Hauling in Soybean Stubble Bales

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so this is the next morning now we finished up beans last night ended up getting just over 4 000 bushels off of 59 acres so came up to about 68.5 bushels of the acre this is our neighbor's rake and we're going to be renting it to rick up this bean stubble here we have a neighbor that does custom round baling so he's going to come out and bail it after i get it raked up raked up the first field it's good to rig it up a little bit before they're gonna start bailing so the breeze can kind of blow through these windrows dry them a little bit more but it feels pretty good this year the stalks are a lot drier than some here some years we have pretty green stalks and it's a little questionable about you don't want them wet so this is my last pass of raking wet pretty quick so we'll let those custom balers come in nail it up i'm going to take this right back to the neighbor he's actually started bailing now just on the first field it is saturday morning now and yesterday they came and built up all those bean stalks we're going to go over and pick him up now dad's going to take the kubota i'm going to take this tractor to our neighbor he has a couple flatbed wagons that he's going to let us borrow because we don't really have a good flatbed wagon i was just over at that farm and it looks like there's quite a few bales there so it should be a little bit of a job to hold them in that's good the form that these bales are at is the form that we rent it's about a mile away come on man speed it up that kubota actually moves pretty good for a skid loader i'll let eric run the skid loader arm's getting better but it's not 100 yet i just need to be careful it's really nice having two speed on these skiddos because it gets her done faster traveling around and i definitely got the best job here i just get the tool around on a nice john deere fire glutes oops that one got tore a little bit so we got one load filled up my dad's heading down there we have our tractor with the drill with that field we're gonna work at getting cover crops in these bean fields he's gonna do that while i'm holding this back home and the bale spear we only have one so we stuck it in we're gonna use the other skid loader home to unload these hopefully we make it i think i got the load pretty solid we suck them on their sides on the back in the front of that wagon to hold everything still and then that whole wagon i just put on the side so that they aren't moving around rolling around or anything we got 19 bales on this first load that's pretty good you can see we got quite a few bales out there to pick up we made it [Applause] so i think this stuff might be the best bean bedding we've made sometimes the stalks are kind of green but this time they're so dry it's going to be really good bedding we mainly just use these bales for this barn right here it's for our pregnant heifers it just helps save some wood shavings wood shavings is expensive so if we can make some of our embedding it's nice and sometimes we do use this up the other farm if we need some bedding so i got to go get the skid loader and then one load these put them up in the barn there so i just ran back to the farm a little out of breath but we have this skid loader for shavings we have to use i kind of wish we would have kept our ls 180 new holland that we used to have there are certain times where it would be nice to have another scheduler like that a little bit bigger we decided that one wasn't worth keeping around just because we wouldn't need it that often we have to maintain it and everything when we need a second one we can use this one it's just a little bit smaller a little bit slower [Music] [Applause] one of these wagons is hard to back there's no way i'm backing two out of here so i'm just gonna push this one [Music] [Music] the reason we do round bass is we like to roll them out in the pen come apart pretty easy so it's kind of handy once you got to use them although maybe big square bells wouldn't be a bad option either now let's see if i can back this wagon [Music] so [Music] [Music] so we have someone else running the no-till drill now so my dad doesn't need to rather than switching skid loaders just going to use this one we'll take it home it's so much quicker and better this cabot has got a sealed cap too so the dust isn't blowing in on me so we got another guy named eric helping us out running the drill my dad just stopped to check make sure there's still seed in it [Music] stacking these bales in nice and tight this will be our winter bedding for the heifers try to keep the heifers happy [Music] all right this barn is full we got 57 bales plus a couple small ones and that should give us plenty of betting for the winter now let's see if dad can back this wagon see these wagons are way harder to back on a straight trailer because you got two pivot points we got 25 bales left in the field that holds 19 or 20. we don't want to take the skid loader back out again for a little bit more we're gonna take another trailer along i think my mom's gonna drive the truck with our other flatbed trailer and then we'll get the last fuel on that one got my mom in the pickup [Music] so dad's gonna unload the rest of those bells there and he brought me back over to this farm again to see the rest of this rye just the uh that top field up there is about four or five acres all right i finished up now we have a neighbor that wants to rent this drill for a little bit so i'm going to drop it off his place and head back i guess all the bales fit see i yielded really well we got about 85 bales off of 25 acres of soybean stubble that'll be nice we'll have plenty for the heifer farm and we might not end up using these round bells at the bedpack pen there for the special needs cows save a little bit of wood shavings
Channel: 10th Generation Dairyman
Views: 834,287
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: farming
Id: t4GVv1-2MOQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 47sec (827 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 16 2020
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