Constant Maintenance on a Dairy

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hey guys i'm here at our pre-fresh cow pen over the weekend this latch broke well now the whole thing just fell off so it was holding on by a thread but i have these little spring loaded latches the one is off just need to weld this back up two simple welds so i'm gonna go down to the shop and grab some tools this pen is not as full now we had some kyle's cab i was planning to hold some manure today i was going to use the telehandlers and just didn't get as cold this morning as i was expecting it's already starting to fall out we'll have to try and do that later this week if we get a cold morning i think that'll do it happy i have to make sure this spring is in place and the spring i could maybe get in later but i got to make sure this little latch is in there or else you won't be able to get it after you weld it [Music] i think normally i keep the amps a little too high when i'm on a surface like that and then it falls down i need to keep practicing my vertical welding i'm just waiting a couple minutes to make sure i don't have any bedding smoldering i think i'm just going to put a little bit of water right here to just make sure [Music] that should do it now we want to go out to our freestall barn our scissor gate in the middle of the barn was given some trouble i think it's a simple fix but we need to go up and look at it i'm going to take some tools along that i might need i'm not sure what all i need dad's going to have to lift me up top so look at it we use a skid steer i figured i could walk past my wallet to make sure nothing's smoldering we call this gate a scissor gate in the center of our barn so it used to be automatic it has a garage door open up there was given so much trouble that we quit using that part of it just pushing it open manually what's been happening lately when we got to push it open the one gate gets out of line and it leaves the gap the cows can fit through it i think we just need to tighten something up top there he's going to pull it open and yeah so it's sliding this one's spinning the rest of them are together there's four posts with these drums at the top and they're all tied together with cables so when you know the opener used to just spin the one and then the cables would push all the rest of them open the opener's not running anymore but yeah this one here is just slipping on the cable i think it's just that i need to tighten these little clamps here all right push that push this one again i'll see if it's where it's slipping at you can see the cables are sliding through they're not supposed to slide like that so if i have the right tools i really should have a half inch socket that's what it is we got our feed pusher coming in this way dad's just gonna go get me a ratchet with a little socket on it because i can't really reach these at the open end we used to have so much trouble with this gate with the garage door opener things would just get out of whack too easily when you push it manually it just doesn't throw things off as much all we did was pull the belt off the motor on the garage door openers so it spins when you open the gate all this stuff spins it's just not tied to the motor kind of a nice view from up here i should have just stopped i had it tight and i just making sure it was tight hopefully we have another one around [Music] okay see what it does that's good it's not slipping at all anymore we got a load of corn being delivered today my dad's bringing some wood shavings we're going to bed these calves [Music] come on that's a mess we're gonna take this scraper off we're gonna borrow the neighbor's rototiller go hook that up now we went and got the neighbors rototiller they're gonna let us borrow it for a little bit the idea is we're gonna try and stir the bed pack in the special needs tomorrow might also do it in the new heifer barn see if we can get that bedding to start composting a little bit more and maybe save some bedding not sure if it's going to work but i think it's worth a try we used to use this tractor a lot more for scraping and with the new bar now we're not really using it much so if we wanted to keep tilling the bed packs we could keep some sort of harrow or rototiller on this thing all the time if it worked good the afternoon milking is about done and there's one milker that needed a little bit of work done to it once the cow slows down the milk is detached automatically and there's a little rope that it'll pull it off and one of those ropes tore so we just have to replace that this last milk or you can see this string core the string just wraps up inside of there around the pulley that pulls the milker up first the vacuum stops and then it pulls it off the cowl so i'm just gonna take this cap off and then we'll pull a new string through there just gonna tie the new one on there and pull it through [Music] i gotta go this way and uh got it back in now we'll just cut this string off the right length just like the rest of these are it's good now i just nodded that i'm getting going with the afternoon feeding now gonna shave the bunk using the jcb today you're probably gonna see a lot of telehandler content the next little bit got two of them around here so we're gonna use them this will be the first time i'm shaving the bunker with this jcb we'll see how it goes dropped my camera and broke the magnet off the bottom it's not good i don't think i have another one i guess no magnet the rest of today it's probably going to be a little awkward this is my first time plus the plastic's not cut back so i can't start at the very top [Music] yeah that went pretty well only the second time doing this with the telehandler i'm starting to get the hang of it so [Music] you
Channel: 10th Generation Dairyman
Views: 111,738
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: farming
Id: FeIp-KfwelI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 44sec (704 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 09 2022
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