Conceal DARK CIRCLES Mature Skin

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all right Becky are you ready the shits for you hey guys welcome back to my channel so today if you're new first things first if you're new my name is Alexandra you can call me Alex we are going to be talking about concealing dark circles for mature skin I have received so many questions about this asking if I can show like how I would conceal dark circles on mature skin I'm at risk in model I had the pleasure of meeting Becky yesterday subscriber and she highly recommended it so it was actually really funny because I definitely did not think of her as someone with dark circles when I was looking at her with no makeup on and that's gonna be something that I touch on a little bit in this video so I also received a request from who was it Jackie Jackie on YouTube the most common comment that I received from women with mature skin and let me preface this by saying I am NOT a makeup artist who does makeup on other people I do makeup on myself so all I can share with you are the things that I have learned from my experiences so first I want to explain some things as we get older our under eyes they become even thinner even more dry and even more delicate than they already are which they are super delicate especially if you have dark circles for the most part I think it means that like not necessarily you have like more pigment down here it's just that like the skin underneath your eyes is even thinner that's what they told me which is why you see so much of the darkness like basically what you're seeing is like blood vessels and veins which is why people who have like more hollow under eyes have tend to have more like darkness it's not just the shadows but it's creating it's also the fact that like the skin under there is just like so damn thin so it really just gets to a point where it can't handle a ton of coverage now Becky I didn't think that you had very bad dark circles when I saw you they didn't seem like they were that intense so something that I've learned from making these videos is that what looks like the flaws that we think we have or if we think that we have like super-crazy dark circles they don't look as bad to other people so a lot of this is kind of about like changing your mind state especially as you start to age because you really can't get away with as much coverage using heavy products using a ton of color correctors so what I would suggest for more mature skin especially if you're on the dry side because a lot of women have said that like it's just too drying like everything is just too drying they try to like hydrate they use like eye creams they use moisturizers these primers they're using like ostensibly hydrating products but they're still feeling like things are ending up looking cakey I do have some products that I want to suggest to you and some little like tips and tricks I'm going to show you how I would conceal mature dark circles I think the best thing to do is to go for a slightly more natural look rather than something that's gonna be like crazy full coverage and just kind of like embrace your natural under eyes a little bit which I realize doesn't sound like so much fun I get it but as we get older it's a little bit more flattering to go towards more natural looking hydrating makeup so first I want to talk about color correctors which i have a whole video about color correctors i will link it somewhere so that you can check that out because it goes into everything but for more mature skin I would suggest to color correctors so I have the Clinique beyond perfecting super concealer this is the color color corrector in the shade apricot corrector this is a great shade it's a really nice like warm color it's a it's a nice lightweight and thin formula so it's not going to be thick on your under eyes it's gonna be a lot easier for your under eyes to handle it so I'm gonna be showing you this on one of my under eyes and then the next one is the Becca under eye brightening corrector this one is in medium deep it's a little bit more warm a little bit more on like the peachy side it's maybe a little bit more neutral than this one this one over here is a little bit more like oranjee peachy what I like about this is that the formula retains a lot of moisture so if you have very dry under eyes this is going to like really help hydrate if you feel like your eye cream just isn't doing enough so when it comes to your color correctors and your concealers rather than going for something that's going to be like so thick so full coverage or like a matte finish don't do that look for something that's gonna be a little bit more thin a little bit more wearable and it's going to retain more moisture so under this eye I'm gonna be showing you the Clinique one first so I'm taking it just a tiny little bit on this little brush from Mac and I'm placing it right here where the darkness is I'm gonna take a little bit because I get some darkness there and then if you want you can take it like in the inner corner and then I'm gonna use just a small little brush to blend that out I'm gonna use this one from DeLeon tools this is the 788 it's just like an angled concealer brush I did hydrate my whole face before I did this and I used the glossy a priming moisturizer I personally think this is fantastic for under under your