but I do a lot of reading because sometimes like RFC's I used to not like RFC's like 20 years ago RFC so but if you want to find out why in DHCP that broadcast bit is there and sometimes it's set and sometimes it's not set and when it happens and when it doesn't happen the RFC is a wonderful resource just go read the RFC and then you can take a look at based on how Cisco or juniper or or some other vendor implemented that technology based on the RFC and sometimes the RFC's are created after the fact based on technologies that cisco add like ISL inter switch link a trunking mechanism which cisco had before 802 that one queue existed so that's great stuff all right moving down will this content be available offline so I think YouTube as the ability to download content I believe so this will be stored on YouTube it will make it part of the master playlist for CCNA 200 301 and I think you can I think YouTube has the ability to download content locally and watch it later I believe that's the thing I don't know if I've ever done it but I believe is the thing all right I see if there's any others and I've got just if yeah I've got eight more minutes plenty of time yes Charles thank you three ways of learning visual auditory and kinesthetic absolutely seeing things hearing things or more touchy-feely experiencing things and I think that all of them can be used to help reinforce the learning one of the things I found to help really bring forth learning is teaching it to others like tell somebody else about the tcp/ip protocol stack a loved one and just explain it or whatever the topic is you're learning and I often discover when I do that the first time is that wow I've got a lot of holes in my theory and my logic I need to revisit that and then I revisit it and get better and better every time Lafayette and an answer to your question that's a little bit beyond what the CCNA is so probably not in this channel but we will we've covered access list and we feather covered like port security and DHCP snooping and some other aspects but we're gonna focus primarily on the CCNA level so beyond that probably not a lot on this channel it's just to set the expectation all right she says he says she has a 97 in case there was a different one he says II I hate programming the way things are going do you think it's possible to have a career in networking without learning all the automation stuff alright so you're in the same boat as I am my son is an amazing programmer oh my gosh just incredible and he learned it he loves it that's where he wants to be so the way it's going is that the Cisco devices like switches and routers and firewalls and so forth they need configurations and as we have more devices we're going to be interacting with those devices more and more and more with AP ice which involves a controller chatting with that box that router that firewall that switch whatever that network device is to give it instructions and get instructions and get information from it that language is api's so the APA part I want I want to make sure that everybody who's on this channel is very comfortable that an API is nothing to be afraid of is simply in fact it's coming up soon I'm not going to wait too long we'll get out postman and we'll take some public resource that everybody can do and we'll bring a postman and we'll talk about the basics of how this works in fact Star Wars there's a Star Wars website that has an API that you can hit from postman and you can pull the characters so maybe we'll start there but as far as understanding how that works is important do you have to write all the scripts and you have to create the you don't have to but there's tools out there where you can use a tool like postman and then you can click on the code button and you get that code then like Python all these other formats so you don't actually have to create the code you just have to be aware of how it works would be my recommendation and then where it applies and then what orchestration platform is used using is being used to manage the controllers which are actually managing the devices so as far as becoming a programmer I'm not going to do that I will pass dev net though I'm learning a lot I'm studying it right now in fact the best resource for dev net when we were creating dev net at CBT Nuggets I thought yeah this is nice definite and been Finkle did a lot of the infrastructure stuff like how to use visual studio and so forth and and then Knox came in and talked about using those tools and techniques to automate and to communicate with networked devices using dev net sandbox and I think D cloud as well and then I came back in the tail end of that because it's based on the blueprint I'm talking about how basic networking operates here's all these things you've been configuring and here's what they do and how they work I'm going through that now I have never been so motivated it's because I'm interested and so I'm learning these basics and I'm going through Ben's content right now is the first like 40% of the content maybe 30% and he's talking about object-oriented programming the concepts like what they are frameworks like Y Amal other other things that I don't need to memorize and be expert in but I do want to be in the back of my mind know the concept of where that fits into the landscape and so where my job is going to come in is that I get two Knox's content which I've taken sneaky sneak peeks already when he talks about setting up automation so we can use this one interface and just talk to all these different devices or we can talk to a controller with like DNA Center and get in it's it's amazing and it's not fearful so I'm never I'm not gonna be writing code as a network engineer or a network architect or network support person sports networks but I am gonna be familiar with how that works and I'm gonna get my definite associate certification as a baseline mark this says yes Keith understands these basics and that's what the CCNA is - just so you know the CCNA says I have this basic knowledge of how this works how these pieces fit together I'm not an expert but I have a basic understanding of a lot of these parts and then you take that information and then you move it forward that's the secret take the information and move it forward apply it you're gonna forget some of it that's okay you're gonna get really really good at some aspects that's great too and just keep on moving your career forward the secret is just don't stop moving my dad's 90 I talked him today and he's you know he's two years ago he's using a Windows 7 computer now he's on an apple he has a smart phone he has a SmartWatch and he swims an hour a day like how does a nine year old man swim in our day well you start with one minute and you go to two minutes and three minutes and he has his watch which is a lot of proof and lets him