Filling Silo

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this is a hay chopping machine just showed up i'm going to be loading these bales into them get the forks on this thing [Music] i'm just bringing the bells over setting them on their side with knots facing this side and he cuts them and then just hooks the strings on the side there and it pulls the strings out as it pushes it in the machine got a big old chopper in there it's got different screens you can put in to change the size of the chop you can see them sitting on the side there's a really fine screen right there and a bigger one we got the three inch screen in right now [Music] we mowed our alfalfa yesterday so we're gonna be chopping that probably midday today dad's going to pick up the rake right now and a little bit we're going to have to get our silo ready [Music] so well my dad's gonna take over there and keep loading bales i'm gonna hook the rake up now i'm gonna put the 7220 on the rake south there's one of the fields we mowed yesterday alfalfa so we're chopping bales this morning but we're also going to be chopping hay out of the field it's a little different type of chopping but called the same thing we pay a crew to come in with a big chopper and wagons they'll hold the halogen of the silo and we rent this rake from them we could almost justify owning one it'd be kind of nice to not have to go and pick it up every time we want to use it this is a wheel rake it's in transport mode right now but it folds out and once you start driving drop it down these will spin and rake it in gonna lift that up a little bit it takes one remote to run it and this is the control box you got the switches to adjust the rake we got everything hooked up just make sure it's working we're not going to start raking for a little bit we want to make sure the hay is dry enough we have to get the silo ready probably do that and then i'll go ahead and start raking we're half done chopping these bales we had one bay full of bales that'll make two bays of chopped hay we got all the rest of those bells out of there outside so we can fill this bay now this is what it's making it's pretty fine the way the cows don't sort it out of the feed we can mix it easily scoop it into it with a skillet when we're mixing feed we have an employee loading the rest of the hay we're gonna go check these fields and then get the silo ready this field has a lot of grass in it yeah that's up a dryer yeah probably starting this field then we're gonna get this silo set up now so we can blow feed and then once we chop we're going into the same saddle that we put triticale in two weeks ago this side was about half full we're gonna put first county right on top of it all right let's go [Music] this is a top unloading silo we've got to get the sun lower up in the roof so i'm going to take the gooseneck off the side there and then we'll uh just fold up a couple little things and then it's ready to lift up so this trade cow was just put in it's going to get covered up we'll have to feed all the haylage we're putting in now out of the silo before we get down to this feed again it's feeding pretty good so far i got the unloader ready to go i climbed up to the top of the silo i'm going to let them know when the unloader gets to the top i climbed up this chute along the side of the silo and it's kind of getting uh kind of has a chimney effect going blowing dust up through that was not fun coming up through there so there's the cable pulling through there's pulleys at the top the feet will get blown right in that gooseneck right there it's got a distributor on it kind of spread it out we got it to the top that was a dusty mess let's tell it's ready to go now i'm gonna start raking soon i'm just mowing this little meadow out front because we have the disc mine hooked up from yesterday we are feeding triticale out of that silo we can't anymore we're gonna move into this ag bag right there and we'll feed this first cutting haloge along with the trico out of the bag we've been holding manure this week a little bit we've got one more field that we need to cover and the pit that the pump's in right now is empty we're gonna put this tractor on the pump and move it over to the last pit so that way we're ready to hold in once the above is off we have one alfalfa field that after we chop we're gonna haul on that's the only field to do so we can't haul right now let's see how this stuff is drying i'm gonna go grab a little bit of lunch and then we'll hop on this tractor i'm ready to get started raking i'm gonna rake this grassy field first probably the driest stuff they just started chopping over there i'm gonna try to stay ahead of them with the rake [Music] [Applause] [Music] i just have two fields at the bottom of the farm to rake up i finished up all the raking they're just getting started with these last two fields putting these pins in which locked the rake up [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] seems to be yielding pretty good i want to check this silo better once this load is empty and i can see in i can see i'm trapping way down there looks like i'll have at least two more loads pretty full it's piling up more on this side so we adjusted the shoot up a little bit it shouldn't throw it out farther now [Music] this is the last partial load trying to even it out as best i can for some reason i can't adjust this side to side you're supposed to be able to pivot this and i can maybe fill the edges a little better but at least we have the middle nice and full it should be pretty easy to level it out there we go all right i'm gonna climb up here and find the door that's the top of the feed okay you can come up i wish i could have adjusted that distributor a little bit more i kind of have a pile right in the middle but that's not too bad just gotta spread it to the sides worst thing is if you have a big pot to one side because you gotta go ahoy across 20 feet to the other side so i got ethan helping me level this off hopes to have somebody it's else than having it on one side i mean almost down yeah pretty much where we need to be now just making a couple adjustments i let that know he's running the winch dropping it down [Music] okay that's good all right that's good yeah we'll set it up we're all set up i'm gonna go get the cord so this is alfalfa halage it's a high protein feed it's kind of similar to tradical it's a little bit higher protein a little bit less digestible but uh it's a good mix we like to mix haylage with triticale and then a bunch of corn silage so this crop we harvest throughout the summer five times just about the perfect moisture i would say we didn't do a moisture test but i'd say it's probably low 60s around 60 percent moisture so i climbed down the shoot and got the power cord was like halfway up plugged it in it takes 220 volts hey dad all right are you ready yeah you're gonna need to turn it down another uh 10 turns or something okay all right here it goes okay [Music] see if i can get this door out of the way i'll be closing this door down here too yeah i should have closed this before he started okay you can run it again [Music] [Music] [Music] we ran out enough for tonight's feeding took a little bit to get going because there's some high spots in low spots pretty much got it evened out now this sailor is not sealed so if we just let this feed sit it would start to spoil on top so we have to keep feeding it every day as long as we take off a layer every day it'll stay fresh now every so often once we feed enough out we'll have to come up in the silo open the next door up drop this down and we'll run feet out the next door there's doors like that the whole way down to the floor it's good to have that done i actually need to finish the feeding now so we got 23 loads out of first cutting which is really good usually we get anywhere between 15 20 loads per cutting yeah that's so there's completely full now we're gonna be getting haylage out of there we're gonna switch over to our egg bags this is the first time we'll be feeding trader cow out of an egg bag it's gonna be kind of interesting to see how it works out so [Music] got everything in the mixer salad is in and out of the bunk it's just mixing right now i'm really liking this feed coming out of this bag it smells really good took me about two minutes to get 1200 pounds would have taken maybe 10 or 15 minutes out of the silo so that's the advantage of the bag right there i'm gonna run this feed out and then i'm gonna end this video so thanks a lot for watching guys [Music] you
Channel: 10th Generation Dairyman
Views: 133,951
Rating: 4.9806108 out of 5
Keywords: farming
Id: ucVnbKqvZOw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 19sec (1339 seconds)
Published: Thu May 20 2021
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