Confessions and Let Jesus Solve Your Problems

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get fired up this is the day the lord hath made and we will rejoice and we will be exceedingly glad in it because god is so good and he is so worthy to be praised you know i was uh listening to an old walter hawkins songs this morning after i finished uh my workout and i i i played this song follow me and it starts off and it says i have a friend uh one who'll supply all of my needs if i just if you just follow me i'll show you the way i'll turn your darkness in today and i started thinking about you know it's important for us to let jesus solve our problems it's important for us to you know we we've tried the rest and and lord knows all the things that we've tried but now it's time to try the best and jesus is the best and you know i know people some people are ashamed to say his name in public and and uh some uh television stations don't want you to use jesus and and i tell you what i am not ashamed of jesus and i'm not ashamed of the gospel of jesus christ because it's the power of god unto salvation so welcome everybody this is a an amazing day and i i don't know about you but i'm gonna let jesus deal with all of my issues you've taken you take your problems all these different places but not really consider jesus as one who can supply all of your needs i have a friend in jesus one who supplies all of my needs and you have a friend in jesus and he's one that supplies every one of your needs and so today i want you to be committed to not becoming a prayer project but taking a hold of what jesus has made available for you taking a hold of his presence in your life in his presence there's fullness of joy at his right hand there are pleasures forevermore and i want you to take hold of that in the name of jesus and i declare that all is well all is well and um you know whatever adjustments need to be made whatever jesus needs to do we call it done and by faith we receive it and we're going to walk with him and i believe if we spend more time focused on jesus focus on what he has done focus on what he has made available he is our rock he is our supply house he is our mighty counselor he is a friend that sticketh closer than any brother and i'm telling you it is your relationship with jesus it's the essence of that relationship with jesus that uh i believe will make the difference in your life so you know rather than us going forward in this life as a christian as someone who's always trying to figure out how to get god to do something for us i'd like for us to have a worship monday a day where we don't ask god for nothing a day where we just spend time thanking and praising him for what he's already done thank him and praise him for whatever answer you think you might need today thank him and praise him for whatever provisions that he has provided uh let's go before god today with a grateful heart a heart of gratitude a heart of thanksgiving you know the bible says they that live godly shall have tribulation so everybody's got some trouble somewhere but you know how are you responding to that trouble let's respond today in worship let's respond today in thanksgiving let's let's look beyond the attacks and look beyond the things that are going on in our lives and look beyond even the pain the shame the guilt and let's get something that god has done in the past let's you know faith is always attached to the past having faith in what he's already done that that's what that's what that is and so imagine today all day today today you're you're you're going before god and saying god i just i just praise you for being so good to me how about worshiping god all day today for his goodness how about worshiping god all day today for his mercy worshiping god all day today for his grace worshiping god all day today for all that he has done all that god is going to do and just praising god i mean just just thank god that you know he'll bless some of the trolls that come on your your your page and pray for those people pray for people that despitefully use you god's given you the supernatural love to do that uh in other words let's step out of the circle where you're the only you're the center and let's put some other things in the center of that circle put other people in the center of that circle and you just spend time all day just worshiping god worship god you know i walked out of the exercise room this morning and i said lord thank you so much for movement i thank you that movement is a blessing i thank you lord that you let me sleep last night i'm so grateful you woke me up this morning and i was rested and healed and delivered i give you praise lord lord i thank you for how you're taking care of me and my family i thank you lord how your how your blessings have overflowed in my life and that i have a sound mind and i and and and and and just spend all day today just just pausing and saying you know who is like unto you god that loves the way you love forgives the way you forgive shows mercy the way you show mercy who is like unto thee oh god the scripture says bless the lord o my soul some of you might need to command your soul bless the lord o my soul and all that is within me bless his holy name thank you lord that you've never left me that you'll never leave me nor forsake me thank you lord that some of you might not even have a job right now you're just praising god that if he did it once if he got your job once if