swim you know my dad's a good example we don't see eye to eye on politics we don't but he's got a really good attitude about always doing a little bit more and his life is representative of that so ours too right no matter where you are bottom of the ladder middle of ladder you're on the ladder on the wrong building move the ladder start at the bottom it's just a matter of keep on going and and when you have depressing days I've got depression in my family in my in my family and some of children's history and you know I'm a lucky guy and I realize that some days are really really crappy just like the worst like I can't I don't wanna get out of bed if that sounds like it's coming out of me it is sometimes I don't sometimes I don't and then I realize okay that's like I'm gonna treat that day like a sundial a sundial is where it has a little angle thing and the Sun shines on it you can tell what time it is based on the shadow sundials don't work on cloudy days so I take those cloudy days that weren't very good and I just say you know what to heck with it I might use another word there that's that day my next day is this here's my goals for this day get out of bed exercise for 15 minutes I don't feel like exercising yeah but you'll feel better once you do and then just go for small repeatable patterns and then just keep going like today I am sick not with not with coronavirus I said like what were the symptoms I don't have those things I got a sore throat and I don't feel very good and that happens sometimes when you get germs that's that's how life is sometimes but I thought to myself I get a live stream I got 221 people right now in the room that could probably benefit by being together by me facilitating a discussion I should really do this and so I thought yeah heck yeah I do this so sometimes moving helps there's also on work talking out depression now there's also a podcast called the hilarious world of depression there is nothing hilarious about depression and this podcast focuses on the fact that it's real and it has celebrities who suffer from depression and how they're pulling through and their techniques it also helps to have a community so whatever so this community is not about depression it's like hey I'm joining Keith Barker networking we get two things one we get CCNA you know like instructor hours with the trainer and two we could talk about depression there's specialist for those things and I just realized that life is hard sometimes a lot of times so keep on going everybody within the sound of my voice whether you're live or recorded later its if it's really terrible for you right now it's going to change it may go better or worse but you're not going to be stuck right here if you just continue to move all right all right root beer saying iOS 12.2 is domain - look up and I think the new versions like 15 is domain space lookup but I will verify that later unless somebody else does all right let me take a couple more Oh dad our shirts asking your studio is like Batcave and you're Batman thanks for these great thanks it took me along if you go if you want a good laugh sometime and sometimes it's funny have a laugh look for any videos I did on YouTube that I started like in 2009 look for any video that's more than a year old and this office if I'm if I'm doing video in this office it's all white like wash white and then oh my gosh they're painful for me to watch but they remind me of the journey that we are all on let's make it a little bit better a little bit better a little bit better and give everybody a big margin be kind to everybody you don't know who you're gonna work for in the future or be forced to be kind in the future it pays to be nice to everybody okay dancing iOS gear 15 X on 28 11 no IP domain Oh domain - look up okay so domain - look up must be the current flavor thank you Dan for doing that save me time so you can put in either command and the domain - look up is the winner that when the actual router takes thank you thank you thank you alright I think that's it for all the QA I have had a lot of fun thanks for getting me out of bed today so that I could prepare for this and have some fun and sharing with you how you can do hands-on practice with a controller and put a full topology together with zero dollars all you need is a computer you don't need to have a big computer because packet tracer they have a version for Linux they've got a mmm I think they have a version for a Linux Mac and Windows if I'm not mistaken and a mobile platform so whatever you're on actually the mobile stay away from the mobile is tricky especially got a small mobile device like look and then the can line is not very doable but it's very affordable to do so I would encourage you to do that if you want to practice or lap something up we've had great experience today from Dan and others when I had that question is it domain space lookup or domain - lookup lab it up find out what the results are and I appreciate the feedback - this domain - look up join us in discord if you need a link to that I will it's in the description of this video after it's posted as well so you can actually just click on that mm I think that's it I've already asked you to subscribe if you enjoyed the content want more alerts our next stream is on Saturday subnet Saturday holy schnike as we get to cover I think we're gonna do summarization yeah it's time for summarization where we can summarize a range of addresses with one single route and simplify our routing tables based on summarization so it's like taking a normal mask and then reducing it so that's the opposite of subnetting it's also called super knitting or summarization alright thank you everybody I'm off to see my cat I'll let you know on Saturday how it went if you're interested I can also possibly bring a picture and everybody have a great great rest of the week and for the 217 people that are on live right now I really appreciate your time and for everybody else who's watching this after the fact I wish you the absolute best as well let's be in the next live stream or the next video together and together we can conquer anything bye everybody [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Keith Barker
Views: 71,053
Rating: 4.9635482 out of 5
Keywords: 200-301, 200-301 ccna, 200-301 cisco, 200-301 videos, 200-301 ccna certification, 200-301 study, cisco, ccna, networking, cisco ccna 200-301, cisco ccna certification, cisco ccna training, cisco wlc tutorial, cisco wlc configuration, cisco wlc setup, Cisco WLC, wlc, wireless, cisco wireless, WLAN, wlan wifi, wifi, wireless lan, packet tracer, wireless lan controller, Packet Tracer
Id: lziH6S17qXs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 126min 24sec (7584 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 11 2020
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