eyes it's super hydrating it's thick but like thick and hydrating but it doesn't feel like Whaley so I think it would be fantastic for mature skin you have to be careful with some eye creams because a lot of them especially if they are like super hydrating it makes it kind of hard it kind of creates like this barrier and then sometimes your makeup will not really like go over it nicely it'll kind of like break up and look like I don't know even more cakey okay so basically what I'm doing is just tapping lightly so this is where I want like the most warmth to cover up my darkness and this is basically the point of color correctors is to prevent the gray color from coming through so you can see that that's like a very sheer formula it's just like adds a little bit of color it's not thick at all now for concealers I would recommend using something that's gonna be more on the like radiant hydrating side you could possibly get away with using something like Tarte shape tape but you want to make sure that underneath your eyes is super hydrated before you do that because it is a more matte finish so if you have very dry under eyes it can end up like throughout the day looking like cakey and Creasy so you want to be careful what I would suggest for a more natural looking finish would be the glossy a stretch concealer this is like a really really nice natural looking kind of like light/medium concealer but what I love about it is that similar to the Becca color corrector it retains a lot of moisture so what I'm gonna do is apply this with a brush I'm actually gonna use that same Dell iam tools brush and I'm just gonna like literally pick it up from the pot and you don't want to do like sweeping motions because that's just going to remove the coverage of your color corrector if you feel like I feel like I put a little too much down so I'm just gonna like tap it off a little bit and then I'm going to gently press it over so I'm putting kind of a lot down because I want to make sure that I'm getting like the coverage that I want and just be easy with it like try not to move it around too much because it's going to remove the color corrector that we place down so I'm gonna start off by just like placing it like that and then I'm gonna take what's left over on my brush and just like wipe it off on a paper towel and then using sort of the same motion I'm gonna just like gently buff around the edges first so we're blending it into our skin we're into our foundation if you want to wear foundation this will also work if you don't want to wear any foundation you can just kind of like a color correct or conceal like red areas and then I'm gonna lightly Pat over top and then as I get like towards the ends of the edges I'm just gonna use a lighter motion okay so hopefully you guys can see that like this the color corrector kind of like warmed up this area so we don't have that like sallow gray anymore and the concealer looks like super dewy and hydrating now if you're very dry or if you find that concealer tend to dry out on you I wouldn't even set this especially if you prefer more natural looking makeup like if you don't go in with like a crazy eyeshadow or like really dark brows or anything like that which is something that I would recommend if you are like 50 and plus anyway because it's just gonna end up making your skin look like way more youthful and dude hydration is just like where it's at what I love about this concealer is that it really moves with you really well like throughout the day if you feel like you do need to set it honestly I just wouldn't because I don't really know that many hydrating powders that like are very good so I just wouldn't if you find that like it creases no matter what or if you have a problem with creasing I would keep a little brush like this with you and then throughout the day just tap just tap in the areas that need a little bit of blending if you don't want to have to carry around a brush you could literally just use your finger just to go really really lightly look up and just tap and that will like blend out and what's really nice about these kinds of formulas is that they wear really well so like as they kind of like fade throughout the day it actually looks like way more natural than if you were to have like full coverage concealer with like a powder as that wears it ends up just kind of looking like cakey and gross I have found that so that is the first option you can still see like a little bit of darkness but if you notice like as I move it really just kind of makes me look like a little bit more awake and alert and like my under-eye is nice and warm so it makes me look a little less dead you know what I mean but it's still like super natural and hydrating looking now if you need more coverage than this what I would suggest is going in with the Becca concealer because this is a little thicker it's gonna retain more moisture so I'm gonna use that same little Mac brush which is a it's like a flat concealer brush I don't know what it says l 4 - no sorry - 4 - s I think I don't know I use this so much it's coming off cuz I'm picking that up on this flat brush and I'm gonna place it right in here where where I need it this color is pretty nice it's kind of could be a little bit warmer it's not bad I'm gonna use my deleon tools brush to blend that out you want to focus the corrector in