he took care of you once he'll do it again a day of worship worship monday hallelujah praise be to god worship monday hallelujah praise be to god somebody says brother dollar i don't understand what i give god thanks for man go outside on the front of the house and just look around and start thanking god for the trees and thanking for air that you breathe you you've got a plenty to thank god for and let's just worship the lord come into his enter to his gates with thanksgiving and worship god in the beauty of his holiness praise the lord i tell you what that will set your attitude and and the joy of the lord will rush in and uh man i'm telling you your day is going to be a good day today so welcome world changers church international world changers churches world changers nation world changes partners world changes e-church and all of our friends and partners from around the place man we give we we thank god for you today god is perfecting everything that concerns you today thank all thank thank the world changes nation for keep showing up at church on sundays and wednesdays and saturdays thank y'all thank you so much i so felt you yesterday i felt i felt the anointing of god man and and just just felt that the spirit of god was ministering to you and and uh man i tell you what i love you guys so much and this is gonna be a great day worship monday hallelujah worship monday praise god we're gonna cease from all of our trouble and all of the stress and all of the concerns of other people we're going to step out of the circle and we're going to praise god amen so i want to share this first and then we'll do our confessions uh from saint john chapter 18 verse 10 and 11. saint john 18 10 and 11 then simon peter having a sword drew it smoked the high priest servant cut off his right ear the servant's name was malchus and then said jesus unto peter put up thy sword into the sheath the cup which my father hath given me shall i not drink it somebody said what's going on there jesus knows i solve your problem without you having to do something to try to get it done pray this short prayer after me lord i am so glad you have the power to put an end to my problems so many times i've acted just like peter swinging furiously in the strength of my own flesh as i've tried to solve my problems without your help forgive me for wasting so much time and energy today i ask you to speak to my heart and tell me what i am supposed to do then help me follow your instructions to the letter give me the patience to wait while you supernaturally work behind the scenes to resolve my questions i pray this in jesus name amen say out loud jesus is the solution to my problems now make this confession i boldly and joyfully affirm that jesus christ has all the power needed to fix my problems i am not smart enough by myself to figure out how to get out of my messes so i turned to him to give me wisdom insight power and the answers i need to get from where i am to where i need to be his power works mightily through me and that divine power is being released right now to tackle the challenges i face in life and bring me to a peaceful place of resolution in every situation i declare this by faith in jesus name amen come on let's get psalms 91 and equip i declare that i will dwell in the shelter of the most high god i declare that i will find rest in the shadow of the almighty i declare that god is my refuge and my fortress i declare that you are my god and whom i trust and with great confidence in whom i will rely i declare that god will rescue me from every trap and protect me from every disease i declare that i am covered and protected by his outstretched arms i declare that god's faithful promises are my armor and my protection i declare that i will not be afraid of the terrors of the night nor of the arrows that fly in the day i declare that i will not dread any disease that stalks in the darkness nor any disaster that strikes at midday i declare that because god is my refuge and the almighty god of my home no evil can befall me and no plague can come near my dwelling i declare that god has ordered his angels to guard defend and protect me and my house i declare that god's armies of heaven will keep me from falling i will walk unharmed and kick anything that is evil from my path i declare that because of god's love for me i will call upon him he will set me above all my troubles he will deliver me from all my fears and he will honor me with his presence and power i declare that he will reward me with a long life and will show me his salvation in the name of jesus i declare father i am so thankful that the blood of jesus has brought me back into close intimate relationship with you i commit to taking advantage of the opportunity that i have to freely fellowship with you and spend time in your presence in jesus mighty name amen praise god god is so good god is so awesome we just bless his name we thank god that he's he's sending unbelievers to this page and they're making confessions with us we just thank you so much we thank you lord that people that are having problems mentally and emotionally that they're coming to join us in our confessions and even if they don't say none they're hearing it and the word of god is working mightily on the inside of him and we just thank god for it in the name of jesus that they'll live to testify about the power of god's word and how it works so mightily in their lives yes amen now let's make some confessions based on the grace of god are you ready let's do it man i am a new creation in christ all things are passed away and all things are new salvation is by grace through faith and as a born-again christian i am no longer a sinner but now in christ i am a saint i believe in the finished works of jesus everything that pertains to my life is finished because of jesus jesus is enough for me and my house jesus plus nothing is all i will ever need i am made right with god because of my faith in jesus not because of my obedience to the law i don't live a performance-based life i live a faith-based life in the finished works of jesus christ i declare that all my sins have been forgiven past present and future jesus is my peace offering jesus is my sin offering jesus is my ransom paid that i might have peace with god and freedom from sin because of jesus i have been made righteous i am the righteousness of god by grace and faith in jesus christ i am redeemed now and i am holy and sanctified now and i have wisdom now i have been made whole because of jesus jesus body was broken so that i could be made whole i am whole in christ jesus i am healed i am delivered and i am victor the victorious one because of the finished works of jesus and the power of his broken body and shed blood because of jesus all is well with me in my house jesus is my success jesus is my peace jesus is my joy jesus is my everything i believe in god's love for me i can love others because of because god first loved me my faith works because i believe in the love god has for me god loves me with a never-ending undying unconditional love god's love never fails therefore i walk in [Music] by my faith in the love of god i will not frustrate the grace of god i will not fall from grace back into the performance of the law i trust have faith and believe in jesus and his finished works i matter to god he knows what i'm going through and i and i and i want to declare right now that god wants to meet my every need god remembers my sins no more god loves me all god loves me oh say it again god loves me and i believe the love that he has for me praise god in jesus name now your love equipped praise the lord your love equip and you're letting jesus be the source and the solution to all of the situations that are going on in your life we declare that right now in the name of jesus now remember focus on jesus if you spend all day focusing on the problem you spend all day focusing on the news if it's been all day focusing on the latest report about covet 19 that's going to challenge your day your attitude let's disconnect and and connect to jesus let's connect with him let's focus in on him be encouraged in what jesus has already done let's live a life of peace let's live a life of peace today say this out loud i'm at peace and today i will be at ease thank god amen at ease so i pray a spirit of ease over your life today a spirit of ease over your life today you know what happens when you're at ease you're in peace and you're focused on jesus you know what happens the clutter is no longer there and you're gonna probably hear a significant word from god today so be at ease and you know the enemy is going to always show up to try to you know disrupt that peace and disrupt that ease you know you're grown you're mature christian stand stand on what you believe and you know whatever comes you got to learn how to allow to be like water off a duck's back and uh you guess just just walking these just walk in peace i'm gonna be that way i'm gonna just walk and ease and walk in peace and hallelujah praise the lord and you know i might run around and give the lord praise and glory but today is worship monday and i just want to just spend my day today just thanking god for what he's already done thank him so much for what he's already made available thank him for everything and uh god is so so so so good you're living in the glory you're living in the goodness you're living in the mercy you're living in a situation where god is steadfast and uh those of you who join me yesterday you are going to demonstrate that it is profit that there is profit in serving god and um you know sometimes when you can't read the written epistle then people will look for a living epistle so be a living epistle today so that others may read your life family members and friends be a living epistle today say that out loud today i am a living epistle i am a blessing to those who watch my life amen i love you guys so much today uh blessings be upon you in jesus name is well um taffy sends our love um and we're just excited we're excited about what god is doing we're excited about what god is saying and uh if you think well brother dollar um you know um i don't know why you so calm and cool because i got a relationship with jesus and i get an opportunity to share my life and our time of confession with you and i just pray that some of you are getting great testimonies as a result of you spending time making confessions uh from god's word that if you'll look up and check your life out things are not what they used to be so we love you we thank god for you and uh we pray for you all is well in jesus name i look forward to seeing you again tomorrow
Channel: Creflo Dollar Ministries
Views: 30,129
Rating: 4.9424815 out of 5
Id: Geg_Hign0bI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 41sec (1421 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 04 2021
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