the area where you really need it it's gonna look pretty dewy blend in any areas you don't really need that so you can see that does a nice amount of color correcting but like it's obviously a little bit orange so we need to put concealer down but my under-eye does look like nice and hydrated and it did a little bit of concealing there's a tiny bit of coverage there now I'm gonna go in with a more full coverage foundation but I want to use something that's still going to retain enough moisture so that I don't end up looking like super Craig creepy throughout the day so for much fuller coverage but something that's still going to like wear with you throughout the day that's gonna retain the moisture I like to use the it cosmetics bye bye under-eye this is in the shade light fair I'm actually going to apply it with my LC cosmetics velvet sponge I need to wet this a little bit making sure that your sponge is damp is going to help keep your under-eye nice and hydrated you can also spritz it with like a dewy setting mist so I have this one from glow recipe this is the watermelon glow ultrafine mist is super dewy or like the touch of dewy skin mist is fantastic find something that's going to be like maybe more skin care based and that will really help it like retain moisture so that's another little trick basically you want to just like layer a bunch of really hydrating things if you're feeling like you're not getting enough moisture so now my sponge is nice and dewy and I'm actually going to apply the concealer right to the sponge so I'm using a tiny amount because this is very full coverage its thicker that might be too much we shall see but what's nice about this concealer is that like I said it retains its moisture it's also like very flexible so it moves with you really nicely throughout the day I'm going to use my sponge to Pat this over the color corrector the shade is maybe a little bit too light so make sure that you're picking one that works best for your skin tone but it's super full coverage and when I want the most coverage I like to use a sponge if I'm going for something that's gonna be a little bit more natural I like to use a brush a sponge really helps you focus it like exactly where you want kind of presses it into the skin so you don't want to drag you want to make sure that you're pressing into the skin if you feel like you're removing coverage go a little slower you know it's obviously this is a lot lighter but you can see there's much more coverage over here so those two products worked really well together the Becca cosmetics concealer because it is dewy is also like going to help retain all that moisture I know I keep saying that but that's what's so important so we're layering a lot of just a lot of really hydrating products I actually think maybe this other consider that I used over here was a little too sheer so this is probably your best bet once again I would not use any powder I would either keep your sponge or keep a little brush in your bag and then throughout the day just kind of like blend it out you can also again use your finger and if you're feeling like you're just losing hydration throughout the day keep a little mist in your bag mist your face trust me it makes your skin look like youthful dewy gorgeous try to avoid powders try to avoid like really thick or matte finishes heart-shaped tape probably is gonna be for you jus a concealer probably isn't gonna be for you you can want to look for something that's gonna be a little bit more radiant a little bit more dewy because for mature skin that's what's going to keep your skin looking like youthful and healthy the more hydration the better I don't want to say that you need to sacrifice coverage but you may have to sacrifice a little bit of coverage so that it doesn't look like heavy or cakey and it doesn't dry out your skin I'm really hoping that this video helps I know I don't have like a mature skin model here I said that like I if I could I would do a tutorial on my mom she's lucky she doesn't have dark circles and I don't think my dad would sit for it so they also live on the opposite side of the country hopefully these tips help you please let me know in the comments down below if you have any questions again I'm not like I'm no expert in you know handle mature skin and makeup but from what I've learned this is the best course of action for dark circles in mature skin or very dry skin so if you have any products that you think are fantastic like eye creams concealers color correctors that are great for mature skin that are super hydrating they're nice and lightweight that aren't going to like way down or overwhelm the under eye please let me know in the comments down below hope you enjoyed this video hope it was helpful uh this side looks great huh it's pretty damn good alright guys thank you so much for watching I hope you enjoyed and hopefully I'll see you in the next one
Channel: Alexandra Anele
Views: 257,048
Rating: 4.9217749 out of 5
Keywords: alexandra anele, Conceal Dark Circles Mature Skin, covering dark circles under eyes over 50, how to conceal dark circles under eyes, color corrector, dry under eyes, mature under eyes
Id: p8NHNcpBBfk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 11sec (971 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 16 2020
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